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Studies on Books of the Bible.

The links below access interpretative studies on books of the New Testament.  Some of these Studies are still under development.  All of these Book Studies have the book divided by punctuation within sentence structure.  All notes are based upon analyzing the sentence within the context of the chapter and the context of the book and all of the Bible; then analysis of the structure of the sentence as controlled by Biblical use of punctuation is considered along with how it affects the true interpretation; then analysis and use of the Biblical definition of the words within the sentence are applied to arrive at the true interpretation of each sentence.  Just in case someone failed to notice, interpretation by verse is not used as it is disobedience to the direct command of God and since interpretation by verse leads to a lot of the doctrinal error which is taught.

The completed Book Studies present an outline of what the book actually says with no regard for the religious doctrine of any specific religion.  (While I am a Baptist, the Baptist people have a real problem with my showing where their doctrine disagrees with what the Bible literally says.)  In addition, there is very little in the way of how to apply these truths to our own lives or the lives of others.  There is a deliberate attempt to limit what is presented to the interpretation.  However, when the Bible is giving an application then that application is dealt with.  In addition, some non-specific application and some real-life examples are included to aid understanding.  These are not intended to be used to tell others how to apply the word of God within their own life.  With that said, there age many outlines, Word Studies and other things which can be used by preachers for the basis of messages.

Most other Bible web sites concentrate upon the application of verses with a far less strict method of interpretation.  As a result, those authors and sites skip verses or claim that there are 'problem verses' when their incomplete method of interpretation produces a problem result.  There are NO 'problem verses', if a proper method of analysis is used, as this site shows.

In addition, to presenting a basic study of the book, these studies also provide links to other studies (such as word studies) where those studies intersect with the book that is being dealt with.

The Studies on the Gospels, Acts and Revelation are still under construction.

Matthew Acts Galatians 1Thessalonians Titus 1Peter 3John
Mark Romans Ephesians 2Thessalonians Philemon 2PeterJude
Luke 1Corinthians Philippians 1Timothy Hebrews 1John Revelation
John 2Corinthians Colossians 2Timothy James 2John  

In addition, to the detailed Studies, reached with the links above, there are 'Teaching' documents in PDF format.  These have the summaries from the detailed Studies along with Questions and Answers (usually 10 per chapter), which are designed to help teach the doctrine of the Bible book.  There are also Questions pages which can be printed out and copied to use as quizzes for your class.

In the table below are links to PDF formatted books that can be used to teach individual books of the New Testament.  In this paragraph are links to books, which are sold on Amazon.com, which are combinations of the books in the table below.  Teaching Pauline Epistles covers all of the Pauline Epistles except Romans, which is covered by Teaching Romans.  Hebrews was not signed by Paul and, therefore according to the Bible, was not written by Paul.  Teaching The General Epistles covers all of the rest of the epistles, including Hebrews.  Thus, these three books cover all of there epistles.

Pretty much everything on this site deals with the single interpretation of scripture.  (There is only one interpretation but many applications.)  However, I have written a few books on the application of scripture and copies are available at the following links:

Teaching Matthew Teaching Mark Teaching Luke Teaching John
Teaching Acts Teaching Romans Teaching 1Corinthians Teaching 2Corinthians
Teaching Galatians Teaching Ephesians Teaching Philippians Teaching Colossians
Teaching 1Thessalonians Teaching 2Thessalonians Teaching 1Timothy Teaching 2Timothy
Teaching Titus Teaching Philemon Teaching Hebrews Teaching James
Teaching 1Peter Teaching 2Peter Teaching 1John Teaching 2John
Teaching 3John Teaching Jude Teaching Revelation  

New Testament Themes

MatthewJesus Fulfilled the Mosaic Law
MarkJesus Shows us How to be a Servant
LukeJesus is our example man
JohnJesus is the Son of God
ActsHow the Holy Spirit Directed the Apostles
RomansBasic Doctrines for Christian living
1CorinthiansTest of Spiritual Maturity
2CorinthiansSpirit led life vs. Fleshly life
GalatiansGospel of Christ: Don't Leave it for Another Gospel
EphesiansGospel of Christ: Don't Mix with Doctrinal Error
PhilippiansKeep on keeping on
ColossiansGospel of Christ: Don't be Ignorant of it
1ThessaloniansThe elements of a true church.
2ThessaloniansThe Lord will judge righteously
1TimothyGodly Leadership: Take Heed unto the Doctrine
2TimothySound Doctrine Versus Doctrinal Error
TitusBasic Job Description of a Pastor
PhilemonNon-preachers Obey the Gospel of Christ
HebrewsHow God the Father Deals with His sons
JamesBeware of Living by Doctrinal Error
1PeterUse what God gave to you for a proper testimony during suffering
2PeterGrow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
1JohnJesus Christ is the Son of God
2JohnProve that You Follow Truth
3JohnGod's People are to Help Missionaries
JudeBeware of false doctrine and false teachers within the church
RevelationJesus Christ is Lord

Contact:  Webmaster@LJC1611KJV.com.  Member of Tower Road Baptist Church, Abq., NM, U.S.A., 87121.  Copyright 2009 Lord Jesus Christ in the 1611KJV.  All rights reserved. Revised: 08/09/24.