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Interpretive Study of Revelation - Summary

Epistle theme:  the Revelation of Jesus Christ

God's Way to Study His Word:

In 2Timothy 2:15 we read: Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.  The true definition of the word dividing  is: 'a Mathematical function whereby we separate pre-defined units according to a precise procedure which produces a precise result'.  However, while most people understand that 'there is one interpretation but many applications of The word of God', they fail to separate the procedures of each.  And, as a result, they fail to separate the 'one interpretation of The word of God' from the 'many applications of The word of God'.  This leads to many errors which people blame on the perfect word of God  instead of their using the wrong procedure.

In Isaiah 28; God tells us how to understand His word.  In addition, God preserved the message of His word; He preserves every word of His sentences; and God preserves every punctuation mark (jot and title)  of His sentences.  Therefore, God preserved what He wanted us to understand and God told us how to understand His word so that we have no errors and no conflicts.

Unfortunately, men have been taught to use the wrong way to interpret God's word with the result being that men claim that there are errors and conflicts in God's perfect word.  The errors and conflicts are due to men using the wrong procedures to interpret God's word.  In Isaiah 55:9 we are told For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.  Thus, God warns us that our ways are wrong.  Further, 1Corinthians 2:14 tells us: But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.  Therefore, we can not properly understand the spiritual word of God  using man's way.  We must use God's way to understand God's preserved word of God.  And, the basics of God's way is to understand His preserved word of God  using the sentence format and true Biblical definitions for Bible words.

Other than cults, all claims of errors and conflicts are based upon the New Testament.  This Study is part of a series which interprets the preserved word of God  using God's way and proving that there are no errors, nor any conflicts, if we obey God and use His way to interpret His word.  And, this series concentrates on the New Testament, since that is the basis of these lies about the perfect word of God.

This Study follows the Biblical Way to understand God's Word.  It applies precepts  ('truths that never change for any circumstance') then goes through the epistle sentence-upon-sentence (line upon line  [Isaiah 28 ]) while paying attention to the Biblical usage of punctuation (one jot or one tittle)  and God's definitions of words (Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God  [Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:4 and Luke 4:4 ]).  The summary of the epistle comes from the summary of each chapter and each chapter summary comes from the summary of each sentence.  Thus, from the definition of words used through the summary of the epistle message, we see that all parts are connected at all levels and all that is presented here is in agreement with all of the rest of the epistle.  The epistle is an integrated whole (single) message and this explanation of the epistle presents it as such.

Based upon God's way, to understand the word of God,  uses this Study has a sentence outline, and a related note, for every sentence in this epistle.  And, the Studies for the other books of the New Testament do the same.  There is also a cross reference between verse numbers and sentence numbers so that people can find the correct interpretation for any verse that they wish to understand.  The note, which follows the sentence outline, explains each phrase within the sentence using true Bible definitions for the Bible words; and explains how the phrases fit together to deliver the message of the sentence; and explains how the message of the sentence fits within the context of the chapter, Bible book and entire Bible.  And, when appropriate, doctrines, which are consistent across the Bible, are explained and shown how the particular sentence is part of that doctrine.

There are links to other studies within the sentences outlines, and the notes which follow, which will take the reader to secondary Studies.  These secondary Studies show the single interpretation and multiple applications of words and of doctrines within the Bible.  The note for a given sentence shows how the word or doctrine fits within the sentence but the secondary Study must be accessed to see how the word definition and doctrine are consistent across the Bible.  This networking of Studies reduces errors due to inconsistencies in the explanations when multiple explanations are given.  In addition, it allows the reader to easily verify doctrines, or word definitions, which are different from what they have been taught.

For example, I've heard many preachers use a different title for the Son of God  than what a particular Bible verse uses.  Every title has a different doctrinal meaning and that practice teaches doctrinal error to God's people.  However, preachers get upset when I correct them.  Therefore, I, now, leave the correction, and consequence of refusing correction to God.  I provide what is necessary for people to verify the doctrine presented and leave it to them, and the judgment of God, to determine if they find the true interpretation of The word of God,  of if they continue to teach doctrinal error.

Returning to our example, there are links, in this series of Studies, for every title of the Son of God.  Those links go to a separate Study which has a note for every usage of every major title for the Son of God  and an explanation of how each title is used within that Bible Book.  In addition, there are links to two separate documents, one of which show how each title is used throughout the Bible and the other providing links to every place in the Bible where each title us used.  The document of links is further divided by title and application of title.  And, those documents also show that each title has a different doctrinal meaning within The word of God.  Therefore, I have provided the complete proof that each title has a different doctrinal meaning, within the word of God,  and provided links which make it easy for anyone to verify what I claim or to try to prove me wrong.

As I've tried to explain, I have provided proof that the doctrine presented here matches what The word of God  says and is not based upon any religious doctrine.  I have provided proof that if we interpret The word of God  using The way of God  then we have no conflicts and no errors.

While all of this detail is required in order to prove my claims, many people find the proof to be overwhelming.  Therefore, I have also provided Teaching Books which have only the summaries of the proof along with questions and answers to use when teaching.  Most people find those books to be easier to understand and anyone who questions what is in the summary can then access the matching proof in order to do their own detailed study into what The word of God  actually says.

Many people have written all kinds of commentaries on this epistle.  You can find many disagreements between these commentaries.  The commentaries that teach doctrinal error ignore the context as they try to justify their doctrine.  Such action is motivated by devils and the resulting doctrinal error can bring the judgment of God upon His people instead of the blessings that God wants to give.  1John 4:1 tells us Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.  The commentaries which do base their comments upon what is actually written, with consideration of context and proper methods of interpretation, will agree on doctrine even while presenting different views of that doctrine.

Overview of Revelation

Epistle theme:  the Revelation of Jesus Christ

Chapter links:  12345678910111213141516171819202122GodSignificant Characters other than God.

This Study has many quotes from TEACHING AND SERMONS FROM the BOOK of the REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST written by Dr. Jeffrey Wilson, Friendship Missionary Baptist Church and Victory Baptist Bible College.  There is a significant difference between the single interpretation and the many applications.  This Study provides the single interpretation.  Quotes from Dr. Jeff Wilson provide the many applications, including historical and other relevant facts.

Dr. Jeff Wilson wrote is book as his doctoral thesis.  A few of his comments contain the conservative Baptist religious view, which does not always match exactly with what The word of God  actually says.  My God-given job is to tell people the single interpretation and what The word of God  actually says.  For example, religious men provide doctrines about 'deamons', which are not in The word of God  while devils  are.  In addition, religious men provide doctrines about 'The Antichrist in Revelation', while The word of God  calls that being a beast.  And, The word of God  tells us that some doctrinal differences are to be the basis of breaking fellowship and other doctrinal differences are not.  With that written, I do not believe that the doctrinal differences between Dr. Jeff Wilson and myself are sufficient to break fellowship.  If they were, then I would not include so many quotes from his book.  At the same time, the reader should be aware that there are these differences and that I explain the differences when they come up.  And, in general, these differences are due to popular religious doctrines coming from the many applications while I provide what is literally written based upon the single interpretation which is derived from laws which God ordained before the world  (1Corinthians 2:7).

Below are some general comments which apply to all of this Bible book.  After those comments are very short summaries of each chapter in this book.  Following the short summaries are more detailed summaries of each chapter which provide links to various parts of the Detailed Study, of this book, so that the reader can easily access the interpretation of any part of this book.

Please beware.  There are many deceived and devil-motivated liars who teach doctrinal error about the things found in this book.  In addition they strongly defend their error because they want to hold onto a wrong application of what is found here.  This Study is not about the applications, although there will be some in it.  No, this Study is about the true interpretation.  God showed me His way to interpret His word which I have applied to all of the New Testament and proven that there are no errors in it if we use God's way to interpret God's word.  There are many other methods of interpretation which lead to conflicts and errors.  And, while men blame God's perfect word  for those conflicts and errors, the true source of them is the method of interpretation used.

In addition, many have been deceived into believing that their application must be right when it disagrees with the true interpretation.  That is a lie from a devil.  Thus, one of the main purposes of this Study is to let the Bible student resolve which doctrine is correct when they are given conflicting doctrines.  Therefore, these differences are due to two different perspectives and two different way to study The word of God.

Dr. Jeff Wilson cites many preachers that he gets his doctrine from.  This is typical of preachers but I am not a preacher.  I am not writing that method is wrong but we need to be careful about using it because it can lead to doctrinal disputes and doctrinal errors.  I cite none because my doctrine does not come from men.  It comes from using God's way to interpret The word of God,  with the help of God's holy Spirit,  and which I have applied to every book, every chapter, every sentence, every verse, every punctuation mark and every word in the New Testament in order to prove that there are no errors nor any conflicts if anyone used this way to interpret The word of God.  Of course, this way is also published on this web site.

Almost every sentence from the start of Chapter 4 through the end of Chapter 16 start with the word And.  That ties all of that section together as a single unit.  After that, John reports other things but we need to realize that the structure of this Bible book makes all of that a single unit which needs to be considered together for contextual reasons.  All of those chapters give us the majority of the report from John about God bringing judgment upon this Earth, and upon men who have rejected Jesus  as their personal Christ  and King.  Most people go into these chapters and feel that they can take bits and pieces out of context while claiming to preach God's truth.  However, that is deception from devils.

One simple example is that our book starts out with the phrase The Revelation of Jesus Christ.

  1. The word Revelation  is singular, not plural.  Revelation 10:4 says: And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not.  People who claim that this book is 'revelations' claim that it is about God revealing future events.  But, if that were true, then He would not have told John: Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not.  Our opening phrase literally tells us that it is about revealing Jesus Christ  and only those future events which reveal His character were included by God.  Future events which did not reveal Him were not allowed to be included.
  2. The word The  means: 'there is only one and here it is'.  This is different from the word a,  which means: 'one of many'.  This book does not give many 'revelations' but is entirely a singular Revelation of Jesus Christ.  And, The word of God  warns us that people will preach another lord,  another Jesus,  and another Christ.  If what they preach does not match the character revealed in this book then they are acting as a minister of Satan, even if they are saved.
  3. The word Revelation  is capitalized.  That makes it a formal name for the Son of God.  Other revealed prophecies, or mysteries, use a lower-case word.  This book of the Bible tells us how the Son of God  reveals the character, power and judgment of God.
  4. Our sentence continues with; which God gave unto him,  which means that God the Father gave this to Jesus Christ.  Anyone who goes against what is literally written in this book is claiming that they have more power and authority than God the Father and The Son of God  combined because they are claiming that they can change what God revealed in this book.  Revelation 22:18-19 says: For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book, And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.  Anyone who ignores that warning proves that they are a fool and anyone who follows such a fool also proves that they are a fool.
  5. Our sentence goes on and gives many more doctrines which are covered in the Detailed Study of this book.

One important thing to be aware of, for this book more than any other book in The word of God,  is that there are many servants of Satan preaching and teaching many lies based upon this book.  The wise person will reject all such lies.  This Study concentrates on what is literally written using God's way to interpret God's word.  As already written, this Study tries to avoid the many applications, which is the basis and purpose of most books and sermons based upon this Bible book.  Foralmost twenty years preachers have said that they would prove errors in what i publish but NO ONE has done so.  This is not to brag but to let the reader know that they can compare what any preacher claims to what is written here and, if he claims that what is here is wrong, then demand that he write me with his proof.  If what he claims matches what is written here, then you can know that his message is reliable.

Another point of contention, about this book, is when does the Lord Jesus Christ  return for His bride (The 'Rapture').  Some claim that it will happen before the great tribulation,  which is what most of this book of prophecy is about.  (They are called 'Pre-Trib'.  Some claim that it will not happen until after the great tribulation,  which is when He returns to conquer and rule and reign this world for 1,000 years.  (They are called 'Post-Trib'.  And, some claim that it will happen in the middle of the great tribulation.  (They are called 'Mid-Trib'.  And there are several books written about this argument.  However, John 5:39 says: Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of meJesus  said this to a bunch of religious leaders who used their religious traditions and their natural reasoning to claim that they were the top religious authority on religious matters.  And, that is the basis of all of the arguments about when the 'Rapture' will happen.  But, Jesus  was telling them to learn His character and testimony first.  Any religious argument which goes against the revealed character and testimony of Jesus  is wrong and from a devil.

Now, with that written, we can, again, read where Dr. Jeff Wilson writes: 'He is always in the present, He has no past or future, His simply is, He is the I AM thAT I AM. When Jesus states in Re 1:8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. he does not alter that fact, for he voluntarily stepped into time in order to relate to man, he was a baby, he became flesh, he is the crucified Christ, and he will return, first to call home his bride, the church, during the rapture, and secondly at the end of time he will return to the earth as Lord and King. His first return has always been imminent since the promise was given, meaning his return for his bride could happen at any time, nothing is hindering nor need take place for his return to occur'.  The only one of the prior arguments which matches the revealed character and testimony of Jesus  is called 'Pre-Trib'.

Another point is that this book reveals Jesus Christ,  Who is God and God is a Spirit  (John 4:24).  God wrote His word to reveal himself to man.  There is a spiritual perspective of The word of God  and a physical-religious perspective.  And, when these two are in conflict, then the spiritual perspective is always right.

A simple example is that the first sentence in Romans is seven verses long and literally says that Paul wrote the book Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.  That sentence identifies The Son of God  by four different titles which tell us four different doctrines about Him.  I was commanded to stop teaching my book about Romans, and, instead, to teach one written by a man who had a thD and a DD.  His comments about the first sentence spent twice as much time talking about Paul as he spent on The Son of God  and he never revealed the doctrines in that sentence which teach about The Son of God.  In addition, his book continued with the physical-religious perspective instead of revealing the spiritual perspective.  And, i point this our because most books on Revelation also take the physical-religious perspective.  That is the perspective which appeals to our sinful flesh but it is not the perspective that God wants us to receive.  This Study concentrates on the spiritual perspective.

The next general concept, which we need to deal with, is that this is a book of prophecy.  As such, it uses a lot of symbolic language and there is a lot of different opinions about the meanings of symbolic language.  This is partially due to the fact that there are a couple of rules for properly interpreting symbols which many people do not know.

The first such rule is that symbols can not be used to correct what is literally written in The word of God.  For example, there is a famous message called 'Seven sayings from the Cross'.  I have had more than fifty people count the sayings from the cross, found within the Gospels, and every one of them have counted more than seven.  However, John 19:30 reports that Jesus  said: it is finished.  And, the author of that famous message claimed that seven is the symbolic number which represents 'completion / finished'.  Therefore, he took two different sayings, said to two different people, and insisted that they were one saying in order to get the total sayings to number seven.  And, there are other examples of other 'prophecy preachers' doing the same thing.  Thus, their own erroneous rules of interpreting symbols leads to doctrinal error.

Think about this.  Symbols are all used to convey spiritual meanings using the physical properties of the object used as a symbol.  Therefore, the claimed meaning of the symbol must be different from the true physical object used as a symbol.  When water or Gold or silver or anything else is used as a symbol, the symbolic meaning is different from the true physical object.  Therefore, there are at least two meanings; the physical meaning and the spiritual symbolic meaning.  Therefore, the claim that a symbol always has a single meaning is wrong.  Sometimes, the particular object is not used as a symbol but is speaking about the physical meaning.

Another rule is that symbols must be interpreted based upon the circumstances where it is used as a symbol.  For example, sometimes when we see the word water,  in The word of God,  it is speaking about the physical 'basic liquid of life'.  However, there are times when the word water  is symbolically used for 'spiritual cleansing'.  And, there are preachers and other people who have been convinced that 'spiritual cleansing' is always the symbolic meaning.  However, the context of John 3 makes it clear that, in that context, the word water  is used, symbolically, for physical birth because 'a woman's water must break before she gives physical birth'.  Therefore, the true symbolic meaning must be derived from the context if we are to be correct in interpreting the true spiritual meaning of a symbol.

Next, the attributed of the physical object must match the claimed spiritual meaning of the symbol.  For example, the most basic definition of the word pure  is: '100%'.  Therefore, the true meaning of the phrase The pure word of God  is: '100% what God wrote in His word with no additions, no subtractions and no so-called interpretations of what is literally written'.

Next, we need to remember: God does not change  (Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8).  Therefore, when God spoke a word in one place, He gave it a meaning.  In addition, it is not possible that He gave that same word a different meaning in another place.  He also could not use another word for the same basic definition.  Two words can have the same application, within a given context, but they can not have the same meaning.  And, people who do not separate the definition of a word from the application of it are not rightly dividing the word of truth  (2Timothy 2:15).

Next, we need to consider when another place in The word of God  defines a symbol.  This is especially true when the context leaves some question about the symbolic meaning.  For example, the sharp twoedged sword  (1:16) that came out of his mouth  is The word of God  according to Hebrews 4:12.  Some people might argue with that interpretation because the immediate context does not provide a clear interpretation.  However, we need to remember that there are no conflicts within The word of God  because God wrote it and God does not create conflicts.  Therefore, when there is a question about the true interpretation of a symbol, we need to search the rest of scripture for a true interpretation.

When we read the word of God we need to be one who hears what the Spirit saith unto the churches  (2:7; 2:11; 2:17; 2:29; 3:6; 3:13; 3:22).  Many people fall into doctrinal error by taking what is meant to be understood spiritually (within the Bible) and try to apply it to the physical religion and they take what is meant to be instructions in the physical world and try to spiritualize' it.  The Spirit of God uses the word of God to teach the child of God what is the will of God for their personal life and relationship with God.  We need to hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches  every time that we read our Bible.  That means that we need to start all study with prayer for Divine guidance in our study.

With that in mind, we can consider phrases.  Phrases consist of words which are in a fixed relationship to each other.  Therefore, since the true Biblical definition of words is fixed, and the relationship between the words is fixed within a phrase, a given phrase can not have more than one definition.  Unfortunately, too many people have been taught otherwise.

Now, with those basic general concepts in mind, we can look at several things which appear several times within this book and consider their meanings.

The true meaning, of anything found in The word of God,  is derived from looking at how these things are used within the content where they are found.  Looking at that gives us the many applications.  What is the same, within all applications, is the true meaning  that is, the single definition of a word or the true single Biblical doctrine.  It is especially important to consider this for symbolic meanings.  Remember, Satan has his false prophets deliberately telling lies about the prophesies found in this book.  And, in particular, this book identifies certain significant characters and reveals what they are like.  The false prophets  deliberately try to confuse people about these characters.  Where God makes a major distinction between those who serve God and those who serve Satan, the false prophets  try to convince people that there are no differences.  They also try to tell people that the judgment of those characters who serve Satan, and of other people who serve Satan, will be the judgment that this book reserves for people who serve God.  They also claim that the opposite is true and that God's truly saved will receive the judgment of those people who refuse to accept Jesus Christ  as their own personal Lord.  Therefore, it is important for the reader to know who these characters are, and whom they truly serve, in order to separate the true prophesied judgments from the confusion and lies which come from false prophets.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes gives a very good Summary of Revelation Chapters 1-3 in his book.  He continues with a section called Sermon on the Seven Churches. that

Significant Characters other than God

  1. God the Father is the true author of this book of prophecy.
  2. Our Lord Jesus Christ  is Who passed on the prophecy from God the Father and is Who truly does, or orders, most of the actions found in this book.
  3. John and the seven churches were used to pass this prophecy to us.  However, after The third chapter, they are no longer involved in an important role.
  4. Hundred and forty four thousand witnesses:  Revelation 7 identifies them.  And, Revelation 14:1-5 tells their everlasting reward and their character traits which earned them the reward.  Certain false religions, and false prophets,  claim that their rewards can be 'claimed' by people who submit to the doctrines of the false religions, and false prophets.  Our book makes it clear that those rewards are only given, by God, the His hundred and forty four thousands  witnesses.
  5. Two prophets:  there is much speculation as to who, in particular, they will be.  God does not tell us and God warns us against adding to His word by doing things, like naming these prophets, when God does not reveal that fact.  God only wants us to know what they do and the reaction of the lost people, and devils, to them.  Truly saved people, who truly serve God, can expect similar reactions to the truth by lost people whom they deal with.
  6. C5-S1 introduces the title book to the Earth.  It has seven seals  and as each is broken, a prophetic action occurs.  When the seventh seal is broken we read about seven trumpets  being sounded.  And as each of them is sounded, a prophetic action occurs.  When the seventh trumpet is sounded we read about seven bowls of God's wrath  being poured upon the Earth.
  7. Seven seals:  As each seal is broken, we see a different judgment brought upon men who have rejected our Lord Jesus Christ  as their personal Lord  and King.  Please see the Detailed Notes for Chapter 6 to learn more about these seals and related judgments.
    1. Breaking the first seal (6:1-2) lets loose Satan's false conqueror.  It sends out a being on a white horse  to deceive and test people.  (6:3-4).  People who are deceived believe Satan's lie and accept his false christ with his promise of peace on Earth.  Those who believed his lies will be sent to Hell and, afterwards, to the lake of fire.  He also causes some people to accept the purifying gospel.  These are the people will be saved by during the time of the Great Tribulation.  We see that (most of) those who accept this gospel are judged and killed by the world.
    2. Breaking the second seal sent out a being on a red horse  (6:3-4) and he brought war.  God revealed Satan's lie.  The false christ starts the world blaming the Jews for the war and heads towards killing all Jews.  This seal  brings judgment upon the Jews, as a nation, because they, as a nation, rejected Jesus  as their Christ  and King.
    3. Breaking the third seal sent out a being on a black horse  (6:5-6) and he brings famine.  This is a result of war but the false christ claims that the Jews are controlling the distribution of goods and blames them.  God is punishing all men for rejecting Jesus  as Christ  and King.
    4. Breaking the fourth seal sent out a being on a pale horse  (6:9-11) and all of the devils were let free from Hell.  This seal  shows men the end result of their choosing to follow doctrines from devils.
    5. Breaking the fifth seal revealed under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God.  They were rewarded because they did not reject God as their Lord,  as was done by everyone who suffered under the opening of the prior seals.
    6. Breaking the sixth seal brought destruction of the natural order  (6:12-14).
    7. Before the breaking the seventh seal, God had an angel seal  His hundred and forty four thousand  virgin male Jewish witnesses.
    8. Breaking the seventh seal put silence in Heaven about the space of half an hour  and then the judgments of the seven trumpets  start (Revelation 8).
  8. The three woe!  are written up in the note for Revelation 8:13 and start with the fifth trumpet  judgment and continue through the return of Christ  to rule this world.
    1. The first woe  is when The bottomless pit  was opened (Chapter 9) and an army of scorpion-devils were let loose on this Earth
    2. The second woe  is when God brings judgment upon the Earth becaise they kill and dishonor God's twp special prophets (Revelation 11:13).
    3. The third woe  is when Satan is cast out of heaven and down to this Earth and he has great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time  (Revelation 12:12).
  9. seven trumpet  judgments.  These are all judgments for supporting Satan and his beast:
    1. First trumpet:  this brings judgment upon comfort.
    2. Second trumpet:  this brings judgment upon commerce.
    3. Third trumpet:  this brings judgment of carthnagens (poisons).
    4. Fourth trumpet:  this brings judgment on confidence.
    5. Fifth trumpet:  this brings the compassionless judgment.
    6. Sixth trumpet:  this brings judgment of devil Conquerors.
    7. Seventh trumpet:  this brings the final judgment by Christ.
  10. The seven thunders  happened as part of the sixth trumpet  judgment but John was told to not write about them.  This proves that this Bible book is not about revealing future events, as some claim, or John would not have been prevented from writing about them.  No, As written earlier, this Bible book is about revealing that Jesus Christ  is Lord of lords and King of kings.
  11. The seven vials of the wrath of God  judgments:  Revelation 15:7-16:17
    1. First vialthere fell a noisomeans grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast.
    2. Second vialpoured on the sea and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea.
    3. Third vialpoured on the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood.
    4. Fourth vialpoured on the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire.
    5. Fifth vialpoured on the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain.
    6. Sixth vialpoured on the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.
    7. Seventh vialpoured into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done and there was so mighty an earthquake that mountains fell and islands disappeared.
  12. The white horse represents 'The purity, power and authority of Christ'.
    1. The false white horse is in Revelation 6:2.  He promises peace to the people on Earth but really leads them to death.
    2. The true white horse is in Revelation 19:11.  This is our Lord Jesus Christ  (Revelation 19:14) returning to judge and purify the Earth.  He is followed by The armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses.  They are there to witness His conquest.  They do not make war, as explained in the detail note.
  13. woman:
    1. Woman which represents the mother of the Jewish people and true worship of God:  Revelation 12:1-6.
    2. woman which represents the false world religion:  is in Revelation 17.
  14. Red dragon symbolically represents Satan:  Revelation 12:2.  He is one of Satan's beasts  and he controls governments of the world.
  15. Beasts:
    1. The beast out of the sea:  See below about Satan's false Holy Spirit.
    2. The beast out of the earth:  See below about Satan's false prophet.
    3. Four beasts in Heaven who worship God: the four beasts  of Revelation are described in Revelation 4:6-8.  Please see the notes for those sentences about their descriptions and the symbolism involved in those descriptions.  We find the four beasts  of Revelation mentioned in: 4:6; 4:8; 5:6; 5:8; 5:14; 6:1; 6:6; 7:11-12; 14:2-3; 15:7 and 19:4.  In particular, the note for 4:6 explains that 'Some commentators believe they represent attributes or aspects of God and are not separate creatures themselves, other commentators believe these 4 beasts are angelic beings, possibly cherubim or seraphim or some similar angelic order that are in intimate service to the Almighty.  In other words, we are not given enough information about them to say exactly what they are.  However, all through this book that are presented with the twenty-four elders.  and are acting at the same level of authority as the twenty-four elders'.  The four beasts  tell John to come and look  as each of the seals,  on the title deed to the Earth, are broken.  Each of the first four seals  allows a horse and man  to go forth and each of them represent Satan's false attempt to imitate God.  Each horse and man  is related to the symbolism of the four beasts  which speak to John as their particular seals  is broken.
      1. The first beast  was like a lion  and this beast,  symbolically represents the Son of God  in His role as the Lion of Judah,  Who conquerors.  And the first seal  lets loose Satan's false conqueror.
      2. The second beast  was like a calf.  He represented Jesus  being offered as a sacrifice  for our sins.  Isaiah 55:7-8 tell us that Jesus  never objected to being sacrificed.  However, this horse and man bring war.  Thus, we are shown that the way of God and the way of Satan are opposites.  In addition, this seal  brings judgment upon the Jews, as a nation, because they, as a nation, rejected Jesus  as their Christ  and King.
      3. The third beast  had a face as a man.  Opening this seal  brings judgment upon all men who rejected Jesus  as their Christ  and King.  This seal  brought famine and death all across the Earth as prices rose above the ability of many to buy enough to eat.
      4. The fourth beast  was like a flying eagle.  The eagle  is presented as a great predator, hunter and eater of other animals within The word of God.  As a flying eagle,  it is hunting.  Revelation says that, as a result of this sealpower was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.  Here we see the strong devouring the weak.
    4. False Holy SpiritRevelation 17:9 and Revelation 13:1-9.  Please see the note for Revelation 11:7 about Satan's false trinity  He is the beast  who is Satan's false replacement for God's Holy Spirit  and he controls The governments of the world.
    5. False prophet: Revelation 17:11.  This is the son of perdition.  Please also see Revelation 13:11-18.  Please see the note for Revelation 11:7 about Satan's false trinity.
  16. Please see the note for Matthew 10:30 about the word number.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Used to count things.  Also used symbolically in the Bible'.  The note from the Morrish Bible Dictionary is extensive and includes 'Numbers are used as Symbols'.  Be very careful about the use of this information.  Much doctrinal error and division has been caused in God's church by preachers claiming that the symbolical meaning of numbers provided the single interpretation of The word of God  and that the symbolic meaning actually corrected The word of GodAll symbolic meanings provide the many applications, must be understood within the context where they are found, and can vary from one application to another.  Be careful to not use these symbols beyond their God-given purpose.

Having looked at general principals of the symbolic language used, we can now consider general themes of the message of this book.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes: 'The person of Jesus Christ in his true majesty is revealed, uncovered and manifested to us in this book.  This book is about Jesus Christ, for within this book he is shown to us as the Priest-King, the Lamb of God, the Judge of all the earth, the Bridegroom of the church and the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  This entire book centers around Jesus and we are given the privilege of seeing him glorified in heaven and seeing the fulfillment of his sovereign purposes in the world, it shows us what is to come and the events that lead up to believers being united with him in eternity.  And that is why this book is to be studied and understood, to give encouragement to believers, for it is not a sealed book, like some believe, thinking it is full of indecipherable meanings, where some have even avoided its study by claiming it’s too hard to understand, but instead we read the Lord’s instructions to John about this book in Re 22:10 And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand.  And if it is God's word and it’s about Jesus Christ should we not delve into its depths to find out more about our wondrous Savior and our future with him?'.

It has been rightly said that this book tells how God will deal with everyone who has refused to accept Jesus Christ  as their personal Lord  God deals with devils one way, with Jews another way and with lost Gentiles a third way.  However, while God is warning of judgment upon those three groups of beings, He also writes about a different, and encouraging, judgment of the truly saved.  The truly saved are promised everlasting blessing.  But, they will not receive those blessings until our Lord Jesus Christ  comes or until we meet Him in death.  Until that time, we are ordered to be faithful in our service to Him.

Dr. Jeff Wilson also writes: '(During a time of great persecution of all Christians), John received the vision and the divine inspiration to write down the Revelation of Jesus Christ in order to give encouragement to believers during these trying times as well as those to come; in order to give them an optimistic outlook, as John is given instruction to write this book as a message of hope and strength, encouraging believers to look for the final victory in Christ when he returns to rule and to reign, as that is the overriding theme of the book: the return of Christ to defeat all evil and to establish his reign. And Jesus’ return is key, as the statement by Christ himself Behold I come quickly is one of the key phrases of this book. We see Jesus speaking of his coming multiple times in verses such as…
Re 1:7 Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.
Re 2:5 Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.
Re 2:16 Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth.
Re 2:25 But that which ye have already hold fast till I come.
Re 3:3 Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.
Re 3:11 Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.
Re 6:17 forThe great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
Re 16:15 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.
Re 22:7 Behold, I come quickly: blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book.
Re 22:12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.
Re 22:20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
Jesus is returning, he is coming quickly to set things right, to judge sin, in order for righteousness and peace to come into the world, he is the blessed and lively hope we are to look for

So, our book gives different messages to different groups of people and the particular message that a particular group received is dependent upon own personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.  And, our book warns us about false prophets and their lies.  (this book warns liars in Revelation 3:9; Revelation 11:8; Revelation 21:8; Revelation 21:27; Revelation 22:15).  .  .  .

With those general truths in mind, we can now look at a few more general truths which are specifically written in this book.

  1. Revelation 1:1-2 says: the entire book of Revelation is prophecy.  However, Revelation 10:4 says: And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not.  Thus, there are future events which were not revealed in this book even though John saw them.  In spite of what many people claim, this book is not about many revelations but is about a single revelation that Jesus Christ  is Lord  of all.  If a future event did hot reveal His Lordship,  then John was told to not write it down.  Therefore, all future events which are revealed in this book are revealed for the purpose of letting men know that our Lord Jesus Christ  is Lord  of all.
  2. It should be obvious that there are far more detail prophecies than what are listed below.  This Study only provides a summary of the prophecies found within each chapter.  The reader can use the links provided to go the Detailed Studies for each chapter if they desire to know the details of a particular chapter.
  3. Revelation 1:4 says: John to the seven churches which are in Asia.  The character attributes of the receiving churches is given in Revelation 2 and Revelation 3.  In those descriptions are several symbols and types which produce arguments about the true interpretation of them.  That is only one place where the reader needs to pay attention to the rules given above for interpreting symbols.
  4. Revelation 1:7 says: Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him.  This is not the Rapture because, at that time, every eye shall see  only dead bodied dropping to the ground as the souls and spirits of the truly saved abandon these corrupt bodies.  No, this prophecy is about the 'Second Coming'.  While most of the things reported in this book are in a time sequence, not all are.  Thus, we have a summary statement then John returns to earlier events in time to provide more detains.
  5. Revelation 1:8 tells us that our Lord Jesus Christ  shall return and that He will return as The Almighty.
  6. Revelation 2:5 says: Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.  In this sentence, the word candlestick  is applied to the church.  However, it can also be applied to ministries, churches and individuals.  Our Lord Jesus Christ  did not have John write this only to that church but also had it preserved unto today to provide a warning to all churches which acted in a similar manner.  The church of Ephesus left their first love  because they mixed doctrinal error with truth.  England was given an empire which spanned the world, when they took the Gospel to the world, but then lost it because they also left their first love  because they mixed doctrinal error with truth.  Today, America is the mightiest nation on Earth because they took the Gospel to the world.  However, they also have left their first love  because they mixed doctrinal error with truth.  Thus, we should not be surprised when God brings judgment upon America.  In addition, we have see this same judgment applied to ministries, churches and individuals through history since the start of the 'Church Age'.
  7. Revelation 3:10 says: that the purpose of the great tribulation  is: to try them that dwell upon the earth.  Since the physical life of truly saved people, from the instant of their salvation until death, fulfills the same purpose, there is no need for them to go through the great tribulation.
  8. Revelation 6:10 says: And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held: And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?  there is a disagreement about the interpretation of this sentence.  The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge says: 'This seal seems a prediction of the terrible persecution of the church under Dioclesian and Maximian, from A.D. 270 to 304, which lasted longer, and was far more bloody, than any or all by which it was preceded, whence it was called "The era of the martyrs."'.  Some claim that it is an application for the great tribulation.  However, the next sentence makes it clear that this sentence does not apply to people who come out of the great tribulation.
  9. Revelation 7:15-17 says: Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them.  They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat.  ForThe Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.  there is a disagreement about the application of this sentence.  Some claim that these promises are to all saved as soon as they get to Heaven.  However, the prior sentence says: These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.  And, our quote starts with the word Therefore .  As a result, these promises are limited to the people whom John identified within the context.
  10. Several places in Revelation, starting in Revelation 4:9; we read that the four beastsangels2wenty four elders  and saints  give glory, honor, praise, blessings  and more to God.  That is what the saved are prophesied to experience when they get to Heaven.
  11. Revelation 5 tells us about the book,  which is the ownership of the Earth, and only The Lamb  was found worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof.  This is when the Son of God  starts to take ownership of Earth from Satan.  The results of His doing so will be as John heard: The voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders: and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands...very creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever.  And the four beasts said, Amen.  And the four and twenty elders fell down and worshipped him that liveth for ever and ever.
  12. Revelation 6 gives us all of the prophecies of what happens when The Lamb  opens the seals of the book  mentioned in the prior chapter.
  13. Revelation 7 tells us about angels sealing  an hundred and forty and four thousand  'virgin male Jews' to be witnesses for God during the great tribulation.  Be careful about what you believe about this chapter because there is a lot of doctrines from devils perverting the truth of this chapter.  This chapter also tells us the reward given to those hundred and forty and four thousand  and there are liars claiming that these rewards can be 'claimed' by other people including people who devote their lives to serving sin and devils.
  14. Revelation 8 tells us that when he (The Lamb) had opened the seventh seal  that the first four of seven trumpets  were sounded by seven angels  and the chapter also gives the prophecies related to those trumpets.
  15. Revelation 9 tells us the prophecies resulting from the next two of the seven trumpets  being sounded by seven angels.  This is when the worst devils are literally loosed from Hell and allowed to rampage on Earth.  In addition, Revelation 9:6 says: And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.
  16. Revelation 10 tells us the prophecies resulting from the last of the seven trumpets  being sounded by seven angels.  This is when the seven thunders utter their voices.  We are told that the result will be: The mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.  We are not told the direct results of the seven thunders.  However, we are told that John was commanded to Go and take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth...and eat it up.  The result of John doing that is prophecies about other things which are given in the remaining chapters of Revelation.
  17. Revelation 11 tells us about God's two witnesses,  who will be prophets.  There are differing opinions as to who they will be but most agree that they will be prophets whom God to Heaven alive but will be returned to Earth for this ministry and so that they, also, will experience physical death.  Our chapter includes the reaction in heaven and on Earth when their ministry is completed.
  18. Revelation 12 tells us about a woman,  who, symbolically, is the mother of God's people, the Jews.  However, because of the symbolism, some people claim that she represents someone else.  In addition, our chapter tells us about a dragon,  who is symbolic for Satan.  Our chapter tells us that he is thrown out of Heaven and fights against God's angels and loses, and he trues to kill the women and all of her children, who are the Jews.
  19. Revelation 13 tells us about the beast  which had seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns.  He blasphemy against Godmade war with the saints, and overcame them  and received worship from people whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.  Our chapter also tells us about a second beast  and how he gave life to an image which he made everyone worship.  This is where we read: Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
  20. Revelation 14 tells us the Gospel preached by the angels after the hundred forty and four thousand  died and went to Heaven.  Their message included death and eternal torment to all who worshipped the beast and his image  or who received his mark in their forehead or hand.
  21. Revelation 15 tells us about people worshipping God in the temple of Heaven after they died during the great tribulation  because they had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name.  And, while they worshipped. seven angels having the seven last plagues; for in them is filled up the wrath of God  came out of the temple to spread the plagues while people in Heaven worshipped God.
  22. Revelation 16 tells us about The seven angels...pouring out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth.  Here we read that God sends the message of: It is done.  Everything was prepared for the great battle at Armageddon.
  23. Revelation 17 tells us about The judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters.  Many claim that it is the Roman Catholic Church.  It is actually the One World Religion, which the Roman Catholic Church is part of.  It rides The beast...which hath the seven heads and ten horns.  That beast  is the devil controlled government.  Here we see the uniting of government and religion.  Our chapter also tells us: These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.  One devil motivated lie is that all saved will return with Christ  to rule and reign with Him.  Our sentence tells us that only those saved people whom God judges to have all three attributed of; called, and chosen, and faithful  will be allowed to return with Christ.
  24. Revelation 18 tells us about the judgment of spiritual Babylon  and the reaction of lost and carnal men to the destruction of it.  Our chapter ends by telling us why it was destroyed when it says: in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.
  25. Revelation 19 starts with telling us about everyone in Heaven worshipping God for the victory over Satan and his armies.  Then we read about The marriage of the Lamb  and His bride.  After that, we read about The Son of God  and what he is like as He returns to Earth and conquers.  We are told that: The beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him...were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.  Then we are told that: The remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh. .  One important thing to pay attention to is that people in Heaven worshipped God for finishing the war even before He returned and did it.  This is true Biblical faith.  We must worship God for accomplishing whatever he will do even before He starts to act.
  26. Revelation 20 tells us about the judgment of Satan.  He was bound a thousand years...in the bottomless pit.  After that time, he was loosed out of his prison, And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.  These are the descendants of those people who were allowed to go into the 1,000 year reign of Christ  in their corrupt human bodies.  The end result of this addition rebellion by Satan will be: The devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.  After that, we have the great white throne  judgment when all lost people will be cast into the lake of fireThis is the second death.  But, before that, each will be judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.  That judgment is to determine their level of torment in The lake of fire.  Our chapter ends with: And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
  27. Revelation 21 tells us about the new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.  It also tells us that God shall wipe away all tears from their (The saved) eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.  Be careful because there are several very popular lies which perverts this truth.  God can not wipe away all tears from their eyes  if the saved in Heaven do not have tears.  The most popular lie claims: 'no tears in heaven and that all who profess to be saved will be in eternal bliss as soon as they die'.  Our chapter makes it clear that that is a promise for the new heaven and a new earth,  which does not happen until after the saved, of the 'Church Age', have been in Heaven for at least 1,007 years.  Our chapter also identifies all who will be cast into the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone.  Then it describes the new holy Jerusalem.
  28. Revelation 22 tells us about living in the new holy Jerusalem.  It also tells us that our Lord Jesus Christ  says: Behold, I come quickly: blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book...and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.  After that, we have an invitation and a final warning of: forI testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.  Our book ends with: Even so, come, Lord Jesus.  The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.  Amen.  As written earlier in this book Study, it is a single revelation  (not many) and it reveals that our Lord Jesus Christ  is Lord of lords and King of kings.

Below is a summary of each chapter within this book which is based upon the summary of each sentence within the chapter.  The Detailed Study can be accessed using the links provided below.  They give the true definitions of words used within the sentences, the sentence organization based upon the true usage of punctuation, the contextual considerations of each sentence, and links to where doctrines found within these sentences are also provided in other places within The word of God.  Thus, the reader is provided with evidences to prove the doctrines presented in this Study and those evidences far out-weigh any evidence provided by any other author.  I do not tell people to believe me, like almost all preachers and religious people do.  I provide them evidences from The word of God  and tell them to believe God.  I also challenge everyone to prove that what i write goes against what is literally written in The word of God.  And, in this Study, I also warn people about false teachings such as i have already done.

The summary, and message, of the entire book must be based upon the summary and message of each chapter.  And, those chapter summaries must be based upon the true summary and details of each sentence within the chapter.  This is how we arrive at what God truly wrote to us and avoid religious opinions which are based upon doctrinal error.

Chapter 1 Summary:  Introduction of this book.

This chapter opens this book of prophecy and gives us the purpose of it, identifies the main characters involved and tells us why God sent it to us.  It is designed to give comfort to saved people who are truly serving God but it also causes fear, and warns, the carnal and lost.

It starts out by telling us that everything in this book came from God the Father through our Lord Jesus Christ.  That is why this book promises a curse upon anyone who perverts the message of it as well as a blessing on everyone who believes the true message of this book.  After that introduction, we have a couple of promises with requirements for receiving them.  And, we see the proper response to receiving a promise from God, which is true worship.

In addition to identifying God as the true author of this book, we are told that He used John to write this book and we are told that it was to be sent to Godly churches.  Later, in this first chapter, we are told why God used John and we can use his testimony to separate true messengers from God from deceived people and liars from Satan.

Moving on, we are told things about our Lord Jesus Christ  which should give comfort to the truly saved.  Along with His character attributes, we are told about His personal involvement with Godly pastors and churches.  Thus, as mentioned, the primary message of this book is revealing the character of our Lord Jesus Christ  and what the truly can have hope in, because of His character, and what the ungodly should fear, also because of His character.

  1. C1-S1 :  the reason why God the Father and Jesus Christ used John to write this book of prophecy.  2Peter 1:21 tells us: For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.  John had the required testimony.  Lots of people claim to speak for God but they don't have the required testimony.  That is one of the first things which we are told to look foe when someone claims to speak for God.  There are a lot of liars who are very appealing to our sinful flesh and who will deceive us if we do not apply this test.  And, this requirement is especially important when we look at the interpretation of prophecy.
  2. C1-S2 :  the first promise of this book.  Please see the Section on Promises in the Significant New Testament Events Study for links to other promises in the New Testament.
  3. C1-S3 :  the second blessing offered.
  4. C1-S4 :  Worship is due to our Lord Jesus Christ  because of what He did for us.
  5. C1-S5 :  the prior truth is doubled, making it part of God's law and something that will never change.
  6. C1-S6 :  Prophecy of the 'Second Coming'.  Please see the Section on Prophecy in to Significant New Testament Events Study for links to other promises in the New Testament.
  7. C1-S7 :  Another Amen  which, again, doubles the prior prophecy and makes it part of God's law and something that will never change.
  8. C1-S8 :  Our Lord Jesus Christ  gives us six titles which identify His power and authority.
  9. C1-S9 :  John testifies about his circumstances when he received this revelation.
  10. C1-S10 :  the command, which was given to John, which resulted in this book of prophecy.
  11. C1-S11 :  John was in the Spirit on the Lord's day  when he was taken to Heaven and given this prophecy and a command to share it with true churches.  This sentence tells us John's reaction when he got there and heard a voice behind him.
  12. C1-S12 :  John uses symbolic language to describe what he saw after he turned around.  Symbols were used to convey spiritual truths is a way which can be understood by physical senses.  In this sentence, we are told that The Son of man  (our Lord Jesus Christ)  is in the midst of  Godly churches.
  13. C1-S13 :  this sentence gives us a description of The Son of man  (our Lord Jesus Christ)  using symbolic language because it is conveying spiritual perceptions and spiritual truths.
  14. C1-S14 :  Our Lord Jesus Christ  controls and protects the pastors of Godly churches.
  15. C1-S15 :  the correct (fearful and worshipful) reaction of John to seeing our Lord Jesus Christ  in His glory.
  16. C1-S16 :  the first personal message from our Lord Jesus Christ  is one of comfort.  It also uses symbolic language to describe what He has done for us and what He will do for us, which are designed to give us comfort.
  17. C1-S17 :  the commandment to John to write this book of prophecy and send it to true churches.
  18. C1-S18 :  the true interpretation of symbols revealed earlier in this chapter.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this chapter as: '1-3. the preface.
4-6. John's salutation to the seven churches of Asia.
7. the coming of Christ.
8-20. His glorious power and majesty.
A.M. 4100. A.D. 96


Chapter 2 Summary:  the first four messages to the seven churches.

in this chapter, and the next chapter, we are told the message given to each of these churches which are identified in these chapters.  And, while there is a lot of truth which is applicable to us, there are also many lies based upon these chapters.  In addition, those lies include false doctrines accepted by many 'Good, Godly, Bible believing, KJV only, fundamental Baptists'.  For example, there is a popular doctrine which is based upon 'Church Ages' which has some truth and some doctrinal error.  People take the word dispensation  and apply it to years of time and then apply that to these seven churches  to come up with great dispensations  in 'Church Ages'.  Now, the word dispensation  only occurs four times and only once is it related to the word time.  True Biblical doctrines require something to be written twice, literally, in order to form a true Biblical doctrine.  Therefore, this doctrine about great dispensations  in 'Church Ages' is a religious doctrine and not a true Biblical doctrine.  In addition, it actually interferes with people understanding the true spiritual symbolic applications of the messages to these seven churches.

These seven churches  actually represent local church characters at different times in the church life.  At one time the local church might have a character like one of these seven churches,  and at another time they might have a character like another of these seven churches.  Our Lord Jesus Christ  wants us to be aware of the character of our local church and when it matches the character of one of these seven churches,  He wants us to pay attention to what He wrote to that church and apply it to our own local church.

Unfortunately, very few local churches do that and the religious doctrine about great dispensations  in 'Church Ages' can actually interfere with the true Biblical applications of the messages to these seven churches.

For example, I've met many people who claim 'We're in the Laodicean Age and people are lukewarm.  Therefore, it's not our fault that we can't get anyone to come to church and respond to the preaching.  We're just waiting to be 'Raptured' out and get our reward for being saved'.  I try to tell them 'Just because you get a lukewarm response to your feeble efforts doesn't mean that it is the Laodicean Age for the entire world.  The fact is that there are many places in the world where the response is totally different.  The fact is that when John wrote Revelation all of those churches existed at the same time.  Therefore, the application of those verses to great periods of time is only one application and not even the true interpretation'.  However, many people reject this simple truth because their mind is so locked into that symbolic application that they refuse to consider anything else.

So, when you read the notes on the messages to those churches, do not let this religious doctrine keep you from understanding what is actually written in The word of God  and how it might be applicable to a local church even though the current year is not considered to be in the great dispensations  which is considered current within the 'Church Ages'.

  1. C2-S1 : What John was commanded to write to the church of Ephesus.
  2. C2-S2 :  What our Lord Jesus Christ  has against the church of Ephesus.
  3. C2-S3 :  Repent or suffer the consequence.
  4. C2-S4 :  Another good thing they did.
  5. C2-S5 :  the promised blessings for hearing and obeying spiritual truth.
  6. C2-S6 :  What was written to Smyrna.
  7. C2-S7 :  the commandment for how to deal with their circumstances.
  8. C2-S8 :  the promise given to those people who personally obey the prior commandments.
  9. C2-S9 :  the message to Pergamos.
  10. C2-S10 :  What our Lord Jesus Christ  has against Pergamos.
  11. C2-S11 :  A second hated doctrine.
  12. C2-S12 :  Obey or suffer the consequences.
  13. C2-S13 :  Conclusion of the message to this church.
  14. C2-S14 :  the message to thyatira.
  15. C2-S15 :  Why their good works were not enough.
  16. C2-S16 :  the response, added by The Son of God,  to this report.
  17. C2-S17 :  What the Son of God  will do about this sin.
  18. C2-S18 :  Judgment on the sin of adultery.
  19. C2-S19 :  the exception to the judgment in prior sentence.
  20. C2-S20 :  What we are to do.
  21. C2-S21 :  A promise to return for the 1,000 years reign of Christ.
  22. C2-S22 :  Another promise.
  23. C2-S23 :  the commandment to hear spiritually.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this chapter as: '1-7. What is commanded to be written to the angels, that is, the ministers of the churches of Ephesus,8-11. Smyrna,
12-17. Pergamos,
Thyatira, and what is commended or found wanting in them

Chapter 3 Summary:  the last three messages to the seven churches.

  1. C3-S1 : The message to Sardis.
  2. C3-S2 :  What this church is commanded to do.
  3. C3-S3 :  What this church is commanded to do.
  4. C3-S4 :  the warning.
  5. C3-S5 :  there are some church members still doing right.
  6. C3-S6 :  the promise to those saved people who fulfill the requirement for the promise.
  7. C3-S7 :  the command to listen spiritually.
  8. C3-S8 :  the message to The church in Philadelphia.
  9. C3-S9 :  What is promised for the future.
  10. C3-S10 :  A promise to leave this Earth before the 'Rapture' or to participate in the 'Rapture'.
  11. C3-S11 :  the warning related to saved people in these circumstances.
  12. C3-S12 :  Promises to the overcomer.
  13. C3-S13 :  the command to listen spiritually.
  14. C3-S14 :  the message to The church of the Laodiceans.
  15. C3-S15 :  the conclusion of the message from the prior sentence.
  16. C3-S16 :  the message to this church.
  17. C3-S17 :  the explanation of treatment from God.
  18. C3-S18 :  the promised result of a changed life.
  19. C3-S19 :  Another promise.
  20. C3-S20 :  the command to listen spiritually.

This chapter finishes what was started in the prior chapter.  Our Lord Jesus Christ  gave a personal message to each of seven churches in Asia.  The prior chapter told us the message to the first four churches and this chapter tells us the message to the remaining three.

As explained in the note for the prior chapter, there is a popular doctrine which is based upon 'Church Ages' which has some truth and some doctrinal error.  People take the word dispensation  and apply it to years of time and then apply that to these seven churches  to come up with great dispensations  in 'Church Ages'.  The main problem is that saved people, and churches, exist in circumstances which match the circumstances of each of these churches.  However, that doctrine teaches people that: 'You must pay attention to what is written to The church of the Laodiceans  and ignore what is written to all of the other churches because the entire world is i n the Laodicean Church Age'.  That is a lie.  Throughout all time since John wrote this book, there have been people and churches which were in circumstances which match the circumstances of each of these churches.  Those people, and churches, need the messages written to the other churches.  However, preachers believing this doctrine tell them to ignore the message that our Lord Jesus Christ  sent to that.  And, I hope that people reading this Study avoid that error.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this chapter as: '1-2. the angel of the church of Sardis is reproved;3-7. exhorted to repent, and threatened if he do not repent.
8-9. the angel of the church of Philadelphia,
10-14. is approved for his diligence and patience;
15-18. the angel of Laodicea rebuked for being neither hot nor cold,
19. and admonished to be more zealous.20-22. Christ stands at the door and knocks


Chapter 4 Summary:  John, and all saved, are called up to Heaven.

  1. C4-S1 :  What John saw then.
  2. C4-S2 :  John obeyed the command.
  3. C4-S3 :  the symbolic description of what John saw.
  4. C4-S4 :  the description of others around God's throne.
  5. C4-S5 :  What John also saw when he looked at the throne of God.
  6. C4-S6 :  the next things which John noticed.
  7. C4-S7 :  the physical appearance of the four beasts.
  8. C4-S8 :  the worship of the four beasts.
  9. C4-S9 :  the worship of the four and twenty elders.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about the 'Rapture' in his book and I chose to not copy his sermon here.  Those who wish to read his message can do so in his book.  He pulls together most of the relevant scripture passages and explains them in a Biblically true manner.  This is one of the most perverted doctrines found in the New Testament.  And, yes, I deal with all of those references in my various Book Studies.  But, I have not pulled all of them together like Dr. Jeff Wilson does because he is a preacher and I am not.  It is his job to explain the many applications of The word of God  while it is my job to explain the single interpretation of The word of God.  I provide far more details but he provides the overview.  They are simply two different perspectives and two different ways to study of The word of God.  Therefore, please see his book for the overview of the 'Rapture'.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this chapter: 'We now begin the third portion of the book of Revelation as detailed by the Apostle John in Re 1:19 Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter. So far we have looked at what John has seen in his vision of the Lord Jesus in Rev ch1, and the things which are, which covers the entire church age represented by the seven churches of Asia that we looked at in Rev ch2 and 3, and now here in ch4 the church age comes to an end with the Rapture and we are shown the things which shall be hereafter, after the church has been removed from the earth, the future events to occur'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this chapter as: '1-3. John sees the throne of God in heaven.
4-5. the four and twenty elders.
6-9. the four beasts full of eyes before and behind.
10-11. the elders lay down their crowns, and worship him that sat on the throne


Chapter 5 Summary:  Only God's Lamb  can open the title book to the Earth.

  1. C5-S1 :  John saw the book in the hand of God.
  2. C5-S2 :  the proclamation.
  3. C5-S3 :  No one else was found worthy.
  4. C5-S4 :  the reaction by John to the action of the prior sentence.
  5. C5-S5 :  John was told to stop his worry.
  6. C5-S6 :  What John saw after the elder.  explained the truth to him.
  7. C5-S7 :  the Son of God  took the title book to the Earth from the hand of God the Father because He paid the price required to claim it.
  8. C5-S8 :  Worship given to The Lamb  in Heaven.
  9. C5-S9 :  the main part of their worship.
  10. C5-S10 :  the worship of angels is added.
  11. C5-S11Every creature,  in this physical reality, join in on the worship that is going on in Heaven.
  12. C5-S12 :  Make the worship of the past sentences part of God's law and something we will be judged for doing or not doing.
  13. C5-S13 :  Our example elders  humble themselves and add more worship.

Our chapter tells us that no one could take the book, with the title deed for the Earth, from God the Father except for God the Son  in His role as The Lamb.  He was qualified, in that role, because of the sacrifice He made for all men and for all saved and for those saved people who will return with Him to rule this Earth for 1,000 years.  After He took the book, the rest of the chapter tells us about, all beings in Heaven and all creatures on Earth, worshipping Him for the sacrifice He made to redeem  us and for the gifts that he gives to men.  Thus, this entire chapter is telling us about God the Son  in His role as The Lamb  and the worship that He receives for what He did in that role.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this chapter: 'Revelation Chapter 5 continues what was shown to the Apostle John in Rev ch4, as these two chapters are a secondary introduction to the rest of the book of Revelation, of what things are to come. If you recall in ch4 John was told to Come up hither, which was symbolic of the rapture of the church, for John was immediately in the spirit and in the throne room of God, where he sees the many wonders there, the throne and the one who sat upon the throne, the emerald rainbow, the 24 elders representing the redeemed of both the Old and New Testaments, and not only did John see in his vision God the Father upon the throne, he sees the Holy Spirit before the throne represented by the seven lamps of fire. He also saw the sea of glass and the four beasts, the four angelic creatures with likenesses of a lion, a man, a calf and an eagle, representative of the characteristics of God and Christ, and then John was witness to a most exciting worship service dedicated to the Creator, to God who the elders and four beasts call worthy to receive glory and honor and power for his creative power. And now in ch5 with John still in the throne room, where he has seen all these wonderful sights, he has his attention drawn to a book…'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this chapter as: '1-8. the book sealed with seven seals,
9-11. which only the Lamb that was slain is worthy to open.
12-14. therefore the elders praise him, and confess that he redeemed them with his blood


Please also see his book for: SERMON - HEAVENLY WORSHIP.

Chapter 6 Summary:  the seals are opened.

  1. C6-S1 :  John reports what he sees as the first six seals  are opened.
  2. C6-S2 :  What John saw as a result of the first seal  being opened.
  3. C6-S3 :  the opening of the second seal.
  4. C6-S4 :  What John saw as a result of the second seal  being opened.
  5. C6-S5 :  the opening of the third seal.
  6. C6-S6 :  What John saw as a result of the third seal  being opened.
  7. C6-S7 :  What this judgment caused.
  8. C6-S8 :  the opening of the fourth seal.
  9. C6-S9 :  What John saw as a result of the fourth seal  being opened.
  10. C6-S10 :  What Death and Hell  did.
  11. C6-S11 :  the opening of the fifth seal  and what John saw as a result of the fifth seal  being opened.
  12. C6-S12 :  What these souls  were given at that time.
  13. C6-S13 :  the opening of the sixth seal  and what John saw as a result of the sixth seal  being opened.
  14. C6-S14 :  God gives one more undeniable evidence of His power and authority over this physical reality.
  15. C6-S15 :  the response to God's demonstration of power.

Our chapter tells us about our Lord Jesus Christ,  as The Lamb of God,  breaking the first six of the seals  on the title deed to the Earth.  As He breaks them, we see a different judgment brought upon men who have rejected our Lord Jesus Christ  as their personal Lord  and King.  Please see the Detailed Notes for Chapter 6 to learn more about these seals and related judgments.  The reader can also see a summary of them under the Section called; Significant Characters other than God.

Due to our sin nature, men want to lie, cheat and deceive others.  However, a Biblical truth, which most of the world rejects including saved people and preachers, is that we will be judged according to our works  (1Peter 1:17; Revelation 20:12-13).  People think that this law of God should apply to everyone except themselves and, maybe, their own loved ones.  But, this entire life is a test to reveal our true character.  And, this being who sat on a white horse  is being sent out to test everyone.  Those who believe his lies, will be sent to Hell and, afterwards, to the lake of fire  (Revelation 19:20; (Revelation 20:10; (Revelation 20:14-15).

Our chapter tells us about our Lord Jesus Christ  (The Lamb of God)  breaking the first six of the seals  on the title deed to the Earth.  As He breaks them, we see a different judgment brought upon men who have rejected our Lord Jesus Christ  as their personal Lord  and King.  Please see the Detailed Notes for Chapter 6 to learn more about these seals and related judgments.

  1. Breaking the first seal sent out a being on a white horse  to deceive and test people (6:1-2).  Those who believed his lies will be sent to Hell and, afterwards, to the lake of fire.
  2. Breaking the first seal sent out a being on a white horse  (6:3-4) and he brought deception.
  3. Breaking the second seal sent out a being on a red horse  (6:3-4) and he brought war.
  4. Breaking the third seal sent out a being on a black horse  (6:5-6) and he brings famine.
  5. Breaking the fourth seal sent out a being on a pale horse  (6:9-11) and all of the devils were let free from Hell.
  6. Breaking the fifth seal revealed under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God.  They were rewarded because they did not reject God as their Lord,  as was done by everyone who suffered under the opening of the prior seals.
  7. Breaking the sixth seal brought destruction of the natural order  (6:12-14).
  8. Before the breaking the seal seventh seal,  God had an angel seal  His hundred and forty four thousand  virgin male Jewish witnesses.
  9. Breaking the seal seventh seal  put silence in Heaven about the space of half an hour  and then the judgments of the seven trumpets  (Revelation 8).

Note: like most preachers of today, Dr. Jeff Wilson has been taught to call the being which The word of God  calls a beast  'The Antichrist'.  And, I'm putting this here because all in the following note is good except that he calls a Biblical beast  'The Antichrist', which is doctrinal error.  The rest is all good.  Therefore, accept the rest.

The word the  means: 'there is only one and here he is'.  True Biblical antichrists  have convinced the world, and especially preachers, to call a Biblical beast  'The Antichrist'.  This is so that people don't look at the true Biblical antichrists,  which are many and in the world today (1John; 2John).  {Please also see the Study called False things according to the Bible.}  With everybody looking at him, and being assured that they will be 'Raptured' and never have to deal with him, God's people are ignoring the true Biblical warnings about true Biblical antichrists.  That's taking away from God's word.  Then, claiming that 'The Antichrist' is in Revelation is adding to God's word.  Both of these actions bring a curse from God and preachers and saved people wonder why God has stopped blessing His people in America who hold to these false doctrines., and ignore God's warnings and are led into lives of sin instead of serving God.

I'm really not trying to upset everyone.  I'm trying to help God's people correct doctrinal error which they have been taught so that God can return to blessing them.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this chapter: 'In Revelation ch4 and 5 we are given a vision of the things that will be hereafter, after the church age, which is completed with the age represented by the Laodicean church and the rapture of the saints. In John’s vision he has seen the heavenly thunderings and lightnings and even a rainbow that precedes the coming storm, he has seen a wonderful worship service of the Creator and of the Lamb, who is deemed worthy to take the seven sealed book at the right hand of the Father. this book is the title deed to all creation, but included in it are the judgments of God to be poured out upon creation in order to deal with sin. Creation must be cleansed before the new and rightful owner takes possession of it, for doesn’t the car salesman wash and clean the car before the title of that car is transferred to a new owner? Well, that’s kind of the idea with creation here and with what we see God do to deal with sin upon the earth. fornow the Lamb, the Lord Jesus, has taken the book and here in ch6 he begins to break the seven seals that bind the writings of this book. With the breaking of the seals we see the beginning of the tribulation period, the beginning of the seven year time frame of Daniel’s 70th week as seen in Daniel 9:20-27 what with the coming of the four horsemen of the apocalypse, the first 4 seals that are broken. Now we realize that there is a time of peace within that seven years, when the Antichrist is revealed and begins to assume power and take control over the world, but at the midpoint of that seven years he commits the abomination of desolation when he will require all to worship him, when he breaks his peace treaty with Israel and a literal hell breaks loose upon the earth. Jesus describes this time in Mt 24:21 forthen shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. 22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. But for all of this to begin, the Antichrist must first come on the scene. 2Th 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
Does not the Bible say there are many antichrists in the world 1Jo 2:18 Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. And does this not sound like the Prince of Tyre preached upon i the previous chapter? One who thought of himself as a God, who desired worship as a god, lifted up in his sinful pride. I showed you that not only is there one main antichrist, but many antichrists in the world, and this prince of Tyre was one of those types, but here in ch6 we see one who is the Antichrist, one who will be revealed, who will be the devil’s man, the son of perdition, not the Son of God, although he will imitate the Lord Jesus, for as we all know Satan is an imitator, a deceiver, the Father of Lies. He is not God, does not posses the power of Christ so all he can do is trick everyone into believing he is the Christ, the peaceful king, the all knowing diplomat, the problem solver. And this is who we see step onto the scene at the beginning of the tribulation period, when the Lord Jesus in heaven breaks the first seal, the antichrist is revealed upon earth.
Here we have the Apostle John, in his vision, in the heavenly throne room, watching the Lord Jesus take the book, break the seals, and then the apostle is told by one of the four angelic beasts around the throne of God to come and see, John gets a front row seat of what will transpire upon the earth. So to make it clear, Jesus opens the book in heaven and that’s causes events to be set in motion upon the earth, that’s the viewpoint we have here. With the breaking of the first seal John sees the antichrist come on the scene

Please also see his book for: SERMON - JUDGMENT IS COMING.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this chapter as: 'The opening of the seals in order, and what followed thereupon, containing a prophecy to the end of the world'.


Chapter 7 Summary:  God's special treatment of 'tribulation saints'.

  1. C7-S1 :  God stopped the judgment long enough to do the actions of this chapter.
  2. C7-S2 :  Why the judgment was stopped for a short time.
  3. C7-S3 :  the number of those who were sealed.
  4. C7-S4 through C7-S15 :  the identity of the tribes which were sealed..
  5. C7-S16 :  the witness of all of the beings in Heaven.
  6. C7-S17 :  the angels add their worship to the worship of saved people in Heaven.
  7. C7-S18 :  in this sentence we read that John agrees with all that he has witnessed.
  8. C7-S19 :  An elder  points out something for John to report.
  9. C7-S20 :  the elder  adds another question to think about.
  10. C7-S21 :  John admits that he does not know the answers.
  11. C7-S22 :  the elder  explains why these saved people are special.
  12. C7-S23 :  the results of their sacrifice.
  13. C7-S24 :  these 'tribulation saints' will live in 'eternal bliss'.
  14. C7-S25 :  Why these 'tribulation saints' will be in 'eternal bliss' starting at this time.

The prior chapter told us about God bringing judgments which will come on men who have rejected Jesus  as their personal Christ  and King.  These judgments were the result of our Lord Jesus Christ,  in His role as God's Lamb,  opening the first six seals  on the title deed to the Earth.  Out next chapter continues telling us about judgments brought by opening the seventh seal  and other resulting activities by God.  But, in this chapter, God has stopped telling us about the judgments and old us about these 'tribulation saints' who were martyred during the great tribulation  because they were faithful to God and to The word of God.  As a result, God gives them special promises which are not given to anyone else.  In addition to what we read in this chapter, Revelation 14:1-5 tells more about their everlasting reward and their character traits which earned them the reward.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this chapter as: '1-3. An angel seals the servants of God in their foreheads.
4-8. the number of them that were sealed: of the tribes of Israel a certain number. 9-13.
Of all the other nations an innumerable multitude, which stand before the throne, clad in white robes, and palms in their hands.
14-17. their robes were washed in the blood of the Lamb


Chapter 8 Summary:  the start of the seven trumpets judgments.

  1. C8-S1 :  the immediate reaction to the last seal  being broken.
  2. C8-S2 :  Seven angels were given seven trumpets.
  3. C8-S3 :  Another angel comes to do another job.
  4. C8-S4 :  the incense and prayers reached the nose of God.
  5. C8-S5 :  the angel sent judgment upon the Earth.
  6. C8-S6 :  Now, God will continue His own judgments.
  7. C8-S7 :  the first judgment for supporting Satan and his beast.  This brings judgment upon comfort.
  8. C8-S8 :  the second judgment for supporting Satan and his beast.  This brings judgment upon commerce.
  9. C8-S9 :  the third judgment for supporting Satan and his beast.  This brings judgment of carthnagens (poisons).
  10. C8-S10 :  the fourth judgment for supporting Satan and his beast.  This brings judgment on confidence.
  11. C8-S11 :  the warning of worse judgments to come.

Our chapter starts the immediate reaction to the last seal  being broken, which is silence in Heaven foe a half hour.  This is very unusual and required John to report it.  Then, there was a ceremony where seven angels are given seven trumpets to sound and announce coming judgment.  But, before that, we see an angel-priest offer incense with The prayers of the saints  to God for approval, before throwing the censor into the Earth and starting the seven trumpet  judgments.  The first four of these judgments are reported in this chapter and the last three are reported in the next chapter.

For the note below, I must remind the reader, again, that the being, whom people call 'The Antichrist - there is only one and here he is', is a doctrinal lie from true antichrists1John; 2John warn us that there are many and that they are in the world today.  But they have convinced p[people to only look at this beast,  whom they will never meet.  As a result, God's people ignore God's warning about these people.  The true Biblical identity of that being is: beast.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this chapter: 'In the last chapter we looked at the first parenthetical passage of Revelation where the Apostle John paused right after the breaking of the 6th seal to inform us about the 144,000 sealed Jews and the tribulation saints. And now we are ready to continue watching the Lamb, the Lord Jesus, finish opening the book, for here in ch8 he breaks the 7th and last seal. thus far we have looked at the 7 churches, and we will be looking at the 7th seal for a while because it contains all the 7 trumpets and then the 7th trumpet contains all the 7 vial judgments. So all of what we read about the trumpets and the vial judgment are all part of the 7th seal.
7 Seals: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 à
The 7 Trumpets occur at the breaking of the 7th seal: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 à
The 7 vials occur at the sounding of the 7th Trumpet: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
In the opening of the previous seals we saw the coming of the Antichrist, war, famine and pestilence spread across the earth, we saw believers who greatly suffered and were martyred during the tribulation and then we saw a great earthquake with quite a few catastrophic ramifications, but now we see God's judgment intensify far beyond that, for we have just seen the beginning of sorrows, it all goes down hill for the world now

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this chapter as: 'At the opening of the seventh seal,
2-5. Seven angels have seven trumpets given them.
6-8. Four of them sound their trumpets and great plagues follow.
9-13. Another angel puts incense to the prayers of the saints on the golden altar


Chapter 9 Summary:  Two of the last three trumpet judgments.

  1. C9-S1 :  the fifth trumpet  sounds and our sentence tells us about an angel is seen descending to Earth.  We are not told this, directly, but it is consistent with other judgments.  This is the fifth judgment for supporting Satan and his beast.
  2. C9-S2 :  the results of the angel opening the bottomless pit.
  3. C9-S3 :  What came out next.
  4. C9-S4 :  the command given to them.
  5. C9-S5 :  the job these devil scorpions were to do.
  6. C9-S6 :  the reaction of men who are struck by these devil scorpions.
  7. C9-S7 :  the shape of the devil locusts.
  8. C9-S8 :  their hair length proves that they are devils.
  9. C9-S9 :  Further description of these devil scorpions.
  10. C9-S10 :  Additional description of these devil scorpions.
  11. C9-S11 :  John's final description of these devil scorpions.
  12. C9-S12 :  the fifth trumpet judgments  is past.
  13. C9-S13 :  the sixth judgment for supporting Satan and his beast.  The description of what these devils do goes through Revelation 9:19.
  14. C9-S14 :  What they did and the time that they had to do it.
  15. C9-S15 :  the size of the army commanded by these devils.
  16. C9-S16 :  John's description of the beings in this army.
  17. C9-S17 :  this army killed The third part of men.
  18. C9-S18 :  Further description of these devil-horses.
  19. C9-S19 :  In spite of all of the evidence, men still refused to truly repent.

Our chapter gives us two of the last three trumpet judgments.  While the next sentence does not say that the last trumpet  is sounded, it must be because of the way that John provides transitions from one type of judgment to another.  And, our next chapter tells us that there are seven thunders,.  which bring judgments, John is told to not report those judgments.

In our current chapter, we see two types of devils freed which were bound.  They are more destructive than regular devils and than the devils released from Hell and reported earlier.  The first led an army of devil-scorpions  and the second (four) led a vast army of horsemen  riding devil-horses.  Thus, what we are seeing here is that God is showing men the end result of their desire to worship devils.  But, as the last sentence of our chapter says: The rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils.  Men accuse God of being terrible but, as we see here, God only gives them the end result of what they themselves demand.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this chapter: 'In the previous chapter we looked at Revelation ch8 where the Lord Jesus opened the 7th seal and a great silence fell across heaven. With that, 7 angels appeared with seven trumpets along with another angel who we identified as Christ officiating in his role of high priest, where he stands before the altar of heaven with the prayers of the saints, presents those prayers to God, and then sends the answer that has been anticipated for centuries to earth: judgment upon wickedness and evil, and a step closer to his return and the reign of peace upon the earth. But before the King returns, before he sets up his rule, before peace reigns, these 7 trumpets must sound. So with that the first angel blew his trumpet and hail and fire and blood rained down from the sky, killing many, destroying a third of the world’s trees and all the grass. then the second angel sounded his trumpet and what seems to be described as a great fiery meteor entered the earth’s atmosphere and made impact in the sea. Again much death and destruction is caused, a third of the sea becomes blood, a third of the sea creatures are killed, and a third of the ships in the sea are destroyed. We don’t see mentioned the coastal impact from such a meteor strike what with tsunamis and the explosion itself, but we do know more death ensues from this trumpet judgment. then the third trumpet sounded and another star fell from heaven, called Wormwood, this either being another meteor that burns up on entry into the atmosphere spreading its toxic chemicals across the earth which gets into the water supplies and poisons the rivers and reservoirs or it is an angelic personality that does this, whichever it is, the end result is more death. And then the 4th trumpet was blown and a third of the light that shines upon earth was blacked out, a third of the sunlight, moonlight and the stars, this has repercussions such as stunted plant growth, less oxygen production and less heating of the earth. What a dark and dreary and absolutely frightening time to be living and trying to scratch out enough to survive from day to day, especially with all the other judgments that fell with the opening of the previous 6 seals. And then we saw an angel, as ch8 ended, flying across heaven, crying woe, woe, woe, to the inhabitants of the earth, warning, warning, warning, the first 4 trumpets have blown and they have brought catastrophe, but there are yet three more trumpets to be blown which will be much more tragic than all the previous. And so the 5th angel sounds his trumpet'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this chapter as: 'At the sounding of the fifth angel, a star falls from heaven, to whom is given the key to the bottomless pit.
2-11. He opens the pit, and there come forth locusts like scorpions.
12. the first woe past.
13. the sixth trumpet sounds.
14-21. Four angels are let loose, that were bound


Chapter 10 Summary:  the seven thunders  judgments.

  1. C10-S1 :  the start of the seven thunder  judgments.
  2. C10-S2 :  John was forbidden from writing these future events.
  3. C10-S3 :  the end of the time for The mystery of God.
  4. C10-S4 :  John is commanded to take the little book.
  5. C10-S5 :  John did as he was commanded by God.
  6. C10-S6 :  the angel told John what to do with the book.
  7. C10-S7 :  John obeyed the command from the angel.
  8. C10-S8 :  John is told that his job is not yet done.

These seven thunders  judgments are part of the sixth trumpet and part of the second woe.  However, John is told to not write about them.  Many people claim that this book is not about many revelations.  But is not.  Revelation 10:4 says: And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not.  Thus, there are future events which were not revealed in this book even though John saw them.  This Bible book is about a single revelation that Jesus Christ  is Lord  of all.  If a future event did hot reveal His Lordship,  then John was told to not write it down.  Therefore, all future events which are revealed in this book are revealed for the purpose of letting men know that our Lord Jesus Christ  is Lord  of all.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this chapter: 'Over the past few chapters we have been looking at the sounding of the 7 trumpets and the judgments unleashed at each one, included in this are the 5th and 6th trumpets, two of the last three trumpets of woe, where we saw evil spirits released from their imprisonment to terrorize the world. With the 5th trumpet we saw a legion of demonic locusts released from the bottomless pit in order to torment man for 5 months. then we saw with the 6th trumpet 4 demonic generals released from their imprisonment in the Euphrates River along with their army of 200 million devilish cavalry who were to slay a third of humankind. Combined these demons brought pain, fear, suffering and massive amounts of death. But even with such horrific judgment raining down upon him, man still refuses to repent. Men repented not. And so the 7th trumpet is now about to sound, but before that takes place the Apostle John interrupts this sequence of events once more with his second parenthetical passage; again this is like John has been going along writing and in order to give the reader a little more behind-the-scenes information he inserts a passage contained within parentheses before he continues. this second parenthetical passage goes from ch10:1 all the way to ch11:14, right up to when the 7th trumpet is sounded. So let’s look and see what John, inspired by the Holy spirit, tells us here'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this chapter as: '1-5. A mighty strong angel appears with a book open in his hand.
6-8. He swears by him that lives for ever, that there shall be no more time.
9-11. John is commanded to take and eat the book


Chapter 11 Summary:  God's preparation to take over the rule of the Earth.

  1. C11-S1 :  John is told to measure three things on Earth.
  2. C11-S2 :  John measures the Earthly temple at Mid-Trib.
  3. C11-S3 :  God adds the account of His two great witnesses.
  4. C11-S4 :  the symbolic description of God's two witnesses.
  5. C11-S5 :  How God protects His witnesses until their time is up.
  6. C11-S6 :  the power of God's two special witnesses.
  7. C11-S7 :  God allows them to die and go to Heaven after they finish their ministry.
  8. C11-S8 :  the bodies of God's two witnesses are dishonored.
  9. C11-S9 :  How long the bodies are dishonored.
  10. C11-S10 :  How lost people celebrated the death of God's two witnesses.
  11. C11-S11 :  God's Holy Spirit  proves to be more powerful than Satan and his beasts.
  12. C11-S12 :  God gives them the same command as God gave to John and the church in Revelation 4:1.
  13. C11-S13 :  the results of the command from God.
  14. C11-S14 :  God showed His wrath.
  15. C11-S15 :  Our God-given division of events..
  16. C11-S16 :  the seventh judgment for supporting Satan and his beast.
  17. C11-S17 :  the resulting worship by The four and twenty elders.
  18. C11-S18 :  What our Lord Jesus Christ  will do now that He has taken His power  and position.
  19. C11-S19 :  God reveals The ark of his testament.

In His preparation to take over the rule of the Earth, God first has John measure the Earthly temple, except for the part given to the Gentiles.  God also has John measure the true worshipers of God, to show their difference from the religious lost, who are represented by the part of the Earthly temple given to the Gentiles.  Next, we read about God's two special witnesses, who minister mainly to the Jews.  Yes, they are witnesses to the whole world and display God's power by repeating miracles from Old Testament prophets.  But those miracles are to be a witness, to the people who pay attention spiritually, that God is still the most powerful Being Who exists.  But, like Pharaoh of Egypt and his people, Satan's beast,  and his followers in the world, refuse to accept the spiritual message.  After Satan's beast  murders God's two speci8al witnesses, and the religious lost dishonors their bodies for three and a half days, God's Holy Spirit  resurrects them, while the whole world watches, and then takes them to Heaven.  The lost religious world has to recognize God's power, but they are not saved just like religious lost rush to church, for a little while, after a disaster, but they still refuse to truly accept Jesus  as their personal Lord.  That is when the seventh angel blows his trumpet  and announces the final judgment by Christ.  As a result, we see all of Heaven praising and worshipping our Lord Jesus Christ  for what he has done and what He will do.  We also are told the reaction on Earth.  And, as the final preparation, God reveals His ark of his testament  in the temple of God  in Heaven.  It contains evidence of every way that God has revealed himself to the world and will be used to judge all who have rejected God's testament.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this chapter: 'Chapter 11 of Revelation continues our study of the second parenthetical passage of Revelation which began in ch10. After the 6th trumpet sounded and God's judgment was enacted in Rev ch9, John interrupts the telling of those events to give us a different scene in ch10, where he saw a mighty angel descend from heaven, and this angel was described with so many precise characteristics that he could be none other than the Lord Jesus, for that angel was clothed with a cloud, crowned with a rainbow, his face shone like the sun and his feet were as fire and he carried a little book, the 7 sealed book which is now fully opened, and this angel, the Lord Jesus, came and claimed the earth as his own, setting one foot on the earth and the other in the sea. He claimed the authority and right to rule the world as well as proclaiming that time would no longer be delayed, the time has come for his return and his reign.
Then the scene shifted to John himself in ch10:8 where he is told to go and take that little book and eat it. Where he was once terrified of Christ in his glorified state, he now boldly approaches and does as he is told, he takes the little book, he doesn’t ask for it, he respectfully requests it, “Give me the little book” he says. What a picture of grace that was, for it was only by the grace of God that John could be able to do such a thing, to approach the one that he so feared, but for one who knows Christ there is no fear. And so, by such grace John ingested the Word of God, consumed it, in order to prophecy more of what was to come. It was sweet and bitter, for things were going to get much worse before they got a whole lot better. And now in ch11 as we continue looking at this parenthetical passage, John participates even more in his vision, for now he is told to take a measuring reed…

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this chapter as: '1-5. the two witnesses prophesy.
6. they have power to shut heaven, that it rain not.
7. the beast shall fight against them, and kill them.
8-10. they lie unburied;
11-13. and after three and a half days rise again.
14. the second woe is past.
15-19. the seventh trumpet sounds


Chapter 12 Summary:  the war of Satan against God using the nation of Israel.

  1. C12-S1 :  the symbolic representation of Jacob, his wives and the twelve sons which produced the twelve tribes of Israel.
  2. C12-S2 :  the symbolic representative of Satan.  He is one of Satan's beasts  and he controls governments of the world.
  3. C12-S3 :  How Satan acted in this spiritual war.
  4. C12-S4 :  the life of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  5. C12-S5 :  God hides the Jews who will turn to Him, eventually.
  6. C12-S6 :  Satan started and lost a war in Heaven.
  7. C12-S7 :  the results from the prior sentence.
  8. C12-S8 :  the announcement that it is time to finish the spiritual war.
  9. C12-S9 :  Some saved used what God provided to overcome  Satan and his temptations.
  10. C12-S10 :  the first conclusion of the prior sentences.
  11. C12-S11 :  the second conclusion of the prior sentences.
  12. C12-S12 :  Why the people of this world will have woe!
  13. C12-S13 :  Why the Jews of this world will have woe!
  14. C12-S14 :  this is symbolic wording for our Lord Jesus Christ  protecting the Jews who will listen to Him.
  15. C12-S15 :  Satan tries to kill the Jews who served God and fled.
  16. C12-S16 :  God did a greater miracle to foil Satan.
  17. C12-S17 :  Satan made war against Jews who had a true testimony and that he could reach with his servants.

Revelation 12 tells us of God judging Satan.  Every sentence in Revelation 12:2-11 starts with the word AndRevelation 2:12 starts with Therefore  and every sentence after that starts with the word And.  Basically, Revelation 12:1-11 tells us about Satan's rebellion and God's response to it with Revelation 12:12-17 explaining the consequence of that rebellion and response.  Within this telling of judgment, Revelation 12:10 says Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God.  These were promised, and only realized on Earth by some men.  Basically, the more people are influences by Satan, the more they are judged like he is judged.  Also, the more people are like the Lamb,  the more they are blessed like Lamb.  This is explained in much more detail in the note for the Lord Jesus Christ Study.

After the prior paragraph happens, we are told that all of Heaven rejoices and The inhabiters of the earth and of the sea  are told woe!  because The devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.  at this time, Satan is no longer allowed to enter Heaven.  And, the Jews are told, by God, to flee into the wilderness.  As a result, Satan tries to murder all those Jews because they are The area of land generally associated with the Southern Kingdom and religious control by Jewish rulers but which varies in size from one reference to another and God is protecting them.  Satan does one miracle in order to do his purpose and God does another miracle to foil Satan's plan.  Therefore, Satan persecutes  all remaining Jews that he can get to.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this chapter: 'Beginning in Rev ch12 and continuing thru ch13 we are given somewhat of a summary of the history of the Jews, going from the enmity between the seed of the woman and the serpent established in the Garden of Eden, all the way into the Great Tribulation and the great anti-Semitism they will endure. What we should see is that all the way down thru history The area of land generally associated with the Southern Kingdom and religious control by Jewish rulers but which varies in size from one reference to another have had an adversary, one who was always trying to hurt, subdue and destroy them. And how such hate for Israel leads up to the atrocities of the tribulation, how this time of Jacob’s troubles is brought about and the antichrist brought in, all of that is laid out in these two chapters. forin ch12 what we have given to us is a description of this war between Satan and God with Israel in the middle, we have war upon the earth in v1-6, war in heaven in v7-12 and then back to more war on earth in v13-17. And in these chapters we have 7 personages described to us that play critical parts in this war, all important characters, all essential to the story of truth given to us here. these 7 include the sun-clothed woman, the great red dragon, the man-child, Michael the archangel, the Jewish remnant, the beast out of the sea, and the beast out of the earth'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this chapter as: '1-3. A woman clothed with the sun travails.
4-5. the great red dragon stands before her, ready to devour her child;
6. when she is delivered she flees into the wilderness.
7-12. Michael and his angels fight with the dragon, and prevail.
13-17. the dragon, being cast down into the earth, persecutes the woman


Chapter 13 Summary:  Satan's two beasts.

  1. C13-S1 :  John sees Satan's false Holy Spirit.
  2. C13-S2 :  the description of Satan/s false Holy Ghost.
  3. C13-S3 :  One of the heads of this beast  is the beast  that men call 'The Antichrist'.
  4. C13-S4 :  Lost people worshipped the wrong being.
  5. C13-S5 :  additional reason to not fight the devil.
  6. C13-S6 :  Someone spoke for the devil and he remained in power three and a half years.
  7. C13-S7 :  this is the 'trash talk' produced by the beast  who is a devil.
  8. C13-S8 :  this devil was allowed to prove his power.
  9. C13-S9 :  the lost on Earth condemn themselves by worshipping  a being other than God.
  10. C13-S10 :  the first sentence of the message to the saved.
  11. C13-S11 :  the warning to realize that 'You reap what you sow'.
  12. C13-S12 :  We are to have patience and the faith  in God while we wait for Him to cause others to 'reap what they sow'.
  13. C13-S13 :  Satan's beast  that men mistakenly call 'The Antichrist'..
  14. C13-S14 :  this beast  fulfills the plan of Satan.
  15. C13-S15 :  the demonstrated power and doctrine of Satan's second beast.
  16. C13-S16 :  the idol was made to be alive.
  17. C13-S17 :  the mark of the beast..
  18. C13-S18Here is wisdom.
  19. C13-S19 :  the number of the beast.

The first several sentences tell us about Satan's first beast.  The last several sentences tell us about Satan's second beast.  Three sentence between those two sections contain a message to the saved which must be spiritually discerned.

Many people confuse Satan's two beasts  and they confuse the attributes of the two.  Satan's first beast  is a devil who possesses seven heads of government.  Part of the confusion comes from people believing that he is a single man.  The detailed notes for this chapter explain this confusion.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this chapter: 'This chapter continues our study of the historical summary of the persecution of Israel started in Rev ch12, a summary that leads us all the way into the end times. foras we have seen in ch12 the Jews have been attacked and harassed by Satan before they were even a nation, from the garden of Eden, to the times of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, he tried to destroy this people and the child they would bring forth, which he failed to do, but that didn’t stop him from tormenting the Jews. As we see in the last half of the tribulation when Satan is cast out of heaven to the earth, with his time running out, he wages all out war against The area of land generally associated with the Southern Kingdom and religious control by Jewish rulers but which varies in size from one reference to another. So from beginning to end Satan has been a thorn in the side of the Jewish people. And in ch13 we see the two main personalities that Satan uses in those final days to wreak havoc upon the Jews. Now remember, we are given seven personalities in these two chapters that each play a role in this account of Israel’s ongoing persecution.
First we had the sun clothed woman who was pregnant, which is representative of Israel. Next we had the great red dragon which we are plainly told is Satan. then we have the man-child that is brought forth by the sun-clothed woman who we all recognize is Jesus Christ. When Satan fails to hinder the Lord’s birth and destroy the child he then turns his attentions back to the woman, who flees to a place prepared of by God, which is most likely Petra, and this occurs at the halfway point of the tribulation. But at this same time Satan also has another fight on a different front, he wages a war in heaven where he struggles against the armies of heaven, led by Michael the archangel (The 4th personality). And you would think Satan would know better than try to fight a war on two fronts, for your forces are split and you weaken your own capabilities, because as we have seen, Satan loses the war in heaven and he is cast out to the earth where in his wrath he continues his war against the Jewish remnant, the saved Jews who follow the Lord Jesus, who are the 5th personality.
And now we come to ch13 where we see two more personalities who aid Satan in this earthly war, and with these two, together with Satan the dragon, we have what we call the satanic trinity. Remember, Satan is a copy cat, he mimics God, and God is a trinity: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, so Satan who thinks he is god has a trinity as well. this trinity consists of Himself (The dragon) plus the person know as the Beast out of the sea, who is also known as the Antichrist, and later on we will look at the third person of this satanic trinity, the beast out of the earth, who we call the False Prophet. All three play a part in the end times, in warring against the remnant, against the Jews and against God, but we know all are ultimately defeated, good overcomes evil. And with that lets begin looking at the second person of the Satanic trinity, by reading a few select scriptures that refer to the Beast out of the sea.
The Antichrist, the Beast
II thessaloni and 2:1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, 2 that ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. 3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. 5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? 6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. 7 forThe mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. 8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: 9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Daniel 7:1 In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon Daniel had a dream and visions of his head upon his bed: then he wrote the dream, and old the sum of the matters.2 Daniel spake and said, I saw in my vision by night, and, behold, the four winds of the heaven strove upon the great sea.3 And four great beasts came up from the sea, diverse one from another. 4 the first was like a lion, and had eagle's wings: I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made stand upon the feet as a man, and a man's heart was given to it. 5 And behold another beast, a second, like to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh. 6 After this I beheld, and lo another, like a leopard, which had upon the back of it four wings of a fowl; the beast had also four heads; and dominion was given to it. 7 After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns. 8 I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things. 9 I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire…. Daniel 7:15 I Daniel was grieved in my spirit in the midst of my body, and the visions of my head troubled me. 16 I came near unto one of them that stood by, and asked him the truth of all this. So he told me, and made me know the interpretation of the things. 17 these great beasts, which are four, are four kings, which shall arise out of the earth. 18 But the saints of the most High shall take the kingdom, and possess the kingdom for ever, even for ever and ever. 19 then I would know the truth of the fourth beast, which was diverse from all the others, exceeding dreadful, whose teeth were of iron, and his nails of brass; which devoured, brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with his feet; 20 And of the ten horns that were in his head, and of the other which came up, and before whom three fell; even of that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spake very great things, whose look was more stout than his fellows. 21 I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them; 22 Until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom. 23 thus he said, the fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces. 24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings. 25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. 26 But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consumeans to destroy it unto the end. 27 And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him. 28 Hitherto is the end of the matter. As for me Daniel, my cogitations much troubled me, and my countenance changed in me: but I kept the matter in my heart.
Now this beast out of the sea, the antichrist, here in ch13 is also the Apostle Paul’s man of sin and son of perdition, the Wicked, that he describes in II thessalonians, as well as being the same as the little horn and the forth wild beast of Daniel’s vision of Daniel ch7. All those selections of Scripture are talking about the same person and the same system which he oversees during the Great Tribulation. And that’s something we must keep in mind in this study, the Beast here not only represents a literal man, a personality, a dictator, an emperor, a king, but this title also depicts his empire or kingdom, the world system or worldwide government that he rules. So the antichrist and the system he is the head of are one and the same, they are the Beast. this is just like when we think of the Babylonian empire we also think of Nebuchadnezzar, or the Medo-Persian empire we think of Cyrus, or the Grecian empire, we think of Alexander the Great, or to bring it more up to date, when we think of Hitler, we think of Germany and the Nazis, fascism and the third Reich. Hitler and the system he set up were one and the same. So when we speak of the Beast we speak of the emperor and his empire as they are one and the same, the antichrist and the world government he is the head of

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this chapter as: '1-10. A beast rises out of the sea with seven heads and ten horns, to whom the dragon gives his power.
11-13. Another beast comes out of the earth; 14. causes an image to be made of the former beast,
15. and that men should worship it,
16-18. and receive his mark


Chapter 14 Summary:  God separates the judgment of the lost from the judgment of the saved.

  1. C14-S1 :  John saw God's Lamb  with His great tribulation  witnesses.
  2. C14-S2 :  John heard the hundred and forty four thousand  sing a unique song.
  3. C14-S3 :  they denied themselves the pleasures of the lusts of the flesh.
  4. C14-S4 :  the unique position of the hundred and forty four thousand.
  5. C14-S5 :  the unique testimony of the hundred and forty four thousand.
  6. C14-S6 :  their testimony of honesty.
  7. C14-S7 :  the last command to be saved.
  8. C14-S8 :  the announcement of a future event.
  9. C14-S9 :  the never-ending consequence of worshipping The beast and his image.
  10. C14-S10 :  the patience of the saints  described.
  11. C14-S11 :  the command from God that all saved are to believe and obey.
  12. C14-S12 :  Our Lord Jesus Christ,  as the Son of man  gets ready to judge the sinners on Earth.
  13. C14-S13 :  this angel  gives the command from God the Father.
  14. C14-S14 :  Our Lord Jesus Christ,  as the Son of man  reaped sinners from this Earth.
  15. C14-S15 :  the declaration of a second reaping.
  16. C14-S16 :  the command from God the Father to start the reaping.
  17. C14-S17 :  the declaration of what will be described in Chapter 16.
  18. C14-S18 :  the volume of men killed at this time.

Our chapter starts with the reward given the hundred forty and four thousand  virgin male Jews who stayed pure and maintained their testimony even though each of them suffered a martyr death.  Our chapter ends telling us about our Lord Jesus Christ  bringing a judgment of death and Hell upon those millions of people who opposed His rule.  Therefore, we see two totally different results based upon how people responded to the commands of our Lord Jesus Christ.  In between the start and the end, we read about an angel  flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and ongue, and people.  and, the note for the related sentence explains how that is possible using technology that exists today.  Therefore, the people who claim that God 'is not fair to judge people because there are people who could not possible hear the Gospel', are proven liars.  And, this is not the only time that God sends the gospel  throughout the world.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this chapter: 'In Revelation ch13 we took a look at the Antichrist and the False Prophet, at their coming to power and aiding each other as they overtook the world and forced mankind to bow to their will. Now the world is in ruins and in complete chaos due to this, because man has turned away from God and unto Satan. So far in this time of tribulation we have seen the seven seals broken and God's restraint upon evil removed with devastating results. the seven trumpets have blown and the world was overtaken by the power of Satan and his minions, his power was unleashed and his diabolical pl and are now in full swing for worldwide domination and damnation. the Father of Lies has fooled the human race who now worship at the feet of the false Messiah, praise is given to the beast, to the dragon and to the living idol, all led by the apostate church with the false prophet at its head. But now we come to ch14, which is the third parenthetical passage we come to. Remember, we are still in the time period between the sounding of the 7th trumpet and the pouring out of the first vial judgment. But here in this vision John is given a glimpse of several future events, either during the tribulation or at its ending. there are several snapshots given to us in this parenthetical chapter of what is to come, but one important element we should notice is, after the doom and gloom of ch13, ch14 shows us that God is going to change things, He will have His victory. So with that lets begin looking at the first snapshot, a glimpse of the future with the 144,000 standing in triumph'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this chapter as: '1-5. the Lamb standing on mount Sion with his company.
6-7. An angel preaches the gospel.
8-14. the fall of Babylon.
15-19. the harvest of the world.
20. the winepress of the wrath of God


Chapter 15 Summary:  the preparation for God's judgment upon the lost people of the world.

  1. C15-S1 :  John saw the angels holding the plagues from God.
  2. C15-S2 :  John saw tribulation martyrs.
  3. C15-S3 :  the songs sang by the tribulation saints..
  4. C15-S4 :  these tribulation martyrs recognize the glory  that is due to our Lord Jesus Christ.
  5. C15-S5 :  Prophecy of future reaction to The Lord.
  6. C15-S6 :  the seven last plagues came from the temple of God.
  7. C15-S7 :  the angels were given golden vials full of the wrath of God.
  8. C15-S8 :  God's reaction in Heaven to this judgment being done.

Our chapter starts by telling us about the seven last plagues  which are part of The wrath of God  which will be poured out on sinful men on Earth.  Most of the rest of our chapter tells us about the worship in Heaven because God will, finally, avenge the wrong done to tribulation martyrs.  And, our chapter ends with the report of God displaying His power and glory.  The wrath is poured out on men who refused to acknowledge God's power and glory.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this chapter: 'With the conclusion of the last chapter we finished up Revelation ch14, a parenthetical chapter, that foreshadowed coming events in the tribulation and spoke primarily of God's wrath or judgment upon the inhabitants of the earth. We first saw the Lord Jesus standing on Mt Zion with the 144,000 in victory in the first few verses of ch14, then we saw an angel proclaim the everlasting gospel to the world and stating that the hour of judgment was at hand, then a second angel spoke of judgment that had befallen Babylon, the world systems of the antichrist are fallen, and a third angel then declared a warning to those who had received the mark of the beast, that worldly and eternal judgment would be upon them. And finally we saw the Lord Jesus with a sharp sickle, ready for the harvest of the earth and the gathering of the vine and grapes of the earth which were to go into the winepress of the wrath of God, again speaking of divine judgment upon the inhabitants of the earth. And so with that parenthetical passage ended, with the idea of judgment in our minds, we are almost at the point of unleashing the last seven plagues, for with ch15 what was spoken of in ch14 now begins to come to pass at the hands of seven angels, for these angels bring forth and pour out upon earth God's judgment from seven vials or bowls. Also keep in mind all this takes place under the sounding of the 7th trumpet (7 seals, 7 trumpets, 7 vials). We can see that in the ending of ch11 for as the 7th trumpet is blown it seems to tie in quite nicely with ch15. Read ch11:15-19, ch15, ch16:1, 17-18'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this chapter as: '1-2. the seven angels with the seven last plagues.
3-6. the song of them that overcame the beast.
7-8. the seven vials full of the wrath of God


Chapter 16 Summary:  the pouring out of the vials of God's wrath.

  1. C16-S1 :  God commands the judgments to begin.
  2. C16-S2 :  the first vial of God's wrath  is poured out.
  3. C16-S3 :  the second vial of God's wrath  is poured out.
  4. C16-S4 :  the third vial of God's wrath  is poured out.
  5. C16-S5 :  Praise to our Lord  for His righteous judgments.
  6. C16-S6 :  Why the first three judgments caused the results which they caused..
  7. C16-S7 :  the second statement of God's righteousness.
  8. C16-S8 :  the fourth vial of God's wrath  is poured out.
  9. C16-S9 :  Men reacted the wrong way.
  10. C16-S10 :  the fifth vial of God's wrath  is poured out and men reacted the wrong way.
  11. C16-S11 :  the sixth vial of God's wrath  is poured out.
  12. C16-S12 :  three unclean spirits  from three devils.
  13. C16-S13 :  More information about the unclean spirits,  their powers and their abilities to deceive men.
  14. C16-S14 :  First of two sentences from our Lord Jesus Christ.
  15. C16-S15 :  Second of two sentences from our Lord Jesus Christ.
  16. C16-S16 :  the dragon  (Satan) gathers the armies of the world.
  17. C16-S17 :  the seventh vial of God's wrath  is poured out.
  18. C16-S18 :  God displays His power.
  19. C16-S19 :  God displays His power in bringing judgment upon the centers of sin.
  20. C16-S20 :  God displays His power by altering the surface of the entire world.
  21. C16-S21 :  God uses hail to finish this judgment.

As the vials of God's wrath  are poured out, we see many plagues  which are similar to those sent upon ancient Egypt only more grievous.  In The word of God,  Egypt is often used for a type of the world and the system of worldly thinking.  Every lost person, who receives The mark of the beast,  has committed their life to pursuing the things of world and the system of worldly thinking.  And a result, what God did to ancient Egypt is only a warning of what God will do to the lost people of this time and this world.

The first three of the vials of the wrath of God  judged the world for sins done against the saints of our Lord.  The last four of the vials of the wrath of God  judge men for their false worship and for spiritual sins.  We see God using His role as Lord  to bring judgment, as we also see everywhere else in the Bible.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this chapter: 'In Revelation ch15 we saw seven angels come forth from the temple in heaven bearing the seven last plagues that are to be poured out upon the earth, the very plagues in which God's wrath will take shape. As the angels proceed, one of the four beasts around the throne gives them each a vial in order to store the plagues so they will be able to carry them to earth and unleash them where God directs. From these vials the earth will drink of the wine of the wrath of God as He trods the world’s corruption under His feet. But as we looked upon these global events preparing to begin, we were also given a picture of the mercy and grace of God, as we saw those who had gotten the victory over the beast, the martyred saints, the blessed ones that died during the tribulation, and we see them standing before the throne of God, on the sea of glass, a symbol of God's everlasting word, and they sing a song of victory, the song of Moses, and a song of redemption, the song of the Lamb, as they stand firm upon the gospel of Christ. they glorify and honor God for what He has done for them, the plagues He has saved them from, they play their harps for Him, they worship Him, but as they end their songs of praise, everything goes quiet, for the seven angels now prepare to travel to the earth to carry out their duties, and then the temple of God is suddenly filled with the glory of God, His light, like a heavenly atomic bomb, God fills the temple with His presence and smoke issues forth, and no man is able to approach that temple until the plagues have finished wreaking havoc upon the earth. the God of Israel is going to be very present as the world suffers His wrath. And so we come to ch16…'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this chapter as: '1-5. the angels pour out their vials of wrath.
The plagues that follow.
Christ comes as a thief. Blessed are they that watch


Chapter 17 Summary:  the system of false religion.

  1. C17-S1 :  John is shown the great religious whore.
  2. C17-S2 :  John left his body to see what the angel showed him.
  3. C17-S3 :  the appearance of the great whore.
  4. C17-S4 :  the next thing that John was shown..
  5. C17-S5 :  the angel questions John's lack of true understanding.
  6. C17-S6 :  the angel explains this thing to John and us.
  7. C17-S7 :  the angel explains Satan's second beast.
  8. C17-S8 :  God has John write this to make us seek spiritual wisdom  about what is reported here.
  9. C17-S9 :  the angel explains the seven heads.
  10. C17-S10 :  the description of Satan's second beast.
  11. C17-S11 :  the description of Satan's ten kings  which are controlled by his first beast.
  12. C17-S12 :  the reaction of Satan's forces to the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  13. C17-S13 :  Our angel adds further explanation of the symbolic meaning of the vision.
  14. C17-S14 :  the reaction of Satan's forces to the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  15. C17-S15 :  Our angel adds further explanation of the symbolic meaning of the vision.
  16. C17-S16 :  the reaction and actions of the ten horns.
  17. C17-S17 :  Why the ten horns  act like described in the prior sentence.
  18. C17-S18 :  the angel adds the spiritual interpretation of what the woman symbolically represents.

In Revelation 17 we see a new vision described.  Revelation 17 tells us about religion joining up with government to increase the power of each.  In the end of the chapter, we see the kings of the earth  (government) destroy The woman/whore  (religion).  Revelation 18 tells us about the destruction of the devil-controlled economic system and the reaction on Earth.  Revelation 19:1-4 tells us about the reaction In Heaven.

in this chapter, God has one of the seven angels which had the seven vials  show John a vision about the one-world religion (a woman)  riding (sitting upon)  Satan's first beast)  (a scarlet coloured beast).  Our chapter tells us more about the one-world religion and about the governments which carry her so long as it helps them.  However, it tells people: 'We're all going to the same place.  Therefore, you can worship whoever you want and however you want and it will be OK'.  And, ten horns  want everyone to worship Satan and Satan's first beast.  Satan's second beast  (whom men call 'The Antichrist'), created the idol of Satan's first beast  and did miracles to get everyone to worship Satan and Satan's first beast  exclusively.  However, the one-world religion refuses to go along with their demands.  And, history tells us that Caesar started killing everyone who worshipped any being except himself as their god.  Therefore, these ten horns  repeat that attempt, which is why our sentence tells us that the ten horns  shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this chapter as: '1-4. A woman arrayed in purple and scarlet, with a golden cup in her hand sits upon the beast;
5-8. which is great Babylon, the mother of all abominations.
9-11. the interpretation of the seven heads;
12-13. and the ten horns.
14-15. the victory of the Lamb.
16-18. the punishment of the whore


Chapter 18 Summary:  the destruction of Babylon the great.

  1. C18-S1 :  the next vision which John has..
  2. C18-S2 :  the angel declares the destruction of Babylon the great.
  3. C18-S3 :  Why the prior sentence is true.
  4. C18-S4 :  A warning from God.
  5. C18-S5 :  Why God will judge Babylon the great.
  6. C18-S6 :  the judgment that God's people call for God to render.
  7. C18-S7 :  Why Babylon the great  deserves judgment.
  8. C18-S8 :  How Babylon the great  will be judged.
  9. C18-S9The kings of the Earth  lament the destruction of the city.
  10. C18-S10 :  Why The kings of the Earth  feared.
  11. C18-S11 :  the reaction to the loss of commerce.
  12. C18-S12 :  What lost men valued the most will no longer be sold by Babylon the great.
  13. C18-S13 :  the merchants bewail their loss of future income.
  14. C18-S14 :  the merchants realized how completely all of Satan's government lost the fight against God.
  15. C18-S15 :  Everyone involved in the shipping industry wailed over the loss of the industry.
  16. C18-S16 :  they grieved about the lost of the most profitable shipments.
  17. C18-S17 :  People realize that the city is completely destroyed.
  18. C18-S18 :  there is an opposite reaction in Heaven..
  19. C18-S19 :  How Babylon the great is destroyed.
  20. C18-S20 :  No more civilization in Babylon the great.
  21. C18-S21 :  the final reason for the judgment of Babylon the great.

In Revelation 17:1-19:6 we see a new vision described.  Revelation 17 tells us about religion joining up with government to increase the power of each.  In the end of the chapter, we see the kings of the earth  (government) destroy The woman/whore  (religion).  Revelation 18 tells us about the destruction of the government part of this wrong joining of religion and government.  And, it last tells us about the reaction on Earth.  Revelation 19:1-4 tells us about the reaction In Heaven.  Please consider all of the verses and associated notes for Revelation 17:1-19:6 together.  2Corinthians 6:2 says: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.).

in this chapter we see God destroy the government and economy part of government joined to religion in what is called Babylon the great.  We see many, on Earth, wail because of the destruction.  We also see celebrations in Heaven.  We need to be careful about the motivations which we assign to the celebrating in Heaven.  it is not because of the hurt and death but is because God fulfilled His promises which people accepted by true Biblical faith.  It is also because God put an end to the destruction of sinful lifestyles and doctrines of devils.  Look at 19:1 which says: for he hath judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand.  That sentence literally gives us two Biblical reasons for the judgment which we see in this chapter.  First, it says that 'Our Lord God  ended the corrupt the earth (from) her fornication'.  God stops the hurt of other people.  Secondly, our sentence tells us that 'Our Lord God  fulfilled His promises to saved people who truly lived by faith'.  These are our Biblical reasons given, which means that we can trust our Lord God  to correct all wrong done if we truly display our faith in Him.

in this chapter we see men finally realize the power and wrath of God Whom they have ignored and refused to believe.  Now, many realize their mistake but it is too late for their own personal salvation.  And, what happens to them also happens to many people who believe the lie that they can live a life of sin and say a prayer on their death bed and get a mansion in Heaven.  The Bible clearly teaches that some people wait too late and can no longer be saved even though they are still alive.

In his note, below, Dr. Jeff Wilson equates the religious part of Babylon  to the Roman Catholic Church.  However, it will be only part of the one-world religion, which is the true religious part of Babylon.  This difference is minor and not something to break fellowship over.

In addition, he writes that Babylon the great  is the rebuilt city of Babylon.  I do not agree because 18:21 says: And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all.  The existing city of Babylon is not close enough the sea to be destroyed by a tidal wave.  However, this difference is also minor and not something to break fellowship over.

Further, Dr. Jeff Wilson makes a good argument that Isaiah and Jeremiah make prophecies of the destruction of the physical Babylon, which exited in their day, but those prophecies included things which did not occur in their day.  And, he rightly writes that they speak of a future destruction of Babylon.  However, in spite of what he writes, those prophecies do not require the future symbolic Babylon to be on the same site as the Babylon which existed in the days of Isaiah and Jeremiah.

Other than those minor differences, I have no objection to the following copied note.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this chapter: 'In the previous chapter of Revelation 17 we saw the destruction of religious Babylon, the one world apostate church, dubbed MYSTERY BABYLON the GREAT, the MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS of the EARTH. We saw that this great whore of Revelation had come and evolved from the ancient false religion of the Babylon of old, which had changed and morphed over the centuries, taking on many different names and faces, even surviving up to and into the tribulation where it had finally engulfed the world with its power and influence. this will be accomplished thru what we believe will be the Catholic Church of that day, for it has many similarities and has incorporated many of the practices of the ancient Babylonian and pagan religions; and the description of the great whore is far too similar to the Roman Catholic Church to be mere coincidence. Yet this woman who rides the scarlet beast is brought to world power only for a short time by allying with the antichrist and his political powers, for we also saw last time that even though the woman represents the ecclesiastical portion of revived Babylon, the political and commercial portion of Babylon rises up against her, the beast turns on her, his subordinate kings/rulers who hate the whore and are jealous of her power, devastate the woman and take religious Babylon’s power for themselves and turn around and give it to the antichrist, leaving Satan’s man as the lone focus of worship and power upon the earth. So with the ending of ch17 the beast, Satan’s false messiah, sits upon his throne as a Caesar, an emperor, a god over the earth.
But as we come to ch18, we must keep in mind there is a difference between the religious Babylon of ch17 and political Babylon of ch18. forif we just casually read ch18, it would be easy to think it is continuing to speak of religious Babylon, for many of the descriptions are very similar to ch17. In addition as we study ch18 we must see that political Babylon is based in a literal city, the literal, actual rebuilt city of Babylon which we also see in ch18, and when one falls so does the other. In ch17 there is a lot of use of symbolism where in ch18 there is a more literal meaning to the words and events given, as the actual rebuilt city of Babylon is destroyed. to help us understand this let me give you this…
1. ch17: Religious Babylon, the great whore, the apostate one world church
2. ch18 Political/commercial/financial Babylon ruled by the beast, the antichrist, and his 10 (or 7) underling kings/nations
2a. We also must distinguish in Revelation when we are speaking about the antichrist’s system of rule versus the actual person of the antichrist, the man.
3. ch18: this chapter also clearly shows us an actual city called Babylon (where the center of the antichrist’s political power is located). this city of Babylon, will literally be a rebuilt city for it does not exist at present time, and so it must be rebuilt in order to fulfill many prophecies which speak of Babylon and its utter destruction and desolation in Isaiah and Jeremiah.
So to begin with we must lay some groundwork for our study of ch18. And first off, to show you ch18 must be talking about a “different” Babylon than the great whore of ch17, let me give you some scriptural proofs. First we see in ch18v1 the phrase “And after these things”. Rev 18:1 And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory. After what things? after the destruction of religious Babylon, after what transpired in ch17. When religious Babylon is destroyed in ch17 we then fast forward to the destruction of political/commercial Babylon and the actual rebuilt city of Babylon which occurs in ch18, one happening during the first half of the tribulation, the other happening at the end.
We also see in v1 a different angel than that of ch17, who announces the final fall of Babylon, but not the fall of religious Babylon, Re 18:1 And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory. 2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. this angel is not speaking of the fall of the great whore but speaks of the events of God's judgment after the 7 vials have rained down upon the earth, I believe this is the same angel and possibly the same instance that we saw in Re 14:8 And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. this new angel speaks of political Babylon’s fall and the destruction of the actual city as there is a separation or gap of time between ch17 and 18, a length of time from when the antichrist first takes up his worldwide worship (when he commits the abomination of desolation) until the very near end of the Great Tribulation, being the last 3 ½ years.
Also, we see that in ch17 the ten horns, the ten nations who are part of the antichrist’s one world alliance/government, hate the whore and destroy her themselves (Re 17:16 And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.). Yet in ch18:9 we see that the kings bewail and sorrow the fall of political Babylon and the city of Babylon, for that is where their power and riches lie, Re 18:9 And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning. Along with this we see throughout ch18 merchants and sailors and all those who benefit from Babylon in a financial sense, sorrowing and bewailing Babylon’s fall…
Re 18:11 And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more:
Re 18:15 the merchants of these things, which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing,
Re 18:17 forin one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off, 18 And cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What city is like unto this great city! 19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas, that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.
So just from comparing the two chapters we see that ch17 and ch18 are not talking about the same Babylon, for how many non-Christians do you know who would care if religion disappeared from the earth? Would they weep and wail? then how many of them would care if their wealth and source of power vanished? that’s why we see no weeping and wailing for the great whore, for she is publicly shown to be a fraud, yet we see much mourning for the fall of wealthy and powerful Babylon, the hub of the world’s finances and commercialism as well as the focus of the adoration of the beast.
Now earlier I stated that ch18 also refers to the rebuilt city of Babylon in order to fulfill some Old Testament prophecies, so to further show that ch18 is speaking about political/commercial Babylon as well as a rebuilt city, lets delve into this for a moment. If you study Isaiah ch13 and 14 and Jeremiah 50 and 51 you will see some similarities between those prophecies and what is transpiring here in ch18 of Revelation (now of course some of what is given speaks of the fall of old Babylon in the immediate future of that day, but in some instances they also speak of the fall of a future Babylon, and some of the verses even overlap, that’s what makes studying prophecy difficult, but that should not deter us). So some of those prophecies were fulfilled with the destruction of old Babylon and Nebuchadnezzar, some have only been partially fulfilled, and others have never yet been fulfilled. But the thing is if God says a place will be destroyed and never be inhabited again, God means just that. So let me give you a few prophesied instances that have not occurred yet…
Isa 13:6 Howl ye; for the day of the LORD is at hand; it shall come as a destruction from the Almighty.
Isa 13:9 Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it. Notice we are given the time this destruction will occur, the Day of the Lord.
Isa 13:10 forThe stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light: the sun shall be darkened in his going forth, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine. this did not occur when the old Babylon was destroyed.
Isa 13:11 And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.12 I will make a man more precious than fine gold;... God has not judged the entire world since the time of Noah. Also man has not been made that rare or valuable since that time, in fact we slaughter millions every year in the womb, so man’s life is not precious to us, but during the tribulation believers will have been raptured and 2/3 or more of the world’s population will be wiped out, thus man will be very scarce.
Isa 13:19 And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldees' excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. Here God says Babylon will be overthrown as Sodom and Gomorrah, which was destroyed with fire and brimstone. Ge 19:24 then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven;25 And he overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground.26 But his wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt.27 And Abraham gat up early in the morning to the place where he stood before the LORD:28 And he looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah, and oward all the land of the plain, and beheld, and, lo, the smoke of the country went up as the smoke of a furnace. (Now compare that to Rev18:8-9,18).
Also those sinful cities were destroyed in a very short time span, the reason Lot and his family were rescued so quickly. And what do we see in Rev 18:10, 17, 19?
And then speaking of Lot what do we read in Re 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.? Now compare that to…
Isa 13:20 It shall never be inhabited, neither shall it be dwelt in from generation to generation: neither shall the Arabian pitch tent there; neither shall the shepherds make their fold there.
Jer 50:3 forout of the north there cometh up a nation against her, which shall make her land desolate, and none shall dwell therein: they shall remove, they shall depart, both man and beast.
Jer 50:40 As God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah and the neighbour cities thereof, saith the LORD; so shall no man abide there, neither shall any son of man dwell therein.
Jer 51:26 And they shall not take of thee a stone for a corner, nor a stone for foundations; but thou shalt be desolate for ever, saith the LORD.
Jer 51:43 Her cities are a desolation, a dry land, and a wilderness, a land wherein no man dwelleth, neither doth any son of man pass thereby. Here in these verses we see that Babylon and the area it lies in shall never be inhabited again, never be built upon again when it is finally judged by God, yet as of right now, the area and even the city itself have been dwelt in, built upon, even other towns are in and on the vicinity, in fact 4 large cities have been built on the grounds of Babylon in the past. Currently people travel there freely, camp and live there, and even shepherds herd their flocks there. So the time that Babylon will never be inhabited has not yet occurred.
Jer 50:46 At the noise of the taking of Babylon the earth is moved, and the cry is heard among the nations. Does that not sound like the weeping and wailing of the earth’s kings?
Other verses in these prophetic chapters actually speak of Babylon’s violent overthrow, yet the city has never been overtaken as such, even when the Medes invaded during the reign of Belshazzar, they came in so quickly and quietly that some of the inhabitants of the city were unaware they had even been overtaken and their king killed until 3 days after the invasion. Yet what does Rev 18:21 say? Re 18:21 And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all. And that is very similar to what Jeremiah done in Jer 51:61 And Jeremiah said to Seraiah, When thou comest to Babylon, and shalt see, and shalt read all these words;62 then shalt thou say, O LORD, thou hast spoken against this place, to cut it off, that none shall remain in it, neither man nor beast, but that it shall be desolate for ever. 63 And it shall be, when thou hast made an end of reading this book, that thou shalt bind a stone to it, and cast it into the midst of Euphrates:64 And thou shalt say, thus shall Babylon sink, and shall not rise from the evil that I will bring upon her: and they shall be weary. thus far are the words of Jeremiah.
Babylon as we know it has never seen what much of these prophecies speak of, therefore we must assume that they are yet to be fulfilled, and how can they be fulfilled if Babylon the city does not exist? forat the very end of the 7th vial judgment a great earthquake strikes rebuilt Babylon, destroying it utterly, so could that and the following volcanic activity be what John sees in Re 16:17 And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done.18 And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great.19 And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath. 20 And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found. 21 And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great. the city of Babylon has to exist for all this to happen does it not? So Babylon will be rebuilt and share in the magnificence that was of the old Babylon, where riches and power was to be, it was the central power of the world, the hub of all international transactions, and there everything under the sun was for sale.
Also keep in mind, the Babylonian powers were transferred to Pergamos (where the seat of Satan is) and later to Rome, which I think will be destroyed during the tribulation and thus force the rebuilding of Babylon where everything on earth will be focused. So with that understanding lets begin looking more closely at ch18

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this chapter as: '1-3. Babylon is fallen. 4-8. People commanded to depart out of her.
9-19. the kings of the earth, with the merchants and mariners, lament over her.
20-24. the saints rejoice for the judgments of God upon her


Chapter 19 Summary:  Preparation for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  1. C19-S1 :  Praise before the return of our Lord Jesus Christ..
  2. C19-S2 :  Praise doubled.
  3. C19-S3 :  God will leave the evidence of His judgment of Babylon the great.
  4. C19-S4 :  the four and twenty elders and the four beasts  join the praise.
  5. C19-S5 :  the command for all in heaven to worship our God.
  6. C19-S6 :  A great multitude  in Heaven joined the worship.
  7. C19-S7 :  the marriage of the Lamb  is announced.
  8. C19-S8 :  how the bride is presented.
  9. C19-S9 :  Blessing for serving God's kingdom after initial salvation.
  10. C19-S10 :  Verification that God backs what came before this in this Bible book.
  11. C19-S11 :  John's reaction to the statement of the prior sentence.
  12. C19-S12 :  the angel told John to only worship God.
  13. C19-S13 :  What happens after the marriage supper of the Lamb.
  14. C19-S14 :  More description of our Lord Jesus Christ  as He prepares to return and rule this Earth.
  15. C19-S15 :  Further description of our Lord Jesus Christ  as He prepares to return and rule this Earth.
  16. C19-S16 :  the witnesses to the victory by our Lord Jesus Christ  follow Him.
  17. C19-S17 :  How our Lord Jesus Christ  will deal with the nations.
  18. C19-S18 :  the true power and authority of our Lord Jesus Christ  is revealed.
  19. C19-S19 :  God invites the birds to eat all of the dead bodies.
  20. C19-S20 :  the armies led by Satan, and his two beasts,  gather to fight our Lord Jesus Christ.
  21. C19-S21 :  the armies of this world, including all of the devils, lose the war.
  22. C19-S22 :  What happens to Satan's two beasts.
  23. C19-S23 :  What happens to the armies of this world.

As noted at the start of all notes for chapters 17 and 18; those chapters tell of the judgment of The great whore  by The Lord our God  and the first 6 verses of this chapter tell us that many people in Heaven  worshipped The Lord our God  because of that judgment.  This worship leads into the worship that precedes the marriage of the Lamb  which includes the honeymoon  that is the 1,000 years reign of Christ  on Earth (19:7 - 20:15).  However, the new worship in 19:7; which starts with Let us  is separate from the worship found in 19:1-6 because it starts a new reason for the worship.

As 18:6 said, God said to Reward her even as she rewarded you  and this sentence says that she was judged  for the sin she did.  That is, God always relates the judgment to the sin which brought the sin.  The third part of our sentence tells us that she did corrupt the earth with her fornication  and we saw in the verses and notes for Chapter 17 and Chapter 18 explain that the fornication,  which she did, was the joining of false religion to the governments of this world (kings of the earth)  which did corrupt  the worship of the people on The earth.  We also see that this judgment was because The Lord God  hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand.  Back in Revelation 6:10 we saw his servants  crying for The Lord  to judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth.  Now we see that He has done so and we see that all of these things are interrelated and not disjoint acts of God.

In the general note for this epistle it was noted that this epistle is the Revelation  of the person Who is Jesus Christ  and that future events are revealed only in that they show us Who this person is.  When people are concentrating upon the events and ignoring the person, they tend to deal with the events as disjointed acts of God.  However, when we look at this epistle to see what it is teaching us about the person of Jesus Christ, we see the relationship between different acts because those relationships show us why our Lord God  does what He does.

Our chapter starts with our Lord Jesus Christ  preparing to return to this World and conquer all devils and lost people before He sets up His kingdom.  The first thing that we read about is a big celebration in heaven because it is time for The marriage supper of the Lamb.  That immediately precedes our Lord Jesus Christ  returning to conquer and then set up His kingdom.  The 1,000 years reign of Christ  is, essentially, His honeymoon.  After The marriage supper of the Lamb,  we read about how our Lord Jesus Christ  will be seen by all of the devils and armies of the lost when He returns.  This is also how people will see Him as He rules this world.  At the end of the chapter, we have a simple statement that our Lord Jesus Christ  wins the war.  God does not have John spend a lot of effort reporting the details because all that we really need to know is that He wins the war with no loss on His side.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this chapter: 'For the past couple of chapters we have been dealing with God's judgment being poured out upon the many aspects of Babylon, the first aspect was the religious form of Babylon which had been with mankind in some form or another since the days of Nimrod, and second was the political and commercial form of Babylon in which the beast has ruled the earth with, and thirdly was the actual city of a rebuilt Babylon. All three have fallen as per God's plan. And as the world watched such destruction befall that great city, the kings and merchants and sailors all wept and mourned her, they sorrow for the loss of this great system, over the ruin of the headquarters of the antichrist’s power. the cry of Alas! Alas! or Woe! Woe! comes forth as they see the smoke of her annihilation rise into the heavens. But in heaven we saw a different scene at the end of ch18, instead of sorrow we saw joy and celebration, for we saw an angel crying out to all those in heaven, to the apostles and to the prophets to rejoice for Babylon is fallen. Re 18:20 Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets; for God hath avenged you on her. the call to rejoice echoes throughout heaven, and in ch19 we see the response to this command…'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this chapter as: '1-6. God is praised in heaven for judging the great whore, and avenging the blood of his saints.
7-9. the marriage of the Lamb.
10-16. the angel will not be worshipped.
17-21. the fowls called to the great slaughter


Chapter 20 Summary:  the 1,000 years reign of Christ.

  1. C20-S1 :  What John sees after our Lord Jesus Christ  defeat all of the devils and armies of Satan.
  2. C20-S2 :  the length of time for this imprisonment of Satan.
  3. C20-S3 :  Some people returning with Lord Jesus Christ  will be made judges and some will have positions in His government.
  4. C20-S4 :  the exception to the prior sentence.
  5. C20-S5 :  this is the first resurrection.
  6. C20-S6 :  Why we want to be part of The first resurrection.
  7. C20-S7 :  Satan's last rebellion.
  8. C20-S8 :  how the rebels attacked our Lord Jesus Christ  and His saints.
  9. C20-S9 :  the final judgment of Satan His beasts.
  10. C20-S10 :  the final judgment all lost.
  11. C20-S11 :  Who is judged and how.
  12. C20-S12 :  the dead were resurrected to face judgment.
  13. C20-S13 :  And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire.
  14. C20-S14 :  this is the second death.
  15. C20-S15 :  And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

Our chapter starts with Satan being locked up for the 1,000 years reign of Christ.  It ends with the great white throne  judgment where everyone in Hell is judged according to the Heavenly legal record of their suns and according to The word of God.  As a result of that judgment, everyone is removed from Hell and cast into the lake of fire.  In addition, there is a second legal basis for casting them into the lake of fire.  We read that: And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.  They not only violated God's law by sinning but they also refused God's plan of salvation because their name was not written in the book of life.

Between the beginning and the end of our chapter, we read what little John writes about the 1,000 years reign of Christ.  There is more written in other places of The word of God,  so the reader needs to reference those other places in order to learn more about this time.  For example, Matthew 25:31-46 tells us about 'The Sheep and Goat Judgment' where those people who helped God's people, during the great tribulation,  and who did not take the mark of the beast,  nor worshipped Satan's beast,  were allowed to go into the 1,000 years reign of Christ  in their literal physical bodies.  They will have children which need to be tested by God at the end of Christ's  reign.

In addition to those people, John also writes about the four and twenty elders  becoming judges, for the reign of Christ.  He also writes that the tribulation martyrs will be part of the government of Christ.  And, elsewhere, we are also told that the saved people within the church, who proved to be chosen and faithful,  will also be part of the government of Christ.  Our chapter also tells us that anyone who is part of the government of Christ,  is also Blessed and holy.  All honest people have to admit that there are people who claim to be saved but who are definitely not holy.  All of these people hath part in the first resurrection  and are assured of their everlasting salvation.  Other saved people are not resurrected until the 1,000 years reign of Christ  is ended.  They also are not allowed to return, to Earth, with Christ  for His reign.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this chapter: 'With the end of Rev ch19 the Day of the Lord and the Great Tribulation have drawn to a close. From ch6 all the way thru ch19 we have taken a quick look at the events that will transpire during that time, some wonderful and some terrifying, but it all ends as the heavens opened up and the second coming of Jesus tok place, the armies of Satan were defeated where they stood and the dragon’s top two lieutenants, the beast and the false prophet, were taken captive, taken alive and cast into the lake of fire. And beginning in ch20 we find out what happens to the third portion of the satanic trinity, the dragon, Satan himself and thus begins the millennial reign of Christ. The Apostle John has just witnessed the antichrist and the false prophet being taken at their pinnacle of power and cast into eternal torment, John has seen the armies of the earth slain and turned into bird food, and now we see God dealing with Satan. But Satan is neither killed nor cast into eternal torment, at least not yet, for God still has use of him before it’s all over'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this chapter as: '1-5. Satan bound for a thousand years.
6. the first resurrection; they blessed that have part therein.
7. Satan let loose again.
8-9. Gog and Magog.
10-11. the devils cast into the lake of fire and brimstone.
12-15. the last and general resurrection


Chapter 21 Summary:  God's plan for the saved to enjoy eternity.

  1. C21-S1 :  God creates a new heaven and a new earth.
  2. C21-S2 :  the holy city, new Jerusalem.
  3. C21-S3 :  the tabernacle of God is with men.
  4. C21-S4 :  God will end all causes and results of sorrow.
  5. C21-S5 :  God makes everything new.
  6. C21-S6 :  God personally verifies what has been reported in this chapter and book.
  7. C21-S7 :  God's entire plan from before creation is complete.
  8. C21-S8I am Alpha and Omega.
  9. C21-S9 :  God's promise to provide our spiritual desires in this life.
  10. C21-S10 :  God's promise to true overcomers.
  11. C21-S11 :  God's judgment of certain types of people.
  12. C21-S12 :  the start of the description of the next gift which God provided.
  13. C21-S13 :  the first of the details about that that great city, the holy Jerusalem..
  14. C21-S14 :  the description of the foundations.
  15. C21-S15 :  the angel had the ability to measure the city.
  16. C21-S16 :  It is massive.
  17. C21-S17 :  the length of the walls.
  18. C21-S18 :  the height of the walls.
  19. C21-S19 :  the materials used to build the city.
  20. C21-S20 :  the ornamentation of the foundations.
  21. C21-S21 :  the particular stones used to ornament the foundations.
  22. C21-S22 :  the composition of the gates and streets.
  23. C21-S23 :  God is the temple.
  24. C21-S24 :  there is no need of sun or moon.
  25. C21-S25 :  there will always be access.
  26. C21-S26 :  there will always be access.
  27. C21-S27 :  People will bring glory  in order to worship.
  28. C21-S28 :  Access will be limited.

Our chapter starts out telling us that God creates a new heaven and a new earth.  Then, the rest of the chapter describes The holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this chapter: 'At the end of Revelation chapter 20 Satan and those whose names were not written in the book of Life were cast into the lake of fire after the 1000 year reign of Christ upon the earth. the Great White throne Judgment is now over, the 2nd resurrection, the resurrection unto damnation completed, and starting in ch21 the history of time comes to an end as the history of eternity future begins. And I think it may help to point a couple of things out about these last chapters before we just jump into a verse by verse break down…
The first thing we see in these last two chapters is that John shows us at least seven new things to come…. In v1 there is a new heaven (1) and a new earth (2), in v2 we see there is a new city (3), the new Jerusalem, and with a new city comes new inhabitants (4), which to my understanding is the bride of Christ, the church. We understand that this is what v2 and v9 is inferring because in the time of John’s writing it was customary to describe a city by those that lived within it, such a city was identified by its inhabitants, and that’s why we see the city described as a bride adorned for her husband, for the bride of Christ along with her friends, companions and attendants will abide in the new holy city. In v5 we see the Lord makes all things new (5). then in v23 and ch22:5 there is a new light (6) and finally in ch22 in v1-5 there is a new paradise (7). Manythings are going to change as the believer’s eternity with Christ begins, old things will pass away and a true newness of everlasting life will begin. The second thing we see in these last two chapters are many contrasts with the first three chapters of the Book of Genesis, which is appropriate for Genesis is the beginning and Revelation the ending with new beginnings. Such contrasts include (taken from Preacher Jerry Honeycutt’s commentary)…
-in Genesis there was light before the sun, moon and stars appeared, in Revelation there is light forevermore
-in Genesis the curse is introduced, in Revelation it is removed
-in Genesis man was driven from the Garden of Eden and the Tree of Life, in Revelation he is brought back to the Tree of Life
-in Genesis Paradise is lost, in Revelation it is regained
-in Genesis the serpent enters in, in revelation he is cast out and nothing shall enter in that defiles
-in Genesis death enters, with Revelation there will be no more death
-in Genesis God was with man until man sinned, in Revelation God returns to dwell with man
-in Genesis God first made the heavens and the earth and then mankind, in Revelation the new man is made first and then the new heaven and the new earth are brought about
-in Genesis the seas were created in Revelation there are no more seas
-in Genesis there is sorrow and pain in Revelation there are no more tears, sorrow or pain
-Genesis begins with “In the beginning…” in Revelation 21:5 the Lord says “It is done”, it is ended, completed.
And with those things in mind lets begin looking at ch21

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this chapter as: '1-5. Satan bound for a thousand years.
6. the first resurrection; they blessed that have part therein.
7. Satan let loose again.
8-9. Gog and Magog.
10-11. the devils cast into the lake of fire and brimstone.
12-15. the last and general resurrection


Chapter 22 Summary:  the final invitation.

  1. C22-S1 :  John saw the river of life  in The holy city, new Jerusalem.
  2. C22-S2 :  What else John saw in The holy city, new Jerusalem.
  3. C22-S3 :  God will eliminate the curse on creation.
  4. C22-S4 :  Major changes in day-night cycle.
  5. C22-S5 :  We can have true Biblical faith  in the prophecies from God because they are based upon His character.
  6. C22-S6 :  the warning from our Lord Jesus Christ.
  7. C22-S7 :  John was a personal witness to all in this Bible book.
  8. C22-S8 :  John's reaction to what he witnessed.
  9. C22-S9 :  Worship no one but God.
  10. C22-S10 :  leave this book of prophecy open to true understanding.
  11. C22-S11 :  Let everyone continue with their spiritual attitudes and God will judge them.
  12. C22-S12 :  the last promise from our Lord Jesus Christ.
  13. C22-S13 :  Our Lord Jesus Christ  starts and ends everything.
  14. C22-S14 :  Blessings for eternity.
  15. C22-S15 :  Who is excluded.
  16. C22-S16 :  Our Lord Jesus Christ  is the true author of this book of revelation.
  17. C22-S17 :  Our Lord Jesus Christ  generated and fulfilled these prophecies.
  18. C22-S18 :  the second invitation to true Biblical salvation.
  19. C22-S19 :  Command for others to offer of true Biblical salvation.
  20. C22-S20 :  Offer of true Biblical salvation given to a specific group of people.
  21. C22-S21 :  Offer of true Biblical salvation to take the gift freely.
  22. C22-S22 :  the testimony and warning from our Lord Jesus Christ.
  23. C22-S23 :  the last warning from Lord Jesus Christ.
  24. C22-S24Amen.
  25. C22-S25 :  John's prayer for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  26. C22-S26The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.
  27. C22-S27Amen.

Our chapter starts by telling us things which God has reserved for those saved people who truly serve Him.  Next, we are assured that all prophecy, especially this book, comes from our Lord Jesus Christ  using angels and John as His messengers.  Only God can give true detailed prophecies.  We are assured that these prophecies are faithful and true  because they come from God and not from some fallible man.  And, following that assurance, we are given the first, of three in this chapter, warnings that our Lord Jesus Christ  will come quickly  ('suddenly and unexpectedly').  Therefore, we need to be prepared for Him to show up without warning and end our life followed by judgment for how we live.

John adds his testimony that he was a personal witness to all that is found in this book.  He does not report anything unless he personally saw or heard it.  After that, we are warned to worship God and no one else.  Only God gives us the blessings which are true blessings.  And, John is told to leave the understanding of these prophecies open because the is limited time for the church to act on them.  Those who do his commandments  will be blessed and the disobedient will be cursed.

Again, we have testimony from our Lord Jesus Christ  that he is the true author of this book.  Therefore, based upon His being God, we should believe it and avoid the judgment prophesied for Satan, all devils and all lost people.  Following that warning, we read the invitation to receive God's true Biblical salvation from several sources along with promised blessings for those people who do act upon God's invitation.  Following that, we have a warning against altering God's message along with the final warning that lost people have limited time to act upon God's invitation to true Biblical salvation.

Our chapter ends with what I wrote at the beginning.  This book is a single revelation  that Jesus Christ  is Lord Jesus Christ.  He is the source of all blessings and of all judgments.  Therefore, anyone who ignores His role in everything is a fool.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this chapter: 'So far in our study we have looked at the new heaven, the new earth, the new city, the new inhabitants of that city, the new light in that city, as well as looking at the all encompassing fact that God will make all things new; it will be a time, an age, of new things for things are definitely going to change. It will be a new existence for believers who will be given a new name, along with Christ, and ogether there will be a new and perfect and eternal relationship between them. An existence that is contrasted with our present existence, for in that new future there will be no more temple, no more sea, no more death, sorrow, pain, suffering or crying, no more darkness, no more need of the sun, moon or even a candle, no more that defileth or that worketh abominations or that maketh lies for there shall be no more curse, no more devil, no more sin. What a time of all things made new! And in this new life, we will enjoy and freely partake of the last new item shown to us in the first few verses of ch22, it is a new place contained within the new city, it is a special part of the New Jerusalem. So to complete our study of the New City and all things new, we see in ch22:1-5 the 6th new thing, what we will call the New Paradise.
Re 22:1 And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. 2 In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. 3 And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him: 4 And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads. 5 And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever.
from this description of the New Paradise we see some similarities between it and the first paradise upon earth, in the first paradise (Eden) before the fall of man, in both paradises we see there is a river, a tree of life, there is gold and precious stones aplenty, and man is placed there in order to serve God. We also see that God walked with man and had a close relationship with man in each paradise… Ge 2:8 And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed. 9 And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. 10 And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads.11 the name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold;12 And the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone. 13 And the name of the second river is Gihon: the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia. 14 And the name of the third river is Hiddekel: that is it which goeth toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth river is Euphrates. 15 And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.
So we see similarities between the two paradises, but we also see contrasts, for the first paradise was not perfect as the new paradise will be, for sin and death entered into it, the serpent (devil) was there to tempt and twist God's words and cause man to fall, the relationship between man and God was broken, and the result was a curse upon the earth and mankind, man was cast out, forbidden to eat of the tree of life, but in the new paradise as v3 states, there shall be no more curse, no more sin, no death, no Satan, no temptation, instead of corruption there will be perfection. Instead of being forbidden and cast out, the overcomer will be welcomed in and allowed to partake of the tree of life, the believer will lay down beside the waters of the river of life, he will walk on streets of gold, and will serve God and have a perfect relationship with God. the overcomer will also be allowed to drink from the pure river that flows thru this perfect paradise…

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this chapter as: '1-9. A new heaven and a new earth.
10-22. the heavenly Jerusalem, with a full description thereof.
23. She needs no sun, the glory of God being her light.
24-27. the kings of the earth bring their riches unto her

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Lord God almighty: 4:8; 11:17; 15:3; 16:7; 21:22;
of God:
city of God 3:12; 20:9; 21:2; 21:10; 21:23; 22:19.
commandment of God 12:17; 14:12
creation of God 3:14
glory of God 11:13; 14:7; 15:8; 16:9; 19:1; 21:11; 21:23
great supper of God 19:17
harps of God 15:2
judgment of God 20:12
kingdom of God 12:10
mystery of God 10:7
name of God 3:12; 16:9; 19:13.
new city of God 21:2
of the living God 7:2.
Paradise 2:7;
preparation of God 12:6
priests of God 1:6; 5:10; 20:6
seal of God 9:4
sayings of God 19:9; 22:6; 22:9.
salvation of God 7:10;
Seven Spirits of God3:1; 4:5; 5:6
servant of God 15:3
servants of God   1:1; 7:3; 10:7; 19:5; 22:3; 22:6.
Spirit of God2:7; 11:11; 19:10; 21:10.
Son 2:18
tabernacle of God 21:3
Temple of God 3:12; 7:15; 11:1; 11:19; 15:8; 16:1; 21:22.
Throne of God 4:5 5:6; 7:15; 7:17; 12:5; 14:5; 19:5; 22:1; 22:3.
true sayings of God 19:9; 19:10
Word (Capitalized) 19:6
word of God 1:2; 1:9; 5:9; 6:9; 20:4
words of God 17:17
wrath of God 14:10; 14:19; 15:1; 15:7; 16:1 16:19; 19:15
God gave  
revelation of Jesus Christ 1:1;
city of God 3:12
day of God 16:14
rememberance of God 16:19; 18:5
made us kings and priests unto God 1:6;
works not perfect 3:2
some slain for the word of God 6:9
God wipe away tears of slain for the word 7:17
The prayers of the saints, ascended up before God 8:4
firstfruits unto God 14:5
commanded to fear God 14:7
blasphemy against God 16:9; 16:11; 16:21
God will avenge 18:20
worship God 19:1; 22:9
God devoured with fire 20:9
God will be with saved 21:3
God will wipe away tears 21:4
persomal relationship with God 21:7
God gives light 22:5
God sent revelation 22:6
God will curse22:18-19
Angels - God  
worship God 4:8; 7:11;
Seven angels 8:2
twenty four elders - God  
worship God 11:16; 19:4; 19:6
Jesus - God  
redeemed us to God 5:9
made us kings and priests 5:10
God took to Heaven 12:5
Devil - God  
blasphemy against God 13:6;
God will burn 18:8
Before God  
voice from altar 9:1
Devil accuse saved 12:10
God of  
Earth 11:4
Heaven 11:13; 16:11.
The holy prophets 22:6
from God:  
fire 20:9
new Jerusalem 3:12; 21:2; 21:10
Revelation 1:1
Spirit of life 11:11
to God 5:97:10
unto God 1:65:107:1212:514:419:1
before God 3:28:2;  49:1311:1616:1920:12
God shall 7:1717:1721:422:18-19
Lord God 4:811:1715:316:718:819:1;  621:2222:5-6
Fear God 11:1114:719:5
blasphemed God 16:9;  16:11; 16:21
worshipped God 7:1111:1;  1614:719:4;  1020:4
I will be his God 21:3;  21:722:9
God hath remembered 18:5
God hath avenged 18:20
against God 13:6

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