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Below are studies on various doctrines found within the Bible.  Most of these are a 'Work-in-progress'.  They provide what I have found on a subject so far and I expect to find more on the subject as progress in my study.  In addition, some of these are only one side of a balanced doctrine.  For example, a broad-based reading through the Bible quickly must be balanced by in-depth study of doctrines or a person and become shallow.  Likewise, 'going to seed' on one subject must be balanced by reading other parts of the Bible or a person will not retain you all the counsel of God  Acts 20:27.  Please see the (very small) Study called Differing Views of Study in order to better understand why the Studies listed below may give an unbalanced, but in-depth, study of a Bible doctrine.

God's methods (as stated within the Bible) that we are to use (for finding the understanding which God gives in His Bible) were followed for each Study found below.  Please see all that is under the Hermey menu for details on those methods.

Please use this link for the links to various messages that I have preached or taught in churches which are not within the doctrines below.  When there is more than one message on a given subject, then the various messages are combined into a Doctrinal Study.  (Please see the godly Financial Principals, below, as an example).  In addition, when a doctrine is found in many places within the Bible, a Doctrinal Study is created with links to other places on this site which have the details.  (Please see the Study on John the Baptist, below, as an example).

False Things according to the Bible.
An incomplete study which still has references to several hundred notes dealing with where the Bible warns us about the sources of false doctrine.
Fear of the Lord.
God tells us to fear  Him so that we will 'Stop our Sinning'.
Doctrinal Study on God with links to many other notes on this web site which deal with this doctrine.
God is a Spirit.
Study on John 4:24.
Godly Financial Principals.
A few of basic lessons handling money with godly attitudes and actions.
God's Laws for the New Testament.
Laws that still apply to God's people in the New Testament.
Jesus Used the Power of the Holy Ghost.
In the Bible, the correct interpretation of the name Jesus  is 'the name of a literal physical man'.  The Son of God gave up His own power as God and lived as a literal physical man, during the time of the Gospels.  He is our example of how to live in this flesh using the power of the Holy Ghost.
John the Baptist.
A Study on every verse which deals with John the Baptist.
Kingdom of God.
God's character in us.
Knowledge of God.
Proverbs 2 tells us how to find the Knowledge of God.
Doctrine of Life
Thestart of what the word of God  tells us about life.
Life of Jesus in the Gospels.
A high-level overview of the Gospels, and related Studies, which tell us about the life of Jesus while He was here on Earth.
Light And Darkness
The Biblical difference between the influence of Gof and the influence of devils.
Personal Application of God's Word.
An incomplete series of lessons on how to get God's blessings applied to our personal life.
Links to papers on prayer.
Relational Prepositions Study
Prepositions which are used in the Bible and which tell us about our ongoing personal relationship with God.
Sequence of Gospel Events.
These are the time sequences, within the Gospels, which can be set with assurance of accuracy.  Events before the last time that Jesus  went to Jerusalem can not be set accurately for time and we do not have sufficient information.
Significant Gospel Events.
These are all of the Significant Gospel Events that I found with the references to where they are at.
Significant New Testament Events.
These are all of the Significant Gospel Events that I found with the references to where they are at.
the Miracles section of the Significant Events in the New Testament.
These are all of the Miracles that I found in the New Testament, outside of the Gospels, with the references to where they are at.  This list is not complete.
Table Of Miracles in the Gospels
These are all of the Miracles that I found in the Gospels with the references to where they are at.
Table Of Miracles in the Old Testament.
These are all of the Miracles that I found in the Old Testament with the references to where they are at.  This list is not complete.
Table of Parables in the New Testament.
These are all of the Parables that I found in the New Testament with the references to where they are at.  This list is not complete.
Table of Parables in the Old Testament.
These are all of the Parables that I found references to which are in the Old Testament.  This list is not complete.
Test of Spiritual Maturity.
How to separate spiritual babes from spiritually mature saved people.
What is Your Level of Spiritual Maturity?.
The Bible gives several words defining levels of spiritual maturity with the Biblical definition of Christian requiring far more than most people think.
What Did Jesus Do?.
Practical instruction from the Gospels on how to live in this world as a true Biblical Christian.

Contact:  Webmaster@LJC1611KJV.com.  Member of Tower Road Baptist Church, Abq., NM, U.S.A., 87121.  Copyright 2009 Lord Jesus Christ in the 1611KJV.  All rights reserved. Revised: 01/01/25.