Lord Jesus Christ in the 1611KJV
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Ljc1611kjv.com Study Aids


  1. WebSite Presentation
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How to use this site most effectively to study the Bible.

  1. People new to this site may want to print out this page to have the information available while they move about the site.  Once people learn certain basics, what is on this help page should be obvious enough that a copy of this page won't be needed.
  2. Disclaimer:  As of the last count, LJC1611kjv.com had over 300,000 links on it.  The Attached Bible site (Ljc1611kjv.com/Bible) has over a half million links because it also has a full Index (concordance) of the Bible with links for every reference from a word to the verse which uses that word.  With that many links, I have to use a link-checker program to verify the links created.  Just as a document can have a miss-spelled word even after processing it with a spell-checker, so also can this site have bad links.  If you find one, please:
    1. Please email the problem link to me for correction.
      1. Return to the tab with the start of the link, or use your browser back button to return to the start of the link and Hit the Print Screen button.  Then start a text editor and paste to the new document.  You should see a picture of your computer screen in the document.
      2. If that does not work, then after you are at the web page with the start of the problem link, highlight the entire address area of the browser and copy the address area of the browser into a text document.  The address of the page identifies where the broken link is.
      3. Please also identify where on the page you were as well as you can, along with where the link was supposed to take you and the Verse is at the start of the note.  Two ways of finding the source of the broken link will help to find and correct it.
      4. Please email this information, and anything else that you believe will help, to  Webmaster@LJC1611KJV.com .
    2. Get to where the link was supposed to take you.
      1. In some browsers clicking the link might show an error or might not but, either way, will appear to do nothing.  Try right-clicking on the link and select 'open in new tab' from the drop-down menu.
      2. Look at the source note and see where the link was supposed to take you.  In most cases the link will take you to the correct Web page but not to the correct spot on that page.  If it is a link to a Book Study, then, within the Book Study, click on the link for the correct chapter.  Once there, click on the link for the verse or sentence that you are seeking.
      3. If it is any other web page on this site then there should be a set of links at the beginning of the page which will allow you to go to the desired note when you click on the correct ink.
      4. If there is any other instance where no page was returned, or where the wrong page was returned, then there are several options for finding the correct note.
        1. If the link was supposed to take you to a note on a verse, then click on the Books Menu option at the top of the web page and look for the desired Bible book.  If it is there, select it and then proceed to the chapter and verse as described above.
        2. For all other cases please use the Site Map.  The Site Map will have a correct link to the desired web page.  (The Site Map is accessed from the Site Menu, which is at the top right of every web page.)  Go there and select the page that the link was supposed to take you to and then use the internal navigation links to get to the desired note within that web page.

  3. On both Web sites: LJC1611LKV.com and LJC1611LKV.com/Bible:
    1. These sites are considered to be large sites and, for technical reasons, search engines (Google, etc) are reported to not list these sites in search results. Please 'bookmark' the sites as you will probably have to remember the web address otherwise.  Please also pass on the web address to other people that you think would appreciate what is here.
    2. The web pages on this site use a color coding.  Links are red and underlined until they have been clicked on and then they change color.  A royal blue is used for words that have been quoted from the Bible.  A bright green is used for definitions.  A hot pink is used for popular sayings which may or may not be true.  Black is used for the rest although there are some uses of bold and underline to provide emphasis.
    3. There are over 5,000 verses interpreted on this site and cross-referenced to other places where the Bible teaches the same as the verse interpreted.  (Bible interprets to Bible).  There are over 55,000 of those Bible references.  There is a good chance that something here will help your study.  In order to help finding things, there are several kinds of navigation links provided.  Every web page has links, at the top of the page, to the major sections within it.  The start of major sections have links to notes within that section and the end of each note has links to return to major c=sections and to the top of the page.
    4. To find something with in a note (or other text), use the FIND function ([CTRL]-F) to highlight every occurrence of a word (or phrase) on a given web page.  The browser Status line should also display a count of how many occurrences were found.  Leave the FIND function active and use the navigation links to get to where you want to be, such as the chapter you want in the Bible, and you will see that word highlighted every place that it occurs in the text.  This is the easy way, for example, to find every occurrence of Spirit  in Romans 8 while still seeing the text of the entire chapter.  The more you use the forward FIND function the more uses you will find for it and this function works on most browser pages.
    5. Use the COPY function ([CTRL]-C) and PASTE function ([CTRL]-V) to copy Bible verses, or other text, into your own document.  This site has lots of outlines for sermons and other things for people to use and it is not required to give credit for anything taken, unless the Lord tells you to do so.
    6. The SEARCH function at the top of the page allows doing complex searches for phrases, or using (and / or) in the search and more.  Please review that function and look at the 'search tips' (link after the SEARCH function) to better understand how this helpful feature works.
    7. The SEARCH function returns results with several lines around the result so that you can see the context before linking to that page.  Sometimes that is helpful but it can be a lot of search results to page through before you find what you want.  Use of one of the Indexes provided can be quicker because each Index has only a certain value followed by a condensed set of links.  For example, the Bible site has an Index with all of the words that are in the Bible.  It is divided into several pages for faster loading and you can select the correct page based upon the first couple of letters in the word that you want.  On LJC1611kjv.com, under the Site Menu, there are several Indexes such as a list of every verse that is interpreted on this site, or an Index to every Word Study on this site, including those which are contained within a Book Study.
    8. There are 4 different 'target' web pages used so that you can keep your place in one type of page while also going to a different place in another type of page.  This also limits the number of new pages, or tabs, created as you move around the site. So, for instance, if you go to the Bible site and select an index such as L  and then page (or FIND) to Lord.  When you click on a link, a new web page / tab will be started with that reference in the Bible.  Then when you go back to the Index page / tab and click on another link, it might seem as if the link didn't work.  But when you go back to the Bible page / tab, you will see that it is now focused upon the new verse.  This way you can go back and forth without losing your place in the Index but also not getting too many web pages / tabs started.
    9. Sometimes you will want two pages of the same target tab open at the same time such as when you want to compare parallel parts of the Gospels.  Most browsers will create a new copy of a web page with a [CTRL]-N.  Get to the First Gospel reference, do a [CTRL]-N to get a second copy of it and then change the focus of one of the pages to the other Gospel reference and then adjust your page size of each page so that they fit side-by-side on your screen.

  4. On the Bible site (http://LJC1611kjv.com/Bible/Verses/OT/index.html)
    1. The Bible site is a separate sub-site from the main site (LJC1611LKV.com) so that churches, and other people and organizations, can add a link to an online Bible site to their web page and not worry about 'other bibles' or 'other doctrine' being added to that site.  The Bible site will be kept strictly to the 1611 KJV and direct Bible aids like the Index function.
    2. On the main page there are links to 4 different ways that the Bible is formatted.  Each format has navigation links as described above.
    3. The Index is separated into multiple web pages for faster loading of each page.  Select a link for the first couple of letters in the word you want.  Once there, use the FIND function to get to the exact word you want, or page through the Index until you find the word, if you are not sure of the spelling.  Once the desired word is found, you will see a condensed list of verse references following it.  If you know the book (or have a general idea of the book) that you want to find a word in, this can be a quick way to find it.
    4. Please note that the links in the Index are in alphabetical (not Bible) order.
    5. At the top of the Bible web page are 3links to a 'Search the Bible' page where you can enter a word, phrase, or a more complex criteria to search the Bible.  This function returns results surrounded by lines of context and you may have to page through several pages of search results to find the exact reference that you want.  Also, this function does not work if you are using a local copy of this online Bible and are not connected to the web.

  5. On the LJC1611KJV site:
    1. Each Bible reference on this site has been verified to be doctrinally correct more than once.  If you feel that there is any error, please email to me for any reference that you question and I will provide clarification or correction.
    2. The Site Menu (top right of every web page) returns a page of links to several other pages with helpful links.  These can be the fastest way to find things on this site unless you are looking for a note that is in one of the books under the Books menu or a word that is under the Words menu.
    3. The Site Map (on the Site Menu) returns a page of links to most of the other web pages found on LJC1611kjv.com.  This can be the fastest way to find a page when you can't find it within the Menus.
    4. The Relational Prepositions is a special purpose Index for people who are studying our ongoing personal relationship with God.
    5. The Word Studies index provides links to most word studies on this site, even those that are contained within a Book Study.
    6. The Lord Jesus Christ Index has links to verse notes for all of the places where the names of the Son of God appear in the New Testament.  This index is ordered by name and then by application of that name.  For instance, where Lord  is used for God the Father is separate from where Lord  is used for God the Son.  This Index can be the fastest way to find where the Bible tells us about some attribute of the Son of God.
    7. With the exception of the Proverbs link, and the Book Study currently being worked on, the books under the Books menu deal with every sentence and verse in that particular book.  Different Book Studies have different levels of details but I hope to revisit the 'light Studies' and add to them in the future.  The basic purposes of these Studies is to provide an interpretation of every sentence and verse in order to prove  that there are NO 'problem verses' in the Bible when we interpret it using God's perfect way to interpret the Bible.  (That means NO conflicts between the correct interpretation of one passage in the Bible and the correct interpretation of any other passage in the Bible.)  The secondary purpose is to provide Bible references related to the interpretation of each sentence, verse and word in the New Testament in order to aid the Bible student with their own Bible study.  Please see the Book Study on Romans for the level of detail that I hope to provide for all that is on this site.
    8. Almost all Word Studies (at this link) deal with words which are used a lot within the Bible.  Each of these Studies have a simple definition at the top of the page followed by a set of navigation links to the notes on verses contained within that Study.  Following that is a table of applications of the word, with links to the verse notes where that particular application can be found.  For example, the verses which apply Lord  to God the Father are separated from verses which apply Lord  to God the Son.  Since most people will be looking for a particular application of a word, these tables can help reduce search time.  After the table of applications is the largest part of every Word Study where the verses are listed in the order that they appear in the Bible.  After each verse is a short note about how the interpretation and application of the word fits within that verse.  These notes often have links to other places on LJC1611kjv.com where the entire verse is interpreted in much more detail and where additional links to related passages in the Bible can be found.
    9. The Verses Index, of the Lord Jesus Christ Study, has already been mentioned.  However, this Study has additional helps.  While I was studying these names within the Gospels, I found that existing tables of parallel passages within the Gospels were very incomplete and often had some errors.  Most of these notes for verses within the Gospels identify parallel passages within the Gospels in a far more complete manner that anything else I could find.  The same is true for the Table of Miracles in the Gospels (under the Subject menu).  Thus, if a Gospel is being studied and there is a verse with a name of the Son of God within that section (or close to it), then this Study can help find parallel passages even if you are not studying the names of the Son of God.  The same is true for the Table of Miracles in the Gospels.
    10. The Hermey menu has papers on various subjects related to hermeneutics.  The Salvation menu has papers on salvation and the Humm menu has interesting and humorous stories on it.

There is a FTP site for downloading copies of this site in HTML, PDF and Kindle formats.  These downloadable copies will run on your computing device without an internet connection.  The only thing that requires an internet connection is the search function.  In a browser, go to: www.LJC1611kjv.com/LJCKJV.  It will display a directory of different formatted files.  Chose the format that you want and download new / updated files to your computer. If you download the index file from the HTML_Format_File directory, it will have to be renamed from index.txt to index.html.  The name had to be changed so that it could be downloaded and so that it did not run on your computer when you selected the directory.


Contact:  Webmaster@LJC1611KJV.com.  Member of Tower Road Baptist Church, Abq., NM, U.S.A., 87121.  Copyright 2009 Lord Jesus Christ in the 1611KJV.  All rights reserved. Revised: 09/06/24.