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Below are messages which I have developed on various subjects.  Most of these were created at a specific request of a pastor when he asked me to preach / teach at his church / mission.  When there is more than one message on a particular subject, such as haw God wants us to handle money, those massages are combined into a single web page and the link to that web page is found in the Doctrines Menu.

Message Outlines

2Timothy 2:1-2.
God's people are to learn and teach others.
A sweet savour of Christ.
We are to have a changed life, after our initial profession, that God and man can sense.
An Open Door.
Some places still have an open door.
Another Gospel (Not).
What religion calls Another Gospel is a lie from Satan.
Assurance, True Biblical.
True assurance comes only from God through our ongoing personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Attitude of the Ten Versus Two.
Our attitude determines if we are blessed by God or if we have a miserable life until God kills us.
Basic doctrine of Baptism.
Simple explanation of this Bible doctrine
Baptism Gets God's Mercy.
The true doctrine of 1Peter 3:17-4:6.
Blessings According to Obedience.
Our eternal rewards are proportional to our level of obedience.
Body, Soul and Spirit Salvation.
The difference in how our body, our soul and our spirit are saved.
Born of God.
The lifestyle which truly shows that someone is Born of God.
Call Upon The Lord.
True way to salvation and spiritual growth.
Called to be Saints.
What God wants all saved to become
Character of a Missionary.
Demonstrated character of first missionaries in the Bible.
Character of God in You.
The results of letting God's character become our character.
Christ-directed Pastor.
What every true Biblical pastor must be.
D-Words used by Devils.
Devils use these to attack our heart and sou7l.
Days of Thy Youth.
Every place in the Bible where we find this phrase.
Dealing with Doctrinal Error.
How versus dealt with doctrinal error.
Do it!.
Do what you commit to God.
How to Do the Will of God.
How we should do the will of God.
Why To Do the Will of God.
Why we should do the will of God.
Don't Fleece God.
Every place in the Bible where we find this phrase.
God's way to receive everything from God.
Enlarge Our Coast.
Seek to do more for God.
Ephesians 2:1-10.
Plan of Salvation.
Father, Son and Holy Spirit as Saviour.
Every member of the Trinity is involved in true Biblical salvation.
Fellowship in the Gospel.
How to get Spiritual Blessings
Follow Me As I Follow Christ.
God's command to follow people who display the power of God in their life.
Fulfill ye my joy.
Blessings given only to active church members.
God is in Romans.
to God in Romans.
Godly Finances.
One small message from the Doctrine of this subject.
Godly Response to a Godly Leader.
Requirement of a godly Leader
Go Ye.
Basic command from God
Bible School graduation message.
Bible School graduation message.
Great Commission.
All that is in the true 'Great Commission' of the Bible.
He Must Needs Go.
Jesus obeyed God without argument.
Hebrews 2:1-5.
Give earnest heed to truth or lose it.
How To Know Parables.
Teaching from Jesus in the Gospel of Mark.
How Missionaries are to Pray.
Thank God for working in the lives of supporters.
I'm OK (not).
Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.
Job is our example.
Identifying the Godly.
2Corinthians 6:16 - 7:7.
Identifying the True Church.
An outline of 1Thessalonians.
In Christ Jesus.
We can be saved but not In Christ.
In His Image.
We are three-part beings because we are mad in the image of God, Who is a Trinity.
A summary of the true Biblical doctrine of this name.
Lessons from John the Baptist.
Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.
John Mark.
John Mark: Example of Average Youth
Judas Iscariot was not saved.
King of Kings.
Jesus Christ is above all Earthly authorities.
Labor for Everlasting Life.
The Saved are Commanded to Labour.
Labourers for the Harvest-1.
The Saved are Commanded to be and pray for labourers in the harvest.
Labourers for the Harvest-2.
The Lord sent out seventy disciples as out example.
Lessons from John the Baptist.
Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.
Life and Life More Abundant.
Two Reasons Why Jesus Came to Earth.
Like Precious Faith.
What all saved are to have.
Lord of Lords.
Jesus is Lord of Lords.
Lord of the Sabbath.
Jesus dictates everything related to the Sabbath.
Loss of Everlasting Rewards.
Saved can lose Everlasting Rewards by failing to obey the Bible.
The Love of God.
John 3:14-21.
Manifest Token of the Righteous Judgment of God.
Mystery of God, the Father and Christ.
A truth that was hidden until the New Testament.
Non-Preachers involved in Missions.
Outer Darkness.
The Error Taught About Outer Darkness .
Pass it on.
We are required to train the next generation of saved people.
The job of a pastor
Pastors Produce Missionaries.
The main job of a pastor
Pastoral Charge.
What a pastor will answer to God for doing / not doing
A Christ-directed Pastor.
Pastor's protection
Psalms 119.
Different sections in this Psalm deal with different circumstances of life and how the word of God helps.
Paul's Prayer Requests.
What Paul asked people to pray for.
Pounds and Talents.
True doctrine about eternal rewards.
Pray Always.
Teaching on Luke 18:1-8.
Pray and Faint Not.
Command to never give up on prayer.
Pray for Future Leaders.
Many of our problems are due to our lack of prayers for leaders.
Pray For Missionaries.
Many Bible references making this command.
Prayer of Faith.
Doctrine from Paul based upon the prayer by Jesus  in the garden of Gethsemane.
The Prophecy of Zacharias.
A prophecy which is applicable for the 'Church Age'.
Record Keeping.
God keeps records and requires us to keep records.
Reward According.
Our eternal rewards and punishment will be according to our works.
Reward According to His Own Labour.
Disproving the lies of 'no tears in Heaven' and 'we will all get a mansion'
Romans tells us to Thank God.
Saved but Cursed.
Some saved people will be in heaven with 1,000 years of tears and be eternal paupers.
Saving Belief versus NonSaving Belief.
Teaching on John 8:30.
Savior: Father, Son and Holy Spirit as Savior.
Every member of the Trinity is involved in our salvation.
Sin Unto Death.
The saved can submit to lifestyle sins which result in death.
Shut up, Get up, Do up.
There are times when God demands we stop praying about a problem and do as we know we are to do.
Sound Doctrine that is Required from Preachers.
Teaching for preachers from 1Timothy; 2Timothy and Titus.
Spiritual Maturity Levels according to the Bible.
The popular doctrine that all saved are Christians  is a lie from Satan.
Stewards Must Act.
We are all God's Stewards and our failure to act is a sin.
Supporting Missionaries.
How the sending church is commanded to support missionaries.
Teaching the Great Commission.
All saved are to do the Great Commission but many do not know it or know only part of it.
Ten Virgins.
The basic doctrine of salvation.
Test of Spiritual Maturity.
This is a series of messages which cover sins that God requires us to remove from our life and blessings that God requires us to receive before God considers us to be a spiritual adult.  These are part of the Book Study on 1Corinthians, but many of these have been preached as separate messages and have sufficient material and format that there should be no problem using them as the basis for a message.
Tent-Maker Ministry.
Missions work for non-preachers.
Testimony of God.
Saved will be judged for how much they let God use their life to display His testimony.
Thanks Within Psalms.
References where Psalms commands us to thank God.
The response of a godly Leader.
Teaching on 2Corinthians 7.
The Will of God.
Every place in the Bible where we find this phrase.
Treasure in Heaven.
We are commanded to lay up treasure for yourself in Heaven.
Two is not One.
In the Bible, the word and; represents the mathematical function of addition.
Two parts of God's Life.
Basic salvation and spiritual growth.
Two Reasons Why Jesus Came.
1John 5:13 and John 10:10.
The Wheat and Tares Parable shows the difference between the Ungodly and the Godly.
Why Bible School?.
Everyone should consider the teaching given in Bible School.
Why be Loyal to Church.
Hebrews 10:23-27

Contact:  Webmaster@LJC1611KJV.com.  Member of Tower Road Baptist Church, Abq., NM, U.S.A., 87121.  Copyright 2009 Lord Jesus Christ in the 1611KJV.  All rights reserved. Revised: 08/09/24.