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Interpretive Study of Acts - Summary:

Book theme is: How God Started the Church.

God's Way to Study His Word:

In 2Timothy 2:15 we read: Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.  The true definition of the word dividing  is: 'a Mathematical function whereby we separate pre-defined units according to a precise procedure which produces a precise result'.  However, while most people understand that 'there is one interpretation but many applications of The word of God', they fail to separate the procedures of each.  And, as a result, they fail to separate the 'one interpretation of The word of God' from the 'many applications of The word of God'.  This leads to many errors which people blame on the perfect word of God  instead of their using the wrong procedure.

The result, of men using the wrong way, is that men claim that there are errors and conflicts in God's word.  In Isaiah 28; God tells us how to understand His word.  In addition, God preserved the message of His word; He preserves every word of His sentences; and God preserves every punctuation mark (jot and title)  of His sentences.  Therefore, God preserved what He wanted us to understand and God told us how to understand His word so that we have no errors and no conflicts.  Unfortunately, for at least one hundred and fifty (150) yeare, men have been taught to use the wrong way to interpret God's word instead of using God's way.

In Isaiah 55:9 we are told For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.  Thus, God warns us that our ways are wrong and that using God's way  produces better results, which have no errors and no conflicts.

In addition, 1Corinthians 2:14 tells us: But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.  Therefore, we can not properly understand the spiritual word of God  using man's way.  We must use God's way to understand God's preserved word of God.  And, the basics of God's way is to understand His preserved word of God  using the sentence format and true Biblical definitions for Bible words.

This Study follows the Biblical Way to understand God's Word.  It applies precepts  ('truths that never change for any circumstance').  It then goes through the epistle sentence-upon-sentence (line upon line  [Isaiah 28 ]).  This is different from the ways of men which use verse-upon-verse or some other method which generates errors.  God's sentence-upon-sentence method also pays attention to what 'The word of God' tells us that God preserved, which are the true Biblical meanings of words and the Biblical usage of punctuation.  (These two are the components of sentences and do not give us verses.) the 'The word of God' tells us that God preserved punctuation (one jot or one tittle)  in Matthew 5:18 and Luke 16:17.  And 'The word of God' tells us that God preserved every word  when he wrote: Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God  (Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:4 and Luke 4:4).

The summary of the epistle comes from the summary of each chapter and each chapter summary within that book.  Every chapter summary comes from the summary of each sentence within that chapter.  And, the sentence summaries come from analysis using the punctuation and true word definitions, as already explained.  As a result, we have what God literally had written and see that there are no conflicts even when we consider the smallest part of a sentence compared to the entire Bible book.  God is consistent from the start of a Bible book to the end and is consistent in His doctrines and word definitions across the entire Bible.  What we have is an integrated whole (single) message, with no errors and no conflicts.  This particular book Study is part of a detailed analysis of the entire New Testament which shows this truth.

Other than cults, all claims of errors and conflicts are based upon the New Testament.  This Study is part of a series which interprets the preserved word of God  using God's way and proving that there are no errors, nor any conflicts, if we obey God and use His way to interpret His word.  And, this series concentrates on the New Testament, since that is the basis of these lies about the perfect word of God.

I have read, or at least skimmed, every book which has been written in the last hundred and fifty (150) years and which claims to teach people how to study and understand The word of God.  In every case, they use a method which comes from man and do not use God's way (Isaiah 55:8) to study and understand The word of God.  And, while there are variations from one man-written method to another man-written method, every one of them ends up with problems.  The end result of those problems is that people blame God's perfect word for their own problems and either turn to a man-written 'bible' or skip verses.  (By skipping the interpretation of certain verses, they can hide the conflict which their method has produced.)

Now, many people find that the Detail Studies to be overwhelming because they have everything required to prove that there are NO errors in The perfect word of God.  This summary level is easier to understand for most people.  At the same time, if someone has an argument with what is presented here, the matching Detail Study provides all of the proof required in order to show that what is here matches exactly what God wrote in His word.  Again, this is not a matter of my opinion versus their opinion.  I have over thirty (30) years’ experience as a professional Systems Analyst with an international reputation for accuracy in how to prove things.  And, this series of books are the result of using recognized methods of analysis to prove what God actually wrote.  This series does not present a religious opinion.  Therefore, a religious opinion, which was arrived at from using wrong methods, is not superior to a true analysis of what God wrote.

People have looked for over twenty (20) years and failed to find any other work that covers everything this series cover.  In addition, no one has found any other work which covers the level of detail found in the Detail Studies.  Further, the Detail Studies literally have several million Bible references to support the interpretation provided and to show that The perfect word of God  is consistent all across it for word definitions and doctrines.  Again, no one has found any other work which has this quantity of Bible references supporting what is presented.  I do not write this to brag but to inform the reader the depth of study which supports what is presented in this series.

Let any who disagree show their method and the results of their method and try to explain how their method, which produces errors, is greater that God's way which produces no errors and no conflicts.

Overview of Acts

Book theme is: How God Started the Church.

Chapter links:  12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728; God.

Other people have written all kinds of commentaries on this epistle.  You can find many disagreements between these commentaries.  The commentaries that teach doctrinal error ignore the context as they try to justify their doctrine.  Such action is motivated by devils and the resulting doctrinal error can bring the judgment of God upon His people instead of the blessings that God wants to give.  1John 4:1 tells us Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.  The commentaries which do base their comments upon what is actually written, with consideration of context and proper methods of interpretation, will agree on doctrine even while presenting different views of that doctrine.

within this Bible book, we are told that an evil spirit  ('devil') called the Son of God Jesus  and not Lord Jesus.  An evil spirit  will not recognize the Son of God as Lord  until it has to.  when this evil spirit  identified the Son of God as just Jesus  (not as Lord Jesus)  it was denying His Lordship just like the vagabond Jews,  of Acts 19 did.  (The vagabond Jews  were cursed like Cain was cursed.)  Most people who use the name of Jesus  while denying His Lordship don't realize that they are acting like an evil spirit  ('devil') even if they are saved.  Please consider that the Book of Acts uses Saviour  only twice but uses Lord  110 times in 102 verses.  The main theme of this book is not about Jesus  being our Saviour  but His being Lord.

In our opening chapter, the chapter theme is 'The Ascension'.  In this chapter, Luke writes why he wrote this book and then, quickly, starts writing about the return of Lord Jesus Christ  to Heaven.  However, before His Ascension, Lord Jesus Christ  instructs His disciples.  First, He tells them that each and every one of them personally shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence.  He also tells them to wait  for that to occur, but Peter leads them into a wrong action before that.

The disciples asked Him about His restoring again the kingdom to Israel  and He replies with It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.  This is one of the most ignored truths in the Bible with lots of 'prophecy preachers' and people wanting to know about unfulfilled prophecies.  They want to know what God the Father deliberately hid.

The disciples wanted to know when they would be given their promised positions ruling and, instead, Lord Jesus Christ  gave them the 'Great Commission' and then He ascended.  They returned to the upper room and were praying for several days.  That is when Peter tried to lead the church into ordaining a replacement for Judas Iscariot.  However, that type of appointment was something that God hath put in his own power,  and God ignored their ordination.

In Chapter Two, the chapter theme is 'Pentecost'.  In this chapter, we read that this report was added to the report of the prior chapter.  There we read that they were they were all with one accord in one place  as they prayed and that was critical to God displaying His power.  In addition, this was the birth of the church ('when the spiritual life was brought out into the world').  As explained in the Gospel accounts, the spiritual conception of the church ('start of spiritual life') was in the Gospel times.  Jesus  said, in Matthew 11:13 and Luke 16:16; For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John.  (That means that the Old Testament ended with the death of John the Baptist).

When these people made a profession, they were baptized  and joined the church.  They did this in spite of the threat from the Jewish religious leaders to beat anyone who joined the church and to kick them out of the Temple.  The Jewish religious leaders taught the Jews that they would go to Hell if kicked out of the Temple.  Thus, they acted in the face of spiritual, physical and social ostracization.

Our chapter ends with And all that believed were together, and had all things common; And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need.  And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, Praising God, and having favour with all the people.  That is, they became a true spiritual family and treated each other with God's Love.  And, as a result of their attitudes and actions, our final sentence tells us And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.

In Chapter three, the chapter theme is 'Peter and John preach in the Temple'.  Our chapter starts with the word Now,  which means 'After you understand what came before'.  (Please read the prior paragraphs for that summary.)  By comparing those two chapters, we see the difference between when we act on our own and when we let God direct us and work through our life.  And, that is the main doctrine which we are to understand before we consider this chapter because, in this chapter, we read an account of Peter and John letting God direct them and work through their lives.  The result was another demonstration of God's power.  In the first few sentences we read the report of what Peter and John did.  In the remainder of the chapter, we read a summary of Peter's message to the gathered Jews.

In Chapter Four, the chapter theme is 'The Reaction to the Gospel Being Given'.  In this chapter, we read about the reactions to the miracle and preaching of the Gospel as reported in the prior chapter.  In these chapters, we see an escalating fight between the religious leaders, who represent Satan, and the apostles, who represent God.  First, the religious leaders arrested Peter and John.  Then, they commanded them to not preach in the name of Jesus.  Next, they threatened them if they preached the Gospel again, and then they let them go.  The religious leaders wanted to do more to the apostles, but were afraid that the common Jew would stone them if they did because the apostles did a miracle which obviously required the power of God.  There were too many witnesses, to the miracle, for them to get away with telling lies about it.  And, while the religious leaders reacted badly, the church ended up praising God for the miracle and the people saved.

In Chapter Five, the chapter theme is 'God's test'.  In this chapter, we read that Ananias and Sapphira lied to God's Holy Ghost  and were killed for it.  In the prior chapter, we read that people like Barnabas sold what they owned, like land, and gave money to the apostles for the care of the poor in the church.  And, they were praised for doing that.  Then, Ananias and Sapphira wanted the praise, but did not completely trust God to provide all of their needs.  So, they sold their land, gave only part of what they received from the sale, and claimed that they gave it all.  Their lying was an attempt by Satan to introduce corruption into the church.  Since the church is the body of Christ,  that was the equivalent of someone deliberately putting cancer into another person's body.  Both are forms of aggressive corruption which try to kill the host.

In addition to the account of Ananias and Sapphira, our chapter tells us about God using the apostles to do multiple miracles.  And, word spread through Jerusalem and even beyond the city so that people were bring in sick and others possessed by devils hoping that the shadow, as apostles walked down the street, would heal.  In retaliation, Satan had the Jewish religious leaders arrest the apostles and put them in prison over night.  Then, in the morning, they waited until the full senate, over seventy men, were assembled to call for the apostles to be brought from prison.  The whole show was to intimidate the apostles with the might of the assembled Jewish government.  However, they were not in prison and were not intimidated.  The angel of the Lord  had freed them from prison and old them to go and teach in the Temple.  Thus, the apostles were not intimidated and, instead, preached the gospel to the assembled Jewish government.  That resulted in the Jewish leaders wanting to murder all of the apostles.  But, they were warned against that because they might end up fighting against God.  So, the government beat them and let them go.  The apostles praised God for being allowed to suffer for the name of Jesus  and kept preaching the Gospel.  Thus, we see the ongoing and escalating war between Satan and God with each using men as their proxies.

In Chapter Six, the chapter theme is 'Creation of the office of deacon'.  In the prior chapter, we read that Satan tried to use the Jewish government to intimidate to apostles.  That failed.  So now, in this chapter, we read that he is introducing problems into the church.  Satan causes a dispute between the Jews who lived in Jerusalem and Judaea against the saved Jews from other lands.  The dispute is over providing for the physical needs of people in the church.  As a result, the church created the office of deacon to handle physical needs within the church.  And, over time, Satan has used this office to cause further disputes by convincing some people that the deacon can dictate spiritual matters to the preacher.  In this chapter, we read about a very clear division of labor.  The preachers are to deal with spiritual matters and the deacons are to deal with physical matters.

In Chapter Seven, the chapter theme is 'Stephen's Message'.  Our chapter starts with the high priest asking a question based upon the lies reported in the prior chapter.  It ends with the murder of Stephen.  In between is the report of the message preached by Stephen.  In stead of answering the lies from the false witnesses,  Stephen preached a message to convict the Jewish Council of their own sin.  As a result, they murder Stephen instead of truly Biblically repenting.

In Chapter Eight, the chapter theme is 'God scatters the church'.  Acts 8 starts with the scattering of the church due to the persecution that came after Stephen was martyred.  As section of this scattering, we have this verse.  In Acts 1:8 Jesus  instructed ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost section of the earth.  They had testified in Jerusalem, as has been reported between 1:8 and now.  Now the church members will testify in all Judaea,  by being scattered, and Philip  will testify in Samaria.  The rest of Acts tell of testimony unto the uttermost section of the earth.  So, this chapter is telling us about the effort of the non-preacher named Philip.  The end of this chapter and our next chapter tell us about God working through Peter.  Then Chapter Ten tells us about Peter opening the door for Gentiles to receive the Gospel, but God had to force that action and the leaders of the Jerusalem Church had a fit with Peter for doing what the Lord Jesus Christ  had commanded.  This is when the account turns to report what the non-preachers were doing in Antioch.  At the same time, God removed His blessings from the Jerusalem Church and some of the people started to starve.  That is why Chapter Eleven ends with: Then the disciples, every man according to his ability, determined to send relief unto the brethren which dwelt in Judaea: Which also they did, and sent it to the elders by the hands of Barnabas and Saul.

In Chapter Nine, the chapter theme is 'Peace in the churches'.  In this chapter, many people concentrate on the start of this chapter and the salvation of Saul.  That is a very important account.  But it is not all that is reported in this chapter.  Our chapter also reports Peter visiting gatherings of saved people, which were outside of Jerusalem, and doing miracles.  He brought them peace and the blessings of God.  In addition, the salvation of Saul also brought peace to the saved.  So the real theme, which is throughout the chapter, is peace and blessings given to saved people because they took the Gospel beyond Jerusalem.  These saved people were blessed for their obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ.

In Chapter Ten, the chapter theme is 'The Salvation of Gentiles'.  This entire chapter is about the salvation of the household of Cornelius.  In Acts 1:8; Lord Jesus Christ  had commanded the church to each personally (yebe witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.  Starting in Acts 2; we have the account of Pentecost and the salvation of thousands of Jews in Jerusalem.  But they did not go out of the city.  So, in Acts 5; we read that the apostles were beat because they preached the Gospel.  Then in Acts 6; we read about problems in the church and the decision to arrest Stephen.  Then in Acts 7; we read that Stephen was martyred.  That resulted in the saved Jews going to Judaea and Samaria, as is reported in Acts 8.  Notice that it took a death before the church took the second step of the 'Great Commission' and, even then, it was the non-preachers who took the Gospel to those areas.  However, the result of them obeying the 'Great Commission' was that the church had rest throughout all Judaea and Galilee and Samaria, and were edified; and walking in the fear of the Lord, and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost, were multiplied  (Acts 9:31).

Now, in this chapter, we see our Lord Jesus Christ  pretty much forcing Peter to take the Gospel to a Gentile named Cornelius along with his household.  However, our next chapter tells us they that were of the circumcision contended with (Peter), Saying, thou wentest in to men uncircumcised, and didst eat with them.  And we see these Jews continue to insist upon the false doctrine of works salvation claiming that people had to be circumcised in order to be saved.  And, in spite of God repeatedly proving to them that their doctrine was wrong, they kept insisting on the wrong doctrine of works sanctification.  That is, Jews could only be sanctified and blessed by God if they kept the Jewish religious traditions.  And, it was these same saved Jews which caused Paul to be arrested and beheaded.

Notice that Acts 11:26 tells us: And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.  Even though there were thousands of saved Jews in the Jerusalem Church, they were not called Christians.  And, Acts 12:1-2 tells us: Now about that time Herod the king stretched forth his hands to vex certain of the church.  And he killed James the brother of John with the sword.  We no longer read about the Jerusalem Church winning souls and, after they had Paul arrested, God completely destroys the Jerusalem Church and all of the Jews who refused to let God correct their doctrinal error.

The lesson is simple and clear.  God will bless those churches which are doing the 'Great Commission'.  However, God will also remove His blessings, and eventually destroy, any church which spreads doctrinal error and refuses to accept doctrinal correction from God.

In Chapter Eleven, the chapter theme is 'The Lord  working to save Gentiles'.  Our chapter starts with the account of they that were of the circumcision contended with  Peter about breaking Jewish religious traditions.  And, Peter answered that he did as the Lord  commanded him and it was Lord  Who saved the Gentiles.  Peter then asked them: what was I, that I could withstand God?  Unfortunately, these same saved Jews will continue their same wrong doctrine based upon Jewish religious traditions until God has to destroy the Jerusalem Church in order to kill off the doctrinal error.

After the report of that contention over religion, we have the report of people being saved in Antioch.  The non-preachers were scattered abroad upon the persecution that arose about Stephen.  And, as their church commanded, they were preaching the word to none but unto the Jews only.  However, in Antioch, the Jews were married to Gentiles and the Gentiles were saved also.  Thus, God had a mixed-race church and that church was the church which sent out Paul as their missionary.  They were the church which, finally, did all of the 'Great Commission'.

Please notice that God had to get the apostles beat and Stephen martyred before the church left Jerusalem and took the Gospel to the rest of Judaea and to Samaria.  Then, God had to do the prior chapter in order to get Peter to take the Gospel to Gentiles.  It is only after that that we read about Jews taking the Gospel into foreign countries.  But, even then, they were preaching the word to none but unto the Jews only.  Thus, God had to work around the religious prejudices of His saved Jews.

In Chapter Twelve, the chapter theme is 'God supports right doctrine and punishes wrong doctrine'.  It is very easy to think the theme of this chapter is something other than what is reported above because most of the chapter is telling about Peter being imprisoned and then freed.  However, the true chapter theme matches everything that the chapter speaks about and the end of this chapter tells us about God killing a king because he supported doctrinal error.  In addition, God is a Spirit  (John 4:24).  Therefore, the primary message is spiritual and we must also consider how this chapter fits within the context of other chapters.

We saw God blessing the Jerusalem Church as they started out preaching the Gospel and winning souls.  But when they refused to go beyond Jerusalem, God brought punishment.  When they brought the Gospel the Judaea and Samaria, God blessed.  But, when they stopped there, God gave Peter a vision ('message direct from God') and had Peter open the door of salvation to the Gentiles.  Now, there were in the Jerusalem Church Jews who insisted that only Jews could be saved and that Jews had to keep the Jewish religious traditions which were added to God's law.  They also insisted that Gentiles could not be saved and that they were to preach the Gospel unto Jews only  (Acts 11:19).  As a result of Peter taking the Gospel to Gentiles, and proving their doctrine wrong, those saved Jews chided Peter out.  But, Peter responded with what was I, that I could withstand God?.  Therefore, they accepted what God had done through Peter but treated it as a one-time event and kept insisting on their doctrines that only Jews could be saved and that Jews had to keep the Jewish religious traditions which were added to God's law.

Now, we come to our current chapter and we read: Now about that time Herod the king stretched forth his hands to vex certain of the church.  And he killed James the brother of John with the sword.  Notice that the purpose of the king was spiritual because he acted to vex certain of the church.  And, we see God using a lost man to punish His church (he killed James the brother of John with the sword)  because they refused God's correction of their doctrine which denied salvation to Gentiles, even after God saved Gentiles.  Next, we read: And because he (king Herod) saw it pleased the Jews, he proceeded further to take Peter also.  Only Peter had accepted God's doctrine of salvation being given to Gentiles.  So, God sent His angel to do a miracle for Peter but God waited until curtain of the church prayed all night and recognized that God could do what they could not do.  The church members at the prayer meeting were, most likely, not the saved people who demanded that God submit to their doctrinal error.  Therefore, what we have here is God punishing the Jerusalem Church for allowing doctrinal error to persist but God also blessed certain church members who truly submitted to God.

Now, that brings us to the end of our chapter where we read that God killed king Herod because he accepted when The people gave a shout, saying, It is the voice of a god, and not of a man.

As shown in the paragraphs above, we have a spiritual theme running through this book with God blessing His people who truly believe and obey His doctrine and with God punishing anyone who opposes true spiritual doctrine.  After this chapter, we don't read about God blessing the Jerusalem Church and using them to win souls.  In stead, we read about their members starving and the church ignoring God's removal of blessings while they supported doctrinal error.  Now, the Bible does not report it but history tells us that God sent the Roman Army in to tear down the Temple when His people kept insisting that saved Jews had to keep Jewish traditions.  (People claimed that it was because of the general Jew but they had not changed in 400 years of Roman rule.  No, what changed was the saved Jews refusing to let God change their doctrine.)  And, history also leads us to believe that God killed or scattered all of the saved Jews who taught that doctrinal error.

The obvious spiritual lesson, which is ignored by saved religious people, is that the saved need to be sure that their doctrine matches the character of God and what The word of God  teaches is spiritual truth.

In Chapter thirteen, the chapter theme is 'The Start of the First Missionary Trip to Gentiles'.  Rather than providing a summary of this chapter, the notes, in the Detailed Section; summarize different sections of sentences in the chapter and those summaries are the best summary of the chapter.  This chapter is a report of ongoing incidents and the chapter itself provides the best flow of events where one incident leads to the next incident.

In Chapter Fourteen, the chapter theme is 'Finishing the First Missionary Trip to Gentiles'.  The prior chapter told us the start of this report and this chapter tells us the finish.  An important point is that the missionaries reported back to the sending church as soon as they were able.  They did not have world-wide communication, at that time, like we have today.  Sending churches need to be supporting their missionaries with constant prayer, money, and other supports when possible.  Missionaries need to be reporting to their sending churches on a regular basis.  Everybody in the sending church knew Paul, Barnabas, and the rest of the missionary team.  They were all church family.  Today, most church members don't know how many missionaries their church supports much less know who they are and what problems that they face.  Current missions programs emphasize sending a little support to many missionaries and relying on the Mission Board to check on doctrine and behavior of missionaries.  The result is lots of 'moochenaries', who claim to be missionaries but are not truly producing results.  In addition, there have been several incidents where Mission Boards have demanded that missionaries support doctrinal error.  Further, there have been unverified lies passed to pastors and churches which come from jealous missionaries about other missionaries.  And, I write these three truths as a witness who has personally seen, and verified, each of these doctrinal errors.  Each one of these things are results of the current popular way to support missions, which is different from what we read in this Bible book.

There is a very important lesson in this report about the first missionary trip.  The missionary must be spiritually mature enough before going to the mission field or they will fail and take others down with them.  John Mark went on this first trip but went home earl because of spiritual immaturity.  When it came time for the second missionary trip, Barnabas insisted on taking him and Paul refused.  The two split and went separate ways and we never read about Barnabas again.  So, John Mark's spiritual immaturity messed up his uncle Barnabas also.  At the same time, we read that devil-motivated Jews pursued Paul and Barnabas and caused them to be run out of several cities until they had Paul stoned in one and had his body put in the city dump.  A missionary must be able to adapt to different cultures and to suffer any physical hardship including torture and death.

In Chapter Fifteen, the chapter theme is 'Devil Motivated Contention'.  The prior two chapters told us about the first missionary trip and ended with Paul and Barnabas homeans safe.  They had been persecuted, Paul had been stoned and left for dead, and they had suffered many physical hardships.  Yet, they had triumphed spiritually and started many churches.

Since Satan could not stop them from doing God's will and taking the Gospel to the Gentiles, his next action is to introduce corruption into the doctrine of the Gospel.  Specifically, Satan had saved religious men spreading the claim that circumcision is required for salvation.  That is a doctrine of 'works salvation' and even today we are still fighting that heresy.  In addition, Satan had saved religious men spreading the claim that keeping Jewish religious traditions was required for sanctification and blessings from God.  That is a doctrine of 'works sanctification' and we have several religions claiming their own form of 'works sanctification' today.

Please note, these people were highly influential in the Jewish religion before they were saved and, apparently, retained their influence after being saved even though they were spiritual babes.  When God used Peter to lead the household of Cornelius to salvation (10), they gave Peter a hard time and expected him to fight God and make God accept their religious beliefs.  In addition, at that time, they were shown, by God, that their religious traditions were replaced, in the new Testament, by God.  Yet they persisted in their doctrine even after God proved it wrong.

These people persisted until God had the Temple torn down so that they could not keep the Jewish religious traditions which required sacrifice.  God also destroyed the Jerusalem Church by scattering, or killing, everyone who clung to this doctrinal error.

What we see here are very selfish, and spiritually immature, people who claimed to be leaders in the church because of religious credentials and not based upon evidence of God leading them.  They were more interested in their position among men than what was best for the church or haw they were supposed to be serving God.  Realize that, from this point forward, instead of winning souls themselves, or starting their own churches, they wanted to take over the churches which Paul started.  That attitude is what we need to beware of.

They kept demanding that the church compromise doctrine to accommodate their doctrinal error instead of the preachers (apostles) correcting their doctrinal error.  They persisted until they destroyed the church and the preachers (apostles) can be blamed for not correcting them.  Titus 3:10-11 says: A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject; Knowing that he that is such is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned of himself.  The church was destroyed because they did not do this.  Again, 2Thessalonians 3:14-15 says: And if any man obey not our word By this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed. Yet count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.  Again, they failed to do this and allowed their church to be destroyed.

In Chapter Sixteen, the chapter theme is 'The Start of the Second Mission Trip'.  Rather than providing a summary of this chapter, the notes, in the Detailed Section; summarize different sections of sentences in the chapter and those summaries are the best summary of the chapter.  This chapter is a report of ongoing incidents and the chapter itself provides the best flow of events where one incident leads to the next incident.

In Chapter Seventeen, the chapter theme is 'ontinuing the Second Mission Trip'.  As with the chapter above, we read that the notes, in the Detailed Section; summarize different sections of sentences in the chapter and those summaries are the best summary of the chapter.  This chapter is a report of ongoing incidents and the chapter itself provides the best flow of events where one incident leads to the next incident.

In Chapter Eighteen, the chapter theme is 'Continuing the Second Mission Trip.  Paul establishes the church in Corinth'.  In Acts 17 Paul had been run out of thessalonica (Acts 17:5-9) by The Jews which believed not.  Paul and others then went to Berea (Acts 17:10) but The Jews which believed not  followed Paul there and again got him run out of town.  However, Paul left others to start a church and moved on to Athens alone.  There many treated the gospel as an 'intellectual philosophy' and put it below the thinking of humans.  Paul then left Athens and came to Corinth (Acts 18:1-2) and found Jews ([and] Priscilla) who had the same occupation (tentmakers) as Paul and they befriended Paul.  It should be noted here that Paul, and others of his missionary team, worked jobs and were not full time missionaries  relying solely upon support from sending churches.  Yes, there are places where missionaries can't get a local job and, therefore, must have some other financial support.  However, the current belief that only full time preachers and their families can be missionaries does not match what we find here in the Bible.

in this chapter we see Paul visiting several other cities and starting churches.  We also see our Lord Jesus Christ  protecting him.  Therefore, the unbelieving Jews attacked the new believers.  We are also introduced to Aquila and his wife Priscilla, who helped Paul and traveled with him as far as Ephesus.  Paul left them there and when Apollos went to Ephesus and preached The baptism of John.  Then Aquila and Priscilla took him unto them, and expounded unto him the way of God more perfectly.

In Chapter Nineteen, the chapter theme is 'Paul's ministry at Ephesus and in Asia'.  Rather than providing a summary of this chapter, the notes, in the Detailed Section; summarize different sections of sentences in the chapter and those summaries are the best summary of the chapter.  This chapter is a report of ongoing incidents and the chapter itself provides the best flow of events where one incident leads to the next incident.

In Chapter Twenty, the chapter theme is 'The End of Paul's Mission Trips'.  Rather than providing a summary of this chapter, the notes, in the Detailed Section; summarize different sections of sentences in the chapter and those summaries are the best summary of the chapter.  This chapter is a report of ongoing incidents and the chapter itself provides the best flow of events where one incident leads to the next incident.

In Chapter Twenty One, the chapter theme is 'Paul arrives at Jerusalem'.  In this chapter, as with prior chapters. the notes, in the Detailed Section; summarize different sections of sentences in the chapter and those summaries are the best summary of the chapter.  This chapter is a report of ongoing incidents and the chapter itself provides the best flow of events where one incident leads to the next incident.

In Chapter Twenty Two, the chapter theme is 'Paul gives his testimony of salvation to the Jews'.  Our chapter starts with Paul speaking to the Jews.  He starts by telling them where he was from and that he was as zealous of the law as any of them were at that time.  He tells them that he persecuted this way unto the death, binding and delivering into prisons both men and women  and that he dragged them to Jerusalem to be punished.  However, while on the way to Damascus, a light came to him from God and old him he was doing wrong.  And, God told him I am Jesus of Nazareth, whom thou persecutest.  Further, he was blinded by the light.  Then, while praying in Damascus, as man was sent to restore his sight and he was commanded to be a messenger for God.  After that, he returned to Jerusalem and, while praying in the Temple, was told to go to the Gentiles.

The response of the Jews was to demand Paul's death.  The chief captain  was going to have Paul scourged until Paul told him that he was a Roman citizen.  Therefore, the chief captain  took him into the castle  and, in the morning, demanded that the Jewish religious leaders come to the castle  and explain the tumult.

in this chapter, Paul tells his conversion experience from Acts 9.  Please also see notes on verses related to Paul's conversion in Acts 9.  Some people preach on the differences between the three reciting of Paul's conversion, but they are not relevant to this study.  Basically, what Paul reported was his agreeing to obey on a personal basis.  In the three reports, we read the same message, but different facts are emphasized based upon the circumstances that Paul found himself in and the type of audience that he was addressing.  As seen throughout Acts and Paul's writings, he believed in obeying his personal Lord  without question or objection.

Acts 21 tells of Paul going to Jerusalem and reporting to the church there all that the Lord  had done.  (Please see the note for Acts 21:20 about that incident.)  the church leaders were more concerned about their o2wn problem and demanded that Paul go to the Temple and do a religious ceremony in order to satisfy the religious demands of spiritually immature members.  They should have taught those members what the Lord  had proved was His will and old them to grow up, but they compromised instead.  As Paul was obeying their command, Acts 21:27 tells us and when the seven days were almost ended, the Jews which were of Asia, when they saw him in the Temple, stirred up all the people, and laid hands on him,.  There is reason to believe that Paul was there only at the command of the elders of the Jerusalem church, but we can't know for sure.  We do know that shortly after this God brought judgment upon all of Jerusalem, including this church.

Regardless of that, when these religious fanatical Jews started a riot with their lies, God sent word to the local authorities (Acts 21:31) Who immediately took soldiers and centurions, and ran down unto them.  Like most authorities, they sought to end the problem as quickly as possible by arresting Paul (Acts 21:33) but then they tried to find out what happened.  When the local authorities couldn't calm things down (Acts 21:34-37) Paul got permission to speak and God calmed the crowd down long enough to hear Paul's testimony (Acts 21:40Acts 22:22).  When Paul's testimony used the word of God to prove that their religious doctrine was in error, these people refused to submit to the Lord  and starting rioting again.

While we can see their error by 'hindsight', we can also see many people making the same error today.  When they stand and before God in judgment and God brings this incident up, it will be impossible for these people to claim that God never told them the truth of how to be saved.  They will not be able to deny that they personally rejected God's truth in favor of man's religion.  Unfortunately, many people today will have the same truth proven against them by God.  What's worse is that many of God's children are committing this same error even while they have the Spirit of God to show them the truth.

in this chapter, we read Paul's testimony that was given to this riotous crowd of Jewish religious fanatics.  He started out by letting them know that he was like them by speaking unto them in the Hebrew tongue  (Acts 21:40) and calling them Men, brethren, and fathers  (Acts 22:1) and claiming to be a Jew, born in Tarsus, a city in Cilicia  (Acts 22:3) and claiming the best religious education yet brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, and taught according to the perfect manner of the law of the fathers,  (Acts 22:3) and claiming to be a like fanatic was zealous tward God, as ye all are this day.  and I persecuted this way unto the death, binding and delivering into prisons both men and women  (Acts 22:3-4) and claiming the most accepted legal witness As also the high priest doth bear me witness, and all the estate of the elders  (Acts 22:5) and claiming legal documentation to verify his claims from whom also I received letters unto the brethren  (Acts 22:5).

With all of these credentials, they would have a hard time refusing to listen, once they heard Paul's credentials.  God made then shut up and calm down long enough to decide Paul was their kind of religious hero and they became quiet and listened to him.  That's when Paul's testimony changed from the direction they expected it to go and Paul essentially proved that the Lord  demanded different actions than what their religion expected.  In Acts 22:6-7 Paul told of the kind of miracle and 'vision' that they were all familiar with.  Therefore, they should have accepted Paul's word that he was obeying God.  However, like all fanatics, they insisted that someone can only obey God if they do what the fanatic demands.

Returning to our account, Paul related a miracle and 'vision' is a way well understood by these fanatical religious Jews.  1Corinthians 1:22 tells us For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom.  We don't seek the same type of proof as the Jews seek because we are Greeks.  However, God did give these Jews the type of proof that they sought.  Where Paul reacted properly to God's proof, these fanatical religious Jews rejected God's proof.  Thereby, they proved to be like all that killed their own prophets and the Son of God.  They deliberately rejected what they were proved to be a Word from God in favor of their religious beliefs.

Unfortunately, there are many religious people who do the same today.  More than once I have shown people many verses which prove their religious doctrine to be wrong and show them the correct doctrine and show them the advantages of the correct doctrine.  While they can not dispute all of the proof that I show them, many have told me that what I showed was the meat  and most people could only handle milk  so God wanted them to continue teaching error that was accepted by milk  loving immature Christians  (1Corinthians 3:1-9).  That's what these people did here and they brought great judgment from the Lord  upon themselves, their children and all that were in their 'ministry'.

In Chapter Twenty three, the chapter theme is 'Paul is judged by the Jewish Council for the last time'.  In further chapters, the Jewish Council speaks to Festus, but they are no longer doing the judging.

In the prior chapter, the Jews from Asia stirred up the city with lies about Paul.  As already explained, they were proxies for devils.  However, Paul was God's proxies in the spiritual war between God and devils.  God is letting the devils do their best to destroy Paul while God protects Paul until God is ready to take him to Heaven.  God said that Paul would testify to kings, and he has yet to do that.  Paul will do so because of this fight.  In addition, Paul will write the 'prison epistles'.  So, God is protecting Paul because he has things which He wants Paul to do before he dies.  God is also protecting Paul to prove the everyone that He is more powerful than all of the devils combined.

That is what is going on spiritually throughout the rest of this Bible book.  Physically, we have more details in this chapter and the following chapters.

In the last sentence of the prior chapter, we read that The chief captain...commanded the chief priests and all their council to appear, and brought Paul down, and set him before them.  The first thing that happened is that high priest Ananias commanded them that stood by him to smite him on the mouth.  He did this because Paul spoke one sentence of truth.  With that, it was made clear that the Jewish religious leaders would not listen to the truth.  So, we read next, But when Paul perceived that the one part were Sadducees, and the other Pharisees, he cried out in the council, Men and brethren, I am a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee: of the hope and resurrection of the dead I am called in question.  The Jewish religious leaders broke into a violent disagreement and the chief captain  ordered his men to remove Paul and dismissed the Jewish religious leaders.  Later, in Acts 24:7-8; when the Jewish religious leaders were testifying to Festus, they claimed The chief captain Lysias came upon us, and with great violence took him away out of our hands.  Like all political liars, he refused to acknowledge that they had turned violent first and it was only possible for The chief captain  to protect Paul, who was under his protection, with great violence.  They caused that reaction and then blamed the authority for the reaction which they caused.

After that, Felix dismissed the Jewish religious leaders and kept Paul a prisoner for two years because he hoped also that money should have been given him of Paul, that he might loose him.

The account continues in the next chapter.

In Chapter Twenty Four, the chapter theme is 'Paul's judgment by Felix'.  In this chapter, as with prior chapters. the notes, in the Detailed Section; summarize different sections of sentences in the chapter and those summaries are the best summary of the chapter.  This chapter is a report of ongoing incidents and the chapter itself provides the best flow of events where one incident leads to the next incident.

In Chapter Twenty Five, the chapter theme is 'Paul stands at Caesar's judgment'.  Our prior chapter ended with Porcius  Festus taking over as governor and Felix leaving Paul bound.  Then the high priest and the chief of the Jews informed (Festus) against Paul, and besought him, And desired favour against him, that he would send for him to Jerusalem, laying wait in the way to kill him.  At first, Festus said that Paul would be kept at Caesarea.  But, later, willing to do the Jews a pleasure, answered Paul, and said, Wilt thou go up to Jerusalem, and there be judged of these things before me?  Then said Paul, I stand at Caesar's judgment seat, where I ought to be judged: to the Jews have I done no wrong, as thou very well knowest.  Paul was getting tired of the local politics where he would never get an honest trial and never be set free.

After that, king Agrippa and Bernice came unto Caesarea to salute Festus.  Paul testified before king Agrippa, in the next chapter, because Festus had nothing to write to Caesar as to why Paul was arrested but the Jewish religious leaders kept demanding his death.

In Chapter Twenty Six, the chapter theme is 'Paul's Testimony to king Agrippa'.  Festus had set up king Agrippa many important people, with great pomp,  to hear Paul's defense against crimes that the Jewish religious leaders claimed he did.  However, Paul was sensitive enough to the true spiritual purpose of the meeting to use his personal testimony to preach the Gospel.  In the end, Festus said with a loud voice, Paul, thou art beside thyself; much learning doth make thee mad.  And, Then Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.  The very last sentence of our chapter concludes with: Then said Agrippa unto Festus, this man might have been set at liberty, if he had not appealed unto Caesar.  Even the lost political leaders understood that Paul had not violated any law of man.  He was arrested because of a religious dispute between proxies of God and of Devils.

In Chapter Twenty Seven, the chapter theme is 'The attempt to go to Rome that ended at Melita'.  Since Paul had appealed to Caesar,  he had to be sent to Rome.  The prior chapter told us what happened while the governor was waiting for a ship going that way so that he could send Paul.  This chapter tells us what happened on the way and why they failed to reach Italy.  The next chapter tells us what happened after they reached Italy.

in this chapter we see devils using things like storms to try and kill Paul, or at least prevent him from getting to Rome.  But, our Lord Jesus Christ  had prophesied that Paul would be a witness for Him in Romeans God protected Paul along the way.  That included him prophesying what would happen to the ship on the journey.  In addition it also included him shaking a poisonous snake off his hand into the fire and his being able to give the Gospel to more people.  Thus, we see that Paul is continuing to be a witness for our Lord Jesus Christ  and He, in return, protecting Paul from all that devils and men do until it is time for Paul to go to Heaven and receive his reward.

In Chapter Twenty Eight, the chapter theme is 'The End of the Testimony of Paul'.  Our chapter starts with the treatment of the people on the island where they had crashed the ship.  The devils tried to kill Paul, one more time, with a venomous snake.  But, Paul shook it off into the heat.  And, after three months, they took a ship to Italy and finally to Rome.  Our chapter does not tell us about Paul seeing Caesar, but history says that he was acquitted of charges.  After that, he met with the local Jews and some believed the things which were spoken, and some believed not.  After that, Paul told the Jews: Be it known therefore unto you, that the salvation of God is sent unto the Gentiles, and that they will hear it.  With that said, Paul ministered as a free man.  Luke does not tell us why Paul was killed and history is not clear.  The only thing is that he was beheaded and most likely when the Roman government turned against true Christians.


Chapter 1 Summary:  Chapter theme is: the Ascension.

Acts 1:1-9 tells us about the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Just before He rose, he gave the 'Great Commission' (Matthew 28:17-20; Mark 16:14-20 and Acts 1:4-8).  {Please see the Section called Appearances of Jesus Christ After the Resurrection; in Doctrinal Study called Gospel Time Sequences, and the Section called Prophecies, Return of Jesus Christ to Heaven in the Significant Gospel Events Study, and the Section called Prophecies Fulfilled in the Significant New Testament Events Study about this event.}  this section also tells us that Lord Jesus Christ  is the true author of the New Testament by telling the writers what to write.  He did this through God's Holy GhostJesus  said that He would build His church  (Matthew 16:18) and our opening sentences tell us that He did using men and God's Holy Ghost.

Acts 1:12-14 tells us that the disciples returned, and they had been told to and that there were others with them in the upper room, making is one hundred twenty people who were the human members at the start of the church.  These sentences also told us that their main activity was prayer.

Acts 1:15-26 tells us that Peter led the church to try and do what The Father hath put in his own power.  God did not immediately judge them and it appears that God ignored their activity, but this was the first step in this church supporting doctrinal error which eventually led to God destroying it.  Please see the Detailed Notes for more on this truth.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this chapter as: '
1-9. Christ, preparing his apostles to the beholding of his ascension, gathers them together unto the mount Olivet, commands them to expect in Jerusalem the sending down of the Holy Ghost, promises after a few days to send it, and ascends into heaven in their sight.
10-11. After his ascension they are warned by two angels to depart, and to set their minds upon his second coming.
12-26. they accordingly return, and, giving themselves to prayer, choose Matthias apostle in the place of Judas.
A.M. 4037. A.D. 33

  1. C1-S1 tells us that Lord Jesus Christ  gave commandments before His Ascension.
    1. The phrases: The former treatise have I made, O theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to do and teach, Until the day in which he was taken up  is a direct reference to the Gospel of Luke.  This tells us that Luke, The beloved physician,  and a Greek, wrote the both, that Gospel, and this book.
    2. The phrase after that he through the Holy Ghost had given commandments unto the apostles whom he had chosen  means: 'Lord Jesus Christ  used God's Holy Ghost  to tell the writers of the Epistles what to write.  He used them, but Lord Jesus Christ  wrote the Epistles'.
    3. The phrase To whom also he shewed himself alive after his passion  means: 'Lord Jesus Christ  showed himself to be physically alive after His death, burial and resurrection.  He revealed Himself only to believers and to His physical brethren'.
    4. The phrase by many infallible proofs  means: 'There was absolutely no possible error in the many proofs that He was physically resurrected and alive'.
    5. The phrase being seen of them forty days  means: 'Forty is used symbolically by God for judgment.  The disciples had to pass the test and prove that they truly believed in the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ  before they were officially made apostles'.  We all must pass God's test before He gives us a new spiritual gift or new spiritual position.
    6. The phrase and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God  means: the kingdom of God  is: 'God's character in us'.  It is the most important reason why God saves people during the 'Church Age'.  Thus, our phrase is telling us that Lord Jesus Christ  spent His remaining days instructing His disciples on the most important part of the Gospel that they were to pass onto newly saved people.
    7. The phrase And, being assembled together with them  means: 'This is adding what He commanded them when He had assembled together with them  for His Ascension'.
    8. The phrase commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem  means: 'He commanded them to stay in the same place and not leave'.
    9. The phrase but wait for the promise of the Father  means: 'He commanded them to wait'.
    10. The phrase which, saith he, ye have heard of me  means: 'He reminded them of His promise'.  We miss out on many blessings because we fail to remember the promises given to us.
  2. C1-S2Lord Jesus Christ  explained why they were to wait.
    1. The phrase For John truly baptized with water  means: 'John the Baptist taught that life (water)  should lead to true repentance (baptized)  within the Old Testament religion'.
    2. The phrase but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost  means: 'Each and every one of them personally (ye)  would be identified with (baptized)  the indwelling Holy Ghost,  which was the promise of the New Testament'.
    3. The phrase not many days hence  means: 'Wait for it'.
  3. C1-S3 :  Tells us that the disciples were like people of today.  They wanted to know what would happen in the future.
    1. The phrase When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying  means: 'After Lord Jesus  gathered them together for His Ascension, they asked about their own future and promised rewards'.  As seen in the answer and the rest of the book, they had to work for their rewards.  God's 'Law of Sowing and Reaping' is absolute.  No one reaps spiritual rewards unless they sow work in God's fields first.
    2. The phrase Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?  means: 'This was their question.  They were promised rewards of ruling positions within His kingdom.  Unfortunately, they had not done the work yet.  They had been in training up until this point'.
  4. C1-S4 :  this is probably the most ignored answer from Jesus  in all of The word of God.  Many people have devoted their lives to arguing what they believe is the answer to what It is not for you to know.  Devoting your life to try to answer what The Father hath put in his own power  is disobedience to this answer from Jesus.
  5. C1-S5 :  Why they were to wait.
    1. The phrase But ye shall receive power  means: 'They could not do the job yet'.  It is truly God Who does all spiritual work even though He works through His people.  We can not do the spiritual work.  Our work is to make ourselves fit vessels for His use.  We are to pray, be holy, be righteous and similar things so that God can work through us.
    2. The phrase after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you  means: 'It is God's indwelling Holy Ghost that enables Lord Jesus Christ to work in and through our lives'.
  6. C1-S6 :  tells us His Ascension.
  7. C1-S7 :  tells us that God sent two angels to tell them to wake up and do what they were told to do.
  8. C1-S8 :  this is a prophecy by angels of the 'Second Coming'.  Please see the Section called Prophecies, Second Coming in the Significant Gospel Events Study for links to pore prophecies of this future event.
  9. C1-S9 :  says that they did as they were told to do
  10. C1-S10 :  Names the eleven and says that they abode in an upper room.
  11. C1-S11 :  tells us that the mother and physical brethren  of Jesus  also abode in the upper room.
  12. C1-S12 :  this sentence starts a report which goes through the end of the chapter.  Here, we see that Peter was like most people and could not wait  until they received God's Holy Ghost.  This same failure has caused many problems throughout church history.
    1. The phrase And in those days Peter stood up in the midst of the disciples, and said  means: 'Peter got everyone involved'.
    2. The phrase (The number of names together were about an hundred and twenty)  means: 'There were more than the eleven'.  This is the number of people in the church at the start.
    3. The phrase Men and brethren, this scripture must needs have been fulfilled, which the Holy Ghost by the mouth of David spake before concerning Judas, which was guide to them that took Jesus  means: 'This was Peter's message'.  He encouraged them to do what God had reserved for Himself.  He was saying that they had to appoint a replacement apostleJesus  prayed all night before appointing the twelve that God the Father told Him to appoint.  That meant that God the Father chose Judas Iscariot and only God the Father could chose his replacement.  And, further on, we are told that God the Father had Lord Jesus Christ  appoint Paul to take the place of Judas Iscariot.  No, stepping into what The Father hath put in his own power  leads to disaster.  God used this church to start Antioch and other churches.  He corrected their doctrine three times.  Then God destroyed this church when He had the Temple torn down so that they could not keep the Jewish religious traditions.  The Jerusalem Church preached a 'works salvation' which claimed that you had to be circumcised in order to be saved.  The Jerusalem Church preached a 'works sanctification' and that you had to keep the Jewish religious traditions in order to be blessed and in order to receive everlasting rewards.  In spite of the fact that the Jerusalem Church was the 'mother church', God destroyed them for their refusal to let God correct their doctrine.
    4. Simply put, anyone who claims that they can step into the place that The Father hath put in his own power  is leading people into destruction.  And, any person or church that refuses to let God correct their doctrine is leading people into destruction.  God allows them to seem to flourish is order to lead some to basic salvation and in order to test the spiritually mature.  Your personal response to ongoing doctrinal error reveals your own true heart.
  13. C1-S13 :  Tells us why Peter thought that Judas Iscariot had to be replaced.  Peter's thinking was right about Judas being replaced but wrong in thinking that the church could, or should do that task.  They thought that they left the choice to God when they told God to chose one of their two candidates.  However, God's choice was not one of those two men.
  14. C1-S14 :  tells us that Peter talked about the suicide of Judas and said that he bought the field that his money was used to buy.  Many people make the mistake of thinking that they are innocent if they do not directly do a wrong.  However, God counts us guilty for even indirect involvement in a wrong.
  15. C1-S15 :  Tells us that all of the Jews knew about the ac5tions of Judas Iscariot and called the field purchased with His money The field of blood.  What they did not realize is that God made sure that all of them knew this fact because God held each of them guilty of the blood of Jesus.
  16. C1-S16 :  Tells us that Peter used scripture for the second reason why the place of Judas Iscariot, in the church, had to be taken by another.  However, as already written, it was not their place to chose his replacement.  And, what we see here, is something that happens often.  Men with good intentions use scripture to justify their wrong actions.  Further, as in this case, they think that they are doing right by consulting scripture but are led into error by not getting full directions first from God's Holy Ghost.  In this case, Peter led the church into error because he, and they, did not wait for the promise of the Father  as they had been instructed to do.
  17. C1-S17 :  these were the requirements specified by Peter.  Yes, they were good requirements but not the true Biblical requirements.  And, the man chosen is not mentioned again in the Bible.  Further, he was chosen to be ordained to be a witness with us of his resurrection.  Since all of the church were commanded to do this job, God did not object but God did not accept their choice as His apostle.
    1. The phrase Wherefore of these men which have companied with us all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us  means: 'The man chosen had to have been faithful.  Notice that this tells us that there were more disciples constantly following Jesus  besides the twelve'.
    2. The phrase Beginning from the baptism of John, unto that same day that he was taken up from us  means: 'This is the time period when the man had to be faithful.  Therefore, they were there when Jesus  prayed all night before choosing the twelve but neither of these men were chosen by God the Father through Jesus'.
    3. The phrase must one be ordained to be a witness with us of his resurrection  means: 'This is what the church ordained them to do and this is what the church still ordains preachers to do'.
  18. C1-S18 :  the church chose two men and commanded God to chose one of them to be an apostle.  Please see the Detailed note of an explanation of why this was wrong and for the eventual consequences of their error.
  19. C1-S19 :  tells us their partial-truth error.  Please see the Detailed note of an explanation of why this was wrong and for the eventual consequences of their error.
  20. C1-S20 :  tells us that the church counted Matthias with the eleven apostles  but that God ignored their choice
  21. .

Chapter 2 Summary:  the chapter theme is: Pentecost.

in this chapter, we read that this report was added to the report of the prior chapter.  There we read that they were they were all with one accord in one place  as they prayed and that was critical to God displaying His power.  In addition, this was the birth of the church ('when the spiritual life was brought out into the world').  As explained in the Gospel accounts, the spiritual conception of the church ('start of spiritual life') was in the Gospel times.  Jesus  said, in Matthew 11:13 and Luke 16:16; For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John.  (That means that the Old Testament ended with the death of John the Baptist).

When Pentecost happened, Peter preached with the power of God's Holy Ghost.  And, there was a major difference from the prior chapter where Peter led the church to act without the help and guidance of God's Holy Ghost.  Below is a high-level summary of Peter's message.

  1. Now, looking at the report of Peter's message, we can see that Peter started by getting His audience's attention when he told them that they misunderstood what was happening (Acts 2:14-15).
  2. Peter quotes Joel Joel 2:16-21 as the text for his message.  This text promised a blessed future that all of the Jews were looking for and spent their entire life in anticipation of.
  3. Peter convicts them of their sin and convinces them that their sin will keep them from their life-long dream and, in fact, will condemn them.  Remember that, in the Gospel accounts, Jesus  offered the kingdom to the Jews but then removed the offer when they rejected Him as God's Christ  and as God's King.  The offer is now made to all who accept Him as their personal Lord  that they can become God's true children and have a chance of being in the kingdom (whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved).
  4. As Jews, they know the Law and understand that this condemnation will send them to Hell (Acts 2:22-23).
  5. Peter tells them that Jesus of Nazareth  has overcome death, which means there is a way out of their own condemnation (Acts 2:24).
  6. Peter quotes Psalms 116:3-4, 16; and other scripture, to show them that resurrection is a promise from God the Father to His Christ  (Acts 2:25-28).
  7. Peter reminds them that David is dead (Acts 2:29).  Therefore, God's promises given to David were really to his descendent Who would be Christ.
  8. Peter reminds them of prophecy which they all understood that Christ  would sit on the throne of David because He was a descendent of David (Acts 2:30).
  9. Peter shows them a prophecy which they did not understand because it spoke of the resurrection of Christ  from the dead (Acts 2:31).  Those prophecies, of course, also required His death and burial.
  10. Peter plainly tells them that Jesus  is Christ  (Acts 2:32-33).
  11. Peter tells them that now that Jesus  is returned to Heaven, He is providing the blessings that God promised would come through Christ  (Acts 2:33).
  12. Peter explains a prophecy that Christ  would also be Lord  (Acts 2:34-35).
  13. Peter plainly tells them God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ  (Acts 2:36).
  14. When these Jews realized their sinful error, they sought escape from their rightful punishment and were willing to accept any requirement that God made (Acts 2:37).
  15. Peter tells them how to be saved (Acts 2:38-40).
  16. Many (not all) trusted and obeyed and were saved (Acts 2:41).
  17. Those who were saved showed many visible evidences of their changed life due to true Biblical salvation (Acts 2:42-47).

After the people made a profession of accepting Jesus Christ  as their personal Lord,  they were baptized  and joined the church.  They did this in spite of the threat from the Jewish religious leaders to beat anyone who joined the church and to kick them out of the Temple.  The Jewish religious leaders taught the Jews that they would go to Hell if kicked out of the Temple.  Thus, they acted in the face of spiritual, physical and social ostracization.

Our chapter ends with And all that believed were together, and had all things common; And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need.  And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, Praising God, and having favour with all the people.  That is, they became a true spiritual family and treated each other with God's Love.  And, as a result of their attitudes and actions, our final sentence tells us And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides a chapter outline as:
1-13 the apostles, filled with the Holy Ghost, and speaking divers languages, are admired by some, and derided by others;
14-36. whom Peter disproves; 37-40. he baptizes a great number that were converted;
41-47. who afterwards devoutly and charitably converse together; the apostles working many miracles, and God daily increasing his church

  1. C2-S1 :  God's time to act had arrived.  The report of what happened on Pentecost is added to the report in the prior chapter.  There they were told to wait  until the first event of this chapter.  Then God's time came, they had totally different results.
  2. C2-S2 :  tells us that God made sure to get everyone's attention to the spiritual birth of His church.  And, God made sure to call attention to where His church was when the noise of the wind filled all the house where they were sitting.
  3. C2-S3 :  What they saw was added to what they heard as reported in the prior sentence.  In both sentences, what is reported is not exactly what they saw and heard, but the best explanation that everyone could agree on.  The shape was symbolic for the spiritual gift of tongues  that God's Holy Ghost  would give them so that everyone could hear the Gospel in their own language.  The appearance o0f fire  was symbolic of God's Holy Ghost  making them on fire for God' work.
  4. C2-S4 :  What really happened spiritually.
    1. The phrase And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost  means: 'The Bible uses Holy Ghost  when the third Person of the Trinity is affecting this world and uses Holy Spirit  when the third Person of the Trinity is doing spiritual work'.  In this sentence, our next phrase tells us what He did in this world.
    2. Please see the Detailed Note for more explanation of the doctrine found in this sentence.
  5. C2-S5 :  Men were available to take the Gospel to every nation.
  6. C2-S6 :    the reaction of the Jews to the coming of God's Holy Ghost..
    1. The phrase Now when this was noised abroad  means: 'Everybody in Jerusalem heard the noise and went out to investigate'.
    2. The phrase The multitude came together  means: 'how they acted'.
    3. The phrase and were confounded  means: 'How they reacted acted'.
    4. The phrase because that every man heard them speak in his own language  means: 'Why they reacted like they did'.
    5. C2-S3 told us that the sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.  Therefore, the Jews gathered together at the house where the church was assembled.  If you think about what happened and how, you should see that only God could gather that size of an audience at the last minute.  And, since about three thousand souls  were baptized: and the same day were added to the church,  the gathered crowd had to be much larger.
  7. C2-S7 :    the secondary reaction of the Jews to the working of God's Holy Ghost  through the church saved members.
    1. The phrase And they were all amazed and marvelled  means: 'This was their emotional reaction to what was reported in the prior sentence'.
    2. The phrase saying one to another  means: 'This was their search for understanding what was done by God's Holy Ghost'.
    3. The phrase Behold, are not all these which speak Galilaeans?  means: 'This was cause of their confusion'.  The Galilae and were considered to be ignorant lower-class people.  Therefore, other Jews found it amazing that they could speak other languages and even more so at the multitude of languages spoken.
  8. C2-S8 :  this sentence expresses their confusion.
  9. C2-S9 :  this sentences identifies the nations represented at that time.  The majority of this sentence is naming different nations where people were born.  The last phrase tells us that they spoke different tongues,  yet, we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God.
  10. C2-S10 :  the Jews whom God called were trying to understand what was happening.
  11. C2-S11 :  the response of God deniers.
  12. C2-S12 :  the start of the Gospel message.
    1. The phrase But Peter, standing up with the eleven  means: 'All eleven apostles werew3ith Peter showing theist agreement and support as he preached'.  .  .  .
    2. The phrase lifted up his voice, and said unto them  means: 'What Peter did when he got their attention'.
    3. The phrase Ye men of Judaea, and all ye that dwell at Jerusalem  means: 'His message was to each and every one of them personally'.
    4. The phrase be this known unto you, and hearken to my words  means: 'Pay close attention while I explain what is going on'.
    5. The phrase For these are not drunken, as ye suppose  means: 'You have reached a wrong conclusion based upon supposition and not face'.
    6. The phrase seeing it is but the third hour of the day  means: 'Here's the evidence that your supposition is wrong'.
  13. C2-S13 :  Peter quotes Joel 2:28-32 to explain the miraculous appearance of God's Holy Ghost  Our sentence has six Equivalent Section and all but the last are dealing with this quotes.  (Please see the Detailed Note for an extensive explanation of the quote and for the application at Pentecost.)  the last Equivalent Section is our well-known and often quoted verse of And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.  And, even with that truth, it is often misinterpreted because people use the wrong definitions for Bible words and they switch one Bible word for another.  For example, many claim that 'Ask Jesus to be your savior' means the same thing as this verse.  (They are definitely doctrinally different.)  Please see the Detailed Note for the true definitions of Bible words, the true interpretation of every part of this sentence, the doctrinal importance of the sentence structure, the many Bible references which support the doctrine provided and much more.
  14. C2-S14 :  Peter preaches the testimony of Jesus of Nazareth.
    1. In the First Equivalent Section, Peter tells the Jews that Jesus of Nazareth  had evidence of God working in His life.  He tells them that the miracles and wonders and signs  were done among you  and they could not deny them.  In addition, they could not deny that they proved that Jesus  was approved of God.
    2. Next, Peter tells them that they knew that God did (miracles) by him in the midst of you.  They could not deny the miracles.  There were too many witnesses and oo many people talking about them.
    3. In the Second Equivalent Section, Peter tells the Jews God foreknew  and prophesied what they would do to Jesus.  Just because God foreknew  does not mean that God caused them to do this sin and it does not excuse their guilt.  The religious leaders had a determinate counsel  to take Jesus  and crucify and slay  Him.  However, the common Jew was there crying crucify Him.  Therefore, they had wicked hands   and were guilty.  Remember that they cried Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.  (Matthew 27:25).  Therefore, they were guilty and Peter reminded them of their sin and guilt.
    4. In the Fourth Equivalent Section, Peter tells the good news of resurrection.  Peter says Whom God hath raised up, having loosed the pains of deathLord Jesus Christ  rose from the dead.  He conquered death and He is the only person Who can free anyone else from death.
    5. In the Fifth Equivalent Section, Peter tells why all of this is true when he says because it was not possible that he should be holden of itJesus  said I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live  (John 11:25).  Peter said what should be an obvious truth.  Death can not hold resurrection.
  15. C2-S15 :  Peter quotes Psalms for this sentence.  Please see the Prophecy Fulfilled Section of the Significant New Testament Events Doctrinal Study, for the several Bible references of this sentence.  Please also see the Detailed Note for the explanation of each part of the sentence.
    1. The first two Equivalent Sections tell us king David's reaction to the truth of the third Equivalent Section.  All saved should also have the same reactions.
    2. In the prior sentence, Peter told them about the death of Jesus.  In this sentence, Peter tells about the resurrection of Jesus.  His burial was understood without being mentioned.  Between the prior sentence and this sentence, we have the basics of the Gospel.  Peter adds further understanding in the next few sentences and then concludes with the people being convicted by God's Holy Ghost.
    3. Peter gives us the interpretation of the last Equivalent Section, of this sentence, in Acts 2:29.
  16. C2-S16 :  this sentence tells us the ongoing ministry of Lord Jesus Christ  to the living saved people.
    1. The phrase Thou hast made known to me the ways of life  means: 'Jesus Christ personally (thou)  makes us know The ways of life  in an ongoing lifestyle of knowing (hast)'.
    2. The phrase thou shalt make me full of joy with thy countenance  means: 'Jesus Christ personally (thou)  absolutely positively will (shallmake us full of joy  with the ongoing full revelation of Him personally to us ( with thy countenance)'.
  17. C2-S17 :  Peter now starts his application of the scripture he just referenced.  He quoted Psalms, which were written by king David.  Now, Peter is reminding them that king David is still dead, which they all know.  But the scripture that Peter referenced speaks of resurrection from the dead.  And, since that prophecy was not applied to king David, Peter tells them that it was applied to Jesus.  In the next few sentences Peter will build on this truth to lead the Jews to their realizing that they each personally needed to be saved.
  18. C2-S18 :  How king David reacted to the promise of God.
    1. The phrase Therefore being a prophet  means: 'God's Holy Ghost  revealed spiritual truths to king David that other people did not know'.
    2. The phrase and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him  means: 'God swore an oath  to king David because of his attitude towards God.  King David never doubted nor forgot God's oath to him'.
    3. The phrase that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne  means: 'The oath that God swore to king David was that his physical descendent would be Christ  and God's King  of God's kingdom'.
    4. The phrase He seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ  means: 'King David, as a prophet,  saw, and spoke of, the death and resurrection of Christ'.
    5. The phrase that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption  means: 'King David, as a prophet,  saw, and spoke of, Christ  going to Hell, before His resurrection, but not staying long enough for corruption  to affect His body'.
  19. C2-S19 :  God resurrected Jesus  just like king David prophesied that God would do with Christ  and the hundred and twenty disciples, who were demonstrating the spiritual gift of tongues  were witnesses  to the resurrection.  Therefore, the Jews not only had the witness from so many people but all of those people were also demonstrating the power of God in their lives, which meant that God backed their witness.  Toreject the witness from these people was to reject the witness from God.
  20. C2-S20 :  Peter now explains what they witnessed was from God fulfilling prophecy.  There are several doctrinal considerations, of the sentence, which are explained in the Detailed Note.
    1. The phrase Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted  tells us 'The current position of our Lord Jesus Christ'.
    2. The phrase and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost  means: 'The Lord Jesus Christ  received this promise.  God the Father did not give it to anyone else.  Religions which claim to go directly to God the Father and bypass Lord Jesus Christ  are not providing true Biblical salvation because their converts do not receive The Holy Ghost  during the church age'.
    3. The phrase he hath shed forth this, which ye now see and hear  means: 'The Jews saw and heard evidence of the church members receiving the indwelling Holy Ghost'.
  21. C2-S21 :  King David was not God's Christ.
    1. The phrase For David is not ascended into the heavens  means: 'King David did not fulfill the prophecies about God's Christ'.
    2. The phrase but he saith himself  means: 'King David himself made this prophecy'.
    3. The phrase The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, Until I make thy foes thy footstool  means: 'God the Father said to His Christ,  and the Lord  of all men, sit in the position of second power until I am ready for you to take over'.  God the Father is still saving souls and is not yet ready for Lord Jesus Christ  to return and defeat all enemies at the battle of Armageddon.
  22. C2-S22 :  the Detailed Note for this sentence, has an extensive explanation of the doctrine in it.  Please see it.  More than one preacher has been shocked when i pointed out the true meaning of the phrase hath made.  Something which is made  was not that before it was made.  Too many people believe that Jesus  was always both Lord and Christ.  However, our sentence says that belief is doctrinal error.
  23. C2-S23 :  the people responded to the message.  This reaction was due to the work and power of God and not due to the preacher nor to the message.
  24. C2-S24 :  How to be Biblically saved.
    1. The phrase Repent, and be baptized every one of you  means: 'what to do'.
    2. The phrase in the name of Jesus Christ  means: 'What power and authority to trust in'.
    3. The phrase for the remission of sins  means: 'What will be done for you spiritually'.
    4. The phrase and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost  means: 'What you will receive physically'.
  25. C2-S25 :  this is a promise of God.  Please see the Promises and Prophecies Sections in the Doctrinal Studies called Significant Gospel Events and Significant New Testament Events for links to related Bible references.
    1. The phrase For the promise is unto you, and to your children  means: 'The promises in the prior sentence are made by God to everyone who fulfills His requirements to receive the promises'.
    2. The phrase and to all that are afar off  means: 'The Jews thought that this only applied to Jews who were afar off.  However, it also applied to Gentiles and the whole world'.
    3. The phrase even as many as the Lord our God shall call  means: 'This requirement is often overlooked and even denied.  If people keep rejecting God's call,  then God stops calling  them and they will end up in Hell even if they have not yet died physically'.
  26. C2-S26 :  Peter preached much more than is reported here.  Please see the notes for earlier sentences said that we could not be sure if everything was reported for the earlier part of his message.  Now, we are told that he said more, after the earlier part of his message, than what is now reported.
    1. The phrase And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying  means: 'Peter preached far more than what is reported here'.
    2. The phrase Save yourselves from this untoward generation.  means: 'Remove yourself from the influence of a perverse, willful, and crooked generation.  Stop participating in their sins and attitudes'.
  27. C2-S27 :  the people who were truly saved were baptized  and joined the church.
  28. C2-S28 :  What the people did after joining the church.
    1. The phrase And they continued stedfastly  means: 'They were constantly in the company of The church.  They could be relied upon to be there'.
    2. The phrase in the apostles' doctrine  means: 'They believed and obeyed the doctrine from the apostles'.
    3. The phrase and fellowship and in breaking of bread  means: 'Their entire social life was centered on the church and on obedience to the Bible'.
    4. The phrase and in prayers  means: 'They prayed together as a church'.
  29. C2-S29 :  the results of the ministry of the Holy Ghost.
    1. The phrase And fear came upon every soul  means: 'The saved feared the Lord'.
    2. The phrase and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles  means: 'The apostles showed to power of God in their ministry'.
  30. C2-S30 :  how the saved people acted as a result of attitudes described in prior sentences.
    1. The phrase And all that believed were together, and had all things common  means: 'They treated each other as family'.
    2. The phrase And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need  means: 'They were more concerned with helping God's family than with things of this world'.
  31. C2-S31 :  this is how the early church acted before carnal lusts caused division.  This is how God wants His church to act and how He wants the lives of every believer to be.  The doctrine which we see here is:.
    1. they:  'The saved and serving members of God's church'.
    2. continuing daily with one accord:  'They all worked together towards one goal and this was the main activity (daily)  of their life'.
    3. continuing daily in the temple:  'They started each day with prayer for guidance that day and ended each day with thanksgiving for what God did in and through their life'.
    4. and breaking bread from house to house:  'They had daily fellowship with different people hosting the meeting'.
    5. did eat their meat with gladness:  'Their meals and fellowship were noted for the people enjoying themselves and other believers'.
    6. did eat their meat with singleness of heart:  'Everyone worked together for the common goal of building God's church'.
    7. Praising God:  'They daily acknowledged what God did in their church, their city and their personal lives'.
    8. and having favour with all the people:  'They avoided fights over politics but showed God's love to others which got them favour'.
  32. C2-S32 :  this was the result.
    1. The phrase And the Lord  means: 'The Lord  is Who did all of the spiritual work'.
    2. The phrase added to the church daily  means: 'This is how He worked and how often'.
    3. The phrase such as should be saved  means: 'Notice that God did not save everyone.  God knew who would help build His church and who would disrupt the work from the inside'.

Chapter 3 Summary:  Chapter theme is Peter and John preach in the Temple.

All of the verses and notes for Acts 3 and Acts 4 should be considered together as they all are section of a single account within Acts.  The notes for Acts 3 deal with Peter's message which resulted in more souls being saved than were saved at Pentecost.  Acts 4 deals with the reaction of the religious leadership to the obvious working of God.

Our chapter starts with the word Now,  which means 'After you understand what came before'.  In the First Chapter; Lord Jesus Christ  told the disciples to wait  until they received God's Holy Ghost.  In stead of obeying, Peter led the church into trying to do something that only God had the authority to do.  And, later in the history, that church refused to let God correct their doctrine, which eventually led to their destruction by God.  We are to be rightly dividing the word of truth  (2Timothy 2:15) and they failed to separate what God has reserved for Himself from what God has given the church to do.

In the Second Chapter; the church received God's Holy Ghost  and obeyed Him and The same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls  (Acts 2:41).  Thus, we see the difference between when we act on our own and when we let God direct us and work through our life.  And, that is the main doctrine which we are to understand before we consider this chapter because, in this chapter, we read an account of Peter and John letting God direct them and work through their lives.  The result was another demonstration of God's power.

In the first few sentences we read the report of what Peter and John did.  In the remainder of the chapter, we read a summary of Peter's message to the gathered Jews.  If we look at the words which start many of the sentences in this chapter, we see twelve out of twenty two sentences start wiThe the word And.  In addition, this word is used forty times in this chapter, which gives us the only possible conclusion that the entire chapter is connected together to report one overall incident with a couple of sub-points within the overall incident.  Those sub-points are pointed out next.  But, please read and consider the entire chapter a single report and keep that in mind as you consider the details within this report.

Acts 3:1-8 give us an account of a miracle done by God's Holy Ghost  using Peter and John.  Please see the the Miracles section of the Significant Events in the New Testament; for links to this, and other, miracles.

Acts 3:9-11 give us the reaction by the common Jew who were in the Temple.

Acts 3:12-26 reports the message from Peter to the gathered Jews in the Temple.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this chapter as: '
1-11. Peter preaching to the people that came to see a lame man restored to his feet,
12. professes the cure not to have been wrought by his or John's own power or holiness, but by God, and his son Jesus, and through faith in his name;
13-16. withal reprehending them for crucifying Jesus;
17-18. which because they did it through ignorance, and that thereby were fulfilled God's determinate counsel, and the Scriptures,
19-26. he exhorts them by repentance and faith to seek remission of their sins, and salvation in the same Jesus.

  1. C3-S1 :  God used everyday activity to produce a miracle.
    1. The phrase Now Peter and John went up together  means: 'This is who God used'.
    2. The phrase into the temple at the hour of prayer, being the ninth hour  means: 'This was their common activity while in Jerusalem'.
  2. C3-S2 :  the circumstance and request which resulted in a miracle.  The First Step of this sentence gives us the circumstances.  The Second Step gives us the request.  Please see the Detailed Note for more of an explanation.
  3. C3-S3 :  Peter made sure that he had the attention of the beggar before proceeding further.
  4. C3-S4 :  the beggar paid attention because he expected to receive an alms if he did as Peter commanded.
  5. C3-S5 :  Peter admitted personal inadequacy while saying that Jesus Christ was adequate.
    1. The phrase Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none  means: 'Peter admitted having nothing personal to give'.
    2. The phrase but such as I have give I thee  means: 'Peter had a gift from Jesus Christ of Nazareth'.
    3. The phrase In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk  means: 'Trust in the power and authority of Jesus Christ of Nazareth  in order to rise up and walk'.
  6. C3-S6 :  God's Holy Ghost  did a miracle by using Peter.
    1. The phrase And he took him by the right hand, and lifted him up  means: 'This tells us what Peter did'.
    2. The phrase and immediately his feet and ancle bones received strength  means: 'This tells us what God's Holy Ghost  did'.
  7. C3-S7 :  how the crippled man reacted.
    1. The phrase And he leaping up stood  means: 'This was the first time in his life that he could do this'.
    2. The phrase and walked  means: 'Like all babies do, he first learned to stand and then to walk'.
    3. The phrase and entered with them into the temple  means: 'He continued to fellowship with the people who changed his life'.
    4. The phrase walking, and leaping, and praising God  means: 'He didn't worry about what people thought was proper.  He acted to please God by attracting a crowd to hear the Gospel'.
  8. C3-S8 :  the reaction of the people to the enthusiastic testimony of the lame man.
    1. The phrase And all the people saw him walking and praising God  means: 'He made such a commotion that no one could ignore his praise of God'.
    2. The phrase And they knew that it was he which sat for alms at the Beautiful gate of the temple  means: 'The people knew that it was physically impossible for him the stand or walk or leap for forty years'.
    3. The phrase and they were filled with wonder and amazement at that which had happened unto him  means: 'The reaction of others to what they saw'.
  9. C3-S9 :  the lame man was successful in drawing a crowd.
  10. C3-S10 :  Peter answered their questions with a message of salvation.  This sentence is the start of Peter's message reported in this chapter.  Please see the Detailed Note for an outline of the message and other details.
  11. C3-S11 :  Peter asked them if they thought Peter of John did the miracle.
  12. C3-S12 :  Peter tells the Jews that they had the Son of God  crucified when Pilate tried to let Him go.
    1. The phrase The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our fathers  means: 'Peter clearly identifies the God of the Bible and the God of their ancestors and the God Whom they are supposed to truly worship and obey'.
    2. The phrase hath glorified his Son Jesus  means: 'Peter clearly identifies the Son of God and How God treated Him'.
    3. The phrase whom ye delivered up, and denied him in the presence of Pilate  means: 'Peter clearly identifies how the Jews personally treated the Son of God'.
    4. The phrase when he was determined to let him go  means: 'Peter clearly identifies how the Roman Government tried to avoid participation in their sin.  Therefore, they could not blame the Roman government'.
  13. C3-S13 :  the time sequence of what happened.
    1. The phrase But ye denied the Holy One and the Just, and desired a murderer to be granted unto you;  means: 'First, they preferred a murderer to God's Christ  and King'.
    2. The phrase And killed the Prince of life, whom God hath raised from the dead  means: 'They demand that God's Christ  and King  be murdered'.
    3. The phrase whereof we are witnesses  means: 'They heard the testimony of resurrection'.
  14. C3-S14 :  how the lame man received a miracle.
    1. The phrase And his name through faith in his name hath made this man strong, whom ye see and know  means: 'His miracle was because of the power and authority (name)  of Lord Jesus Christ'.
    2. The phrase yea, the faith which is by him hath given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all  means: 'The faith must be in the person of Lord Jesus Christ'.
  15. C3-S15 :  Peter says that he understood that they did not know the spiritual consequences of their actions.
  16. C3-S16 :  the scriptural basis for death before resurrection.
  17. C3-S17 :  the requirements for true Biblical salvation.
    1. The phrase Repent ye therefore  means: 'Each and every one must personally turn from religion to obeying God on a personal basis'.
    2. The phrase and be converted  means: 'You personally must have a God-caused changed life added to true Biblical salvation'.
    3. The phrase that your sins may be blotted out,  means: 'God will blot out the legal record, in Heaven, of your violating His law, if you personally do the prior two phrases'.
    4. The phrase when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord  means: 'The Lord  will refresh  the spirits of saved people who are also saved'.
    5. The phrase And he shall send Jesus Christ  means: 'This is a promise of personal leading in this life, the truly saved, by Jesus Christ  and an indirect prophecy of the 'Rapture''.
    6. The phrase which before was preached unto you  means: 'The promises of the prior phrase are preached to the truly saved'.
    7. The phrase Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things  means: 'Jesus Christ  is in Heaven until the time for Him to return and rule this world'.
    8. The phrase which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began  means: 'The 1,000 years rule of Christ  has been prophesied since the world began'.
  18. C3-S18 :  the scriptural basis which Peter uses.
  19. C3-S19 :  People who refuse to listen and obey Jesus  will be destroyed
  20. C3-S20 :  All of the Old Testament prophets foretold  of the new Testament.  God had told His people about the change He would make and God did so several times before it happened.  Therefore, they should have expected what was happening.
  21. C3-S21 :  God had used the prophets to tell the Jews of their heritage.
    1. The phrase Ye are the children of the prophets  means: 'Each and every one of them personally could claim that God's prophets  were part of the ancestors of their people'.
    2. The phrase and of the covenant which God made with our fathers  means: 'In addition, the spiritual contract that God made with the Jews extended to them'.
    3. The phrase saying unto Abraham  means: 'God said this to Abraham, who was an ancestor to all Jews'.
    4. The phrase And in thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed  means: 'This promise is usually applied to Jesus Christ  However, since the first church was composed of all Jews, and since they spread the Gospel to the Gentiles, this promise is also applied to the saved Jews who were member5s of the Jerusalem Church'.
  22. C3-S22 :  the Gospel was given to the Jews first so that they would turn away every one of you from his iniquities  and then take the Gospel to all nations.

Chapter 4 Summary:  the Reaction to the Gospel Being Given.

All of the verses and notes for Acts 3 and Acts 4 should be considered together as they all are section of a single account within Acts.  The notes for Acts 3 deal with Peter's message which resulted in more souls being saved than were saved at Pentecost.  Acts 4 deals with the reaction of the religious leadership to the obvious working of God.

Acts 4 is really part of the account that started in Act 3.  The basic lesson from this account is that we never know all of the results that will come from our witnessing.  Peter and John started witnessing as they went into the temple and repeated their witness every chance they got.  The beggar man received a miracle, about 5, 000 were saved.  Therefore, the devil and his religious agents saw that their attempted intimidation didn't work, the church was united and much more happened.

Acts 3 through Acts 5; tell us of the escalating problems between the Temple leaders and the church.  In Acts 5:27-28 we read And when they had brought them, they set them before the council: and the high priest asked them, Saying, Did not we straitly command you that ye should not teach in this name? and, behold, ye have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine, and intend to bring this man's blood upon us.  Here, we see the Jewish religious leaders' main concern finally voiced.  They were still denying their own sin and responsibility for the crucifixion of Jesus.  While they weren't concerned about their sin, they were worried about the consequences to their own personal lives and positions if others held them responsible for This man's blood.  They, as all lost people, should have been concerned about God holding them responsible.

In Acts 4:1-7; the religious leaders sent their guards to arrest Peter and John and bring them to the religious leaders to answer why they did a miracle and preached the Gospel.

In Acts 4:8-12; Peter preached to the religious leaders.

In Acts 4:13-17; the religious leaders decided how to react.

In Acts 4:18; the religious leaders commanded Peter and John to never preach in the name of Jesus Christ  again.

Acts 4:19-20 says But Peter and John answered and said unto them, Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye.  Forwe cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.

Acts 4:21-22 says So when they had further threatened them, they let them go, finding nothing how they might punish them, because of the people: for all men glorified God for that which was done.  ForThe man was above forty years old, on whom this miracle of healing was shewed.  Religious people might want to deny the power of God.  But, when there are many witnesses, they can not do so wit6hout proving themselves to be liars.

Acts 4:23-31 tells us the immediate reaction by the church.

Acts 4:32-37 tells us the long-term reaction by the church.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides a chapter outline as:
1-2. the rulers of the Jews, offended with Peter's sermon,
3-4. imprison him and John.
5-12. After, upon examination Peter boldly avouching the lame man to be healed by the name of Jesus, and that by the same Jesus only we must be eternally saved,
13-22. they command him and John to preach no more in that name, adding also threatening;
23-30. whereupon the church flees to prayer.
31-37. And God, by moving the place where they were assembled, testifies that he heard their prayer; confirming the church with the gift of the Holy Ghost, and with mutual love and charity
  1. C4-S1 :  the religious leaders tried to stop Peter and John from preaching the truth.
    1. The phrase And as they spake unto the people  means: 'This is when they reacted.  Notice how quickly they sent people to stop the preaching'.
    2. The phrase The priests, and the captain of the temple, and the Sadducees  means: 'These are three different groups with three different doctrines that they held.  While they disagreed on certain doctrines, they were united on fighting the truth'.  Please see the Detailed Note for more.
    3. The phrase came upon them  means: 'They came and dragged Peter and John to the council of religious leaders'.
    4. The phrase Being grieved that they taught the people, and preached through Jesus the resurrection from the dead  means: 'This was the truth that they were upset about'.  Please see the Detailed Note for more.
  2. C4-S2 :  Peter and John were forcibly arrested.
    1. The phrase And they laid hands on them, and put them in hold unto the next day  means: 'Peter and John were forced into their jail'.
    2. The phrase for it was now eventide  means: 'Here's why'.
  3. C4-S3 :  they were too late to prevent people from being saved.
    1. The phrase Howbeit many of them which heard the word believed  means: 'Many heard and were saved'.
    2. The phrase and the number of the men was about five thousand  means: 'This is the count of men'.
  4. C4-S4 :  the council set them in the midst  to try and intimidate Peter and John.
    1. The phrase And when they had set them in the midst  means: 'This is what they did first to try and intimidate'.
    2. The phrase they asked, By what power, or by what name, have ye done this?  means: 'They asked this question as a challenge and not for information'.  Remember that they had put Peter and John in their hold  all night and then made them wait until they gathered everyone from across Jerusalem.
  5. C4-S5 :  the answer from God's Holy Ghost  given through Peter.
    1. The phrase Then Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost, said unto them  means: 'Peter was the one talking but it was really God's Holy Ghost  answering them.  God's Holy Ghost  used willing holy people, like we use a pen to write (2Peter 1:21).  The pen puts down the ink but we do the writing.  Likewise, God's people say the words but it is really God's Holy Ghost  Who speaks'.
    2. The phrase Ye rulers of the people, and elders of Israel  means: 'Peter is addressing each and every one of them (ye)  personally.  They will each personally have to answer to God for how they abused the power that God gave to them'.
    3. The phrase If we this day be examined of the good deed done to the impotent man, by what means he is made whole  means: 'Peter is identifying the miracle done by God to show that their doctrine came from God.  The religious leaders know this truth and can not deny it'.
    4. The phrase Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth  means: 'Peter answered their question.  When they asked have ye done this?,  they were asking about the miracle.  Therefore, Peter answered about the miracle.  When they asked By what power, or by what name?,  they were asking about the true source of the power behind the miracle.  Therefore, Peter answered about the source of the power behind the miracle when he said that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth...doth this man stand here before you whole.  Peter did not claim the power for himself.  He answered a direct question with a direct answer'.
    5. The phrase whom ye crucified  means: 'Peter included this to be very clear Whom had the power and to let them know their personal guilt before God'.
    6. The phrase whom God raised from the dead  means: 'Peter included this phrase to let them know that their actions were not final and to include this part of the Gospel message'.
  6. C4-S6 :  Our sentence tells us the answer, to the question of the prior sentence, from God's Holy Ghost  given through Peter.  An extensive interpretation and explanation, of this sentence, is in the Detailed Note.
  7. C4-S7 :  Peter is giving them the true interpretation of this Bible quote.  Please see the Detailed Note for an explanation and for several Bible references.
  8. C4-S8 :  this sentence is often quoted for soul winning and is usually properly used.  It is almost a precept, which remains the same even without the context, so long as the person says that it is speaking about Jesus Christ.  It is clear as given.
  9. C4-S9 :  What the religious leaders saw and concluded.
    1. The phrase Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John  means: 'This is what the religious leaders saw'.
    2. The phrase perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men  means: 'This is what the religious leaders understood'.  The word unlearned  means: 'Peter and John had not been to a religious school'.  The word ignorant  means: 'Peter and John did not know the approved religious doctrines'.
    3. The phrase they marvelled  means: 'This is how the religious leaders reacted emotionally'.
    4. The phrase and they took knowledge of them  means: 'This is what the religious leaders concluded'.
    5. The phrase that they had been with Jesus  means: 'Their doctrine all came from Jesus'.  None of their doctrine came from any other source.
  10. C4-S10 :  God shut the mouths of the religious leaders.
  11. C4-S11 :  they were not sure how to fight against God and against God's representatives.
    1. The phrase But when they had commanded them to go aside out of the council  means: 'They did not want Peter and John to know that they could not answer what God had done'.
    2. The phrase they conferred among themselves, Saying, What shall we do to these men?  means: 'Since they could not answer God, they wanted to punish the representatives of God'.
  12. C4-S12 :  they could not hide nor deny what God had done.
  13. C4-S13 :  their plan to stop the spread of the Gospel.
    1. The phrase But that it spread no further among the people  means: 'They were worried about what the people thought'.
    2. The phrase let us straitly threaten them  means: 'This was their plan'.
    3. The phrase that they speak henceforth to no man in this name  means: 'This was their goal'.
  14. C4-S14 :  What the religious leaders did.
  15. C4-S15 :  Peter and John said why they would not obey the religious leaders.
    1. The phrase But Peter and John answered and said unto them  means: 'Peter and John rejected their command'.
    2. The phrase Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God  means: 'Peter and John told them the conflicting commands.  Their command was to disobey God's command'.
    3. The phrase judge ye  means: 'Each and every one of them personally, and each of us personally, must judge whom to obey when men's' commands oppose God's command'.
  16. C4-S16 :  Peter voices their decision.
  17. C4-S17 :  the reaction of the religious leaders to the truth.
    1. The phrase So when they had further threatened them  means: 'This was the most that the religious leaders could do'.
    2. The phrase they let them go  means: 'This is what the religious leaders had to do'.
    3. The phrase finding nothing how they might punish them  means: 'Here's why they could do nothing more'.
    4. The phrase because of the people  means: 'The people would have objected strenusously and even fought the leaders over an obvious abuse of power.  Leaders can get away with some abouses but when the abuse becomes too obvious, people object because they become afraid that they will next become the victim of obvious abuse'.
    5. The phrase for all men glorified God for that which was done  means: 'The religious leaders were supposed to lead men in worship and glorifying God.  If they obviously abused the apostles for God using them to perform an obvious miracle, they would prove to the people that they truly served devils.  That could lead the people to reject them and even possibly kill the religious leaders.  Since they weren'y willing to chance death for their lies, they limited the obvious abuse and service to devils'.
  18. C4-S18 :  Here's why they could not deny that it took the power of God to do the miracle.
  19. C4-S19 :  Peter and John reported to the church.
  20. C4-S20 :  the church responded with prayer and praise to God.
    1. The phrase And when they heard that  means: 'The church added toe following response to the report of the prior sentence'.
    2. The phrase they lifted up their voice to God with one accord  means: 'They all prayed together and in agreement'.
    3. The phrase and said, Lord, thou art God  means: 'They started with praise for Who God is'.
    4. The phrase which hast made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all that in them is  means: 'They next praised God for what He has done'.
    5. The phrase Who by the mouth of thy servant David hast said  means: 'They next quoted scripture which says how God will react'.
    6. The phrase Why did the heathen rage, and the people imagine vain things?  means: 'This starts how God will react to proud God deniers like the religious leaders were'.
  21. C4-S21 :  A paraphrase of scripture included in the prayer.  Please see the Detailed Note for the explanation of this sentence.
  22. C4-S22 :  the church identifying the people who fight against God.  Please see the Detailed Note for the explanation of this sentence.
  23. C4-S23 :  the church prayer applying prophecy to their day.
    1. The phrase And now, Lord, behold their threatenings  means: 'Lord, recognize our opposition to doing your will'.
    2. The phrase and grant unto thy servants, that with all boldness they may speak thy word  means: 'Give us the spiritual help that we need to do your will'.
    3. The phrase By stretching forth thine hand to heal  means: 'We are not asking to avoid problems but for healing after we suffer for doing your will'.
    4. The phrase and that signs and wonders may be done by the name of thy holy child Jesus  means: 'Provide the spiritual evidence needed to lead the lost to true salvation'.
  24. C4-S24 :  the first result of their prayer.
    1. The phrase And when they had prayed  means: 'This result was added after they prayed'.
    2. The phrase The place was shaken where they were assembled together  means: 'God gave them a physical sign of His approval'.
    3. The phrase and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost  means: 'They received the spiritual help that they needed'.
    4. The phrase and they spake the word of God with boldness  means: 'They did their God-given job'.
  25. C4-S25 :  the entire church was united in serving God.
    1. The phrase And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul  means: 'They were united in doctrine and practice'.
    2. The phrase neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own  means: 'They valued the spiritual above the physical'.
    3. The phrase but they had all things common  means: 'They shared everything alike'.
  26. C4-S26 :  the results in this world from their attitudes and actions.
    1. The phrase And with great power  means: 'God added great spiritual power to a right attitude in the church'.
    2. The phrase gave the apostles witness of the resurrection  means: 'This was the main witness that they gave to Jews because many believed in resurrection'.
    3. The phrase gave the apostles witness of the...Lord Jesus  means: 'The Bible does not give Him this title until after His resurrection.  because He had to die as a literal physical man, to pay for our sins, before He could take back His power and authority as Lord Jesus.  Now, they must accept Him as their own personal Lord,  and agree to obey Him, or they get sent to Hell'.
    4. The phrase and great grace was upon them all  means: 'This is the result of obeying and serving Lord Jesus'.
  27. C4-S27 :  Everyone's physical needs were met.
    1. The phrase Neither was there any among them that lacked  means: 'No one lacked a need'.
    2. The phrase for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them  means: 'Here's why.  Saved people were w3illing to give up physical possessions to care for the needs of others'.
    3. The phrase and brought the prices of the things that were sold, And laid them down at the apostles' feet  means: 'They let the church leaders distribute what was needed.  They did not seek personal glory for what they gave'.
    4. The phrase and distribution was made unto every man according as he had need  means: 'The main concern was the need of everyone'.
  28. C4-S28 :  We are told about the man who would become pastor of the church at Antioch.
    1. The phrase And Joses, who by the apostles was surnamed Barnabas  means: 'Who he was'.
    2. The phrase a Levite, and of the country of Cyprus, Having land, sold it, and brought the money, and laid it at the apostles' feet  means: 'What he did'.
    3. The phrase which is, being interpreted, the son of consolation  means: 'This is the meaning of their name'.

Chapter 5 Summary:  Chapter theme is: God's test.

The account of Ananias and Sapphira is fairly well known but the other accounts of this chapter are less well preached and known.

In our chapter, we are told that God worked through all of the apostles to bring healing to the people and cast out devils and to save souls.  And, this upset the religious leaders who arrested the apostles.  But, God freed them and old them to teach the people in the Temple.  Therefore, they were in the Temple teaching instead of being in the prison when the religious leaders sent for them.  The religious leaders wanted to kill the apostles but were warned against that lest haply ye be found even to fight against God.  Therefore, they had the apostles beat and let them go with our chapter ending with the report of: And they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name.  And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ.

Thus, a significant part of this chapter is less well known.  In our chapter, we have saved church members fighting against the truth and are killed for it by God.  This sent a very clear warning to the rest of the saved people.  The end of the account for that incident (Acts 5:11) says: And great fear came upon all the church, and upon as many as heard these things.

Next, we have the religious leaders also fighting against the truth, and even beating the apostles, but not getting punished by God.  While it would look like God is not disapproving the actions of the religious leaders, God is actually giving a test to His people.  It appears as if they can follow the religious leaders into error with no consequences.  However, history tells us that God later destroys the nation and scatters the people and most of them who believed the lie, which the religious leaders told, were sent to Hell.  Therefore, the people who appeared to get away with doing wrong did not have any immediate punishment but had delayed punishment.  And the test is to see if we will do right or do wrong when there appears to be no consequence for doing wrong.

Acts 5:1-11 give us the account of Ananias and Sapphira.

Acts 5:12-22 tell us about God using the apostles to give God's people healing, truth and casting out devils.

Acts 5:23-28 tell us about the religious leaders arresting the apostles and God freeing them and telling them to teach in the Temple.

Acts 5:29-38 tell us about the apostles being before the Jewish Council of religious leaders.

Acts 5:39-44 tell us the results of them meeting the Council.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this chapter as: '
1-11. After that Ananias and Sapphira his wife for their hypocrisy, at Peter's rebuke had fallen down dead;
12-13. and that the rest of the apostles had wrought many miracles;
14-16. to the increase of the faith;
17-18. the apostles are again imprisoned;
19-20. but delivered by an angel bidding them preach openly to all;
21-28. when, after their teaching accordingly in the temple,
29-32. and before the council,
33-40. they are in danger to be killed; but through the advice of Gamaliel, a great counsellor among the Jews, they are kept alive, and are only beaten;
41-42. for which they glorify God, and cease no day from preaching.
Cir. A.M. 4038. A.D. 34

  1. C5-S1Ananias, with Sapphira his wife lied to the Holy Ghost.
    1. The phrase But a certain man named Ananias, with Sapphira his wife, sold a possession  means: 'This couple did the same as Barnabas did in the prior chapter'.
    2. The phrase And kept back part of the price, his wife also being privy to it  means: 'They only gave part of the money received while claiming to give it all'.
    3. The phrase and brought a certain part, and laid it at the apostles' feet  means: 'This was what they gave and what they claimed to give'.
  2. C5-S2 :  Peter discerns the truth.
    1. The phrase But Peter said  means: 'Peter disagreed with what Ananias said'.  We are not told if someone told Peter the truth.  But, since God killed Ananias and Sapphira because they lied to the Holy Ghost,  it is most likely that God's Holy Ghost  gave Peter spiritual discernment in this matter.  God's Holy Ghost  did not want saved people confused about why this couple was killed.  Therefore, God's Holy Ghost  had Peter tell us why they were killed.
    2. The phrase Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost  means: 'This is Peter's accusation and question'.  While people can argue about how Peter knew the truth, they can not argue that he did not know.  Notice that Peter says that Satan filled thine heart to lie.  Peter said this to a saved man.
    3. There is a big doctrinal argument, right now, because some people claim that saved people can not obey Satan and, thereby, be wicked.  They are claiming that what this account literally tells us must be wrong.  They justify this by claiming that 'The originals were inspired but not our preserved KJV1611'.  There is a lot of Biblical evidence to prove that claim to be a lie from Satan.  But, the simplest is the fact that when something is preserved  it is 'kept in the same state as the original'.  When they claim that 'The originals were inspired but not our preserved KJV1611', they are claiming that God is a liar.  The word of God  clearly says that it is God who preserves  the word of God  unto every generation  for a thousand generation  (Deuteronomy 7:9; 1Chronicles 16:15; Psalms 12:7; Psalms 105:8).  That means that, since 'The originals were inspired', then 'The preserved must also be inspired'.
    4. The phrase and to keep back part of the price of the land?  means: 'This is what he did and is the basis for Peter's accusation'  Again, we see a saved person acting the way that Satan told him to act and the purpose was to convince God's saved people that they could live in sin with no consequence.  Since God killed him and his wife, there are, very obviously, consequences for the saved people living ins sin.  And, as we read twice further in this account, great fear came on all them that heard these things.  God wants His people to fear ongoing lifestyle sins.
  3. C5-S3 :  Peter asked a question with an obvious answer.  (Whiles it remained, was it not thine own?  means: 'Who could tell him to give it to the church other than God's Holy Ghost?  therefore, what he did was against a commandment from God's Holy Ghost'.
  4. C5-S4 :  Peter asked a second a question with an obvious answer.  (and after it was sold, was it not in thine own power?)  means: 'Did he not have personal control over what was done with it?.  Even God's Holy Ghost  would not take away his free will in the matter'.
  5. C5-S5 :  Peter asked a third question with an obvious answer.  (why hast thou conceived this thing in thine heart?) means: 'Notice that it is a heart sin and the action only reveals the attitude of heart'.
  6. C5-S6 :  Peter reveals the true sin.  (thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God).  Sin  is: 'a violation of God's law' (1John 3:4).
  7. C5-S7 :  the results of his lie to God's Holy Ghost.
    1. The phrase And Ananias hearing these words fell down, and gave up the ghost  means: 'Ananias died'.
    2. The phrase and great fear came on all them that heard these things  means: 'The results of his death'.
  8. C5-S8 : Young men, in the church, took him out and buried him immediately.  Notice that there was no preparation of the body like was done for Jesus.  This shows loss of respect for doing a sin unto death.
  9. C5-S9 :  then came to accomplice in sin.
  10. C5-S10 :  Peter confirmed her part.
  11. C5-S11 :  Her answer proved that she conspired in the sin.
  12. C5-S12 :  Peter wonders how saved people could conspire to sin.
  13. C5-S13 :  Peter told her the judgment of God for her lie.
  14. C5-S14 :  the result of her participation in the sin..
    1. The phrase Then fell she down straightway at his feet, and yielded up the ghost  means: 'She died at Peter's feet'.
    2. The phrase and the young men came in, and found her dead, and, carrying her forth, buried her by her husband  means: 'She was buried next to her husband'.
  15. C5-S15 :  Another result of the visible judgment by God (And great fear came upon all the church, and upon as many as heard these things).
  16. C5-S16 :  God's Holy Spirit  worked through the apostles to show the people God's approval on their doctrine.
    1. The phrase And by the hands of the apostles were many signs and wonders wrought among the people  means: 'God's Holy Spirit  did miracles through the apostles'.
    2. The included part has two sentences and gives us what was in the original message but what a word-for-word translation would leave out.  Please see the Detailed Note for the sentence structure and the analysis of this sentence.  This sentence tells us how God's Holy Ghost  worked through men to do miracles and approve their doctrine like has rarely been seen since.
  17. C5-S17 :  How much the miracles of God's Holy Ghost  affected the Jewish people.
    1. Please see the Detailed Note about the word Insomuch.
    2. The phrase that they brought forth the sick into the streets, and laid them on beds and couches  means: 'This is what the common Jewish people did even though the religious rulers tried to hide the miracles and the doctrine taught by the apostles'.
    3. The phrase that at the least the shadow of Peter passing by might overshadow some of them  means: 'They hoped that Peter's shadow would heal people.  I can not say if it did or did not.  But, like the miracles that Jesus  did in the Gospels, they were given to many, even lost people.  The hope was that the miracle would lead the people to be saved but God did not demand true salvation before giving a miracle'.
  18. C5-S18 :  Word of what God's Holy Spirit  was doing spread.
    1. The phrase There came also a multitude out of the cities round about unto Jerusalem, bringing sick folks, and them which were vexed with unclean spirits  means: 'how the common people responded when miracles were available'.  .  .  .
    2. The phrase and they were healed every one  means: 'What God's Holy Spirit  did'.
  19. C5-S19 :  the reaction of lost religious authorities.
    1. The phrase Then the high priest rose up, and all they that were with him  means: 'This is who reacted to God's working'.
    2. The phrase and were filled with indignation  means: 'This was their emotional reaction to God's working'.
    3. The phrase And laid their hands on the apostles, and put them in the common prison  means: 'This was their physical reaction to God's working'.
    4. The phrase which is the sect of the Sadducees  means: 'The religious leaders denied the resurrection.  That is why they were so upset with preaching which proved that their belief was doctrinal error from a devil'.
  20. C5-S10 :  Peter confirmed her part in the sin.
  21. C5-S11 :  Her answer proved that she conspired in the sin.
  22. C5-S12 :  Peter wonders how saved people could conspire to sin.
  23. C5-S13 :  Peter told her the judgment of God for her lie.
  24. C5-S14 :  the result of her participation in the sin.
    1. The phrase Then fell she down straightway at his feet, and yielded up the ghost  means: 'She died at Peter's feet'.  .  .  .
    2. The phrase and the young men came in, and found her dead, and, carrying her forth, buried her by her husband  means: 'She was buried next to her husband'.
  25. C5-S15 :  Another result of the visible judgment by God.
    1. The phrase   means: ''.  .  .  .
    2. The phrase And great fear came upon all the church  means: 'The true fear of the Lord  came upon church members and encouraged them to stop their sin'.
    3. The phrase and upon as many as heard these things  means: 'The true fear of the Lord  came upon others and encouraged them to stop their sin'.
  26. C5-S16 :  God's Holy Spirit  worked through the apostles to show the people God's approval on their doctrine.
    1. The phrase And by the hands of the apostles were many signs and wonders wrought among the people  means: 'God's Holy Spirit  did miracles through the apostles'.
    2. The phrase (and they were all with one accord in Solomon's porch  means: 'All saved church members met at the same place in the Temple and were in complete agreement about doctrine'.
    3. The phrase And of the rest durst no man join himself to them  means: 'Non-saved Jews were afraid to be identified with them'.
    4. The phrase but the people magnified them  means: 'Non-saved Jews spoke well of the saved church members'.
  27. C5-S17 :  this qualifies the prior sentence.
    1. Please see the Detailed Note about the word Insomuch.
    2. The phrase Insomuch that they brought forth the sick into the streets, and laid them on beds and couches  means: 'This is what other Jews did'.
    3. The phrase that at the least the shadow of Peter passing by might overshadow some of them  means: 'This is why'.
  28. C5-S18 :  Word of what God's Holy Spirit  was doing spread.
    1. The phrase There came also a multitude out of the cities round about unto Jerusalem, bringing sick folks  means: 'Many Jews brought their sick friends and family members for healing'.
    2. The phrase and them which were vexed with unclean spirits  means: 'Many Jews brought devil possessed people for spiritual healing'.  .  .  .
    3. The phrase and they were healed every one  means: 'God's Holy Spirit  healed every need'.
  29. C5-S19 :    the reaction of lost religious authorities.
    1. The phrase Then the high priest rose up, and all they that were with him  means: 'This is who reacted to God's working'.
    2. The phrase and were filled with indignation  means: 'This was their emotional reaction to God's working'.
    3. The phrase And laid their hands on the apostles, and put them in the common prison  means: 'This was their physical reaction to God's working'.
    4. The phrase which is the sect of the Sadducees  means: 'The religious leaders denied the resurrection.  That is why they were so upset with preaching which proved that their belief was doctrinal error from a devil'.
  30. C5-S20 :  the Lord  sent His angel to free them.
    1. Please use this link to see why our sentence uses the phrase The angel of the Lord .
    2. The word But  means: 'The subject of this sentence is the same as the prior sentence while changing an attribute of the subject.  Where the prior sentence says that the religious leaders locked up the apostles to shut them up, our sentence says that The angel of the Lord  freed them and old them to go teach'.
    3. The phrase But the angel of the Lord by night opened the prison doors, and brought them forth  means: 'This is what The angel of the Lord  did'.
    4. The phrase and said, Go, stand and speak in the temple to the people  means: 'This is what The angel of the Lord  commanded'.
    5. The phrase all the words of this life  means: 'This is what they were to teach'.  The phrase The words of this life  means: 'The Gospel'.
  31. C5-S21 :  the apostles obeyed the commandment of God delivered by the angel.
    1. The phrase And when they heard that  means: 'This is when they obeyed.  They did not delay but did exactly as they were told to do'.
    2. The phrase they entered into the temple early in the mourning  means: 'This is the first thing that they did and when'.
    3. The phrase and taught  means: 'This is what they continued to do'.
  32. C5-S22 :  the religious leaders gathered all of their might in a display of opposing God.
    1. The phrase But the high priest came, and they that were with him, and called the council together, and all the senate of the children of Israel  means: 'They gathered all of the leaders of the nation in a show of opposition (but)  to God'.  (Please see the Detailed Note about the meaning of this sentence starting with the word but).
    2. The phrase and sent to the prison to have them brought  means: 'They sent for the apostles to see their gathered might, not realizing that God had already freed the apostles and showed that their gathered might was not sufficient to oppose God'.
  33. C5-S23 :  the officers could not do as ordered.
    1. The phrase But when the officers came, and found them not in the prison  means: 'What the officers found'.
    2. The phrase they returned, and old  means: 'What the officers did'.
    3. The phrase Saying, the prison truly found we shut with all safety, and the keepers standing without before the doors  means: 'What the officers reported'.
    4. The phrase but when we had opened, we found no man within  means: 'Why the officers could not do as ordered'.
  34. C5-S24 :  the religious leaders doubted if they could stop the work of God.
    1. The word Now  means: 'After you understand what came before this'.  The religious leaders were sure that their show of power would intimidate the apostles.  In stead, God proved that He had greater power and the apostles were bold instead of being intimidated.
    2. The phrase when the high priest and the captain of the temple and the chief priests heard these things  means: 'All of the religious leaders heard that their best efforts to contain the apostles failed.  Likewise, they also understood that their best efforts to contain the message from God would also fail'.
    3. The phrase they doubted of them whereunto this would grow  means: 'They now doubted their ability to contain the working of God'.
  35. C5-S25 :  the religious rulers were told where the apostles were at and what they were doing.
    1. The phrase Then came one and old them, saying  means: 'Someone brought them a report'.
    2. The word Behold  means: 'Pay close attention'.  The apostles did not run away and hide but were boldly doing what they were commanded to never do again.
    3. The phrase The men whom ye put in prison  means: 'Here's where you put them'.
    4. The phrase are standing in the temple  means: 'Here's where they are now'.
    5. The phrase and teaching the people  means: 'Here's what they are doing'.
  36. C5-S26 :  the captain and officers had an attitude adjustment.
    1. The phrase Then went the captain with the officers, and brought them without violence  means: 'They brought the apostles as they were commanded but without their usual attitude for people they arrested'.
    2. The phrase or they feared the people, lest they should have been stoned  means: 'The people were not willing to let the apostles be mistreated while they were being used to provide miracles to the people'.
  37. C5-S27 :  the council tried to regain their ability to intimidate the apostles.
    1. The phrase And when they had brought them  means: 'This is after the captain and guards politely escorted the apostles into the room with the Jewish Council'.
    2. The phrase they set them before the council  means: 'This was more than seventy men with the highest religious and political influence of the Jewish society'.
    3. The phrase and the high priest asked them, Saying, Did not we straitly command you that ye should not teach in this name?  means: 'The high priest and a few others gave this command back in Acts 4:5-6; but they did not have the full Jewish senate backing them at that time.  In addition, they had done a notable miracle,  which required the power of God, was known by multiple thousands of Jews and could not be denied.  Therefore, then, as at this time, the high priest was demanding that they disobey God and everyone knew that he was making this demand.  That is why Peter gives the answer, that he does, in the next couple of sentences'.
  38. C5-S28 :  the high priest adds his accusations.
    1. The word behold  means: 'pay close attention.  This sentence tells us what truly upset the high priest'.
    2. The phrase and, behold, ye have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine  means: 'They had been successful in obeying God's command to take the Gospel to Jerusalem'.  The true Gospel proved his religious doctrines to be lies from devils and he was losing influence with the saved Jews.
    3. The phrase and intend to bring this man's blood upon us  means: 'This was the main truth which the Jewish Council lied about'.  Matthew 27:25 says Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.  The blood of Jesus Christ  was already on their record in Heaven.  Their denying it on Earth did not matter.  The only record that mattered was the legal record in Heaven.  However, he, and most of the council, were Sadducees (Acts 5:17-18) and refused to believe in the resurrection.  Therefore, he was sure that death ended his existence and did not fear the judgment of God.  The only thing which he was concerned about was his personal power and influence here in this life.
  39. C5-S29 :  this sentence is only the start of their answer.  In their answer, they answered every accusation.
    1. The phrase Then Peter and the other apostle  means: 'Peter did the talking but the apostles were all united behind this answer'.
    2. The phrase answered and said  means: 'This is what they said to the entire council'.
    3. The phrase We ought to obey God rather than men  means: 'Implied in this answer is that they were given two opposing commands.  One was from God and the other was from man.  They could not obey both commands and had to choose which command to obey.  Since God is greater and more powerful and determines the everlasting result for everyone while men can only affect this life, they chose to obey God rather than men'.
  40. C5-S30The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree.  Please see the Detailed Note for an extensive explanation of this sentence and of the entire answer from Peter as recorded here.
  41. C5-S31 :  What God the Father did in response to their murdering God's Christ.
    1. The phrase Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour  means: 'God the Father made Jesus Christ  the most powerful being (Prince)  after God and the only preson Who can cave us (Saviour)'.  .  .  .
    2. The phrase for to give repentance to Israel  means: 'He changes our character and gets us to stop sinning and turn towards God in obedience'.
    3. The phrase and forgiveness of sins  means: 'He is the Pne Who blots out the record of our sin in Heaven's court'.
  42. C5-S32 :  Peter identifies the legal witnesses to these truths.
    1. The phrase And we are his witnesses of these things  means: 'Peter identifies the apostles as legal witnesses.  Their law required them to accept the true testimony of two witnesses and there were eleven apostles who were there as witnesses'.
    2. The phrase and so is also the Holy Ghost  means: 'In addition to human witnesses, Peter tells them that God's Holy Ghost  was also a witness.  Since it took the power of God's Holy Ghost  to do the miracles, they could not, legally, deny that testimony'.
    3. The phrase whom God hath given to them that obey him  means: 'Here Peter is telling them that more than the apostles have God's Holy Ghost.  Therefore, murdering all of the apostles will not get rid of the witness from God's Holy Ghost'.
  43. C5-S33 :  the initial reaction of the religious leaders to hearing the truth.
    1. The phrase When they heard that  means: 'This was when, and why, they reacted'.  .  .  .
    2. The phrase they were cut to the heart  means: 'This was the result of God's Holy Ghost  working on their hearts'.
    3. The phrase and took counsel to slay them  means: 'This was the result of the high priest and others who were motivated by devils and their own sin nature'.
  44. C5-S34 :  A God motivated man spoke a warning.  This sentence is the first of several sentences which report his warning.  And, his warning was sufficient to turn planned multiple murders into only beatings.  Please see the Detailed note for more of an explanation.
  45. C5-S35 :  He reminded them of a historical incident.
    1. The word For  means: 'Here's why they need to heed the warning'.
    2. The phrase before these days rose up theudas, boasting himself to be somebody  means: 'He was the person responsible for the incident'.
    3. The phrase to whom a number of men, about four hundred, joined themselves  means: 'This is the number of fools who followed him'.
    4. The phrase who was slain  means: 'The leader was killed'.
    5. The phrase and all, as many as obeyed him, were scattered  means: 'All of the followers were scattered'.
    6. The phrase and brought to nought  means: 'Nothing came from the incident'.
  46. C5-S36 :  He gave a second historical example.
    1. The phrase After this man  means: 'The second incident happened after the first incident'.
    2. The phrase rose up Judas of Galilee  means: 'This is who caused the incident'.
    3. The phrase in the days of the taxing  means: 'This is when and why people followed him'.
    4. The phrase and drew away much people after him  means: 'A lot of people followed him'.
    5. The phrase he also perished  means: 'He died'.
    6. The phrase and all, even as many as obeyed him, were dispersed  means: 'His followers were scattered'.
  47. C5-S37 :  Gamaliel gives his legal advice.
    1. The phrase And now I say unto you  means: 'He is adding this recommendation after making them understand his warning'.
    2. The phrase Refrain from these men, and let them alone  means: 'This is what he tells them to do'.
    3. The phrase For If this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought  means: 'Nothing will come from it if it is purely a religion made up by men'.
    4. The phrase But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it  means: 'On the other hand, if God is working through these men then you can not win a fight against God'.
    5. The phrase lest haply ye be found even to fight against God  means: 'If you start a fight against God, then you, all of your followers and your children to at least the third generation will be sorry'.
  48. C5-S38 :  their final decision.
    1. The phrase and to him they agreed  means: 'The rest of this sentence tells us that it was not a complete agreement.  He had told them Refrain from these men, and let them alone.  Yet, our sentence says that they beat the apostles'.
    2. The phrase and when they had called the apostles  means: 'This was their first action after agreeing with the lawyer'.
    3. The phrase and beaten them  means: 'This was their second action after agreeing with the lawyer'.
    4. The phrase they commanded that they should not speak in the name of Jesus  means: 'This was their third action after agreeing with the lawyer'.
    5. The phrase and let them go  means: 'This was their forth action after agreeing with the lawyer'.
  49. C5-S39 :  the apostles departed rejoicing at being allowed to suffer for The name of Jesus  Imagine getting people, who claim to be saved, to rejoice at being beaten.
  50. C5-S40 :  the church defied the religious leaders.
    1. The phrase And daily in the temple  means: 'They did their actions in the very place that, supposedly, was controlled by the religious leaders'.
    2. The phrase and in every house  means: 'This is the basis for home Bible Studies.  This is a more personal situation than preaching and teaching in the Temple.  Most likely, this is where discipleship lessons occurred'.
    3. The phrase they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ  means: 'This is what they were beaten for doing and commanded to not do.  The use of the name of Jesus Christ  means that they not only told the lost how to be saved but they taught the saved how to mature spiritually'.

Chapter 6 Summary:  Chapter theme is: Creation of the office of deacon.

In the prior chapter, we read that Satan tried to use the Jewish government to intimidate to apostles.  That failed.  So now, in this chapter, we read that he is introducing problems into the church.  Satan causes a dispute between the Jews who lived in Jerusalem and Judaea against the saved Jews from other lands.  The dispute is over providing for the physical needs of people in the church.  As a result, the church created the office of deacon to handle physical needs within the church.

Since that time, Satan has used this office to cause further disputes by convincing some people that the deacon can dictate spiritual matters to the preacher.  That is a lie from a devil.  In this chapter, we read about a very clear division of labor.  The preachers are to deal with spiritual matters and the deacons are to deal with physical matters.

In addition to the context of the prior chapter, we also need to consider the context of future chapters,  Acts 6 tells us about the church selecting deacons and of the testifying of false witnesses against Stephen.  Acts 7 gives us the answer from Stephen and his subsequent martyrdom.  All verses and notes for Acts 6 and Acts 7 should be considered together.  In Acts 6; some Jews tried arguing doctrine with Stephen and lost because Stephen was using the wisdom from God.  What made them particularly mad was the fact that they considered themselves to be the intellectuals  (which is called the synagogue of the Libertines, and Cyrenians, and Alexandrians, and of them of Cilicia and of Asia) and this person who was showing them to be fools came from a group which was regarded as unlearned and ignorant men  (Acts 4:13).

So they hauled Stephen before the court which had crucified Jesus  and accused Stephen of the same blasphemy  as Jesus  was accused of.  They accused Jesus  of saying that He would destroy the Temple (The building instead of His body) and rebuild it in three days (Matthew 26:61; Matthew 27:40; Mark 14:58; Mark 15:29).  The truth is that He did not destroy His body but the Jews sitting on that court did.  And He raised His physical body in the resurrection.

No one understood what Jesus  meant until after the resurrection, but then it was clear to everyone.  These Jews accused Stephen of repeating (and probably explaining) this prophecy of Jesus  only they presented it as if Stephen were making the claim new instead of telling what Jesus  had proved to be a true prophecy.  Matthew 27:63 lets us know that they realized the truth of what Jesus  really said, but chose to push the lie in court in order to justify murder.  This is a clear case of killing the messenger because you don't like the message.  However, these Jews would know 1Samuel 8:7 which says And the LORD said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them.  So the truth is that they were rejecting God, not Stephen.

Now, they are not only knowingly lying about what was said, but they are asking the court to give a death sentence for merely reporting the statement of another person.  When Jesus  said it, the court could say that (The lie) would only be possible if Jesus  was God, and therefore (they concluded) Jesus  blasphemed.  Blasphemy carried a death sentence in the Jewish culture.  However, Stephen did not make that claim about himself.  In addition, Jesus  had already proved that this was a true prophecy from God by fulfilling it when He rose from the dead after three days.  Further, this court knew that Jesus  had fulfilled this prophecy because they had just tried all of the apostles, as reported in the prior chapter.  They beat the apostles, but had to accept their testimony of the resurrection,  because their law said that the testimony of two men was true.  And, they had the testimony of twelve men as well as the testimony of God's Holy Ghost.  Therefore, they are trying Stephen for stating what they had to accept as a legal truth.  If they rejected that truth, then they invalidated their own legal right to try anyone.

So, they were denying a legal truth and, by doing so, invalidated their own legal right to hold trials.  However, they did this so that they could hold onto a religious doctrine which had been proven to be wrong.  Therefore, Stephen did not blasphemy but made them face a truth that they wanted to deny.  Nevertheless, we see the religious lost people twisting the truth in order to justify their sin.

In Acts 6:1-4; we read the reason why the office of deacon was created.

In Acts 6:5-6; we read the names of the first deacons.

In Acts 6:7; we read the results within the church to their settling the dispute.

In Acts 6:8; we read the testimony of Stephen.

In Acts 6:9-15; we read how some Jews picked a doctrinal fight with Stephen.  Then they hauled him before the Jewish Council and old lies about him.  This leads into our next chapter which reports the message that Stephen preached to the Jewish Council.  That resulted in Stephen becoming the first martyr of the church.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this chapter as: '1-2.  The apostles, desirous to have the poor regarded for their bodily sustenance, as also careful themselves to dispense the word of God, the food of the soul,
3-4.  recommend,
5-6. and with the church's consent ordain seven chosen men to the office of deaconship. 7.  The word of God prevails,\
8-15.  Stephen, full of faith and the Holy Ghost, confuting those with whom he disputed, is brought before the council, and falsely accused of blasphemy against the law and the temple

  1. C6-S1 :  the problem defined.
    1. The phrase And in those days, when the number of the disciples was multiplied  means: 'A larger church requires a different organization than a small church'.
    2. The phrase there arose a murmuring of the Greci and against the Hebrews  means: 'This is how the apostles knew that there was a problem'.
    3. The phrase because their widows were neglected in the daily ministration  means: 'This was the problem'.
  2. C6-S2 :  the apostles explained their reasoning to the entire church.
    1. The phrase Then the twelve called the multitude of the disciples unto them, and said  means: 'They assembled everyone to explain their reasoning'.
    2. The phrase It is not reason that we should leave the word of God  means: 'Their main job was to represent God to people and to concentrate on what The word of God  said'.
    3. The phrase and serve tables  means: 'They should not neglect that in order to take care of physical needs'.  What we have here, that most people miss, is a division of spiritual labor from physical labor.
  3. C6-S3 :  how the church is to select deacons.
    1. The word Wherefore  gives the conclusion of the prior reasoning.  That is, the rest of this sentence is the direct result of what preceded it in this chapter.
    2. The word brethren  means: 'Saved, baptized and serving church members'.  Others, such as visitors, have no business in selecting deacons.
    3. The phrase look ye out among you seven men of honest report  means: 'A deacon must be one of the members of the local church and fulfill all of the requirements specified in 1Timothy 3 '.
    4. The phrase full of the Holy Ghost  means: 'Deacons must have dedicated their entire life to the service of God and let God's Holy Ghost  control all of their life, including the small every day things, or they do not fulfill this requirement'.  Unfortunately, picking men for this office has become a political event which totally ignores God's Holy Ghost,  in most churches.
    5. The phrase and wisdom  means: 'They need to know how to apply what God's Holy Ghost  shows them in the word of God  when they deal with problems that God's people have in this life'.
    6. The phrase whom we may appoint over this business  means: 'The apostles were the ones who appointed the deacons but it was based upon the selection of the church'.
    7. The phrase Whom they set before the apostles,  in the next sentence, means: 'The apostles / pastor must approve any such selection'.  One reason for this is that there are times when the pastor knows something, which disqualified a man for this position, but which the rest of the church does not know.  In those circumstances, the pastor needs to refuse to appoint the man without revealing secret knowledge.  Often, this can be accomplished by the man, himself, refusing the nomination without revealing his reason for doing so.
  4. C6-S4 :  What the apostles (preachers) will concentrate on doing.
  5. C6-S5 :  the ordaining and naming of the first deacons.
  6. C6-S6 :  the results of fixing a devil caused problem in the church.
    1. TheThe following are steps in a procedure.  They must be done in the order given in order to receive the results of the sentence.
    2. The phrase And the word of God increased  means: 'First Step:  Saved people increased their faith and obedience to the word of God'.
    3. The phrase and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly  means: 'Second Step:  there was a great increase in the number of disciples winning souls'.
    4. The phrase and a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith  means: 'Third Step:  Priests, who were against the Gospel, received salvation'.
  7. C6-S7 :  Stephen became a notable witness among the deacons.
  8. C6-S8 :  Different divisions among the Jews banded together to fight against Stephen.
  9. C6-S9 :  Stephen learned The word of God  sufficiently enough to be able to win all disputes.
  10. C6-S10 :  the backers of doctrinal error convinced men to swear lies under oath in court.
    1. The phrase Then they suborned men  means: 'The backers of doctrinal error convinced men to swear lies'.  (Please see the Detailed Note for the definition of the word suborn.)
    2. The phrase which said, We have heard him speak blasphemous words against Moses  means: 'They swore that they had heard Stephen tell lies against the writing of Moses found in scripture.  The report of the message from Stephen, in the next chapter, proves that claim to be a lie.  In addition, the murder of Stephen, at the end of the next chapter, proves that these men, and the entire Jewish Council, were all controlled by a devil.  We are required to verify what someone tells us about God and The word God because the world is filled with religious liars'.
    3. The phrase and against God  means: 'This is a claim that Stephen blasphemed against God.  He would not have seen the Son of God  sitting next to God the Father, as he died a martyr's death, if that was true'.
  11. C6-S11 :  the lies of false witnesses.  Please see the Detailed Note, in the Book Study, for the explanation of this sentence and of contextual requirements.
  12. C6-S12 :  God gave the Jewish Council a visual sign that Stephen spoke for God.

Chapter 7 Summary:  Chapter theme is: Stephen's Message

Our chapter starts with the high priest asking a question based upon the lies reported in the prior chapter.  It ends with the murder of Stephen.  In between is the report of the message preached by Stephen.  In stead of answering the lies from the false witnesses,  Stephen preached a message to convict the Jewish Council of their own sin.  As a result, they murder Stephen instead of truly Biblically repenting.

We read Stephen's message starting in the second sentence.  He starts with the time when Abraham was in his home city and culture.  That's when the Bible tells us that Abraham worshipped idols.  When he obeyed God and left that culture and the worship of idols to worship and serve the true God, Abraham was saved.

Next, Stephen spoke of the promises and prophecies given to Abraham, which Abraham believed and used as a basis to serve God even though he did not receive the promises in his lifetime.  In addition, Abraham passed his faith to Isaac and Jacob.  But the children of Jacob, the patriarchs  were moved with envy  and sold Joseph into Egypt.  Thus we see the difference in attitudes and actions with Stephen continuing with how God blessed Joseph  because of his faith and obedience.

Next, Stephen tells how the Jews ended up in Egypt, just like God prophesied to Abraham.  After that, Stephen moved onto the birth of Moses and how he was trained to be the next Pharaoh.  However, Moses chose to protect his brethren and murdered an Egyptian who was abusing Jew.  As Stephen said: For he supposed his brethren would have understood how that God by his hand would deliver them: but they understood not.  And this is true all throughout history.  God will reveal something to a man of God which other children of God do not understand.

Stephen goes on and explains how Moses fled to the land of Madian and was there forty years before he saw the burning bush.  That is when he received a personal call from God, Who said to him, I am the God of thy fathers, the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.  When he heard that, Moses responded properly and God told him: And now come, I will send thee into Egypt.

from this history, Stephen tells them that God made Moses, whom the Jews had rejected, to be a ruler and deliverer  for the Jews.  This, of course, is in preparation of him telling them that they had rejected Jesus,  and God the Father made Jesus  to be a ruler and deliverer  for the Jews.  And, when they still tried to worship false gods and refused to obey God, He spent forty years destroying that generation and took the next generation into the Promised Land.  Thus, we see that God will judge, and even kill, His children who refuse to obey.  If this generation refuses to obey, God will give t6he promises to the next generation.

Stephen next reminded them of a well known prophecy of: A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear.  The Jews all understood that the prophecy would be fulfilled by Christ.  However, the religious leaders that he was preaching to were like the generation which God destroyed because they refused to obey and serve.  They, foolishly, believed that God had to bless them regardless of how they lived.

Stephen then reminded them that Joshua (whom he calls Jesus)  led the Jews into the Promised Land.  Stephen skips over several generations to continue with king David.  And, even though king David found favor with God, he was not allowed to build the Temple but his son Solomon built it.  With that, Stephen quotes scripture to say that God is not limited to a physical building and can deal with people outside of the building.  This directly points out the error which they taught all of the Jews.  They claimed that God could only be reached in the Temple building and if they prevented someone from worshipping God in that building, the person would go to Hell.  Thereby, they claimed that they, and not God, determined who went to Heaven and who went to Hell.  Of course, many so-called Christial religions also make the same claim today.

Now, the Jewish Council listened to his message of their history with no objection.  However, in the next sentence (Acts 7:51), Stephen applies the lessons from that history to the Jewish Council which he is preaching to.  This is where he says: Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye.  Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted?  and they have slain them which shewed before of the coming of the Just One; of whom ye have been now the betrayers and murderers: Who have received the law by the disposition of angels, and have not kept it.  Very clearly, Stephen told them that they had betrayed and murdered the Just One.  This, of course, was a reference to Jesus,  Who was God's Christ  (The Just One).

Now, everyone on the Jewish Council knew their scripture well enough to understand his accusation.  And, if anyone doubts that, just read the next sentence which says: When they heard these things, they were cut to the heart, and they gnashed on him with their teeth.  Then they cast him out of the city, and stoned him.  They would not have reacted this way unless they truly understood what they were accused of and refused to accept the accusation.  They decided to murder the messenger instead of accepting that the message was from God and that they needed to truly Biblically repent.  And, a major part of why they reacted this way was because they were led by Sadducees, which deny the resurrection and, as a result, also deny judgment by God after physical death.  You can justify anything, including murder, if you are positive that you will not suffer the consequences of your actions.

Our chapter ends with Stephen calling upon God, and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.  He also said: Lord, lay not this sin to their charge.  And, finally, we are told that And when he had said this, he fell asleep.  Even though stoning can be a painful way to die, Stephen did not suffer in his death.

Please be sure to see the Detailed Notes for all of the scriptural references in this chapter and for more details than what are presented in this summary.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this chapter as: 1- Stephen, permitted to answer to the accusation of blasphemy,
2-19. shows that Abraham worshipped God rightly, and how God chose the fathers,
20-36. before Moses was born, and before the tabernacle and temple were built;
37-43. that Moses himself witnessed of Christ;
44-50. and that all outward ceremonies were ordained, according to the heavenly pattern, to last but for a time;
51-53. reprehending their rebellion, and murdering of Christ, the Just One, whom the prophets foretold should come into the world.
54-60. Whereupon they stone him to death, who commends his soul to Jesus, and humbly prays for them

  1. C7-S1 :  the high priest asks a question based upon the lies reported in the prior chapter.
  2. C7-S2 :  Stephen starts his answer with how God dealt with Abraham.  What we see, in this chapter, is that Stephen never bothered to defend himself from the lies by the two false witnesses.  He also never bothered to answer the question from the high priest (asked in the prior sentence).  In stead, he concentrated on preaching the Gospel to the Jewish Council.  Our sentence has two Steps.  In the First Step, Stephen asks them to pay attention.  In the Second Step, Stephen starts his answer with how God dealt with Abraham.
  3. C7-S3 :  the moving of Abraham.
    1. The phrase Then came he out of the land of the Chaldaeans, and dwelt in Charran  means: 'Abraham stayed with his father until his father died.  His father only went half way to the Promised Land  where God told Abraham to go'.
    2. The phrase and from thence, when his father was dead  means: 'This is when Abraham moved on'.
    3. The phrase he removed him into this land, wherein ye now dwell  means: 'Abraham moved to the Promised Land,  where God had originally told him to go'.
  4. C7-S4 :  What God gave to Abraham.
    1. The phrase And he gave him none inheritance in it, no, not so much as to set his foot on  means: 'Abraham received no land while he lived physically'.
    2. The phrase yet he promised that he would give it to him for a possession  means: 'Abraham received a promise'.
    3. The phrase and to his seed after him  means: 'The promise was to his seed after him'.
    4. The phrase when as yet he had no child  means: 'Abraham had to receive the promise by true Biblical faith'.
  5. C7-S5 :  God gave Abraham a prophecy about his descendants.
    1. The phrase And God spake on this wise  means: 'This is Who spoke'.
    2. The phrase That his seed should sojourn in a strange land  means: 'The Jews would go to Egypt'.
    3. The phrase and that they should bring them into bondage  means: 'They would become slaves and suffer as a result'.
    4. The phrase and entreat them evil four hundred years  means: 'This is how long this would happen'.
  6. C7-S6 :  the results after four hundred years of slavery.
    1. The phrase And the nation to whom they shall be in bondage will I judge  means: 'What God will do to Egypt'.
    2. The phrase said God  means: 'Who said this'.
    3. The phrase and after that shall they come forth  means: 'The Jews will heave Egypt'.
    4. The phrase and serve me in this place  means: 'The Jews will serve God in the Promised land'.
  7. C7-S7 :  this references the covenant which God made with Abraham.
    1. The phrase And he gave him the covenant of circumcision  means: 'All male descendants of Abraham were to be circumcised'.
    2. The phrase and so Abraham begat Isaac, and circumcised him the eighth day  means: 'Abraham circumcised Isaac as required'.
    3. The phrase and Isaac begat Jacob  means: 'Isaac circumcised Jacob as required'.
    4. The phrase and Jacob begat the twelve patriarchs  means: 'Jacob circumcised the twelve patriarchs as required'.
  8. C7-S8 :  What happened to Joseph.
    1. The phrase And the patriarchs, moved with envy, sold Joseph into Egypt  means: 'The   show us that God's people can follow the thinking of this world and sin'.
    2. The phrase but God was with him  means: 'God gave Joseph a different result than his brothers planned for him.  God proved to be greater than any group of men'.
    3. The phrase And delivered him out of all his afflictions  means: 'Joseph was tested with demands that he sin and years in jail for doing right.  But after he passed God's test, he was removed from jail and all further afflictions by men'.
    4. The phrase and gave him favour and wisdom in the sight of Pharaoh king of Egypt  means: 'Pharaoh made Joseph ruler of Egypt under him and did not interfere with the rule of Joseph'.
    5. The phrase and he made him governor over Egypt and all his house  means: 'The children of Joseph were also blessed because of him'.
  9. C7-S9 :  God controlled the circumstances of that time.
    1. The phrase Now there came a dearth over all the land of Egypt and Chanaan, and great affliction  means: 'God caused a shortage of food where the Jews lived'.
    2. The phrase and our fathers found no sustenance  means: 'There was no food to be bought'.
  10. C7-S10 :  Jacob provided for his family.
  11. C7-S11 :  the truth was revealed.
    1. The phrase And at the second time  means: 'This was the second time that Jacob sent his sons into Egypt for food'.
    2. The phrase Joseph was made known to his brethren  means: 'Joseph revealed who he was'.  Spiritually, this symbolizes Jesus  revealing Who He was to the disciples.
    3. The phrase and Joseph's kindred was made known unto Pharaoh  means: 'Joseph introduced his brethren to Pharaoh'.  Spiritually, this symbolizes Pentecost  where God revealed His children, in the church, to the world.
  12. C7-S12 :  Joseph called His family so that he could provide for them.
  13. C7-S13 :  A summary of the time the Jews were in Egypt under Joseph.
  14. C7-S14 :  God kept His promise in His time.
    1. The phrase But when the time of the promise drew nigh  means: 'God knows when the right time is'.  People get impatient with God but they don't know everything.  People can't know when is the right time for something to happen but God always knows.
    2. The phrase which God had sworn to Abraham  means: 'This is why God acted'.  We need to serve God because, for one reason, our actions can affect our descendants.
    3. The phrase The people grew and multiplied in Egypt  means: 'God had kept them there, and protected, until they could survive all of the people trying to kill them'.
    4. The phrase Till another king arose  means: 'This was the time for a change'.  He was evil but the Bible says that God raised him up so that God could show His power in him.  Even evil rulers have a purpose in God's plan.
    5. The phrase which knew not Joseph  means: 'This was his excuse for treating God's people wrong'.
  15. C7-S15 :  How Pharaoh dealt with the Jews.
    1. The phrase The same dealt subtilly with our kindred  means: 'Pharaoh had a sneaky plan to convert Jews to Egyptians'.
    2. The phrase and evil entreated our fathers, so that they cast out their young children  means: 'He ordered the midwives to kill all male children but let the females live'.  .  .  .
    3. The phrase o the end they might not live  means: 'When there were not enough Jewish males and the women wanted to get married, they would have to marry Egyptians and raise their children as Egyptians.  That is how he planned that the Jewish nation might not live'.
  16. C7-S16 :  God created Moses to do His plan.
    1. The phrase In which time Moses was born  means: 'Moses was born a male child when the law was to murder all male children at birth'.
    2. The phrase and was exceeding fair  means: 'God made Moses very attractive to the women'.
    3. The phrase and nourished up in his father's house three months  means: 'The family hid Moses for the first three months of his life'.
    4. The phrase And when he was cast out  means: 'This was when they could no longer hide him'.
    5. The phrase Pharaoh's daughter took him up  means: 'He was taken in as a son of the highest house'.
    6. The phrase and nourished him for her own son  means: 'He was adopted by Pharaoh's daughter'.
  17. C7-S17 :  Moses exceeded others in the way of the world.
  18. C7-S18 :  Moses decided to protect his brethren.
  19. C7-S19 :  What Moses did and why.
    1. The phrase And seeing one of them suffer wrong  means: 'What motivated Moses to act'.
    2. The phrase he defended him, and avenged him that was oppressed, and smote the Egyptian  means: 'The specific actions which Moses did'.
    3. The phrase For he supposed his brethren would have understood how that God by his hand would deliver them  means: 'What Moses thought that they would understand'.
    4. The phrase but they understood not.
  20. C7-S20 :  Moses tried to break up another fight.
    1. The phrase And the next day  means: 'when this happened'.
    2. The phrase he shewed himself unto them as they strove  means: 'What happened'.
    3. The phrase and would have set them at one again  means: 'Moses tried to get them to stop fighting and agree with each other'.
    4. The phrase saying, Sirs, ye are brethren  means: 'What Moses said'.
    5. The phrase why do ye wrong one to another?  means: 'What Moses asked'.
  21. C7-S21 :  the Jew who did wrong tried top blame Moses.
  22. C7-S22 :  that Jew challenged Moses.
  23. C7-S23 :  Moses ran and hid.
  24. C7-S24 :  the time that God called Moses to be His servant.
    1. The phrase And when forty years were expired  means: 'Again, we see forty used as the time of God's test'.  Moses was humbled by God during that time.
    2. The phrase there appeared to him in the wilderness of mount Sina an angel of the Lord in a flame of fire in a bush  means: 'This is how God made Moses pay attention'.
  25. C7-S25 :  God spoke to Moses.
  26. C7-S26 :  How Moses reacted to God talking to him.
  27. C7-S27 :  the command to show respect from God.
  28. C7-S28 :  God explains why He contacted Moses.
    1. The phrase I have seen  means: 'God says this phrase twice so that we will know that it is not just 'I happened to notice'.  But, in fact, God looked closely over time and verified all of the facts.  God will judge all of the Egyptians, and not just the leaders, because they all, as a nation, had the wrong attitude towards the people of God'.  We need to be careful about accepting popular wrong attitudes such as what is called 'Being politically correct'.
    2. The phrase I have seen the affliction of my people  means: 'This is what God recorded an ongoing events'.
    3. The phrase which is in Egypt  means: 'This is where and when these events happened which God ended'.  There were other times when the Jews went through similar events because they turned their back on God and God had to punish them.  When we are going through trouble we need to first verify that we are not being punished for sin before we expect God to remove the problems and punish the people causing them.
    4. The phrase and I have heard their groaning  means: 'God heard their ongoing prayers for protection and relief'.  Often, God lets us continue in a situation in order to test our true level of faith.
    5. The phrase and am come down to deliver them  means: 'God has decided that it is now time to do something and God will work through Moses'.
  29. C7-S29 :  God commands Moses to agree with His plan.
  30. C7-S30 :  God chose the man rejected by the Jews.  Stephen will make it clear that God also chose Jesus,  as His Christ,  and the men on the Jewish Council had rejected Him.
  31. C7-S31 :  God chose the same man to be their ruler.
  32. C7-S32 :  Moses led the Jewish nation for at least forty years.
    1. Our sentence tells us that Stephen reported miracles which were done through Moses in the old Testament.  Please see the Table Of Miracles in the Old Testament for more about those miracles.
    2. The phrase He brought them out  means: 'Moses led the Jewish nation out of Egypt'.
    3. The phrase after that he had shewed wonders and signs in the land of Egypt  means: 'God did many miracles through Moses before Pharaoh agreed to let them go'.
    4. The phrase and in the Red sea  means: 'The Jewish nation crossed the Red Sea on dry ground but God killed the Egyptian Army when thru tried to follow.  In addition, God floated weapons to the Jews, from the Egyptian Army. even though metal weapons don't float'.
    5. The phrase and in the wilderness forty years  means: 'During the forty years wandering, God did many more miracles'.
  33. C7-S33 :  Stephen reminds them of a prophecy which they know well.  They also know the command, from God the Father, to hear  and obey  that prophet.  However, even while they are sure that God has to bless them, Stephen tells them otherwise.  After this sentence he tells the historical difference between Jews blessed by God and those who were cursed.  He also tells them thecause ofeach result and then makes it clear that the people on the Jewish Council will be cursed for their sinful life and attitudes.  He makes it clear that they will receive this result because they clearly refused to obey God's command, through Moses, to him shall ye hear.
  34. C7-S34 :  Stephen describes how God used Moses to minister to the Jews.
    1. The phrase This is he, that was in the church in the wilderness with the angel which spake to him in the mount Sina, and with our fathers  means: 'God's angel  spoke to Moses and to the Jewish fathers when they worshipped God in the wilderness'.  Notice that what God considers to be a church  is not the building but the gathering to properly worship the true God.
    2. The word oracles  means: 'The word of God'.  The phrase who received the lively oracles to give unto us  means: 'Moses and other Jewish fathers received the spiritually living word of God  from angels  as they truly worshipped God'.
    3. The phrase To whom our fathers would not obey, but thrust him from them, and in their hearts turned back again into Egypt  means: 'The Jewish fathers would not obey Moses but violently pushed Moses away and, in their hearts, sought to return to the world and worship of devils'.
    4. The phrase Saying unto Aaron, Make us gods to go before us  means: 'This is the Biblical record which proves the claim of the prior phrase'.
    5. The phrase for as for this Moses, which brought us out of the land of Egypt, we wot not what is become of him  means: 'They were not willing to wait the number of days which were required for Moses to get their instructions from God'.
  35. C7-S35 :  the Jewish fathers  turned to worldly ways and idol worship.
  36. C7-S36 :  their history of rejecting God.  The Detailed Note has Bible references to their history where God's people repeatedly turned from serving God the way of the world and to worshipping idols.  Although Luke does not report Stephen preaching it, the application was that the Jewish Council had turned from the truth of God to worldly religion and worshipping their own sinful thoughts above the commandments of God.  And, the world is full of religions that do the same thing today, even if the details of their doctrines vary.
  37. C7-S37 :  the results of turning from worshipping God to worshipping idols.
    1. The phrase Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them  means: 'Continuously throughout their history, the Jews kept turning away from God and worshipped other so-called gods'.
    2. The phrase and I will carry you away beyond Babylon  means: 'Preachers like to claim that the Jews were taken to Babylon because they did not give the land a year of rest every seven years as commanded by God.  However, Stephen says it was because of their idol worship'.
  38. C7-S38 :  God had Moses create the tabernacle of witness.  Moses made it exactly as God told him to do.  It is also called the tabernacle of testimony.  This was where God gave testimony to His children and where His children gave legal testimony to God of what they had personally witnessed.
  39. C7-S39 :  History from Moses to David.
    1. The phrase Which also our fathers that came after  means: 'This was after the time of Moses'.
    2. The phrase brought in with Jesus into the possession of the Gentiles  means: 'Joshua (Jesus)  led the Jews to conquer the land which used to belong to Gentiles'.
    3. The phrase , whom God drave out before the face of our fathers, unto the days of David  means: 'The Jews had to keep warring through the time of king David'.
    4. The phrase Who found favour before God  means: 'King David found favor with God'.
    5. The phrase and desired to find a tabernacle for the God of Jacob  means: 'King David wanted to build the Temple'.
  40. C7-S40 :  God did not allow king David to build the Temple but allowed Solomon to build it.
  41. C7-S41 :  the problem stated.
    1. The phrase Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands  means: 'God is not limited to physical buildings'.
    2. The phrase as saith the prophet  means: 'There is scripture for this claim'.  Please see the Detailed Note for those references.
    3. The phrase Heaven is my throne, and earth is my footstool  means: 'This is the current habitation of God'.
    4. The phrase what house will ye build me?  means: 'How can man do anything greater'.
  42. C7-S42 :  this sentence was asked by God.  (saith the Lord: or what is the place of my rest? ).
  43. C7-S43 :  God made everything.  Therefore, man can not claim to have provided for God.  (Hath not my hand made all these things?).
  44. C7-S44 :  Stephen accuses the Jewish Council of being just like their ancestors.
    1. The phrase Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears  means: 'The attitude that each and every one of them personally had in their heart'.
    2. The phrase ye do always resist the Holy Ghost  means: 'The action that each and every one of them personally took'.
    3. The phrase as your fathers did, so do ye  means: 'Each and every one of them personally act just like their ancestors'.
  45. C7-S45 :  the prior Jewish Religious leaders persecuted God's prophets.
  46. C7-S46 :  Additional murders done by the Jewish religious leaders.
    1. The phrase and they have slain them which shewed before of the coming of the Just One  means: 'The prior Jewish religious leaders killed the prophets which shewed the coming of Christ'.
    2. The phrase of whom ye have been now the betrayers and murderers  means: 'The current Jewish religious leaders killed God's Christ'.
    3. The phrase Who have received the law by the disposition of angels  means: 'God used His angels to give the law to different Jewish religious leaders'.
    4. The phrase and have not kept it  means: 'The Jewish religious leaders have not kept God's law'.
  47. C7-S47 :  the men of the Jewish Council personally started the murder of Stephen.
    1. The phrase When they heard these things  means: 'This was when they reacted'.
    2. The phrase they were cut to the heart  means: 'This was why they reacted.  God's Holy Ghost  cut to the heart.  Men can not do this.  Only God can'.
    3. The phrase and they gnashed on him with their teeth  means: 'I can not say If this was literally or If this phrase is a figure-of-speech.  But, even as a figure, it represents a very personal physical attack on God's messenger and this attack, according to the report in our chapter, continued until Stephen was dead'.
  48. C7-S48 :  in this sentence, God's Holy Ghost  lets Stephen see spiritual truth and he testifies what he sees.
  49. C7-S49 :  the murder of Stephen.
  50. C7-S50 :  Stephen stated his expectation of being received into Heaven.  Please use the links, in the sentence outline of the Detailed Note, to see the related notes in other Studies.
  51. C7-S51 :  the end of the life of Stephen.
  52. C7-S52 :  God took him to Heaven.

God in Acts

of God:
angel of God10:3; 27:23
approved of God2:22
be of God5:39
church of God20:28
chosen of God10:41; 22:14
commanded of God10:33 
counsel of God20:27
God of our fathers3:13; 5:30; 7:32; 22:14
foreknowledge of God2:22
gift of God 8:20; 11:17;
glory of God7:55-56
God of glory7:2-3
grace of God11:23; 13:43; 14:26; 15:40; 20:24;
great power of God8:10
Help of God26:22
God of Israel13:17;
kingdom of God1:3; 8:12; 14:22; 19:8; 20:25; 28:23; 28:31
made of God26:6
offspring of God17:29
ordained of God10:42
right hand of God2:33; 7:55-56
salvation of God28:28
sight of God4:19; 8:21; 10:31
Son of God8:37; 9:20
way of God18:26;
will of God13:36
works of God2:11 
word of God4:31; 6:2; 6:7; 8:14; 10:36; 11:1; 12:24; 13:5; 13:7; 13:44; 13:46; 17:13; 18:11; 19:20 
God had / hath  
God hath cleansed10:15; 11:9;
God exalted Jesus5:31
God hath given Holy Ghost5:32
God hath made 2:36
raised up Jesus2:24; 2:30; 2:32; 3:14-15; 3:22; 3:26; 4:8-10; 5:30; 7:37; 10:40; 13:23; 13:30; 13:33; 13:37;
raised up David13:22
God had shewed 3:18; 10:28
God hath spoken 3:21; 7:6; 7:7
God knows everything 15:18;
God made Everything 17:24
by man (miracles, signs, etc)2:22-24; 7:24-25; 19:11
shall call 2:39  
saith God2:17  
praising God 2:47; 3:8; 3:9; 4:21; 4:24-35;
God of our fathers3:13; 7:31-32
God hath sworn to man2:30; 7:17-18
harken unto God or man 4:19;
lied unto God5:4
ought to obey God5:29
fight against God 5:39; 23:9;
blaspheme against God 6:11;
God was with Joseph 7:9-19
God sent Moses  7:35
make false gods 7:38-40
strange gods17:18
goddess Diana19:27; 19:35; 19:37
idols are not gods19:26
God gave up men to idol worship7:42; 7:43
God drave out Gentiles 7:45
David found favor of God7:46
man call upon God7:59
God work with man 7:25; 21:19;
pray to God8:22; 10:2; 10:4; 12:5;
fear God10:2; 10:22; 13:16; 13:26;
warned from God10:22;
present before God10:33 
man preceives from God10:34 
anointed by God10:38;
God with man 10:38;
men magnified God 10:46
man can not withstand God11:17;
men glorified God11:18;
men did not give God glory11:23;
men said voice of man was voice of a god12:22;
men said that gods were in likeness of men14:11;
men thought Paul was a god28:6;
God gave men's desire13:21; 27:24;
turn from these vanities unto the living God 14:15;
men testify of God working with them14:27; 15:4; 15:12; 15:14;
God chose among men 15:7;
God knoweth the hearts of men 15:8;
men tempt God15:10;
men turned to God15:19; 16:34;
men worshipped God16:14; 16:25; 18:7 18:13; 23:14;
men serve God 16:17; 26:7; 26:18; 26:20;
man is offspring of God17:29
how to not think about God17:29
ignorant of God17:30
if God will 18:2
repentence towards God 20:21;
commend men to God20:32;
zealous twards God22:3;
good conscience towards God23:1; 23:16;
men curse men before God23:3;
God's high priest?23:4;
hope towards God 23:15; 26:6; 26:29;
God resurrect the dead 26:8;
believe God 27:24; 27:25;
thank God 27:35; 28:15;


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