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Word Study of Gospel.

Gospel: 'Good news from God'.

Verses within this Study.

Matthew 4:23; 9:35; 11:5; 24:14; 26:13; Mark 1:1, 14-15; 8:35; 10:29; 13:10; 14:9; 16:15; Luke 4:18; 7:22; 9:6; 20:1; Acts 8:25; 14:7, 21; 15:7; 16:10; 20:24; Romans 1:1, 9, 15-16; 2:16; 10:15-16; 11:28; 15:16, 19, 20, 29; 16:25; 1Corinthians 1:17, 4:15; 9:12, 14, 16, 17, 18; 23; 15:1; 2Corinthians 2:12; 4:3, 4; 8:18; 9:13; 10:14, 16; 11:4, 7; Galatians 1:6, 7, 8, 9, 11; 2:2, 5, 7, 14; 3:8; 4:13; Ephesians 1:13; 3:6; 6:15, 19; Philippians 1:5, 7, 12, 17, 27; 2:22; 4:3, 15; Colossians 1:5, 23; 1Thessalonians 1:5; 2:2, 4, 8, 9; 3:2; 2Thessalonians 1:8; 2:14; 1Timothy 1:11; 2Timothy 1:8, 10; 2:8; Philemon 1:13; Hebrews 4:2; 1Peter 1:12, 25; 4:6, 17; Revelation 14:6.

These links will take the reader to various sections within this Study:  gospel of Christgospel of the kingdomgospel of Godgospel of peacegospel of salvationgospel of His Songospel of the circumcisiongospel of the uncircumcisiongospel of our Lord Jesus Christeverlasting gospelanother gospel.

Overview of Gospels within the Bible.

This Study is just started.  At this point it has quotes for every verse in the Bible that uses the word gospel;  it has references to notes that are associated with some of those verses; and it has some summary information.  However, detailed analysis of several books within the New Testament, and the use of gospel  within those books, has not yet been completed.  As Book Studies are completed for various epistles, this Study will also be updated for all references to that epistle.

Please see the Gospel Flowchart for a pictorial representation of the various gospel  that are in the Bible along with their relationships.  People say (truthfully) that 'There is only one interpretation of the Bible but many applications'.  There is a lot of doctrinal error that is the result of someone taking an 'application of the Bible' and claiming that it is the only true 'interpretation'.  An application has all of the parts of the true interpretation but may emphasize one part over the others until it appears as if the other parts are excluded.  An application can also add to the interpretation.  For example, God has only one method of Biblical salvation.  However, when He applies that method to each of us He considers our weaknesses and strengths.  Each of us have a unique experience of our initial salvation.  While all true salvation experiences have all of the elements of God's plan of salvation, circumstances also play an important role and create unique personal experiences.  In addition, each person has an unique personal relationship with God.  You may be allowed to do things that are forbidden to me.  You may have a spiritual gift that God did not give to me.  Thus, the 'interpretation' of Biblical truths remains the same but the 'application' of those truths is different in each of out lives.  This distinction also applies the various gospel  within the Bible that are 'applications' of a different type of gospel.

This concept needs to be considered when looking at this Gospel Flowchart.  The gospel of the kingdom  and the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ  are two different applications of the gospel of God.  In one case God gave His people direction through the Mosaic Law and in the other case He gives His people direction through the indwelling Holy Spirit.  However, in spite of these differences, both are supposed to accomplish the gospel of God.  Please keep this concept in mind while viewing this Gospel Flowchart.  It has certain technical aspects that are more technical than some people are used to dealing with.

There are many gospels  mentioned in the Bible. The commonly accepted definition of gospel  is 'Good News'.  There are many forms of 'good news' within this world and the Bible also gives us many forms of 'Good News' from God about several different subjects.

The gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ  is what most people think of as the gospel  today.  Unfortunately, what most people believe about it would reduce it to 'the gospel of Jesus' because they reject His Lordship  and reject all that is in the gospel of Christ.  The gospel of Christ  is the 'Good News' that Christ  can and does change our lives after our initial profession so that He ...shall save his people from their sins  (Matthew 1:21).  This salvation includes our lives while in this flesh and includes His removing us from our sins.  It is not His removing the consequence of our sins while we go on sinning and make a mockery of God (Galatians 6:7).

Once He saves us by changing us, He uses us to reach others with His Truth (Acts 26).  He can not do this as we are when we initially get saved.  Further, we really would not like Heaven as we are when we first get saved.  Imagine someone who loves to party with drugs, fornication and other worldly pleasures having to abide by the rules of church 24/7 forever.  Therefore, He must change us after our initial profession for our good and for his glory.

Christ  uses our ongoing personal relationship (true Biblical salvation) to change us for our good and for His glory.  In the process we 'grow up' (mature spiritually).  The many places in the Bible which tell us that Christ  does this for the saved after their initial profession, and the many places in the Bible which tell us how Christ  does this, are what is called the gospel of Christ.

Below are the details from the Bible to support these claims.  When the word gospel  appears in a verse without a qualifier to explicitly specify which gospel  is being talked about, then the context is used to qualify which gospel  is being referred to.


The gospel of Christ.

The details of the gospel of Christ  are found in many places within the New Testament but those details are concentrated within the three epistles of GalatiansEphesians,  and Colossians.  Of these three, only Galatians  uses the phrase gospel of Christ  but all three give us detailed doctrine and commands which are specific to making the gospel of Christ  real in our personal lives.  Each of these three epistles teach the gospel of Christ  but they teach it from different perspectives.  The believers at Colossi did not know what was available to them when they were in Christ.  Therefore, they needed instructions.  The believers at Ephesus knew what was available to them when they were in Christ,  but they were confused by people teaching doctrinal error.  Therefore, they needed correction and admonition to drive off the people teaching doctrinal error.  The believers at Galatia had been in Christ,  but they turned aside to follow doctrinal error.  Therefore, they needed to be rebuked and told to repent and return to a personal relationship with God that is in Christ.

Other epistles contain parts of the gospel of Christ,  but they also cover other subjects and are not dedicated to this particular subject like these three epistles are.  Below are the verses which use the phrase gospel of Christ.  Please also see the note for Galatians 1:6 in the Lord Jesus Christ Study.  It lists every verse which uses the phrase gospel of Christ  and provides a short note telling us what each of these verses say that the gospel of Christ  is supposed to do in the life of the believer.  In addition, it shows the role of Christ  within the gospel of Christ.

In addition, to the verses listed below, there is critical doctrinal information in the Overview of Christ  that is part of the Lord Jesus Christ Study.  It explains how Christ  is a role of the Son of God that is different from His other roles such as Jesus  and Lord.  As a result, the gospel of Christ  is centered upon this role and is different from other gospels  which center on different roles or different subjects.

Please also see the Subject Study on Relational Prepositions.  That Study has several sub-sections which show verses that use specific prefixes to describe our relationship with God.  For example, there is doctrinal controversy due to people misinterpreting where the Bible uses in Christ  and where it uses Christ in.  These verses are part of the gospel of Christ  and have special doctrinal significance about our salvation and our relationship with Christ.

Please also see verses that use the cross of Christ.  In the Bible, the cross of Christ  is different from the cross of Jesus  in that Jesus  died on the cross to pay for the sins that send us to the Lake of FireChrist  died on the cross for the sins that we do after we get saved.  The cross of Christ  is the payment made to make the gospel of Christ  effective in our lives after our initial profession.

Simply put, many people believe the doctrinal error that we can have Christ in  us and not be in Christ.  This is mainly because Steve Currington (of RU), provided very solid Biblical proof that our being in Christ  is conditional.  However, he did not deal with having Christ in  us in the same manner.  In fact, he implied, while not directly stating, that we can have Christ in  us while not being in Christ.  Others, based upon his teaching, went and preached this doctrinal error.  A proper study of the verses referenced in the Subject Study on Relational Prepositions  will show that such a claim is doctrinal error.

The root source of this doctrinal error is another doctrinal error which denies the Doctrine of the Trinity.  Christ  is a role of the Son of God.  The Doctrine of the Trinity tells us that the Son of God  and the Holy Ghost  are two different Persons within the Trinity.  Therefore, Christ  and the Holy Ghost  are two different Persons within the Trinity.  Acts 2  tells us that receiving the Spirit  (not Christ)  is the sign of salvation during the Church Age.  However, people are not verifying what they are taught that the Bible says before they go out and teach what they were taught.  Unfortunately, too many 'Bible authorities' are using the same methods which led to Peter preaching doctrinal error (Galatians).

One preacher said that Christ  and the Holy Spirit  are both God and God is One, therefore, there is no difference between our having the Holy Spirit  in us and our having Christ in  us.  That is the basic argument of people who deny t6he Trinity.  However, God the Father is also God but John 14:6  says Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.  Since the saved can approach Jesus  at any time but can only cometh unto the Father...by me (Jesus),  we obviously have the Bible telling us that we have a different relationship with different members of the Trinity, even though They are all God and God is one.  Therefore, even though I could provide much more Biblical evidence, a reasonable person will discard this argument.

At the moment this Study, and the Subject Study on Relational Prepositions  are incomplete (and may never be completed).  However, the Study on Relational Prepositions has over 365 verses referenced in it already.  Those references are linked to the Lord Jesus Christ Study  and provide notes on verses where the Bible explains our relationship to God (including our relationship to Christ).  Since this relationship is the basis of the gospel of Christ,  it is imperative that people understand this relationship in order to properly understand the gospel of Christ.


Verses that use the phrase gospel of Christ.

Romans 1:16  (For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.) is directly linked to the prior sentence of this epistle by starting with For.  That sentence also used gospel,  but it was dealing with the gospel of your salvation.  The gospel of Christ  is part of the true Biblical gospel of your salvation.  These two sentences help us understand the difference between the two.  Therefore, to understand the contextual influence of that linked sentence, and to understand the distinction that God is giving here, please consider both sentences and the associated notes together.  Please also read the note for this sentence in the Book Study on Romans for the considerations of context.

Many people believe the doctrinal error that 'salvation is a one-time event that is over in an instant'.  Yes, true Biblical salvation  is started as a 'one-time event' but it is not 'over in an instant'.  True Biblical salvation  lasts forever once started.  Thus, our ongoing relationship with Christ  is part our true Biblical salvation.  That is why this verse tells us that Paul was ready to preach the gospel of Christ  to saved people who were spiritually mature enough to be missionaries.  Look at the names in Romans 16 and realize that at least one couple were involved in helping to start at least their third church and that many others in Rome were also experienced missionaries.  Yet they needed the gospel  as much as the lost did.  Yes the details would be different, but they still needed God's Spirit working through God's Word preached to them.  Notice that this sentence says that the gospel of Christ  is the power of God unto salvation.  Our physical life requires more living matter (food) to maintain it and our spiritual life needs more spiritual matter to maintain it.  The gospel of Christ  supplies the spiritual matter that maintains our spiritual life.  This verse is also talked about in the note for the Book Study on Romans  and in the note for the Lord Jesus Christ Study.


Romans 15:18-9  (For I will not dare to speak of any of those things which Christ hath not wrought by me, to make the Gentiles obedient, by word and deed,  Through mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God; so that from Jerusalem, and round about unto Illyricum, I have fully preached the gospel of Christ.) is talked about in the note for the Book Study on Romans  and in the note for the Lord Jesus Christ Study and in the in the note for this verse in the Word Study on Spirit.  This sentence has a double-negative and is easy to misunderstand.  It is important to understand the doctrine within it, which is explained in these notes, in order to understand what this sentence is saying about the gospel of Christ.

Basically, Paul started this sentence saying that he would not do what others did.  There were people in his day, just like there are people today, who did not have evidence of God working in their lives, but still wanted to claim to be a doctrinal authority.  They claimed that what God did through other men was actually done through the church, and then claimed to represent the church, and, thereby, claimed personal authority based upon what God did through other men's lives.  Paul refused to do that.  Paul lived the gospel of Christ.  Paul had the personal blessings that only come from obeying the gospel of Christ.  Paul pointed to those blessings in his personal life as the basis of his authority.  In our verse we are told the evidence of God working in Paul's personal life (Through mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God).  Then Paul adds on from Jerusalem, and round about unto Illyricum,  which includes all of Paul's journeys which are recorded in Acts.  In all of these places we see devils and men opposing and trying to kill Paul while God protected Paul.

As is true for almost all (if not for all) verses in Romans, the context is critical for correctly understanding a verse in Romans.  Part of the context leading up to this verse is Romans 15:16 where Paul said that he was ministering the gospel of God  which included the Gentiles might be acceptable, being sanctified by the Holy Ghost.  This sanctification  comes after our initial profession of salvation.  Also, in context, Paul talks about those things which Christ hath not wrought by me, to make the Gentiles obedient, by word and deed.  These things from Christ  which cause the saved to be sanctified  and obedient  are what is in the gospel of Christ.  Basically, Paul fully preached the gospel of Christ  literally everywhere that he went and received blessings from God that others did not receive because they refused to fully preach the gospel of Christ.  If we want the type of blessings that Paul received, we also must fully preach the gospel of Christ.


Romans 15:29  (And I am sure that, when I come unto you, I shall come in the fulness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ.) is talked about in the note for the Book Study on Romans  and in the note for the Lord Jesus Christ Study.  These notes are significant and explain a lot about the gospel of Christ.  Basically, as explained there, the fulness of the blessing  are a direct result (of) of the gospel of Christ.  This fulness  only comes as a result of the sanctification  and obedience  mentioned in the prior note, which is also part of the context leading up to this verse.  This fulness  is added on after our initial salvation.

(Please see the note for Colossians 2:9 about the word fulness.  The functional definition is: 'the things and actions which make something full'.)


1Corinthians 9:12  (If others be partakers of this power over you, are not we rather? Nevertheless we have not used this power; but suffer all things, lest we should hinder the gospel of Christ.) is talked about in the note for the Book Study on 1Corinthians  and in the note for the Lord Jesus Christ Study.  Those notes provide the details but to explain simply, the gospel of Christ  teaches people how to act after they get saved.  There are people who claim that the preacher preaches tithing so that he will get paid.  Others claim that the preacher preached about serving God so that he has others doing the work he is paid to do.  These and other things are lies from the devil.

Once someone has spiritual maturity they know that the preacher is preaching things which will get them blessings from God.  They also know that devils spread these lies so that people won't listen to the preacher, mature spiritually, and get the blessings from God.  Since Paul wants the people to mature spiritually to the point that they realize that these are lies from a devil, he is not taking what is his legal right to take, and thereby he is defeating the lies from the devil.  There is nothing wrong with Paul exercising his legal rights, but the lies from the devil make it appear wrong to the spiritually immature.  Therefore, Paul is not taking what is his right so that the gospel of Christ  can bring the initial spiritual maturity to these saved people with the hope that they will mature enough to stop believing lies from devils.


1Corinthians 9:18  (What is my reward then? Verily that, when I preach the gospel, I may make the gospel of Christ without charge, that I abuse not my power in the gospel.) is talked about in the note for the Book Study on 1Corinthians  and in the note for the Lord Jesus Christ Study.  This verse uses gospel  three times and makes the distinction between gospel  and gospel of Christ.  These are two different applications of the gospel of God  and the distinction is explained in the notes mentioned.  Basically, they convey the same message with one emphasizing what it takes to get saved in the first place and the gospel of Christ  emphasizing what it takes to mature spiritually (get sanctified) after our initial profession.  As mentioned in the note above, Paul had a legal right to certain things after people got saved.  He did not exercise those rights because lies from devils would make saved, but spiritually immature, people misunderstand his motivation for preaching the gospel of Christ.  He wanted them to mature spiritually so that they could get additional blessings.  He was not trying to profit from them.  Therefore, he did not take, what was legally his right to take, when he preached the gospel of Christ.


2Corinthians 2:12  (Furthermore, when I came to Troas to preach Christ's gospel, and a door was opened unto me of the Lord,) is talked about in the note for the Lord Jesus Christ Study.  That note is sizable and explains the difference between the gospel of Christ  and other true gospels.  The context of our verse, in 2Corinthians, tells us Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ.  The thanks  and the triumph  are the result of obedience to the gospel of Christ.  We are also told that the gospel of Christ  maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place.  That is: it causes us to participate in the 'Great Commission' and go soul winning and, as Paul was doing here, teach others to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you  (Matthew 28:20).  Our context, in 2Corinthians, continues with For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ.  The word of means 'belongs to'.  Thus, our obedience to the gospel of Christ  shows that we 'belong to' Christ  and this makes us unto God a sweet savour of Christ.  If God can not 'smell' Christ  in us then this last verse can not be true in our personal life.  Finally, our context, in 2Corinthians, tells us For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ.  People who truly obey and share the gospel of Christ  do not corrupt the word of God  but tell people what God really said and live a life which backs their mouth ( but as of sincerity).  All together we see several things which are involved in gospel of Christ.

As explained in the note for the Lord Jesus Christ Study,  Satan tried to stop Paul from preaching the gospel of Christ  and it took the power of the Lord  to open a door  so that he could do so.  Please see that note for more details on that concept.


2Corinthians 4:4  (In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.) is talked about in the note for the Lord Jesus Christ Study.  As pointed out in that Study, this verse is in the same sentence as 4:3 and the two verses need to be considered together.  That verse uses gospel  for the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ  while this verse specifically says the glorious gospel of Christ.  A quick look at this sentence, which did not completely consider the context, would lead someone to think that they are the same gospel.  The fact is that the gospel of Christ  is an application of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ  where the role of Christ  is emphasized and the roles of Jesus  and of Lord  are downplayed to the point that people might think they are not involved.  Therefore, they are technically the same while the practical application of each is different.

Notice that our sentence uses the adjective of glorious  in the phrase the glorious gospel of Christ.  We do not give God any glory  as we are when we first get saved.  It is only because of the changes that God makes in our lives as we obey the glorious gospel of Christ  that God gets any glory  out of saving us.  Notice also that this sentence says that the light of the glorious gospel of Christ...should shine unto them (them that are lost).  The only way that God's light  can shine unto them that are lost  is if it happens through our lives.  Part of the change that God makes through the glorious gospel of Christ  is to make us true Biblical Christians  (Acts 11:29; 1Peter 4:16).  That means that God changes our lives into the image of God  and that change produces the light of the glorious gospel of Christ.  Therefore, the way that our gospel be hid...to them that are lost  is when we refuse to let God changes our lives into the image of God.  Without this visible change that comes after our initial salvation which is a result of the gospel of Christthem that are lost  can not see the difference between the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ  and another gospel.


2Corinthians 9:13  (Whiles by the experiment of this ministration they glorify God for your professed subjection unto the gospel of Christ, and for your liberal distribution unto them, and unto all men;) is talked about in the note for the Lord Jesus Christ Study.  That note is good sized and explains that 9:12 through 9:14 is a single long sentence.  That note explains how it happens, but this sentence says that obedience to the gospel of Christ  causes: 1. Us to be bountifully enriched in everything.  2. thanks giving to God.  3. Recognition of Christ in  us by other saints.  4. Providing tangible proof (experiment) of their subjection unto the gospel of Christ.  This is used to give God glory  and to shut the mouths of liars.  5. Paul said that their liberal distribution  would be effective while 'just a little' would be taken as a show.  The effective evidence would help take the gospel unto all men.  6. Paul said that our obedience to the gospel  would result in prayer from saints that long after you for the exceeding grace of God in you.  Thus, this sentence tells us six different blessings which come from obeying the gospel of Christ.


2Corinthians 10:14  (For we stretch not ourselves beyond our measure, as though we reached not unto you: for we are come as far as to you also in preaching the gospel of Christ:) is talked about in the note for the Lord Jesus Christ Study.  That note is large and explains that 10:14 through 10:16 is a single long sentence.  That note explains how gospel of Christ  is the 'gospel of spiritual maturing after initial profession'.


Galatians 1:7  (Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.) is talked about in the note for the Book Study on Galatians  and in the note for the Lord Jesus Christ Study.  That note also has a quick comparison of these verses which contain the phrase gospel of Christ.  This verse is directly connected with the verse / note above.


Ephesians 3:6  (That the Gentiles should be fellowheirs, and of the same body, and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel:) is talked about in the note for the Book Study on Ephesians  and in the note for the Lord Jesus Christ Study.  The note in the Book Study is quite extensive.  It, and the notes for the verses which follow it, tell us the doctrine whereby we can be sure that the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ came from God and that God intended for it to replace the gospel of the kingdom during the Church Age.

This verse is part of a complex sentence that is in Ephesians 3:1-7.  It explains how God revealed a mystery  to Paul.  That mystery  is the difference between the gospel of the kingdom, which was all that the Jews knew before Paul, and the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is the gospel  of the church age.  The big difference between the two is that God replaced the religious part of the Mosaic Law with the indwelling Holy Spirit and a personal relationship that is in Christ  and lets us have Christ in  us.  The gospel of Christ is all about maintaining that personal relationship.  The gospel of Christ assumes that the person is saved and, without dwelling on it, acknowledges that we will all stand in judgment before our Lord.  Therefore, the gospel of Christ is the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ with the points about Jesus  assumed as already taken care of and the points about our Lord  down-played.  Thus, while these two other parts of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ are not denied, they are down-played to the point of only being acknowledged to any great extent.


Ephesians 6:19  (And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel,) is talked about in the note for the Book Study on Ephesians.  We can know that this verse is talking about the gospel of Christ  because of the context and because this verse is talking about the mystery of the gospel.  This connection in the notes for the Ephesians 3:3-7.


Philippians 1:27  (Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ: that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel;) is talked about in the note for the Lord Jesus Christ Study.  That note explains the use of the gospel of Christ,  in this verse because it directly applies to the role of Christ.  That note also explains how the gospel of Christ  is different from other gospel.  Therefore, please see it for details.  In addition, please see the Summary on the Gospel of Christ  within this document.


1Thessalonians 3:2  (And sent Timotheus, our brother, and minister of God, and our fellowlabourer in the gospel of Christ, to establish you, and to comfort you concerning your faith:) is talked about in the note for the Lord Jesus Christ Study.  As noted there, 1Thessalonians 3:1 through 3:3is a complex sentence with three equivalent sections.  Each equivalent section we read about true Christians suffering for the gospel of Christ.  In the first equivalent section we read when we could no longer forbear.  In the second equivalent section we read That no man should be moved by these afflictions.  In the third equivalent section we read we are appointed thereunto.  This sentence literally tells us these things about the gospel of Christ.  While the minister must suffer for the gospel of Christ, this sentence tells us that the people receiving it are to be established  and comforted  concerning  their faith.  These things each happen after people have true saving faith.  As that note also tells us, we become established  and comforted  in spiritual things as we see the results that Christ accomplishes in response to our faith.  These things take time and an ongoing personal relationship with Christ.  The gospel of Christ  it supposed to teach us how to build that ongoing personal relationship.

Below are verses which use the word gospel  but do not say gospel of Christ.  Therefore, the context was used to determine that this is the gospel  being talked about.

1Corinthians 1:17  (For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.) is talked about in the note for the Book Study on 1Corinthians  and in the note for the Lord Jesus Christ Study.  The colon in this verse makes the gospel  equivalent to the cross of Christ.  As explained in the notes mentioned, the cross of Christ  is an important part of the gospel of Christ.


1Corinthians 4:15  (For though ye have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet have ye not many fathers: for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel.) is talked about in the note for the Book Study on 1Corinthians  and in the note for the Lord Jesus Christ Study.  Technically, this verse should be under the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.  It does include Jesus  in the verse and in the interpretation of this sentence.  However, the emphasis is on Christ  according to the wording of this sentence, the order of names used (Christ Jesus) and the context.  The controversy that the context is dealing with is who (what doctrine) the people followed for their spiritual maturity after their initial profession.  Since that emphasis could be lost by putting this verse under the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ,  I decided to put it here.


Philippians 1:12  (But I would ye should understand, brethren, that the things which happened unto me have fallen out rather unto the furtherance of the gospel;).  Please see the note for this verse in the Book Study on Philippians for all of the details, contextual considerations and sentence structure which are required to completely understand this verse.  This verse (and sentence) starts with But,  which means it is talking about the same subject as the prior sentence while going in a different direction.  In the prior sentence we saw ...which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God (Lord).  God (Lord) authorized the gospel which caused them to be filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by  (came via the gospel of) Jesus Christ.  In addition, the same sentence which this verse is part of tells us about my bonds in Christ are manifest...And many of the brethren in the Lord...are much more bold to speak the word.  Thus, we have Christ  and Lord  involved in the word  (gospel)  which was being preached.  The context makes this gospel  which this chapter is talking about to be the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ  However, since our sentence starts with the word But,  we are dealing with an exception.  The exception is specified within our sentence and our sentence limits the consideration to what other Jews were objecting to.  Therefore, the true context within this sentence makes this to be the gospel of Christ.  As explained in the referenced notes, those Jews had no objection to salvation by Jesus  and no objection to submitting to the Lord.  Their objection was to sanctification through our ongoing personal relationship with Christ.  They preached sanctification  through keeping the religious part of the Mosaic Law.  Thus, their objection was to the specifics found in the gospel of Christ.  Please follow the links provided for more details.


The gospel of the kingdom.

As shown on the Gospel Flowchart,  the gospel of the kingdom  is one of several applications of the gospel of God.  Each application presents the same basic truths in different ways.  All require us to obey what God tells us to do.  However, where the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ  and the gospel of His Son require us to have an ongoing personal relationship with God's Son, and obey the personal commands that we receive from Him, the gospel of the kingdom  requires people to obey the Mosaic Law.  In all applications of the gospel of God  the person must recognize that their religious actions are not sufficient to earn them Heaven.  They also must trust God to take care of their sin while they obey the commandments from God to prove that they are trusting God and not just telling a lie.


Verses which use the phrase gospel of the kingdom.

Matthew 4:23  (And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.) is talked about in the note for the Lord Jesus Christ Study.  This verse is at the start of His ministry.  This was before the Jews had rejected the kingdom because it required them accepting Jesus  as Lord and King.  Thus, this happened before God replaced His offer in the gospel of the kingdom  with His offer in the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

It should be noted that this sentence links preaching the gospel of the kingdom  with healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.  In Mark 8:12 and Luke 11:22 Jesus said This is an evil generation: they seek a sign; and there shall no sign be given it, but the sign of Jonas the prophet  because He had given them signs, such as this healing  and they still refused to believe.  The gospel of the kingdom  came with signs,  as this verse indicates but the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ  stopped having signs  as the New Testament was written.  The signs  in the New Testament were to prove that the authors of the New Testament represented God and were done away with when they were no longer needed, thereby providing another sign  that the New Testament was complete.


Matthew 9:35  (And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.) is talked about in the note for the Lord Jesus Christ Study.  This verse is almost identical to the verse above except that the location is different.  Jesus  was consistent.  Please also see the note above.


Matthew 24:14  (And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.)  This prophecy about 'End Times' is talking about the gospel  that is preached during the Great Tribulation.  That is after the church has been removed and the gospels  of the Church Age are no longer offered but everyone is back under the Mosaic Law.


Mark 1:14-15  (Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God,  And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.) is talked about in the note for the Lord Jesus Christ Study.  That note explains the use of the gospel of the kingdom,  in this verse.  Therefore, please see it for details.

In addition, please also see the following notes which deal with the gospel of the kingdomLord Jesus Christ in John 7:14Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 4:1Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 24:42Study on John the Baptist.  John the Baptist definitely preached the gospel of the kingdom  and Jesus started out also preaching the gospel of the kingdom  until it was rejected by the Jews because they refused to have Jesus  as Lord  and King.

Below are verses which use the word gospel  but do not say gospel of the kingdom.  Therefore, the context was used to determine that this is the gospel  being talked about.

Luke 4:18  (The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,).  This verse is telling us about when Jesus was reading from the book of Isaiah at the start of His ministry.  He used this occasion to announce to the Jews that He was offering them the kingdom because this section in Isaiah is a prophecy about the kingdom.  In this verse, the gospel  is the gospel of the kingdom.  Please also see the note on this verse in the Lord Jesus Christ in Luke.


Luke 20:1  (And it came to pass, that on one of those days, as he taught the people in the temple, and preached the gospel, the chief priests and the scribes came upon him with the elders,).  The context of this verse is that the chief priests and the scribes  were challenging the authority of Jesus.  However, they were claiming authority in the religion of the Jews and Jesus  was teaching the people spiritual things and He preached the gospel of the kingdom,  which is a spiritual gospel.  In a couple more verses (Luke 20:4),  Jesus tied the disagreement, with the Jewish religious leaders, back to John the Baptist.  He asked them The baptism of John, was it from heaven, or of men?  That is: 'Was his identification (baptism)  physical (religious activity)  or spiritual (gospel of the kingdom)  in nature?'.  After His question, we read: And they answered, that they could not tell whence it was.  And Jesus said unto them, Neither tell I you by what authority I do these things.  Jesus is giving the gospel of kingdom,   which is spiritual and is 'God's character in you'.


The gospel of God.

The gospel of God  is the basic gospel  of the Bible, as can be seen in the Gospel Flowchart.  Most other gospel  in the Bible are applications of this one.  This gospel is 'the Good News that God will save those people who trust and obey God'.  The way that we prove out trust and belief  varies from one application of this gospel  to another application, but the basic requirements are the same for all applications.

Please see the notes for 2Timothy 1:8  and for 2Timothy 1:10.  Those verses are part of the same complex sentence which tells us why God gave us the gospel of God. The notes in this Study provide links to notes in other Studies which provide all of the detainls on this important sentence.  Please also see the verses under the everlasting gospel.  It is the same gospel  as this only it is given by angels  where this gospel  is given by men.


Verses which use the phrase gospel of God.

Romans 1:1  (Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God,) is part of the foundational sentence of Romans 1:1-7.  Please see the note in the Book Study on Romans as it gives the context and structure of this sentence.  This note assumes that the reader has read that note.  In addition, the note for 1:6 under Jesus Christ, the notes for 1:3 and 1:4 under Son and the notes for 1:3 and 1:7 under Lord Jesus Christ (in the Lord Jesus Christ Study) all provide additional information about this opening (and foundational) sentence for the epistle to the Romans.

Basically, in this verse and sentence, we see that Paul was separated unto to gospel of God  and the remainder of this sentence gives us a basic outline of it while the epistle to the Romans provides the details.  Within the epistle to the Romans we see the word gospel  used several times and as Paul concentrated on particular aspects of the gospel of God,  he mentions other gospel,  which are applications of the gospel of God.  This relationship between gospel  is pictured in the Gospel Flowchart.

One of the first things that we see in this sentence, about the gospel of God,  is the included part of this sentence which is Which he had promised afore by his prophets in the holy scriptures.  This is not something that is new but a fulfillment of what God had promised all along.  We see that in the next phrase of Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh.  God used His own Son to fulfill prophecy (of the seed of David according to the flesh) and made Him our Lord  (Acts 2:36) so that He could bring these changes into our life.  Notice that the next phrase of this sentence is And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness.  God proved that Jesus had the required power  to accomplish the gospel of God  and proved it by having Him live in the spirit of holiness,  which can only be done by the power  of God.  In addition, as explained in the note for this verse within the Word Study on Spirit, we now can also receive the spirit of holiness  through the power  of the Son of God.  Our sentence also tells us that His power  is proven by the resurrection from the dead.  Of course, part of our 'Good News' is that the same resurrection from the dead  is offered to us.

In the remaining parts of this sentence Paul goes on to explain how God is using him, like God used prophets of the Old Testament, to spread the 'Good News' of the gospel of God.  Within our sentence we are told that we are beloved of God  and are called to be saints  which we do with obedience to the faith among all nations, for his name.  In exchange, God will give Grace to you and peace.  All of this is explained in greater detail in the notes found at the links mentioned earlier in this note.  We also find Paul's more detailed explanation within the remainder of this epistle.  The bottom line is: the epistle to the Romans gives us the gospel of God.


Romans 15:16  (That I should be the minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, ministering the gospel of God, that the offering up of the Gentiles might be acceptable, being sanctified by the Holy Ghost.) is talked about in the note for the Book Study on Romans  and in the note for the Lord Jesus Christ Study.

Please notice that this sentence gives us a progression of Paul's development in the ministry, as explained in the note for this sentence in the Book Study on Romans.  There it is noted that where the Jew's religion was rejected by the Gentiles, God is the same for everyone and the gospel of God  would reach where religion was rejected.  You see, the gospel of God  is the basic gospel  that all other Biblical gospels  are based upon.  When God first created man, God had a personal relationship with man and He walked with Adam and Eve in the cool of the day  (Genesis 3:8).  Even though man sinned, God still wants a personal relationship with man, and that desire of God is the 'good news' which is the gospel of God.  This is not dependent upon us following the rules of any religion or culture or anything else that is of man.  God is the same to all men.  The gospel of God  is the same to all men.  In this section of Romans Paul is talking about going to several different cultural groups where religious practices differ.  Because of that Paul did not present a religion but presented the gospel of God,  which would be acceptable in all cultures.


2Corinthians 11:7  (Have I committed an offence in abasing myself that ye might be exalted, because I have preached to you the gospel of God freely?).

The context of this verse is that Paul is answering the complaint that he treated the people a Corinth as less than how he treated people at other churches because he accepted support from other churches but not from the church at Corinth.  Basically, some people will complain not matter what you do.  Jesus  said that He had to deal with the same thing (Matthew 11:17  and Luke 7:32).  These type of people would complain about the gospel  that was preached to them if possible.  If Paul had said that he preached the gospel of Christ  or the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ,  they would have complained.  However, no one could complain about hearing the gospel of God.  Since the gospel of Christ  and the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ  are applications of the gospel of God,  Paul is presenting the truth in a way that they can't complain about his claim.


1Thessalonians 2:2  (But even after that we had suffered before, and were shamefully entreated, as ye know, at Philippi, we were bold in our God to speak unto you the gospel of God with much contention.).

Acts 17:1  tells about Paul going to Thessalonica for the first time.  It was on his second missionary journey and after the Council of Jerusalem where it was determined that the Gentiles did not have to keep the religious part of the Mosaic Law (Acts 15; Galatians 2).  Since, as was Paul's habit, he started preaching to the Jews and then turned to the Gentiles, he used the gospel of God  and avoided the arguments about the distinction between applications (gospel of the kingdom  and the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ).  Paul left these doctrinal differences for after they were saved and had the Holy Spirit to help them to understand and accept what God was doing that was different from what religion told them that God had to do.

The two notes below, the notes for 1Thessalonians 2:4 and the notes for 2:6, 2:14, 2:15 and 2:19 in the Lord Jesus Christ Study are all related to this verse.  Please see all of them.


1Thessalonians 2:8  (So being affectionately desirous of you, we were willing to have imparted unto you, not the gospel of God only, but also our own souls, because ye were dear unto us.).

This verse is continuing the discussion that Paul started at the beginning of this chapter.  The prior verse is part of the same sentence as this verse.  The sentence tells us that being gentle among you, even as a nurse cherisheth her children..  goes beyond the gospel of God.  A lot of people complain about how someone delivers the gospel  and if the messenger isn't to their liking then they use that as an excuse to reject the message.  However, God used an ass  to deliver His message to the prophet Balaam (Numbers 22:28).  Therefore, the method of delivery is more of a concern for something like the gospel of Christ  than it is for the gospel of God.

The note above, the note below and the notes for 1Thessalonians 2:4 as well as the notes for 2:6, 2:14, 2:15 and 2:19 in the Lord Jesus Christ Study are all related to this verse.  Please see all of them.


1Thessalonians 2:9  (For ye remember, brethren, our labour and travail: for labouring night and day, because we would not be chargeable unto any of you, we preached unto you the gospel of God.).

This verse is continuing the discussion that Paul started at the beginning of this chapter.  This verse is Paul's detail example of how he personally went beyond the demands of God for delivering the gospel of God.  Think of how Jonah delivered the gospel of God  to Nineveh.

The two notes above, the note for 1Thessalonians 2:4 as well as the notes for 2:6, 2:14, 2:15 and 2:19 in the Lord Jesus Christ Study are all related to this verse.  Please see all of them.


2Timothy 1:8  (Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner: but be thou partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God;) is talked about in the note for this verse in the Book Study on 2Timothy  and in the Lord Jesus Christ in 2Timothy.

This verse is part of a complex sentence which tells us the purpose of the gospel of God.  The giving of our Saviour Jesus Christ  is part of fulfilling the purpose of the gospel of God.  That is why the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ  and the gospel of Christ  are applications of the gospel of God.  We also see this in the structure of this sentence, but it is tricky.  In this Equivalent Section of this sentence we have two Steps.  This verse is the First Equivalent Section and the First Step of the Second Equivalent Section while 1:10  is the last part of the Second Step within the Second Equivalent Section.  The gospel  of this verse is the gospel of God.  The gospel  of 1:10  is the gospel of our Saviour Jesus Christ.  Another application of the gospel of God  is the gospel of the kingdom,  which is different than the gospel of our Saviour Jesus Christ.

The Jews rejected the kingdom  when they rejected Jesus.  So God withdrew the application of the gospel of God  that is the gospel of the kingdom,  and offered another application called the gospel of our Saviour Jesus Christ.  He did not change the gospel of God,  only the application of it.  That change is what messed up the Jews who were trying to insist that we keep the Mosaic Law.  The Mosaic Law is part of the gospel of the kingdom.  On another level, people today still have the same problem with this concept.  They understand that God does not change and yet they see changes from God.  This apparent contradiction causes lots of problems in doctrine.  They are not rightly dividing the word of truth  (2Timothy 2:15).  Rightly dividedthe word of truth  shows us that there is a difference between God's Law and the application of God's Law.  Rightly dividedthe word of truth  shows us that there is a difference between the gospel of God  and the applications of the gospel of God.  This verse is speaking about the gospel of God1:10  is speaking about the gospel of our Saviour Jesus Christ,  which is an application of the gospel of God.

1Peter 4:17  (For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God ?) is talked about in the note for the Book Study on 1Peter.  Please see that note.  Basically, Peter is talking about all people throughout all ages who rejected the gospel of God  in whatever form (application) that it was delivered in.  Please see the Gospel Flowchart  to understand the various applications of the gospel of God  and their relationship to each other.

Below are verses which use the word gospel  but do not say gospel of God.  Therefore, the context was used to determine that this is the gospel  being talked about.

Matthew 11:5  (The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them.).  In this verse Jesus is sending a message to John the Baptist.  John preached the gospel of the kingdom.  However, after John the Baptist was throne in prison and the Jews had rejected Jesus as their King,  He had started His church and and started preaching the gospel of God.  Therefore, the gospel  in this verse is the gospel of God.  This is the same as Luke 7:22  (below).


Luke 7:22  (Then Jesus answering said unto them, Go your way, and tell John what things ye have seen and heard; how that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, to the poor the gospel is preached.).  In this verse Jesus is sending a message to John the Baptist.  John preached the gospel of the kingdom.  However, after John the Baptist was throne in prison and the Jews had rejected Jesus as their King,  He had started His church and and started preaching the gospel of God.  Therefore, the gospel  in this verse is the gospel of God.  This is the same as Matthew 11:15  (above).


Luke 9:6  (And they departed, and went through the towns, preaching the gospel, and healing every where.).  The context of this verse is that Jesus had sent His disciples to preach the gospel  to the Jews.  However, since the Jews had already rejected Jesus,  and He had already started His church, the gospel  being preached was the gospel of God.  Herod thought that Jesus was John the Baptist  because they both preached the repentence.

Acts 20:24  (But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.)  This chapter tells of Paul visiting various churches before he returns to Jerusalem where he will be betrayed by saved Jews, arrested and sent to Rome to be beheaded.  On his way he stopped at a port city and had the elders from Ephesus meet him there because he would not take the time to travel to that city.  This verse is part of what he told those elders.

The note for this verse in the Lord Jesus Christ Study explains the context and what is happening in it.  (Please also see that note.)  What is important to this Study is Paul's phrase of the gospel of the grace of God.  He was going to Jerusalem where saved people had rejected the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ  and were claiming that sanctification by keeping the Law would get people the promises  of God.  That error is corrected in the Book Study on Galatians.  Further, these elders had personal experience with this error as explained in the Book Study on Ephesians.  Paul was going to preach the gospel of God  because these Jews still accepted the authority of God.  He was going to preach the grace of God  because, as explained in Galatians,  those people following the Law have fallen from grace.  They need to do things God's way, instead of following religious rules, if they want the grace of God.  Unfortunately, they rejected Paul's message and brought a judgment of death upon their selves, their families and their church.  Bottom line: don't reject God's grace.


1Thessalonians 2:4  (But as we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel, even so we speak; not as pleasing men, but God, which trieth our hearts.).

The notes for 1Thessalonians 2:4 through 1Thessalonians 2:9 are dealing with the same chapter as this verse.  Therefore, those notes should also be read.  In addition, since those notes use the phrase gospel of God,  the context tells us that this is the gospel of God.  Further, since we read God  and gospel  in this sentence, we can believe that it is the gospel of God  by the sentence itself.  Our sentence literally tells us that we are to speak; not as pleasing men, but God, which trieth our hearts.  The word of  means 'belongs to'.  The gospel of God  'comes from God, returns to God and is controlled by God' because it 'belongs to' God.  Those people who preach the gospel of God  will personally answer to God for how faithful they were to what God said and if they let men cause them to pervert God's gospel.

The notes for 1Thessalonians 2:2, 8, 9 and the notes for 2:6, 2:14, 2:15 and 2:19 in the Lord Jesus Christ Study are all related to this verse.  Please see all of them.


1Timothy 1:11  (According to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which was committed to my trust.).  The first few verses of this epistle tell us that Paul told Timothy to abide still at Ephesus, when I went into Macedonia, that thou mightest charge some that they teach no other doctrine  (1Timothy 1:3).  The other doctrine  that was causing a problem was from people Desiring to be teachers of the law; understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm  (1Timothy 1:7).  As we saw in the Book Study on Ephesians,  That church had a major problem with these people teaching false doctrine that was still there when Revelation was written.  This sentence starts in 1:8 and tells us Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient...and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine.  As seen in several places including the Book Study on Galatians,  the Law  can only condemn.  It can not make us righteous or get us the promises of God.  However, these people preaching the Law  recognized the authority of God the Father.  Therefore, Paul preached the glorious gospel of the blessed God  to them.  He will go on in this epistle to Timothy and show him how the God that these people claim committed  this gospel  to (Paul's) trust  and that the glorious gospel of the blessed God  required faith in the Lord Jesus Christ  for salvation and for sanctification.


1Peter 4:6  (For this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit.) is talked about in the note for the Book Study on 1Peter.  Peter is still talking about the same gospel  in 4:17 which specifies that the gospel  in question is the gospel of God.


Hebrews 4:2  (For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.).  This verse tells us that the gospel  was preached to the Old Testament Jews and to us during the Church Age.  The Old Testament Jews received the gospel of the kingdom  while people during the Church Age receive the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Both are applications of the gospel of God.  The only gospel  that was / is preached to both groups is the gospel of God.  Therefore, that is what gospel  is being referenced in this verse.


The gospel of peace.

This phrase only occurs in two verses.  Romans 10:15-16  quotes the Old Testament from three different places.  (Please see the note below.)  Isaiah promises peace  from God to those who are righteous  while refusing it to people who are evil.  In Romans Paul tells us how this gospel of peace,  that comes from the Old Testament, applies to our lives in the New Testament.

The second verse (Ephesians 6:15) tells us how to be prepared to do the ministry of the New Testament and how we are to take this Bible promise (Old Testament applied in the New Testament) to people who need it.  Therefore, this gospel of peace  is both Old Testament and New Testament.

On the Gospel Flowchart you will see the gospel of peace  on the same level as the gospel of the kingdom  and the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ  because, like them, it is an application of the basic gospel (the gospel of God).

In Ephesians 2:14-17  we have the doctrinal statement explaining how Christ  hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us...to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace...And came and preached peace to you which were afar off, and to them that were nigh..  Where religion divides people, Christ  brings them together in unity and peace by teaching all how to live righteously.  As explained in that note for Ephesians, if someone can't have peace  with another saved person then they aren't In Christ.

This gospel tells us that we can have peace with God  (Romans 5:1) and have the peace of God  (Philippians 4:7; Colossians 3:15).  These two are not the same so please follow the links provided to get more details on each.


Verses which use the phrase gospel of peace.

Romans 10:15-16  (And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!  But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Esaias saith, Lord, who hath believed our report?) is talked about in the note for the Book Study on Romans  and in the note for the Lord Jesus Christ Study.

Basically, in this chapter of Romans, Paul explains that the Jews being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.  He then explains the difference between God's righteousness  and the righteousness  of religion and how God's righteousness  is available to everyone while the righteousness  of religion limits itself to those people who are part of that religion.  Further, Paul explains that righteousness  of religion is rejected by God.  After explaining these things, Paul quotes Isaiah 52:7; Isaiah 57:19-21 and Nahum 1:15 in this verse.  Isaiah promises peace  from God to those who have God's righteousness  while refusing it to people who are evil  (trust the righteousness  of religion).

If we look at Isaiah 52:1-6 we see what the gospel of peace  is:

  • Awake, awake; put on thy strength, of Zion; put on thy beautiful garments, of Jerusalem, the holy city:  Stop sinning, put on thy beautiful garments  (put on what God gave you to make you look beautiful  to Him) and become holy.
  • for henceforth there shall no more come into thee the uncircumcised and the unclean:  Stop hanging out with people who don't believe and serve God.  Stop hanging out with devils and people who are controlled by devils that get you to violate your personal relationship with God (unclean).
  • Shake thyself from the dust; arise, and sit down, of Jerusalem: :  Get out of the dirt of this world and sit at the feet of Jesus (Luke 10:38-42).
  • loose thyself from the bands of thy neck, of captive daughter of Zion:  Get rid of the addictions of sin and the things that bring us into captivity.
  • For thus saith the LORD, Ye have sold yourselves for nought; and ye shall be redeemed without money.:  see the note for Romans 3:21-26.
  • For thus saith the Lord GOD, My people went down aforetime into Egypt to sojourn there; and the Assyrian oppressed them without cause.:  We sought the pleasures of this world (Egypt) and found ourselves a slave to a cruel master (Assyrian).
  • Now therefore, what have I here, saith the LORD, that my people is taken away for nought? they that rule over them make them to howl, saith the LORD; and my name continually every day is blasphemed.:  The sinful rulers of this world will be punished by God and it will be worse than they can imagine.
  • Therefore my people shall know my name: therefore they shall know in that day that I am he that doth speak: behold, it is I.:  The truly saved will know that it is God who saves them and they will obey God's voice.
Those who refuse to obey will not be saved.  The destruction of the disobedient is what the verses before Nahum 1:15 tell us about.  The difference that God makes between the obedient and the disobedient, as far as God's peace  goes, is what Isaiah 57:19-21 speaks about.

In Romans 10 Paul tells us how this gospel of peace,  that comes from the Old Testament, applies to our lives in the New Testament.


Ephesians 6:15  (And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;) is talked about in the note for the Book Study on Ephesians.  That note has some interesting things about this phrase.  Basically, where Romans 10:15-16  told us how to get peace with God  this verse tells us that we can have the peace of God  if we are willing to obey and let Him use our life (body / actions) to take His gospel of peace  to other people.


The gospel of your salvation.

There is only one verse that uses this phrase and a few that imply it.  However, within the notes of this site there are many more places where I use this phrase and link it to this spot in this Study.  Hopefully, people will come here where I can explain a popular doctrinal error.

Many people ask 'When did you get saved?' and cause many people to think of salvation  as a 'one-time event that is finished'.  However, true Biblical salvation  is an event that starts only 'one-time' but goes on forever.  That is what an everlasting salvation  is about.  Many people believe doctrinal error because the devil uses our own phraseology against God's truth.  People believe that their salvation  is a 'one-time event that is finished'.  As a result, they believe that God will keep them saved forever but believe that they have no responsibility in what is supposed to be an ongoing personal relationship with God.  Thus, they ignore the gospel of Christ  and do not understand that it is a critical part of true Biblical salvation.

Within this site there are many places where I use expressions like the 'doctrinal distinction between the gospel of salvation (Jesus)  and the gospel of Christ  (sanctification after initial profession)'.  While this phrase is not technically correct, it is the way that many people think and I use the phrase to catch people's attention.  The hope is that they will come here for the explanation.  As I have already said, the gospel of Christ  is really part of the gospel of salvation  but too many people have been taught that they are different because they are taught that salvation  is an event that ended.  They are also taught that Jesus  and Christ  can be used interchangeable.  Both are of these teachings wrong and doctrinal error.  Hopefully, the reader can understand the following explanation.

The Overview of Jesus  and the Overview of Christ  (in the Lord Jesus Christ Study) show the doctrinal differences between these two roles of the Son of God.  They are not interchangeable and to treat then as such is doctrinal error.  Further, the Bible makes a doctrinal difference between the cross of Jesus  and the cross of Christ  and between the blood of Jesus  and the blood of Christ.  Since both of these (blood and cross) are part of the gospel,  these doctrinal differences make a difference in the applications of the gospel.  (Please see the Gospel Flowchart for a visual representation of the different uses of gospel  within the Bible and how they relate.)

The various gospels  in the Bible tell us the 'Good News' about how we can face God's judgment of us.  Thus, our main concern is how God judges, or 'What are the rules of His Legal System?'  (The Bible uses the phrase judgment of God in Romans 1:32; 2:2, 3, 5; 2Thessalonians 1:5).

God has 2 legal systems: the great white throne  (Revelation) and the Judgment Seat of Christ  (Please see the notes for Romans 14:10 and 2Corinthians 5:10-11).  There is a legal principal called 'jurisdiction' that applies to courts and limits what types of crimes the court can rule on.  So, for example, criminal court can't rule on civil matters and civil court can't rule on criminal matters.  Likewise, the great white throne  rules on the fate of lost people (criminal court) and the Judgment Seat of Christ  rules on saved people (civil court).

We all start out lost sinners Romans 3:23; Romans 5:12) / criminals (1John 3:4) and under the jurisdiction of the great white throne.  When we get saved God covers all of our sins (in that court's jurisdiction) with the blood of Jesus  because He counts the cross of Jesus  as sufficient payment to justify  us.  He gives us 'diplomatic immunity' and removes us from that court system.  That is why 1John 3:9 says Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God..

God does not make us lawless but He puts us under the jurisdiction of the Judgment Seat of Christ.  In 1John 3:4 we read Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.  That makes the context of 1John 3:9 to be the legal jurisdiction of the great white throne.  Since God gave the saved 'diplomatic immunity' in that court system, the saved doth not commit sin  ('does not violate diplomatic immunity' in the jurisdiction of the great white throne).

However, we are still under the jurisdiction of the Judgment Seat of Christ.  That is what 1John 3:9 means when it says for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.  Since the saved are under the jurisdiction of the Judgment Seat of Christ  and never will be put back under the legal jurisdiction of the great white throne,  (for his seed remaineth in him) they cannot sin  (violate the laws of the great white throne).

Since we are under the jurisdiction of the Judgment Seat of Christ,  there are different rules than what are used for the great white throne1John 1:8 says that we still do the actions of sin even though that action is not counted as a violation of God's criminal law (great white throne).  That verse says If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the Truth is not in us.  We do the actions of sin and while we are not judged as criminals we are judged as sons  and as servants.  There is a lot to that judgment  that I can't go into here but I need to mention two major doctrinal errors that are taught about this judgment.

God does not change (Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8) and His Laws do not change.  Joshua 8:34 tells us And afterward he read all the words of the law, the blessings and cursing, according to all that is written in the book of the law..  Since our Lord Jesus Christ  is God, the Judgment Seat of Christ  will have blessings and cursings.

The first thing that people need to understand is that while 'God has a retirement plan that is literally Out OF This World!' that 'retirement plan' is a '401k'.  If you don't put anything into it, or if you pull everything out for current blessings, you won't have anything laid up for eternity (Matthew 19:21; Mark 10:21; Luke 18:22).  In addition, mansions  is mentioned only one place in the Bible (John 14:2) and that was at the 'Last Supper' where Jesus excluded over 99% of His 'church'.  Even then, He only promised I go to prepare a place (not mansion) for you.  There are many more Bible verses and notes on this site which speak about this concept.  While I could go on I will summarize with the statement that what most people believe when they sing 'Mansion over the Hill Top' is Biblical doctrinal error.  As one pastor preached: 'There's going to be a lot of homeless people in Heaven!'.  This whole doctrine comes from Communistic thinking and the Bible teaches Capitalism.

Moving on to the cursings  of the Judgment Seat of Christ,  we see that 2Corinthians 5:11  explicitly says Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are made manifest unto God; and I trust also are made manifest in your consciences.  The therefore  means that the terror of the Lord  is a direct result of the Judgment Seat of Christ  (2Corinthians 5:10).  Only saved people will be there.  Therefore, the terror of the Lord  must be applied to some saved people.  In addition, God does not wipe away all tears from their eyes  until after the great white throne  judgment which is 1,000 yearss after the Judgment Seat of Christ.  God can not wipe away all tears from their eyes  if they don't exist.  This doctrine of 'No Tears in Heaven' is straight from the devil, it directly contradicts the Bible teaching that God's children are to fear  Him (over 90 verses) and does away with the results that the fear of the Lord  is to produce.  That is: 'No Tears in Heaven' teaches God's people that they don't have to 'Stop Their Sinning'.

There is much more that I could put in here but I will summarize.  The true Biblical gospel of your salvation  is the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ  which includes all that is in the gospel of Christ.  Any 'gospel of salvation' that does not include all of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ  and all that is in the gospel of Christ,  is another gospel  and is from the devil.


Verses which use the phrase gospel of your salvation.

Ephesians 1:13  (In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,) is talked about in the note for the Book Study on Ephesians.  This verse is in the introductory chapter of one of the major epistles which teach us the details of the gospel of Christ.  It also says (in this sentence) that ye (each and every one of you personally) also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth.  If there is not an increased trust  (which only comes from an ongoing personal relationship) after someone's initial profession then they do not have the true Biblical gospel of your salvation.

Below are verses which use the word gospel  but do not say gospel of salvation.  Therefore, the context was used to determine that this is the gospel  being talked about.

Romans 1:15  (So, as much as in me is, I am ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also.) is followed by a sentence which uses the gospel of Christ  and is directly tied to this sentence.  Please also see the note for 1:16 in this Study and the note for this sentence in the Book Study on Romans as these notes deal with context of this sentence and directly affect the proper interpretation of this sentence and the use of gospel  within it.

The gospel of Christ  is part of the true Biblical gospel of your salvation.  However, many people believe the doctrinal error that 'salvation is a one-time event that is over in an instant'.  Yes, our initial Biblical salvation  (receiving God's life into our physical life) is a 'one-time event' but it is not 'over in an instant'.  True Biblical salvation  lasts forever once started.  Thus, our ongoing relationship with Christ  is part our true Biblical salvation.  Paul was writing to saved people who were spiritually mature enough for God to use them as missionaries.  Yet in the next sentence of this epistle he writes that he was ready to preach the gospel of Christ  to them.  Our context (in the prior sentence) tells us that Paul preached to both to the wise, and to the unwise.  Today, we think of these groups as 'saved' and 'unsaved'.  When Paul uses you  in this sentence he is not limiting it to the direct recipients of this epistle but also includes the people at Rome that they are trying to reach.  The next sentence is limited to the 'saved', but this sentence includes the 'unsaved'.  Thus, the gospel  in this sentence is the gospel of salvation,  which is preached to both groups and the gospel  of the next sentence specifically says the gospel of Christ  and is limited to the 'saved'.


1Corinthians 15:1  (Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;) is talked about in the note for the Book Study on 1Corinthians  and in the note for the Lord Jesus Christ Study.  The context of this verse includes By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.  as the next verse.  Then only Christ  is used in this chapter until we get to 1Corinthians 15:31.  In addition, the subject talked about in this chapter is part of the spiritual maturing which is the purpose of the gospel of Christ.  Therefore, the context puts this gospel  as the gospel  which provides our initial profession and then provides spiritual maturity through a personal relationship with Christ  with the emphasis upon the personal relationship.  This is true Biblical salvation.


The gospel of His Son.

There are only two verses which mention this gospel.  The main understanding of this particular gospel  must come from the meaning of the word Son.  Please see the Summary on the name / role of Son for an understanding of how this word is used throughout the Bible.  Basically, the Bible only uses son  for a person who has received, and lives, the same character as their father.  For example, Paul led many people to salvation and trained several preachers but there are only 3men that he called son.  Thus, the gospel of His Son  is going to be the 'Good News that God's Son shows us the character of God the Father'.  Click here for all of the Verses that use Son.  By looking at these verses, and the notes which provide the in-context interpretation, the reader can see the basis of my claims about the gospel of His Son.

Verses which use the phrase gospel of His Son.

Mark 1:1  (The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God;) is talked about in the note for the Lord Jesus Christ Study.  This verse equates the gospel of Jesus Christ  with the gospel of...the Son of God.  Therefore, these are the same essential gospel  but differ only in the emphasis placed upon His various roles.  As the Son of God  He fulfilled all of the roles as Lord Jesus Christ.  The Gospel of Mark is claimed to present Him as a 'servant'.  As the Son of God  He was not too good to act as a 'servant'.  Since the Gospels teach us 'What Did Jesus Do' and they show us that He is our example of how to live in this flesh by the power of the Holy Spirit, we should not too good to act as a 'servant'.  Please also see the Study called Jesus used the Holy Spirit.  Please also see the notes below under the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ  since this note says that that gospel  is the same as this gospel.

Many people might wonder how Jesus,  acting like a 'servant', reflects the character of God.  The main function of a 'servant' is to provide for needs without being seen.  God the Father is definitely not seen.  John 3:16 is probably the most famous verse which tells us about how God the Father took care of our needs.  More than one commentator has mentioned how the Gospel of Mark concentrates on the miracles done by Jesus  far more than on His messages.  While Jesus  was seen, it was actually the unseen God who provided the actual power and guided Jesus  in what He did.  I already mentioned the Study called Jesus used the Holy Spirit.  We also have verses like Luke 22:42 which tell us not my will, but thine, be done.  While I could cite many more verses I will simply recommend that the reader go through the Gospel of Mark after praying and asking God to show them all of the places where God the Father was working in the background.


Romans 1:9  (For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his Son, that without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers;) is talked about in the note for the Book Study on Romans.  That note deal with the context of this verse within the epistle to the Romans and the context is critical to a proper understanding of what is being said here.  Therefore, please see that note before going on here.  The note for this verse in the Lord Jesus Christ Study explains the use of Son  in this verse.  That understanding is also critical to understanding of what is being said here.  Therefore, please see that note also before going on here.  The general note (above) about the gospel of His Son  is also important.

As shown in the note for 1:3, Paul is using Son  for Jesus Christ our Lord.  Thus, the gospel of his Son, in this verse, is the 'Good News of what God has made available to us through each and every role of his Son as He shows us the character of God the Father'.  The only other place in the New Testament that we see Son  combined with gospel  is Mark 1:1 (above).  This is basically the same gospel  as the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ only it is emphasizing how He reveals the character of God the Father within each and every role that He has.  We get this interpretation because the Bible only uses son  for a person who has received, and lives, the same character as their father.

As shown elsewhere in this Study, the gospel of Jesus  is the gospel of salvation and that gospel  definitely shows the character of God the Father.  The gospel of Christ is the gospel of blessings available through an ongoing relationship with the Son  while we are on this Earth after our initial profession.  Again, we see that this gospel  definitely shows the character of God the Father because He will not leave us in our sin where we continue to earn death.  The gospel of our Lord  is the good news of eternal rewards for stopping our sinning and for allowing Him to work through our life here in the flesh.  We can not serve  without finding out what He wants us to do.  That requires regular communication (prayer with listening) with God which definitely gives us the 'Good News that God the Father loves us'.

In addition, to these general statements about how God's Son  shows us the character of God the Father in each of His roles, we see all throughout the rest of this epistle how God's Son  shows us the character of God the Father, especially in the verses which use gospel.  We can not see the Father but we have the report of men who saw God's Son.  This verse is only the third sentence of this epistle.  Therefore, it is still very foundational for the entire epistle, especially given the structure of this epistle as explained in the opening notes of the Book Study on Romans.  The first thing that we were told about in this epistle was the gospel of God.  Now, in only the second next sentence, we are told that the gospel of God is shown in the character which is revealed in the gospel of His Son.


Verses which use the phrase gospel of the circumcision.

There is only one verse which uses this phrase.  That means it does not have the minimum of two witnesses in order to be used for doctrine.  This is a one-time event that God allowed His people to have because of their religious prejudices.  It is not something that God wanted to go on.

Galatians 2:7  (But contrariwise, when they saw that the gospel of the uncircumcision was committed unto me, as the gospel of the circumcision was unto Peter;)  has the phrase gospel of the circumcision  and the phrase gospel of the uncircumcision.  Please see the note for this verse in the Book Study on Galatians.  It provides the details on this distinction.


Verses which use the phrase gospel of the uncircumcision.

There is only one verse which uses this phrase.  That means it does not have the minimum of two witnesses in order to be used for doctrine.  This is a one-time event that God allowed His people to have because of their religious prejudices.  It is not something that God wanted to go on.

Galatians 2:7  (But contrariwise, when they saw that the gospel of the uncircumcision was committed unto me, as the gospel of the circumcision was unto Peter;)  has the phrase gospel of the circumcision  and the phrase gospel of the uncircumcision.  Please see the note for this verse in the Book Study on Galatians.  It provides the details on this distinction.


The gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Please see the four main Gospels (MatthewMarkLuke  and John).  Notes for the verses within these Gospels are found in Lord Jesus Christ in MatthewLord Jesus Christ in MarkLord Jesus Christ in LukeLord Jesus Christ in John.  While they do not state that this is the gospel  that they present, the contents of each makes it clear that this is the gospel  being presented.

Please also see the note above for Mark 1:1 under the gospel of His Son  since this note says that that gospel  is the same as this gospel.

2Thessalonians 1:8  (In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:) is talked about in the note for the Book Study on 2Thessalonians  and in the note for Lord Jesus Christ in 2Thessalonians.  Those notes explain how saved people who stop obeying the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ  will be punished even though they go to Heaven.  This truth is taught about in relationship to the Judgment Seat of Christ  (Please see the notes for Romans 14:10 and 2Corinthians 5:10-11).

This verse is part of a very complex sentence that is in 2Thessalonians 1:3-10.  It is the second sentence of this epistle and gives us what may be the most complete explanation of the results of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.  The sentence has four Equivalent Sections which give us: the present day results of those who truly (actively) believe; the future of those who truly (actively) believe; the future results of those who reject and the future results of those who claim to believe but fail to live their claim.  Please note that this is the only place in the Bible where we find this phrase (gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ) and the only other verse in the Bible with all of these words is also in this epistle.  There are many other references to gospel  where the context shows that the author is speaking of this gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ,  but they do not explicitly state the full name.  Therefore, it is important to understand the proper interpretation of this sentence to understand all that others are referring to when they use the term gospel.  Please see the extensive note for this sentence in the Book Study on 2Thessalonians.


Verses which use the phrase gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

2Thessalonians 2:14  (Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.) is talked about in the note for the Book Study on 2Thessalonians  and in the note for Lord Jesus Christ in 2Thessalonians.  The note for this verse in Book Study on 2Thessalonians  shows the differences that Paul reported between the people who obeyed this gospel  and those who did not.  It also has links to other studies which show that obeying this gospel  is following God's Spirit and truth.  The note for Lord Jesus Christ in 2Thessalonians  provides additional information about how obedience to this gospel  is rewarded with obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

In Acts 2  we have the story of Pentecost and how receiving God's Spirit  is our true evidence of being saved.  This sentence deliberately says that God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth.  Here is our Biblically defined proof that someone received true salvation from the true gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.  If someone doesn't go through sanctification...and belief..  then they don't get God's salvation.  The note for the Book Study on 2Thessalonians  shows several things that this epistle tells us about how to tell the truly saved from them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.  The other notes that can be reached from the links in this note provide quite a lot more details.  The point is that these two sentences in 2Thessalonians give us very clear methods of separating the true gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ  from another gospel.  Those who are truly saved by the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ  have a life that is changed by God and shows God's sanctification  and is following God's Spirit  and is living in God's Truth.  They also give God glory for their changed life and let Him work through their life to reach others.  Liars claim these things but their life does not back their mouth.

Below are verses which use the word gospel  but do not say gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Therefore, the context was used to determine that this is the gospel  being talked about.  It could be argued that these references are for the gospel of Christ,  or one of the other gospels.  However, since those other gospels  are included within this gospel,  proving that the verses do not belong here requires proving that all that is in the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ,  but is not in the other gospel  specified, does not apply to the verse in question.  I believe that all aspects of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ  can be applied to each of these verses.

Matthew 26:13  (Verily I say unto you, Wheresoever this gospel shall be preached in the whole world, there shall also this, that this woman hath done, be told for a memorial of her.).  In Matthew 26:2  Jesus said Ye know that...the Son of man is betrayed to be crucified.  Therefore, at this point in time the Jews had rejected Jesus and He was not offering the kingdom to them but had started the transition to the Church Age.  Therefore, the gospel  in this verse is the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Mark 8:35  (For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it.)  Peter had just declared Thou art the Christ  (Mark 8:29).  That is the point in the Gospels where Jesus starts teaching that He will be rejected by the Jews.  That is also when He started the Church by presenting the gospel of the Church Age, which is the gospel of a God caused changed life, which is mainly the gospel of Christ.  The immediate context of Peter's declaration also makes this gospel  to be the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Mark 10:29  (And Jesus answered and said, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel's,)  This verse is also after Peter declared Thou art the Christ  (Mark 8:29).  In addition, in just a few more verses (Mark 10:33)  we read Behold, we go up to Jerusalem; and the Son of man shall be delivered unto the chief priests, and unto the scribes; and they shall condemn him to death, and shall deliver him to the Gentiles:.  The immediate context makes this gospel  to be the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Mark 13:10  (And the gospel must first be published among all nations.)  is in the middle of Jesus prophesying of what will happen after His resurrection and during the life of the Apostles.  The immediate context makes this gospel  to be the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Mark 14:9  (Verily I say unto you, Wheresoever this gospel shall be preached throughout the whole world, this also that she hath done shall be spoken of for a memorial of her.)  This verse is also after Peter declared Thou art the Christ  (Mark 8:29).  In addition, it is the same as Matthew 26:13.  (Please see note above.)  The context makes this gospel  to be the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Mark 16:15  (And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.)  is the final commandment from our Lord that is included within Mark's Gospel.  The immediate context makes this gospel  to be the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.  It comes right after Mark tells us that Jesus  appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat.  It comes just before Mark 16:19  which says So then after the Lord had spoken unto them...  Part of what He told them was He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned..  This verse causes a lot of problems because of wrong interpretation.  It does not say that those who do not get baptized  will be damned.  It does require being baptized  to be saved.  When a Jew was being baptized  he was declared dead by his family and could be physically killed for being baptized.  It is not being baptized  so much as doing whatever our Lord  commands even at risk of death because your God-caused change at being saved  makes you obey at that level.  Those who claim to be saved  but refuse this level of obedience are not promised to be saved.  Please see unjust  in the Book Study on 2Peter  for details on the differences between the saved,  the unjust,  the ungodly.  This verse on being baptized  is a reference to obeying the gospel of Christ.  Thus, we see all three roles involved in the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Acts 8:25  (And they, when they had testified and preached the word of the Lord, returned to Jerusalem, and preached the gospel in many villages of the Samaritans.).  The they of this verse is Peter and John.   This little sub-story started in 8:14.  The entire chapter is involved in the complete story, but the context for the use of gospel  can be made smaller.  Basically, after the death of Stephen, believers were scattered to other places including Samaria.  Philip went to Samaria, where there were believers, and preached Christ unto them. And the people with one accord gave heed unto those things which Philip spake, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did.  The story continues with the people rejoicing in the demonstrated power of God but there was a problem.  When Peter and John came they found out that the people who believed and were baptized had not received the Holy Ghost: (For as yet he was fallen upon none of them: only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.)  (Please see the note for 8:16 in the Lord Jesus Christ Study.)  They believed but not properly.  When it comes to salvation, things have to be right.  However, if the person's heart is right then God will send someone to make other things right, as we see reported here.

Well, there was a believing sorcerer named Simon who only saw the power  and tried to buy it.  Peter responded with Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money. Thou hast neither part nor lot in this matter: for thy heart is not right in the sight of God.  (Acts 8:20).  Salvation, and the true gospel  is not about us receiving power  but about us getting our personal heart...right in the sight of God.  Here was an apparently saved man whose heart  was not right with God.  In order to help him, they had to preach the word of the Lord,  (the Lord is in charge and we don't make demands on Him), which is part of the true gospel  which must be preached to saved people after their initial profession.  The part of the word of the Lord  which he, and others, had missed is that salvation is an ongoing personal relationship with Christ  whereby we obey Him and He changes our life and He works through us.  He does not give us power  to use for our flesh.  Further, the Lord  (God the Father) set it up so that this is the only way that we receive the promises of God.  When we reject the ongoing personal relationship through Christ,  God says that our hearts are not right with Him.  The gospel  in this verse is the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ  because these people had believed on Jesus Christ  (Acts 8:12), they believed that He was Lord Jesus  (Acts 8:16), but did not properly understand their relationship to Him as Christ.  When they rejected His role as Christ,  they challenged God the Father's position as Lord.  It was this part of the gospel  that they needed clarification on, which lets us know that the gospel  used here included Lordship.  Please see the note for this verse in the Lord Jesus Christ Study.


Acts 14:7  (And there they preached the gospel.).  The context of this verse is that Paul and Barnabas were preached the gospel  and speaking boldly in the Lord  (Acts 14:3) and generally getting run out of town.  Since they were presenting the gospel  of salvation and including Lord  in their message, I concluded that this gospel  is the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.  (Please see the note for Acts 14:3 in the Lord Jesus Christ Study for more detail).


Acts 14:21  (And when they had preached the gospel to that city, and had taught many, they returned again to Lystra, and to Iconium, and Antioch,).  Please see the note above for comment on the context since both verses are in the same chapter.  In addition, the next verse, which is part of the same sentence, says Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God..  The confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith  is definitely part of the gospel of Christ.  This chapter says that Paul and company had led them to their profession of faith, which means that their gospel  included Jesus.  Finally, our next verse includes the kingdom of God,  which definitely involves the Lord.


Acts 15:7  (And when there had been much disputing, Peter rose up, and said unto them, Men and brethren, ye know how that a good while ago God made choice among us, that the Gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the gospel, and believe.).  The context of this verse is a council at the Jerusalem church because some saved Jews insisted that Gentiles had to keep the Mosaic Law to be saved.  This dispute very much involved the authority of the Lord God.  It also involves the gospel  that Peter preached in Acts 10.  Peter's message included ...preaching peace by Jesus Christ: (he is Lord of all:)  ( Acts 10:36).  (Please also see the note for Acts 10:36 in the Lord Jesus Christ Study.)  This gospel  is definitely the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Acts 16:10  (And after he had seen the vision, immediately we endeavoured to go into Macedonia, assuredly gathering that the Lord had called us for to preach the gospel unto them.).  Please see the note for this verse in the Lord Jesus Christ Study.  The context of this verse is Paul's call to Macedonia.  Our verse uses Lord  and the gospel preached by Paul was the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Romans 2:16  (In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel.).  Please see the note for this verse in the Book Study on Romans  and the note for this verse in the Lord Jesus Christ Study.  The context of this verse is Romans 2 where Paul is discussing legalities of religious judgment, which definitely involves the Lord.  In addition, our verse says ...according to my gospel,  which means that the rule book to be used in the gospel  that Paul preached.  As we have already seen, the gospel  that Paul preached was the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Romans 11:28  (As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the fathers' sakes.).  Please see the note for this verse in the Book Study on Romans.  The context of this verse is that Paul is explaining how God is dealing with the Jews and how He will deal with them in the future.  Most of the Jews took what was supposed to bring them to a personal relationship with God and turned it into religious ceremony.  Romans 11:7  tells us ...Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded...  These religious blinded  Jews are the people that Paul is talking about when he says As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes.  The gospel  that turns people into God's elect  is the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Please see the note for 1Peter 1:2  for details about election  and for links to other notes with further details on this doctrine.


Romans 15:20  (Yea, so have I strived to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I should build upon another man's foundation:.) is talked about in the note for the Book Study on Romans  and in the note for the Lord Jesus Christ Study.  In the prior verse Paul specifically said the gospel of Christ,  but only used gospel  here.  That sentence compared Paul's actions to people who tried to proselyte instead of reaching the lost.  Paul tried to reach the lost, and this sentence says he went not where Christ was named,  and most cases that meant to people who were lost and had never heard anything.  That meant he went where he had to tell how to get saved before he could teach them the true doctrine of the gospel of Christ.  Thus, this sentence is using gospel  for the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Romans 16:25  (Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began,).  Please see the note for this verse in the Book Study on Romans  and the note for this verse in the Lord Jesus Christ Study.  The note in the Book Study provides the division by punctuation and the interpretation based upon context and sentence structure, links to other Studies involved in this sentence, and more.  The note in the Lord Jesus Christ Study shows how the Son of God's roles as Jesus Christ  are used to change the life of all saved people in accordance to this gospel.

This sentence says ...according to...the preaching of Jesus Christ...and...according to the commandment of the everlasting God.  That makes this gospel  according to Jesus Christ and God (Lord)  which makes this gospel  the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.  This verse is part of the closing sentence and is the summary of all of the epistle to the Romans.  As the summary for the epistle to the Romans, this sentence links this gospel  to the entire epistle.  In other words, Romans is the detailed expression of this gospel.  Also, this sentence tells us that this gospel  has the power to stablish you  and when God does that it shows that He is only wise  and gives Him glory through Jesus Christ for ever.


1Corinthians 9:14  (Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel.) is talked about in the note for the Book Study on 1Corinthians  and in the note for the Lord Jesus Christ Study.  Several verses in a row use the word gospel.  This verse equates the gospel  to the Lord.  Within the context we have the gospel of Christ  (stated literally) and the gospel of salvation  (implied).  Therefore, all three main roles of the Son of God are attached to the gospel  of this section by the context.


1Corinthians 9:16  (For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel!) is talked about in the note for the Book Study on 1Corinthians which explains how gospel  is used in the context of this chapter.  Please also see the note above for 1Corinthians 9:14.  This verse says that we do not get glory  from preaching the gospel  because God (not us) is supposed to receive glory  from our preaching the gospel.  We are saved to give God glory,  which is why this verse says for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel.  God requires us to preach the gospel  in order to fulfill our requirement to give Him glory.


1Corinthians 9:17  (For if I do this thing willingly, I have a reward: but if against my will, a dispensation of the gospel is committed unto me.) is talked about in the note for the Book Study on 1Corinthians.  Please also see the note above for 1Corinthians 9:14 which explains how gospel  is used in the context of this chapter.  Please note, lots of people want to preach about dispensations  and a lot of that would not fit this sentence.  the definition of the word dispensation  is: 'a right which also carries a responsibility'.  In this sentence, the 'responsibility' is emphasized if against my will  but the 'right' is emphasized for if I do this thing willingly  because doing this thing willingly  brings a reward from God.


1Corinthians 9:23  (And this I do for the gospel's sake, that I might be partaker thereof with you.) is talked about in the note for the Book Study on 1Corinthians.  Please also see the note above for 1Corinthians 9:14 which explains how gospel  is used in the context of this chapter.  In addition, see the note just above (for the immediately prior verse) which explains the options that God gave Paul.  According to this sentence, Paul chose the way of reward and tells us that the same is available to us.


2Corinthians 4:3  (But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:) is talked about in the note for the Lord Jesus Christ Study.  As pointed out in that Study, this verse is in the same sentence as 4:4 and the two verses need to be considered together.  That verse specifically says the glorious gospel of Christ  while this verse uses gospel  for the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.  The note in the Lord Jesus Christ Study explains how the two verses are related while the note for 4:4 explains the difference between of gospel  is used in each verse.

Our verse specifically says that our gospel...is hid to them that are lost.  The gospel  that them that are lost  need to see and hear is the gospel  which includes how to be saved.  That is the gospel  that our current verse is talking about even though the gospel  of 4:4 is different.

This verse starts with But,  which means it is talking about the same subject while going in a different direction.  The prior sentence told us ...have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty...but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God.  The renounced the hidden things of dishonesty  is talking about true Biblical repentance that must occur when we first get saved (Jesus).  The manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience  is the result of the gospel of Christ.  The in the sight of God  is referring to the role of Lord.  That makes this gospel  the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.


2Corinthians 8:18  (And we have sent with him the brother, whose praise is in the gospel throughout all the churches;).  The context of this verse is that Paul reported that this brother  was praised throughout all the churches  for his work in the gospel.  The gospel  that Paul always speaks about (unless he provides other qualification) is the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.


2Corinthians 10:16  (To preach the gospel in the regions beyond you, and not to boast in another man's line of things made ready to our hand.).  The gospel  that Paul always speaks about (unless he provides other qualification) is the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.  In addition, Paul led the original members of this church to their initial profession (Jesus).  In addition, in the equivalent part of this sentence Paul said we are come as far as to you also in preaching the gospel of Christ.  That is: he had preached the gospel of Christ  to them and was looking forward to their help in preaching it in regions beyond them.  In addition, in the next sentence Paul says But he that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord.  This shows that the work is done under the authority of the Lord.  This gives us all three roles, within the immediate context, for the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Galatians 1:11  (But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man.) is talked about in the note for the Book Study on Galatians.  The verse before this one says For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ..  Notice that the context of this verse (from the prior verse) is that Paul sought to please God (Lord).  The next sentence says For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.  Therefore, the context of this verse (from the next verse) is that Paul received his gospel from Jesus Christ.  This gives us all three roles, within the immediate context, for the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Galatians 2:2  (And I went up by revelation, and communicated unto them that gospel which I preach among the Gentiles, but privately to them which were of reputation, lest by any means I should run, or had run, in vain.) is talked about in the note for the Book Study on Galatians.  The context of this verse is that the next sentence talks about our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus,  which is due to the gospel which I preach among the Gentiles.  There were saved Jews who were against the gospel of Christ  (Galatians 5:4) because they claimed to be justified by the law.  Paul verified his doctrine with Godly men and was willing to be corrected.  2Peter 1:20 tells us Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.  Paul verified with others that the doctrine he preached matched what God had shown to the other godly men.  Once more we see that the context supports the claim that the gospel  which Paul preached was the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Please also see the note for 2:14 which has more details related to this chapter.


Galatians 2:5  (To whom we gave place by subjection, no, not for an hour; that the truth of the gospel might continue with you.) is part of Galatians 2:3-5, which is a single sentence that is explained in the note for this sentence  within the Book Study on Galatians.  There are also notes for in in the Word Studies on: Lord Jesus Christ, on Truth and on Gospel.  As explained in those notes, religious people tried to use religious traditions to bring others into bondage.  The context of this verse is the same as Galatians 2:2 (please see the note above) and that context shows that the gospel  of this sentence is the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.  The 'good news' related to each and every role of the Son of God was preached by Paul in his gospel.  Those teaching religious traditions denied the authority of our Lord  and rejected the personal relationship that is through Christ.  Please also see the note for 2:14 which has more details related to this chapter.


Galatians 2:14  (But when I saw that they walked not uprightly according to the truth of the gospel, I said unto Peter before them all, If thou, being a Jew, livest after the manner of Gentiles, and not as do the Jews, why compellest thou the Gentiles to live as do the Jews?) is talked about in the note for the Book Study on Galatians.  The context of this verse is referring back to the discussion of the beginning of the chapter.  Thus, the basic context is the same as the verses above.  Please see the note for Galatians 2:2.  In addition, the remainder of this chapter is talking about the truth of the gospel,  which is introduced in the first phrase of this verse.

The verses before this one match with Acts 15.  (See the notes for these verses in the Book Study on Galatians for details on how the verses match.)  In these two locations of the Bible we read about the church meeting at the Council of Jerusalem about Gentiles keeping Jewish religious traditions.  At that time the church determined that the evidence of God's approval was greater than religious traditions.  They used the evidence of God's approval because they didn't have a completed Bible like we do today.  Even though we have Biblical evidence today, people still fight for religious traditions that go against the evidence of God's approval (Bible).  The end result was that God destroyed these people fighting for error, their families and all of their supporters and the families of their supporters by sending the Roman Army into Jerusalem to destroy the Temple, the church teaching error, and all of the people involved.  Today, people think that because they are not arguing for the Mosaic Law that they are safe.  However, new traditions do not justify teaching doctrinal error.

In the verses following this one (Galatians 2:-17) we read about our being justified.  The context makes it clear that our being justified  is based upon things that occur after our initial profession.  Paul compares being justified by Christ  to being justified by worksWorks  take time and occur after our initial profession.  Paul goes on with verbs like buildlive  and frustrate,  which all require time to do.  Therefore, the gospel  that Paul is talking about in this verse, and which is defined by all of these time-consuming verbs, is not just what gets us to make an initial profession.  Indeed, the thing that led to this verse was how saved people were living after their initial profession.  It was how they were living that Paul said that they walked not uprightly according to the truth of the gospel.  Even in this phrase we see walk,  which takes time.  Thus, any thinking person has to conclude that the gospel  Paul is talking about in this chapter deals with how we live after making out initial profession of salvation.

In this chapter we see legal terms like justified  which are always associated with Lord.  Yes, we are justified by Christ  (the way [by] we achieve justification  is following Christ),  but the role of God which makes the legal determination of our justification  is the Lord.  (Please see the Overview of the Lord Jesus Christ Study for details on this claim.)  In addition, we see Christ  used in this chapter related to the gospel.  We see the Bible say: even we have believed in Jesus Christ,  which led to our initial profession.  (Please see the notes for this chapter in the Lord Jesus Christ Study for details on why different names of the Son of God are used in this chapter where they are used.)  Therefore, all three roles of the Son of God are involved and the gospel  of this verse and chapter is the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Galatians 3:8  (And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed.)

This verse is talked about in the note for the Book Study on Galatians.  In particular, that study provides the context.  This verse starts with And,  which means it is added to the prior sentence.  In truth, all of Galatians 3:6 through 18  is talking about the promises that God gave to Abraham and that He made available to us who have the same faith  as Abraham.  God made these promises as part of the gospel  that was preached...unto Abraham.  I believe that this is the only place in the Bible where this is spelled out so clearly.  Therefore, this section of Galatians is important to understanding this doctrine.  Further, the entire section need to be considered together in order to keep the context.

This note explains the gospel  that Paul preached, as seen by the context of this verse and epistle.  Here we see what came from the gospel  that was preached to Abraham as God gave further revelation and clarification of the little bit which was revealed to Abraham.  In the note for this verse within the Book Study on Galatians, the gospel  that was preached to Abraham is dealt with.  Both are important to know and give us two different perspectives of this verse.  In addition, that other note provides a lot more links to show how what is said here matches with what is said throughout the Bible.  Please consider both notes and the doctrine that is in them.

In this verse Paul is giving scriptural backing for the gospel  that he preached to the Gentiles.  It came from the gospel  that was preached unto Abraham.  Paul preached the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.  However, the gospel  that was preached unto Abraham  was the gospel of God.  If we look at the Gospel Flowchart we can see that the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is an application of the gospel of God.  Abraham was only given the basics that are common to all of the applications.  Abraham walked in faith of God with the revelation that he did receive.  Things like the Gentiles being saved was part of the gospel (preached) unto Abraham,  but those things were not understood until later generations such as when Paul revealed a mystery.  However, as we see in this verse, the gospel of God that was preached... unto Abraham  is the core of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ,  which is preached unto us.  Thus, the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ  is an application of the gospel of God.

While we do not know all of the details of the gospel of God,  we can piece together verses which relate to it, such as this one.  Here we are told that God would justify the heathen through faithJustify  is a legal term that most people accept as having the definition of 'Just as if I never sinned'.  That sounds real good and there is Biblical evidence for saying that God wipes away all of our record when we get saved.  However, as pointed out in many places on this site, that takes care of the record in the Great White Throne  legal system.  However, we need a secondary justification  for sins that we do after getting saved which will be at the judgment seat of Christ.  (Please see explanation of this in the summary of the gospel of your salvation.)  Basically, the justification  that applies for the Great White Throne  legal system is not sufficient, in spite of what some people believe.

Our verse says that God would justify the heathen through faith.  Paul uses heathen  in this verse because of the erroneous doctrine that he was fighting and the related beliefs of those people preaching this error.  The context lets us know that the Jews had come to these churches of Galatia  and preached keeping on the Mosaic Law.  In the chapter before this verse within Galatians, Paul told how the church had rejected that doctrine and that these people were going against the revealed will of God.  Part of their belief, and preaching, was that everyone had to become a religious Jew to get saved.  The people teaching doctrinal error called everyone a heathen  who was not a religious Jews.  Paul is disputing their error in claiming that people had to become a religious Jew.  Therefore, Paul is using their classification of the people that they claim are not saved to show that the Bible says that God would justify the heathen through faith.  People were not lost because they fell into this classification of heathen.  They were lost because they did not have the type of faith  that God required.  The Gospel of God,  and all applications of it, is available to all who have the faith  that God requires and the divisions made by man (to exclude someone else) are wrong.

When God planned salvation He made provision for all of our needs.  God had the plans but revealed them over time.  God does not change.  Therefore, the gospel of God is going to have the same basic structure and provisions as the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ that we receive today.  In particular to this verse, the requirements of faith  are the same between the gospel of God  and all applications.  Within this verse we read that God would justify...through faith.  As has been explained in many places on this site, faith  'is an action word which requires us to obey God's requirement in order to give God permission to work in our life and keep His promise'.  The important part of this phrase being dealt with right now is the word through.

We have two common applications of the word through.  In the first we have to get to the other side of a barrier.  For example, Psalms 66:6 says He turned the sea into dry land: they went through the flood on foot: there did we rejoice in him..  So we see, in the Bible, where the word through  is used in relationship to getting to the other side of a barrier.  We also see where the word through  is used for traveling inside of something, such as taking a tunnel through  a barrier.  In Joshua 24:3 we read And I took your father Abraham from the other side of the flood, and led him throughout all the land of Canaan, and multiplied his seed, and gave him Isaac..  We see that Abraham was inside of the land that God promised him.

In relationship to the faith  required by the gospel,  both applications are required.  An important aspect of Biblical faith,  which is often ignored, is who the faith  belongs to.  Another important aspect of faith,  which is also often ignored, is what the faith  is placed in.  The Bible makes a clear distinction between our faith  and the faith of Jesus Christ  (Romans 3:22; Galatians 2:16; 3:22).  We are saved by the faith of Jesus Christ  but we are saved through (our) faith  (Ephesians 2:8-10).  As explained in the note within the Book Study on Ephesians, the lost person does not have the faith of Jesus Christ  because we have to go to Him before we can receive anything belonging (of) to Him.  Therefore, the only faith  that a lost person has is faith  in 'their own righteousness' or 'their religion' or the 'claims of their religious leaders' or some other thing (John 1:12-13).  As Ephesians tells us, it takes God's (by) grace  to get through  our natural faith  in wrong things and bring us to salvation.

After/when we are saved, we receive the faith of Jesus Christ.  Once we have His faith,  we can go through  (travel inside) it to get to the additional blessings that God has for us.  However, if we go outside of the faith of Jesus Christ,  as a 'sanctification by religious works belief' tells us to do, then we are not going through faith.  Therefore, according to this verse, God will not justify  us, or provide any of the other blessings that He says are available only through faith.

Notice that our verse says In thee shall all nations be blessed.  We started with this phrase and now return to it.  The blessings  that God promises to all nations  is through  the faith of Jesus Christ  and there is no other way to these blessings.  The fact that these blessings  are available and that God's plan for providing them through  the faith of Jesus Christ  is part of the gospel  ('good news') that was preached before...unto Abraham.  Since this was preached before  the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ  was available, it is part of the gospel of God.  That also makes it part of all applications of the gospel of God.


Galatians 4:13  (Ye know how through infirmity of the flesh I preached the gospel unto you at the first.) is talked about in the note for the Book Study on Galatians.  The context of this verse is that the next sentence says ...but received me as an angel of God, even as Christ Jesus.  The angel of God  speaks with the authority of the Lord  and the message came from Christ Jesus.  Thus, the gospel  that Paul preached was the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Philippians 1:5  (For your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now;).  Please see the note for this verse in the Book Study on Philippians for all of the details, contextual considerations and sentence structure which are required to completely understand this verse.  This verse is part of the sentence which follows Paul saying Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.  Paul was promising them Grace...and peace  because (For) of their fellowship in the gospel.  The context makes this gospel  to be the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ  and the note in the Book Study explains that in detail.


Philippians 1:7  (Even as it is meet for me to think this of you all, because I have you in my heart; inasmuch as both in my bonds, and in the defence and confirmation of the gospel, ye all are partakers of my grace.).  This verse is in the same sentence as the verse above and the context is the same.  The context makes this gospel  to be the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Please see the note above and especially see the note in the Book Study which explains this truth in detail.


Philippians 1:17  (But the other of love, knowing that I am set for the defence of the gospel.).  The context of this verse is in the note for this sentence in the Book Study on Philippians.  It and the related notes in the Lord Jesus Christ Study also should be read to completely understand the context.  Within this gospel we see the two verses above which are part of the same sentence which tells us that Paul and the Philippians had a fellowship in the gospel  with Jesus Christ.  Because of that fellowship,  they had eternal rewards, which made the gospel of the two verses to be the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Then in 1:12 Paul was explaining how brethren in the Lord  were fighting against the gospel of Christ because they believed in sanctification  by keeping the Mosaic Law.  Now in our current verse Paul is saying that there are other people who are joined with him in the defence of the gospel.  This is the same gospel  that Paul and the Philippians had a fellowship  in.  It is the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ  because this church was the most spiritually mature church at that time and they understood the need to defend  ALL of the truth of God that is within the gospel.  Thus, it is the version which puts equal emphasis on each point of the full gospel and is the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Philippians 2:22  (But ye know the proof of him, that, as a son with the father, he hath served with me in the gospel.).  Please see the note for this verse in the Book Study on Philippians for all of the details, contextual considerations and sentence structure which are required to completely understand this verse.  This verse is Paul talking about Timothy and how Timothy was as a son with the father.  In the Bible, son  has a special meaning.  (Please see the Overview of Son  in the Lord Jesus Christ Study.)  This verse tells us that Timothy treated God's gospel  the same way as Paul did.  Timothy would have preached the same gospel  as Paul did, which is the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Philippians 4:3  (And I intreat thee also, true yokefellow, help those women which laboured with me in the gospel, with Clement also, and with other my fellowlabourers, whose names are in the book of life.).  Please see the note for this verse in the Book Study on Philippians for all of the details, contextual considerations and sentence structure which are required to completely understand this verse.  This verse tells us that non-preacher women were fellowlabourers  with Paul in the ministry of the gospel.  Further, this verse names several non-preachers and describes them as whose names are in the book of life.  That means that the ministry of the gospel  is given to all saved (whose names are in the book of life).  Some people are better at leading the lost to salvation.  Some are better at teaching spiritual maturity and some are better at things like administration.  Each of these tasks (and more), are part of the ministry of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.  The tasks mentioned relate to different roles of the Lord Jesus Christ.  As He is one, so all of our different labors should work together for one purpose.  As this verse (with the prior verses) tells us, our bickering and disputes can hinder the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Philippians 4:15  (Now ye Philippians know also, that in the beginning of the gospel, when I departed from Macedonia, no church communicated with me as concerning giving and receiving, but ye only.).  Please see the note for this verse in the Book Study on Philippians for all of the details, contextual considerations and sentence structure which are required to completely understand this verse.  The context of this verse is that it is starting a new sub-section where Paul is talking about their ministry in the gospel  and how it was received by God and how God will reward their efforts.  Notice that this verse uses gospel  for the entire ministry.  It is not just a doctrine to be thought about and taught and believed in our head and heart but it also requires our action.  As with so many other places in the Bible this section shows that God judges and rewards works.  This section tells us that part of the ministry of the gospel  is giving and receiving  and that part results in God provided fruit that may abound to your account  (4:17).

We must be saved (Jesus)  before God works in and through us.  Once saved he works through His role as Lord  (see Lord Jesus Christ in 1Thessalonians and Lord Jesus Christ in 2Thessalonians in particular) and through His role as Christ  (see the Book Study on Galatians, Ephesians and the Colossians in particular).  While He may emphasize one role over another with a particular person, He always uses all three of His main roles with all saved (see Romans in particular).  Therefore, our acting in the ministry of the gospel  is directed by all three main roles of the Son of God (Lord Jesus Christ).  The gospel  that we are to minister in is the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Colossians 1:5  (For the hope which is laid up for you in Heaven, whereof ye heard before in the word of the truth of the gospel;) is talked about in the note for this verse in the Book Study on Colossians.  This verse is part of the second sentence of this epistle.  Several times in these first two sentences we read where Paul refers to the various Persons and roles of God as he uses terms like: GodGod our FatherJesus ChristChrist JesusChristLord Jesus Christ,  and Spirit.  There should be no doubt that the context makes the gospel  of this sentence to be the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Colossians 1:23  (If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under Heaven; whereof I Paul am made a minister;) is talked about in the note for this verse in the Book Study on Colossians.  This verse qualifies the gospel  to be the gospel, which ye have heard.  That is a direct reference to the verse and note above.  The gospel  of this sentence is the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.  The gospel  that people are moved (in error) to Paul called another gospel


1Thessalonians 1:5  (For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance; as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake.).  This sentence / verse starts with For,  which means that it gives the reason for the claim of the previous sentence.  There we read Knowing, brethren beloved, your election of God.  Election  is talked about in the note for Colossians 3:12.  That note includes references (links) to other notes within this web site.  As shown by those notes and in the prior verse of this epistle, election  is done by the power of God.  In addition, we see Lord Jesus Christ  used 3times in the 2 sentences before this one.  Further, the next sentence says that they each personally (ye) became followers of us, and of the Lord.  Based upon this context there should be no doubt that the gospel  spoken of in this sentence is the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.


2Timothy 1:10  (But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel:) is talked about in the note for this verse in the Book Study on 2Timothy  and in the Lord Jesus Christ in 2Timothy.  Please see the note for 1:8.  That verse and this verse are both part of a complex sentence.  Even though each verse uses the word gospel,  and even though they are in the same sentence, they are talking about two different applications of the word gospel.  The note for 1:8  explains what I am saying.


2Timothy 2:8  (Remember that Jesus Christ of the seed of David was raised from the dead according to my gospel:) is talked about in the note for this verse in the Book Study on 2Timothy  and in the Lord Jesus Christ in 2Timothy.  Those notes explain why the gospel  of this verse is the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Philemon 1:13  (Whom I would have retained with me, that in thy stead he might have ministered unto me in the bonds of the gospel:) is talked about in the note for this verse in the Book Study on Philemon.  The context of this verse is Paul is talking to a saved non-preacher about his personal slave doing the work of spreading the gospel.  The slave was also a non-preacher.  A lot of people believe the doctrinal error that spreading the gospel is the work of preachers.  Please see the note for this verse in the Book Study on Philemon  for how the entire gospel can be preached from this sentence.


1Peter 1:12  (Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us they did minister the things, which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from Heaven; which things the angels desire to look into.) is talked about in the note for the Book Study on 1Peter.  As explained there, the only gospel  that people knew about was the gospel of the kingdom.  The prophets and angels didn't know about the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ,  which was to come with the Church Age.  The gospel  that Peter is talking about is the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.  As explained in the note for 2Timothy 1:8,  the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ  is only one application of the gospel of God.  The gospel of the kingdom  is another application of the gospel of God.  It was the only gospel  that anyone knew about until God revealed the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ,  which is the mystery  that Paul talked about in so many of his epistles.  This mystery,  as it applies to the gospel,  is dealt with in the notes for: Romans 16:251Corinthians 2:7Colossians 1:26Colossians 2:2Colossians 4:3Ephesians 1:3-12Ephesians 3:3Ephesians 3:9Ephesians 6:11.


1Peter 1:25  (But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you.) is talked about in the note for the Book Study on 1Peter.  This verse is the ending of the first chapter of 1Peter.  That chapter makes the context of this verse to be the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Among other things Peter talks about the blood of Jesus Christ  (1:1) and the trial of your faith  (1:7) and the sufferings of Christ  (1:11) and Being born again(1:23).  All of these are parts of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ  and not part of the gospel of the kingdom.  In addition, the sentences in these verses have important doctrine in them.  In particular, they tell us that the true Biblical gospel  can be backed completely from the word of the Lord   and that it endureth for ever.  If anyone has a 'gospel' that does not match what was given by Jesus and the apostles, or that they can not back completely from the Bible, then reject their so-called 'gospel'.  It is another gospel.  Please see the note for the Book Study on 1Peter  for more details


The everlasting gospel.

This gospel  is the same as the gospel of God except that this gospel  is preached by angels instead of by men.


Verses which use the phrase everlasting gospel.

Revelation 14:6  (And I saw another angel fly in the midst of Heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,).  The context of this verse is that the 144,000 of Revelation are with the Lamb...on the mount Sion  and God is no longer giving the gospel  through men but is now using an angelRevelation 14:6-11  tells us the basics of this everlasting gospel.

This gospel  is effectively the same as the gospel of God  with the difference being that this gospel  is given by angels  and the gospel of God  is given by men.  All other gospels  are applications of this basic gospel  where only specific details of application differ.  For example, the gospel  offered to the Church is based upon our having an indwelling Holy Spirit to guide us while the gospel  offered to the Jews included the Law to guide them.  In both cases men are expected to Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made Heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters  and do all the rest of this everlasting gospel.


An other gospel.

Men might argue as to what constitutes another gospel.  Certainly it will be opposed to the details found in the Book Study on Galatians.  I have dug out many of the details of that epistle and presented them in the Book Study on Galatians.  All are welcome to tell me of any Biblical based claim to error in what I have there.

The gospel  that Paul preached was / is an application of the everlasting gospel  / gospel of God.  (See notes in those sections to understand the similarities and differences.)  Revelation 14:6-11  tells us the basics of this everlasting gospel  is a very summary fashion.  If we verify that what someone preaches matches that then any arguments about points beyond that are probably straining at gnats  and should not be done.


Verses which use the phrase another gospel.


Galatians 1:6  (I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:)
The details and the context of this verse is talked about in the note for the Book Study on Galatians  and in the note for the Lord Jesus Christ Study.  The verse states the grace of Christ,  is a result of the gospel of Christ.  When we stop obeying all that is in the gospel of Christ,  we are removed from him (Christ)  and we lose the grace  that is available only to those saved people who remain in Christ.  Our sentence tells us this and it also tells us that this so-called another gospel,  is the result of people who would pervert the gospel of Christ  and will trouble,  us.  The note for the Book Study on Galatians  provides the definition of pervert  but it is basically 'to turn away from truth and to follow a lie'.  Thus, anyone who claims that we can have all of the blessings that the Bible says are reserved for saved people who remain in Christ,  and claims that we can have these blessings even while we disobey Christ.  Also, anyone who obey religious rules, is preaching another gospel.  This another gospel  is associated with antichrists  by John.  This verse is part of the introduction to this epistle.  After this introduction, Paul uses the rest of the epistle to teach the gospel of Christ.


Galatians 1:8  (But though we, or an angel from Heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.)
The details and the context of this verse is talked about in the note for the Book Study on Galatians.  This verse is in the sentence following the verse above and the context makes that note, and the notes for several surrounding sentences, related and significant to understanding this sentence.  In essence, our sentence is a command to curse  any Biblical antichrist  who comes into the pulpits of churches today and preaches any way of getting blessings, after people are saved, which does not agree with the gospel of Christ1John and 2John warn us that there are many true Biblical antichrist  in the world today and they are not the person that Revelation calls the beast.  That claim is a deliberate distraction created by true Biblical antichrists  to keep God's people from obeying this command.  All who teach and preach about 'the Antichrist of Revelation' are causing God's people to disobey the command that is this sentence.


Galatians 1:9  (As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.) is talked about in the note for the Book Study on Galatians  Please see that note for details as the context of several sentences must be considered.  This verse and sentence is just repeating what Paul just said in the prior verses.  (Please see the note above and the second note above).  This repeating is deliberately done to fulfill the Biblical requirements to make a teaching into a doctrine that all saved are to obey and that we will be judged for our level of obedience or disobedience.


Verses which do not use the phrase another gospel  but which teach about it.


2Corinthians 11:4  (For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.).  This sentence is fully discussed with consideration of the context in the Book Study on 2Corinthians.  In addition, that note provides links to notes in other related Studies.  Within the note for this sentence, we see that the Other Gospel, that our verse is warning us about, is only one of five related False Things which devils use to lead God's people into doctrinal error.  Since this entire chapter, within 2Corinthians, is giving us a detailed warning about these things, the reader would be adviced to look at all of the warning and realize that everything in that warning is related to this false gospel.


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