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Interpretive Study of John's Gospel - Summary

Gospel theme:  Jesus  is the Son of God

God's Way to Study His Word:

In 2Timothy 2:15 we read: Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.  The true definition of the word dividing  is: 'a Mathematical function whereby we separate pre-defined units according to a precise procedure which produces a precise result'.  However, while most people understand that 'there is one interpretation but many applications of The word of God', they fail to separate the procedures of each.  And, as a result, they fail to separate the 'one interpretation of The word of God' from the 'many applications of The word of God'.  This leads to many errors which people blame on the perfect word of God  instead of their using the wrong procedure.

The result, of men using the wrong way, is that men claim that there are errors and conflicts in God's word.  In Isaiah 28; God tells us how to understand His word.  In addition, God preserved the message of His word; He preserves every word of His sentences; and God preserves every punctuation mark (jot and title)  of His sentences.  Therefore, God preserved what He wanted us to understand and God told us how to understand His word so that we have no errors and no conflicts.  Unfortunately, for at least one hundred and fifty (150) yeare, men have been taught to use the wrong way to interpret God's word instead of using God's way.

In Isaiah 55:9 we are told For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.  Thus, God warns us that our ways are wrong and that using God's way  produces better results, which have no errors and no conflicts.

In addition, 1Corinthians 2:14 tells us: But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.  Therefore, we can not properly understand the spiritual word of God  using man's way.  We must use God's way to understand God's preserved word of God.  And, the basics of God's way is to understand His preserved word of God  using the sentence format and true Biblical definitions for Bible words.

This Study follows the Biblical Way to understand God's Word.  It applies precepts  ('truths that never change for any circumstance').  It then goes through the Gospel sentence-upon-sentence (line upon line  [Isaiah 28 ]).  This is different from the ways of men which use verse-upon-verse or some other method which generates errors.  God's sentence-upon-sentence method also pays attention to what 'The word of God' tells us that God preserved, which are the true Biblical meanings of words and the Biblical usage of punctuation.  (These two are the components of sentences and do not give us verses.) the 'The word of God' tells us that God preserved punctuation (one jot or one tittle)  in Matthew 5:18 and Luke 16:17.  And 'The word of God' tells us that God preserved every word  when he wrote: Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God  (Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:4 and Luke 4:4).

The summary of the Gospel comes from the summary of each chapter and each chapter summary within that book.  Every chapter summary comes from the summary of each sentence within that chapter.  And, the sentence summaries come from analysis using the punctuation and true word definitions, as already explained.  As a result, we have what God literally had written and see that there are no conflicts even when we consider the smallest part of a sentence compared to the entire Bible book.  God is consistent from the start of a Bible book to the end and is consistent in His doctrines and word definitions across the entire Bible.  What we have is an integrated whole (single) message, with no errors and no conflicts.  This particular book Study is part of a detailed analysis of the entire New Testament which shows this truth.

Other than cults, all claims of errors and conflicts are based upon the New Testament.  This Study is part of a series which interprets the preserved word of God  using God's way and proving that there are no errors, nor any conflicts, if we obey God and use His way to interpret His word.  And, this series concentrates on the New Testament, since that is the basis of these lies about the perfect word of God.

I have read, or at least skimmed, every book which has been written in the last hundred and fifty (150) years and which claims to teach people how to study and understand The word of God.  In every case, they use a method which comes from man and do not use God's way (Isaiah 55:8) to study and understand The word of God.  And, while there are variations from one man-written method to another man-written method, every one of them ends up with problems.  The end result of those problems is that people blame God's perfect word for their own problems and either turn to a man-written 'bible' or skip verses.  (By skipping the interpretation of certain verses, they can hide the conflict which their method has produced.)

Now, many people find that the Detail Studies to be overwhelming because they have everything required to prove that there are NO errors in The perfect word of God.  This summary level is easier to understand for most people.  At the same time, if someone has an argument with what is presented here, the matching Detail Study provides all of the proof required in order to show that what is here matches exactly what God wrote in His word.  Again, this is not a matter of my opinion versus their opinion.  I have over thirty (30) years’ experience as a professional Systems Analyst with an international reputation for accuracy in how to prove things.  And, this series of books are the result of using recognized methods of analysis to prove what God actually wrote.  This series does not present a religious opinion.  Therefore, a religious opinion, which was arrived at from using wrong methods, is not superior to a true analysis of what God wrote.

People have looked for over twenty (20) years and failed to find any other work that covers everything this series cover.  In addition, no one has found any other work which covers the level of detail found in the Detail Studies.  Further, the Detail Studies literally have several million Bible references to support the interpretation provided and to show that The perfect word of God  is consistent all across it for word definitions and doctrines.  Again, no one has found any other work which has this quantity of Bible references supporting what is presented.  I do not write this to brag but to inform the reader the depth of study which supports what is presented in this series.

Let any who disagree show their method and the results of their method and try to explain how their method, which produces errors, is greater that God's way which produces no errors and no conflicts.

Overview of John's Gospel

Gospel theme:  Jesus  is the Son of God

Chapter links:  1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21; God.

John gives us the purpose of His writing this Gospel in John 21:31 which says: these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.  Many people think that this Gospel is written to the lost, and it is.  However, as shown in the quick chapter summaries below, it is also written to the saved.  In fact, as measured several ways, we can say that it is more written to the saved.  Forone thing, the majority of the chapters have lessons which were given exclusively to the disciples or were given as parables.  Jesus  used parables to teach the saved truth while causing the lost and the carnal to be led into doctrinal error.  Therefore, those lessons had to be spiritually discerned, and that is only possible after people have the Holy Spirit.  And, in conclusion, the saved should read this Gospel with prayer for God's Holy Spirit to teach them the spiritual lessons which are contained within it.

What we see in Chapter 1 is a general, and abstract, introduction of God's message given through this John.  (This John was the disciple as opposed to John the Baptist.)  In addition, John also introduces God's herald (John the Baptist) for the Christ and King  that God sent to His people.  And, while some of God's people accepted God's message, others rejected.  John ends his chapter by reporting the call of several disciples, who were among the people who accepted God's message.  Therefore, the first chapter introduces the message from God, God's messenger and some of the people who accepted God's message.

In Chapter 2, we see that John provides the outer limits of what he will cover within the rest of his Gospel.  That is, John reports a miracle that Jesus  did to introduce His ministry and John reports one of the last major things that Jesus  did in order to deliver the message from God the Father.  This is a style of writing that is seen elsewhere in the Bible but which I have not seen elsewhere.  Thus, Chapter 2 is a summary of the message of this Gospel with the details in the chapters which follow.

In Chapter 3, we read the account of two religious men interacting with Jesus: Nicodemus and John the Baptist.  There we saw the difference between the reactions of a lost religious person and a saved religious person.

In Chapter 4, we read About the salvation of the Samaritans because they were willing to let truth correct their religious traditions.  We also saw Jesus  introduce the coming 'Church Age'.

In Chapter 5, we read about Jesus  healing a man on the sabbath and getting in an argument with the religious Jews because they challenged His power and authority.  He provided several legal proofs which proved that He had true power and authority from God the Father and, therefore, that His message was from God the Father.  He also proved that the religious leaders did not have that power nor that authority and that their doctrine led people into doctrinal error.  Therefore, the doctrine which people choose to follow will be used by God when He judges each of us.  Since we have legal proof of the results of each doctrine, we can not claim ignorance when we are judged.

In Chapter 6, we read about Jesus  dealing with people who want to claim salvation for the blessings but are too lazy to work in God's kingdom.  These people are the early representatives of people who cry 'It's all grace with no work' and believe the lie which is called the 'Health and Welfare Gospel'.  This chapter teaches that the truly saved will have a changed physical life and that the change is due to the influence of Jesus.

In Chapter 7 we see the family of Jesus  being disrespectful to Him and we see Jesus  dealing with lost religious people who think they are saved and whom He hopes to lead to true Biblical salvation.

In Chapter 8 we see the conflict between Jesus  and the Pharisees, with other Jewish religious leaders, heat up.  The Pharisees, with other Jewish religious leaders, keep looking at things from a physical religious perspective and refusing to understand things from a spiritual perspective.  This is the basic attitude of lost religious leaders and we see how Jesus  dealt with them.

Continuing into Chapter 9, we read about Jesus  healing a man who was born blind to prove that He had the power of God.  This is the true evidence we are to look for when someone claims to be a man of God.  Of course, lost religious people claim positions and recognitions from men give the ultimate authority.  In this chapter we see how Jesus  dealt with this argument over authority.

Moving onto Chapter 10 we learn what 'A true relationship with Jesus Christ' is like and how to separate the true professors from false ones.  In Chapter 11 we see Jesus  raise Lazarus from the dead and teach that He is The resurrection.  In Chapter 12 we see Jesus  glorified and this was part of what God used to condemn those people who refused to believe on Jesus.

In Chapters 13 through 17 we have the 'Last Supper' and the special teaching for the disciples.  In Chapter 19 we have the crucifixion and in Chapters 20 and 21 we have the resurrection and restoration of fellowship.  Thus, we have here a very short summary of each chapter and we can see how John moves from one chapter to the next in order to give us the message of this Gospel.

Please notice our progression through these chapters.  After John's abstract general outline, he deals with different claimed methods of salvation.  After that, and starting in Chapter 6, Jesus  deals with several popular doctrinal errors which are believed by people who claim to be saved.  Then starting in Chapter 11, Jesus  is dealing with people who are truly saved and love Him, but who still need some spiritual maturity because they still believe some things which are not right.  Even when we are saved and trying to serve God, we still need further lessons to grow our faith and cause us to mature spiritually.  Then starting in Chapter 13, we read about the 'Last Supper' and the lessons which Jesus  gave to His most intimate friends and disciples.  Then starting in Chapter 18, we read about the betrayal and crucifixion of Jesus.  Here we are taught that physical suffering and even death are possible for the child of God,  but that should be acceptable because of the eternal spiritual rewards which result.  Finally, in Chapters 20 and 21, we learn that no matter what happens in this life, we are to get right with God and return to doing what God gave us to do.

If the reader has been thinking about this short summary of each chapter, they should see a progression from initial salvation through different phases and circumstances of salvation and ending with a spiritually mature saved person who is willing to accept any circumstances in this physical life in order to serve God and receive permanent spiritual rewards.  In particular, people should follow reading this Gospel with reading the epistles by Peter and John and realize the changes that must have come into their lives.  They were changed from men who returned to worldly occupations, at the end of this Gospel, and into the spiritual leaders who were capable of writing those epistles and Revelation.

Please keep in mind the many fights that Jesus  had with religious men which are reported in all of the Gospels but especially the fights reported in this Gospel.  In pretty much every case it was because lost religious men were trying to understand spiritual lessons with their physical ability and the wisdom of this world / man.  Please learn this basic lesson and be sure to use the wisdom of God,  which only comes from the Holy Spirit, when reading and studying the spiritual lessons which are in this Gospel.

Most Used words in this Gospel.

The most often used words within this Gospel are: 'HIM (391), SAID (236), JESUS (235), YE (234), ME (224), theM (160), HAVE (151), theN (134), MY (132), YOU (129), FATHER (124), this (122), WHICH (122), SAITH (113), MAN (109), WHEN (100), COME (86), GOD (81), IF (81), theREFORE (77), HAD (76), WORLD (76), HATH (75), WILL (75), ANSWERED (72), FROM (71), KNOW (71), NOW (71), BECAUSE (70), AM (68), JEWS (68), ON (67), thINGS (67), INTO (66), theRE (64), AS (63), DISCIPLES (63), SON (63), SHOULD (59), ONE (58), CAME (56), NO (56), theSE (56), Sent (54), At (53), WERE (53), AGAIN (52), ALSO (51), DO (51), BELIEVE (50)'.  (Words like a  and the  were excluded from these counts.)  As can be seen By this list, these words are mainly identifiers of God and words used to describe man's relationship with God.  This is the main message of this Gospel.  This is true for almost every chapter within this Gospel.  Therefore, the most used words within each chapter are not presented within this Study, but can be found with this link.

With the prior information about words acknowledged, we also need to recognize that five (5) times John tells us that something is interpreted  as something else.  We need to pay attention when God's word gives us an exact interpretation.  These interpretations  are:

Forms of the word disciple  are found in this Gospel 81 times in 74 verses.  Many people believe doctrinal error about the various names given to saved people within the Bible, including this word.  Please see the Messages called Called to be Saints and What is Your Level of Spiritual Maturity? to get the correct Biblical definitions of these roles which saved people are supposed to fulfill.

Chapter 1 Summary:

Introduction of Jesus as God's Main Messenger.

The first 5 sentences introduce John's Gospel by telling us things about the Son of God, Jesus Christ, which show His Divinity.  John 20:31 tells us But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.  Thus, John states that his Gospel was written so that the unbeliever might personally be saved (ye might have life through his name).  As he said in that verse, salvation requires us to believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.  Therefore, in order to facilitate that, John tells us things that could only be done by 'God in human flesh' , and his introduction to this Gospel tells us those evidences in general terms with the expectation that we will understand how later in this Gospel he will provide the details which support his introductory remarks.  With that in mind, please see the notes for those sentences in order to find more detailed support for this summary.

After those general introductory sentences, John tells us about the prophesized fore-runner of Jesus Christ, named John the Baptist in C1-S6 through C1-S8.  John the Baptist was God's witness that Jesus Christ was God's Light

Following those sentences, John tells us about men's reaction to Jesus Christ as God's Light,  and then continues with the witness from John the Baptist so that we know that people who rejected John's testimony did so out of choice and not out of ignorance.  When they could not legitimately reject the message, they then tried to find fault with the messenger, as reported in C1-S18 through C1-S32.  from this account we can tell that those people who rejected the witness from God deliberately sought a reason to reject God's message, just like people do today.  from this we can also understand that when people act like these people did that they are deliberately seeking ways to reject truth.

Following the account of people rejecting God's message through John the Baptist, we see the account of people who accepted God's message through John the Baptist.  In C1-S33 through C1-S38 we see the message which was believed.  In C1-S39 through C1-S45 we are told of two of John's disciples who heard his message and started following Jesus.  Then in C1-S46 through the end of the chapter we have the account of others who heard and believed the message from God about God's Son.

Thus, our opening chapter gives us a general, and abstract, introduction of John's message and of God's messenger and accounts of people who rejected God's message and of people who accepted God's message.

In John 1:1-5; John 1:9-14; Matthew 1:18-25 and Luke 2:1-20; the birth of Jesus  is reported.

John 1:6-8; John 1:15 and John 1:19-28; Matthew 3:1-12; Mark 1:1-8 and Luke 3:1-20 introduce of John the Baptist.  This includes a quote of Isaiah 40:3 and a reference to Malachi 3:1 and to Malachi 4:5.

John 1:9-14 tells us the prophesied testimony of Jesus.

John 1:15; John 1:29-36; presents the witness from John the Baptist that Jesus  was/is the Son of God.  Please use this link provided to see the full Study on John the Baptist including links to notes which deal with every place in the Bible where he is named.

We see the exact phrase of: The Christ  in Matthew 16:16; Matthew 16:20; Matthew 26:63; Mark 8:29; Mark 14:61; Luke 3:15; Luke 9:20; Luke 22:67; John 1:20; John 1:41; John 3:28; John 4:29; John 4:42; John 7:41; John 10:24; John 10:27; John 20:31; 1John 2:22; 1John 5:1.  One of the most common usages of this phrase is to associate The Christ  with The Son of God.  Thus we see that a major part of the argument here was over the Deity of Jesus.  The main reason for that argument was that the rulers of the Jews were denying this truth because it threatened their personal power and position.  Please see the section on Prophecies Fulfilled; found in the Study called Significant Gospel Events for links to this truth including links to the Old Testament.

John 1:29-36 is the witness from John the Baptist that Jesus  was/is The Son of God.

John 1:29 tells us that John the Baptist prophesied that Jesus  would taketh away the sin of the world.

The baptism of Jesus  is reported in John 1:32; Matthew 3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11 and Luke 3:21-22.

John 1:33; Matthew 3:11; Mark 1:8 and Luke 3:15-17 all promise that Jesus  shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost.  However, this promise was not made to everyone but only to people who had already repented.

In John 1:50-51 Jesus promised / prophesied that Nathanael would see great things and that some of his group (disciples who became Apostles) would be at the 'mount of transfiguration'.  This is included in the prophecies of the Return of Christ - Second coming.  Please see the section on Prophecies; found in the Study called Significant Gospel Events for links to prophecies found in the Gospels.

Below is a summary of each sentence within this chapter with a link to the note providing the detailed analysis and contextual requirements of each sentence.  These sentence summaries also show the basis for the chapter summary provided above.

  1. C1-S1 :  the Son of God is identified as the Word.
    1. The phrase In the beginning was the Word  means: 'At the time of creation. The Word  already existed'.  Since this is an upper-case Word,  it is a formal name and is a name for God.  Please use This link to see the 'Minor Titles of the Son of God' found within the Bible along with links to where the Bible uses those titles.  This sentence has the titles of God  and Word.
    2. The phrase and the Word was with God  means: 'The Word  was distinct from God the Father since The Word was with God'.
    3. The phrase and the Word was God  means: 'God the Son, as the Word,  is also God'.
  2. C1-S2 :  the Word  is distinct from God the Father.  The phrase The same was in the beginning with God  is a repetition of what was said in the prior sentence.  When the word of God  says something twice literally, it is part of the law of God which will be used to judge us.  Anyone who rejects the truth that the Son of God is God will be put into the lake of fire  for the rest of eternity.
  3. C1-S3 :  the Son of God is the Creator of everything.
    1. The phrase All things were made by him  means: 'The Son of God is Creator'.  Please use This link to see the 'Minor Titles of the Son of God' found within the Bible along with links to where the Bible uses those titles.  This sentence has the title of Creator.  God the Father provided the power and the plan.  God the Son directly directed God the Holy Spirit in the details of creation.  God the Holy Spirit formed things as He was instructed.
    2. The phrase and without him was not anything made that was made  means: 'This is clear as written by John'.
  4. C1-S4 :  God's spiritual light lets men think and understand.
    1. The phrase In him was life  means: 'A baby can not be conceived unless God provides the spirit'.  Lots of Science Fiction writers think that men can create a machine or clone or something else and move their spirit from their God-given body to what they made.  But men can not control spiritual matters.  Their thinking is like someone believing that if they can duplicate a light bulb that it will produce light forever without a power source.
    2. The phrase and the life was the light of men  means: 'The natural man denies that he has a spirit and that all of his thinking is done in his spirit and heart'.  He believes that his thinking and understanding is all a matter of chemical interactions within their brain.  But, most of the functions of thinking and understanding are not understood and can not be understood so long as men deny the function of their spirit in their thinking and understanding.
  5. C1-S5 :  Lost people can not comprehend  spiritual truth.  This sentence uses words for their symbolic meaning and must be understood spiritually.  The phrase darkness comprehended  means that the word darkness  represents something which is capable of thinking and comprehending.  Therefore, the word darkness  is used symbolically for a thinking being.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence
    2. The phrase And the light shineth in darkness  means: 'God's thinking and understanding was revealed in this world'.  This world's way of thinking and understanding is completely different from God's way, as explained in the next phrase of our sentence.  However, by calling Jesus Christ  God's Light,  John is emphasizing that Jesus  did not come here just to pay for our sins but He came here mainly to change our thinking and understanding.  .
    3. The phrase and the darkness comprehended it not  means: 'This world's way of thinking and understanding can nor comprehend God's thinking and understanding'.  1Corinthians 2:14 tells us the same thing.  Please note that only thinking beings can comprehend.  In this sentence and chapter, the word darkness  is used symbolically for the way that many people think and try to understand.
  6. C1-S6 :  Introduction of John the Baptist.  This is starting another section of sentence which are giving us the second thing which this Chapter tells us.  It is not directly related to prior sentences but the chapter summary shows us how all of these subjects are related.
    1. The phrase There was a man sent from God  means: 'God sent him, which means that his message was from God'.
    2. The phrase whose name was John.  This identifies John the Baptist  and the context makes it clear which John  is being written about.  Once more, we see the importance of considering context.
  7. C1-S7 :  Why John the Baptist was sent from God.
    1. The phrase The same came for a witness  means: 'This is his God-given purpose of life'.
    2. The phrase to bear witness of the Light  means: 'He was to let people know that Jesus  was God's Christ  and King'.
    3. The phrase that all men through him might believe  means: 'God wanted all men to believe through  Jesus  so that they could be saved'.
  8. C1-S8 :  Clarification of prior sentence.
    1. The phrase He was not that Light  means: 'John the Baptist was not God's Christ'.  .  .  .
    2. The phrase but was sent to bear witness of that Light  means: 'John the Baptist had a God-given job of to tell people that Jesus  was God's Christ'.  We see reports of John the Baptist doing this in Luke 3:15-18; John 1:19-27.
  9. C1-S9 :  the identity of The true Light.
    1. The phrase That was the true Light  means: 'Only Jesus Christ  is God's true light'.  And, as John explains, The word of God  is our God-given picture of God's Word / Jesus Christ.  All religious and other opinion, which opposes The word of God  is opposing God.
    2. The phrase which lighteth every man that cometh into the world  means: 'Jesus Christ,  and The word of God,  were given by God to every man so that all could understand God'.
  10. C1-S10 :  the reaction of The world.
    1. The phrase He was in the world  means: 'Jesus  was a literal physical human man'.
    2. The phrase and the world was made by him  means: 'Jesus  was creator of this physical reality'.
    3. The phrase and the world knew him not  means: 'The way of this world's thinking did not let them recognize Him'.
  11. C1-S11 :  the reaction of God's people.
    1. The phrase He came unto his own  means: 'Jesus  was born a Jew and ministered to the Jews'.
    2. The phrase and his own received him not  means: 'Jesus  offered God's kingdom to the Jews but they refused to accept Him as God's Christ  and King'.
  12. C1-S12 :  the results of those who did receive The Light.
    1. The word But  means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.
    2. The phrase But as many as received him  means: 'This is identifying a different group of people who react differently to Jesus  and receive a different response fro Him as result'.  The phrase as many  lets us know that anyone can become part of this group.
    3. The phrase to them gave he power to become the sons of God  means: 'They were given the power  but they must use that power  in order to truly become the sons of God'.  There are many people who claim to be saved and claim to be a son of God,  but they do not have the required evidence.  In the Bible, a son  is defined to be, 'receives his character from his father'.  People who make such claims, but do not display the holiness and righteousness of God, are liars.  They either never were truly saved or they never accessed God's power in order to receive the character of God.
    4. The phrase even to them that believe on his name:  means: 'We must truly trust in the power and authority of God and trust that he will change us'.
    5. The phrase Which were born  means: 'Life is come into this physical world and is active in the world'.
    6. The phrase not of blood  means: 'No one is saved by being physically born a Jew or any other similar claim'.
    7. The phrase nor of the will of the flesh  means: 'No one is saved by demanding that God do what they want'  It is pure foolishness to claim that God is our slave.
    8. The phrase nor of the will of man  means: 'No one is saved by doing what some group of men, such as the leaders of a religion, demand'.
    9. The phrase but of God  means: 'Only God can put God's life in us and, during the 'Church Age', all truly saved have the indwelling Holy Ghost'.
  13. C1-S13 :  the reason to believe John's witness.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence
    2. The phrase And the Word was made flesh  means: 'The Son of God existed as The Word  before He was conceived in Mary'.
    3. The phrase and dwelt among us  means: 'He lived among the common people so that there was no doubt about His becoming a literal physical man'.
    4. The phrase (and we beheld his glory  means: 'John and others saw proof of His power to do miracles and His wisdom to correct doctrinal error and defeat all challenges from religious people'.
    5. The phrase The glory as of the only begotten of the Father)  means: 'The things that Jesus  did could only be done with the power of God the Father and God only gave that type of power and wisdom to His only begotten Son'.
    6. The phrase full of grace and truth  means: 'This is the way that Jesus  displayed His power and authority'.
  14. C1-S14 :  the reason to believe the witness  of John the Baptist.
    1. The phrase John bare witness of him  means: 'John the Baptist told people that Jesus  was God's Christ'.
    2. The phrase and cried, saying  means: 'John the Baptist was loud and clear when witnessing'.
    3. The phrase This was he of whom I spake  means: 'John the Baptist said the same thing more than once and, when Jesus  was near by, John the Baptist made sure to point Him out'.
    4. The phrase He that cometh after me is preferred before me: for he was before me  means: 'Jesus  was born six (6) months after John the Baptist was born but Jesus  is more important'.
  15. C1-S15 :  the result that true believers had.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence
    2. The phrase And of his fulness have all we received  means: 'Everything that Jesus  was He offered to the Jews'.
    3. The phrase and grace for grace  means: 'He gave them grace so that they could receive grace from God the Father'.
  16. C1-S16 :  the different results from religion and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word For,  which means that it is giving us a reason why the prior sentence is true.  Our sentence tells us why we need to receive Jesus  if we want to receive God's grace  and be able to share God's grace  with others.
    2. The phrase For the law was given by Moses  means: 'The Jews believed that keeping the Mosaic Law made them saved but the Bible tells us that the law can only condemn'.
    3. The phrase but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ  means: 'We are saved by grace and we mature spiritually by accepting truth.  Jesus Christ  brings salvation and spiritual growth'.
  17. C1-S17 :  the witness  from God the Father.
    1. The phrase No man hath seen God at any time  means: 'This is a statement of fact'.  As a result of this truth, no man  can claim to be an eyewitness of God the Father.
    2. The phrase The only begotten Son  means: 'God the Father had God the Holy Ghost conceive Jesus  as God's only begotten Son'.  (The word the  means: 'there is only one and here it is').  There is only one only begotten Son  of God and He is Jesus.  In addition, Jesus  saw God the Father before His conception.  Therefore, He is the only true eyewitness of God the Father.
    3. The phrase which is in the bosom of the Father  means: 'Jesus  is / was constantly held in God's love'.
    4. The phrase he hath declared him  means: 'Jesus  tells us what is the character of God the Father'.
  18. C1-S18 :  the start of The record of John.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  The religious leaders were checking to see if John the Baptist was God's Christ,  which would mean that he was an eyewitness of God the Father.
    2. .
    3. The phrase And this is the record of John  means: 'This is the legal record which will be presented inn God's court when John the Baptist is judged and rewarded by God'.
    4. The phrase when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him  means: 'This is when John the Baptist gave this testimony'.
    5. The phrase Who art thou?  means: 'They asked him who he personally was'.  Since John the Baptist was a prophet delivering the message from God the Father, their question included the question of 'What position and ministry did God the Father give to you personally?'.  We see that John the Baptist understood the full extent of this question by his reported answer.
  19. C1-S19 :  John was not The Christ.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence
    2. The phrase And he confessed, and denied not; but confessed  means: 'John the Baptist was so clear that there was no denying that everyone understood his answer'.
    3. The phrase I am not the Christ  means: 'This is John's answer'.
  20. C1-S20 :  Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Here, they are asking John the Baptist what his ministry is about.
  21. C1-S21 :  this is their second wrong guess.  They asked, Art thou Elias?  Our next sentence tells us that John answered I am not.  However, in Matthew 11:14; Jesus  And if ye will receive it, this is Elias, which was for to come.  And, in Matthew 17:10-13 and Mark 9:11-13; Jesus  And his disciples asked him, saying, Why then say the scribes that Elias must first come? And Jesus answered and said unto them, Elias truly shall first come, and restore all things. But I say unto you, that Elias is come already, and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they listed. Likewise shall also the Son of man suffer of them. then the disciples understood that he spake unto them of John the Baptist.  In addition, Luke 1:17 says, And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.  so, no, John the Baptist was not Elias but he fulfilled the prophecy that they were basing their questions on.  John answered the correct technical question but did not explain because they would refuse to believe and he did not want to waste his time arguing with people who would refuse to believe the truth.
  22. C1-S22 :  says, And he saith, I am not.  This adds John's answer to the prior question.
  23. C1-S23 :  Next wrong guess.  Our sentence says, Art thou that prophet?  this question is based upon a prophecy from Moses which is recorded in Deuteronomy 18:15-18.  Moses told the Jews to obey that prophet  because that prophecy was another reference to God's Christ.  The Jews were not sure if Moses was referencing d's Christ,  but they were sure that they were told to obey.  Therefore, they asked this question because they were not willing to obey John the Baptist.  In John 7:38 Jesus  declares himself to be that prophet.
  24. C1-S24 :  says, And he answered, No.  This adds John's answer to the prior question.
  25. C1-S25 :  says, Then said they unto him, Who art thou?  means: 'They were out of guesses'.
  26. C1-S26 :  says, that we may give an answer to them that sent us.  'This is the only reason why they cared enough to ask questions'.
  27. C1-S27 :  says, What sayest thou of thyself?  this means that they were finally willing to listen.
  28. C1-S28 :  the answer from John the Baptist.
    1. The phrase He said  means: ''.  .  .  .
    2. The phrase I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness  means: 'John the Baptist went far from physical comfort and loudly delivered God's message.  He was in the wilderness  to make an obvious distinction between what he personally sought and what the religious leaders sought.  They sought physical comfort and claimed that their seeking pleasures of the flesh proved that they had God's blessings.  John the Baptist proved that their claim was a lie because he was an obvious prophet delivering God's message and shunning pleasures of the flesh'.
    3. The phrase Make straight the way of the Lord  means: 'Go directly to The Lord's  way  without deviation (straight)  for anything else'.  The religious leaders said to follow their way  instead of following The Lord's  way.  And, that is what we still find religious leaders saying today.
  29. C1-S29 :  Source of the religious demands.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  This adds the identification of the people who questioned John to the type of questions which they asked.
    2. The phrase And they which were sent were of the Pharisees.  The Pharisees  self appointed religious experts on doctrine.  God appointed the Levites (scribes) to teach the application of The word of God  and His prophets to deliver His message of His judgment.  The Pharisees  stepped in where they had no right and led God's people into doctrinal error.  They sent these people to try and pick a doctrinal fight with John the Baptist, but he did not give them any basis for their doing so.  His answer was that he was in the same spirit as the most respected ancient prophet.  His life backed his claim.  Any attack that the Pharisees made on his message or his life would turn the people against them.
  30. C1-S30 :  Demand for religious explanation.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence
    2. The phrase And they asked him, and said unto him  means: 'This was the next question in their challenge to the authority of John the Baptist'.
    3. The phrase Why baptizest thou then, if thou be not that Christ, nor Elias, neither that prophet?  means: 'They were really questioning what authority John had for doing anything religious since he did not have any authority which they recognized'.  Again, we see a pattern which still fits religious people today.  They insist that no one can have authority from God unless they approve of that authority.  In their pride, they are claiming to have authority over God.
  31. C1-S31 :  Answer from John.
    1. The phrase John answered them, saying  means: 'This is the answer from John the Baptist'.  Please see the Messages called Basic doctrine of Baptism and Baptism Gets God's Mercy related to this sentence.
    2. The phrase I baptize with water  means: 'John's baptism symbolized spiritual cleansing (with water)  and required true Biblical repentance'.  The religious leaders insisted that they did not need true Biblical repentance.  Therefore, they were highly insulted by the message and baptism of John which showed all of Israel otherwise.
    3. The phrase but there standeth one among you, whom ye know not  means: 'God's Christ  was already among the Jews and the religious leaders, who claimed to be experts on all things religious, did not even recognize that he was there'.
    4. The phrase He it is, who coming after me is preferred before me  means: 'God's Christ  had greater power and authority with God'.  They were worried about John challenging their claimed power and authority even while they failed to realize that another would be an even greater challenge to their claimed power and authority.
    5. The phrase whose shoe's latchet I am not worthy to unloose  means: 'This is John's way of telling them the relative power and authority of God's Christ'.
  32. C1-S32 tells us where John ministered.  It says, These things were done in Bethabara beyond Jordan, where John was baptizing.  Thus, we see that the religious people went to John to challenge him.  He did not go and start a fight with them.
  33. C1-S33 :  Revelation from God after standing for truth.
    1. The phrase The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him  means: 'Right after John stood up to the challenge of doctrinal error, God rewarded him'.
    2. The phrase and saith  means: 'John testified what God told him to testify'.
    3. The phrase Behold the Lamb of God  means: 'John had already seen the sign that God told him to look for in order to identify God's Lamb'.
    4. The phrase which taketh away the sin of the world  means: 'This is the main job of God's Lamb'.
  34. C1-S34 :  Fulfillment of prior prophecy.
    1. The phrase This is he of whom I said  means: 'John the Baptist '.  .  .  .
    2. The phrase After me cometh a man which is preferred before me  means: 'This is a direct reference to John 1:26-27 '.
    3. The phrase for he was before me  means: 'John acknowledged that Jesus  was / is God and existed before John's conception'.
  35. C1-S35 :  John's reason for baptizing.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence
    2. The phrase And I knew him not  means: 'John did not know Who was God's Christ  until God revealed Him to John'.
    3. The phrase but that he should be made manifest to Israel  means: 'John knew that God's Christ  would be manifest to Israel'.
    4. The phrase therefore am I come baptizing with water  means: 'John did what he could to prepare the Jews to receive God's Christ'.
  36. C1-S36 :  How John was to identify God's Christ.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  In the prior sentence John said that he did not know Who was God's Christ  was.  This sentence adds how John identified Him.
    2. The phrase And John bare record, saying  means: 'John made a testimony which will be accepted in God's court'.
    3. The phrase I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove  means: 'This was the sign that God the Father gave to John the Baptist'.
    4. The phrase and it abode upon him  means: 'God the Father's approval never left Jesus'.
  37. C1-S37 :  John's instructions came from God.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence
    2. The phrase And I knew him not  means: 'John the Baptist did not know Who was God's Christ'.
    3. The phrase but he that sent me to baptize with water  means: 'God sent John the Baptist to baptize with water'.
    4. The phrase The same said unto me  means: 'God told John the Baptist how to identify His Christ'.
    5. The phrase Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and remaining on him  means: 'This was the sign that John the Baptist was to look for'.  .  .  .
    6. The phrase The same is he which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost  means: 'This is a promise of what God's Christ  would do.  This is the promise of the New Testament'.
  38. C1-S38 :  John's testimony of unpopular truth.  Our sentence says, And I saw, and bare record that this is the Son of God.  The Jews understood that God's Christ  would also be The Son of God.  But the religious leaders rejected this truth because that would put God's Christ  above them in authority and power.  However, regardless of how people reacted, John the Baptist gave legal testimony to the Jewish people as God's prophet.  Supposedly, John the Baptist was the first prophet that they had in four hundred years.  However, instead of paying attention to this important change by God, the religious leaders reacted like all lost religious people do and rejected the message from God which did not support their position in this world and their doctrinal error.
  39. C1-S39 :  John's continued testifying of unpopular truth.
    1. The phrase Again the next day after John stood  means: 'This gives us the time.  This sentence happened the day after God revealed His Christ  to John'.
    2. The phrase and two of his disciples  means: 'This is who was with John'.
    3. The phrase And looking upon Jesus as he walked  means: 'This is what they were doing at that time'.
    4. The phrase he saith, Behold the Lamb of God!  means: 'This is what John the Baptist testified'.
  40. C1-S40 :  Reaction showing true belief.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  It adds the reaction of the disciples to the testimony of John the Baptist.
    2. The phrase And the two disciples heard him speak  means: 'They responded to the message as a message from God which was delivered through the prophet'.
    3. The phrase and they followed Jesus  means: 'This is how we are to react when God reveals a truth to us'.
  41. C1-S41 :  Test from Jesus.
    1. The phrase Then Jesus turned  means: 'Jesus  knew that they followed and confronted them'.
    2. The phrase and saw them following  means: 'Jesus  waited until there was undeniable proof of their decision to follow'.
    3. The phrase and saith unto them, What seek ye?  means: 'Jesus  had them say their desire out loud'.  The Gospel accounts do not support the practice of 'secret professions'.
  42. C1-S42 :  Seeking spiritual growth.
    1. The phrase They said unto him  means: 'This was their answer to His question'.
    2. The phrase Rabbi, (which is to say, being interpreted, Master,)  means: 'They were willing to admit that Jesus  was a Bible teacher but were waiting until they verified the testimony of John before calling Him The Son of God'.  As we read in further sentences, Jesus  had no objection to this reaction.  In fact, we are told to verify what we hear before accepting it.
    3. The phrase where dwellest thou?  means: 'They wanted to go to where Jesus  could teach them'.
  43. C1-S43 :  Invitation to spiritual growth.
    1. The phrase He saith unto them  means: 'This is the answer from Jesus'.
    2. The phrase come and see  means: 'Jesus  accepted their need to verify the claim of John the Baptist'.
  44. C1-S44 :  the source of spiritual growth.
    1. The phrase They came and saw where he dwelt  means: 'They went with Jesus  so that He could teach them'.
    2. The phrase and abode with him that day  means: 'They spent the day and night listening'.
    3. The phrase for it was about the tenth hour  means: 'This was the time of day when they reached to home of Jesus'.
  45. C1-S45 :  this sentence identifies one of the true believers.  It says, One of the two which heard John speak, and followed him, was Andrew, Simon Peter's brother.  Our next sentence tells us why this identification was important.
  46. C1-S46 :  Action of true believer.
    1. The phrase He first findeth his own brother Simon  means: 'Andrew went to the most important person in his life to testify about the change by God'.
    2. The phrase and saith unto him  means: 'Andrew opened his mouth and testified.  He did not try to have a 'secret professions''.
    3. The phrase We have found the Messias, which is, being interpreted, the Christ  means: 'This was the testimony of Andrew'.
  47. C1-S47 :  Second action of true believer.  Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Our sentence says, And he brought him to Jesus.  It has been noted that every place where Andrew is mentioned in the Gospel accounts, we see him bringing someone to Jesus.
  48. C1-S48 :  Evidence of truth given by Jesus.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence
    2. The phrase And when Jesus beheld him, he said  means: 'This is the judgment and testimony of Jesus'.
    3. The phrase Thou art Simon the son of Jona  means: 'Jesus  knew what he was before they were introduced'.  God knows who everyone alive is and does not need to be introduced to us even though we needed to be introduced to the true God when we were lost.
    4. The phrase thou shalt be called Cephas  means: 'God changes the name of very important people in the Bible'.  This shows the change in their character which is the result of true salvation.  Their change was so profound that they needed a new name to match their new character.
    5. The phrase which is by interpretation, A stone  means: 'You can pick up a stone.  You can not pick up a foundation rock.  This helps to prove that the Catholic Church lies when it claims that God's church was founded on Simon Peter'.
  49. C1-S49 :  Jesus calls Philip.
    1. The phrase The day following Jesus would go forth into Galilee  means: 'This was the region where the Jews claimed that the worst sinners lived and that no true servant of God could come from that region'.
    2. The phrase and findeth Philip  means: 'This identifies the next disciple called'.
    3. The phrase and saith unto him  means: 'Jesus  gave this command'.  Notice that some, like Andrew, Jesus  let come to Him and some, like Philip, He went to.  God still acts this way when calling people to serve Him.
    4. The phrase Follow me  means: 'This was a command to totally change his life.  It was not for just a little time'.
  50. C1-S50 :  tells us Philip's connection to other disciples.  Our sentence says, Now Philip was of Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter.  There should be no doubt that Philip had heard Jesus  preach before this and that he was a true believer.  God only calls someone to a greater service after they make a life long commitment to Him.
  51. C1-S51 :  Philip's witnessing to his friend.
    1. The phrase Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith unto him  means: 'The first thing that a truly saved person does is tell their closest friends so that their friend can also be saved'.
    2. The phrase We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, did write  means: 'This is a reference to Old Testament prophecy about Christ'.  Please see the Prophecy Fulfilled of the Significant Gospel Events Study for references to some of the things which Philip spoke about.
    3. The phrase Jesus of Nazareth  means: 'This is Who he identified as God's Christ'.
    4. The phrase The son of Joseph  means: 'This is who most Jews believed was the father of Jesus'.
  52. C1-S52 :  Doubts about the witness.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  .Our sentence is adding the response from Nathanael to the statement from Philip in the prior sentence.
    2. The phrase And Nathanael said unto him  means: 'This was his stated response'.
    3. The phrase Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth?  means: 'This was the popular Jewish religious belief'.
  53. C1-S53  says, Philip saith unto him, come and see.  This is the proper response to stated doubt.  He did not try and talk his friend into believing what he believed.  He offered proof and let his friend believe for himself.
  54. C1-S54 :  Answer from Jesus to Nathanael.
    1. The phrase Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith of him  means: 'Here we see that Jesus  had never met Nathanael before this time, yet He knew the type of person that Nathanael was'.  Please see the Non-Prophecy Godly Knowledge of the Significant Gospel Events Study for references to other places where it is reported that Jesus  knew things which He could not know as a normal human being.  These reports are not prophecy.
    2. The phrase Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!  means: 'He always told the truth as he understood it and did not try to deceive anyone'.
  55. C1-S55 :  is a request for clarification.  Our sentence says, Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me?.  Nathanael asked this question because he had never met Jesus  before the time of this sentence.
  56. C1-S56 :  Answer from Jesus causes belief.
    1. The phrase Jesus answered and said unto him  means: 'This is the answer to the question in the prior sentence'.
    2. The phrase Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee  means: 'This is how Jesus  knew him'.  Please see the Non-Prophecy Godly Knowledge of the Significant Gospel Events Study for references to other places where it is reported that Jesus  knew things which He could not know as a normal human being.  These reports are not prophecy.
  57. C1-S57 :  Profession of true belief.
    1. The phrase Nathanael answered and saith unto him  means: 'Nathanael expressed his belief'.
    2. The phrase Rabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of Israel  means: 'Here he claims that he believed that Jesus  was God's Christ'.  We hear lots of preaching on Peter making a similar profession later on, but I have never heard preaching on the profession of this sentence.
  58. C1-S58 :  Test of extent of belief from Jesus.
    1. The phrase Jesus answered and said unto him  means: 'This is the response from Jesus'.
    2. The phrase Because I said unto thee, I saw thee under the fig tree, believest thou?  means: 'Some people need less proof in order to believe'.  This is not evidence that Nathanael was simple.  I believe it shows that he was more in tune with spiritual matters than most people are.
  59. C1-S59 :  Promise of greater reward for greater belief.  Our sentence says, thou shalt see greater things than these.  Like our hearing, our understanding spiritual things which we see depends upon our level of faith.
  60. C1-S60 :  Details of the promise.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  The prior sentences were said to Nathanael.  This sentence is added because it is also said to Nathanael but is said that the other disciples will also hear it.
    2. The phrase And he saith unto him  means: 'Jesus  said this to Nathanael with the knowledge that others were listening also'.  Please see the Detailed Note for more of an explanation of this truth.
    3. The phrase Verily, verily, I say unto you  means: 'Jesus  said this with double verification (Verily, verily)'.
    4. The phrase Hereafter ye shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man  means: 'This is the promise given because of the demonstration of faith'.
Chapter 2 Summary:

Start of the Public Ministry of Jesus.

in this chapter we see the start of the public ministry of Jesus with the telling of the first miracle.  We also see the end of His public ministry with mention of His death, burial and resurrection.  Thus, John provides the outer limits of what he will cover within the rest of his Gospel.

Our chapter starts with the miracle which introduced Jesus  as God's Christ.  However, almost everyone ignores this God given purpose and argues the wrong interpretation, of this miracle, which they have been taught.  If the reader looks at the detailed Study they will see a different interpretation than what is argued by every religion that I have ever heard.

There are two different wrong interpretations of this miracle.  Each wrong interpretation points out the error in the other and uses that as a basis to claim that their wrong interpretation must be right because it is the only other interpretation which is available.  That type of logic is faulty and ignores the true interpretation which is explained in the Detailed Notes for this miracle.

Everyone that I have ever heard argue about this miracle concentrate on the word wine  and ignore the context which should affect their arguments.  There is definitely more presented in this account than what is usually argued.  However, most people get caught up in defending the religious view that they have been taught and don't prayerfully study what is actually written in God's word.

John 2:1-11 reports the first miracle done by Jesus.

In John 2:17 we are told that Jesus  fulfilled the prophesy found in Psalms 69:9.

John 2:17-18 tells us that the disciples believe prophecy and the religious leaders demand a sign.

John 2:19-20 tells us that Jesus  answered that He would be in the grave three days and three nights.

Jesus  prophesied His own resurrection in:  Matthew 12:40; Matthew 16:21; Matthew 17:9; Matthew 17:23; Matthew 20:19; Matthew 26:31; Mark 8:31; John 2:19; John 10:17.

The doctrines of resurrection includes the requirement of the power of God's Holy Spirit  as reported in: John 2:19 and John 10:18

Matthew 12:40; Matthew 26:61; Matthew 27:40; Matthew 27:63; Mark 14:58; Mark 15:29; John 2:19; John 2:20 all tell us that Jesus  would be in the grave three days and three nights.

links to New Testament reference to the suffering of Christ,  and of the saved sharing in that suffering, include: John 2:19; John 3:14; John 8:28; John 12:32-34.  Please see the Detailed Chapter Note for many other references to this doctrine.

Lazarus was in the grave four (4) days and he stinketh.  (John 11:39).  He saw corruption  but Jesus  did not because Jesus  was in the grave only three days and three nights  (Matthew 12:40; Matthew 26:61; Matthew 27:40; Matthew 27:63; Mark 14:58; Mark 15:29; John 2:19; John 2:20 all tell us that Jesus  would be in the grave three days and three nights.  We are told about this prophecy being fulfilled in Matthew 28; Mark 16; Luke 24 and John 20.

In John 2:22 we are told that Jesus  would die to fulfill prophesy found in the sentences before it.  Please see the sentence, and related notes, in the Book Study on the gospel of John for more links to references about this prophecy.

The Jewish religious leaders, and others, confessed hearing the prophecy of the resurrection of JesusMatthew 26:61; Matthew 27:63; Matthew 27:40; Mark 14:58; Mark 15:29; John 2:20.

John 2:19; John 2:22; John 3:14; John 8:28; John 10:11-19 John 12:32-33 and John 18:32 all tell us about the betrayal, persecution, death and resurrection of Jesus.  Please see the Detailed Chapter Note for more Bible references to this doctrine.

John 2:23-25 tells us that this happened when Jesus  was in Jerusalem at the Passover and many had a false belief.

Below is a summary of each sentence within this chapter with a link to the note providing the detailed analysis and contextual requirements of each sentence.  These sentence summaries also show the basis for the chapter summary provided above.

  1. C2-S1 :  Mary, Jesus and disciples went to marriage at Canna.  Please also see the Table Of Miracles in the Gospels for links to every miracle which is reported in any of the Gospel accounts.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  .
    2. The phrase And the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee  means: 'This identified the place and circumstance of this miracle'.
    3. The phrase and the mother of Jesus was there  means: 'Apparently, the host of the marriage was a personal friend of Mary'.
    4. The phrase And both Jesus was called, and his disciples  means: 'They were included as part of Mary's family'.
    5. The phrase to the marriage  means: 'This was the event'.
  2. C2-S2 :  Mary told Jesus about a problem.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  .
    2. The phrase And when they wanted wine  means: 'This was far more important in their culture than it is in most cultures of today'.  There are, reportedly, six different drinks which are interpreted into the English word of wine.  One of them was, basically, flavored water with only enough alcohol to kill the bacteria in the water but not enough to affect anyone.
    3. The phrase The mother of Jesus saith unto him  means: 'Like most caring mothers, she was concerned about her friends being embarrassed'.
    4. The phrase They have no wine  means: 'This is a statement of the problem'.
  3. C2-S3 :  Jesus did not want to deal with a worldly problem.
    1. The phrase Jesus saith unto he  means: 'This is the response from Jesus  when Mary presumed He would do a miracle for them'.
    2. The phrase Woman, what have I to do with thee?  means: 'This told Mary that she could not make such presumptions'.
  4. C2-S4 :  Tells us the reason why Jesus did not want to act.  Our sentence says, mine hour is not yet come.  Yet, in spite of the inconvenience, Jesus  took care of her problem.  And, He will do the same for people who truly devote their life to His service.
  5. C2-S5 :  Mary expressed faith.
    1. The phrase His mother saith unto the servants  means: 'Mary was close enough to the hosts that she could tell the servants what to do'.
    2. The phrase Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it  means: 'Mary was not sure what Jesus  would do but was sure that the servants needed to obey exactly'.  When G tells us to do something that we don't understand, we need to obey exactly and have faith that God will do something unexpected.
  6. C2-S6 :  Conditions which were there.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  .
    2. The phrase And there were set there six waterpots of stone  means: 'This is what was available to Jesus'.
    3. The phrase after the manner of the purifying of the Jews  means: 'They were clean'.
    4. The phrase containing two or three firkins apiece  means: 'This was their capacity'.
  7. C2-S7 :  Jesus commanded others to do what they could.
    1. The phrase Jesus saith unto them  means: 'Jesus  commanded them'.
    2. The phrase Fill the waterpots with water  means: 'This was His command'.
  8. C2-S8 :  they obeyed.  Our sentence says, And they filled them up to the brim.
  9. C2-S9 :  Jesus commanded others to do a second task.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  .
    2. The phrase And he saith unto them  means: 'Jesus  added this second command'.
    3. The phrase Draw out now, and bear unto the governor of the feast  means: 'Take a sample of what was now in the waterpots to The governor of the feast'.
  10. C2-S10 :  they obeyed.  Our sentence says, And they bare it.
  11. C2-S11 :  the governor of the feast identified a problem from a worldly perspective.  Remember that this was a lost worldly man who only considered what men could make and did not consider what Jesus  could provide.
    1. The phrase When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and knew not whence it was  means: 'The ruler of the feast  only knew what he had tasted'.  He assumed that it had to be made by some man.
    2. The phrase (but the servants which drew the water knew)  means: 'The servants knew the true source of what he drank'.
    3. The phrase The governor of the feast called the bridegroom, And saith unto him  means: 'He criticized the bridegroom based upon his wrong assumption'.
    4. The phrase Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine; and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse  means: 'This was the common practice of the day'.
    5. The phrase but thou hast kept the good wine until now  means: 'Nothing that man makes can match what God makes'.
  12. C2-S12 :  this is the critical sentence to understanding this miracle.
    1. The phrase This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee  means: 'This was the first miracle that Jesus did'.
    2. The phrase and manifested forth his glory  means: 'Jesus  would not get glory  by making what any man could make'.
    3. The phrase and his disciples believed on him  means: 'No man made drink would cause his disciples to believe on him'.
  13. C2-S13 :  Jesus and disciples went to Capernaum for a while.
    1. The phrase After this he went down to Capernaum  means: 'They went home next'.
    2. The phrase he, and his mother, and his brethren, and his disciples  means: 'This is who went'.
    3. The phrase and they continued there not many days  means: 'Jesus  and His disciples stayed only a few days before leaving to do His ministry'.
  14. C2-S14 :  Jesus and disciples went to Jerusalem for the Passover and He drove the moneylenders out of the Temple.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Where the prior sentences told us about the start of the ministry of Jesus,  this sentence, through the end of the chapter, tell us about the end of His Earthly ministry.
    2. The phrase And the Jews' passover was at hand  means: 'John is adding a report of another incident.  This incident actually happened just before the crucifixion'.  Telling the start and end of an account is a writing style seen elsewhere in the Bible.  This gives us a summary before John reports the details which he is going to report.
    3. The phrase and Jesus went up to Jerusalem  means: 'This was where Jesus  did these things'.
    4. The phrase And found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting  means: 'These people were not supposed to be in the Temple.  If they had been outside then there would not have been a problem.  The religious leaders had brought them into the Temple because they were receiving a cut of the profits'.
    5. The phrase And when he had made a scourge of small cords  means: 'This was to insult more than to do any personal damage'.
    6. The phrase he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen  means: 'Everyone and every thing that was not supposed to be in the Temple was drove out'.
    7. The phrase and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew the tables  means: 'This would make them irate since they could not be sure to collect all of their own coins'.
    8. The phrase And said unto them that sold doves  means: 'This is what Jesus  said to the cheats who were sinning in the Temple'.
    9. The phrase Take these things hence  means: 'There was no objection to their doing business elsewhere'.
    10. The phrase make not my Father's house an house of merchandise  means: 'This was the true sin of everyone that Jesus  moved against'.
  15. C2-S15 :  the disciples remembered the prophecy which Jesus fulfilled.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  What they remembered is directly related to the actions of Jesus.  We are not told when they remembered.  Many of the prophecies which Jesus  fulfilled they did not understand, or did not remember, until after He returned to heaven and sent then God's Holy Spirit.
    2. The phrase And his disciples remembered that it was written  means: 'Our sentence is referencing Psalms 69:9 '.
    3. The phrase The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up  means: 'The actions by Jesus  displayed The zeal of thine house'.
  16. C2-S16 :  the Jews demanded justification for the action of Jesus.
    1. The phrase Then answered the Jews and said unto him  means: 'They challenged His authority'.  Later in this Gospel account, and in the other Gospel accounts, we are given more details about this challenge.
    2. The phrase What sign shewest thou unto us  means: 'Here they demanded a miracle to prove that Jesus  represented God the Father even though His actions matched scripture and their actions violated scripture and Jesus  had already given then uncounted miracles to prove that He represented God the Father'..
    3. The phrase seeing that thou doest these things?  means: 'They insisted that no one can do right unless they have special authority from God'.  It should not have required special authority.  In fact, the very people who challenged Jesus  were the people that God had commanded to do what Jesus  did.
  17. C2-S17 :  Jesus prophesied of his death, burial and resurrection.
    1. The phrase Jesus answered and said unto them  means: 'He answered their question with the miracle that He would do but they misunderstood His prophecy'.  Please see the Prophecies and the Prophecy Fulfilled sections of the Significant Gospel Events Study for references to other related prophecies.
    2. The phrase Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up  means: 'Jesus  would resurrect three days after His crucifixion'.
  18. C2-S18 :  the Jews misunderstood the prophecy.  Our sentence says, Then said the Jews, forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days?  Our next sentence explains their misunderstanding.  What we see here is usually the case when lost or carnal people try to understand prophecy.  That is why there is so much argument about various wrong interpretations of prophecy.
  19. C2-S19 :  this is the true interpretation of the prophecy.  Our sentence says, But he spake of the temple of his body.
  20. C2-S20 :  the disciples understood the prophecy after it was fulfilled.
    1. The phrase When therefore he was risen from the dead  means: 'This is when the disciples understood the prophecy'.  They did not understand earlier because they were in denial of the prophecies and refused to believe the truth.
    2. The phrase his disciples remembered that he had said this unto them  means: 'This was after they had gone through experiencing His being crucified'.  Jesus  tried to prepare them and lesson the blow.  When we refuse to believe truth, we only make ourselves miserable.
    3. The phrase and they believed the scripture, and the word which Jesus had said  means: 'They had two sources for their belief once they decided to accept the truth'.
  21. C2-S21 :  the miracles caused many to believe.
    1. The word Now  means: 'After you understand what was just explained'.  John is switching to another group and explaining their reaction in the last days before the crucifixion.
    2. The phrase when he was in Jerusalem at the passover, in the feast day  means: 'This is when these people reacted this way'.
    3. The phrase many believed in his name, when they saw the miracles which he did  means: 'Here was their reaction'.
  22. C2-S22 :  Jesus knew that their belief was fickle.
    1. The word But  means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.  This sentence tells us that Jesus  did not save them (Jesus did not commit himself unto them)  because their belief was only temporary.
    2. The phrase But Jesus did not commit himself unto them  means: 'He did not save them'.
    3. The phrase because he knew all men, And needed not that any should testify of man: for he knew what was in man  means: 'He knew that their belief was temporary and that they would turn on Him'.
Chapter 3 Summary:

True Salvation is Spiritual in Nature.

This Gospel was written: that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name  (John 20:30-31).  Our first chapter gave us an outline of this Gospel in general terms.  Then Chapter 2 gave us the beginning and the end of the ministry by Jesus Christ,  which bracketed all that would be said in the remainder of John's Gospel.  Therefore, this chapter starts the actual detailed presentation of John's Gospel.

Our chapter deals with the account of two religious men interacting with Jesus.  Nicodemus presents a lost person who is earnestly seeking the truth.  Jesus  explains to him that he must accept the truth from a spiritual perspective.  Then Jesus  went to Judaea where he was close to John the Baptist.  Following that is an account of a religious argument involving the disciples of John the Baptist.  We also read about disciples leaving John the Baptist to follow Jesus  and of John the Baptist having joy  with this result.  His reaction is the opposite of the typical reaction by a religious leader and shows how John the Baptist was completely motivated by spiritual results and not by anything Earthly such as power or position.  This is indirectly contrasted to the way that Nicodemus approached Jesus  while he was still a lost religious leader.  Thus, we have a way to tell the difference between a lost religious leader and a religious leader who is truly motivated by spiritual results.

Nicodemus questions Jesus  as reported in John 3:1-21.

John 3:22-24 tells us that the disciples of Jesus  baptized in Judaea before John the Baptist was cast into prison.

John 3:25-36 tells us that the disciples of John the Baptist question him and he says He must increase, but I must decrease.

links to New Testament reference to the suffering of Christ,  and of the saved sharing in that suffering, include: John 2:19; John 3:14; John 8:28; John 12:32-34.  Please see the Detailed Chapter Note for many other references to this doctrine.

Below is a summary of each sentence within this chapter with a link to the note providing the detailed analysis and contextual requirements of each sentence.  These sentence summaries also show the basis for the chapter summary provided above.

  1. C3-S1 :  Nicodemus acknowledges that Jesus  came from God.
    1. The phrase There was a man of the Pharisees  means: 'He was part of the religious group who appointed themselves as the greatest authorities on religion and the scriptures'.
    2. The phrase named Nicodemus  means: 'We have his name, as opposed to reports of other Pharisees, because he later converted and was saved.  He helped take the body of Jesus  down from the cross'.
    3. The phrase a ruler of the Jews  means: 'Nicodemus was considered to be a top teacher among the Pharisees'.
    4. The phrase The same came to Jesus by night  means: 'He wanted the truth but was not, yet, ready to make a public profession which would cause him political and religious trouble'.
    5. The phrase and said unto him  means: 'Nicodemus asked Jesus.  He was wise enough to go to the source and to not trust rumour from other of his kind'.  This type of action is what most people fail to do.
    6. The phrase Rabbi  means: 'Medium level teacher, not the greatest and not the lowest level'.
    7. The phrase we know that thou art a teacher come from God  means: 'He admitted the truth which was causing him trouble in his personal beliefs'.  He knew that Jesus  taught a different doctrine from the Pharisees.  He admitted that Jesus  came from God.  He had been taught all of his life that the Pharisees had the doctrine of God.  Yet, there was this disagreement.  Therefore, Nicodemus sought the truth.
    8. The phrase for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him  means: 'This is why Nicodemus came to Jesus  seeking the truth'.
  2. C3-S2Jesus  gives him the answer from God.  Please see the Doctrinal Study called Kingdom of God related to this sentence.
    1. The phrase Jesus answered and said unto him  means: 'This is the answer to Nicodemus acknowledging that Jesus  had God with Him'.  The answer from Jesus  was the message of salvation from God the Father.
    2. The phrase Verily, verily  means: 'This has been verified twice and is part of the law which God will use to judge us'.
    3. The phrase I say unto thee  means: 'This message is delivered from God to people personally'.
    4. The phrase Except a man be born again  means: 'Being born again  is absolutely required'.  Please see the note: many religious people pervert the message of this phrase by claiming 'I was instantly born again'.  There is NO  form of life with 'instant birth'.  All life has a gestation period between conception and birth.  Also, birth is what life is brought out into this world and it moves and does what is called work.  People who claim spiritual birth because they made a profession and there is never any God-caused work  in their life are liars.  This phrase is used symbolically for spiritual birth but the symbolism must match the context and can not go against the true laws of nature which God created.  God does not work against the very laws which He instituted.
    5. The phrase he cannot see the kingdom of God  means: 'If a person cannot see the kingdom of God  then, obviously, he cannot be part of The kingdom of God'.  Please see the note: The kingdom of God  and The kingdom of Heaven  are two different things.  The Jews were looking for The kingdom of God,  which is 'God's character in you now and God's character and laws ruling this Earth during the 1,000 years reign of Christ'.  They were looking for the 1,000 years reign of Christ  but did not understand the requirement to receive God's character in them.  Thus, at this point, Jesus  is dealing with Nicodemus at the level that he understood then.
  3. C3-S3 :  Nicodemus asks for clarification.  Our sentence says, Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old?  Obviously, he is only thinking of the limits of this physical reality and not considering the spiritual meaning.  This is a major source of doctrinal error which is taught.
  4. C3-S4 :  Nicodemus states the source of his confusion  Our sentence says, can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born?.  This is a qualifier to the question in the prior sentence and further evidence that Nicodemus is not considering the spiritual and symbolic meaning.
  5. C3-S5Jesus  tells him he needs two births.  Please see the Doctrinal Study called Kingdom of God related to this sentence.
    1. The phrase Jesus answered  means: 'This is the answer from God given through Jesus'.
    2. The phrase Verily, verily, I say unto thee  means: means: 'This has been verified twice, by Jesus,  and is part of the law which God will use to judge us'.
    3. The phrase Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit  means: 'We must be born physically and spiritually'.  Many people have been taught doctrinal error about interpreting symbolic language.  Symbols do not always have the same meaning.  Sometimes water  is speaking about 'The basic liquid of life'.  Sometimes, it is speaking about 'cleansing, especially spiritual cleansing'.  However, here it is speaking about 'physical birth' because 'a mother's water must break before physical birth'.  And, the context, especially the very next sentence, gives us that exact interpretation.  Thus, we must always consider the context when interpreting symbolic language.
    4. The phrase he cannot enter into the kingdom of God  means: 'Angels cannot enter into the kingdom of God  because they are not born physically.  Lost people cannot enter into the kingdom of God  because they are not born spiritually'.
    5. in this sentence, Jesus  is deliberately showing the similarities between physical birth and spiritual birth so that lost people can understand spiritual birth.  Devils try to confuse the true interpretation of this sentence so that lost and carnal people miss out on the true lesson of this sentence.
  6. C3-S6Jesus  explains the two births.
    1. The phrase That which is born of the flesh is flesh  means: 'This phrase tells us that the symbolic meaning of The word water,  in the prior sentence, means birth of flesh'.
    2. The phrase and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit  means: 'This is clear as said'.  This is added to help people understand the first phrase of our sentence.  These two phrases parallel the prior sentence.  However, even with this clarification, many people still believe popular doctrinal error instead of using their own brain to understand what is clearly written.
  7. C3-S7 :  Don't marvel  at the truth.  Our sentence says, Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again  means: 'Don't over think this truth'.  Understand the true explanation given by Jesus  and don't get caught up in complex doctrinal error Jesus  Just as physical life comes out into the world with physical birth, so also must true spiritual birth come out into the world.
  8. C3-S8 :  Illustration to understand spiritual truths.
    1. The phrase The wind bloweth where it listeth  means: 'We do not control the wind nor do we see it'.
    2. The phrase and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth  means: 'However, we can sense the results of the wind'.  While the wind can not be directly sensed, it can be indirectly sensed by sensing the results of the wind.
    3. The phrase so is every one that is born of the Spirit  means: 'True spiritual birth can not be directly sensed, it can be indirectly sensed by sensing the results of true spiritual birth'.  Just as true physical birth is sensed (seen, heard, etc.) in this world, so also must true spiritual birth be sensed in this world.
  9. C3-S9 :  Nicodemus asks for clarification.
    1. The phrase Nicodemus answered and said unto him  means: 'Nicodemus asked this question based upon the prior answer from Jesus'.  Think about the truths of Math.  All of Math is abstract and some people have a harder time understanding it than others.  Spiritual truths are also abstract and some people find them harder to understand than other people do.
    2. The phrase How can these things be?  means: 'This is a request for clarification'.
  10. C3-S10Jesus  asks why he does not understand.
    1. The phrase Jesus answered and said unto him  means: 'This is the answer from Jesus  based upon his being a master of Israel'.  When we claim to be an expert on a subject, we can't then also plead ignorance.
    2. The phrase Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not these things?  means: 'Jesus  asked him how he could personally (thou)  be a top teacher and expert (master)  of spiritual things and knowest not these things'.  The subject had to be understood spiritually and the Pharisees claimed to be experts on matters spiritual.  Jesus  was not criticizing him but pointing out that the claim of the Pharisees was not accurate.
  11. C3-S11Jesus  said that he didn't understand because he rejected the true witness.
    1. The phrase Verily, verily  means: 'This has been verified twice and is part of God's law that He will use to judge us'.
    2. The phrase I say unto thee  means: 'This is the personal testimony of Jesus'.
    3. The phrase We speak that we do know  means: 'The word we  is plural.  Jesus  and God's Holy Ghost  are speaking this spiritual truth'.
    4. The phrase and testify that we have seen  means: 'The word we  is plural.  Jesus  and God's Holy Ghost  are testifying what they have witnessed this spiritually'.  .  .  .
    5. The phrase and ye receive not our witness  means: 'Each and every one of the Jewish religious leaders reject the witness from God'.
  12. C3-S12Jesus  asked how he thought to understand when he rejected obvious truth.
    1. The phrase If I have told you earthly things  means: 'Jesus  had told him the witness of the wind which illustrates abstracts truths in this physical reality'.
    2. The phrase and ye believe not  means: 'Each and every one of the Jewish religious leaders refused to accept the abstract illustration which is an example of spiritual truth'.
    3. The phrase how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?  means: 'If people refuse to believe abstract truths, which can be verified in this Earth, how will they believe spiritual truths which are even more abstract?'.
  13. C3-S13Jesus  brought truth from heaven.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  In this sentence, Jesus  is adding a spiritual truth to what He already said.
    2. The phrase And no man hath ascended up to heaven  means: 'No man with a human spirit has gone up to Heaven'.
    3. The phrase but he that came down from heaven  means: 'Only God's Son, Whose Spirit came from Heaven, can witness Heavenly things to man'.
    4. The phrase even the Son of man which is in heaven  means: 'This is Who can witness to men of Heavenly things'.
  14. C3-S14 :  Symbolism from Jewish history.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  In addition to bringing a message from Heaven, God's Son came to pay for our sins so that we can go to Heaven if we truly believeth in him.
    2. The phrase And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness  means: 'This is a reference to Numbers 21:4-9 where God's people sinned by complaining when they were discouraged And the LORD sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and much people of Israel died.  God had Moses make a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole...that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live'.  We were all burn sinners, which is symbolized by the bite of the serpent.  We must look to the Son of God, Who paid for our sin, in order to live spiritually.
    3. The phrase even so must the Son of man be lifted up  means: 'God's Son must die on the cross in order to save us'.
    4. The phrase That whosoever believeth in him should not perish  means: 'We must have a lifestyle belief (believeth in him)  that the Son of God is directing our life in a way that pleases God the Father if we want to have spiritual life in heaven (should not perish)'.
    5. The phrase but have eternal life  means: 'We must have a lifestyle belief (believeth in him)  if we want to have the indwelling Holy Spirit (have eternal life)'.
  15. C3-S15 :  Here is why we need those spiritual truths in our personal life.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word For,  which means that it is giving us a reason why the prior sentence is true.  This sentence tells us God's plan for our salvation which was only illustrated by Moses.
    2. The phrase For God so loved the world  means: 'This is the amount of love that God has for the world'.  The word world  means all men.  We must accept Jesus  as our personal Lord  in order for God's love to become personal.
    3. The phrase that he gave his only begotten Son  means: 'Jesus  is the only Son that God the Father caused to be born.  And, God the Father gave Him to be crucified and to go to Hell in order to pay for our sins'.  We can become adopted sons of God  (see Romans 8:14-LJC; Galatians C4S3; 1Timothy 1:2-LJC), but that is not the same as begotten.  Please see the Prophecies and Minor Titles Sections, of the Significant Gospel Events Study for other references to the suffering and death of Jesus  and for other titles that He has.
    4. The phrase that whosoever believeth in him should not perish  means: 'This is offered to everyone in the world'.
    5. The phrase but have everlasting life  means: 'Notice that this is different from the eternal life  of the prior sentence.  Everlasting life  is what we receive for ourselves while only God has the eternal life  which indwells us'.
  16. C3-S16 :  the purpose of the symbolism.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word For,  which means that it is giving us a reason why the prior two sentences are true.  This is a second reason.
    2. The phrase For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world  means: 'God will condemn but only if He has to do so'.  God will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.  (1Timothy 2:4).
    3. The phrase but that the world through him might be saved  means: 'We must enter an ongoing personal relationship with God's Son and continue in it until we get to Heaven'.  Notice the word through  and pay attention to the true meaning of that word.
  17. C3-S17 :  the result of the symbolism.  Notice that every possible answer to this sentence is covered by it.
    1. The phrase He that believeth on him is not condemned  means: 'This is how to avoid Hell'.
    2. The phrase but he that believeth not is condemned already  means: 'This is how to go to Hell'.  Notice that we start out on our way to Hell and that we must take the right active step in order to avoid Hell.
    3. The phrase because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God  means: 'This is why'.  God gave us a command to do this.  God provided for our salvation this way.  Anyone who claims salvation any other way is a thief and a robber  (John 10:1).
  18. C3-S18 :  Why God condemns man.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Our sentence explains why God condemns everyone who does not come through an ongoing personal relationship with Jesus.
    2. The phrase And this is the condemnation  means: 'Here is why'.
    3. The phrase that light is come into the world  means: 'Jesus Christ  also came into the world to give us God's thinking and understanding (light)'.
    4. The phrase and men loved darkness rather than light  means: 'Men chose to reject God's thinking and understanding (light)  in order to keep sinful thoughts'.
    5. The phrase because their deeds were evil  means: 'This is why men reject God's plan of salvation'.
  19. C3-S19 :  the attitude of sin.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word For,  which means that it is giving us a reason why the prior sentence is true.
    2. The phrase For every one that doeth evil hateth the light  means: 'Evil men hate God's way of thinking'.
    3. The phrase neither cometh to the light  means: 'Evil men refuse to accept God's way of thinking'.
    4. The phrase lest his deeds should be reproved  means: 'This is why'.
  20. C3-S20 :  the attitude of righteousness.
    1. The word But  means that this sentence is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.
    2. The phrase But he that doeth truth cometh to the light  means: 'This is how the truly saved act differently than the lost'.
    3. The phrase that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God  means: 'This is why the truly saved act this way'.
  21. C3-S21Jesus  then went to Judaea.
    1.   the phrase After these things came Jesus and his disciples into the land of Judaea  is the start of the report on the next incident.  This report continues through the end of the chapter.  Please see the Messages called Basic doctrine of Baptism and Baptism Gets God's Mercy related to this sentence.
    2. The phrase and there he tarried with them  means: 'Jesus  stayed in The land of Judaea  with His disciples'.  Here we see Jesus  offering truth (God's light)  to the religious leaders before He turns to the Jews rejected by the religious leaders.
    3. The phrase and baptized  means: 'The people who accepted His doctrine (God's light)  were identified (God's baptized)  with His ministry'.
  22. C3-S22 :  John the Baptist was ministering close by.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Our sentence adds what John the Baptist was doing at the same time.
    2. The phrase And John also was baptizing in Aenon near to Salim  means: 'John the Baptist and Jesus  were both ministering at the same time for a little while'.
    3. The phrase because there was much water there  means: 'This was required for immersion baptism.  It does not require much water  for sprinkling'.  Sprinkling is a doctrine of a devil.  .
    4. The phrase and they came  means: 'People had to make a public effort to be baptized at that time'.
    5. The phrase and were baptized  means: 'they were identified with the doctrine being taught'.
  23. C3-S23 :  tells us why John the Baptist was still ministering.  Our sentence says, For John was not yet cast into prison.
  24. C3-S24 :  tells us about a religious argument that involved John the Baptist.  Our sentence says, Then there arose a question between some of John's disciples and the Jews about purifying.
  25. C3-S25 :  His disciples said that people were leaving him for Jesus.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  While his disciples were disputing with the Jews about doctrine, that wanted to know if they should also dispute with Jesus.
    2. The phrase And they came unto John, and said unto him  means: 'The disciples of John the Baptist checked with him before starting another dispute'.
    3. The phrase Rabbi  means: 'They acknowledged that he was their teacher'.
    4. The phrase he that was with thee beyond Jordan, to whom thou barest witness  means: 'They acknowledged the relationship between John the Baptist and Jesus'.
    5. The phrase behold, the same baptizeth, and all men come to him  means: 'They stated what they perceived as a problem'.
  26. C3-S26 :  Why John the Baptist was OK with that.
    1. The phrase John answered and said  means: 'John the Baptist answered their concern based upon spiritual truth'.
    2. The phrase A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven  means: 'Both John the Baptist and Jesus  received their personal ministries from God the Father'.
  27. C3-S27 :  John the Baptist reminds them of what he already taught them.
    1. The phrase Ye yourselves bear me witness  means: 'They knew and testified of this truth'.
    2. The phrase that I said  means: 'John the Baptist testified this truth many times'.
    3. The phrase I am not the Christ, but that I am sent before him  means: 'Jesus  was God's Christ.  John the Baptist was sent to prepare the people to accept Jesus  as God's Christ'.
  28. C3-S28 :  John the Baptist explains his joy.
    1. The phrase He that hath the bride is the bridegroom  means: 'Jesus  is The bridegroom.  The church is The brideJesus  has the church, not John the Baptist'.
    2. The phrase but the friend of the bridegroom  means: 'This is John the Baptist'.
    3. The phrase which standeth and heareth him  means: 'This was the position and job of John the Baptist'.
    4. The phrase rejoiceth greatly because of the bridegroom's voice  means: 'This was the source of his joy'.
    5. The phrase This my joy therefore is fulfilled  means: 'John was completely satisfied with what God had done'.
  29. C3-S29 :  John the Baptist explains God's plan.  Our sentence says, He must increase, but I must decrease.
  30. C3-S30 :  John the Baptist explains the position of Jesus.
    1. The phrase He that cometh from above is above all  means: 'Jesus  came down from Heaven and was / is God in human flesh'.
    2. The phrase he that is of the earth is earthly  means: 'John the Baptist was from this Earth'.
    3. The phrase and speaketh of the earth  means: 'John the Baptist taught an Earthly doctrine of repentance'.
    4. The phrase he that cometh from heaven is above all  means: 'Jesus  has greater power than any other human being'.
  31. C3-S31 :  John the Baptist explains the rejection of Jesus.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  John the Baptist is adding the testimony of Jesus  which comes from Heaven.
    2. The phrase And what he hath seen and heard  means: 'The testimony of Jesus  was based upon His personal experience'.
    3. The phrase that he testifieth  means: 'Jesus  testified spiritual truth'.
    4. The phrase and no man receiveth his testimony  means: 'Everyone rejected the spiritual and clung to the physical'.
  32. C3-S32 :  John the Baptist explains the acceptance of Jesus.  Our sentence says, He that hath received his testimony hath set to his seal that God is true.  This means: 'When we truly receive the testimony of Jesus,  we acknowledge that God is true.  This gives us God's seal  of salvation'.
  33. C3-S33 :  John the Baptist explains the power of Jesus.  Please see the Doctrinal Study called Jesus Used the Power of the Holy Ghost related to this sentence.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word For,  which means that it is giving us a reason why the prior sentence is true.  This is why the testimony of Jesus  provides everlasting salvation.
    2. The phrase For he whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God  means: 'Jesus  did not say what He wanted but strictly said what God the Father told Him to say'.
    3. The phrase for God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him  means: 'Jesus  had complete access to God's Holy Spirit  and did not have problems understanding God's message and always did what God the Father wanted'.
  34. C3-S34 :  John the Baptist explains the purpose of Jesus.
    1. The phrase The Father loveth the Son  means: 'God the Father trusted Jesus  because He loved Jesus'.
    2. The phrase and hath given all things into his hand  means: 'God the Father gave all power to Jesus  because He trusted Jesus'.
  35. C3-S35 :  John the Baptist explains the result of Jesus.
    1. The phrase He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life  means: 'We receive true salvation because we believeth on the Son'.
    2. The phrase and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life  means: 'Those people who reject Jesus  never even see true spiritual everlasting life and never experience it'.
    3. The phrase but the wrath of God abideth on him  means: 'God puts His wrath  upon those people who reject His message'.
Chapter 4 Summary:

True Biblical Salvation Results in a Changed Life.

Our chapter starts out telling how Jesus  left Judaea in order to avoid a dispute with the Pharisees.  Our chapter ends with Him in Cana of Galilee  where He did The second miracle that Jesus did, when he was come out of Judaea into Galilee.  Please see the note: the fact that it was when he was come out of Judaea into Galilee.  This does not preclude His doing other miracles in other places.

Between the start of His journey and the end, Jesus  went through Samaria where we have the account of 'The Samaritan woman'.  Thus, the majority of this chapter is taken up with that account and most of the rest of the chapter is taken up with the miracle that Jesus  did in Cana of Galilee.

Our chapter also has the account of Jesus  announcing the start of the 'Church Age' with But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.  (John 4:23).

When we look at how Jesus  dealt with The woman of Samaria,  we can see a procedure for winning the lost to Jesus.  Please see the relevant sentences and their associated notes for this procedure.

After that event we read how Jesus  returned homeans rebuked a man for seeking blessings from God by following Jewish religious traditional methods.  When he responded in true faith, Jesus  granted his request and that man, later, verified the results of faith.

Thus, our chapter gives us the introduction of the church and the requirement to come to God by true Biblical faith.  at this point, the Jewish people had rejected the message of an ongoing personal relationship with God.  Therefore, Jesus  would take God's message to people who would receive it.  Yes, it does tell us about the travel of Jesus,  but that is really to let us know that He went to a non-Jew.  The main doctrinal parts of this chapter are:

  1. C4-S2  through C4-S25 which tell us how Jesus  led this woman to salvation.
  2. C4-S20 through C4-S23 which tell us how God wants the church to worship Him.
  3. C4-S30 through C4-S38 which tell us the provision and reward for serving God.
  4. C4-S47 through C4-S56 which tell us the failure of religious ways and the triumph of faith.

In addition, to the sub-sections just mentioned, we have a couple of outlines from the things which Jesus  said and did.  In C4S2 we have the procedure that Jesus  used to lead a person from a different culture to true Biblical salvation.  In C4S20 we have the outline of the 'Church Age' as given by Jesus  in this chapter.

In John 4:13-14; Jesus  promised Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again: But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.  This means that if we truly receive spiritual life from Jesus  we will have it for ever and we will be used by God to bring the message of salvation to others.

Matthew 16:13-20; Mark 8:27-30; Luke 9:18-27; John 4:42; John 6:69 and John 11:27 all contain a profession of faith that Jesus  is Christ  and is The Son of God.

Matthew 13:54-58 and Mark 6:4 and Luke 4:14-31 and John 4:43-45 all tell about Jesus  making the declaration that: a prophet hath no honour in his own country.  These reports may be for different (but similar) incidents.

John 4:46-54 tells us that Jesus  cures the nobleman's son of Capernaum.

Below is a summary of each sentence within this chapter with a link to the note providing the detailed analysis and contextual requirements of each sentence.  These sentence summaries also show the basis for the chapter summary provided above.

  1. C4-S1Jesus  left Judaea in order to avoid a fight with the Pharisees.
    1. The phrase When therefore the Lord knew how the Pharisees had heard that Jesus made and baptized more disciples than John  means: 'Notice that Jesus  knew this within His role as Lord'.  He was not ready to start a doctrinal fight and He was not ready to judge them for their doctrinal error.  Therefore, He withdrew in order to delay the coming fight.
    2. The phrase (Though Jesus himself baptized not, but his disciples)  means: 'This phrase is not in the original Greek but is required for proper interpretation.  True interpretation is 'message-by-message' and NOTword-by-word' and NOTverse-by-verse'.  This phrase is included in order to deliver the same complete message that was in the original Greek and which the interpretation of only the words (Greek to English) did not convey'.
    3. The phrase He left Judaea, and departed again into Galilee  means: 'Jesus  left the area of strength for the religious leaders who taught doctrinal error and went to the area that they looked down on.  The people of Galilee gladly heard His messages'.
  2. C4-S2Jesus  was required to deal with a non-Jew because they were willing to hear God's truth.  Please see the Messages called He Must Needs Go; Two parts of God's Life and Two Reasons Why Jesus Came related to this sentence.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  This sentence adds the start of this account to the message of Jesus  leaving where the religious leaders rejected His message and His going to where His message was received.
    2. The phrase And he must needs go through Samaria  means: 'Samaria was an area on half-Jews who were rejected by Jews because they did not have pure Jewish blood'.  The Jews concentrated on physical attributes while God judged the heart.
  3. C4-S3 :  Where Jesus  met the non-Jew.
    1. The phrase hen cometh he to a city of Samaria, which is called Sychar  means: 'This identifies the exact place where this incident happened'.
    2. The phrase near to the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph  means: 'This was near where the descendants of Joseph were placed when they returned to the promised land'.  Please see the notethat Joseph was also rejected by his brethren because they did not like the truth that God revealed to Joseph.
  4. C4-S4 :  the significance of Where Jesus  stopped.  Our sentence says, Now Jacob's well was there.  This is an even more specific identification of the place and has historical significance.
  5. C4-S5 :  Why Jesus  sat.
    1. The phrase Jesus therefore  means: 'following this sentence we see why Jesus  sat here'.  He had reached the place where He would witness and lead many souls to true salvation.
    2. The phrase being wearied with his journey  means: 'He was physically tired in addition to having reached the place of His purpose'.
    3. The phrase sat thus on the well  means: 'This is what he did'.
    4. The phrase and it was about the sixth hour  means: 'Remember that the Jews calculated the time of day differently from how we do today'.
  6. C4-S6 :  How Jesus  started to witness.
    1. The phrase There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water  means: 'This was the person that Jesus  was waiting for'.
    2. The phrase Jesus saith unto her  means: 'Jesus  got her attention before witnessing to her'.
    3. The phrase Give me to drink  means: 'This was totally unexpected, as explained further in the report of this incident'.
  7. C4-S7 :  Why Jesus  was alone.  Our sentence says, (For his disciples were gone away unto the city to buy meat).  Again, this sentence was not in the original Greek but the message of it was.  Therefore, proper interpretation demanded that this sentence be included.
  8. C4-S8 :  Her questioning the unusual behavior of Jesus.  Our next sentence explains why the action of Jesus  was considered to be unusual.
    1. The phrase Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him  means: 'This was her resulting question'.
    2. The phrase How is it that thou, being a Jew  means: 'She identified what was unusual in the behavior of Jesus'.  There must have been a difference in the clothing of Jews and Samaritans for her, and others, to know the difference.
    3. The phrase askest drink of me  means: 'This is what Jesus  did which was unexpected'.  Notice that His unexpected behavior got her attention and made her think.  This is required before we witness to someone.
    4. The phrase which am a woman of Samaria?  means: 'This was her identification and what made the action by Jesus  so unusual'.
  9. C4-S9 :  Why she considered His behavior unusual.  Our sentence starts with the word For,  which means that it is giving us a reason why the prior sentence is true.  Our sentence says, for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans.
  10. C4-S10 :  the answer from Jesus  turned the conversation to spiritual matters.
    1. The phrase Jesus answered and said unto her  means: 'Jesus  gave her a spiritual answer to her question about His action which was unusual in this physical world'.
    2. The phrase If thou knewest the gift of God  means: 'She did not spiritually know  The gift of God,  which was Jesus  and the salvation which only comes through Him'.  Please note that the word knewest  is a 'lifestyle knowledge'.  True Biblical salvation is not a one-time decision nor is it a one-time religious act but is a life-time acceptance of an ongoing personal relationship with Jesus  as our personal Lord.
    3. The phrase and who it is that saith to thee  means: 'She not only did not know of God's plan for salvation but she also did not know that Jesus  was the only person Who provides that salvation'.
    4. The phrase Give me to drink  means: 'Jesus  said this to get her attention.  Once He had that, He gave her the true spiritual message of salvation'.
    5. The phrase thou wouldest have asked of him  means: 'This is the reaction of everyone who truly understands Who provides true Biblical salvation'.
    6. The phrase and he would have given thee living water  means: 'Water is the basic liquid of life.  It is used here, by Jesus,  to symbolically represent the basic source of spiritual life, which is The word of God'.
  11. C4-S11 :  Her confusion was because a spiritual answer did not meet with physical reality.
    1. The phrase the woman saith unto him  means: 'This was her question due to what Jesus  said not meeting physical reality'.
    2. The phrase Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep  means: 'This was a statement of the physical problem'.
    3. The phrase from whence then hast thou that living water?  means: 'This was an expression of her confusion'.
  12. C4-S12 :  Second question because His answer did not match the standard religious answer.
    1. The phrase Art thou greater than our father Jacob  means: 'She is asking if Jesus  can do more than Jacob did in this physical reality'.
    2. The phrase which gave us the well  means: 'This is what Jacob did'.
    3. The phrase and drank thereof himself, and his children, and his cattle?  means: 'This is the results of the action by Jacob'.
  13. C4-S13Jesus  explains the difference between spiritual truth and standard religious answers.
    1. The phrase Jesus answered and said unto her  means: 'Jesus  gave her a spiritual answer'.
    2. The phrase Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again  means: 'This is the limit of the physical'.
    3. The phrase But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst  means: 'This is the provision of the spiritual.  In this phrase, Jesus  is speaking about everlasting salvation'.
    4. The phrase but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life  means: 'People who receive true Biblical salvation will let God work through their life to bring the message of salvation to others'.
  14. C4-S14 :  Her request for what Jesus  offered.  Like many people, she confused a spiritual offer with something offered in the physical reality.
    1. The phrase The woman saith unto him  means: 'This is her response'.
    2. The phrase Sir, give me this water  means: 'This is her request'.
    3. The phrase that I thirst not, neither come hither to draw  means: 'This is her expectation'.
  15. C4-S15 :  Now Jesus  brought up her sin.
    1. The phrase Jesus saith unto her  means: 'Jesus  answered her in a way that let her know that she had misunderstood His earlier comments'.
    2. The phrase Go, call thy husband, and come hither  is 'Non-Prophecy godly Knowledge'.  Please see this Section in the Significant Gospel Events Study for similar things which are not prophecy but required special revelation from God the Father.
  16. C4-S16  says The woman answered and said, I have no husband.  This is a partial truth and a typical way to avoid admitting the full truth.
  17. C4-S17Jesus  confronted her with the full truth.
    1. The phrase Jesus said unto her  means: 'Jesus  responded to her half-truth lie'.
    2. The phrase Thou hast well said  means: 'He first acknowledged the partial truth that she said'.
    3. The phrase I have no husband  means: 'He repeats the truth that she said'.
    4. The phrase For thou hast had five husbands  means: 'He then adds in the truth that she left out'.
    5. The phrase and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband  means: 'He then adds in her current life of sin'.
    6. The phrase in that saidst thou truly  means: 'Jesus  acknowledges that he is not her husband even while letting her know how she hid the full truth of her current sin'.
    7. Please see this Section in the Significant Gospel Events Study for similar things which are not prophecy but required special revelation from God the Father.
  18. C4-S18 :  She realized that He was a man of God.  She finally caught on to the truth that Jesus  was speaking spiritual truths.  Our sentence says, The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.  With this realization, she asks Jesus  about the difference between Jewish doctrine and Samaritan doctrine when it came to salvation and our true relationship to God.
  19. C4-S19 :  She states the main religious disagreement which she has been taught.  Please note that both are wrong and that Jesus  does not deal with either error.  In stead, He tells her the truth.  A lot of people make the mistake of arguing about error instead of following the example of Jesus  and simply telling the truth.
    1. The phrase Our fathers worshipped in this mountain  means: 'This was her religious heritage'.  Notice that the emphasis was on the physical place to worship.
    2. The phrase and ye say  means: 'This is what all of the Jews said, as far as she knew'.  Please notice that Jesus  did not respond to the personal (ye)  accusation but simply responded with truth.
    3. The phrase that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship  means: 'This is what the Jews claimed, with the physical place emphasized again'.  Satan loves to get religious people arguing over something that is not really that important.
  20. C4-S20Jesus  told her about the coming 'Church Age'.  He first responded by telling her that the physical place was not important.  Next, He told her that she needed to know the person of God that she worshipped and why that was true.  Then he told her the correct way to worship.  And, He finished with why that was true.
    1. The phrase Jesus saith unto her  means: 'This is the message from God'.
    2. The phrase Woman  means: 'He identified her as a generic person because this answer is for all people without variation'.
    3. The phrase believe me  means: 'We are to believe the truth from Jesus'.
    4. The phrase The hour cometh  means: 'This is speaking about the coming 'Church Age''.
    5. The phrase when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem  means: 'The place of worship will not matter'.
    6. The phrase worship the Father  means: 'What is important is that we worship God the Father'.
  21. C4-S21Jesus  told he she would have to believe God's source of truth.
    1. The phrase Ye worship ye know not what  means: 'They worshipped God but did not really know Him'.
    2. The phrase we know what we worship  means: 'The Jews could know God because they had the scriptures'.
    3. The phrase for salvation is of the Jews  means: 'The Jews worshipped because God offered salvation'.
  22. C4-S22 :  How people in the church are to worship God.
    1. The word But  means that this sentence is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.  The Jews and the Samaritans emphasized the place of worship while the truth was that God wanted them to have the right attitude of worship.
    2. The phrase But the hour cometh, and now is  means: 'This is the time of the start of the 'Church Age''.  It started in the time of the Gospels and not at Pentecost.  That was the birth of the church.  The Gospel time is the time of the life of the church in a protected environment before the birth.
    3. The phrase when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth  means: 'This is how we are to worship God in the 'Church Age''.
    4. The phrase for the Father seeketh such to worship him  means: 'This is why'.
  23. C4-S23 :  Why God wants us to worship Him this way.
    1. The phrase God is a Spirit  means: 'This is a basic truth'.  Please see the Message called Body, Soul and Spirit Salvation related to this sentence.  Please also see the Doctrinal Study called God is a Spirit related to this sentence.
    2. The phrase and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth  means: 'We have a spirit and God wants us to relate to His Spirit in our spirit.  And, we can only do that if we are in truth'.
  24. C4-S24 :  the woman confesses the truth that she knows.
    1. The phrase The woman saith unto him  means: 'She states her religious training'.
    2. The phrase I know that Messias cometh  means: 'This is the Old Testament truth that she was taught'
    3. The phrase which is called Christ  means: 'Where Messias  is the Hebrew name, Christ  is the Greek name for the same role of the Son of God'.
    4. The phrase when he is come  means: 'She did not know that He was there talking to her'.
    5. The phrase he will tell us all things  means: 'She knew this much of His purpose'.
  25. C4-S25Jesus  answers her implied question.  Our sentence says, Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.
  26. C4-S26 :  the disciples returned and marveled.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Our sentence tells us the change in circumstances which ended the discussion.
    2. The phrase And upon this came his disciples  means: 'They returned from buying food in The city'.
    3. The phrase and marvelled that he talked with the woman  means: 'Their reaction was the same as her initial reaction'.
    4. The phrase yet no man said  means: 'They did not dare to interrupt Jesus'.
    5. The phrase What seekest thou?  means: 'This was what they wanted to ask the woman but did not dare'.
  27. C4-S27 :  Our sentence says, or, Why talkest thou with her?.  No one questioned Jesus.
  28. C4-S28 :  the woman witnessed to others about The Christ.
    1. The phrase The woman then left her waterpot  means: 'Her initial purpose of going to the well was not important any more'.
    2. The phrase and went her way into the city, and saith to the men  means: 'Her delivering the message of salvation was more important'.
    3. The phrase Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did  means: 'She confessed her life of sin as a way to convince others'.
    4. The phrase is not this the Christ?  means: 'This was the most important part of her message'.
  29. C4-S29 :  Others responded to her witness.  Our sentence says, Then they went out of the city, and came unto him.  She provided a true witness as she pointed them all to Jesus.
  30. C4-S30 :  the disciples were concerned about physical needs.
    1. The phrase In the mean while his disciples prayed him, saying  means: 'The disciples were concerned with His physical needs while she went into the city to witness'.  .  .  .
    2. The phrase Master, eat  means: 'This was His physical need'.
  31. C4-S31Jesus  spake of spiritual provision.
    1. The word But  means that this sentence is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.
    2. The phrase But he said unto them  means: 'Jesus  gave this response instead of eating'.
    3. The phrase I have meat to eat that ye know not of  means: 'Sometimes, receiving spiritual encouragement removes a physical need'.
  32. C4-S32 :  the disciples did not understand His answer.
    1. The phrase Therefore said the disciples one to another  means: 'The disciples did not understand but asked each other instead of asking Jesus  for clarification'.
    2. The phrase Hath any man brought him ought to eat?  means: 'This was the need that they knew of'.
  33. C4-S33Jesus  explains His answer.
    1. The phrase Jesus saith unto them  means: 'Jesus  explained His not needing food'.
    2. The phrase My meat is to do the will of him that sent me  means: 'The spiritual encouragement from the Samaritan woman being saved, and from His expectation of others being saved, removed His physical need for food'.
    3. The phrase and to finish his work  means: 'Jesus  was looking forward to finishing His ministry on Earth'.
  34. C4-S34Jesus  challenges them to consider the spiritual harvest.
    1. The phrase Say not ye  means: 'This is what they said'.
    2. The phrase There are yet four months  means: 'This was the time until the physical harvest'.
    3. The phrase and then cometh harvest?  means: 'This was the time of celebration'.
  35. C4-S35Jesus  gives them the spiritual perspective.
    1. The word behold  means: 'Pay close attention'.
    2. The phrase , I say unto you  means: 'This was the spiritual message from Jesus'.
    3. The phrase Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields  means: 'See the spiritual fields'.
    4. The phrase for they are white already to harvest  means: 'People are ready to be saved'.
  36. C4-S36 :  God's plan of reward for workers.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Our sentence adds the spiritual rewards for being part of God's laborers.
    2. The phrase And he that reapeth receiveth wages  means: 'People know that the spiritual reapers receive spiritual rewards'.
    3. The phrase and gathereth fruit unto life eternal  means: 'Fruit  is new life.  God rewards people who bring in new spiritual life in the form of souls saved'.
    4. The phrase that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together  means: 'Different people have different jobs in God's fields but each will be rewarded for what they do'.
  37. C4-S37 :  God's plan of cooperative workers.  Our sentence says, And herein is that saying true, One soweth, and another reapeth  means: 'And herein is that saying true, One soweth, and another reapeth'.  This means that different people have different jobs in God's harvest.
  38. C4-S38Jesus  applies it to them personally.
    1. The phrase I sent you to reap that whereon ye bestowed no Labour  means: 'The reapers need to realize, and acknowledge, that others worked to prepare the harvest for reaping'.  Too many preachers claim that they won so many souls to the Lord when they only reaped.  They refuse to acknowledge the work of others and then wonder why others quit laboring in God's fields.
    2. The phrase other men laboured  means: 'Jesus  acknowledged their labor and we need to do the same'.
    3. The phrase and ye are entered into their labours  means: 'We need to acknowledge that we work with others and that we do not do everything'.
  39. C4-S39 :  the result of a saved person giving true testimony.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Our sentence is returning to the earlier account and reporting the result of the woman witnessing.
    2. The phrase And many of the Samaritans of that city believed on him for the saying of the woman  means: 'The people listened to her testimony and then verified her sayings'.
    3. The phrase which testified, He told me all that ever I did  means: 'This is what she testified that convinced people that Jesus  was more than a regular man'.
  40. C4-S40 :  Saved people truly desire to know more.
    1. The phrase So when the Samaritans were come unto him  means: 'They came because of the testimony of the woman'.
    2. The phrase they besought him that he would tarry with them  means: 'This was highly unusual because, as we read earlier, for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans'.
    3. The phrase and he abode there two days  means: 'Jesus  will stay with anyone who truly wants His company'.
  41. C4-S41 :  Saved people believe God's truth and not just the words of other people.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  .
    2. The phrase And many more believed because of his own word  means: 'This is why people are truly saved.  It is The word of God  and not out preaching or testifying'.
    3. The phrase And said unto the woman  means: 'They responded honestly to the woman'.
    4. The phrase Now we believe, not because of thy saying  means: 'Her testimony led them to Jesus  but not to salvation'.
    5. The phrase for we have heard him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world  means: 'They believed unto salvation'.
  42. C4-S42Jesus  finished His journey home.  Our sentence says, Now after two days he departed thence, and went into Galilee.  This was where He lived having been rejected in Nazareth.
  43. C4-S43 :  Why Jesus  went to the mission field.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word For,  which means that it is giving us a reason why the prior sentence is true.  This is why he went where the people did not see Him growing up.
    2. The phrase For Jesus himself testified  means: 'This is a truth which can not be disputed'.
    3. The phrase that a prophet hath no honour in his own country  means: 'People think about how he was when little and refuse to see the changes that God brings into the life of a prophet'.
  44. C4-S44 :  Why people in His home country were glad to see Him.
    1. The phrase Then when he was come into Galilee  means: 'This is where He went'.
    2. The phrase The Galilae and received him  means: 'This is how the people reacted'.
    3. The phrase having seen all the things that he did at Jerusalem at the feast  means: 'This is why.  They wanted Jesus  to do miracles for them also'.
    4. The phrase for they also went unto the feast  means: 'That is where they saw and heard of the miracles'.
  45. C4-S45Jesus  returned to where He had been.
    1. The phrase So Jesus came again into Cana of Galilee  means: 'This is where he went'.
    2. The phrase where he made the water wine  means: 'This is why the people remembered Him'.
  46. C4-S46 :  A need was told to Jesus.  Please see the Table Of Miracles in the Gospels for references to other miracles done by Jesus.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Our sentence adds the circumstance of the next incident.
    2. The phrase And there was a certain nobleman  means: 'Everybody talked about him'.
    3. The phrase whose son was sick at Capernaum  means: 'This was his problem'.
  47. C4-S47 :  He sought Jesus  for help.
    1. The phrase When he heard that Jesus was come out of Judaea into Galilee  means: 'This is when the nobleman acted'.
    2. The phrase he went unto him, and besought him that he would come down, and heal his son  means: 'This is how the nobleman acted'.
    3. The phrase for he was at the point of death  means: 'This is why the nobleman acted'.
  48. C4-S48Jesus  rebuked the wrong motivation.
    1. The phrase Then said Jesus unto him  means: 'Jesus  accused him of having the level and type of faith which was common in that area'.
    2. The phrase Except ye see signs and wonders  means: 'They only believed for miracles and not because they heard truth'.
    3. The phrase ye will not believe  means: 'Each and every one of them, in that area, personally (ye)  had this type of faith'.
  49. C4-S49 :  the man expressed the right motivation.
    1. The phrase The nobleman saith unto him  means: 'This was his response to the accusation'.
    2. The phrase Sir, come down ere my child die  means: 'He ignored the accusation and only sought help for the child'.
  50. C4-S50Jesus  rewarded faith.
    1. The phrase Jesus saith unto him  means: 'He had to believe the word of Jesus,  and act on it, with no other evidence that what Jesus  said was true'.
    2. The phrase Go thy way; thy son liveth  means: 'This was what Jesus  commanded'.
  51. C4-S51 :  the man responded in faith.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  This sentence adds his response to the command of the prior sentence.
    2. The phrase And the man believed the word that Jesus had spoken unto him  means: 'First he believed'.
    3. The phrase and he went his way  means: 'Secondly, he acted.  Without action, our belief is not turned into faith'.
  52. C4-S52 :  the man heard the results of his faith.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  God added a confirmation even before he arrived at home.
    2. The phrase And as he was now going down  means: 'This is when he received the confirmation'.
    3. The phrase his servants met him, and old him, saying  means: 'This is who gave him the confirmation'.
    4. The phrase Thy son liveth  means: 'This was the confirmation'.
  53. C4-S53 :  the man verified the evidence of faith.  Our sentence says, Then inquired he of them the hour when he began to amend.  God does not object to our verifying truth.  Too many people believe a lie because they are afraid to verify or do not know how to verify.
  54. C4-S54  says And they said unto him, Yesterday at the seventh hour the fever left him.  This gives him the time of the miracle which he could match to the time when Jesus  spoke the command.
  55. C4-S55 :  Results of confirmed faith.
    1. The phrase So the father knew that it was at the same hour, in the which Jesus said unto him, thy son liveth  means: 'This confirmed his faith in Jesus'.
    2. The phrase and himself believed, and his whole house  means: 'This is the result'.
  56. C4-S56 :  the importance of this event.  Our sentence says, This is again the second miracle that Jesus did, when he was come out of Judaea into Galilee.  As mentioned elsewhere, this is the second miracle here but earlier in our chapter we were told that Jesus  did other miracles in Judaea.
Chapter 5 Summary:

True Salvation is More Important than Anything in this Life.

Our chapter shows us that we must accept God's truth, as He wrote it and as His Holy Spirit interprets it.  In addition, we must hold God's word.  above our religious traditions.  We must be willing to be cast out of our religion and be cast out of our family and be persecuted, if necessary, in order to stand with God's truth.

in this chapter we see a surface argument about the sabbath.  However, underneath the surface we see the true argument over who has the true ultimate authority.  Jesus  claims that God has it and the Jews claim that their religion, and the religious leaders of the day, have the true ultimate authority.  It is this argument which ultimately led the crucifixion of our Lord.

The chapter starts with Jesus  healing an impotent man on the sabbath.  He had been waiting for healing thirty and eight years  and religious traditions could do nothing for him.  Yet the religious leaders condemned him for obeying the command from Jesus to Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.  because it was a sabbath.  His carrying his bed, on a sabbath, went against their religious traditions which they had made into a law  and which they claimed was equal in authority to the word of God.  After He told the Jews that it was Jesus, which had made him wholeThe Jews persecute Jesus, and sought to slay him, because he had done these things on the sabbath day.  The rest of the chapter contain the words from Jesus  which condemn the religious people who make their traditions equal to the word of God and refuse to believe Jesus.  He tells them, and us, that He will judge all men.  He also says: Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.  Any who reject The scriptures,  in order to keep religious traditions, will be condemned at the judgment of God.

Within this chapter we have the first account, as reported within this Gospel, of the argument about the sabbath.  This particular argument became the basis of a whole lot of doctrinal disputes between the religious leaders of the Jews and Jesus.  It actually was an argument over who had the ultimate authority.  In the note for Matthew 12:8-LJC there are links to every place in the Gospels where we find a reference to the sabbath  and those links are separated according to what is said about the sabbath.  The first set of references tell us that The Son of man is Lord of the sabbath day.  Therefore according to the Bible, Jesus  had the ultimate authority over the sabbath.  In addition, the note for Colossians 2:16-17 gives a couple of different dictionary definitions along with lots of references from different commentators.  Therefore, the reader is provided with more reference material than they will probably use if they want to research more details on the doctrine that is involved.  Further, in addition to the historical arguments, as reported in the Bible, we now have different religions which have made up their own rules about the sabbath,  which differ from the true Biblical rules and from the Jewish rules and from rules created by other modern religions.  The reader is welcome to research all that they want.

in this chapter what Jesus  did was allowed by the Bible but not by the additional rules of religious people who tried to claim greater authority than God.  That is all that I am going to write on this doctrine which causes doubtful disputations  (Romans 14:1).

John 5:27 and many other places, in The word of God,  speak of the return of Jesus  as ruling Lord  (Also called the 'Second Coming of Christ' and the start of the '1,000 years reign of Christ'.  Many commentators also name other places which talk about the Second Coming of our Lord.

In John 5:26-30; Jesus  prophesied the judgment of all men by Himself.

Please see the Detailed Notes for John 5:25 and John 5:28-29 for references to the doctrine of resurrection.  We see the prophecy of John 5:28-29 fulfilled in: Matthew 27:51-53.  This is also when He fulfilled the prophecy of Mark 3:27.

Below is a summary of each sentence within this chapter with a link to the note providing the detailed analysis and contextual requirements of each sentence.  These sentence summaries also show the basis for the chapter summary provided above.

  1. C5-S1 :  Jesus returned to Jerusalem.
    1. The phrase After this there was a feast of the Jews  means: 'This was after the Jews sought to pick a fight with Jesus,  because the prior chapter told us that Jesus  had left the area of Judaea in order to avoid this fight.  (And, our sentence started with the phrase, After this).  It was before the last feast of Passover when Jesus  was crucified'.
    2. The phrase and Jesus went up to Jerusalem  means: 'He, apparently, went for the feast'.
  2. C5-S2 :  the place of the miracle.  Please see the Table Of Miracles in the Gospels for references to other miracles done by Jesus.
    1. The phrase Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep market a pool  means: 'This gives us the location in the city'.  Symbolically, God's people are called sheep.  Thus, the human sheep  were near the physical sheep.
    2. The phrase which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda  means: 'Bethesda means House of Mercy'.  Jesus  told the man that He healed, Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee  (5:14).  Thus, the people came looking for mercyJesus  gave this man mercy,  but warned him to not abuse God's mercy.  (This is the message of Romans 6).  Please see the Detailed Note for more on the various words found in our sentence.
    3. The phrase having five porches  means: 'There was room for lots of people because we all need God's mercy'.
    4. in this chapter, the Jewish religious leaders refused to show anyone mercy  and attacked the man who received mercy,  and Jesus,  because He broke their religious rule and healed on the sabbath.  Our miracle is a practical demonstration of the doctrine of our chapter.  No one can receive mercy,  and the forgiveness of sin, from religion.  Those only come from Jesus  in a personal relationship.
  3. C5-S3 :  the people of the miracle.
    1. The phrase In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk.  The word impotent  means: 'One who is feeble, infirm, or languishing under disease'.
    2. The phrase of blind, halt, withered  means: 'These words are examples of the great multitude of impotent folk'.
    3. The phrase waiting for the moving of the water  means: 'This was the sign that they might receive God's mercy  and be healed'.
  4. C5-S4 :  the reason why the people were at that place.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word For,  which means that it is giving us a reason why the prior sentence is true.  This sentence tells us why a great multitude of impotent folk waiting for the moving of the water.
    2. The phrase For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool  means: ''.  .  .  .
    3. The phrase and troubled the water  means: ''.  The miracle Jesus  is recorded in the Table of Miracles in the Gospels.  This action by the angel is also a miracle but is included within the doctrinally more significant miracle done by Jesus.
    4. The phrase whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had  means: 'This was the result that the angel provided'.  Notice that the angel gave to miracle to whosoever  and was not concerned with what they had personally done to receive their problem.  Jesus  chose the man reported here specifically in order to demonstrate the doctrine of this chapter.
  5. C5-S5 :  the particular man of the miracle.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Where the prior sentence told about people in general, our sentence narrows the focus to this man in particular.
    2. The phrase And a certain man was there  means: 'Jesus  chose this certain man.  This is an important distinction from what the angel did'.
    3. The phrase which had an infirmity thirty and eight years  means: 'Imagine how much he thought about his sin which caused his problem'.  God made sure that he understood that the short time of pleasure was not worth the consequences.  Unfortunately, most people don't learn this lesson or only apply it to some of the sins of their life.
  6. C5-S6 :  the request to do the miracle.
    1. The phrase When Jesus saw him lie  means: 'Jesus  saw his condition and offered God's mercy to him'.
    2. The phrase and knew that he had been now a long time in that case  means: 'Jesus  knew this about him.  It is possible that God the Father revealed this truth to Jesus  and it is possible that the conditions where he lay revealed this truth.  However, it took special revelation from God the Father to let Jesus  know about this man's sin, which caused his problem'.
    3. The phrase he saith unto him  means: ''.  .  .  .
    4. The phrase Wilt thou be made whole?  means: 'What the man did not understand at first, and what most people miss, is that Jesus  was not just offering to heal him, but was also offering everlasting salvation.  We see evidence of this in what is reported later within our chapter.  He stood up to the religious leaders in spite of their threats and even in spite of his parents refusing to support him'.
  7. C5-S8 :  the command of the miracle.
    1. The phrase Jesus saith unto him  means: 'This was a command from God in human flesh'.
    2. The phrase Rise, take up thy bed, and walk  means: 'This is what he had to do to prove his faith for healing'.  Please see the note, he was not saved until later when he knew Who Jesus  was and put his trust into Him personally.
  8. C5-S9 :  the immediate results of the miracle.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  God's response to his faith was immediate.
    2. The phrase And immediately the man was made whole  means: 'This was the healing'.
    3. The phrase and took up his bed, and walked  means: 'He obeyed the command of Jesus'.
    4. The phrase and on the same day was the sabbath  means: 'Neither Jesus,  nor The healed man, paid attention to what day of the week it was'.
  9. C5-S10 :  the response to the miracle from religious people.
    1. The phrase The Jews therefore said unto him that was cured  means: 'Notice that the religious people did not care about the demonstration of God's power.  All they cared about was making everyone follow their religious rules which they added to God's law'.  What he did went against their law but Not God's law.  However, they tried to claim that their law had more authority than God's law.
    2. The phrase It is the sabbath day  means: 'This is a statement of truth.  God established the sabbaths and the laws concerning the sabbath'.
    3. The phrase it is not lawful for thee to carry thy bed  means: 'This was their rule and not God's law.  Therefore, their claim of, it is not lawful,  was a lie'.
  10. C5-S11 :  His answer to the religious people.
    1. The phrase He answered them  means: 'Notice the way that he answered'.
    2. The phrase He that made me whole  means: 'In thirty eight years, the religious people could not do this.  Therefore, it was proven that they did not have the power to back their rules'.
    3. The phrase The same said unto me  means: 'He did not know the name of Jesus  but knew that Jesus  demonstrated more power than all of the religious people combined'.
    4. The phrase Take up thy bed, and walk  means: 'He was obeying the command of the one who had healed him after thirty eight years of waiting.  If the religious rulers had wanted, they could have left someone there to be sure that he got into the water first.  But they didn't.  Therefore, they proved that they didn't care about this man while Jesus  proved that He did'.
  11. C5-S12 :  the demand from religion.
    1. The phrase Then asked they him  means: 'This was their follow-up'.  Notice that they didn't care about the miracle nor about the man.
    2. The phrase What man is that which said unto thee  means: 'They wanted to know what man told him to disobey their made up religious rules'.  The saved Pharisees did the same thing the last time that Paul was at the Jerusalem Church.  In both cases, the religious rulers brought the wrath of God down on their followers by insisting that their rules had to be obeyed even when those rules opposed the demonstrated power of God.
    3. The phrase Take up thy bed, and walk?  means: 'This is what the man was doing in obedience to Jesus  and in violation of their made up rules'.
  12. C5-S13 :  the man of the miracle could not meet their demand.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Our sentence tells us that he could not answer to question of the prior sentence.  Remember that he obeyed immediately and did not stop to ask the name of Jesus.  And now, he could not see Jesus  to point Him out.
    2. The phrase And he that was healed wist not who it was  means: 'He did not know the name'.
    3. The phrase for Jesus had conveyed himself away, a multitude being in that place  means: 'He could not see Jesus'.
  13. C5-S14 :  Further private instruction from Jesus.
    1. The phrase Afterward Jesus findeth him in the temple, and said unto him  means: 'Jesus  found him and gave him a warning'.  Others who have been blessed by God also receive a warning from God, like this one, to stop their sinning and to start witnessing for Jesus,  like this man did.
    2. The phrase Behold, thou art made whole  means: 'Here, Jesus  not only told him that he personally (thou)  was healed but that he personally (thou)  was also saved (art made whole)'.  In our next phrase we see a warning that is given to all saved people.  God saves us so that He can change us and make us like Him and a witness of His changing power.  People who claim to be saved, but have no God-caused change in their life, are either lost liars or saved people who wasted God's salvation.
    3. The phrase sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee  means: 'God brings more wrath on a disobedient child of God than he brings on lost servants of Satan'.
  14. C5-S15 :  the man of the miracle now answered the demand from the religious people.
    1. The phrase The man departed  means: 'He went his way'.
    2. The phrase and old the Jews that it was Jesus, which had made him whole  means: 'The first thing that he did was to witness to the lost religious Jews that Jesus Who had saved (made him whole  him'.
  15. C5-S16 :  the secondary response to the miracle from religious people.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  The lost religious Jews reacted wrongly to Jesus  not submitting to their religious rules which were added to God's law.  Their reaction proved their lost condition.
    2. The phrase And therefore did the Jews persecute Jesus  means: ''.  .  .  .
    3. The phrase and sought to slay him  means: 'This action proved that they were of Satan' (John 8:44).
    4. The phrase because he had done these things on the sabbath day  means: 'Anyone who is willing to kill because others do not keep their religious rules is serving Satan even as that liar teaches them that they serve God'.
  16. C5-S17 :  the answer to persecution from Jesus.
    1. The word But  means that this sentence is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.  The answer from Jesus  went a different direction from their doctrine.
    2. The phrase But Jesus answered them  means: 'This is the answer to their persecution'.
    3. The phrase My Father worketh hitherto  means: 'God the Father did works  which their religion could not match'.
    4. The phrase and I work  means: 'Jesus  did works  which their religion could not match'.  We see this fight all throughout history including today.  Religious people claim that their religious rules have more power and authority than God has in spite of much evidence that God has more power and authority.  This phrase was a claim that God the Father backed the doctrine of Jesus  with demonstrations of miraculous power.
  17. C5-S18 :  the more severe response by religious people when told their doctrinal error.
    1. The phrase Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him  means: 'This reaction shows that their doctrine came from a devil.  God is love  and never condones murder.  All such emotions are from devils and otally self-absorbed individuals'.
    2. The phrase because he not only had broken the sabbath  means: 'Jesus  did more than bread their religious additions to God's law'.
    3. The phrase but said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God.  This is clear as written.  However, there are religions, which claim to be Bible based, which deny this fact.  And, any time that I've shown Bible verses like this to such people, they claim that their current living preacher knows more about what Jews believed than the Jews who were living then and wrote and acted on what they truly believed.  This just shows how deluded such fools are.
  18. C5-S19 :  the start of the answer from Jesus  to a death threat for speaking truth.
    1. The phrase Then answered Jesus and said unto them  means: ''.  .  .  .
    2. The phrase Verily, verily, I say unto you  means: 'Jesus  has verified this sentence twice and it will be used by God when judging men'.
    3. The phrase The Son can do nothing of himself  means: 'Jesus  had set aside His own power and authority as God before He was conceived in Mary'.
    4. The phrase but what he seeth the Father do  means: 'Jesus  used the power of the Holy Ghost to do the same type of miracles as God the Father did in the Old Testament'.
    5. The phrase for what things soever he doeth  means: 'Here is why Jesus  imitated God the Father'.
    6. The phrase these also doeth the Son likewise  means: 'Jesus  knew that the Holy Ghost would do the same type of miracles as God the Father did'.
  19. C5-S20 :  God the Father shows Jesus  what to do.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word For,  which means that it is giving us a reason why the prior sentence is true.  Our sentence tells us why the Son of God could do miracles.
    2. The phrase For the Father loveth the Son  means: 'God the Father acts out of love'.
    3. The phrase and sheweth him all things that himself doeth  means: 'God the Father showed Jesus  what God wanted Him to do'.
    4. The phrase and he will shew him greater works than these  means: 'God the Father can show even greater works, such as Jesus  being raised from the dead'.
    5. The phrase that ye may marvel  means: 'God the Father wants them to marvel  so that they will think about what they see and hear and may consider the doctrine which Jesus  teaches them'.
  20. C5-S21Jesus  will raise the dead.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word For,  which means that it is giving us a reason why the prior sentence is true.  Our sentence tells us what Jesus  will do to prove the prior sentence.
    2. The phrase For as the Father raiseth up the dead  means: 'Three times in the Old Testament we are told about God raising the dead'.
    3. The phrase and quickeneth them  means: 'God then saved (quickeneth)  those people'.
    4. The phrase even so the Son quickeneth whom he will  means: 'Jesus  will save (quickeneth)  whosoever He chooses'.  (The physical resurrection from the dead is used symbolically to assure people of true spiritual resurrection.)
  21. C5-S22Jesus  will judge all men.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word For,  which means that it is giving us a reason why the prior sentence is true.  Our sentence explains why it is Jesus  Who will decide whom to save.
    2. The phrase For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son  means: 'Salvation is due to legal judgment and God the Father has given that job to God the Son'.
    3. The phrase That all men should honour the Son  means: 'This is why'.
    4. The phrase even as they honour the Father  means: 'Religions which claim to go to God the Father while bypassing God the Son dishonor God the Father Who has commanded all to go through God the Son'.
  22. C5-S23 :  the consequence of how we treat Jesus.  Our sentence says, He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him.  This sentence literally says what I wrote in the note for the prior sentence.
  23. C5-S24 :  the reward of believing Jesus  is true salvation.
    1. The phrase Verily, verily, I say unto you  means: 'Jesus  has verified this sentence twice and it will be used by God when judging men'.
    2. The phrase He that heareth my word  means: 'We must hear His words spiritually'.
    3. The phrase and believeth on him that sent me  means: 'We must believe in the authority and power of God, in addition to hearing Jesus  spiritually'.  Please note that this requirement was made to Jews before the 'Church Age'.  Today we believe on Jesus Christ  as our personal Lord.
    4. The phrase hath everlasting life  means: 'This person is saved'.
    5. The phrase and shall not come into condemnation  means: 'This person will not be sent to Hell'.
    6. The phrase but is passed from death unto life  means: 'This person started out condemned but is no longer condemned'.
  24. C5-S25 :  the dead will hear Jesus.
    1. The phrase Verily, verily, I say unto you  means: 'Jesus  has verified this sentence twice and it will be used by God when judging men'.
    2. The phrase The hour is coming, and now is  means: 'The time has started and will continue into the future'.
    3. The phrase when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God  means: 'This prophecy is possibly tied to Matthew 27:52-53.  It is also possibly tied to a statement by Peter in 1Peter 18-20 '.  I do not believe that there is anyone alive today who can say for positive how this prophecy was fulfilled.  It was possible fulfilled by either of these events or by both but, regardless, we do not have the required proof to say for positive how it was fulfilled.  We must accept it by faith until we get to Heaven and can ask Jesus.  about it.
    4. The phrase and they that hear shall live  means: 'These saints will have their resurrected bodies which never die'.
  25. C5-S26Jesus  has authority from God to judge because He is the Son of man.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word For,  which means that it is giving us a reason why the prior sentence is true.  Our sentence explains why Jesus  will call the dead from the grave.
    2. The phrase For as the Father hath life in himself  means: 'It takes life to beget life.  God the Father created all life because He has life in Him'.
    3. The phrase so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself  means: 'God the Father gave God the Son the ability to give life to others'.  Think of all the couples who try to have a child and can't.  Consider how old Abraham and Sarah were when they had Isaac.  Think of all others in the Bible who had trouble conceiving a child.  The fact is that if God does not provide the soul, there will be no new life.
    4. The phrase And hath given him authority to execute judgment also  means: 'God the Father gave God the Son the right to decide whom to give life to and whom to deny life'.
    5. The phrase because he is the Son of man  means: 'This is why God the Father gave God the Son this responsibility.  He has experience as a literal physical man while God the Father does not have that experience'.
  26. C5-S27 :  the dead will rise to damnation or to salvation.
    1. The phrase Marvel not at this  means: 'Don't be surprised at this truth'.
    2. The phrase for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice  means: 'This is a prophecy of the great white throne  judgment and the new Heaven and new Earth'.  Please see the Prophecy Fulfilled of the Significant Gospel Events Study for references to this prophecy and related prophecies.
    3. The phrase And shall come forth  means: 'All dead will rise from the grave at that time'.
    4. The phrase they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life  means: 'The saved will go into the new Heaven and new Earth'.
    5. The phrase and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation  means: 'These will go into the lake of fire'.
  27. C5-S28 :  the power and authority behind the judgment by Jesus.  Please see the Doctrinal Study called Jesus Used the Power of the Holy Ghost related to this sentence.
    1. The phrase I can of mine own self do nothing  means: 'Jesus  was not using His own power but was using the power of God's Holy Ghost'.
    2. The phrase as I hear, I judge  means: 'Jesus  judged according to the standards dictated by God the Father'.
    3. The phrase and my judgment is just  means: 'He did not have a biased judgment'.
    4. The phrase because I seek not mine own will  means: 'This is why'.
    5. The phrase but the will of the Father which hath sent me  means: 'Here is how Jesus  judged'.
  28. C5-S29 :  the way to determine if someone speaks truth.  Our sentence says, If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true.  means: 'Liars claim that they do great things.  We need to have witnesses, other than ourselves, for what we claim that we do and for what God does through our live'.
  29. C5-S30 :  Jesus claims a second witness.
    1. The phrase There is another that beareth witness of me  means: 'Jesus  tells them that John the Baptist witnessed that Jesus  was God's Christ'.
    2. The phrase and I know that the witness which he witnesseth of me is true  means: 'John the Baptist proved that he told the truth.  Even the threat of death could not cause him to lie or say anything less than the full truth'.
  30. C5-S31 :  John the Baptist is His second witness.
    1. The phrase Ye sent unto John  means: 'The religious leaders had sent people to question John the Baptist'.
    2. The phrase and he bare witness unto the truth  means: 'They accepted his statement of truth'.
  31. C5-S32 :  Why Jesus  is telling them these things.
    1. The word But  means that this sentence is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.
    2. The phrase But I receive not testimony from man  means: 'While John the Baptist witnessed of Jesus, He did not rely on that witness'.
    3. The phrase but these things I say, that ye might be saved  means: 'Jesus  told them truth so that they could be saved'.  While He had John the Baptist as His witness that He told truth, further sentences tell us that He had greater witness than John.
  32. C5-S33 :  the evidence that John the Baptist was a true witness from God.
    1. The phrase He was a burning and a shining light  means: 'John the Baptist was a prophet who delivered the message from God (a burning and a shining light)'.
    2. The phrase and ye were willing for a season to rejoice in his light  means: 'They were glad to have a message from God until that message condemned their personal sin'.
  33. C5-S34 :  A greater witness than John the Baptist.  Please see the Doctrinal Study called Jesus Used the Power of the Holy Ghost related to this sentence.
    1. The word But  means that this sentence is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.
    2. The phrase But I have greater witness than that of John  means: 'As great of a witness as John the Baptist was, and as much as they accepted John as God's prophet, Jesus  had a greater witness'.  John the Baptist was an indirect witness of Jesus  being God's Christ.  The miracles that He did, as the rest of our sentence tells us, was a direct witness from God the Father because they required power which only came from God the Father.  Therefore, God the Father Himself had to approve of Jesus,  and His message, or God the Father would not have provided the power for all of the miracles which Jesus  did.  Thus, this direct approval was a greater witness than The indirect approval sent through John the Baptist.
    3. The phrase for the works which the Father hath given me to finish, the same works that I do, bear witness of me  means: 'The Old Testament scriptures told them that God's Christ  would do more miracles than any other prophet and we are told that Jesus  did more miracles that even what are reported in the Gospel accounts'.
    4. The phrase that the Father hath sent me  means: 'All of the miracles were evidence that Jesus  was sent by God the Father and that His doctrine came from God the Father'.
  34. C5-S35 :  the third witness.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  .
    2. The phrase And the Father himself  means: 'God the Father spoke from Heaven as a witness for Jesus'.
    3. The phrase which hath sent me, hath borne witness of me.  means: We see the phrase my beloved Son,  used in reference to Jesus,  in: Matthew 3:17; Matthew 17:5; Mark 1:11; Mark 9:7; Luke 3:22 and Luke 9:35.
  35. C5-S36 :  their inability to dispute the word of Jesus.  Our sentence says, Ye have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape.  However, Jesus  had done both.  Therefore, Jesus  was a more valid witness of the doctrine from God the Father.
  36. C5-S37 :  the evidence that they do not represent God.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  It is adding the evidence that they did not obey God's word.
    2. The phrase And ye have not his word abiding in you  means: 'They claimed to be the spiritual experts on God's word  but they would have God's word abiding in  them if that were true'.
    3. The phrase for whom he hath sent  means: 'This identified Jesus,  especially combined with what He said prior to this sentence'.
    4. The phrase him ye believe not  means: 'They were having this dispute because they refused to believe the doctrine from Jesus'.
  37. C5-S38 :  the way to verify His word.
    1. The phrase Search the scriptures  means: 'This is what to do'.
    2. The phrase for in them ye think ye have eternal life  means: 'This is why'.
    3. The phrase and they are they which testify of me  means: 'This is what the scriptures truly testify of'.
    4. This sentence is extremely important.  Our sentence tells us that the scriptures tell us about a person and it is the person Who gives us salvation and every other blessing from God.  It is the person Who will judge us and condemn the lost.  It is not a doctrine, nor a creed, nor a religious act, not a thing.  Everything is dependent upon the person Who is the Son of God.
  38. C5-S39 :  the condemnation of fools.  Our sentence says, And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life.  It takes life to beget life.  We can not receive spiritual life from anything other than the Spirit Who is God and our chapter is telling us that the Son of God personally decides whom He gives that spiritual life to.
  39. C5-S40 :  Why Jesus  did not care about their rejection.  Our sentence says, I receive not honour from men.  God gives Him power to do miracles and wisdom to answer all challenges.  Jesus  was / is not dependent upon men to give Him anything because He has everything from a greater source.
  40. C5-S41 :  His judgment based upon their character.
    1. The word But  means that this sentence is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.
    2. The phrase But I know you  means: 'They did not know Jesus  but He knew all men and what their character was like and how they would act because of their character'.
    3. The phrase that ye have not the love of God in you  means: 'They could not give The love of God  to others because it was not in them.  However, Jesus  went to the cross for us because of The love of God  which was in Him'.
  41. C5-S42 :  the consequence of rejecting truth.
    1. The phrase I am come in my Father's name  means: 'Jesus  came in the power and authority (in the name of)  God the Father, as He has explained in this chapter'.  Not only do we have the explanation of this chapter, but we have His demonstrated power in the miracles that He did and we have His demonstrated wisdom in His answering every doctrinal challenge given to Him.
    2. The phrase and ye receive me not  means: 'They rejected Jesus  in spite of all of the evidence provided'.
    3. The phrase if another shall come in his own name  means: 'This is the warning'.
    4. The phrase him ye will receive  means: 'Religious people accept the true Biblical antichrists,  who are in the world today and they will accept the beast  of Revelation'.
  42. C5-S43 :  Why they are deceived.
    1. The phrase How can ye believe, which receive honour one of another  means: 'Men are liars by nature and lost men can not stop lying.  If your belief is based upon what men say then your belief is based upon lies'.
    2. The phrase and seek not the honour that cometh from God only?  means: 'God can not lie.  Therefore, what God says can not be a lie and anything which is true and based upon what God says is reliable.  Honour from God is God recognizing that what the person says is a true message from God and, therefore, is reliable.  Our sentence clearly tells us that this is opposed to the unreliable lies which are based upon honour from men'.
  43. C5-S44 :  Moses will accuse them before God.
    1. The phrase Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father  means: 'In an honest court room, the judge does not accuse anyone but witnesses are called to testify and accuse.  Since Jesus  is the judge of all men, He will not accuse anyone but will call men to testify and accuse other men'.  This truth is also said in other places such as Matthew 12:41-42 and Luke 12:31-32.
    2. The phrase there is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye trust  means: 'Moses will accuse them because he gave them a true message from God, which they perverted to justify their sin.  Moses also lived God's truth in spite of being provoked and challenged by the Jews of his day.  The Jews of Jesus  day lived differently'.
  44. C5-S45 :  Why Moses will accuse them.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word For,  which means that it is giving us a reason why the prior sentence is true.  Our sentence tells us why Moses will testify against that generation when they are judged by God.
    2. The phrase For had ye believed Moses  means: ''.  .  .  .
    3. The phrase ye would have believed me  means: ''.  .  .  .
    4. The phrase for he wrote of me  means: 'Moses wrote about Jesus  in Deuteronomy 18:15-16 '.  The Jews were well aware of this truth and we see them asking about that prophet  in: John 1:21; John 1:25; John 6:14; Acts 3:23.
  45. C5-S46 :  Why they did not believe Jesus.
    1. The word But  means that this sentence is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.  The Jews claimed to believe Moses, but their lives proved otherwise.  And, our sentence is adding that people can not truly believe Jesus  if they reject the writing of Moses.  There are people who believe the lie that the New Testament replaced everything from Genesis through Malachi.  The truth is that the New Testament replaced only the religious part of the Mosaic Law.  Those people believe not his (Moses) writings.
    2. The phrase But if ye believe not his writings  means: 'Our sentence is very clear that people who reject, or replace, the rest of the Old Testament will not believe the New Testament.  They will try to replace it with their own doctrines'.
    3. The phrase how shall ye believe my words?  means: 'The Gospel accounts give us the words and actions of Jesus  when He was on this Earth.  The Epistles give us His teaching on discipleship which He gave through the Apostles after He returned to Heaven.  Together, they constitute the words of Jesus'.  And, we need to be aware that there are many modern day Pharisees who prove that they are such even if they deny the label.  They add to The word of God  and take away from it in order to pervert it into supporting their lying doctrines.
Chapter 6 Summary:

True Salvation Requires our Participation.

This chapter tells us about Jesus  ministering to many people in a desert place and His feeding 5, 000 men plus women and children before sending them home.  This miracle is recorded in Matthew 14:13-21 and Mark 6:31-44 and Luke 9:10 and John 6:1-14.  In addition, Matthew 16:9 and Mark 8:19 make reference to this miracle.  This miracle is also recorded in the Table of Miracles in the Gospels document.  As noted in the Chapter summary for Chapter 5, doing miracles does not prove that Jesus  was the Son of God but they did prove that He was sent by God.  His character, His Spirit, and His doctrine show that He was / is the Son of God  because they match God.  Likewise, anyone who is a true on of God  will be changed to have their character, spirit and doctrine changed to match The word of God.

After that miracle of feeding many people, Jesus  sent His disciples back across the sea while He prayed.  Then He came to them walking on water.  When the people found Him gone, the next day, they also returned to Capernaum.  When they found Jesus  there they asked how He had travelled because He did not take the road around the lake and all of the boats were accounted for.  Therefore, they knew that He had not taken a boat.  Jesus used this to tell them Verily, verily, I say unto you, Ye seek me, not because ye saw the miracles, but because ye did eat of the loaves, and were filled.  They weren't coming to Jesus  for the doctrine which He taught, nor because they believed that He was the Son of God,  but came for the free meal.

Jesus  then used that criticism to tell them that they needed to stop being lazy and be willing to work for God's kingdom.  That statement led to a discussion about how they were to work for God's kingdom and they didn't want to do what Jesus  told them to do.  In stead, they wanted God to feed them, with no effort on their part, like God fed the Jews in the wilderness with manna.  Obviously, they were only thinking about free food and ignored the lessons from their history which showed them that God killed His people who refused to stop sinning.  Living a lazy life is living a sinful life.

Once more Jesus  tried to teach them the spiritual lesson from the manna  and this was when He told them I am the bread of life  and I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.  Once more, as religious people still do today, the religious people tried to understand, in a physical way, a spiritual lesson which was taught with symbolism.  Obviously, the spiritual symbolic lesson made no sense in the physical reality and even offended.  However, instead of changing their perspective to a perspective which made sense, they stopped following Jesus.

Jesus  tried to tell them that they had to understand the lesson spiritually, but they refused and many left Him instead.  Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away?  this, of course, is when Peter answered for the twelve with: Lord, to whom shall we go?  thou hast the words of eternal life.  And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God.  Even with this answer Jesus  said Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil?

This chapter is the first of several chapters which deal with saved people living by faith  and serving God the way that God demands so that they can get the blessings from God.  In this chapter we learn that lazy people, who want to believe the 'Health and Welfare Gospel' are cut off from God's blessings.  However, the people who stick with serving God, even when they don't understand what God is doing, eventually receive that understanding and also mature spiritually.  Simply put, there are times that we must obey when we don't understand, and even when obeying goes directly against all sense, because some understanding only comes after we have the experience.  This is part of what is called living by faith.

In John 6:1-3; Matthew 14:13 and Mark 6:30-32 and Luke 9:10; Jesus  received the news of the beheading of John the Baptist and He took all of the decuples to a desert place by ship  so that they could morn in private.  However, the Jews flocked to that place and demanded that Jesus,  and His disciples minister to them.  In John 6:5-12; Matthew 14:15-21; Matthew 16:9; Mark 6:34-44; Mark 8:19 and Luke 9:12-17; Jesus  fed five thousand men with 5 loaves and 2 fish.

Then Jesus  went across the sea again for a time alone with His disciples.  (Matthew 14:23-34 and Mark 6:45-53 and John 6:15-21.)  However, the people followed Him again and that was when He rebuked them for following only to get bread.  This is when he told them I am the bread of life  and most were offended by the spiritual truth and stopped following.

In John 6:19-21; Matthew 14:22-36; Mark 6:45-56 and 17:11-19; Jesus  Walks on water.

In John 6:21; Matthew 14:28-33 and Mark 6:45-56; Jesus  calms the storm and moves the boat to shore.

Mark 6:54-56; Matthew 14:34-36 and John 6:22-71 report Jesus  returning to His home region after feeding the 5,000 men and walking on the water.  However, the account in John's Gospel includes many details and teachings not reported in other Gospel accounts.  This Gospel also reports the people of Gennesaret seeking Jesus  for healing, even while they rejected His teaching.

Please see the Detailed Notes for John 6:40 and John 6:54 for references to the doctrine of resurrection.

John 4:42; John 6:69 and John 11:27; Matthew 16:13-20; Mark 8:27-30 and Luke 9:18-27 all contain a profession of faith that Jesus  is Christ  and is The Son of God.

In John 6:45 we are told that Jesus  fulfilled a prophesy found in Isaiah 2:3; Isaiah 54:13; Jeremiah 31:33-34 and Micah 4:2.

In John 6:62; John 12:24; John 16:20 and John 16:22-23 and John 16:16; Jesus  prophesied the future results of His death, resurrection and ascension.

In John 6:64; John 6:71; John 12:4; John 13:2; John 13:11; John 13:18; John 13:21; John 18:2; John 18:5; John 21:20 and many other places, Jesus  reveals Judas as his betrayer.  Please see the detailed note for the other references

Please see the Detail Note for John 6:69 to see links where we are told that the Son of God  is Christ.

This chapter tells us about Jesus  ministering to many people in a desert place and His feeding 5, 000 men plus women and children before sending them home.  This miracle is recorded in Matthew 14:13-21 and Mark 6:31-44 and Luke 9:10 and John 6:1-14.  In addition, Matthew 16:9 and Mark 8:19 make reference to this miracle.  This miracle is also recorded in the Table of Miracles in the Gospels document.  As noted in the Chapter summary for Chapter 5, doing miracles does not prove that Jesus  was the Son of God but they did prove that He was sent by God.  His character, His Spirit, and His doctrine show that He was / is the Son of God  because they match God.  Likewise, anyone who is a true on of God  will be changed to have their character, spirit and doctrine changed to match The word of God.

After that miracle of feeding many people, Jesus  sent His disciples back across the sea while He prayed.  Then He came to them walking on water.  When the people found Him gone, the next day, they also returned to Capernaum.  When they found Jesus  there they asked how He had travelled because He did not take the road around the lake and all of the boats were accounted for.  Therefore, they knew that He had not taken a boat.  Jesus used this to tell them Verily, verily, I say unto you, Ye seek me, not because ye saw the miracles, but because ye did eat of the loaves, and were filled.  They weren't coming to Jesus  for the doctrine which He taught, nor because they believed that He was the Son of God,  but came for the free meal.

Jesus  then used that criticism to tell them that they needed to stop being lazy and be willing to work for God's kingdom.  That statement led to a discussion about how they were to work for God's kingdom and they didn't want to do what Jesus  told them to do.  In stead, they wanted God to feed them, with no effort on their part, like God fed the Jews in the wilderness with manna.  Obviously, they were only thinking about free food and ignored the lessons from their history which showed them that God killed His people who refused to stop sinning.  Living a lazy life is living a sinful life.

Once more Jesus  tried to teach them the spiritual lesson from the manna  and this was when He told them I am the bread of life  and I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.  Once more, as religious people still do today, the religious people tried to understand, in a physical way, a spiritual lesson which was taught with symbolism.  Obviously, the spiritual symbolic lesson made no sense in the physical reality and even offended.  However, instead of changing their perspective to a perspective which made sense, they stopped following Jesus.

Jesus  tried to tell them that they had to understand the lesson spiritually, but they refused and many left Him instead.  Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away?  this, of course, is when Peter answered for the twelve with: Lord, to whom shall we go?  thou hast the words of eternal life.  And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God.  Even with this answer Jesus  said Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil?

This chapter is the first of several chapters which deal with saved people living by faith  and serving God the way that God demands so that they can get the blessings from God.  In this chapter we learn that lazy people, who want to believe the 'Health and Welfare Gospel' are cut off from God's blessings.  However, the people who stick with serving God, even when they don't understand what God is doing, eventually receive that understanding and also mature spiritually.  Simply put, there are times that we must obey when we don't understand, and even when obeying goes directly against all sense, because some understanding only comes after we have the experience.  This is part of what is called living by faith.

In John 6:1-3; Matthew 14:13 and Mark 6:30-32 and Luke 9:10; Jesus  received the news of the beheading of John the Baptist and He took all of the decuples to a desert place by ship  so that they could morn in private.  However, the Jews flocked to that place and demanded that Jesus,  and His disciples minister to them.  In John 6:5-12; Matthew 14:15-21; Matthew 16:9; Mark 6:34-44; Mark 8:19 and Luke 9:12-17; Jesus  fed five thousand men with 5 loaves and 2 fish.

Then Jesus  went across the sea again for a time alone with His disciples.  (Matthew 14:23-34 and Mark 6:45-53 and John 6:15-21.)  However, the people followed Him again and that was when He rebuked them for following only to get bread.  This is when he told them I am the bread of life  and most were offended by the spiritual truth and stopped following.

In John 6:19-21; Matthew 14:22-36; Mark 6:45-56 and 17:11-19; Jesus  Walks on water.

In John 6:21; Matthew 14:28-33 and Mark 6:45-56; Jesus  calms the storm and moves the boat to shore.

Mark 6:54-56; Matthew 14:34-36 and John 6:22-71 report Jesus  returning to His home region after feeding the 5,000 men and walking on the water.  However, the account in John's Gospel includes many details and teachings not reported in other Gospel accounts.  This Gospel also reports the people of Gennesaret seeking Jesus  for healing, even while they rejected His teaching.

Please see the Detailed Notes for John 6:40 and John 6:54 for references to the doctrine of resurrection.

John 4:42; John 6:69 and John 11:27; Matthew 16:13-20; Mark 8:27-30 and Luke 9:18-27 all contain a profession of faith that Jesus  is Christ  and is The Son of God.

In John 6:45 we are told that Jesus  fulfilled a prophesy found in Isaiah 2:3; Isaiah 54:13; Jeremiah 31:33-34 and Micah 4:2.

In John 6:62; John 12:24; John 16:20 and John 16:22-23 and John 16:16; Jesus  prophesied the future results of His death, resurrection and ascension.

In John 6:64; John 6:71; John 12:4; John 13:2; John 13:11; John 13:18; John 13:21; John 18:2; John 18:5; John 21:20 and many other places, Jesus  reveals Judas as his betrayer.  Please see the detailed note for the other references

Please see the Detail Note for John 6:69 to see links where we are told that the Son of God  is Christ.

The verses in John which tell us about Jesus  dealing with devils:  they are:

  1. In John 8:48-49; John 8:52 and John 10:20-21; people accused Jesus  of using the power of devils.
  2. In John 8:44; Jesus  told the religious leaders that the devil was their spiritual father and they did the lusts of devils.
  3. In John 8:48-49; Jesus  denied having a devil
  4. In John 6:70; John 13:2 Jesus  says that Judas Iscariot has a devil.  In John 13:27 and Luke 22:3 we are told that Satan  entered him.
  5. In John 13:2 we are told The devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, to betray him.  Since Judas chose to do this, and since God does not take away our free will, Jesus  warned Judas, and the other disciples, of the consequence but did not prevent this action.  If we chose to give ourselves to the service and / or the doctrines of devils  (1Timothy 4:1), then God will not stop us.
  Please see the section on Jesus and Devils.; found in the Study called Significant Gospel Events for links to other Bible references to devils.

In John 6:70; John 13:2 Jesus  says that Judas Iscariot has a devil.  In John 13:27 and Luke 22:3 we are told that Satan  entered him.

The verses in John which tell us about Jesus  dealing with devils:  they are:

  1. In John 8:48-49; John 8:52 and John 10:20-21; people accused Jesus  of using the power of devils.
  2. In John 8:44; Jesus  told the religious leaders that the devil was their spiritual father and they did the lusts of devils.
  3. In John 8:48-49; Jesus  denied having a devil
  4. In John 6:70; John 13:2 Jesus  says that Judas Iscariot has a devil.  In John 13:27 and Luke 22:3 we are told that Satan  entered him.
  5. In John 13:2 we are told The devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, to betray him.  Since Judas chose to do this, and since God does not take away our free will, Jesus  warned Judas, and the other disciples, of the consequence but did not prevent this action.  If we chose to give ourselves to the service and / or the doctrines of devils  (1Timothy 4:1), then God will not stop us.
  Please see the section on Jesus and Devils.; found in the Study called Significant Gospel Events for links to other Bible references to devils.

In John 6:70; John 13:2 Jesus  says that Judas Iscariot has a devil.  In John 13:27 and Luke 22:3 we are told that Satan  entered him.

Below is a summary of each sentence within this chapter with a link to the note providing the detailed analysis and contextual requirements of each sentence.  These sentence summaries also show the basis for the chapter summary provided above.

  1. C6-S1 :  Start of a new account.
    1. The phrase After these things Jesus went over the sea of Galilee  means: 'Jesus  went to a different place from where He had ministered to the people'.  As explained for the other Gospel accounts, John the Baptist had his head cut off while the twelve were doing mission work.  They had to bury him and then report to Jesus.  He took them to a desert place where they could have some alone time to morn and people chased them down and refused to give them the time alone.  Jesus  ministered to them, fed them, sent them home, and then sent His disciples across the lake to another desert place.  That is what our current sentence tells us and the next few sentences tell us that these same people chased them down again and demanded that they be ministered to while refusing to consider that Jesus,  and His disciples, needed a break.
    2. The phrase which is the sea of Tiberias  means: 'This is another name for the same sea'.
  2. C6-S2 :  the type of audience that He had.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  It adds that a great multitude followed  Jesus,  but for the wrong reason.
    2. The phrase And a great multitude followed him  means: 'This tells us what happened'.
    3. The phrase because they saw his miracles which he did on them that were diseased  means: 'This tells us why'.  This reason would be fine if it led to them concluding that Jesus  was God's Christ.  However, as we read later, the followed only to get things with not effort.  They were lazy people looking for a free meal and didn't care who gave it to them.
  3. C6-S3Jesus  taught His disciples.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  .
    2. The phrase And Jesus went up into a mountain  means: 'This was where Jesus  went so that He could speak and everyone hear Him'.
    3. The phrase and there he sat with his disciples  means: 'In the Jewish culture, the teacher sat and the students stood'.
  4. C6-S4 :  the time of this account.  Our sentence says, And the passover, a feast of the Jews, was nigh.  This means that it was Spring.
  5. C6-S5Jesus  used the multitudes to teach a lesson to His disciples.  Please see the Table Of Miracles in the Gospels for references to other miracles done by Jesus.
    1. The phrase When Jesus then lifted up his eyes, and saw a great company come unto him  means: 'According to the other accounts, this was at the end of the day and after Jesus  had been teaching all day'.
    2. The phrase he saith unto Philip  means: 'Jesus  chose to address this question to Philip, but it actually was for all of His disciples'.
    3. The phrase Whence shall we buy bread, that these may eat?  means: 'This was the need.  Jesus  knew that He would fulfill the need but He first made His disciples that they could not fulfill the need.  The lesson for all of us is that God can do things through us that we can not do on our own if we have true faith in Him and acknowledge our own inadequacy and obey whatever He commands us to do'.
  6. C6-S6 :  this was a test for the disciples.  Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Our sentence adds why Jesus  asked the prior question to His disciples.  Our sentence says, And this he said to prove him: for he himself knew what he would do.
  7. C6-S7 :  the answer from Philip.
    1. The phrase Philip answered him  means: 'Philip answered because Jesus  had directed the question to him'.  In any class, there are always some who want to always answer and some who try to hide and avoid answering.  Jesus,  is a good teacher, made sure that every disciple participated and had to answer some of the hard questions.
    2. The phrase Two hundred pennyworth of bread is not sufficient for them  means: 'This amount is the average wage of a common worker for two hundred days'.
    3. The phrase that every one of them may take a little  means: 'This indicates the size of the crowd'.
  8. C6-S8 :  the answer fRomansrew.
    1. The phrase One of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter's brother  means: 'Every time that we read about Andrew, he is bringing someone to Jesus.  He did not have the ability to be a leader but he did what he could with what he ad'.
    2. The phrase saith unto him  means: 'Andrew said this to Jesus'.  Here we see his admittance of inadequacy.  This is an important step to getting God to work in and though or lives.
    3. The phrase There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes  means: 'This is what was available'.  This is the basis of the song Little is Much When God Is In It.
    4. The phrase but what are they among so many?  means: 'This s the admittance of flesh not being able to provide and not even understanding how God will provide'.
  9. C6-S9 :  the start of the lesson.  Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Our sentence adds what Jesus  did after the little was given to Him.  Our sentence says, And Jesus said, Make the men sit down.  This means: 'Jesus  made sure that things were done orderly'.
  10. C6-S10 :  this sentence tells us the conditions for the lesson.  Our sentence says, Now there was much grass in the place  means: 'The people had a comfortable place to sit'
  11. C6-S11 :  the numbers for the lesson.  Our sentence says, So the men sat down, in number about five thousand.  This was a common way of counting people at the time.  When we include the probable number of women and children, it is believable that there were about fifteen thousand people in total.
  12. C6-S12 :  the action of the lesson.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Our sentence is adding what Jesus  did after the people sat down.
    2. The phrase And Jesus tok the loaves  means: 'He held what He thanked God the Father for'.
    3. The phrase and when he had given thanks  means: 'It is always imperative that we acknowledge God's provision and thank Him for it especially when our flesh tells us that the provision is inadequate'.
    4. The phrase he distributed to the disciples  means: 'Jesus  gave what He had to the disciples'.  There were more disciples than fish and loaves of read.  Therefore, Jesus  either broke what was available into small pieces and they were expanded when the disciples distributed them or Jesus  expanded the numbers even as He gave them to the disciples.  We are not told those details.
    5. The phrase and the disciples to them that were set down  means: 'The disciples distributed to the many people siting there'.
    6. The phrase and likewise of the fishes as much as they would  means: 'Everyone had as much to eat as they wanted'.
  13. C6-S13 :  the end of the lesson.
    1. The phrase When they were filled  means: 'After everyone had all that they wanted to eat'.
    2. The phrase he said unto his disciples  means: 'This was the command from Jesus'.
    3. The phrase Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost  means: 'We are to not be wasteful with God's provision'.
  14. C6-S14 :  the physical result of the lesson.
    1. The phrase Therefore they gathered them together  means: 'The disciples gathered the remains'.
    2. The phrase and filled twelve baskets with the fragments of the five barley loaves, which remained over and above unto them that had eaten  means: 'Obviously, this was more than the boy could carry home'.  One preacher said: imagine the mother giving her active boy a lunch and sending him out so that she had a peaceful day.  Then, when it got late, she would have started to worry because she was wondering where her son was.  Then he came in with twelve men carrying the baskets of left overs and old his mom 'You can't guess what happened to me today'.
  15. C6-S15 :  the spiritual result of the lesson.
    1. The phrase Then those men  means: 'This is he five thousand who were fed'.
    2. The phrase when they had seen the miracle that Jesus did, said  means: 'This is their initial reaction.  It is what they figured out'.
    3. The phrase This is of a truth that prophet that should come into the world  means: 'This is a reference to the writing of Moses that a prophet would come whom they were to obey'.  Some of the Jewish religious leaders claim that that prophet  as also God's Christ.  Others disagreed.  What these men figured out was true.  What they trued to do as a result was wrong.
  16. C6-S16 :  the reaction due to the lesson.
    1. The phrase When Jesus therefore perceived that they would come and take him by force  means: 'They were going to insist that things be done their way and use violence, if necessary, to accomplish their goal'.  God rarely approves our getting violent, especially in the New Testament.
    2. The phrase to make him a king  means: 'Notice that this is a lower-case king.  They wanted to make Him a type of king  that they could argue with and refuse to obey.  God wants us to accept Jesus  as our spiritual King  Whom we must obey completely and with no arguments'.
    3. The phrase he departed again into a mountain himself alone  means: 'Jesus  refused the lesser position'.
  17. C6-S17 :  the action by the disciples after the lesson.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Our sentence tells us the next event in this incident.
    2. The phrase And when even was now come  means: 'This was when this event started'.
    3. The phrase his disciples went down unto the sea  means: 'Mark 6:45 tells us that Jesus  constrained his disciples to get into the ship.  They had just seen a miracle of Jesus  providing.  Next comes the test'.
    4. The phrase and went over the sea toward Capernaum  means: 'They had to cross the sea'.
  18. C6-S18 :  Further circumstances of the incident.  Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Our sentence says, And it was now dark, and Jesus was not come to them.
  19. C6-S19 :  Further circumstances of the incident.  Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Our sentence says, And the sea arose by reason of a great wind that blew.  Other Gospel accounts let us know that the storm was so great that they were afraid of sinking.
  20. C6-S20 :  the action of the follow-up lesson.
    1. The phrase So when they had rowed about five and twenty or thirty furlongs  means: 'They had been fighting a long time and were worn out'.  Please see the Table Of Miracles in the Gospels for references to other miracles done by Jesus.
    2. The phrase they see Jesus walking on the sea, and drawing nigh unto the ship  means: 'Other Gospel accounts tell us that they thought they saw a ghost and that Jesus  acted like He would pas by them'.  When the saved are struggling, quite often Jesus  is close by but they don't realize it and miss out on available help.  Remember, they just aw Jesus  provide for the multitude and now they needed Him to provide for them.
    3. The phrase and they were afraid  means: 'They were afraid because they did not recognize Jesus  and thought He was a devil'.
  21. C6-S21 :  the instruction of the follow-up lesson.  The word But  means that this sentence is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.  Our sentence says, But he saith unto them, It is I; be not afraid.  While thy were naturally filled with fear, Jesus  told them to not be afraid.  Likewise, when we are in fearful conditions, we need to keep our eyes on Jesus  and hold unto our faith that He has everything in control.
  22. C6-S22 :  the reaction by the disciples to the follow-up lesson.  Please see the Table Of Miracles in the Gospels for references to other miracles done by Jesus.
    1. The phrase Then they willingly received him into the ship  means: 'They were glad to receive Jesus  when He solved their problem'.  When there is a disaster, many people go to church, for a little while.  But, the lost and carnal soon quit when things seem to be safe.  The truly Godly remain faithful regardless of circumstances.
    2. The phrase and immediately the ship was at the land whither they went  means: 'The test was over.  So, Jesus  ended the circumstances of the test and they went to the place of the next incident'.
  23. C6-S23 :  the reaction by the multitude at being left behind.
    1. The phrase The day following, when the people which stood on the other side of the sea saw that there was none other boat there  means: 'These people wee in Capernaum, where Jesus  and His disciples landed'.
    2. The phrase save that one where into his disciples were entered, and that Jesus went not with his disciples into the boat, but that his disciples were gone away alone  means: 'They knew that the disciples had crossed the sea in that boat, and believed that Jesus  had not been in the boat, yet He was on their side of the sea'.  They could not figure how He arrived on the side of the sea.
    3. The word Howbeit  is defined as: 'adv. how, be, and it. Be it as it may; nevertheless; notwithstanding; yet; but; however'.
    4. The phrase (Howbeit there came other boats from Tiberias nigh unto the place where they did eat bread, after that the Lord had given thanks)  means: 'These other boats came from other places on the sea and went to where Jesus  fed the multitude'.  Thus, there were more people wanting a free meal even thought they skipped the doctrinal lessons from Jesus.  This is like church having a banquet after a church service and a bunch of people skipping the service but wanting to participate in the banquet.
    5. The phrase When the people therefore saw that Jesus was not there, neither his disciples  means: 'They found our that Jesus  and His disciples left where the prior free meal was given'.
    6. The phrase they also took shipping, and came to Capernaum, seeking for Jesus  means: 'They went where Jesus  had gone seeking another free meal'.  Please see the notethat, at this time, Jesus  and His disciples were seeking some time alone to morn the murder of John the Baptist.  But these people didn't care.  All that they cared about was being fed for free.
  24. C6-S24 :  the questions from others because of the follow-up lesson.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Our sentence adds their reaction to what these people found.
    2. The phrase And when they had found him on the other side of the sea  means: 'This is where they found Jesus  after searching for Him'.  Remember that He had already ministered to them when they had selfishly imposed upon His seeking a time of solitude to morn.  After He had ministered, He told the go away and He sought another place for solitude.  And, these brought friends to impose on Him.
    3. The phrase they said unto him  means: 'This was their first concern when they found Jesus  and imposed on His solitude again'.
    4. The phrase Rabbi  means: 'Teacher, not God in human flesh and not even prophet'.  This was actually an insult because they believed they could use Jesus  and have nor responsibility related to what He provided.  And, churches are full of people with similar attitudes.
    5. The phrase when camest thou hither?  means: 'They were concerned with His leaving and ignored that He had told them to go away'.
  25. C6-S25 :  the start of a new spiritual lesson.
    1. The phrase Jesus answered them and said  means: 'Jesus  is now bluntly telling them that they have the wrong motive'.  They wee not listening to the lessons.  Therefore, Jesus  was wasting His time ministering to them.  He told them what to do but n longer fed them nor did miracles for them.
    2. The phrase Verily, verily, I say unto you  means: 'This has been verified twice and will be used when God judges these people and others who act like them'.
    3. The phrase Ye seek me  means: 'Each and every one of them did the right thing in seeking Jesus'.
    4. The phrase not because ye saw the miracles, but because ye did eat of the loaves, and were filled  means: 'But, they sought Him for the wrong reason and refused to correct their attitude when He taught them their error'.
  26. C6-S26 :  Here, Jesus  tells them, and us, how to correct our attitude.  Please see the Messages called Labourers for the Harvest-1 and Labourers for the Harvest-2 related to this sentence.  Please make a special effort to see the Message called Labor for Everlasting Life; which is based upon this sentence and the next couple of sentences.
    1. The phrase Labour not for the meat which perisheth  means: 'Don't work for things of this world'.
    2. The phrase but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life  means: 'We are commanded to labor for everlasting rewards in Heaven'.
    3. The phrase which the Son of man shall give unto you  means: 'Only Jesus,  as The Son of man,  can give us everlasting rewards in Heaven and He only does that for people who obey His commands'.
    4. The phrase for him hath God the Father sealed  means: 'Jesus  has the legal seal  from God the Father which makes Him the official legal representative of God the Father.  Only Jesus  can get us rewards which are only given at the judgment seat of Christ'.
  27. C6-S27 :  First question about the new lesson.
    1. The phrase Then said they unto him  means: 'This was their response'.
    2. The phrase What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?  means: 'They wanted to be able to do miracles'.  They were thinking about how they could misuse the power and fulfill the lusts of their flesh.  They were not thinking about the responsibility that went with the power.  They saw the power that Jesus  had but did not understand His suffering.  Nor did they know of the requirement for Him to be crucified and sent to Hell for our sins.  Lots of people only look at one side of things and are shocked when they also receive he other side of what thy seek.  As the saying goes: 'Be careful what you ask for because you may get it'.
  28. C6-S28 :  Spiritual answer to question.
    1. The phrase Jesus answered and said unto them  means: 'Jesus  answered what they wanted with the truth that they didn't want'.
    2. The phrase This is the work of God  means: 'Here is how we truly participate in The work of God'.
    3. The phrase that ye believe on him whom he hath sent  means: 'We don't decide what God does but we must believe that Jesus  will do what God wants done if we make our life available for God to use'.  We don't decide what is done, we just submit to the will of God and serve however He decides to use us.
  29. C6-S29 :  A stupid demand.
    1. The phrase They said therefore unto him  means: 'They made a demand that Jesus  do what He already did only this time that He do it at their demand, which would show that He submitted to them'.
    2. The phrase What sign shewest thou then  means: 'The Jews used the word sign  for a visible miracle.  The people making this demand were the ones who ate the bread and fish which Jesus  had miraculously multiplied'.
    3. The phrase that we may see, and believe thee?  means: 'They were saying that they refused to believe in spite of the evidence that Jesus  had already given to them personally'.
  30. C6-S30 :  this sentence is a second stupid demand.  Or sentence says, what dost thou work?.  They were wanting to be lazy and refuse to work even while they demanded that Jesus  work and provide for all of their fleshly needs and desires.  And, there are many people today who have the same attitude.
  31. C6-S31 :  Proof of laziness.
    1. The phrase Our fathers did eat manna in the desert  means: 'This is a truth that they are taking out of context'.  This is the type of reasoning that devils teach.
    2. The phrase as it is written  means: 'Please see the detailed note for those Bible references'.
    3. The phrase He gave them bread from heaven to eat  means: 'God did this while He marched the entire nation through the desert for forty years and killed the Jews every time that they refused to believe God or sinned some other way'.  God provided for them during their punishment.  These Jews demanded the provision while ignoring the punishment.  They demanded that God rewarded them for being lazy and God never rewards laziness.
  32. C6-S32 :  the truth about their example.
    1. The phrase Then Jesus said unto them  means: 'This is the answer from Jesus  to their perverting the lesson from their history'.
    2. The phrase Verily, verily, I say unto you  means: 'This has been verified twice and will be used when God judges these people and others who act like them'.
    3. The phrase Moses gave you not that bread from heaven  means: 'God gave the manna and we can not demand that God fulfill our lusts of the flesh when we are being lazy and refusing to serve God'.
    4. The phrase but my Father giveth you the true bread from heaven  means: 'God was offering the Jews something better than the manna that He gave to their fathers'.
  33. C6-S33 :  Why God gave that example.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word For,  which means that it is giving us a reason why the prior sentence is true.
    2. The phrase For the bread of God is he which cometh down from heaven  means: 'Pay attention to the phrase is he.  This is the set-up for the lesson started in two sentences where Jesus  says, I am the bread of life'.
    3. The phrase and giveth life unto the world  means: 'Jesus  giveth life unto the world  but it requires us accepting His changing our attitudes and actions'.
  34. C6-S34 :  Request based upon misunderstanding.
    1. The phrase Then said they unto him  means: 'This was their response because they sill did not understand what Jesus  was truly saying to them'.
    2. The phrase Lord  means: 'Now they are ready to call Him Lord,  so long as He does what they want'.
    3. The phrase evermore give us this bread  means: 'They want to be fed for the rest of their life while they lay around as lazy people'.  They are still not willing to work for God.
  35. C6-S35 :  True spiritual meaning of God's example.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  In this sentence, Jesus  adds the spiritual truth that they have been refusing to understand and accept.
    2. The phrase And Jesus said unto them  means: 'Jesus  told them the spiritual truth'.
    3. The phrase I am the bread of life  means: 'This phrase must be understood symbolically, which means that the context is very important to properly understanding the symbolism.  People make the mistake of thinking that symbolism has the same meaning everywhere.  However symbolic meaning of words an vary within The word of God  and the true meaning is determined by the context'.  Pay attention to the phrase I am.  It has a special meaning in The word of God  and to the Jews.  It is a claim to be God.  Bread is the basic food for life.  What we eat gets broken down by our digestion and is used to repair and replace the cells in or body.  It is literally true that 'you are what you eat'.  Thus, when Jesus  said, I am the bread of life,  He was saying that your physical body is to be constructed from what Jesus  provides.  That is, we are to allow Jesus  to tell us how to live in this physical world.  We are to follow the example that Jesus  gave us while He was living in this world.  Please see the Doctrinal Study called What Did Jesus Do? for links to where the Gospel accounts tell us how Jesus  dealt with different circumstances while He was here as our example.
    4. The phrase he that cometh to me shall never hunger  means: 'This is also symbolic.  We hunger  when our body needs food to repair and replace the cells of our body.  This is symbolically saying that so long as we are following the example of Jesus,  we will know how to deal with the circumstances of life'.
    5. The phrase and he that believeth on me shall never thirst  means: 'The word believeth  is a lifestyle belief.  It is not a one-time belief.  In addition, the word thirst  speaks of a physical need for liquid and liquid is used, symbolically, to represent God's Holy Ghost.  Water is the most basic requirement of life.  The only thing which will kill you faster than a lack of water is a lack of air.  Now, during the 'Church Age', the truly saved receive God's Holy Ghost  to indwell them and guide them.  That is symbolically represented by having our thirst  taken care of.  And, the first chapter of this Gospel told us that Jesus  is God's word  made flesh.  Therefore, The word of God  is our God-given picture of Jesus.  So, the phrase, he that believeth on Jesus  tells us that this person will always have God's Holy Ghost  and The word of God  to provide for the basic need of guidance in living this life.  Jesus  shows us how to live spiritually in order to get the blessings of God in this life and in Heaven for eternity.  He also shows us how to live in our flesh in order to receive the same results'.
  36. C6-S36 :  their displayed reaction to truth.
    1. The word But  means that this sentence is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.
    2. The phrase But I said unto you  means: 'Jesus  is telling them that they have not done what He told them to do, even if they think that they have done so'.
    3. The phrase That ye also have seen me, and believe not  means: 'Jesus  lived an example in front of them and they did not follow His example.  Therefore, they did not believe  God's requirement for us to follow the example of Jesus'.
  37. C6-S37 :  the promise of everlasting salvation.
    1. The phrase All that the Father giveth me shall come to me  means: 'The truly saved will come to Jesus  and follow His example'.  This interpretation is required by the context.  Please read the note for the second prior sentence if you doubt this truth.
    2. The phrase and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out  means: 'Our following Jesus  does not make us saved but gives us the assurance of true salvation'.  Many people doubt their true salvation and it is because they deceived themselves or they are not truly following Jesus.
  38. C6-S38Jesus  is our example of His statement of: For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it  ().  We save our life  by doing our own will instead of doing God's will for our life.  We lose our life for my (Jesus)  sake  by doing God's will for our life instead of doing our own will.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word For,  which means that it is giving us a reason why the prior sentence is true.  Our sentence explains why we are offered everlasting salvation.  We must truly follow the example of Jesus  if we are to be truly saved.  Our obedience does not provide salvation but is an absolute result of true salvation.
    2. The phrase For I came down from heaven  means: 'Jesus  came into this physical life to do the will of God the Father'.
    3. The phrase not to do mine own will  means: 'He never did what He wanted but always sought the will of God the Father for all tat He did in this life'.
    4. The phrase but the will of him that sent me  means: 'God the Father sent Jesus  to do His will and to deliver His message of true spiritual salvation'.
  39. C6-S39 :  God the Father's plan.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  It is adding the assurance that everlasting salvation, and resurrection, are the will of God the Father.
    2. The phrase And this is the Father's will which hath sent me  means: 'This is the plan of God the Father'.
    3. The phrase that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing  means: 'Jesus  provides a salvation which can not be lost because it is backed by His power and by the power of God the Father'.
    4. The phrase but should raise it up again at the last day  means: 'All truly saved will be raised with a new incorruptible body'.  The phrase last day  (singular) has a different meaning than the phrase last days  (plural).  The phrase last day  (singular) means at the time of the great white throne judgment.  Many saved will receive their new body, and resurrection, before that time but those saved people were faithful in their service to Jesus  while they were in this life.  The saved who were not faithful, and spent their time in outer darkness,  are not promised resurrection before The last day.
    5. Please see John 6:39 about the phrase last day.
  40. C6-S40 :  God the Father's procedure.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  This sentence adds an explanation of The will of God  to the prior sentence.
    2. The phrase And this is the will of him that sent me  means: 'This is the will of God the Father'.
    3. The phrase that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him  means: 'This means see The Son  spiritually and has a lifestyle belief that He is God in human flesh and can give us these promises'.
    4. The phrase may have everlasting life  means: 'This is the first promise to those who truly fulfill the requirement of this sentence'.
    5. The phrase and I will raise him up at the last day  means: 'This is the second promise to those who truly fulfill the requirement of this sentence'.
  41. C6-S41 :  the reaction by religious lost.
    1. The phrase The Jews then murmured at him  means: 'They complained among themselves because they did not understand the true spiritual meaning and when understood physically, it was wrong'.
    2. The phrase because he said  means: 'They were upset with what Jesus  said'.
    3. The phrase I am the bread which came down from heaven  means: 'This is what Jesus  said which upset them because they misunderstood what He said'.
  42. C6-S42 :  the argument by religious lost.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Our sentence adds their wrong reasoning which led them to a wrong conclusion.
    2. The phrase And they said  means: 'This was their reasoning'.
    3. The phrase Is not this Jesus  means: 'This much was true'.
    4. The phrase The son of Joseph  means: 'This was wrong.  The physical father of Jesus  was God's Holy Ghost'.
    5. The phrase whose father and mother we know?  means: 'This was also wrong because they did not know God, Who was the true Father of Jesus'.
  43. C6-S43 :  the question by religious lost because they misunderstood Who Jesus  truly was.  Our sentence says, how is it then that he saith, I came down from heaven?.
  44. C6-S44 :  Instruction from Jesus.
    1. The phrase Jesus therefore answered and said unto them  means: 'Jesus  corrected their thinking'.
    2. The phrase Murmur not among yourselves  means: 'Stop seeking the answer from the wrong source'.
  45. C6-S45 :  the work of God.
    1. The phrase No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him  means: 'We do not seek God but God seeks us'.  This proves one false doctrine to be wrong.  Preachers claim: 'You can come to God anytime'.  As a result, people plan on asking God for salvation with their last breath after living a life of sin.  Genesis 6:3 says, And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man.  Also, 2Corinthians 6:2 says, behold, now is the day of salvation.  The truth is that we are promised one chance for salvation and, while God often gives more than one chance, it is not guaranteed.
    2. The phrase and I will raise him up at the last day  means: 'All truly saved will be resurrected at some time.  Some will be resurrected before others but, if not before, all will be resurrected at this time'.  Please see John 6:39 about the phrase last day.
  46. C6-S46 :  Scriptural reference.
    1. The phrase It is written in the prophets  means: 'God provided this message in writing so that it would not be lost and s that we could verify it'.
    2. The phrase they shall be all taught of God  is part of the new Covenant.  We also read about it in: Jeremiah 31:31-34; Hosea 2:23 and Zechariah 8:8 and Ezekiel 11:19; Ezekiel 36:26-27.  Please also see the Detailed Note for further references to this truth.
  47. C6-S47 :  Results of obeying God and scripture.
    1. The phrase Every man therefore that hath heard  means: 'This requires spiritual hearing in order to receive the spiritual meaning'.
    2. The phrase and hath learned of the Father  means: 'This is also required.  Spiritual babies do not necessarily do this'.
    3. The phrase cometh unto me  means: 'Such people come to Jesus  not only for salvation but also for sanctification and spiritual growth'.
  48. C6-S48 :  Authority of Jesus.
    1. The phrase Not that any man hath seen the Father  means: 'The only way that men know about God the Father is indirectly.  Our phrase is telling us that no man has had direct experience with God since Adam was kicked out of the Garden.  And, Adam is not included because he was not alive at the time that Jesus  said this'.
    2. The phrase save he which is of God  means: 'The word of  means belongs to.  Jesus  belonged to God the Father in a special way as His only begotten Son.  Thus, He has a unique relationship with God the Father'.
    3. The phrase he hath seen the Father  means: 'Jesus  hath seen the Father'.  Jesus  knows God the Father in a unique way.  Some things are only learned by experience.  Since no man has had the experience that Jesus  had, no man knew God like Jesus  did.
  49. C6-S49 :  A promise of true salvation.
    1. The phrase Verily, verily, I say unto you  means: 'This has been verified twice and will be used when God judges these people and others who act like them'.
    2. The phrase He that believeth on me hath everlasting life  means: 'This is a lifestyle believing.  In addition, the word hath  is a never ending having.  Finally, everlasting life  is spiritual life that never ends.  The promise of resurrection applies to our physical life'.
  50. C6-S50 :  Our sentence says, I am that bread of life.  Please see the detailed Note about the doctrine of this sentence.
  51. C6-S51 :  the problem with their belief.  While this sentence can be interpreted physically, it also has a spiritual interpretation
    1. The phrase Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness  means: 'This is a reference to the Jewish history'.
    2. The phrase and are dead  means: 'Those Jews all died physically.  However, most of that generation refused to believe God and also died spiritually, which means they went to Hell'.  Since most of the context of this sentence must be understood spiritually, the reader is strongly encouraged to accept the spiritual interpretation along with the physical interpretation.
  52. C6-S52 :  the result of true belief.  It should be obvious that this sentence must be interpreted spiritually.
    1. The phrase This is the bread which cometh down from heaven  means: 'Jesus  is the bread which cometh down from heaven  and our context made that interpretation literally true and does not allow for any other interpretation'.
    2. The phrase that a man may eat thereof  means: 'The symbolic meaning of this phrase is that Jesus  takes over how we live in the flesh'.  This was already explained in the note for C6-S35.  Our phrase is a second statement of this truth, which means that it is part of God's law and God will use it to judge us.
    3. The phrase and not die  means: 'This is speaking about having everlasting spiritual life'.  Again, this phrase is a second statement of the truth said in C6-S49.  Therefore, it is part of God's law and a reliable promise.  The note for the prior sentence explains the doctrine.
  53. C6-S53 :  the spiritual explanation.
    1. The phrase I am the living bread which came down from heaven  means: 'Jesus  is literally what came down from heaven  to show us how to live in the flesh and please God'.  Just as physical bread is used by our body to repair and replace cells in our body, so also is Jesus  supposed to replace the sinful desires of our flesh by letting Him replace how we make very decision of how to live in the flesh.  He came down from heaven  to show us how to live in the flesh.
    2. The phrase if any man eat of this bread  means: 'If we let Jesus  take over how we live in our flesh.  That is, let Him control everything that we do and how we do it and when we do it and why we do it.  This is how we get His righteousness into our life'.
    3. The phrase he shall live for ever  means: 'This is the promise and, those people who fulfill the prior phrase, will get their new resurrected body before Jesus Christ  returns to rule this world for 1,000 years'.
    4. The phrase and the bread that I will give is my flesh  means: 'The example of how we are to live is how Jesus  lived in His flesh'.  Please see the Doctrinal Study called What Did Jesus Do? for links to where the Gospel accounts tell us how Jesus  dealt with different circumstances while He was here as our example.
    5. The phrase which I will give for the life of the world  means: 'He gave His physical life as an example to us'.
  54. C6-S54 :  the confusion from trying to understand the spiritual from a physical perspective.
    1. The phrase The Jews therefore strove among themselves, saying  means: 'They argued between themselves for understanding'.  however, none of them had the true spiritual understanding.  Therefore, all of them together could only reach a wrong conclusion.
    2. The phrase How can this man give us his flesh to eat?  means: 'This was their question because they were only thinking in the physical reality and not understanding the symbolic spiritual meaning'.
  55. C6-S55 :  Another spiritual explanation.
    1. The phrase Then Jesus said unto them  means: 'Jesus  said this in response to the reaction by the Jew'.
    2. The phrase Verily, verily, I say unto you  means: 'This has been verified twice and will be used when God judges these people and others who act like them'.
    3. The phrase Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you  means: 'Unless each and every one of you do what is spiritually and symbolically meant by these phrases, you will not have spiritual life in you'.  People claim that we are saved if we make a profession and never have any change in our life.  This sentence is telling us that unless we have a God caused change, which is symbolically represented by eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood,  you are not saved.
    4. The phrase and drink his blood  means: 'Receive the spiritual life from Jesus  so that your spirit becomes like His'.  In the Bible, we are told The life of the flesh is in the blood  in several places.  When we symbolically drink his blood,  we are accepting His spiritual life as our spiritual life and agreeing to follow His Spirit.
  56. C6-S56 :  A spiritual promise.
    1. The phrase Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood  means: 'These phrases must be understood spiritually and symbolically'.  These phrases have been explained in prior notes for this chapter starting with the note for C6-S53.
    2. The phrase hath eternal life  means: 'The word life  is used eleven times in this chapter but the phrase eternal life  is used only twice.  In our sentence is speaking about the eternal life  of Jesus  and we have it when we have a never ending personal relationship with Him'.
    3. The phrase and I will raise him up at the last day  means: 'All truly saved will be resurrected at some time.  Some will be resurrected before others but, if not before, all will be resurrected at this time'.  Please see John 6:39 about the phrase last day.
  57. C6-S57 :  the symbolic meaning that is required for the prior sentence to be true.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word For,  which means that it is giving us a reason why the prior sentence is true.  It is telling us why the symbolic meaning of this sentence gives us the relationship spoken of in the prior sentence.
    2. The phrase For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed  means: 'The way that Jesus  lived in the flesh is to show us how to live in the flesh and His Spirit  sows us what our spiritual life is to be like'.  If we refuse these two parts of our relationship with Him, then our chapter tells us that we do not have an ongoing relationship with Him.
  58. C6-S58 :  Results of spiritual obedience.
    1. The phrase He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood  means: 'If we do what has been explained as the symbolic spiritual meanings of these phrases, then the next phrase will be true.  If we do not fulfill these requirements, then we will not dwelleth in Jesus  even if we are saved'.
    2. The phrase dwelleth in me, and I in him  means: 'The phrase dwelleth  means an ongoing living in this relationship'.  Preachers like to bang a pulpit and claim 'I know that I know that I know that I know that I know that I know that that I am saved' and claim that that action gives us the assurance of salvation.  That is a religious lie.  When we study all forms of the word assure,  we find that our true assurance only comes from Jesus  in our ongoing personal relationship wit Him.  He will not leave us but we can leave Him.  If we do that then we do not dwelleth in Jesus  and we can lose our assurance even though we can not lose our salvation.  In order to get our assurance back, we need to do the true symbolic meaning of our sentence.
  59. C6-S59 :  Physical results of spiritual obedience.
    1. The phrase As the living Father hath sent me  means: 'In the same way as God the Father sent the Son of God to be His messenger'.
    2. The phrase and I live by the Father  means: 'And, as the Son of God lived and did miracles using the power of God the Father'.
    3. The phrase so he that eateth me  means: 'This sentence is explaining the symbolic meaning of this phrase'.
    4. The phrase even he shall live by me  means: 'The symbolic meaning of the phrase is that such saved people will live their life dependent upon the power and direction from Jesus  which requires our doing our part to maintain the ongoing personal relationship'.
  60. C6-S60 :  Difference between the type and the spiritual reality.
    1. The phrase This is that bread which came down from heaven  means: 'Jesus  did not fall from the skies like manna did but was born physically to show us how to live to please God'.
    2. The phrase not as your fathers did eat manna, and are dead  means: 'As explained in the note for C6-S51; there is a physical and a spiritual interpretation of this phrase'.
    3. The phrase he that eateth of this bread shall live for ever  means: 'Our letting Jesus  control how we live in the flesh assures us of our everlasting salvation'.
  61. C6-S61 :  where this lesson was taught.  Our sentence says, These things said he in the synagogue, as he taught in Capernaum.
  62. C6-S62 :  the reaction by religious people.
    1. The phrase Many therefore of his disciples  means: 'This is who responded to tis doctrine'.
    2. The phrase when they had heard this, said  means: 'This is when they reacted'.
    3. The phrase This is an hard saying; who can hear it?  means: 'in this phrase, the word her  is used for hear with understanding.  Our phrase is saying that they found this doctrine very hard to understand'.
  63. C6-S63 :  Resulting question from Jesus.
    1. The phrase When Jesus knew in himself that his disciples murmured at it  means: 'This is when Jesus  challenged them'.
    2. The phrase he said unto them, Doth this offend you?  means: 'First, He asked them to consider their reaction'.
  64. C6-S64Jesus  asks an additional question.  Our sentence says, What and if ye shall see the Son of man ascend up where he was before?.  Here He is asking the about His return to Heaven and they had not yet accepted that He came from Heaven.  Therefore, His return had not been considered at all.  And, Jesus  is trying to get them to think about spiritual things which they had never considered before.
  65. C6-S65 :  Explanation of the basic truth.
    1. The phrase It is the spirit that quickeneth  means: 'Our sprit makes us spiritually alive (quickeneth)  when we accept true spiritual life from Jesus.  This is not just our initial salvation because the word quickeneth  is speaking of an ongoing spiritual growth.  And, we must accept additional spiritual life from Jesus  in order to continue to grow spiritually'.
    2. The phrase The flesh profiteth nothing  means: 'All considerations of the desires of the flesh work against our spiritual growth'.
    3. The phrase The words that I speak unto you  means: 'These are found in the true word of God'.
    4. The phrase they are spirit, and they are life  means: 'The true word of God  gives us spiritual growth and spiritual life'.
  66. C6-S66 :  Our sentence says, But there are some of you that believe not.  Those people who did not believe did not receive true spiritual life.
  67. C6-S67 :  Why the observation.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word For,  which means that it is giving us a reason why the prior sentence is true.  It explains why Jesus  said what He did in the prior sentence.  Our sentence tells about two different categories of people.
    2. The phrase For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not  means: 'These were the common lost Jews'.
    3. The phrase and who should betray him  means: 'This speaks of Judas Iscariot'.
  68. C6-S68 :  the basis of the observation.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  This sentence adds an explanation for the prior doctrine.
    2. The phrase And he said  means: 'Jesus  added this saying'.
    3. The phrase Therefore said I unto you  means: ''.  Because there were some of you that believe notJesus  gave this warning.  When we reject an opportunity to come to Jesus,  God the Father might not give us another chance to do so.
    4. The phrase that no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father  means: 'God the Father decides if, and how many, chances a person has to come to Jesus'.
  69. C6-S69 :  the reaction of unbelievers.
    1. The phrase From that time many of his disciples went back  means: 'These left because they could not handle meat doctrine and they refused to grow up enough in order to do so.  They were not willing o believe what they did not understand even though they knew that it came from God'.
    2. The phrase and walked no more with him  means: 'We must believe what Jesus  tells us if we are going to walk with Him'.
  70. C6-S70 :  A challenge to the twelve.
    1. The phrase Then said Jesus unto the twelve  means: 'This question was specifically directed towards them'.
    2. The phrase Will ye also go away?  means: 'Yes, Jesus  knew how they would respond but He needed the to get the decision firmly in their heart so that Satan couldn't make them wonder when things became difficult'.
  71. C6-S71 :  Peter answered the question for all of them.  Our sentence says, Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go?.
  72. C6-S72 :  His observed truth.  Our sentence says, thou hast the words of eternal life.  This shows us the true attitude of faith.  Even when what God says makes no sense to us, we are to accept what God says and wait for God to give us understanding.
  73. C6-S73 :  Additional belief.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Peter adds another reason why the twelve stayed.
    2. The phrase And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ  means: 'They were sure that Jesus  came to fulfill the promises of God'.
    3. The phrase The Son of the living God  means: 'They were also sure that He was God in human flesh.  Therefore, whatever He said must be true even if they did not understand it'.
  74. C6-S74 :  Conclusion from Jesus.
    1. The phrase Jesus answered them  means: 'This is the answer to the profession of faith'.  Even though Peter spoke for all, Judas did not have the same type of faith.
    2. The phrase Have not I chosen you twelve  means: 'Remember that Jesus  prayed all night before choosing the twelve that God the Father told Him to choose.  God the Father told Jesus  to choose Judas so that prophecy would be fulfilled.  God did not force Judas to betray Jesus.  God only chose someone who would refuse to have full faith and would accept the temptation from Satan'.
    3. The phrase and one of you is a devil?  means: 'Satan was already influencing Judas'.  Playing with sin is far more dangerous than most people realize.
  75. C6-S75 :  Explanation of conclusion.
    1. The phrase He spake of Judas Iscariot the son of Simon  means: 'John identifies whom Jesus  called a devil'.
    2. The phrase for he it was that should betray him  means: 'This is why Jesus  called him a devil'.
    3. The phrase being one of the twelve  means: 'This was the position that Judas had when he betrayed Jesus'.
Chapter 7 Summary:

The Difference Between Spirit Led Religion and Fleshly Religion.

in this chapter we see Jesus  dealing with various lost religious people who refused to believe His message in spite of His miracles and other signs.  They refused to believe that He was the messenger of God.  First His physical family said to Him Depart hence, and go into Judaea, that thy disciples also may see the works that thou doest.  They obviously knew of His miracles and yet, neither did his brethren believe in him.  Then we read that Jesus  went to Jerusalem, in spite of the fact that The Jews sought to kill him.  We read that God the Father protected Him in spite of the fact that they sought to take him.

in this chapter we read that His main defense was My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me.  Thus, we see that we are to not make ourselves to be the authority but to always point to God as our authority no matter what the world threatens, or actually does, to us.  In addition, to pointing to God as His authority, Jesus  pointed out how their religion was inconsistent with God's law even while they claimed that it was based upon God's law.  Here He told them Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

Throughout this chapter we see Jesus  tell people spiritual truth several times and they were confused because The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.  (1Corinthians 2:14).  The chapter ends with the religious rulers arguing with each other because their officers  did not arrest Jesus  after the officers  saw the evidence that He was truly a messenger from God.  Some of the rulers argued for looking at the evidence and others didn't care what evidence God provided because their position and authority in this world was threatened by Jesus.

John 7:1-9 tells us that the brethren of Jesus  did not believe and challenged Him to go to Jerusalem for the feast of tabernacles, knowing that the Jews wanted to kill Him.

John 7:10-44 tells us that Jesus  went up to the feast in secret and argues authority for doctrine.  Many believed He was Christ and many rejected.

The verses in John which tell us about Jesus  dealing with devils:  they are:

  1. In John 8:48-49; John 8:52 and John 10:20-21; people accused Jesus  of using the power of devils.
  2. In John 8:44; Jesus  told the religious leaders that the devil was their spiritual father and they did the lusts of devils.
  3. In John 8:48-49; Jesus  denied having a devil
  4. In John 6:70; John 13:2 Jesus  says that Judas Iscariot has a devil.  In John 13:27 and Luke 22:3 we are told that Satan  entered him.
  5. In John 13:2 we are told The devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, to betray him.  Since Judas chose to do this, and since God does not take away our free will, Jesus  warned Judas, and the other disciples, of the consequence but did not prevent this action.  If we chose to give ourselves to the service and / or the doctrines of devils  (1Timothy 4:1), then God will not stop us.
  Please see the section on Jesus and Devils.; found in the Study called Significant Gospel Events for links to other Bible references to devils.

In John 7:42; John 7:42 and John 18:36-37; we are told that God's promise to David was that Christ  would come from David's loins.  Please see the Detailed Notes for more links related to this prophecy.  Please see the section on Prophecies; found in the Study called Significant Gospel Events for links to prophecies found in the Gospels.

In Matthew 9:34; 12:22; 24; 27-28; Mark 3:22; Luke 11:15-26; 18-20; John 7:20; John 8:48-49; John 8:52; John 10:20-21 people accused Jesus  of using the power of devils.

In John 7:33-36; John 8:21-24; John 12:35; John 13:33; John 16:5-7; John 16:16-22; John 17:11-13; Matthew 9:15; Luke 5:35 and Luke 13:35; we have a prophecy which is similar to what we find in Luke 17:22.  Please see the Prophecies Sections in the Significant Gospel Events Study for references to other Gospel prophecies.

We see the exact phrase of: The Christ  in Matthew 16:16; Matthew 16:20; Matthew 26:63; Mark 8:29; Mark 14:61; Luke 3:15; Luke 9:20; Luke 22:67; John 1:20; John 1:41; John 3:28; John 4:29; John 4:42; John 7:41; John 10:24; John 10:27; John 20:31; 1John 2:22; 1John 5:1.  One of the most common usages of this phrase is to associate The Christ  with The Son of God.  Thus we see that a major part of the argument here was over the Deity of Jesus.  The main reason for that argument was that the rulers of the Jews were denying this truth because it threatened their personal power and position.  Please see the section on Prophecies Fulfilled; found in the Study called Significant Gospel Events for links to this truth including links to the Old Testament.

John 7:41-42 and Matthew 2:5-6 let us know that Jews, who were alive at the time of the Gospels, knew the truth about where Christ would be born.

John 7:45-53 tells us that the officers of the chief priests and Pharisees would not arrest Jesus  the officers of the chief priests and Pharisees would not arrest.

Below is a summary of each sentence within this chapter with a link to the note providing the detailed analysis and contextual requirements of each sentence.  These sentence summaries also show the basis for the chapter summary provided above.

  1. C7-S1 :  Jesus used wisdom.
    1. The phrase After these things  means: 'After the events of the prior chapter where Jesus  told His disciples spiritual truths and most left Him because they did not understand'.
    2. The phrase Jesus walked in Galilee  means: 'This was where He was staying and ministering'.
    3. The phrase for he would not walk in Jewry  means: 'This was where He refused to stay and minister'.
    4. The phrase because the Jews sought to kill him  means: 'This is why'.
  2. C7-S2 :  Circumstances which affected what Jesus did.  Our sentence says, Now the Jews' feast of tabernacles was at hand.
  3. C7-S3 :  His physical family encouraged foolishness.
    1. The phrase His brethren therefore said unto him  means: 'What they said shows an attitude like Joseph's brothers when they sold him into slavery'.
    2. The phrase Depart hence, and go into Judaea  means: 'This is what they wanted Him to do even while they knew that the Jews there wanted to kill Him'.
    3. The phrase that thy disciples also may see the works that thou doest  means: 'This is the excuse that they gave.  His disciples saw what He did where He was at.  So there was not reason o go to Judaea, and this was a false claim'.
  4. C7-S4 :  His family questioned what Jesus did.
    1. The phrase For there is no man that doeth anything in secret  means: 'They thought that Jesus  wanted acclaim when He really wanted to get God's message to as many people as He could'.
    2. The phrase and he himself seeketh to be known openly  means: 'This sows that hey misunderstood the motives of Jesus'.
  5. C7-S5 :  His family challenged Him.  Our sentence says, If thou do these things, shew thyself to the world  means: 'They doubted that Jesus  did the miracles in spite of all of the witnesses and other evidences'.
  6. C7-S6 :  Why His family challenged Him.  Our sentence says, For neither did his brethren believe in him.
  7. C7-S7 :  Warning from Jesus.
    1. The phrase Then Jesus said unto them  means: 'Jesus  explained why He did not do what they challenged Him to do'.
    2. The phrase My time is not yet come  means: 'This was the wrong Jewish religious feast for Jesus  to die'.
    3. The phrase but your time is alway ready  means: 'They could die at any time'.  Notice that our sentence uses the word alway  (singular).  It means: 'at any time' and is different from the word always  (plural).  That is, the word alway  is used for one never ending continuance.  However, the word always  is used for several never ending continuances.  Thus, their possibilities of death was already with them and could happen at any time
  8. C7-S8 :  Realize the attitude of the world.
    1. The phrase The world cannot hate you  means: 'The world did not hate them because they were lost sinners'.
    2. The phrase but me it hateth  means: 'The world hated Jesus  because He condemned their sin'.
    3. The phrase because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil  means: 'This is why'.
  9. C7-S9 :  Separate the saved from the lost for religion.
    1. The phrase Go ye up unto this feast  means: 'Jesus  told them what to do'.
    2. The phrase I go not up yet unto this feast  means: 'Jesus  would delay'.
    3. The phrase for my time is not yet full come  means: 'Why.  It was not yet time for Jesus  to die'.
  10. C7-S10 :  Jesus did what He said He would do.  Our sentence says, When he had said these words unto them, he abode still in Galilee.
  11. C7-S11 :  Jesus acted separate from lost family for worship.
    1. The phrase But when his brethren were gone up  means: 'Jesus  did not go with them'.
    2. The phrase then went he also up unto the feast  means: 'Jesus  did go but avoided notice'.
    3. The phrase not openly, but as it were in secret  means: 'Jesus  deliberately avoided the attention until He was ready to teach'.  The Jews wanted to see miracles but were not willing to believe the doctrine.  Therefore, Jesus  avoided becoming nothing more than a fancy show.
  12. C7-S12 :  the Jews sought Him because so that they could have a show.  Our sentence says, Then the Jews sought him at the feast, and said, Where is he?.
  13. C7-S13 :  the disagreement over Jesus.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  This disagreement was added when Jesus  could not be found.
    2. The phrase And there was much murmuring among the people concerning him  means: 'The people discussed Jesus  but disagreed with each other'.
    3. The phrase for some said, He is a good man  means: 'Some people believed the evidence from God'.
    4. The phrase others said, Nay; but he deceiveth the people  means: 'Others believed that Jesus  was a liar'.
  14. C7-S14 :  Why people were afraid to say their opinion honestly.  Our sentence says, Howbeit no man spake openly of him for fear of the Jews.  This is why they murmured.  The word Howbeit  is defined as: 'adv. how, be, and it. Be it as it may; nevertheless; notwithstanding; yet; but; however'.
  15. C7-S15 :  What Jesus did.
    1. The phrase Now about the midst of the feast Jesus went up into the temple  means: 'Jesus  showed up in the middle of the feast and went boldly into the Temple'.
    2. The phrase and taught  means: 'Jesus taught  doctrine'.  One popular doctrinal error claims: 'All teaching is preaching and all preaching is teaching'.  Now, first of all both words are in the Bible.  Therefore, they must have different definitions because God does not change (Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8) and for God to give two different Bible words the same definition, or give one Bible word two different definitions, God would have to change.  Preaching  'motivates people to do whatever was preached'.  Teaching  'imparts knowledge and understanding'.  In our context, Jesus  was not motivating anyone to do anything.  However, He was imparting knowledge and understanding, and our context makes this clear.  Therefore, beware of this doctrinal error and always pay attention to the context.
  16. C7-S16 :  the Jews believed only those with formal education could teach.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Our sentence adds another source of confusion to the Jews.  Jesus  did not meet their expectations which were from wrong religious traditions.
    2. The phrase And the Jews marveled, saying  means: 'The Jews could not figure our why what they saw went against their traditions'.
    3. The phrase How knoweth this man letters, having never learned?  means: 'Then, as today, religious leaders claimed that no one could know anything about God or religion unless they taught the people'.  Obviously, Jesus  knew The word of God  and true doctrine even though He never went to any approved religious school.
  17. C7-S17 :  Jesus told them the source of His doctrine.
    1. The phrase Jesus answered them, and said  means: 'Jesus  explained what they could not understand'.
    2. The phrase My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me  means: 'Jesus  received His doctrine directly from God the Father'.  I've had many times when 'Good, Godly, fundamental, KJV only Baptist preachers and people' have made the same claim about me.  I never went to an approved school but was taught directly by God's Holy Ghost.  And, the results speak for themselves.  Many 'Good, Godly, fundamental, KJV only Baptist preachers and people' have claimed that they were going to prove that what I have published has errors and conflicts, but NO ONE has ever done so.  They also claimed that what I have published disagrees with The word of God,  but NO ONE has ever done so.  As Jesus  said, My doctrine is not mine, but his that  gave me the ministry and the spiritual gift that God works through to produce everything on this web site.  So, go ahead and try to prove me wrong.
  18. C7-S18 :  Jesus told them how to verify truth.
    1. The phrase If any man will do his will  means: 'Notice that this is not saying have ability nor is it saying being taught.  The requirement is strict obedience'.
    2. The phrase he shall know of the doctrine  means: 'This is what is required to separate doctrinal truth from doctrinal error'.  1Corinthians 2:14 tells us: But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.  No natural method can give the spiritual discernment which is required to separate doctrinal truth from doctrinal error.
    3. The phrase whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself  means: 'Doctrinal truth only comes from God.  Doctrinal error comes from fleshly pride which claims that the opinion of man has more authority than The word of God'.
  19. C7-S19 :  How to identify a true messenger of God.
    1. The phrase He that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory  means: 'This type of person is full of fleshly pride and speaks error from the natural man'.
    2. The phrase but he that seeketh his glory that sent him  means: 'This is a different type of person who is humble and points people to God, and The word of God,  as the authority for all truth and for how we are to live'.
    3. The phrase The same is true, and no unrighteousness is in him  means: 'This person has these attributes because they are attributes of God and he is delivering the message from God and not from himself'.
  20. C7-S20 :  Challenge to those who rejected the prior evidence.  The Jewish religious leaders all rejected the prior sentence because they told people to listen to them and that they were the final authority for how to live because of their religious training.
    1. The phrase Did not Moses give you the law  means: 'The Jews would all agree with this phrase'.
    2. The phrase and yet none of you keepeth the law?  means: 'The Jews would strongly disagree with this phrase'.  However, the next sentence provides proof of the truth of this phrase.
  21. C7-S21 :  Our sentence says: Why go ye about to kill me?.  This was directed at the religious leaders and proved the accusation of the prior sentence.  All through the word of God  we are told to let God deal with judgment of people and correction.  Their seeking to kill Jesus  was blatant disobedience of the law which thy claimed to be experts on.
  22. C7-S22 :  the people blaspheme against God's Holy Ghost.
    1. The phrase The people answered and said  means: 'This was their response to what Jesus  said in the several prior sentences'.
    2. The phrase Thou hast a devil  means: 'You personally have a devil.  They were calling Jesus  a liar and claiming that His doctrine did not come from God the Father but from Satan because He did not agree with their religious liars and claimed that none of you keepeth the law'.
    3. The phrase who goeth about to kill thee?.  means: 'They denied what their religious leaders were encouraging'.
  23. C7-S23 :  Evidence that they rejected proof.
    1. The phrase Jesus answered and said unto them, I have done one work  means: 'Jesus  pointed out that He had done miracles and the people were witnesses of at least one miracle'.
    2. The phrase and ye all marvel  means: 'They could not figure out how the miracle was done in the flesh.  Nor could they figure out haw someone who had a devil  could, and would, do those miracles'.
  24. C7-S24Jesus  proves that their religious practices go against their religious rules.
    1. The phrase Moses therefore gave unto you circumcision  means: 'Circumcision was part of the Mosaic Law'.
    2. The phrase (not because it is of Moses, but of the fathers)  means: 'This phrase is not in the original Greek but must be included because it is part of the original message and proper interpretation is message-to-message interpretation'.  'Circumcision started with Abraham.  Moses, and the Mosaic Law, did not start it'.
    3. The phrase and ye on the sabbath day circumcise a man  means: 'This was their religious practice which went against their made-up religious rules'.
  25. C7-S25 :  Instruction in righteousness.
    1. The phrase If a man on the sabbath day receive circumcision  means: 'This was what heir doctrine and practice allowed'.
    2. The phrase that the law of Moses should not be broken  means: 'This is why.  The law of Moses specified that circumcision was to e done on the eight day after birth.  If that day was a sabbath, they still did the circumcision'.
    3. The phrase are ye angry at me  means: 'Jesus  asked them to consider their emotional response'.
    4. The phrase because I have made a man every whit whole on the sabbath day?  means: 'Jesus  obeyed God on the sabbath day'.  The Jews obeyed the law of Moses because it came from God.  Healing required the power of God.  Therefore, it was obvious that Jesus  was obeying a commandment from God when He healed.  If He was not obeying God, then God would not have given Him the power to heal.  Therefore, Jesus  was obeying God on the sabbath just like the Jews did when they did circumcision.  .  .
  26. C7-S26 :  Commandment to judge righteously.  Liars claim the we should never judge.  That doctrine is from a devil because it commands us to directly disobey the commandment in this sentence from Jesus.
    1. The phrase Judge not according to the appearance  means: 'First Jesus  tells us what to not do then He tells us what to do when it comes to judgment'.
    2. The phrase but judge righteous judgment  means: 'This is what we are commanded to do'.  The word righteous  means: 'doing the right thing, the right way at the right time and for the right reason'.  If any of those four factors are not met then what is done is not righteous.
  27. C7-S27 :  Inconsistency of evidence.
    1. The phrase Then said some of them of Jerusalem  means: 'These people were willing to obey the religious rulers until Jesus  them wrong.  Now, they want to point at other people instead of admitting their own guilt'.
    2. The phrase Is not this he, whom they seek to kill?  means: 'They are pointing out what the religious rulers wanted to do and were wondering why they were not acting on their own desires.  This, of course, was a way of distracting from what they were getting ready to do'.
  28. C7-S28 :  Further questioning of the rulers.
    1. The phrase But, lo  means: 'Pay attention!  What the religious rulers tried to get others to do they refuse to do themselves'.
    2. The phrase he speaketh boldly  means: 'Jesus  was still saying the things which made the religious leaders mad and doing it where everyone heard'.
    3. The phrase and they say nothing unto him  means: 'The religious leaders do nothing and say nothing'.  From what the religious leaders said earlier, they should have said or done something about what Jesus  was doing at that time.
  29. C7-S29 :  One possible reason for the inaction by the religious rulers.  Our sentence says, Do the rulers know indeed that this is the very Christ?.  If that were true, then it would explain their inaction.
  30. C7-S30 :  their answer why they rejected the prior question.
    1. The word Howbeit  is defined as: 'adv. how, be, and it. Be it as it may; nevertheless; notwithstanding; yet; but; however'.
    2. The phrase Howbeit we know this man whence he is  means: 'What they thought that they knew was wrong'.
    3. The phrase but when Christ cometh  means: 'They believed that Jesus  could not be Jesus'.
    4. The phrase no man knoweth whence he is  means: 'This is what their doctrine claimed even though the prophets told them otherwise'.  Please see the Detailed notes for the references to those prophecies.
  31. C7-S31Jesus  tells them that He knows what they do not know.
    1. The phrase Then cried Jesus in the temple as he taught, saying  means: 'This is when and how Jesus  answered the people'.
    2. The phrase Ye both know me, and ye know whence I am  means: 'Each and every one of them personally knew Jesus  and where e lived'.  They did not know that He was born in Bethlehem.
    3. The phrase and I am not come of myself  means: 'Jesus  told them that He was not representing Himself because He represented God the Father'.
    4. The phrase but he that sent me is true, whom ye know not  means: 'God the Father is true  but they did not know Him because they believed religious lies'.
  32. C7-S32 :  the reaction of the Jewish rulers.
    1. The phrase But I know him  means: 'Jesus  told them that He knew God the Father .
    2. The phrase for I am from him, and he hath sent me  means: 'Jesus  said that He knew because He came from God the Father and He came to do the work of God the Father'.
  33. C7-S33 :  the reaction by many people.
    1. The phrase Then they sought to take him  means: 'The religious leaders wanted to arrest Jesus'.
    2. The phrase but no man laid hands on him  means: 'God prevented it'.
    3. The phrase because his hour was not yet come  means: 'God is in control of everything that happens to His children'.
  34. C7-S34 :  the reaction of other Jews.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  This sentence adds the different reaction that many people had.
    2. The phrase And many of the people believed on him, and said  means: 'These people voiced their belief'.
    3. The phrase When Christ cometh, will he do more miracles than these which this man hath done?  means: 'Part of the Jewish doctrine was that Christ  would do more miracles than and other man.  Thus, these people were pointing out the obvious evidence from God'.
  35. C7-S35 :  the religious rulers try to arrest Jesus.
    1. The phrase The Pharisees heard that the people murmured such things concerning him  means: 'This is what motivated the religious rulers to act'.
    2. The phrase and the Pharisees and the chief priests sent officers to take him  means: 'This is what they commanded to be done'.
  36. C7-S36 :  Prophecy by Jesus.
    1. The phrase Then said Jesus unto them  means: 'What Jesus  said to everyone when the officers arrived to arrest Him'.
    2. The phrase Yet a little while am I with you  means: 'Jesus  knew that His time in this physical life was nearing the end'.
    3. The phrase and then I go unto him that sent me  means: 'Jesus  prophesied His return to Heaven'.
  37. C7-S37 :  Prophetic reaction to prophecy.
    1. The phrase Ye shall seek me  means: 'Each and every one of those lost Jews would seek Jesus  in the future'.
    2. The phrase and shall not find me  means: 'This will be because He will be returned to Heaven'.
    3. The phrase and where I am, thither ye cannot come  means: 'The lost can not go to Heaven'.
  38. C7-S38 :  the Jews did not understand the prophecy because they were limiting their imagination to this Earth.
    1. The phrase Then said the Jews among themselves  means: 'Again, they asked each other instead of asking Jesus'.  Seeking a spiritual answer from lost people never results in truth.
    2. The phrase Whither will he go, that we shall not find him?  means: 'They could not figure their answer out because they limited the possible answers to their question'.
  39. C7-S39 :  Confusion from misunderstanding.  Our sentence is a continuation of the prior sentence.  Our sentence says, will he go unto the dispersed among the Gentiles, and teach the Gentiles?.  This was their best guess because they did not consider His return to Heaven.
  40. C7-S40Jesus  attempts to clear up confusion.
    1. The phrase What manner of saying is this that he said  means: 'They were confused by what Jesus  said'.
    2. The phrase Ye shall seek me, and shall not find me: and where I am, thither ye cannot come?  means: 'This is a repeat of what Jesus  said so that there is no question about what caused the confusion'.
  41. C7-S41Jesus  offered salvation.
    1. The phrase In the last day, that great day of the feast  means: 'This is when Jesus  made this offer'.
    2. The phrase Jesus stood and cried, saying  means: 'Jesus  made sure that everyone heard Him'.
    3. The phrase If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink  means: 'This is spiritual symbolic language'.  It means: 'If anyone wants God's Holy Spirit (If any man thirst),  let him go to Jesus  and receive God's Holy Spirit(and drink)'.  In this context, water is being used symbolically for God's Holy Spirit.
  42. C7-S42Jesus  promised the indwelling Holy Spirit.
    1. The phrase He that believeth on me  means: 'ThisThis is the basic requirement for true salvation.  This is a life-long that Jesus  will personally keep us saved'.
    2. The phrase as the scripture hath said  means: 'He is referencing the Old Testament'.  Please see the Detailed Note for those references.
    3. The phrase out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water  means: 'God's Holy Spirit  will use the life of all truly saved to offer spiritual blessings to other people'.
  43. C7-S43 :  Clarification of prior sentence.  This sentence was not in the original Greek but the message of it was.  Therefore, proper interpretation required it to be included so that the message remains the same.
    1. The phrase But this spake he of the Spirit  means: 'God's Holy Spirit'.
    2. The phrase which they that believe on him should receive  means: 'This is major promise of the New Testament'.
    3. The phrase for the Holy Ghost was not yet given  means: 'This did not happen until Pentecost'.
    4. The phrase because that Jesus was not yet glorified  means: 'This happened at His resurrection'.
  44. C7-S44 :  Some people realized spiritual truth.
    1. The phrase Many of the people therefore  means: 'This is the result of what Jesus  said prior to this sentence'.
    2. The phrase when they heard this saying, said  means: 'This is when they had this conclusion'.
    3. The phrase Of a truth this is the Prophet  means: 'This is the reference to the prophet that Moses told the Jews to obey because He would be God's Christ'.
  45. C7-S45 :  Others realized a different spiritual truth.  Our sentence says, Others said, this is the Christ.  Some understood that the two references were for the same person and some believed that they were different prophesied people.
  46. C7-S46 :  Still others questioned because of wrong religious teaching.  Our sentence says, But some said, Shall Christ come out of Galilee?  Part of their error was believing that Jesus  was born in Galilee.
  47. C7-S47 :  Source of their truth.  Our sentence says, Hath not the scripture said, that Christ cometh of the seed of David, and out of the town of Bethlehem, where David was?.  This was true but they believed that Jesus  was born elsewhere.
  48. C7-S48 :  Result of confusion which was not resolved.  Our sentence says, So there was a division among the people because of him.
  49. C7-S49 :  Some wanted to act wrong because of religious beliefs.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Our sentence adds that some people wanted to act on their belief.
    2. The phrase And some of them would have taken him  means: 'This is what they wanted to do'.
    3. The phrase but no man laid hands on him  means: 'God prevented it at this time'.
  50. C7-S50 :  Some were commanded to act wrong because they worked for the religious leaders.
    1. The phrase Then came the officers to the chief priests and Pharisees  means: 'The officers reported back to their bosses'.
    2. The phrase and they said unto them  means: 'The religious leaders questioned the officers'.
    3. The phrase Why have ye not brought him?  means: 'This is what they demanded answered'.
  51. C7-S51 :  Why they did not act as commanded.  Our sentence says, The officers answered, Never man spake like this man.  They realized that Jesus  was not like other men and reused to treat Him like He was.
  52. C7-S52 :  Challenge from the rulers.  Our sentence says, Then answered them the Pharisees, Are ye also deceived?.  They assumed that anyone who disagreed with them must be deceived.  They were so full of pride that they would claim that God was deceived and wrong.
  53. C7-S53 :  Wrong basis for finding God's truth.  Our sentence says, Have any of the rulers or of the Pharisees believed on him?.  This is the wrong standard because it relies on men and directly refuses evidence from God.  In addition, the second next sentence tells is that Nicodemus did believe on Jesus.
  54. C7-S54 :  Doctrinal error claimed.  Our sentence says, But this people who knoweth not the law are cursed.  Actually, the religious leaders were who were cursed because they did not know the difference between God's law and their own additions to God's law.
  55. C7-S55 :  Nicodemus points out the error in their rebuke. 
    1. The phrase Nicodemus saith unto them  means: 'This was the Pharisee who called the other religious leaders on their error'.
    2. The phrase (he that came to Jesus by night, being one of them)  means: 'This was added by the interpreters to keep the message the same'.
    3. The phrase Doth our law judge any man, before it hear him, and know what he doeth?  means: 'The obvious answer is NO!.  However, the religious leaders didn't care about keeping the law'.
  56. C7-S56 :  Return rebuke from those in error.  Our sentence says, They answered and said unto him, Art thou also of Galilee?.  Notice that they did not answer his question but threatened him with being classified with what they considered to be the lowest Jews.
  57. C7-S57 :  Source of their religious error.  Our sentence says, Search, and look: for out of Galilee ariseth no prophet.  Their error was assuming that just because something had not happened, they believed it to be impossible to happen.
  58. C7-S58 :  End of the meeting.  Our sentence says, And every man went unto his own house.

Contact: Webmaster@LJC1611KJV.com.  Member of Tower Road Baptist Church, Abq., NM, U.S.A., 87121.  Copyright 2009 Lord Jesus Christ in the 1611KJV.  All rights reserved. Revised: 01/02/25.