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God's Laws for the New Testament

We find forms of the words law / lawyer / lawgiver  occurring 597 times in 528 verses of the Bible and times in 209 verses of the New Testament.  At the end of this paper are links to notes in each book of the New Testament where any of these words is used.  Within those notes are links to every place within that particular Bible book where any of these words is used.  Therefore, links are provided to every usage, within the New Testament, and the reader can verify the doctrine presented. of these words is used.  Right below is the true basic doctrine, from the Bible, about how God uses law of these words is used.  and how He commands us to use His laws. of these words is used.  Since we will all be judged, by God, according to the laws of these words is used.  that He wrote in Hos word, it is imperative that we understand the truth about this doctrine. of these words is used.  And, since many devil-motivated and deceived people declare themselves to be the final authority, on this doctrine, while teaching error, it is critical for us,and our loved ones, for us to be able to separate error and lies from the truth.

The true Biblical definition of sin  is: 'a violation of God's law'.  The saying of: 'If you've done the crime then you've got to do the time'  is definately true under God's Law.  And, God's time  is: 'eternity in the lake of fire  (Revelation 19:20)'.  The only way to avoid this is to accept God's offer and make the Lord Jesus Christ  your personal Lord.  But, devil motivated and deceived people spread lies about what it truly sin.  They claim that sin  is: 'a violation of their own rules' and that they have the power and authority to force God to accept their perversions to God'slaw.  Please see the following notes aboutthe true Biblical definition of sin  Romans C7S26; especially Sin in 1John.  We also find the phrase, sin unto death,  in 1John 5:16; Romans 6:16.  We see this doctrine dealt with in: Acts 5; Romans 5; 1Corinthians 8:11-LJC; Galatians C3-S26 and James 1:15.

Jesus  told the religious leaders It is also written in your law, that the testimony of two men is true  in John 8:17.  Their law  was, of course, written by God and the character, of the God of the word of God,  is that He keeps all laws  which He commands us to keep.  Therefore, anything that is literally written twice, in the word of God,  is part of the law  of God.  Anything written only once, or written indirectly, can be used for applications, but not for a law of God.

Matthew 24:35; Mark 13:31 and Luke 21:33 all say: Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.  That makes the Laws of God's word more powerful than the laws of creation, such as gravity or the laws of Math.  Unfortunately, many people believe that their personal desires and personal beliefs can override this basic separation between a true law of God and the applications of God's laws.  Let such a person take a plane to at least 2,000 feet in the air, strip down to their birthday suit and jump out to prove that their personal desire to float down is greater than God's law of gravity.  Anyone who claims that their personal belief is greater than God's true laws found in the word of God,  but is not willing to provide the specified proof of their claim, thereby proves that they are a lying minister of devils.

That written, we need to consider that God does not change (Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8).  This is one of the never-changing laws of the word of God.  When God said a word in His word,  it had a meaning attached to it.  God would have to change to give the same word a different meaning or to give a different word the same meaning.  Too many people believe doctrines of devils  (1Timothy 4:1) when they claim that a given word, in the word of God,  has more than one meaning or that two different words, in the word of God,  have the same meaning.  The same principals apply to doctrines.  God would have to change in order for the word of God  to have opposing doctrines.

With that truth understood, we come to claimed conflicts within the word of God.  God is very specific and detailed in His word.  A lot of confusion comes from people not being as specific and detailed as God is when they specify a doctrine which they claim comes from the word of God.  I will explain in the next few paragraphs.

Now, please consider 2Timothy 2:15 which says: Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.  If a child of God needs  something then God will be sure to provide it.  If we are not rightly dividing the word of truth  then God will make us ashamed.  If he does not do so in this life, then He will do so at the judgment seat of Christ  (Romans 14:10; 2Corinthians 5:10).  If God reveals our error there then all of Heaven will know that we taught doctrinal error and will know it for all of eternity (Matthew 10:26; and Luke 12:2).  Therefore, it is foolish for a child of God to ignore this warning.

Dividing  is a Mathematical function whereby we separate according to precise rules which never change and we receive precise results.  Mathematical functions are part of the never-changing laws which God established when He created this universe.  Too many people make the mistake that they can be imprecise when interpreting the word of God.  This attitude is one of the reasons for many doctrinal errors being taught.  Saved people who are not precise or who ignore God's never-changing laws for proper interpretation, of the word of God,  are not rightly dividing the word of truth  and God will make them ashamed  because they need  this result for their error.

Preachers mainly deal with applications of the word of God.  For words and doctrines, in the word of God,  there is a true saying of: 'There is one saying but many applications'.  Most people who claim to be saved agree with this saying until the single true definition proves a favorite application to be in error.  Many preachers, and saved people, believe that dictionaries give definitions.  However, they actually give applications and people believe that they can pick their favorite application and declare it to be the single definition of a Bible word.  (If a dictionary does provide the single definition, it is typically lost within the many applications which the dictionary also provides.)  That is one reason why we have so many opposing doctrines which are claimed to be the truth (definition or doctrine) from the word of God.  For example, Webster's 1828 dictionary has about 30 different applications within the definition provided of the word hand.  There are not that many different single definitions of this single Bible word.  those are not many single definitions but many applications.  And, Webster's 1828 is the most reliable dictionary for true definitions of Bible words.

The only way to find the true definition of a Bible word is to study every place where it is used in the word of God  and pay close attention to the context.  What never changes, when those references are compared, is the true single definition and what changes, but is in the true word of God,  are the true multiple applications.  All of this is explained in much more detail within the documents accessed from the Hermey tab.  The problem, that most people have, is that this is far more work than they are willing to do in order to find true definitions of words within the word of God.

The same thing happens with doctrines.  There are many conflicting doctrines which all claim to be the single true doctrine of the word of God.  And, people find it to be too much work to truly, and personally, study everything that the word of God  says about a given doctrine.  So, they accept what some self proclaimed expert claims.  Such people, often, violate God's laws, on how to interpret the word of God,  through ignorance or laziness.  This is why there are so many conflicting doctrines about what laws apply to God's people in the New Testament.  Many people accept doctrines claimed by self proclaimed Bible experts, even when their doctrines violate God's never-changing laws for proper interpretation of the word of God.

Now, there is one more general principal to consider before we get into the specifics of the doctrine presented in this paper.

There are only a handful of people who have ever written a book on how to interpret the word of God.  I am one of them.  In addition, I have personally read every book published in the last 150 years on this subject.  Every other book tells a religious method, which leads to errors and helps justify the lie that 'there are errors and conflicts in the word of God'.  My book and lessons, on the Hermey tab, prove that there are no errors and are no conflicts if you use God's method to interpret God's word.  God showed me His method, which is written up in the documents mentioned, and no one has ever identified any place where what is on this site goes against what is written in the word of God.  Yes, what is here goes against many religious doctrines, but not against what is written in the word of God.  In addition, no one has ever identified any place where what is written in one place on this web site goes against what is written on another place within this web site.  That is only possible if God is using me to provide research tools for His people.  Only God can produce something with zero errors.  I could not produce this site using my natural abilities.

Now, going to the specifics of the doctrine covered by this document, we must consider 'God's Laws for the New Testament'.  There is a lot of doctrinal error taught about this subject.  Some is from people deliberately teaching doctrines of devils  (1Timothy 4:1) and some is due to people believing a lie, without verifying what they believe against what is actually written in the word of God.  Another reason is that people use wrong procedures when they try to interpret what the word of God  truly says and they receive wrong understanding.  This is often due to people using natural reasoning  (1Corinthians 2:14) to try and understand spiritual truths.  And, there are probably other reasons for errors, but I believe what is mentioned are probably the main reasons for these types of errors.

What I will explain next is explained in more detail in the documents accessed from the Hermey tab.

Now. we will move onto the specifics of the subject at hand.  The Mosaic Law has three parts: God's moral Law, the Religious Law, and the Civil Law.  Hebrews 13:17 says: Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you1Peter 2:13-14 says: Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme; Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well.  Without going into the details (They are provided elsewhere on this site), we are told to submit to the civil law of the land we are in.  Even Israel, of today, does not follow the Civil Law found in the Mosaic Law.  In addition, everything found in the Moral Law, of the Mosaic Law, is dealing with haw we are to relate to God on a personal basis.  All of that was established before Moses wrote the Mosaic Law and has never been changed.  Then the Religious Law, the only remaining part, was replaced by the New Testament.  However, people have been taught many doctrinal errors about this truth with some claiming that we still keep the Religious Law and some claiming that we keep no law and many claiming many other false doctrines about this subject.

This truth is explained in more detail elsewhere on this site, especially in the Book Study on Hebrews.  That book explains the doctrine of the new covenant  and it, along with other Bible books, explain the doctrine of the new testament.  Both. a covenant  and a new testament  are legal documents.  Both are part of God's law,  which is preserved unchanging by God.  However, lots of religious people claim that they can change these documents and imply, without directly stating, that they can force God to use their changes.  Hopefully, the reader understands how stupid such claims are.  Since these legal documents are part of God's law,  which has more authority than the law of gravity, let such lying ministers of Satan prove that they can set aside the law of gravity before you believe their doctrines.

Now, as already mentioned, the Book of Hebrews specifies this doctrine and no men, nor religion, has the authority to alter what God had written in that Bible book.  As explained, by God in that book, There is a legal document which is the same in all cultures, all legal systems and for all time.  It is called a 'Last Will and Testament'.  The Will part says: 'Here's who gets my stuff after I'm dead'.  The Testament part says: 'Here's the last words I have for people'.  Most men have an attitude of: 'I've listened to that person my whole life and don't care about their words.  Tell me what stuff i get'.  God's attitude is: 'I'm going to burn up all that stuff.  My Testament is what is important'.  And, while the attitudes are completely different, the legal document is the same.  So, most people will understand best if they think of the word Will instead of Testament.

As Hebrews explains, you can only have one Will / Testament in effect at a given time.  A new Will / Testament replaces the old one.  Therefore, the religion which claims that 'God has two Will / Testament in effect at the same time' is lying.  They are trying to claim that their doctrine of devils  is just as effective and has as much authority as the word of God.  In addition, only you can change your own Will / Testament.  Therefore, the religions which claim that the Mosaic Religious Law is still partially in effect are trying to claim that they can change God's Will / Testament.  Let them ride on the plane and prove that they have stopped God's law of gravity.  That is the only way that they can prove that their religious doctrine from devils  can change God's Will / Testament.  And, the religions which claim that God's law is no longer in affect are trying to claim that they can destroy God's Will / Testament.  Let them ride on the plane and prove that they have stopped God's law of gravity.

Now. what has been implied, and stated, is that there are different types of laws and all are still in effect except the Mosaic Religious Law which was replaced by the New Testament and new covenant, according to the Book of Hebrews and according to other books such as the words of Jesus  as reported in the Gospels.  With these general concepts explained, we are now ready to look at specific doctrines and laws which are controlled by these truths.

There is much doctrinal error taught about Biblical laws.  The New Testament definition, for the word law,  is: 'The set of written or commonly understood rules for unacceptable behavior and which can be used by a legal system for punishing offenders'.  In most, but not all, New Testament usages this word is used for the Mosaic Law.  The note for Romans 4:14-14 explains 'Why God does not use the law  to save'.

Here are some of the laws  that have been identified as applying to the saved:

  1. the law of faithRomans 3:27.
  2. the law of the Spirit of life in Christ JesusRomans 8:2.
  3. the law to Christ is in our current verse.
  4. the law of ChristGalatians 6:2.
  5. law of her husbandRomans 7:2.
  6. law of righteousnessRomans 9:31.
  7. law of my mind
  8. Romans 7:23.
  9. the Law of Moses:  (The church is required to keep only the 'moral' part of the Law of Moses):  Luke 2:22; Luke 24:44; John 7:23; Acts 13:39; Acts 15:5; Acts 28:23 and 1Corinthians 9:9.
  10. the Law of the LordPsalms 119.
  11. the Law of GodRomans 7:22.
  12. the Law of lifeRomans 7:251John 5:11-12.
  13. the Law of libertyJames 1:25 and 2:12.
  14. the law of the fathersActs 22:3.
  15. the law of the JewsActs 25:8.
  16. law of evilRomans 7:21.
  17. law of sinRomans 7:23.
  18. the law sin and deathRomans 8:2.
  19. 'Mosaic Law added':  Galatians C3-S22.
  20. 'law and faith':  Romans C3S25.
  21. 'righteousness of the Law:':  Ephesians 4:7-LJC.
  22. 'law of works':  Romans C3S27.

The note for 1Corinthians 9:20-21 has a lot on applying various laws while maintaining our personal relationship with God.  Please also see the notes for Galatians C2-S10 and Psalms 119 about the phrase the Law of the Lord.  Please also see the note for Galatians 3:10 about the phrase book of law.  Please also see the note for Romans C3S27 about the phrase law of works.  Please also see the note for Romans C3S25 about the phrase Law and faith.  Please also see the note for Romans 13:8 about the phrase Law and love.  Please also see the note for John 1:45 about the phrase Law and the prophets.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'A way of specifying the Old Testament'.  Please also see the note for Romans C3S31 about the phrase laws that apply to us today.  Please also see the note for Luke 14:3 about the word lawyer.  Please also see the note for Galatians C3S22 about the phrase Mosaic Law added.  Please also see the note for Hebrews 10:28-29 about the phrase New Testament replaces only the religious part of the Mosaic Law.  Please also see the note for Hebrews 19:29-LJC about the phrase religious part of Mosaic Law.  Please also see the note for Ephesians 4:7-LJC about the phrase righteousness of the Law.  Please also see the note for Revelation 13:8-LJC about the phrase book of the life.  Our life  is very definitely affected by God's law.

Moving on, Romans 3:27 tells us that we are under The law of faith.  Likewise, Romans 8:2 tells us that we are under The law of the Spirit of life in Christ JesusGalatians 6:2 tells us about The law of ChristRomans 7:2 tells us about the law of her husbandRomans 9:31 tells us about the law of righteousnessRomans 7:23 tells us about the law of my mindLuke 2:22; Luke 24:44; John 7:23; Acts 13:39; Acts 15:5; Acts 28:23 and 1Corinthians 9:9 all mention The Law of Moses,  and the church is required to keep only the 'moral' part of The Law of Moses.  Luke calls the 'moral' part The Law of the Lord  (Luke 2:23-24; Luke 2:39).  This is very similar to The Law of God,  which we find in Romans 7:22Romans 7:251John 5:11-12 tells us The Law of lifeJames 1:25 and 2:12 tell us The Law of liberty.  In Acts 22:3 we see The law of the fathers  and in Acts 25:8 we see The law of the Jews.  Both of these are man made religious laws,  which we do not keep.  Romans 7:21 tells us about the law of evilRomans 7:23 tells us about the law of sin8:2 tells us about The law sin and death.  These and many more are established  (proven to be more reliable than the laws of nature) by the life of the saved person.

The phrase book of the law  is found in Deuteronomy 29:21; Deuteronomy 30:10; Deuteronomy 31:26; Joshua 1:8; Joshua 8:31; Joshua 8:34; Joshua 23:6; Joshua 24:26; 2Kings 14:6; 2Kings 22:8; 2Kings 22:11; 2Chronicles 17:9; 2Chronicles 34:14-15; Nehemiah 8:1; Nehemiah 8:3; Nehemiah 8:18; Nehemiah 9:3 and our current sentence.  While it was originally used for the first five (5) books written by Moses, it has been expanded to include all of the Old Testament.

The word law:  is used in Psalms 119 to mean 'The general category that encompasses all of the other legal words that are used within this Psalm'.  Please see the Word Definitions section for many of the other words that are involved in God's law.  People need to completely study these words also if they want to claim to be an expert on law  within God's word.

While there are a lot more references to The law of the LORD  than the verses which use that exact phrase, looking at those verses gives us a good general understanding of what we are to walk in.  This exact phrase occurs in:

What we see consistently is that God's people who 'trust and obey' The law of the Lord  bring blessings upon themselves and their followers.  God's people who do not 'trust and obey' the law of the Lord  bring God's judgment upon themselves and their followers.  Further, we saw that to 'trust and obey' The law of the Lord  required having wisdom and understanding  from God.  This is because The law of the Lord  encompasses other terms found in this Psalm such as preceptsstatutescommandmentsjudgments,  and God's testimonies.  Thus, The law of the Lord  is more than just a bunch of rules for us to follow.  Please also see The note for Romans 8:1 and The note for Ephesians 4:1 for links to verses within Romans which use forms of the word walk.  Please also see The note for Romans C9-S28 for how the saved are to live / walk by faith.

Now, that should be sufficient to get a general understanding that there are several laws  which apply to God's people today.  In addition, we can look at the notes written for every New Testament sentence which uses the word law.  Those notes explain how this word is used in that context.  We find forms of the word law  occurring 582 times in 522 verses of the Bible, 263 times in 209 verses of the New Testament.  That many references should prove that law  is very important within the New Testament and that any one who claims otherwise is a liar.

Related to this is the word lawyer.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'a professional that specialized in the Mosaic Law and the religious additions to God's law added by the Jewish religious leaders'.  The Morrish Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'A teacher of the law, one who expounded the law. Nicodemus was probably one, for the Lord called him a 'teacher of Israel.' the Lord said of the lawyers that they put heavy burdens on others, but did not touch them themselves; and in their expositions they took away the key of knowledge. they did not enter in themselves, and hindered those who were entering a solemn description that may, alas, apply to some in this day, such as are elsewhere described as 'blind leaders of the blind.' Mt 22:35; Lu 7:30; 10:25; 11:45-52; 14:3; Tit 3:13'.  Links to this word are included in the links found in the notes below.  We find the word lawyer  only in the New Testament and in: Matthew 22:35; Luke 7:30; Luke 10:25; Luke 11:45; Luke46; Luke52; Luke 14:3; Titus 3:13.

In addition, the New Testament speaks about the law of ChristThe law of Christ  is: 'what will be used to judge our personal obedience to personal commands which God gives to us while we are living'.

We find forms of the word lawgiver  in: Genesis 49:10; Numbers 21:18; Deuteronomy 33:21; Psalms 60:7; Psalms 108:8; Isaiah 33:22 and James 4:12.  The Morrish Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'This in the first place refers to God; but in human affairs He is pleased to delegate His authority to the rulers, and Judah is twice mentioned as God's lawgiver. Ge 49:10; Nu 21:18; De 33:21; Ps 60:7; 108:8; Isa 33:22; Jas 4:12'.  While the commentators do not recognize this truth, James, symbolically, calls our Lord Jesus Christ  the lawgiver.

Thompson Chain Topics provides links for the word Lawgiver  as: 'God as:  Isa 33:22; 51:4; Jas 4:12.  Moses as:  Ex 34:32; De 4:44; 33:4; Joh 1:17; 7:19; Ac 7:38.  This note fails to list our Lord Jesus Christ  even though he is, symbolically, presented as a lawgiver'.

Please also see the following notes about the word lawMatthew 5:17; Mark 2:24; Luke 2:22; John 1:17; Acts 5:34; Romans 2:12; 1Corinthians 6:1; 2Corinthians 12:4; Galatians 2:16; Philippians 3:5; 1Timothy 1:7; Titus 3:9; Hebrews 7:5; James 1:25 and 1John 3:4.

Torrey's Topical Textbook provides links for the phrase Atonement, under the Law  as: 'Made by sacrifice:  Le 1:4-5:  By priests alone:  1Ch 6:49; 2Ch 29:24:  NECESSARY FOR:  Propitiating God:  Ex 32:30; Le 23:27-28; 2Sa 21:3:  Ransoming:  Ex 30:15-16:  Purifying:  Ex 29:36:  OFFERED FOR:  the congregation:  Nu 15:25; 2Ch 29:24:  the priests:  Ex 29:31-33; Le 8:34:  Persons sinning ignorantly:  Le 4:20-35:  Persons sinning willfully:  Le 6:7:  Persons swearing rashly:  Le 5:4,6:  Persons withholding evidence:  Le 5:1,6:  Persons unclean:  Le 5:2-3,6:  Women after childbirth:  Le 12:8:  the altar:  Ex 29:36-37:  the holy place:  Le 16:16-17:  the healed leper:  Le 14:18:  the leprous house healed:  Le 14:53:  Extraordinary cases of:  Ex 32:30-34; Nu 16:47; 25:10-13:  Typical of Christ's atonement:  Ro 5:6-11'.


Contact:  Webmaster@LJC1611KJV.com.  Member of Tower Road Baptist Church, Abq., NM, U.S.A., 87121.  Copyright 2009 Lord Jesus Christ in the 1611KJV.  All rights reserved. Revised: 12/25/24.