Lord Jesus Christ in the 1611KJV
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Below are papers on how to interpret the Bible (Hermeneutics).  These papers do not follow rules established by some religion but follow rules that God has shown me through diligent study of His word.  I could cite many worldly recognitions of my ability to ' prove ' things but I will follow the example of Jesus and reference where God has worked through my life.  For more than 25 years I have been openly challenging anyone who claims that there are conflicts within the Bible.  I have consistently proven that they had a 'wrong way of interpretation ' and that the true disagreements were only between the conclusions which are the results their 'wrong interpretations'.  If they use God's way of interpretation, then there are NO conflicts within the Bible itself.  God warns us to not do such a thing in Exodus 23:2, 6; Deuteronomy 16:19; Psalms 56:5; 2 Peter 3:16 and other places within the Bible.  Since people can interpret the Bible and have NO conflicts if they use God's way of interpretation, then the conflicts are truly proving that the person with conflicts is using the wrong way to interpret the Bible

In every case, where someone told me that there was a conflict, I have shown them the true interpretation of the place which they reference and proved that there are no conflicts if they use God's way to interpret.  Then I showed God's way to those people who were willing to listen.  I have also seen God's judgment come upon those people who refused to let the Bible correct their beliefs.

This site has the interpretation of over 6,000 verses which are cross-referenced to 150,000 references which are presented as links.  (A link is something on a computer which allows you to go to another place on the computer if you use the computer mouse to click the link.)  Those links either go to a Bible verse or they go to another note or web page where there are several links dealing with a single subject.  For example, there are over 725 verses which deal with forms of the word truth.  The Word Study on Truth has links to every one of those verses along with a note explaining how that verse matches the definition and particular application, of that particular reference, that is within the Word Study.  Other places in this site which deal with the word truth  have a link to that Word Study.  Therefore, the 150,000 links actually provide far more Bible references which support the interpretations provided.  In fact, it has, quite reasonably, been estimated that if all of the supporting references were counted for each verse interpreted, and those references were added together, that there would be at least one million supporting references.  Scripture interprets scripture and the reader needs to be assured that these is plenty of scriptural references for all interpretations and doctrines found on this site.

As impressive as those numbers might be, there is a far more important reason to believe that the method of interpretation presented here is from God.  There are NO conflicts between the various interpretations.  I've had over 50 preachers say that they could find another site or commentator who could match that claim.  But, when I said prove it NO one has ever come back with any person or reference because no method of interpretation, which comes from man, can match the results of the method from God.  Many preachers have said that they disagree with the conclusions from this method of interpretation and, again, I said prove that the conclusions go against the Bible.  Once more, NO one has ever come back with any place where the interpretation went against what the Bible literally says.  Also, I've had people say that I am wrong and they don't have to prove it. According to Romans 6:16, they did a sin unto death  by choosing a lifestyle which refused to let the word of God correct them.  Four pastors, so far, saw the 'death' of their ministry and are no longer pastors determining what doctrine will be preached to God's people.  In addition, there have been four literal physical deaths for the same reason.  Therefore, it is extremely dangerous for a child of God to refuse to let the word of God correct their beliefs and doctrine.  It is just as dangerous to refuse to let God's word teach you how to get God's perfect interpretation of God's perfect word so that you have a perfect picture of God and God's Son who tell you how to become fully mature children of God.

On this site, the Book Studies and the Word Studies provide the main applications of the rules of interpretation found on this menu item.  The Lord Jesus Christ and Salvation indexes are special studies while the Doctrines and Messages indexes are application s of the truths found in the Book Studies and Word Studies.  In all of these Studies, and at every level of interpretation or application, the methods used are consistent and prove that there are NO 'problem verses' anywhere in the KJCV1611.  All so-called problems are the result of men using the wrong method of interpretation.

The Book Studies deal with every sentence, verse, phrase, punctuation mark and doctrinally significant word within that Book Study.  The Word Studies deal with every occurrence of the word within the section being dealt with for a 'New Testament definition' and, in some cases, provide an 'absolute definition'.  The 'absolute definition' requires looking at every place where any form of the word is used in the Bible and finding the single definition which fits every usage and also identifying the multiple applications of that single definition with the 'fit' meaning that the definition and application must match how the word is actually used within the context.  A 'New Testament definition' meets the same criteria but only looks at a section of the Bible, such as a single book or something as the New Testament.  When there is not time to do a full Word Study then enough of a proper Study is done in order to provide a definition which serves the function within that section of the Bible.

As an example of the differences between these definitions, when I first started studying the name of the Son of God, I used 'God in human flesh' as the 'New Testament definition' of Jesus.  And that definition served the function for much of the New Testament.  However, when I found out that the name of Jesus  was used for other men 3 times within the Bible, I had to switch to the 'absolute definition' of 'the name of a literal physical man' with the main application being 'God in human flesh'.  Thus, the 'New Testament definition' was true but incomplete.  it served the function of a definition until I learned better.  In addition, it recognized that the definition provided might not be accurate in every instance, which avoids 'taking a stand' on less than the full truth.

That said, as I add to the Book Studies I am also filling in the 'New Testament definitions' with a goal of providing 'actual definition' once every sentence, every verse, every phrase and every punctuation mark within the New Testament has been properly analyzed.  Lord Willing, I will provide this before I die.  These Word Definitions are critical because every dictionary that I have seen provides some definitions which do not match actual Bible usage and those wrong definitions lead to some doctrinal error.  This includes the Webster's 1828 and the 'Greek Dictionary'.  Yes, their definitions are good much of the time but A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.  (1Corinthians 5:6; Galatians 5:9 ).  Therefore, as much as possible, we are to eliminate all doctrinal error (leaven)  by trying to use Biblically accurate word definitions.

This method ( every sentence, every verse, every phrase, every punctuation mark and every doctrinally significant word) is critical because people who use other methods skip verses which cause them problems.  Instead of accepting that they have a problem with their method of interpretation, they claim that there is an error in the perfect word of God  (by claiming that there are 'problem verses) or they just skip verses which cause them problems and pretend that they had no problems.  This deception causes people to believe that their doctrine is reliable when it will actually lead people into problems with God.  .

This site does not skip any verses because the method of interpretation use here is God's perfect way  to interpret God's perfect Word  and get a perfect  picture of a perfect God  Who has NO conflicts within Himself.

The Bible is our God breathed (Job 32:8; 2Timothy 3:16), God preserved (Deuteronomy 7:9; 1 Chronicles 16:15; Psalms 105:8) perfect picture of a perfect God (John 1:1-2, 14).  Since God does not change (Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8), the true picture of God also can not change.  Any rules of interpretation which lead to inconsistency in the interpretation are not from the God Who never changes.

There is a lot of doctrinal disputes due to people being taught error about a basic law of God.  The simplest way to explain the problem is with an example.  There is a lot of controversy over the doctrine of the judgment seat of Christ  because people use their natural reasoning and accept wrong doctrines based upon wrong definitions of the words involved.  The true definition of a Bible phrase is determined by the true definitions of the words within the phrase and the relationship of the words within that phrase.  'God does not change' (Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8).  When Jesus  argued doctrine with the religious leaders, He told them It is also written in your law, that the testimony of two men is true  (John 8:17) and I have provided two testimonies  from the word of God  to support this doctrine of how to determine the true definition of a Bible word.  The true definition of a Bible word is what never changes with any usage of that word within the word of God.  Too many people are not rightly dividing the word of truth  (2Timothy 2:15) when 'they refuse to separate their favorite application from the true definition of a Bible word' or they 'claim that their favorite application corrects the true definition of a Bible word'.  The true New Testament definition, , for the wordjudgment,  is: 'Comparison of actions and attitudes, which a person displays, to the statutes and commandments of a rightful authority.  Judgment results in reward of the obedient and punishment of the disobedient with the amount of reward or punishment determined by the judge'.  And, that definition has been determined by studying every usage of every form of the word judge  found within the New Testament.  Thus, the doctrine of the 'Bema Seat', which denies punishment of saved people at the judgment seat of Christ  is a lie and a doctrine from devils.

Please keep in mind that 'God does not change' and God created never-changing laws when he created this physical reality such as the true laws of Math and the true laws of science.  He also created never-changing laws of true interpretation when He wrote His word.  If anyone thinks that they can ignore God's never-changing laws of interpreting the word of God,  then tell them to prove that they can change God's law of gravity using just their own will.  Tell them to take a plane to at least 2,000 feet in the air, strip down to their birthday suit and jump out of the plane with nothing else.  If they float down, then they can set aside God's law of gravity using just their own will.

After these lessons were written, I was asked to write a book on this subject which was easier to understand.  That book is: How to Study the Word of God.  Lord willing, after i finish providing an analysis of the entire New Testament, I will update the lessons found here and write a second book which has the current book as a prerequisite but provides the more technical requirements for analyzing God's word using God's way so that you have an interpretation with no errors.

Contact:  Webmaster@LJC1611KJV.com.  Member of Tower Road Baptist Church, Abq., NM, U.S.A., 87121.  Copyright 2009 Lord Jesus Christ in the 1611KJV.  All rights reserved. Revised: 12/01/24.