Lord Jesus Christ in the 1611KJV
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Interpretive Study of John's Gospel - Summary

Jesus is the Son of God

Chapter links:  1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21; God.

Chapter 8 Summary:

The Conflict Between Spirit Led Religion and Fleshly Religion.

in this chapter we see the conflict between Jesus  and the Jewish religious leaders, heat up.  The Jewish religious leaders kept looking at things from a physical religious perspective and refuse to understand things from a spiritual perspective.  They accuse Jesus  of having a devil in John 7:20; John 8:48; John 8:52 and John 10:19.  They claim this because the doctrine of Jesus  disagrees with their traditional doctrine and that their traditional doctrine was the true doctrine from God.  However, Jesus  denies their accusation and counters with Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do  in C8-S51.  Yes, the doctrine of Jesus  disagreed with their traditional doctrine.  However, their doctrine was not from God but was from the devil.

Jesus  bases His judgment upon the spirit  displayed by these people which matches what John tells us in 1John 4:1.  Thus, we see the argument between religious people and the truly saved in the most basic form.  JesusThe word of God  and the truly saved all say that you must judge spiritual matters only according to the spirit that a person displays.  However, the religious insist that spiritual matters are judged according to physical religious credentials with the religious leaders having the greatest authority even if they display the spirit  of a devil.  This entire chapter is giving us various examples of this conflict so that we can learn how to apply the true and proper judgment of someone's spirit.

8:31 through the end of the chapter tells us the argument between Jesus  and the Jews over salvation with Jesus  saying that true salvation requires a change in the person's spirit and the Jews arguing that salvation only requires their physical religious requirement.  Please note that C8-S23 tells us that the majority of this chapter happened in the Temple as Jesus  taught.  He did not leave the Temple until the last sentence of our chapter.

The note for 8:11; in the Lord Jesus Christ Study, is large and was written before this book Study was written.  It presents a different perspective of the doctrine found within this chapter.  There is only one interpretation, which is God's true interpretation, but there are many applications of doctrinal truth.  The two different perspectives are two different applications (points of view) of the same truths found within this chapter.  The two perspectives are in agreement with each other even while providing different perspectives and different references to other places within the Bible which tell us the same truths.  Therefore, please read and consider both perspectives.

John 8:1-12 tells us that Jews accuse a woman of adultery.

John 8:3; Matthew 9:2; Mark 2:6 and Luke 5:21 all report that the scribes and the Pharisees started to accuse Jesus  of blasphemy Other earlier places we are told that they reacted poorly but these are the first reports of this accusation.

The temptation of Jesus,  is reported in: John 8:6.  Please see the Detailed Chapter Note for more Bible references to the temptation of Jesus.

John 8:13-30 tells us that the Jews accuse Jesus  of blasphemy and He answers with the common people listening.

In John 7:33-36; John 8:21-24; John 12:35; John 13:33; John 16:5-7; John 16:16-22; John 17:11-13; Matthew 9:15; Luke 5:35 and Luke 13:35; we have a prophecy (I go my way, and ye shall seek me, and shall die in your sins: whither I go, ye cannot come)  which is similar to what we find in Luke 17:22.  Please see the Prophecies Sections in the Significant Gospel Events Study for references to other Gospel prophecies.

The phrase I am he, meaning that Jesus  was the promised Messiahs  or Christ  is found in John 8:24; John 8:28; John 13:19; John 18:5; John 18:6; John 18:8.

links to New Testament reference to the suffering of Christ,  and of the saved sharing in that suffering, include: John 2:19; John 3:14; John 8:28; John 12:32-34.  Please see the Prophecies Sections in the Significant Gospel Events Study for other references to these prophecies.

In John 8:29 we read that God the Father did not leave Jesus  alone because I do always those things that please him.  This was part of His telling about His coming crucifixion and how God the Father would be with Him even through that.  from this we see that God will never abandon us, no matter what the circumstances, if we are doing God's will.  Please see the Prophecies Sections in the Significant Gospel Events Study for references to other Gospel prophecies.

John 8:31-58 tells us that Jesus  instructs those Jews which believed on him  and they argue and reject instruction.

The verses in John which tell us about Jesus  dealing with devils:  they are:

  1. In John 8:48-49; John 8:52 and John 10:20-21; people accused Jesus  of using the power of devils.
  2. In John 8:44; Jesus  told the religious leaders that the devil was their spiritual father and they did the lusts of devils.
  3. In John 8:48-49; Jesus  denied having a devil
  4. In John 6:70; John 13:2 Jesus  says that Judas Iscariot has a devil.  In John 13:27 and Luke 22:3 we are told that Satan  entered him.
  5. In John 13:2 we are told The devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, to betray him.  Since Judas chose to do this, and since God does not take away our free will, Jesus  warned Judas, and the other disciples, of the consequence but did not prevent this action.  If we chose to give ourselves to the service and / or the doctrines of devils  (1Timothy 4:1), then God will not stop us.
  Please see the section on Jesus and Devils.; found in the Study called Significant Gospel Events for links to other Bible references to devils.

In John 8:1-12; Jesus  deals with the commandment about adultery.  Please see the section on Jesus and the Ten Commandments; found in the Study called Significant Gospel Events for links to this truth including links to the Old Testament.

Below is a summary of each sentence within this chapter with a link to the note providing the detailed analysis and contextual requirements of each sentence.  These sentence summaries also show the basis for the chapter summary provided above.

  1. C8-S1Jesus  prayed before teaching.  Our sentence says, Jesus went unto the mount of Olives.  It does not say when nor why but elsewhere in the Gospel accounts we are told that this was where Jesus  went to pray.  In addition, our next sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding that Jesus  taught to our current sentence telling us that He went to the place where He prayed.
  2. C8-S2Jesus  taught.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence where we read that Jesus  went to His favorite place to pray.
    2. The phrase And early in the morning he came again into the temple  means: 'Jesus  went from the place to pray to the place to teach'.
    3. The phrase and all the people came unto him  means: 'at this time, they were willing to listen and be taught'.
    4. The phrase and he sat down, and taught them  means: 'Jesus  taught when the people listened'.
  3. C8-S3The scribes and Pharisees  interrupted with a trap.  I'm always amazed at how many 'Good, Godly, Bible believing, KJV only, fundamental Baptists' had the same doctrine as the Pharisees when it comes to adultery.  Their doctrine matches exactly with the doctrine that we read in this account.  Adultery  is not a sexual sin but a violation of a covenant agreement.  Please see the Word Study on adultery for evidence of this truth.
    1. The phrase And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery  means: 'They interrupted His teaching to make this accusation'.  This proves that they had no respect for Jesus.
    2. The phrase and when they had set her in the midst  means: 'They busted into the people listening to Jesus,  forced those people out of their way, and threw this woman down in front of Jesus'.
    3. The phrase They say unto him  means: 'This was what they said, after rudely interrupting'.
    4. The phrase Master  means: 'This is respectful title for a teacher'.  However, they used it in mockery because thy refused to show respect.  In addition, they wee challenging His position as Lord.
    5. The phrase This woman was taken in adultery, in the very act  means: 'This is their accusation'.  Notice that they did not also bring the other person.  Now realize that Satan wants us to focus on that fact while you ignore the doctrinal error which so many people accept.  The true doctrinal point of this account is the rue meaning of the word adultery.
  4. C8-S4The scribes and Pharisees  present their challenge.
    1. The phrase Now Moses in the law commanded us  means: 'They proved that they were not seeking truth'.  Notice that they say, in the law.  A question about law is to be presented to a lawyer or, in their day, to a lord.  The fact that they called Jesus  Master  proves that they expected Him to not be able to answer or, at most, give an answer that they could dispute.  Most likely, there were lawyers in their group just in case Jesus  did given answer.
    2. The phrase that such should be stoned  means: 'This proves their hard heart.  They paid for the services of a whore and then planned to kill her for providing what they paid for'.
    3. The phrase but what sayest thou?  means: 'Here is their challenge given to Jesus  personally (thou)'.  This eliminates any possibility of quoting the writings of someone else.
  5. C8-S5 :  Why The scribes and Pharisees  tried to trap Jesus.
    1. The phrase This they said, tempting him  means: 'This tells us their purpose in what they said and did'.
    2. The phrase that they might have to accuse him  means: 'They wanted to dispute the doctrine of Jesus,  but had no valid sis at that time.  Thus, they were trying to generate a basis for their complaint'.
  6. C8-S6 :  How Jesus  reacted.
    1. The word But  means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.
    2. The phrase But Jesus stooped down  means: 'did Jesus  not answer them in words like they expected'.  They were prepared for a public argument and Jesus  refused to accommodate them.
    3. The phrase and with his finger wrote on the ground  means: 'Jesus  answered them in writing'.
    4. The phrase as though he heard them not  means: 'And, as our next sentence tells us, they were verbally badgering Him and He ignored them'.
  7. C8-S7The scribes and Pharisees  continue to badger Jesus.
    1. The phrase So when they continued asking him  means: 'They were badgering Jesus'.
    2. The phrase he lifted up himself  means: 'Jesus  stood up to answer them'.  There is a psychological difference between answering someone while stooped down and while standing up.
    3. The phrase and said unto them  means: ''.  .  .  .
    4. The phrase He that is without sin among you  means: 'Jesus  changed the basis of their argument from physical legal words to spiritual judgment by God'.  This completely altered the basis f their argument.
    5. The phrase let him first cast a stone at her  means: 'First prove your own perfect innocence before God'.
  8. C8-S8Jesus  returns to His writing.
    1. The phrase And again he stooped down  means: 'This brought their focus to what He had already written'.
    2. The phrase and wrote on the ground  means: 'Jesus  added more sins done by the people making accusations against the woman'.
  9. C8-S9 :  the reaction of The scribes and Pharisees  to what Jesus  wrote.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding the reaction of the accusers to what was said in the prior sentence.
    2. The phrase And they which heard it  means: 'This would be all of the accusers'.
    3. The phrase being convicted by their own conscience  means: 'They saw their own sin written there and their own conscience  convicted  them of their own sins'.  Since they were not ready to be judged by God, they left.
    4. The phrase went out one by one  means: 'This proved their own conviction'.
    5. The phrase beginning at the eldest  means: 'The eldest had the most sins.  Therefore, he was the first to see his own sins written down'.
    6. The phrase even unto the last  means: 'Every one of them saw their own sins written down'.
    7. The phrase and Jesus was left alone  means: 'Eventually, they all left'.
    8. The phrase and the woman standing in the midst  means: 'She di not have to be convicted and leave because she was already convicted at the start of the incident'.
  10. C8-S10Jesus  acknowledges that the false accusers are gone.
    1. The phrase When Jesus had lifted up himself  means: 'He did this when He knew that they had all left'.
    2. The phrase and saw none but the woman  means: 'He verified what He already knew'.
    3. The phrase he said unto her  means: 'This is the first that Jesus  said to her'.
    4. The phrase Woman, where are those thine accusers?  means: 'He made sure that she realized that all of her accusers had left'.
  11. C8-S11Jesus  has her acknowledge the changed circumstance.  Our sentence says, hath no man condemned thee?.
  12. C8-S12 :  She acknowledges the changed circumstance.
    1. The phrase She said, No man  means: 'She answered His question'.
    2. The word Lord  means: 'Notice that this is capitalized.  She recognized Jesus  as 'God in human flesh' and her own future spiritual judge'.
  13. C8-S13Jesus  renders His judgment of the sin she was accused of.
    1. The phrase And Jesus said unto her  means: 'Jesus  gave this judgment as 'God in human flesh' and her future spiritual judge'.
    2. The phrase Neither do I condemn thee  means: 'This is different from being pronounced to be innocent'.  Lots of people who are not legal professionals claim to be legal experts and interpret this wrongly.  Ask a true legal professional about this.  Jesus  is the judge of all the Earth  (Genesis 18:25).  Jesus  did what was legally correct and allowed in this incident.  Most people don't realize the legal parts of this but they are explained in the Detail Note for the prior sentence.
    3. The phrase go, and sin no more  means: 'Jesus  repeatedly tells people this when He forgives them'.  This matches the doctrine found in Romans 6.  Forgiveness and receiving God's grace  are not to be abused by a life of ongoing sin.
  14. C8-S14Jesus  said why people should follow His example.
    1. The phrase Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying  means: 'Jesus  said this to the people He was teaching before the interruption.  Please notice that our sentence starts with the word Then,  which means 'After the prior incident and as a result of it'.  In this sentence, Jesus  tells us that He teaches Godly knowledge and understanding.  The way that He handled the prior incident, with both the woman and with the accusers, are to be used for our own spiritual knowledge and understanding'.
    2. The phrase I am the light of the world  means: 'Jesus  tells us that He teaches Godly knowledge and understanding'.
    3. The phrase he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness  means: 'If we learn what Jesus  teaches and do those things even for the small repeated things of life (walk)  then we will not follow the way of devils (walk in darkness)'.
    4. The phrase but shall have the light of life  means: 'Instead of walking in darkness,  We will have God's light  guide us for how to live'.
  15. C8-S15 :  False accusation by the Pharisees based upon prior statement by Jesus.
    1. The phrase The Pharisees therefore said unto him  means: 'The religious leaders wanted to disagree with any doctrine which Jesus  gave'.
    2. The phrase Thou bearest record of thyself  means: 'This phrase was true'.
    3. The phrase thy record is not true  means: 'This phrase might have been true or might have been wrong.  The statements by Jesus  needed to be verified.  .However, since they drew a conclusion before verifying their belief, they lied when hey claimed that their opinion was a true conclusion'.  Pease see the next sentence for more on this truth.
  16. C8-S16Jesus  answers their accusation.
    1. The phrase Jesus answered and said unto them  means: 'Jesus  corrects their error'.
    2. The phrase Though I bear record of myself  means: 'He acknowledged this much while making it clear that their conclusion could not be truthfully reached from this much only'.
    3. The phrase yet my record is true  means: 'Jesus,  effectively, called them liars and said that their conclusion was wrong'.
    4. The phrase for I know whence I came  means: 'Jesus  knew that He came from God the Father and brought His message, which is always true'.
    5. The phrase and whither I go  means: 'Jesus  knew that He would return to Heaven where everyone would know if He told the truth or not'.
    6. The phrase but ye cannot tell whence I come  means: 'They did not know that Jesus  came from God the Father and brought His message, which is always true'.
    7. The phrase and whither I go  means: 'They did not know that He would return to Heaven because He delivered God's message truthfully'.
  17. C8-S17 :  the wrong basis for judgment was used by the Pharisees.
    1. The phrase Ye judge after the flesh  means: 'They used the wrong basis for spiritual judgment.  After the flesh  can not render anything spiritually correct'.
    2. The phrase I judge no man  means: 'Jesus  did not judge then but will judge everyone after they leave this physical life'.
  18. C8-S18 :  Why they can believe how Jesus  judged.
    1. The phrase And yet if I judge, my judgment is true  means: 'As just written, Jesus  will judge everyone after they leave this physical life'
    2. The phrase for I am not alone, but I and the Father that sent me  means: 'God the Father will judge along with Jesus  and their judgment will agree completely'.
  19. C8-S19 :  Basis for verifying the claim by Jesus.
    1. The phrase It is also written in your law, that the testimony of two men is true  means: 'This is a critical precept.  We will not be judged by everything in the word of God  but we will be judged by everything in the word of The Lord  the difference is that anything which is part of God's law used for judgment is part of the word of the Lord  and is written literally in the word of God  at least twice.  (That gives us at least two witnesses from God)'.
  20. C8-S20 :  Identification of the two witnesses required by law.  Our sentence says, I am one that bear witness of myself, and the Father that sent me beareth witness of me.  Please see the Detailed Note for those Bible references where we se this truth.
  21. C8-S21 :  Challenge from the Pharisees.  Our sentence says, Then said they unto him, Where is thy Father?.  They thought that Jesus  spoke of a physical man whom thy could grill.
  22. C8-S22Jesus  responds to the prior question.
    1. The phrase Jesus answered  means: 'Jesus  gave a spiritual answer to their physical question.  They still have not realized that all of the statements, in this chapter and by Jesus,  must be understood spiritually'.
    2. The phrase Ye neither know me, nor my Father  means: 'Notice that His statement uses the word ye  (each and every one of you personally)'.  Religion always claims that non-personal religious activities are what God demands.  However, God responds to that belief with 'Go to Hell' (Luke 13:27).  God demands a personal intimate relationship which is pictured by marriage and in which people agree to obey because Jesus  is their personal Lord.
    3. The phrase if ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also  means: 'Jesus  shows us the character of God the Father (John 14:9 '.
  23. C8-S23 :  the reaction to these statements by Jesus.
    1. The phrase These words spake Jesus in the treasury  means: 'This is where Jesus  was physically at when He had this dispute with the religious leaders'.
    2. The phrase as he taught in the temple  means: 'This is what Jesus  was doing most of the time while He was in the Temple.  I imagine that He went into the treasure while taking a short break from teaching'.
    3. The phrase and no man laid hands on him  means: 'This is what the religious leaders wanted to do but God prevented their actions'.
    4. The phrase for his hour was not yet come  means: 'This is why'.
  24. C8-S24 :  the next message from Jesus.
    1. The phrase Then said Jesus again unto them  means: 'Jesus  gave them this warning'.
    2. The phrase I go my way  means: 'Jesus  would return to Heaven'.
    3. The phrase and ye shall seek me, and shall die in your sins  means: 'Jesus  will cut them off from the possibility of being saved even though they are still alive physically'.
    4. The phrase whither I go, ye cannot come  means: 'They can not go the Heaven'.  This is because they rejected the truth multiple times.
  25. C8-S25 :  the Jews failed to understand the prophecy because they were asking each other instead of asking Jesus  for clarification.  In addition, they were trying to understand spiritual message from a physical perspective.  Our sentence says, Then said the Jews, Will he kill himself?.
  26. C8-S26 :  Why the Jews failed to understand the prophecy.  Our sentence says, because he saith, Whither I go, ye cannot come.
  27. C8-S27Jesus  explains their lack of understanding.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Jesus  added this explanation, but they still did not understand.
    2. The phrase And he said unto them  means: 'Jesus  gave this explanation'.
    3. The phrase Ye are from beneath; I am from above  means: 'They looked at His message from the opposite point of view from which it was given'.
    4. The phrase ye are of this world; I am not of this world  means: 'They used worldly, natural, reasoning but Jesus  did not speak using that method of reasoning (1Corinthians 2:14)'.
  28. C8-S28 :  Why Jesus  started this section like He did.
    1. The phrase I said therefore unto you  means: 'Jesus  said this as a result (therefore)  of the prior sentence'.  Since 'each and every one of you personally are from beneath  and are of this world,  your thinking is wrong and is sinful'.
    2. The phrase that ye shall die in your sins  means: 'Jesus  said this because they had wrong thinking and were sinning when they thought that they were pleasing God'.
    3. The phrase for if ye believe not that I am he  means: 'This is why (for)  He said that their thinking was wrong (ye believe not that I am he)'.
    4. The phrase ye shall die in your sins  means: 'Since they each personally refuse to believe God's provision for their own personal salvation (ye believe not that I am he),  they will not have God's provision to blot out their sins and shall die in your sins'.
  29. C8-S29 :  the Jews finally ask the right question.  Our sentence says, Then said they unto him, Who art thou?.
  30. C8-S30Jesus  refers them back to the answer which they rejected in the past.  Our sentence says, And Jesus saith unto them, Even the same that I said unto you from the beginningJesus  had told them before, but they refused to believe what He said.  He did miracles more than was counted, which is the sign that their prophets had told them to look for.  He displayed wisdom and knowledge of scripture which was more than any of the religious leaders had.  In other words, He had literally told them Who He was and gave them all of the evidence that God told them to look for and they still refused to believe.  That was why He told them, ye shall die in your sins.
  31. C8-S31 :  the present action of Jesus  versus future action by Him.
    1. The phrase I have manythings to say and to judge of you  means: 'This is what Jesus  will do in the future when we are in Heaven facing the judgment seat of Christ  or the great white throne judgment'.
    2. The phrase but he that sent me is true  means: 'God the Father had promised them a messenger and that was the current job of Jesus'.
    3. The phrase and I speak to the world those things which I have heard of him  means: 'Jesus  was telling the people what God's Holy Spirit  told Him to say about God the Father'.  He did nothing else until after His crucifixion and resurrection.
  32. C8-S32 :  the misunderstanding of the Jews.  Our sentence says, They understood not that he spake to them of the Father.
  33. C8-S33Jesus  prophesies of future salvation of some Jews.
    1. The phrase Then said Jesus unto them  means: 'This is one of the many prophecies of the crucifixion'.  Please see the Prophecies Sections in the Significant Gospel Events Study for other references where the crucifixion is prophesied.
    2. The phrase When ye have lifted up the Son of man  means: 'This is a prophecy of the crucifixion'.
    3. The phrase then shall ye know that I am he  means: 'The crucifixion will cause some to believe'.
    4. The phrase and that I do nothing of myself  means: 'The crucifixion will prove that Jesus  was a literal physical man Who dies as a man and that He used the power of God to do all of the miracles'.  He did not do them in His own power, which proved that His message was from God.  As Nicodemus said in in John 3:1; we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him.
    5. The phrase but as my Father hath taught me  means: 'Jesus  spoke what God the Father told Him to say and He did not say what He personally wanted to say.  He was strictly a messenger for God the Father during the time of the Gospel accounts'.
  34. C8-S34 :  Why Jews will believe in the future.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Our sentence adds that God the Father was with Jesus  all throughout the Gospel time.
    2. The phrase And he that sent me is with me  means: 'God the Father sent Jesus  and was always with Him'.
    3. The phrase The Father hath not left me alone  means: 'God will always be with us so long as we devote our life to His service'.
    4. The phrase for I do always those things that please him  means: 'Why'.  If we want to always have God with us then we need to dedicate our life to always being a servant of God.  .  .
  35. C8-S35 :  Immediate result of the words from Jesus.  Our sentence says, As he spake these words, many believed on him.
  36. C8-S36 :  Addition needed for freedom of true salvation.
    1. The phrase Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him  means: 'This was not directed to the lost'.  .  .  .
    2. The phrase If ye continue in my word  means: 'Each and every one of us personally must continue in the word of God  if we wish to be free from the addiction of sin'.
    3. The phrase then are ye my disciples indeed  means: 'If we are truly doing this then we will have a disciplined life which includes daily prayer and Bible study'.
    4. The phrase And ye shall know the truth  means: 'We will know what The word of God  says'.
    5. The phrase and the truth shall make you free  means: 'Obedience to The word of God  is what makes us free from the addiction of sin'.
  37. C8-S37 :  the Jews answer from unbelief which was based upon doctrinal error.
    1. The phrase They answered him  means: 'This was their response to what Jesus  had just said'.
    2. The phrase We be Abraham's seed  means: 'This is the wrong doctrinal basis for any claim related to God.  The word seed  speaks of physical descendant'.  John 1:12-13 tells us that our everlasting salvation is not of blood.  Also, Galatians 4:22-28 explains that salvation is not of blood but is based upon the promise of God.  If it was based upon blood  or seed,  then the Arabs, not the Jews, would have the way of salvation and most people in the world would never have a chance for true salvation.
    3. The phrase and were never in bondage to any man  means: 'This is a direct denial of their time in Egypt and their years of prayers for deliverance'.
    4. The phrase how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free?  means: 'They only asked this question because they refused to believe the truth from their own scriptures'.
  38. C8-S38Jesus  explains the bondage of sin.
    1. The phrase Jesus answered them  means: 'This is the direct answer to the false claim in the prior sentence'.  In this sentence, Jesus  proves that they, and all men, are slaves to sin.  Yes, we can be made free,  but we all start out servants to sin.
    2. The phrase Verily, verily, I say unto you  means: 'This has been verified twice and will be used when God judges these people and others who act like them'.
    3. The phrase Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin  means: 'This is a definition and an absolute law of reality'.
  39. C8-S39 :  A difference between a servant and a son.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  .
    2. The phrase And the servant abideth not in the house for ever  means: 'We start out as servants of God.  But, we first consciously sin, we stop being a servant of God and stop abiding in God's house'.
    3. The phrase but the Son abideth ever  means: 'Jesus  never sinned and never stopped abiding in the house of God'.
  40. C8-S40 :  Why to have a relationship with God's Son.
    1. The phrase If the Son therefore shall make you free  means: 'Pay attention to the word if'.  This does not happen unless we obey Him all of the time, and seek His help when our addiction is trying to make us sin.  Also, realize that this phrase uses the word you  while the next phrase uses the word ye.  This offer is made to everyone in general, but the freedom from addictive sin is done on a personal basis.
    2. The phrase ye shall be free indeed  means: 'Each and every one of you personally will lose your addiction to specific sins one at a time'.
  41. C8-S41 :  Why being a seed  is not enough.
    1. The phrase I know that ye are Abraham's seed  means: 'Jesus  acknowledged their claim'.
    2. The phrase but ye seek to kill me  means: 'Jesus  points out that they did not act like Abraham'.
    3. The phrase because my word hath no place in you  means: 'This is why they did not act like Abraham.  Abraham served God because of the promises in The word of God.  Those Jews refused to do the same'.
  42. C8-S42 :  the difference between the Father of Jesus  and the father of the Jews.  Our spiritual actions prove who is our true spiritual father.
    1. The phrase I speak that which I have seen with my Father  means: 'The words of Jesus  show us the character of God the Father'.
    2. The phrase and ye do that which ye have seen with your father  means: 'The actions of the lost show us the character of the devil'.
  43. C8-S43 :  Denial from the Jews.  Our sentence says,   means: 'They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father'.  Earlier they claimed that they were Abraham's seed,  which means: 'physical descendants'.  Now they claim, Abraham is our father,  which means: 'they have the character of Abraham'.  And, the answer from Jesus,  in our next sentence, shows this distinction.
  44. C8-S44 :  Evidence against their claim.
    1. The phrase Jesus saith unto them  means: 'This answer from Jesus  shows us how we will be judged by God and how we should judge the actions by others'.
    2. The phrase If ye were Abraham's children  means: 'This is a conditional phrase which is true only if the next phrase is fulfilled'.  And, this sentence must be considered within the context of the surrounding sentences.  One major source of doctrinal error is taking what the Bible says out of context.
    3. The phrase ye would do the works of Abraham  means: 'Each and every one of you personally would do the works of Abraham'.  Our next sentence starts with the word but,  and shows evidence that the Jews did not fulfill this phrase.  Therefore, their claim was invalid.
  45. C8-S45 :  Further evidence against their claim.
    1. The word But  means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.  In this sentence, Jesus  is telling them how they acted differently than Abraham did.  And, sins they claimed Abraham is our father  just before this answer, this sentence proves that their claim is a lie.  In addition, after proving them to be liars, our next sentence says that they have the character of their true spiritual father, who is Satan.
    2. The phrase But now ye seek to kill me  means: 'Notice that they did not deny this charge'.  These Jews were with the Pharisees, who started this discussion with Jesus  back in C8-S15.  It is important to consider context in cases like this so that we know who is speaking and who he is speaking to and what is their relationship which motivates what is said.  The Pharisees wanted to kill Jesus  because He proved their doctrine wrong, on a continual basis, which destroyed their authority with the people.
    3. The phrase a man that hath told you the truth  means: 'Someone who wants to murder another person because they hath told you the truth,  has their authority based upon a lie'.  (The word hath  means: 'ongoing having'.  Jesus  told them the truth  on an ongoing basis.)
    4. The phrase which I have heard of God  means: 'God the Father was the source of the truth which Jesus  told to them'.
    5. The phrase This did not Abraham  means: 'This is the most critical phrase of our sentence'.  People want to claim certain blessings which were received by historical people.  However, in order to do so that must serve God like the historical person did.
  46. C8-S46 :  Conclusion from the evidence.  Our sentence says, Ye do the deeds of your father  means: 'Here, Jesus  accuses them of having the character of Satan'.
  47. C8-S47 :  the Jews finally understood, and denied, the spiritual message.
    1. The phrase Then said they to him  means: 'This is a direct response to the accusation from Jesus  in the prior sentence'.
    2. The phrase We be not born of fornication  means: 'Here the word fornication  is used spiritually.  When your spiritual father is Satan, and your spiritual mother is the Jewish religion, or the church, you are spiritually born of fornication  because the only Spirit which is supposed to produce spiritual children with the Jewish religion, or with the church, is God'.
    3. The phrase we have one Father, even God  means: 'Here, the Jews, and in particular, the Pharisees, claim that God the Father is their spiritual Father.  However, in the Bible, and in particular within the context of this argument, a father gives his character to his children, even if they are not born of his seed'.  And, Jesus  has said that they do not have the character of God the Father nor of Abraham but do have the character of Satan.  In addition, the next several sentences constitute the answer from Jesus  to their claim in the prior sentence.  In this answer, Jesus  will give more detailed evidence of whom their true spiritual father is.
  48. C8-S48 :  Why their claim is wrong.
    1. The phrase Jesus said unto them  means: 'This is the direct response from Jesus  to their claim in the prior sentence'.  In the rest of this answer, Jesus  will give them further information to support His answer in this sentence.  However, while the rest is support, this sentence is the direct response to the false claim in the prior sentence.
    2. The phrase If God were your Father  means: 'This is a conditional phrase (if)  which is true only if the rest of the sentence is fulfilled'.
    3. The phrase ye would love me  means: 'Since they wanted to kill Him, they, obviously, did not love Him.  Therefore, this phrase is not fulfilled and their claim of the prior sentence is proven to be false'.
    4. The phrase for I proceeded forth and came from God  means: 'This is why they had to love Jesus  if they truly had God the Father as their true spiritual father.  Jesus  cane from Heaven (proceeded forth)  and brought them the message from God the Father (and came from God)'.  That is why they had to love Jesus  if God the Father was their true spiritual father.
    5. The phrase neither came I of myself  means: 'Jesus  did not decide to come on His own for His own purpose'.
    6. The phrase but he sent me  means: 'God the Father sent Jesus  to do the will of God the Father'.
  49. C8-S49 :  Question to make the Jews think.  Our sentence says, Why do ye not understand my speech?Jesus  answers this question in the next sentence.  Therefore, He did not expect them to answer it correctly but asked the question to try and get them to think about what he would tell them.
  50. C8-S50 :  Why the Jews had a problem understanding.  Our sentence says, even because ye cannot hear my word.  This sentence answers the question of the prior sentence.  They could not hear His word  because He was speaking spiritual truths and they insisted on trying to understand the spiritual from a physical and religious perspective.
  51. C8-S51 :  A clear statement of accusation.
    1. The phrase Ye are of your father the devil  means: 'Each and every one of you personally received your character from Satan'.
    2. The phrase and the lusts of your father ye will do  means: 'Your life if focused on doing the sinful lusts that you have been taught to seek'.
  52. C8-S52 :  Description of the character of the devil.
    1. The phrase He was a murderer from the beginning  means: 'Jesus  has already accused them of trying to kill him twice in this chapter and several times in prior chapters.  Thus, they have proven to have the same character as Satan as far as the word murderer  goes'.
    2. The phrase and abode not in the truth  means: 'Jesus  has also accused them of trying to kill Him because He told them the truth from God the Father.  Someone who abode in the truth  would not react that way to being told the truth'.
    3. The phrase because there is no truth in him  means: 'The reason that Satan was a liar, and all of his spiritual children are liars, is because there is no truth in him'.
  53. C8-S53 :  Further description of the character of the devil.
    1. The phrase When he speaketh a lie  means: 'Satan and his devils speak lies and teach false doctrines' (1Timothy 4:1).
    2. The phrase he speaketh of his own  means: 'When devils speak lies, they tell those lies to people who belong to them and those people pass on the lies and doctrines from devils'.
    3. The phrase for he is a liar  means: 'This is why Satan, and all devils, act this way'.
    4. The phrase and the father of it  means: 'Satan teaches all who follow him to also be liars'.
  54. C8-S54 :  Why they rejected the truth from Jesus.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  The prior sentence says that liars belong to Satan and this sentence adds that they refused to believe the truth.  That actually makes them also liars and children of Satan.
    2. The phrase And because I tell you the truth  means: 'Jesus  is adding another evidence that they are liars'.
    3. The phrase ye believe me not  means: 'When Jesus  tells them the truth, they refuse to accept and believe it.  That is the attitude and action of liars.  People who always tell the truth accept the truth when they hear it'.  Now, most people think that they are not liars because they sometimes tell the truth.  However, someone only has to murder another person in order to become a murderer.  Likewise, according to God'[s judgment and The word of God,  someone only has to say one lie within their life in order for God to judge them as liars.  And, only a liar would claim that they have never told a lie.
  55. C8-S55 :  A challenge from Jesus.  Our sentence says, Which of you convinceth me of sin?.  The dictionary definitions for the word convince  include usages which are not in the word of God.  The true Biblical definition is: 'To prove prior position wrong'.  And, the true Biblical definition of the word convinceth  is: 'provide an everlasting conviction; prove wrong in a way that can never be overthrown'.  Thus, Jesus  is really asking then, 'Which of you can prove, in God's court, that Jesus  has done some sin?'.  And, it has to be done in God's court because that is the only place where judgments are made which are never overturned.  Jesus  is asking this question because he is making accusation against them which will send them to Hell.  As a result, when people can not deny an accusation, the typical response id to counter claim a wrong against their accuser.  Therefore, Jesus  is asking them this question because that is the level of His accusation and if they want to counter-accuse, they have to meet the same standard of evidence to back their accusation.
  56. C8-S56 :  Second challenge from Jesus.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  In the prior sentences, Jesus  convinced  them of sin and pointed out that no one could convince  Him of sin.  In particular, He convinced  (proved) them of lying.  And, Jesus  that He never lied.  Thus, He proved that they did this particular sin which He did not do.  And, that is the context of our current sentence.
    2. The phrase And if I say the truth  means: 'Our sentence says if,  and uses it in the sense of since  for those people who believed truth.  However, some Jews believed that Jesus  lied.  Thus, those people will reject everything that He says.  As a result, the next phrase is directed at the people who believed that Jesus  said the truth.  And, because there are two different reactions, our sentence uses the word if  to exclude the nonbelievers from the next phrase'.
    3. The phrase why do ye not believe me?  means: 'Since some people accept that Jesus,  tells the truth, they should believe what Jesus  says'.  Jesus  is asking this question to make those people think and realize that they are letting liars convince then that what Jesus  says is not reliable.
  57. C8-S57 :  True evidence proving the point from Jesus.
    1. The phrase He that is of God heareth God's words  means: 'Anyone who truly belongs to God (of)  spiritually hears God's words  in and ongoing way (heareth)  and retains them to guide how they live'.
    2. The phrase ye therefore hear them not  means: 'Each and every one of the deniers personally do not spiritually hears God's words because (therefore)  they do not always believe what Jesus  says'.  (The therefore  is giving a result from what Jesus  said in the prior sentence.
    3. The phrase because ye are not of God  means: 'The existing cause (because)  of their not being able to spiritually hear what Jesus  says is their lack of belonging to God'.
  58. C8-S58 :  False accusation with no basis.
    1. The phrase Then answered the Jews  means: 'The Jews gave this answer after Jesus  accused them of not belonging to God and as a result of His accusation'.
    2. The phrase and said unto him  means: 'They said the following in response'.  .  .  .
    3. The phrase Say we not well that thou art a Samaritan  means: 'Their religion claimed that all Samaritan were lost and could never be saved in spite of Jesus  going there and saving many (John 4)'.
    4. The phrase and hast a devil?  means: 'This claim is the true unforgivable sin'.
  59. C8-S59 :  Answer from Jesus.
    1. The phrase Jesus answered  means: 'Once more Jesus  responded to their false accusation'.
    2. The phrase I have not a devil  means: 'Jesus  denies their false accusation, which is the unforgivable sin'.  They claimed that the miracles which Jesus  did using the power of God's Holy Spirit  was actually done by a devil.  That is why they said that He had a devil.  With this accusation, they brought a curse upon themselves which will send them to Hell with no chance to be saved.
    3. The phrase but I honour my Father  means: 'The miracles, which they claimed were done by a devil, Jesus  had told them were done with the power of God the Father.  That is what this phrase means.  When they claimed that the works were done by a devil, they dishonoured God the Father.  When Jesus  said that the miracles were done by the power of God the Father, He honored God'.  Likewise, when we acknowledge that all spiritual works are actually done by the power of God, we honor God.  When we claim that they are done by us, we dishonor God.
    4. The phrase and ye do dishonour me  means: 'When they claimed that the truth which Jesus  told them was a lie, they dishonoured  Jesus'.
  60. C8-S60Jesus  is not the one seeking glory.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  This sentence is adding another proof that Jesus  did not have a devil.
    2. The phrase And I seek not mine own glory  means: 'Since every devil motivated person seeks their own glory, and since Jesus  did not do that, His actions proved that He did not have a devil and he was not motivated by a devil'.
    3. The phrase there is one that seeketh and judgeth  means: 'God the Father is continually seeking people He can save and He judges if a person will be saved or condemned'.  Be careful with this doctrine.  There is a popular doctrinal error which claims that God predestines  people to Heaven or to Hell and gives people no choice in the matter.  The truth is that God judgeth  the choices that we make in life.  He only confirms the results of the lifestyle which we each personally choose.
  61. C8-S61 :  Obedience is required for true Biblical salvation  this sentence, like most of this chapter, must be understood spiritually.
    1. The phrase Verily, verily, I say unto you  means: 'This has been verified twice and will be used when God judges these people and others who act like them'.
    2. The phrase If a man keep my saying.  The word keep  means: 'Hold onto and never let go for any reason'.  Thus, our phrase is telling us how to get the result promised in the last phrase.  Thus, our phrase means: 'If we hold onto what the New Testament tells us that Jesus  said directly or that He said through His apostles and authors of the New Testament'.
    3. The phrase he shall never see death  means: 'This person will never see spiritual death but will go directly to Heaven when they die physically'.  This phrase proves that the Roman Catholic doctrine of 'Purgatory' is a lying doctrine of a devil.
  62. C8-S62 :  False accusation again.  Our sentence says, Then said the Jews unto him, Now we know that thou hast a devil.  In the next three sentences the Jews explain why they had this conclusion.  Their first error was to judge a spiritual saying according to physical laws.  We need to always use the right method to judge anything.  Physical things are judged according to physical laws unless there is a spiritual power overcoming the limits of physical laws.  However, spiritual things must always be judged according to spiritual laws set up by God and explained in The word of God.  When they said, Now we know that thou hast a devil,  they admitted that they knew that they were dealing with a spiritual matter because a devil  is 'an unclean spirit'.  But, even though they knew that they were dealing with a spiritual matter, they judged it according to physical laws, as proven by their sayings in the next few sentences.  Therefore, they are deliberately using a wrong procedure and, as a result, they arrive at a wrong conclusion.  And, we need to be extra careful to always use the right procedure, when dealing with spiritual matters, or we will get the wrong conclusion and suffer because of our error.
  63. C8-S63 :  Reasoning behind prior false accusation.
    1. The phrase Abraham is dead  means: 'This is true physically but not true spiritually, as proven at the 'Mount of Transfiguration''.  Thus, they arrived at a wrong conclusion by judging a spiritual truth by the laws of the physical reality.
    2. The phrase and the prophets  means: 'This is true physically but not true spiritually, as proven at the 'Mount of Transfiguration''.  Thus, they arrived at a wrong conclusion by judging a spiritual truth by the laws of the physical reality.
    3. The phrase and thou sayest  means: 'Jesus  personally said this'.
    4. The phrase If a man keep my saying, he shall never taste of death  means: 'This is the spiritual truth that they objected to'.  As I explain in the lessons on the Hermey Web Page, We need to keep the right attitude about God and The word of God  if we are going to use the right procedure and arrive at the right conclusion.  God, and The word of God,  are never wrong.  If they seem wrong, then we are trying to understand what we can not understand at this time.  That is usually due to having a wrong attitude which makes us judge God, and The word of God.  In addition, our attitude makes us declare that God's perfect word of God  is wrong when the actual source of the error is our attitude and our using the wrong procedure to interpret God's perfect word of God.
  64. C8-S64 :  Question of incredulity.  Our sentence says, Art thou greater than our father Abraham, which is dead?.  The answer is 'YES' and it was proven at the 'Mount of Transfiguration'.  In addition, as already explained, Abraham was dead physically but not spiritually.  Therefore, this question proves that they are judging a spiritual saying according to physical laws.
  65. C8-S65 :  Statement from Jesus  goes against evidence.
    1. The phrase and the prophets are dead  means this phrase is wrong just like the prior sentence was wrong.  Please see the prior note for the explanation which also fits this phrase.
    2. The phrase whom makest thou thyself?  means: 'They were asking Jesus  who made him the Son of God'.  It should be obvious that God the Father did this when He had His Son  conceived in Mary.
  66. C8-S66 :  the answer from Jesus  proves that they misapply their evidence.  Notice that Jesus  does not directly answer their question but that he first tells them how to reach the correct conclusion.  We will never arrive at the truth while we use the wrong procedure.  Therefore, He first tells them the correct procedure to use.
    1. The phrase Jesus answered  means: 'This sentence is a direct response to the accusatory questions in the prior three sentences'.
    2. The phrase If I honour myself, my honour is nothing  means: 'Here, Jesus  is agreeing with one point of their procedure for analyzing the prior answers from Jesus.  However, He then goes on to point out that they deliberately ignored the testimony from God so that they could claim that Jesus  only had His own testimony of Himself.  And, as our next phrase says, that belief was a lie.  Therefore, the method that they used to claim that they found truth came from a devil.  And, since their method was wrong, it made everything derived by that method wrong'.
    3. The phrase it is my Father that honoureth me  means: 'God the Father did this when He spoke from Heaven several times.  God the Father also did this when He gave Jesus  the power to do miracles.  And, as Nicodemus testified in John 3:1; that proved that God the Father honored Jesus,  and the Jews knew it.  Finally, at the 'Mount of Transfiguration', God the Father honored Jesus,  again'.
    4. The phrase of whom ye say, that he is your God  means: 'This phrase, if true, demanded that the Jews also honor Jesus  as the prophet from God, if not for His greater position.  However, since they refused to honor Jesus,  they proved that this claim was a lie and that their true god was a devil'.
    5. The phrase Yet ye have not known him  means: 'They did not have the results of an ongoing personal intimate relationship (known)'.  If their claim had been true, then they would have the character of God (John 1:12).  We see this truth with the context of the next phrase helping to provide the true interpretation of this phrase.
    6. The phrase but I know him  means: 'This is proven true because Jesus  was / is the Son of God  and shows us His character (John 14:8-9)'.
    7. The phrase and if I should say  means: 'Jesus  did not do this but said if  so that we would know that the condition would have to be fulfilled before the conclusion became true'.
    8. The phrase I know him not  means: 'This is the conditional requirement which Jesus  never fulfilled'.  Therefore, the next phrase was never true.  However, it was true for these Jews.
    9. The phrase I shall be a liar like unto you  means: 'This proves that they were liars because they claimed a relationship which was not supported by the absolute requirement of the results of such a relationship'.
    10. The phrase but I know him, and keep his saying  means: 'This phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing directions.  The prior phrase called the Jews liars because they claimed to be the sons of God,  but did not have the mandatory evidence as having the character of God and keep his saying.  In this phrase, we see Jesus  say that He did keep God's sayings and, earlier, Jesus  proved that He did have the character of God the Father.  Thus, we see the Jews acting one way while claiming to know God the Father and Jesus  acting a totally different way while claiming to know God the Father'.
  67. C8-S67 :  Return to claims about Abraham.
    1. The phrase Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day  means: 'in this sentence, Jesus  uses the phrase Your father  for their physical father even though, earlier, He denied that Abraham was their father because they did not have his character'.  In both sentences, the Jews understood what he was actually saying.
    2. The phrase and he saw it, and was glad  means: 'This happened at the 'Mount of Transfiguration''.
  68. C8-S68 :  Reaction of Jews to claim about Abraham.  Our sentence says, Then said the Jews unto him, thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham?.  Once more, they made the mistake of trying to understand a spiritual truth within the limits of the laws controlling the physical reality.  Jesus,  as The Son of God,  was in the spiritual reality before the world was formed.  Please see the Detailed Note for the references where the Bible tells us this doctrine.
  69. C8-S69 :  Truth about the life of Jesus.
    1. The phrase Jesus said unto them  means: 'Jesus  answered their last verbal argument'.
    2. The phrase Verily, verily, I say unto you  means: 'This has been verified twice and will be used when God judges these people and others who act like them'.
    3. The phrase Before Abraham was  means: 'Jesus  makes it clear that He existed before Abraham did'.  Please see the Detailed note, for the prior sentence, for references in the Bible which support this doctrine.
    4. The phrase I am  means: 'The Jews understood very clearly that Jesus  was claiming to be God in human flesh'.  Please see the Detailed note for references in the Bible which support this doctrine.
  70. C8-S70 :  End of confrontation.  Please see the Table Of Miracles in the Gospels for references to other miracles done by Jesus.
    1. The phrase Then took they up stones to cast at him  means: 'Since they could not win the argument, and since they refused to consider the words of Jesus  from a spiritual perspective, they resorted to physical violence'.  A person who is truly reasonable  is: 'reason able.  They can give a valid reason for what they believe and they can accept a valid reason which causes them to change what they believe.  A person who refuses to be reasonable  proves themselves to be a fool.  And, these fools condemned themselves to be in the lake of fire  forever'.
    2. The phrase but Jesus hid himself  means: 'Think about this.  Jesus  was in the middle of a bunch of angry people who were determined to kill Him.  They would not let Him walk away if they could stop Him.  But He suddenly could not be seen nor could He be felt when they tried to feel where He had stood.  Neither could He be smelled not heard to move'.  Please see the Table Of Miracles in the Gospels for Bible references to this miracle and to all miracles which are reported in the Gospels.
    3. The phrase and went out of the temple  means: 'Jesus  left where the people refused to listen'.  There are times when people just want to argue and refuse to be reasonable.  When we find ourselves in such a situation, we need to follow the example of Jesus  and walk away.  Please see the Doctrinal Study called What Did Jesus Do? for several hundred circumstances and Gospel references where Jesus  shows us how to deal with problems in this world and in the flesh.
    4. The phrase going through the midst of them  means: 'Even though He walked through the crowd, they did not sense Him in any way'.
    5. The phrase and so passed by  means: 'That is how He left the unreasonable people'.
Chapter 9 Summary:

True Salvation Requires Being Willing to Suffer.

Please also see the Message called Dealing With Doctrinal Error.

The first part of this chapter is an allegory.  Please see the note for Galatians 4:24 which explains the difference between an allegory  and a parable.

This entire chapter is about Jesus  healing a man who was born blind.  In C9-S2 Jesus  said that the man was born blind that the works of God should be made manifest in him.  In stead of thanking God for a miracle and seeking Jesus  to learn more about God, the Jews took him to the Pharisees who condemned Jesus  because He had violated their religious rule and did the miracle on the sabbath day.  They claimed that Jesus  did more work than their religious rules allowed on the sabbath day.  By doing so, they denied that it was God the Father working through JesusJesus  had set aside His own power in order to be born, live and die as a literal physical man.  Since it was actually God the Father doing the actual healing, they were actually condemning God the Father.

At the end of the chapter we read: Jesus said, forjudgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind.  Before that the blind man met Jesus  again and was saved.  However, the Pharisees were condemned because of their refusal to believe.

in this chapter Jesus  says: As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.  Today, He works through the Holy Spirit and His role as Christ  to bring light  ('knowledge and understanding') to people.  Just as the Pharisees were condemned because they choose the doctrinal error from their religion over the truth from Jesus,  so also are people condemned today for making the same choice.

If the reader considers the fact that an entire chapter is given to tell us about this incident in detail, the reader should understand its importance.  John does not tell us as much detail when he tells about other miracles.  He obviously wants us to understand everything that went on here and that, when Jesus  condemns these Jews, it was because they kept refusing to accept the truth in spite of being given several evidences of their error.  Throughout all ages men have condemned God when God refused to do as they expected.  However, God does not have to fulfill our expectations but we must fulfill God's expectations.  Here we see the results of 'Original Sin' with men thinking that they can order God around.  John spends an entire chapter to make it clear that such an opinion is error which will send the religious person to an eternity in the lake of fire  (Revelation 19:20; Revelation 20:10; Revelation 20:14; Revelation 20:15).

John 9:1-14 tells us that Jesus  heals a man born blind.  The Jews cast the man out of the Temple for refusing to lie about JesusJesus  tells the Jews: If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth.

In John 9:4-5; Jesus  said that He was in the world to do the work of the Messiahs  or Christ.

Below is a summary of each sentence within this chapter with a link to the note providing the detailed analysis and contextual requirements of each sentence.  These sentence summaries also show the basis for the chapter summary provided above.

  1. C9-S1Jesus  took advantage of a situation which presented itself.  Please see the Table Of Miracles in the Gospels for references to other miracles done by Jesus.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Our sentence and chapter is adding to the religious argument of the prior chapter where the religious leaders claimed that they were the top authority because of their position and where Jesus  countered with evidence that He came from God the Father.  That made Him the top authority.
    2. The phrase And as Jesus passed by  means: 'This was an opportunity which Jesus  did not plan but which God the Father made Him aware of when it happened'.  There will be times in the lives of saved people when God has a plan which we are not aware of until God makes it come into our lives.  And, just like Jesus  does in this chapter, we must be ready to take advantage of every opportunity to witness fro God.
    3. The phrase he saw a man which was blind from his birth  means: 'There are people who deny all miracles and try to explain how something similar can be done today with technology which was not available when Jesus  was alive on this Earth.  For example, they claim that, in the future, we will be able to replace eyes.  Never mind that Jesus  did not replace his eyes and that He did not have the artificial eyes nor the operating room.  People don't care how ridiculous they are when they deny truth'.
  2. C9-S2 :  A question from his disciples  prompted His action.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Our sentence adds the reaction of the disciples to the observed circumstance.
    2. The phrase And his disciples asked him, saying  means: 'This is who asked the question'.
    3. The phrase Master  means: 'This is the correct title since that are asking for teaching of knowledge and understanding'.
    4. The phrase who did sin, this man, or his parents  means: 'This was the historical teaching of the Jews.  They claimed that if anything happened to a person, which we consider to be bad, then it could only be the result of sin'.  That claim is doctrinal error.  Jesus  did no sin even though He was crucified and God lets His saints suffer even though they did no sin to deserve the suffering.
    5. The phrase that he was born blind?  means: 'This is the condition which they observed and which the Jews claimed could only happen as a result of sin'.
  3. C9-S3Jesus  states the spiritual purpose of this circumstance.
    1. The phrase Jesus answered  means: 'Jesus  corrected their doctrinal error'.
    2. The phrase Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents  means: 'He said that what they had been taught was wrong'.
    3. The phrase but that the works of God should be made manifest in him  means: 'This was why he was born blind'.  Romans 14 explains that we can be punished by God for judging our brother, especially if our judgment is wrong.  We need to ley God work in the lives of other people.  Yes, we can judge their attitudes and actions but we are not allowed to judge the people.
  4. C9-S4 :  in this sentence, Jesus  explains why this circumstance happened.  He gives us a precept  to live by.  Please see the Doctrinal Study called Jesus Used the Power of the Holy Ghost related to this sentence.
    1. The phrase I must work the works of him that sent me  means: 'Jesus  had to do miracles so that He could prove that His message came from God the Father'.
    2. The phrase while it is day  means: 'He did them while He was physically alive'.
    3. The phrase The night cometh, when no man can work  means: 'Once we die (night),  we can no longer do anything to change our everlasting position'.  The principal here is that we need to do all that we can to serve God before we die because our amount, and type, of service will determine our everlasting position.
  5. C9-S5 :  the spiritual truth of this chapter.
    1. The phrase As long as I am in the world  means: 'This was while Jesus  lived in this world and before His resurrection'.
    2. The phrase I am the light of the world  means: 'Jesus  provided us with all spiritual knowledge and understanding'.  Please see the Doctrinal Study called What Did Jesus Do? for several hundred circumstances and Gospel references where Jesus  shows us how to deal with problems in this world and in the flesh.
  6. C9-S6 :  What Jesus  did.  Please see the Doctrinal Study called Miracles in the Gospels for links to this miracle and to all others which are reported in the Gospels.
    1. The phrase When he had thus spoken  means: 'After Jesus  gave the prior explanation to His disciples'.
    2. The phrase he spat on the ground, and made clay of the spittle  means: 'Let the miracle deniers explain this miracle while the available tools are limited to this type of mud'.  Spit is water from our body.  Water is used symbolically for the spiritual power of God working in our life such as when it is used, symbolically, the cleanse us.  Clay speaks of what God used to create man.  Thus, symbolically, we have the spiritual power of God working in the base substance of men's' bodies, to correct this physical deficiency.
    3. The phrase and he anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay  means: 'This is how Jesus  directed the spiritual power of God to correct this particular problem'.
    4. The phrase And said unto him  means: 'Jesus  told him what to do'.
    5. The phrase Go, wash in the pool of Siloam, (which is by interpretation, Sent)  means: 'When we receive a miracle, God sends us to others to tell them what God did for us'.  This is so that others will go the God with their needs.  And, as we read in the remainder of this chapter, this man went where he was sent and witnessed about the blessing which he received from God.
  7. C9-S7 :  the blind man did as he was told to do.  Our sentence says, He went his way therefore, and washed, and came seeing.  The word therefore  means: 'as a direct result of the command in the prior sentence'.  Many people want to be blessed by God but they are not willing to obey.  Many claim that they obey but they do not do exactly as commanded.  This man received his miracle because he did exactly what he was commanded to do.
  8. C9-S8 :  People wondered at the change caused by God.
    1. The phrase The neighbours therefore  means: 'This sentence is a direct result of the miracle'.  If people do not know about what was done, then God does not receive glory from His miracle.  And, if God does not receive glory, then other people do not go to God with their need.  When we receive a miracle from God we are to use it as a witness for God.  God does not need His ego stroked but He does need us to use what He does to encourage others to turn to God and receive not just miracles but also everlasting salvation.
    2. The phrase and they which before had seen him that he was blind, said  means: 'This reaction means that others realized that he had received a miracle'.
    3. The phrase Is not this he that sat and begged?  means: 'They realized that his entire life was changed'.  When God works in our life, it should be a life changing event.
  9. C9-S9 :  Different opinions were expressed.
    1. The phrase Some said, this is he  means: 'These people confirmed the truth'.
    2. The phrase others said, He is like him  means: 'These people felt that their opinion was more important than the truth'.  There will always be some peopled like this involved in any important event.  They are more concerned about their pride, and about people thinking them to be an expert, than they are about the truth.
    3. The phrase but he said, I am he  means: 'The man did not leave people speculating'.  If he had done that, he would have increased his own reputation and pride.  However, as this sentence shoes, and as the rest of this report shows, he was more concerned with the truth than with what happened to him.  This is the type of attitude that God wants His children to always have.
  10. C9-S10 :  People questioned how he had a miracle.
    1. The phrase Therefore said they unto him  means: 'As a direct result of finding the truth that is not physically possible, people asked how the change happened'.
    2. The phrase How were thine eyes opened?  means: 'This is what they asked'.  God gives us opportunities to witness when we are willing to do so.
  11. C9-S11 :  the man told what happened to him physically.
    1. The phrase He answered and said  means: 'This man answered the question with the truth and with no embellishment'.
    2. The phrase A man that is called Jesus made clay, and anointed mine eyes  means: 'Notice that he knew the name but did not realize who Jesus  was'.  This man received a miracle even while being lost.  Later in this account we are told about his being saved.  However, that was dependent upon his reacting right and reporting the truth with nothing added.  In addition, we see here that someone receiving a miracle from God does not, by itself, mean that they are saved.
    3. The phrase and said unto me, Go to the pool of Siloam, and wash  means: 'Notice that he repeats the command exactly as it was given to him'.
    4. The phrase and I went and washed  means: 'He obeyed exactly as commanded'.  Religions always try to add to what God commands.  We are to report exactly what The word of God  commands with no additions and no subtractions.
    5. The phrase and I received sight  means: 'Here he reports the result of complete obedience'.
  12. C9-S12 :  People asked where Jesus  was.  Our sentence says, Then said they unto him, Where is he?  means: 'Since Jesus  had healed this man, they assumed that he knew where Jesus  was.  However, Jesus  disappeared when the man was going to the pool in order to obey'.
  13. C9-S13 :  the man didn't know.  Our sentence says, He said, I know not  means: 'Notice that he gave a simple answer and avoided religious arguments'.
  14. C9-S14 :  the reaction of the people to his lack of knowledge.  Our sentence says, They brought to the Pharisees him that aforetime was blind  means: 'The people took him to the self proclaimed religious experts because the miracle violated their religious rules but the man refused to argue about religion'.
  15. C9-S15 :  When Jesus  did the miracle.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Our sentence adds the reason why the people did as reported in the prior sentence.
    2. The phrase And it was the sabbath day when Jesus made the clay  means: 'Making the clay was not important, but doing the miracle on the sabbath day violated the religious additions to God's law'.
    3. The phrase and opened his eyes  means: ''.  They brought this man to the Pharisees so that the Pharisees could have their religious fit.  These people didn't care about the man nor did they really care about the religious rules.  They just wanted a show and the fit that the Pharisees would have promised to be a show which they could gossip about.
  16. C9-S16 :  the Pharisees questioned the man.  Our sentence says, Then again the Pharisees also asked him how he had received his sight  means: 'They had heard but they wanted to hear from him'.
  17. C9-S17 :  the man repeated his answer.
    1. The phrase He said unto them, He put clay upon mine eyes, and I washed, and do see  means: 'This is the same as his prior answer only summarized a little'.  The Pharisees had already heard the details.  By summarizing somewhat, he as reducing the change of getting into another argument.
  18. C9-S18 :  the Pharisees condemned Jesus  based upon religious doctrinal error.
    1. The phrase Therefore said some of the Pharisees  means: 'They pronounced their judgment of Jesus'.
    2. The phrase This man is not of God, because he keepeth not the sabbath day  means: 'They put their religious opinion over the facts of reality which were in front of them'.  In John 3:2; Nicodemus said, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him.  Since Nicodemus was also a Pharisee, the Pharisees knew the truth but some decided to be religious fools who deny the evidence which God gives to them.  This type of attitude is what sends people to hell.
  19. C9-S19 :  An opposing opinion was expressed.  Our sentence says, Others said, How can a man that is a sinner do such miracles?  means: 'These others used the same reasoning as Nicodemus'.
  20. C9-S20And there was a division among them.  Our sentence says, And there was a division among them  means: 'They were divided between the opinion of foolish religious fanatics and realists'.
  21. C9-S21 :  the Pharisees asked the man for his opinion of Jesus.
    1. The phrase They say unto the blind man again  means: 'They had asked him before and only ended up with a division in their own ranks.  They are asking him again, hoping that he will change his account, and that they can come back into agreement among themselves'.
    2. The phrase What sayest thou of him  means: 'They are asking him to say again, with an implied threat if he does not say what they want to hear'.  Notice that they are not asking him about the facts but are demanding his opinion of Jesus.  .  .
    3. The phrase that he hath opened thine eyes?  means: 'Here they acknowledge the fact that the miracle was done'.  They can not win an argument about the facts so they are asking for an opinion which they can argue about.
  22. C9-S22 :  the man gave his opinion which was based upon scripture.  Our sentence says,   means: 'He said, He is a prophet'.  The Pharisees all know that this answer puts Jesus  at a higher authority than they have.  They were prepared to argue their opinion as being more authorative than the man's opinion, but they could not argue against Jesus  being a prophet if He truly did a miracle.  Therefore, in the next sentence, we see them trying to prove that a miracle did not truly happen.
  23. C9-S23 :  the Jews refused the testimony given to them.
    1. The word But  means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.  The Pharisees are still trying to argue against the opinion of the man but now they must first prove that a miracle did not really happen.  They are no longer directly arguing the opinion but have changed to arguing against the basis of the opinion.
    2. The phrase But the Jews did not believe concerning him, that he had been blind, and received his sight  means: 'They not only were calling this man a liar but also calling all of the people who testified that he was blind liars'.
    3. The phrase until they called the parents of him that had received his sight  means: 'Now they are seeking the opinion of the parents to support their opinion that everyone who disagrees with their opinion are liars'.
  24. C9-S24 :  the Jews questioned the man's parents.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  The prior sentence told us that the Pharisees called the parents and this sentence adds the report of what they asked the parents.
    2. The phrase And they asked them, saying  means: 'This is what they did after demanding that the parents come to their court which did not really have legal authority from God for judging religious matters'.
    3. The phrase is this your son, who ye say was born blind?  means: 'Notice that the parents already testified that their son was born blind.  Now, in desperation, they are trying to get the parents to deny that their son is the one who was born blind'.
  25. C9-S25 :  the question which the Jews asked to the man's parents.  Our sentence says, how then doth he now see?  means: 'They are demanding that the parents explain a miracle which they did not see and which they only had the same reports as the Pharisees'.  The Pharisees claimed to be the religious experts and yet could not explain the miracle.  In spite of the facts, they were demanding that people who were not religious experts do what they could not do.  This is the way of religious fanatics.
  26. C9-S26 :  the parents told the Pharisees that they were asking the wrong people.  Notice how careful they are in their answer.  The Pharisees claimed that salvation was in the Temple worship and the parents believed that doctrinal error.  In addition, the Pharisees threatened to kick people out of the Temple if they made the Pharisees mad enough.  Therefore, the parents believed that they were risking going to Hell if their answer did not please the Pharisees.
    1. The phrase His parents answered them and said  means: 'They had to give an answer so they gave this answer'.
    2. The phrase We know that this is our son, and that he was born blind  means: 'They admitted undeniable facts'.
    3. The phrase But by what means he now seeth, we know not  means: 'They claimed ignorance of his changed physical abilities'.
    4. The phrase or who hath opened his eyes, we know not  means: 'They claimed ignorance of who gave him the miracle'.
    5. The phrase he is of age; ask him: he shall speak for himself  means: 'They said to talk to their son and don't blame them for his answer.  They were no longer responsible for him'.  God says that we are responsible for our children to The third and fourth generation  (Exodus 20:5; Exodus 34:7; Numbers 14:18; Deuteronomy 5:9).  Since this man was begging, the parents, obviously, already had refused to accept their own responsibility.
  27. C9-S27 :  Why the parents answered like they did.
    1. The phrase These words spake his parents  means: 'This is what the parents said'.
    2. The phrase because they feared the Jews  means: 'This is why'.
    3. The phrase for the Jews had agreed already  means: 'This was the Pharisees another religious leaders'.
    4. The phrase that if any man did confess that he was Christ  means: 'This was the truth that they were trying to suppress'.
    5. The phrase he should be put out of the synagogue  means: 'As already explained, the Jewish religious leaders taught that this would condemn them to Hell'.
  28. C9-S28 :  Why the parents answered like they did.
    1. The phrase Therefore said his parents  means: 'This is why the parents cowardly denied their responsibility to their son'.
    2. The phrase He is of age; ask him  means: 'They left him alone when he needed support and help'.
  29. C9-S29 :  Demand for agreement with doctrinal error.
    1. The phrase Then again called they the man that was blind, and said unto him  means: 'This was after they proved that the man stood alone and that no one would support him'.
    2. The phrase Give God the praise  means: 'This seems to be OK and a compromise statement'.  We need to be careful of these types of things.  This is actually a demand that he deny the involvement of Jesus  and claim that God directly did the miracle while bypassing Jesus.  Several religions of today claim to worship God while denying Jesus  even though God the Father said, This is my beloved Son, hear ye Him.
    3. The phrase we know that this man is a sinner  means: 'Like many lies, they claimed that their unsupported opinion was fact'.  Their claim, if accepted, allowed them to deny the truth about Jesus.
  30. C9-S30 :  the answer from the blind man.
    1. The phrase He answered and said  means: 'He refused to give them the answer which they demanded and only spoke truth'.
    2. The phrase Whether he be a sinner or no, I know not  means: 'He could not judge the spiritual condition of Jesus,  at that time'.
    3. The phrase one thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see  means: 'He could, and did, state the facts which had been verified several times'.
  31. C9-S31 :  First question.  Our sentence says, Then said they to him again, What did he to thee?.  This repetition has reached to point of berating the man.  They are trying to force him to lie.
  32. C9-S32 :  Second question.  Our sentence says, how opened he thine eyes?  means: He has already told them everything that happened physically and old them repeatedly.  They are trying to push him into saying something that he is not positive of so that they can argue that statement and, thereby, dismiss the miracle.  However, the man resists the temptation and sticks with verified facts which can not be disputed.  This is what we need to do when someone is trying to bagger us into making a mistake in our giving a true account.
  33. C9-S33 :  Challenge to their motivation for prior questions.
    1. The phrase He answered them, I have told you already, and ye did not hear  means: 'He is calling them on their tactic.  They are refusing to listen.  When people get that attitude, you are wasting your breathe to say more and are in danger of saying something that you should not.  That is what the Pharisees were trying to force this man to do'.
    2. The phrase wherefore would ye hear it again?  means: 'Why are you asking for the answer already given repeatedly'.  He is calling on them to honestly state their own motive for their badgering him.
  34. C9-S34 :  Dare then to tell an obvious lie.  Our sentence says,   means: 'will ye also be his disciples?'.  The only honest reason for repeated questions is if someone truly wants to be a disciple and they are trying to understand.  However, it is obvious that this is not true for the Pharisees.  Therefore, he is, indirectly, accusing them of being liars in their repeated questions.
  35. C9-S35 :  the Jews claim a non-obvious lie.
    1. The phrase Then they reviled him, and said  means: 'They reproached him and treated him with contemptuous language'.
    2. The phrase Thou art his disciple  means: 'They regarded any disciple of Jesus  as being despicable'.
    3. The phrase but we are Moses' disciples  means: 'This was a lie'.  Please see the detailed note for the evidence that this claim was a lie.
  36. C9-S36 :  the Jews gave a half-truth lie.  In addition, they based their claim on a common religious source of doctrinal error.  They claimed that God's truth was limited to what they knew.
    1. The phrase We know that God spake unto Moses  means: 'This much was true and the Old Testament has much evidence of this truth'.
    2. The phrase as for this fellow, we know not from whence he is  means: 'They are claiming that the only truth is what they know'.  However, there are manythings which are true but which we do not know.  In addition, for Biblical truth, look at the places in the New Testament where we are told that God revealed a mystery.  That is: 'a Biblical truth which was not known until God revealed it'.  In addition, think about all that babies do not know.  The fact is that no person ever knows all truth.  Only God can claim that.  These Pharisees were claiming to be equal to, or wiser, than God.
  37. C9-S37 :  the man called the Jews on their lie.  And, his answer continues for the next three sentences.
    1. The phrase The man answered and said unto them  means: 'This is the start of his answer'.  He could have kept his mouth shut and avoided problems but God wants us to stand for truth.  And, at times, that means pointing out an obvious lie and making it clear that we will not support a politically correct lie.
    2. The phrase Why herein is a marvellous thing  means: 'He is being sarcastic.  If their claims truly were marvelous, then he could not point out the obvious lie which they claimed.  However, the rest of his answer proves that they are religious liars'.
    3. The phrase that ye know not from whence he is  means: 'They claimed that truth was limited to what they knew and then admitted that ye know not from whence he is.  Thus, they were claiming that it was impossible to find truth'.
    4. The phrase and yet he hath opened mine eyes  means: 'This is a many times verified truth.  Yet they denied it while claiming that truth was limited to what they agreed to'.
  38. C9-S38 :  the man used the doctrine of the Jews against them.
    1. The word Now  means: 'After you understand what was said prior'.  As the man just pointed out, they claimed that truth was limited to what they knew while also admitting that they did not know where Jesus  came fRomans that they did not know how He did the miracle.  Yet, the man had a many times verified true miracle.  Therefore, their claim was an obvious lie.
    2. The phrase Now we know that God heareth not sinners  means: 'God would not do a miracle through a sinner because God would refuse to listen to the request of the sinner'.  This is a doctrine taught by the Pharisees and Jewish religious leaders so often that they could not deny it.
    3. The phrase but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth his will  means: 'This are the two main requirements for getting God to answer prayer, as taught by the Pharisees and Jewish religious leaders'.
    4. The phrase him he heareth  means: 'The Pharisees and Jewish religious leaders also taught this doctrine'.  Thus, we see this man answer based upon their own commonly taught doctrines.  And, he is pointing out that they are now demanding that he agree with a decision which is directly opposed to their own doctrine.  This is what he claimed was a marvellous thing.
  39. C9-S39 :  An undeniable fact.
    1. The phrase Since the world began was it not heard that any man opened the eyes of one that was born blind  means: 'This was a first time in history.  No one else, not even the prophets, has been able to do this'.
    2. John 1:17 says, For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.  This miracle demonstrated Jesus  offering truth  to the Jews and the Pharisees and religious leaders rejecting truth  to hold onto their perverted religious doctrine which deviated from The law given by Moses.  All throughout this chapter we see an argument over truth.  We saw the religious leaders claiming to be sons of Abraham  and disciples of Moses.  We also saw both of those claims proven to be lies because they rejected Jesus  and the truth  which He brought.  This entire chapter is giving us the doctrine which this miracle demonstrates.  Truth  and true Bible knowledge and understanding only come after Jesus  opens our spiritual eyes.
  40. C9-S40 :  Proof of the doctrinal error from the Jews.  Our sentence says, If this man were not of God, he could do nothing.  We already saw that Nicodemus said the same thing in John 3:2.  Therefore, this man is still repeating doctrine known and taught by the religious leaders.  .  .
  41. C9-S41 :  Character assimilation rather than answer truth.
    1. The phrase They answered and said unto him  means: 'Since they can not answer the facts and the truth, they attack his character'.  When we are defending the truth and people react this way, we can be sure that they are desperate.  They can not deny the truth but they refuse to accept it.  Therefore, they attack the messenger while denying that they will be judged by God for denying the truth that He sent to them.
    2. The phrase Thou wast altogether born in sins  means: 'This is true for everybody, including the religious leaders who accused him'.
    3. The phrase and dost thou teach us?  means: 'God often choses to use sinful men to deliver His message'.  The religious leaders are, indirectly, lying and claiming that they were not also sinners.
  42. C9-S42 :  Persecution for standing for truth.  Our sentence says, And they cast him out  means: 'They case him out of the Temple believing their own false doctrine that their action condemned him to hell'.  NO religious activity by man forces God to save or to condemn other men.
  43. C9-S43Jesus  saves those who strand for truth.
    1. The phrase Jesus heard that they had cast him out; and when he had found him  means: 'Jesus  seeks out and helps people who are persecuted by religion because they stand for the truth'.
    2. The phrase he said unto him  means: 'Jesus  offered him salvation because of his prior actions'.
    3. The phrase Dost thou believe on the Son of God?  means: 'This is what is required for God the offer us salvation'.  Jesus  already knew his answer but asked this question so that he would know that he was saved and he would know why he was saved.  Remember that the religious leaders just took action which they claimed condemned him to Hell.  However, if we believe on the Son of God,  then we do not have to worry about ant condemnation by some false religious group.
  44. C9-S44 :  the man expressed willingness to obey.  Our sentence says, He answered and said, Who is he, Lord, that I might believe on him?  means: 'He was willing to believe and do anything that Jesus  told him because the miracle proved that Jesus  was a true messenger from God'.
  45. C9-S45 :  the truth required for salvation.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Jesus  added the true answer to his question.
    2. The phrase And Jesus said unto him  means: 'His answer came from God'.
    3. The phrase Thou hast both seen him  means: 'He personally saw Jesus'.  Our salvation is a personal matter.
    4. The phrase and it is he that talketh with thee  means: 'He personally had to believe and obey Jesus'.
  46. C9-S46 :  Salvation received.  Our sentence says,   means: 'And he said, Lord, I believe'.  This is all that true salvation requires.
  47. C9-S47 :  Evidence of true salvation.  Our sentence says, And he worshipped him,  which means 'This is the right response to true salvation'.
  48. C9-S48Jesus  states one reason why He came to this world.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Jesus  adds an explanation of the results of true salvation as opposed to religious doctrine which sends people to Hell.
    2. The phrase And Jesus said  means: 'This is the message from God'.
    3. The phrase For judgment I am come into this world  means: 'Everyone will be judged according to how they deal with Jesus'.
    4. The phrase that they which see not might see  means: 'Jesus  came to open the spiritual eyes of those people who admitted that they can not see spiritual truth'.
    5. The phrase and that they which see might be made blind  means: 'Jesus  came to spiritually permanently blind people who claimed to know and understand spiritual truth using false religious methods'.
    6. Please note that this is what I wrote earlier was the spiritual message which the miracle demonstrated.
  49. C9-S49 :  the reaction from the Pharisees.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Jesus  adds the basis of judgment for their sins.
    2. The phrase And some of the Pharisees which were with him heard these words  means: 'This sentence gives their reaction'.
    3. The phrase and said unto him, Are we blind also?  means: 'They asked if the obvious application really was applied to them'.  Our next sentence has the answer from Jesus.
  50. C9-S50Jesus  condemns eternally the Pharisees.
    1. The phrase Jesus said unto them  means: 'Jesus  did not directly answer their question but told them the consequence of their choice'.  They were probably prepared for a direct answer to their question but were not sure how to respond to this answer.
    2. The phrase If ye were blind, ye should have no sin  means: 'If they had been spiritually blind, and accepted the spiritual light from Jesus,  then He would have saved them'.
    3. The phrase but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth  means: 'Because they insisted that they understood the spiritual truths of The word of God,  even while they were lying with their claim their sin would never be taken away (remaineth)'.  In this sentence, Jesus  condemned them the Hell because they repeatedly rejected truth and, in their pride, rejected the spiritual light from Jesus.
Chapter 10 Summary:

The Good Shepherd.

This chapter could also be titled 'A true relationship with Jesus Christ'.  The over-all description of this relationship tells us that He is The good shepherd  and the saved are His sheep.  (Please see further in this note for the importance of the word sheep  within this chapter.)  With this in mind, it should be understood that our chapter is telling us the elements of a true  relationship between God and His people.  In addition, to describing the overall relationship, our chapter tells us the characteristics of several of the true  elements, of a true relationship with God.  Our chapter does not describe everything involved in false relationship with God, but it does tell us the characteristics of false elements so that we can remove those elements from our life.  Therefore, we are expected to examine our own personal relationship with God and increase the good characteristics of the true  elements and eliminate any false elements that may be in our personal relationship with God.  With this in mind, below is a small table which identifies the various elements and where this chapter tells us about them.

A major part of this true  relationship is the fact that it is 'an ongoing personal relationship which causes the saved person to mature spiritually'.  We see this said, symbolically, in our chapter in the parable of 10:1 through 10:5 and in the explanation of that parable in 10:7 through 10:18.  (All of the rest of this chapter is dealing with the reaction to this parable and the explanation.  In addition, we see the difference between lost religious people and the many (who) believed on Jesus  within this chapter and the distinction is made based upon their true belief  which is revealed by their reaction to the truth of this chapter.)  In addition, we see the truth about the true Biblical relationship said literally in 10:9; where shall go in and out, and find pasture  is added to he shall be saved.  (The word shall  is defined as: 'absolutely, positively will happen'.)  the actions of a saved person, found in this verse, are not optional but are 'absolutely, positively required' of all truly Biblically saved people.  Further, we also see this truth literally said in 10:10; where we read I (Jesus Christ) am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.  The phrase have it more abundantly  is added (and)  to the phrase that they might have life.  Thus, the life...more abundantly  is added (andafter receiving initial salvation (that they might have life).

The false relationship, which comes from doctrinal error taught by religion, claims that everything in this relationship is received when we make our initial profession.  Yes, there is a lot of doctrinal error taught about how to receive salvation but this chapter is dealing with the main doctrinal error which is taught about our relationship which we have after our initial profession of salvation.  True Biblical salvation is 'an ongoing personal relationship with God' and, during the 'Church Age', that includes 'God's life in us'.

All forms of life grows or it dies.  All forms of life change the environment where it is introduced.  The simplest example of that is when a family brings home their first baby.  This universal example is also true about people receiving God's life in them.  True Biblical salvation changes the person who receives it and all who claim otherwise are deceived and / or liars.

Our chapter tells us how to tell if we have true Biblical salvation by having the true elements of a Godly relationship.  If we do not have these elements, but claim that we are truly Biblically saved, then we just recently received salvation and have not yet had enough time to mature spiritually, or we have been deceived and are a twofold...child of hell  (Matthew 23:15).

This chapter starts with the lesson, from Jesus,  on the good shepherd  and the sheepfold,  which leads to His lesson on being the door  and His having other sheep.  He also declared His upcoming death when he said I lay down my life, that I might take it again.  This, of course, led to another division among the Jews with some declaring about JesusHe hath a devil, and is mad; why hear ye him?  However, Jesus  answered with If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not.  But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him.  Our chapter ends with: As many resorted unto him, and said, John did no miracle: but all things that John spake of this man were true.  And many believed on him there.

Hidden within this chapter is a truth that some people find and some people miss.  Forms of the word sheep  occur 17 times in 13 verses, making it one of the most, if not the most, important subject of this chapter.  In this chapter Jesus  says: My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.  He also says: But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you.  Thus, we have a clear way to separate true believers from false professors.  Simply put: 'true believers hear (listen and obey) The true words of Jesus,  which come from what is literally written in the Bible,  even when it goes against what they believed before hearing the words of Jesus.  However, false professors stick with their prior religious beliefs.  This difference is a lifestyle difference and not short-term difference because liars can act right for a short term and true believers can continue in sin for a short-term.  However, time will tell the true difference'.

The verses in John which tell us about Jesus  dealing with devils:  they are:

  1. In John 8:48-49; John 8:52 and John 10:20-21; people accused Jesus  of using the power of devils.
  2. In John 8:44; Jesus  told the religious leaders that the devil was their spiritual father and they did the lusts of devils.
  3. In John 8:48-49; Jesus  denied having a devil
  4. In John 6:70; John 13:2 Jesus  says that Judas Iscariot has a devil.  In John 13:27 and Luke 22:3 we are told that Satan  entered him.
  5. In John 13:2 we are told The devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, to betray him.  Since Judas chose to do this, and since God does not take away our free will, Jesus  warned Judas, and the other disciples, of the consequence but did not prevent this action.  If we chose to give ourselves to the service and / or the doctrines of devils  (1Timothy 4:1), then God will not stop us.
  Please see the section on Jesus and Devils.; found in the Study called Significant Gospel Events for links to other Bible references to devils.

We see the exact phrase of: The Christ  in Matthew 16:16; Matthew 16:20; Matthew 26:63; Mark 8:29; Mark 14:61; Luke 3:15; Luke 9:20; Luke 22:67; John 1:20; John 1:41; John 3:28; John 4:29; John 4:42; John 7:41; John 10:24; John 10:27; John 20:31; 1John 2:22; 1John 5:1.  One of the most common usages of this phrase is to associate The Christ  with The Son of God.  Thus we see that a major part of the argument here was over the Deity of Jesus.  The main reason for that argument was that the rulers of the Jews were denying this truth because it threatened their personal power and position.  Please see the section on Prophecies Fulfilled; found in the Study called Significant Gospel Events for links to this truth including links to the Old Testament.

John 2:19; John 2:22; John 3:14; John 8:28; John 10:11-19 John 12:32-33 and John 18:32 all tell us about the betrayal, persecution, death and resurrection of Jesus.  Please see the Detailed Chapter Note for more Bible references to this doctrine.

Below is a summary of each sentence within this chapter with a link to the note providing the detailed analysis and contextual requirements of each sentence.  These sentence summaries also show the basis for the chapter summary provided above.

  1. C10-S1 :  the start of a lesson on the true shepherd.  Please see the Table of Parables in the New Testament for references to other parables given by Jesus.
    1. The phrase Verily, verily, I say unto you  means: 'This has been verified twice and will be used when God judges these people and others who act like them'.
    2. The phrase He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way  means: 'Anyone who tries to enter church (sheepfold)  a wrong way, especially when they are trying to take the top position'.
    3. The phrase The same is a thief and a robber  means: 'They have the character of a devil'.
  2. C10-S2 :  Someone who is not the true shepherd.
    1. The word But  means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.  Where the prior sentence described the wrong way, this sentence describes the right way.
    2. The phrase But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep  means: 'The pastor that Jesus Christ  puts in charge of the church is the right person to be the shepherd'.
  3. C10-S3 :  the actions of the good shepherd.  This sentence is speaking about Jesus  spiritually and the Christ  led pastor physically.
    1. The phrase To him the porter openeth.  The word porter   means: 'A doorkeeper.  symbolically "The Holy Spirit who opens Gospel doors"'.  True Holy Ghost  preaching is what lets God's people hear spiritual messages which they follow in order to receive God's protection and provision.  Spiritually, Jesus Christ  tell the pastor, and God's Holy Ghost  what is to be preached.  Physically, the pastor is to preach what God's Holy Ghost  tells him to preach so that God's people are led the way that God wants them to go.
    2. The phrase and the sheep hear his voice  means: 'The people of the church, who are listening spiritually, hear the spiritual message from God'.
    3. The phrase and he calleth his own sheep by name  means: 'God deals with His people in a personal way during the preaching'.  From one sermon, different people receive different message from God and each hears what they personally needed to hear.
    4. The phrase and leadeth them out  means: 'God uses the preached message to lead His people to do what they each need to do'.
  4. C10-S4 :  the relationship of the good shepherd  with his sheep.  This sentence is speaking about Christ  leading saved people through a pastor.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Our sentence adds the personal nature of God led people.
    2. The phrase And when he putteth forth his own sheep  means: ''.  .  .  .
    3. The phrase he goeth before them  means: 'The shepherd, and Christ,  first go where God's people are to follow.  A true Godly pastor leads by example'.
    4. The phrase and the sheep follow him  means: 'Sheep follow the shepherd and Godly saved people follow Christ'.
    5. The phrase for they know his voice  means: 'This is why they follow'.  I've seen videos where a shepherd called out to a bunch of sheep and his sheep came to him while the rest ignored him.
  5. C10-S5 :  the relationship of sheep with strangers.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Our sentence adds the response of true sheep when they hear the voice of a stranger.  This is speaking spiritually of devil and physically of TV preachers and other devil led people.
    2. The phrase And a stranger will they not follow  means: 'This is clear but lost and carnal people don't seem to get the message'.
    3. The phrase but will flee from him  means: 'People who have been burned enough to mature spiritually have learned this lesson'.
    4. The phrase for they know not the voice of strangers  means: 'Any voice which does not match The word of God  or does not match the character of God, is who truly saved people will flee'.
  6. C10-S6 :  the people did not understand the parable.  Please see the Doctrinal Study called Table of Parables in the New Testament for links to all parables taught in the New Testament.  A parable must always be understood within the context where it is reported.  In this chapter, Jesus  is teaching the difference between how God treats His children, who are serving Him, when compared to how God treats the carnal and lost.
    1. The phrase This parable spake Jesus unto them  means: 'Jesus  spoke this parable as the introduction to this chapter where we are told the difference between these two groups of people'.
    2. The phrase but they understood not what things they were which he spake unto them  means: 'Jesus  taught a lesson which could only be understood with God's help.  The lost and carnal are led into a wrong interpretation of parables'.
  7. C10-S7Jesus  starts to explain the parable.
    1. The phrase Then said Jesus unto them again  means: 'Jesus  gave the spiritual understanding'.
    2. The phrase Verily, verily, I say unto you  means: 'This has been verified twice and will be used when God judges these people and others who act like them'.
    3. The phrase I am the door of the sheep  means: 'Jesus  is the only one who lets people into Heaven and into the true church.  He also keeps out the lost and makes a distinction between the serving and the carnal.  Lost and carnal can attend church services and even get membership in a physical church assembly.  However, they are not acknowledged as such spiritually'.
  8. C10-S8 :  the difference between the good shepherd  and others.
    1. The phrase All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers  means: 'This is added to the prior sentence and tells us that everyone who came claiming to get people to God, other than going through Jesus,  were preaching doctrines of devils (are thieves and robbers)'.
    2. The phrase but the sheep did not hear them  means: 'The truly saved refused their message'.
  9. C10-S9 :  Explanation of the door.
    1. The phrase I am the door  means: 'This is the start of the explanation of the prior parable.  If people claim to go to God by any means other than through Jesus,  they are a thief and a robber  (teaching doctrine from devils)'.
    2. The phrase by me if any man enter in  means: 'This is the condition that must be fulfilled in order to receive the rest of this sentence'.
    3. The phrase he shall be saved  means: 'The person who goes through Jesus  absolutely will (shall)  go the Heaven when they die physically'.
    4. The phrase and shall go in and out, and find pasture  means: 'This person also will go into the world to represent God, and will come into God's place for rest and protection and they will find their needs met in this world (pasture)'.
  10. C10-S10 :  the difference in purpose between Jesus  and devils.  Please see the Messages called Call Upon the Lord and Life and Life More Abundant related to this sentence.
    1. The phrase The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy  means: 'This is the purpose of devils and their doctrine'.  This tells us that all 'holy wars' are caused by devils.  Also, any doctrine which justified divisions among men based upon physical things come from devils.
    2. The phrase I am come that they might have life  means: 'True spiritual salvation is the first purpose for Jesus  coming to this Earth'.
    3. The phrase and that they might have it more abundantly  means: 'Spiritual maturity, and the blessings only given to the spiritually mature, are the second purpose for Jesus  coming to this Earth'.  God gave each of us a free will and will not take it away (Romans 11:29) even to keep someone from receiving an eternity in the lake of fireJesus  will not leave us (Hebrews 13:5) but we can leave our ongoing personal relationship with Him.  If we do so, we make our life a testimony that He wasted His salvation on us  We receive the life more abundantly  only when we are doing our part to maintain our relationship and are maturing spiritually.
  11. C10-S11 :  How to identify the good shepherd.
    1. The phrase I am the good shepherd  means: 'Jesus  is the shepherd  sent from God good'.  All true pastors are under His control.
    2. The phrase The good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep  means: 'Jesus  dies to provide everlasting salvation and to provide the life more abundantly'.  In addition, there are times when He calls for His true pastor to do the same.  At the very least, Jesus  calls on His true pastors to suffer and go without in this world in order to protect and provide for the people that Jesus  has given into his care.
  12. C10-S12 :  how the hireling  responds to danger.
    1. The word But  means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.  The subject is still about the care for The sheep  while explaining how The good shepherd  cares and how The hireling  does the same.
    2. The phrase But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd  means: 'Both appear to be the same on the surface.  The difference is inside where the attitudes of heart are.  The difference is that a true God appointed pastor will suffer for his people.  The hireling  will act like the rest of this sentence.  He will also jump at the chance to advance his career by taking over, or becoming staff, on a larger ministry'.
    3. The phrase whose own the sheep are not  means: 'This is the attitude of heart which makes all of the difference'.
    4. The phrase seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth  means: 'This is the pastor who leaved out of fear for government forces, or criminals, who threated to pastor and believers because they serve God'.
    5. The phrase and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep  means: 'When a pastor leaves out of fear, the people can not get direction on how to deal with problems in life'.
  13. C10-S13 :  Why the hireling  responds this way.
    1. The phrase The hireling fleeth  means: 'Notice that this is a lifestyle fleeing.  This is not someone who maybe changes his ministry once or twice but is always looking to advance his career'.
    2. The phrase because he is an hireling  means: 'This is the source of his attitude'.
    3. The phrase and careth not for the sheep  means: 'His personal life and career is more important to him than where God placed him'.
  14. C10-S14 :  the difference of the good shepherd.
    1. The phrase I am the good shepherd  means: 'This is a repeat of the start of C10-S11 '.  Where the prior sentence told us about Jesus  paying the price for our salvation, this sentence talks about our sanctification.  True Biblical sanctification only comes from an ongoing personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
    2. The phrase and know my sheep  means: 'Jesus Christ  calls each saved person by their own name and He knows what spiritual gifts each has and He knows His personal plan for each life'.
    3. The phrase and am known of mine  means: 'The truly saved know the character of Jesus Christ  and are not deceived by false doctrine'.  .  .  .
    4. The phrase   means: ''.  They know the true Biblical doctrine of the multiple antichrists  (see False things according to the Bible) and they know the warning of people preaching another Jesus.  (2Corinthians 11:4).
  15. C10-S15 :  the application of a spiritual truth.
    1. The phrase As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father  means: 'This is a true personal intimate relationship whereby each is positive how the other will ace'.  The Gospel accounts tell us that Jesus  started each day in prayer and this is evidence of their relationship.
    2. The phrase and I lay down my life for the sheep  means: 'This was the plan of God the Father and the willing sacrifice of God the Son'.
  16. C10-S16 :  Announcing the existence of the other sheep.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Jesus  is adding that the Gentiles will be saved just like the Jews.
    2. The phrase And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold  means: 'Jesus  is identifying the Gentiles'.
    3. The phrase them also I must bring  means: 'Jesus  must also save the Gentiles'.
    4. The phrase and they shall hear my voice  means: 'The Gentiles will hear, and obey, the voice of Jesus'.
    5. The phrase and there shall be one fold  means: 'This will happen in Heaven'.  There is a perversion of this doctrine which the Roman Catholic Church started and others preach.  They claim one universal church here on Earth.  They also claim that the Pope, or some other antichrist  will be the head of it here on Earth.  In order to support the doctrine of one universal church on Earth, they claim that the next phrase speaks of their particular antichrist.
    6. The phrase and one shepherd  means: 'This is only Jesus Christ'.
  17. C10-S17 :  Why The Father  loves Jesus.
    1. The word Therefore  means: 'what follows this word is a direct result of what preceded it and the result only happens in the place specified'.  God the Father loves  the Son of God because of what this sentence says.  None of the antichrist,  mentioned in the prior sentence, has done what this sentence describes.  As a result, none of then receive the power and position that Jesus Christ  received from God the Father, in spite of their lies which claim that they do.
    2. The phrase doth my Father love me  means: 'This is the result'.
    3. The phrase because I lay down my life  means: 'This is why'.  Jesus  could not take it again  unless He first lay down His life  No other person has done the same.  Therefore, they are lying when they claimed to have the same, or greater, power and position.
    4. The phrase that I might take it again  means: 'This was the end goal'.  God saves us so that we can walk in newness of life  (Romans 6:4) as we follow the example of Christ.
  18. C10-S18Jesus  will die willingly.  Our sentence says, No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself.  People who deny the Deity of Jesus  must also deny this sentence because fulfilling it requires the power of God.
  19. C10-S19Jesus  declares His power over life and death.  Our sentence says, I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again.  Only God has this level of power.  There were three people raised from the dead in the Old Testament, Jesus  raised three from the dead, Peter raised Tabitha, in the book of Acts.  However, in every case except Jesus,  another man was used to raise the dead.  The only other possible exception, to my knowledge, were the Old Testament saints rising from the grave when Jesus  rose from the dead.  However, it can be argued that the resurrected Lord Jesus  caused that to happen.
  20. C10-S20 :  How Jesus  has this power.  Our sentence says, This commandment have I received of my Father  means: 'God the Father commanded Jesus Christ  to die on the cross and to raise up again from the dead.  He had to die as a literal physical man because God can not die.  He had to take back His power as God, while He was in Hell, in order to bind Satan and all devils, and to rob Satan, and to rise from the grave by His own power as God'.  While many people called Jesus  Lord,  the Bible does not call Him Lord,  and recognize Him as God, until after His resurrection (Luke 24:3).  This is because He sat aside His power as God in order to be conceived in Mary and did not take it back until after the devils took His soul and spirit into Hell at His physical death.
  21. C10-S21 :  the reaction of the Jews.  Our sentence says, There was a division therefore again among the Jews for these sayings  means: 'They did not understand the sayings.  Some accepted what they did not understand by faith.  Others refused to believe by faith and argued against what they misunderstood'.
  22. C10-S22 :  the protest from some Jews.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  This sentence adds the reaction by the non believers.
    2. The phrase And many of them said  means: 'They voiced their own thinking and declared their opinion to be fact'.
    3. The phrase He hath a devil  means: 'They had no evidence of this claim and actually did the unforgivable sin'.  They blasphemed against God's Holy Ghost  by calling Him a devil.  When we see miracles, we need to check the character of the spirit who provides the power for the miracle.
    4. The phrase and is mad  means: 'This means that they claimed that Jesus  could not think right.  They said this because their thinking was limited to the physical reality and He told them spiritual truths.  That does not prove that He was mad.  When we claim that only what we understand can be true, we prove ourselves to be fools'.
    5. The phrase why hear ye him?  means: 'This was the motivation from devils'.  Devils always lie and try to keep people from hearing the truth.
  23. C10-S23 :  the disagreeing opinion.  Our sentence says, Others said, these are not the words of him that hath a devil.  means: 'This argument came from people who considered the character of Jesus  and not just their own lack of understanding'.
  24. C10-S24 :  A challenging question.  Our sentence says, Can a devil open the eyes of the blind?.  Actually, the answer is yes.  However, they would not, especially like Jesus  did.  Several times the Gospel accounts report Jesus  restoring sight to a blind person.  In each case, the miracle is reported as a physical demonstration of the doctrine that is in context with it.  In particular, each time Jesus  is offering spiritual truth.  The Pharisees and religious leaders rejected what Jesus  offered, and remained spiritually blind.  However, some of the Jews who saw the miracle also received the spiritual understanding.  Thus, a devil would not cure a blind person, especially within the context of giving people true knowledge and understanding..
  25. C10-S25 :  Where and when this account happened.  Our sentence says, And it was at Jerusalem the feast of the dedication, and it was winter.  Please see the Detailed Note for more on the doctrine of this sentence.
  26. C10-S26 :  Where Jesus  went next.  Our sentence says, And Jesus walked in the temple in Solomon's porch.  Thus, the rest of this chapter happened in the Temple and this was not the last time that Jesus  was in Jerusalem because the last time was a different feast.
  27. C10-S27 :  A dishonest question.  Our sentence says, Then came the Jews round about him, and said unto him, How long dost thou make us to doubt?.  Our next sentence says what they doubted about and the sentences after it give us the answer from Jesus.  They were blaming Him for their doubts, when the true source of their doubts was the doctrinal error from their religious traditions.  They also had doubts because the religious leaders were telling lies about Jesus  because they did not want to lose their positions as leaders of the Jews.  When we get conflicting reports, we need to look at the characters of the people giving the conflicting reports and what each side has to gain or lose.  Listening to the arguments presented only causes confusion, as is reported here.
  28. C10-S28 :  A demand that Jesus  do what He had already done.  Our sentence says, If thou be the Christ, tell us plainly.  As our next sentence says, Jesus  had already done this on more than one occasion.  This sentence completes the demand started in the prior sentence and the prior note explains the doctrine.
  29. C10-S29 :  Evidence of their lie.
    1. The phrase Jesus answered them  means: 'This is the answer to the demand in the prior two sentences'.
    2. The phrase I told you, and ye believed not  means: 'When someone refuses to accept a true answer, you are wasting your effort to repeat the truth'.
    3. The phrase The works that I do in my Father's name, they bear witness of me  means: 'Here Jesus  tells them how they can verify His answer and how they can choose which answer is true'.  The works that Jesus did in God the Father's name  provide proof of His approval by God the Father.  The religious leaders did not have matching evidence and all of their approval came from men and devils.  When we judge an argument, we need to use the right evidence and the right methods in order to find the truth.
  30. C10-S30 :  Why they refused to believe the truth.
    1. The word But  means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.  The subject is whom to believe.  Jesus  had told them the truth and provide the evidence that God told them to look for.  The religious leaders had done neither.  Yet, they believed the religious leaders.
    2. The phrase But ye believe not  means: 'This is what they refused to do'.
    3. The phrase because ye are not of my sheep  means: 'This is why'.  People can not understand spiritual truth unless they have the help of God.  But, they have to accept that Jesus  is God before they get that help.  These people demanded understanding but refused to do what God demands in order to receive understanding.  Basically, in their pride, they demanded that God submit to their will.  And, people still do the same today.  God always answers with: 'Go to Hell'.
    4. The phrase as I said unto you  means: 'Jesus  had told them what to do in order to receive understanding, and they refused to submit and obey'.
  31. C10-S31 :  the difference in true sheep.
    1. The phrase My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.  This says the same as C10-S4.  .  .  .
    2. The phrase And I give unto them eternal life  means: 'Jesus  gives an ongoing personal relationship with him.  This is like a wife saying 'He is my husband''.  Only God has eternal life.  What we have for ourselves is everlasting life  because our everlasting life  has a beginning.
    3. The phrase and they shall never perish  means: 'This is the promise of everlasting life'.
    4. The phrase neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand  means: 'This is the promise of full protection'.
  32. C10-S32God the Father  acted.
    1. The phrase My Father  means: 'This is God the Father'.
    2. The phrase which gave them me  means: 'God the Father chooses who is offered salvation and how often the offer is made'.
    3. The phrase is greater than all  means: 'All fulfilled prophecy proves that God the Father is greater than all other beings combined.  God gives detailed prophecy and gives His enemies plenty of time to try and stop Him, and then does exactly as He prophesied to prove that He is greater than all other beings combined'.  Please see the Prophecies Fulfilled Section of the Significant Gospel Events Study..
    4. The phrase and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand  means: 'This is our assurance of everlasting salvation'.
  33. C10-S33Jesus  declares His divinity.  Our sentence says,   means: 'I and my Father are one'.  There is a lot of disagreement on the doctrine of the Trinity, which I will not go into within this summary.  This sentence is a declaration of the Trinity.  There are lying religions which claim that Jesus  never claimed to be God.  This sentence clearly makes that claim and the next sentence clearly tells us that the Jews understood the claim which He was making.  Jesus  gives more of an explanation of this sentence in C10-S38.
  34. C10-S34 :  the people reacted to the declaration by Jesus.  Our sentence says, Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him.  means: 'They understood the prior sentence and tried to kill Jesus  because of His claim'.
  35. C10-S35 :  the response from Jesus.
    1. The phrase Jesus answered them  means: 'This was the response to the Jews picking up stones to kill Jesus'.  Notice that He neither panicked nor ran.
    2. The phrase Many good works have I shewed you from my Father  means: 'Here Jesus  reminds them that He is their representative of God the Father'.
    3. The phrase for which of those works do ye stone me?  means: 'The many works  proved His claim'.
  36. C10-S36 :  the wrong religious reasoning of the Jews.
    1. The phrase The Jews answered him, saying  means: 'This was their wrong justification for their planned murder'.
    2. The phrase For a good work we stone thee not  means: 'They are making a distinction between the miracle and God the Father Who provided the power for the miracle'.  However, that is not a valid division.  The miracle was not possible without power from God and God would not provide the power without His approval of Jesus1Samuel 8:7 says, And the LORD said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them.  This is doctrinally the same.  There is an absolute connection between God the Father and the miracles reported in the Gospel accounts.  They were rejecting the don-divisible connection between the power of God and the approval of God.
    3. The phrase but for blasphemy  means: 'This accusation was wrong and it comes from a wrong application of this sin'.  The next phrase explains their error.
    4. The phrase and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God  means: 'Jesus  was God in human flesh and the Old Testament prophets told them that their Christ  would be God in human flesh'.  However, the religious leaders declared that that If this God given truth was declared about anyone, that man was a liar and had a devil.  Thus, their claim was wrong because it combined the truth from God with a lie from devil motivated religious rulers.
  37. C10-S37 :  Reference to scripture.
    1. The phrase Jesus answered them  means: 'Jesus  gave them a Bible reference with the hope that they would stop and consider how right or wrong their planned action was'.
    2. The phrase Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?.  Please see the Detailed Note for the Bible reference and the explanation of the doctrine in this sentence.
  38. C10-S38 :  Reasoning based on scripture.
    1. The phrase If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came  means: 'This is the conditional statement that Jesus  wants them to consider'.
    2. The phrase and the scripture cannot be broken  means: 'This needs to be made clear to all who claim that there are errors or conflicts in The word of God'.  They are calling Jesus  a liar.
    3. The phrase Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world  means: 'This is what Jesus  had proven to them that was true'.
    4. The phrase Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God?  means: 'This is what the Jews said about Jesus  in spite of the evidence from God'.  The next two sentences tell them the right way to determine truth.
  39. C10-S39 :  Right reasoning.  Our sentence says, If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not  means: 'This is simple enough for anyone to understand'.  However, what they failed to do, and what most religious people fail to do, is apply this reasoning to the people who tell them doctrine which they believe.
  40. C10-S40 :  Trust God given evidence.
    1. The word But  means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.  This sentence gives the second half of how to judge truth.  Please see the Doctrinal Study called Jesus Used the Power of the Holy Ghost related to this sentence.
    2. The phrase But if I do  means: 'This means that if Jesus  does the miracle works of God'.  This test is also to be applied to people who claim to speak for God.  And, when people claim to speak for The word of God,  their message needs to be verified against The word of God.
    3. The phrase though ye believe not me  means: ''.  .  .  .
    4. The phrase believe the works  means: 'We are to believe the evidence that God provides and not how we feel nor how some religious person tells us the judge matters when their judgments go against the evidence provided by God'.
    5. The phrase that ye may know, and believe  means: 'This is the result that God wants us to have'.
    6. The phrase that the Father is in me, and I in him  means: 'This is the only way that Jesus  could do all of the miracles which He did'.
  41. C10-S41 :  Wrong reaction by Jews.
    1. The phrase Therefore they sought again to take him: but he escaped out of their hand  means: 'The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, associated with the Detailed Note, gives several references to Gospel reports of this same thing happening at different time and different places'.
    2. The phrase And went away again beyond Jordan into the place where John at first baptized  means: 'Jesus  did not return to Galilee'.
    3. The phrase and there he abode  means: 'That was the place where He chose to live for a short time'.  This made Him available to people in Jerusalem who wanted true doctrine.
  42. C10-S42 :  Many Jews reacted differently.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Our sentence adds how people reacted who accepted Jesus.
    2. The phrase And many resorted unto him, and said  means: 'They went out of the city to where Jesus  was staying'.
    3. The phrase John did no miracle  means: 'John the Baptist was accepted as a prophet.  Yet, he had less evidence of representing God that Jesus  had'.
    4. The phrase but all things that John spake of this man were true  means: 'They believed the evidence and the witness from John the Baptist'.
  43. C10-S43 :  Many Jews were saved.  Our sentence says, And many believed on him there.  Not all, but some.  This is the most often result of presenting the Gospel.
Chapter 11 Summary:

The Raising of Lazarus.

This chapter tells the account of Jesus  raising Lazarus  from the dead.  Apparently, this was done before the last Passover that Jesus  spent in Jerusalem, which also means that it is one of the last significant things which Jesus  did before the 'Last Supper' and His crucifixion.

One thing to keep in mind is that the prior chapter told us the difference between the true sheep  of Jesus  and the false sheep.  They are lost religious people who claim salvation based upon their religious activities and religious position.  In the prior chapter Jesus  said that He would giveth his life for the sheep  (10:11; 10:15 and 10:17).  Of course, He had to die before He could rise.  In this chapter Jesus  says that He is The resurrection,  but Mary is the only person who understands.  In our next chapter we read about her anointing Him for His death.  After that this Gospel goes into the 'Last Supper' and then the crucifixion.  Therefore, in these chapters, we see Jesus  trying to separate His people from others and prepare them for upcoming events.  As a result, we see the importance of context if we look at the chapter themes and this is something that I have never heard anyone else point out.

This account is well-known and well preached.  I believe that most preaching, which is based upon this account, tends to be accurate.  The main thing is that most preaching fails to point out the context within this Gospel.  That is: Jesus  proves that He is The resurrection  before teaching the doctrine found in the rest of this Gospel.  That doctrine requires people to understand this fact before they can truly understand the doctrine found in the rest of this Gospel.  In addition, to that consideration, there are certain details which might be missed if we consider only what is preached.  Therefore, even though people might feel the they are well aware of this account, the reader is recommended to prayerfully and carefully consider all of the details and context of this account.

What I have never heard preached is how this miracle is an example of the doctrine which is in context to it.  All miracles, which are reported in the Gospel accounts, are physical examples of the doctrine which is in context to the miracle.  Please see the summary notes, below, in order to understand this truth.  In particular, the summary note for C11-S12 is a more detailed explanation of how raising Lazarus from the dead is a physical example of the doctrine where Jesus  said: I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.

Please see the Table of Miracles in the Gospels and the Significant Gospel Events for links to where events in this chapter are also referenced by other Bible references.

Our chapter tells about Jesus  raising Lazarus from the dead.  In addition, Luke 7:11-17 tells about Jesus  raised the widow's son from the dead.  And, Luke 8:41-42; 49-58 tells about Jesus  raising the daughter of Jatius.

In John 11:23 Jesus  gives Martha a promise that her brother will be raised from the dead in response to the expression of faith which Martha gave in the prior sentence.  The application is that God honors true Biblical faith.  Please see the Promises Section of the Significant Gospel Events Study for many more promises, most of which apply to us.

We are told that Dead saints shall rise in John 11:23 and John 11:25  Please see the Detailed Notes for those sentences for more references to the doctrine of resurrection.  Please also see the Prophecies Section of the Significant Gospel Events Study for other Bible references to prophecies.

John 4:42; John 6:69 and John 11:27; Matthew 16:13-20; Mark 8:27-30 and Luke 9:18-27 all contain a profession of faith that Jesus  is Christ  and is The Son of God.

Please see the Detail Note for John 11:27 to see links where we are told that the Son of God  is Christ.

In John 11:32 we see that Mary fell down at his feet  as in worship to show that she regarded Jesus  to be 'God in human flesh'.  We see similar worship by others in Mark 5:22 and Mark 7:25 and Revelation 1:17-21.

Lazarus was in the grave four (4) days and he stinketh.  (John 11:39).  He saw corruption  but Jesus  did not because Jesus  was in the grave only three days and three nights  (Matthew 12:40; Matthew 26:61; Matthew 27:40; Matthew 27:63; Mark 14:58; Mark 15:29; John 2:19; John 2:20 all tell us that Jesus  would be in the grave three days and three nights.  We are told about this prophecy being fulfilled in Matthew 28; Mark 16; Luke 24 and John 20.

John 11:45-53 tells us that he chief priests and the Pharisees plotted the death of Jesus  as a result of His raising Lazarus.  This was before the last Passover.

Below is a summary of each sentence within this chapter with a link to the note providing the detailed analysis and contextual requirements of each sentence.  These sentence summaries also show the basis for the chapter summary provided above.

  1. C11-S1 :  the start of the account within this chapter.  Please see the Table Of Miracles in the Gospels for references to other miracles done by Jesus.
    1. The phrase Now  means: 'After you understand what came prior'.  Please see the Chapter Note, above, for the contextual requirements.
    2. The phrase a certain man was sick, named Lazarus, of Bethany  means: 'This identifies the man who dies and who was raised by Jesus'.
    3. The phrase The town of Mary and her sister Martha  means: 'He lived with his two sisters'.  This Mary  was also called Mary Magdalene.  Notice that our next sentence identifies her for what she did for Jesus  and not for her life of sin.
  2. C11-S2 :  Identification of the particular Mary  who was involved in this account.  The parents around this sentence means that these words are not in the original Greek but were included in the interpretation in order to deliver the same message in the English.  Proper interpretation is Message-to-Message and nor word-to-word nor verse-to-verse.
    1. The phrase (It was that Mary which anointed the Lord with ointment, and wiped his feet with her hair  means: 'Mary honored The Lord  before His death at the supper given by Simon the Leper'.
    2. The phrase whose brother Lazarus was sick.)  means: 'Lazarus was her brother'.
  3. C11-S3 :  As true believers, they went to Jesus  for help.
    1. The phrase Therefore his sisters sent unto him, saying  means: 'This is just like how we pray today except that Jesus  was still in the physical reality at that time'.
    2. The word Lord  means: 'This is the proper way to address God in human flesh when we want a miracle'.  When they sent the message, they only expected to need a healing, not a raising from the dead.
    3. The phrase behold, he whom thou lovest is sick.  The word behold  means: 'pay close attention'.  They wanted Jesus  to recognize the urgency of their request.
  4. C11-S4 :  the reason why Jesus  delayed to answer.
    1. The phrase When Jesus heard that  means: 'This is when Jesus  responded'.
    2. The phrase he said  means: 'This is how Jesus  responded'.
    3. The phrase This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God  means: 'This is His prophesied end result'.  Yes, Lazarus did die but he was also raised.  Therefore, this prophecy is for the end result.  Please see the Prophecies for Bible references to other prophecies
    4. The phrase that the Son of God might be glorified thereby  means: 'This is why Jesus  acted like is reported in this chapter'.
  5. C11-S5 :  the importance of their relationship.
    1. The phrase Now  means: 'After you understand what came prior'.
    2. The phrase Now Jesus loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus.  means: 'Jesus  loved  them, and He knew that Lazarus would die and that the sisters would cry.  Yet, He also knew that their everlasting reward would far outweigh ant short term sorrow'.  True Biblical love  is: 'doing what is best for the other person long term'.  Jesus  allowed them to suffer short term because it caused them to have greater long term rewards including being mentioned in The word of God.
  6. C11-S6 :  the delay which was required to accomplish God's purpose.  Our sentence says, When he had heard therefore that he was sick, he abode two days still in the same place where he was.  This means that Jesus  deliberately waited until it was too late for Him to heal Lazarus and avoid death.  In addition, Jesus  stayed two days but Lazarus was dead four (4) days when He arrived.  Therefore, unless He could have shortened the travel time, it was already two days too late when Jesus  received the message.
  7. C11-S7 :  the time of action had come.
    1. The phrase Then after that  means: 'This was after there would be no doubt that Lazarus died'.  If Jesus  had arrived earlier, even if Lazarus had died, people would claim that Lazarus was only in a coma or some other nonsense.  However, as his sister said and is reported in C11-S41; By this time he stinketh: for he hath been dead four days.  I believe there were other reasons involved, but one of them was to make sure that there was no question about Lazarus being dead.
    2. The phrase saith he to his disciples, Let us go into Judaea again  means: 'Now that sufficient time had passed in order to achieve His goals, Jesus  gave the command to go'.
  8. C11-S8 :  the disciples questioned His decision.
    1. The phrase His disciples say unto him  means: 'It is two days later and they are not thinking about the call from Mary and Martha'.
    2. The phrase Master  means: 'They are thinking about Jesus  as their teacher and not as their Lord.  Because of this distinction, they are worrying about being physically assaulted, as our next phrase says'.
    3. The phrase The Jews of late sought to stone thee  means: 'These were the people who were following the religious leaders who were willing to have God punish the entire nation so long as they kept their own place while they lived'.
    4. The phrase and goest thou thither again?  means: 'This seemed to be a foolish decision to the disciples who were looking at the decision from a physical perspective.  However, in C11-S4; Jesus  said, his sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby.  That saying had to be understood spiritually'.  Yes, Lazarus would be physically raised from the dead, but it would require the spiritual power of God.  And, it was that the Son of God might be glorified therebyJesus  would be glorified  as people accepted that He was / is The Son of God.
  9. C11-S9 :  First part of the answer from Jesus.
    1. The phrase Jesus answered  means: 'The rest of our sentence is the answer to the concern presented in the prior sentence'.  This answer does not seem to be related to the prior concern because the prior concern was about a possible physical problem and this answer is about a spiritual need.  This answer also includes the next two sentences which explain the difference between walking in light  and walking in darkness.  Symbolically, this is the difference between walking in knowledge and understanding from Jesus  and walking in lack of understanding from this world.  Jesus  is going to use this miracle to teach the doctrine of resurrection.
    2. The phrase Are there not twelve hours in the day?  means: 'What is not said, but is implied, is that there are also twelve hours in the night'.  This question is designed to make people think about the difference between day and night.
  10. C11-S10 :  Light makes men able to walk without stumbling.  This is a physical example of a spiritual truth.  If people have the light (spiritual knowledge and understanding) from Jesus.  Our sentence says, If any man walk in the day, he stumbleth not, because he seeth the light of this world.
  11. C11-S11 :  Lack of light causes men to stumble.
    1. The word But  means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.
    2. The phrase But if a man walk in the night  means: 'This is the different circumstance which is used, symbolically, for someone who is trying to walk spiritually while surrounded by doctrines from devils'.
    3. The phrase he stumbleth  means: 'Such a person has trouble walking without almost falling down'.
    4. The phrase because there is no light in him  means: 'This gives us the reason why this sentence is true.  Please pay attention to this reason.  It can not be speaking about the physical because if you swallow a small flashlight, you will have light in  yourself but it does not help you to see in this physical world.  However, if you have spiritual light  Jesus,  in you, then it will help you make right decisions and avoid spiritual stumbling.  All three sentences of this answer must be understood spiritually with the right interpretation of the symbolism'.
  12. C11-S12Jesus  explains clearly what He will do.
    1. The phrase These things said he  means: 'The prior sentences were said by Jesus  in order for His disciples to understand that He was speaking spiritually'.  However, as seen by the response to this sentence, they missed the instruction of the prior sentences.
    2. The phrase and after that he saith unto them  means: 'What follows requires proper understanding of the prior in order to properly understand what follows'.
    3. The phrase Our friend Lazarus sleepeth  means: 'Lazarus was physically dead but spiritually asleep'.
    4. The phrase but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep  means: 'Jesus  was going to physically raise Lazarus from the dead by spiritually waking him out of (spiritual) sleep'.
    5. What a lot of people fail to understand is that all miracles, which are reported in Gospel accounts, are physical examples of the spiritual doctrine which is in context to the miracle.  The main spiritual truth, which is in this context, when Jesus  told Martha, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die  (John 11:25-26).  That sentence must, obviously, be understood spiritually.  In addition, it is not just talking about our going to Heaven but is also related to our walking  spiritually, and not stumbling, as our prior sentences explained.  That is the reason why Jesus  saves people and leaves them in this physical reality.  It is so their changed life is a witness of the spiritual guidance from Jesus  when He spiritually raises someone from spiritual death.  And, the end of our chapter tells us how the religious leaders, who taught spiritually dead doctrine from devils, sought to kill Jesus.  Thus, we should expect a strong negative reaction from lost friends and family if we are truly made spiritually alive by Jesus.
  13. C11-S13 :  the disciples misunderstand.
    1. The phrase Then said his disciples  means: 'This was their response to the prior sentence'.
    2. The word Lord  means: 'They were not disagreeing because they addressed Jesus  as Lord'.
    3. The phrase if he sleep, he shall do well  means: 'This is an expression of their confusion'.  What Jesus  said seemed to be a good thing for Lazarus to be doing.  Therefore, the disciples were confused why they needed to go there, especially since the Jews in that area wanted to kill Jesus.
  14. C11-S14 :  the misunderstanding explained.
    1. The word Howbeit  is defined as: 'adv. how, be, and it. Be it as it may; nevertheless; notwithstanding; yet; but; however'.
    2. The phrase Howbeit Jesus spake of his death  means: 'This is the true meaning of the prior symbolic language'.
    3. The phrase but they thought that he had spoken of taking of rest in sleep  means: 'This is what they thought He said'.  This illustrates the problem that most people have with symbolic language.
  15. C11-S15Jesus  explains His symbolic language.
    1. The phrase Then said Jesus unto them plainly  means: 'Jesus  explained'.
    2. The phrase Lazarus is dead  means: 'This was the meaning of the symbolic language'.
  16. C11-S16Jesus  explains His delay.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Jesus  adds an explanation of His reaction to the explanation of His symbolic language.
    2. The phrase And I am glad for your sakes that I was not there  means: 'This was His reaction and the reason for His reaction'.
    3. The phrase to the intent ye may believe  means: 'This is the end result that Jesus  hopes to achieve'.
    4. The phrase nevertheless let us go unto him  means: 'They were going regardless if Jesus  received His desired end result or not'.  God gave us a free will and will not take it away.  Therefore, each of us determines how much true Biblical faith  we will apply to a revealed truth.
  17. C11-S17 :  thomas speaks foolishness instead of keeping his mouth shut.  Peter also had a time of speaking foolishly and people tend to remember peter's errors while forgetting the errors of others.  Our sentence says, Then said thomas, which is called Didymus, unto his fellowdisciples, Let us also go, that we may die with him  means: ''.
  18. C11-S18 :  Lazarus had been in the grave long enough that there was no doubt about his being dead.  Our sentence says, Then when Jesus came, he found that he had lain in the grave four days already.  Remember that Jesus  only delayed two (2) days.  Therefore, He would not have arrived before Lazarus died.  However, He delayed so that there would be no doubt about Lazarus being dead before Jesus  raised him.  Remember that this miracle is a physical example of the surrounding context.  It shows us the truth that Jesus  is The resurrection.
  19. C11-S19 :  the unbiased witnesses were noted.
    1. The phrase Now Bethany was nigh unto Jerusalem, about fifteen furlongs off  means: 'This is why there were many Jews there for the funeral'.
    2. The phrase And many of the Jews came to Martha and Mary  means: 'This is what they did'.
    3. The phrase to comfort them concerning their brother  means: 'This is why'.
  20. C11-S20 :  the sisters reacted to the presence of Jesus.
    1. The phrase Then Martha  means: 'Martha is presented as a busybody'.
    2. The phrase as soon as she heard that Jesus was coming  means: 'She reacted immediately without first waiting to hear why Jesus  delayed'.  When God does not do as we think He should do, He always has a reason which we are not aware of.  We need to acknowledge that God knows more than we do and accept that whatever he does, it is best for His glory and our eventual good.  In this case, we already read, in C11-S16; that His delay was in order to increase the faith of people.  And, Lazarus and his sisters were recorded in the Gospels and used to encourage many others throughout the years.  Thus, they received greater rewards in Heaven.
    3. The phrase went and met him:  means: 'We read in the next sentence why she rushed out to meet Jesus'.  And, while many criticize her, many others are just like her in their attitude towards God when it comes to not receiving their desires.
    4. The phrase but Mary sat still in the house  means: 'She waited to hear what her Lord  had to say.  Yes, she said the same thing as Martha, but the report in this chapter indicates that she had a different attitude'.
  21. C11-S21 :  How Martha reacted.
    1. The phrase Then said Martha unto Jesus  means: 'With her rushing out to meet Jesus,  the indication is that she had an accusatory attitude'.  That is, basically, 'You didn't do what I expected you to do'.
    2. The word Lord  means: 'Here Martha is recognizing His power even while having a less than right attitude about His position'.  We need to remember that Jesus  had not risen from the dead yet.  That is a major difference in what motivates our attitude as opposed to what Martha had to motivate her attitude.  Perceptions are critical when it comes to attitude.
    3. The phrase if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died  means: 'Here she states her belief and the indication is that, somewhat, she is blaming Jesus  for her brother dying'.  We need to remember that the notes for earlier sentences pointed out that Jesus  only delayed two days while Lazarus was buried for four days.  Therefore, His delay only removed ant doubt that Lazarus was really dead before Jesus  raised Him.  And, the purpose of this miracle was to demonstrate the doctrine that Jesus  is The resurrection.
  22. C11-S22 :  Martha expresses her faith.
    1. The word But  means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.  Where the prior sentence indicated an attitude of accusation, this sentence indicates an attitude of hope.
    2. The phrase But I know, that even now  means: 'Martha expresses faith that it is not too late for Jesus  to make things be the way that she wants them to be'.  There is a saying of: 'Be careful what you ask for because you might get it'.  Yes, Martha had her brother restored to her.  However, instead of them having peace, the religious leaders sought to kill Lazarus again because of his testimony for Jesus.
    3. The phrase whatsoever thou wilt ask of God, God will give it thee  means: 'This is Martha's expression in the power of Jesus'.
  23. C11-S23Jesus  tells her plainly what he will do.
    1. The phrase Jesus saith unto her  means: 'Jesus  gave her an answer which was designed to calm her fears and let her change her attitude'.
    2. The phrase Thy brother shall rise again  means: 'This is plain and clear what will happen in the future'.  This is a promise and a prophecy.  So, the question is: 'How far before an event must the prophet be in his announcement for it to be recognized as true prophecy?'.  .
  24. C11-S24 :  Martha misunderstands.
    1. The phrase Martha saith unto him  means: 'Martha responded to the statement from Jesus'.
    2. The phrase I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day  means: 'This was not what she was hoping for'.
    3. Please see John 6:39 about the phrase last day.
  25. C11-S25 :  the source of real resurrection and everlasting life.  This sentence is the main doctrinal truth of this chapter.
    1. The phrase Jesus said unto her  means: 'Here Jesus  is speaking as God in human flesh'.  This sentence can only be fulfilled by the power of God.
    2. The phrase I am the resurrection, and the life  means: 'The word am is a verb of ongoing existence.  Jesus  gives spiritual and physical resurrection without losing His ability to give more.  He also gives spiritual life now and resurrected life in a future incorruptible body without losing His ability to do the same for other people'.
    3. The phrase he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live  means: 'This is how we receive this promise'.
    4. The phrase And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die  means: 'This is the promise of everlasting life'.
  26. C11-S26Jesus  verifies her belief.
    1. The phrase Believest thou this?  means: 'He is asking her if she has a lifestyle belief'.  If anything can make us lose our belief, then we can not truly say YES to this question.
  27. C11-S27 :  Martha confirms her belief.
    1. The phrase She saith unto him  means: ''.  .  .  .
    2. The phrase Yea, Lord  means: 'Martha first recognized His position'.
    3. The phrase I believe that thou art the Christ, the Son of God  means: 'She next stated exactly what she believed and put her hope in'.
    4. The phrase which should come into the world  means: 'This is the scriptural basis for her belief'.  Please see the Harmony Sections in the Significant Gospel Events Study for references to other places where people expressed this belief.
  28. C11-S28 :  Martha is comforted.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  .
    2. The phrase And when she had so said  means: 'Her expression of true Biblical faith  calmed her worries and upset'.  This is a method we each need to use from time to time.
    3. The phrase she went her way, and called Mary her sister secretly, saying  means: 'Now, she returned to doing what she was supposed to do.  She passed the message like she was told to do but did it secretly so that Mary and Jesus  could have some private time without interruption'.  Sometimes, when someone is truly grieving, that is the main thing which we can do for them.
    4. The phrase The Master is come, and calleth for thee  means: 'Mary waited until Jesus  sent word that it was time for her'.  One of the hardest things to do is wait until God tells us that it is time.  Those people who do wait receive greater blessings than those people who rush the Lord.
  29. C11-S29 :  Mary reacts to call from Jesus.  Our sentence says, As soon as she heard that, she arose quickly, and came unto him.  means: 'She was ready and even a little anxious but she controlled herself until called'.
  30. C11-S30 :  Where she met Jesus.
    1. The phrase Now Jesus was not yet come into the town  means: 'Jesus  was there but people did not realize it'.  We should all have a private place to meet with God so that we can commune without interruptions.
    2. The phrase but was in that place where Martha met him  means: 'They, obviously, and a secret place to meet'.  That is how Martha knew where to meet Jesus.
  31. C11-S31 :  the reaction by Jews who comforted Mary.
    1. The phrase The Jews then which were with her in the house, and comforted her, when they saw Mary, that she rose up hastily and went out  means: 'These were the people at the funeral who didn't understand the need to be alone sometimes, followed her, saying.  Therefore, they thought that they were helping by following her'.
    2. The phrase She goeth unto the grave to weep there  means: 'Remember that, before the resurrection, Satan had the power of death (Hebrews 2:14).  Therefore, death was far more terrifying to people when they thought that their loved ones might be in the power of Satan, as opposed to today where everyone assumes that their loved ones had to go to heaven'.
  32. C11-S32 :  Mary repeats the message from Martha but with an apparently different heart attitude.
    1. The phrase Then when Mary was come where Jesus was, and saw him  means: 'This is when she acted'.  There are times that we need for Jesus  to show up before we act.
    2. The phrase she fell down at his feet  means: 'This is a demonstrated act of worship'.
    3. The phrase saying unto him, Lord  means: 'She said the next phrase after worshipping.  This demonstrates a totally different attitude than Martha had'.
    4. The phrase if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died  means: 'Although these are the same words as Martha said, I believe they were more of a request to understand than the attitude demonstrated by Martha'.  We also see this by the different response by Jesus,  as shown in the next sentence and with that response compared to the response given to Martha.  Starting in the next sentence, Jesus  demonstrates the doctrine which He only spoke to Martha.
  33. C11-S33Jesus  has compassion.
    1. The phrase When Jesus therefore saw her weeping, and the Jews also weeping which came with her, he groaned in the spirit, and was troubled, And said, Where have ye laid him?  means: ''.  .  .  .
    2. The phrase When Jesus therefore saw her weeping  means: 'Jesus  first paid attention to her demonstrated feelings'.
    3. The phrase and the Jews also weeping which came with her  means: 'Jesus  next paid attention to the others.  He knew that this miracle would affect many'.
    4. The phrase he groaned in the spirit, and was troubled  means: 'I have heard several different claims about why these phrases were reported.  I will leave those speculations to preachers after noting that Jesus  responded to their demonstrated feelings.  Jesus  loves us and cares about our hurts'.
    5. The phrase And said, Where have ye laid him?  means: 'Jesus  asked this question so that He could go to work'.  Remember that there wee several Hews which followed Mary and who were also present at this time.
  34. C11-S34 :  the Jews respond to Jesus.  Our sentence says They said unto him, Lord, come and see  means: 'They had to go to a different place to get to the burial place'.
  35. C11-S35Jesus  respond to the Jews.  Our sentence says Jesus wept  means: 'Again, I have heard several different claims about why these phrases were reported.  I will leave those speculations to preachers after noting that Jesus  responded to their demonstrated feelings.  Jesus  loves us and cares about our hurts'.
  36. C11-S36 :  the Jews misunderstand the reaction by Jesus.  Our sentence says Then said the Jews, Behold how he loved him!  this was after Jesus wept  but He didn't do that because His friend was dead.  No, He planned to raise Lazarus.  No, this was for the pain and misunderstanding of others.  Even with this reaction by some Jews, others criticized Jesus  as reported in the next sentence.  And, people who criticize God will never understand what God is doing nor why.
  37. C11-S37 :  the Jews question the past actions by Jesus.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  This sentence adds a report of another reaction by different Jews who were present.
    2. The phrase And some of them said  means: 'What they said showed that they were full of foolish pride'.  Our next phrase shows that they knew that Jesus  could do what they could not do.  He chose to not do so, but they didn't know that and couldn't know that because they did not have the experience of doing miracles.  Therefore, they could not know what was possible and what was not possible.  And, when someone is busy criticizing something that they have no knowledge of, they are proving that they are a fool who is full of pride.  Only pride causes people to try and act like an expert on a subject that they have no knowledge of.  And, God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.  (James 4:6; 1Peter 5:5).  The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts  (Psalms 10:4).  .
    3. The phrase Could not this man, which opened the eyes of the blind  means: 'Here they recognize that God the Father worked through Jesus.  God's power is a spiritual power, which they did not understand.  Therefore, they are criticizing what they do not understand and, thereby, prove that they are fools'.
    4. The phrase have caused that even this man should not have died?  means: 'Yes, Jesus  could have'.  However, he chose to not do so for reasons that these Jews did not understand.  Jesus  was doing what God the Father told Him to do.  He was acting as the servant of God the Father.  And, Romans 14:4 and Romans 14:10 warn us to not do that because we will be judged by God for sticking our nose into God's position.
  38. C11-S38Jesus  did His job in spite of how He felt.  Our sentence says, Jesus therefore again groaning in himself cometh to the grave.  Now, few preachers preach on this sentence.  But, based upon what they claim that prior sentences meant when they reported how Jesus  felt, many would get this wrong.  Our sentence says therefore,  which means that His groaning in himself  was a direct result of the prior sentence where re read about Jews criticizing Him.  And, with a true understanding of the character of Jesus,  this reaction was not because of their criticism.  No, their criticism proved that they did not understand what He did in spite of His best efforts to teach them.  And, that lack of understanding, coupled with a critical attitude, would probably send them to Hell.  He came to seek and save the lost.  I believe this was His reaction to evidence that He failed with those particular Jews.  He was more concerned about them ending up in hell than He was with any criticism.
  39. C11-S39 :  Description of grave.  Our sentence says,   means: 'It was a cave, and a stone lay upon it'.  This describes the burial place and why the next sentence was required.
  40. C11-S40Jesus  commands people to do what they can.  Our sentence says, Jesus said, Take ye away the stone.  Here, we see that Jesus  did not go near Lazarus, did not enter the cave and did not do anything which would give people excuses to claim that something other than the power of God was used to raise the dead.
  41. C11-S41 :  Identify the physical problem.
    1. The phrase Martha, the sister of him that was dead  means: 'This is who spoke up and the basis for her knowing the condition of Lazarus'.  And, with the character reported for Martha, she was probably in charge of preparing His body for burial.
    2. The phrase saith unto him  means: 'She expresses a concern'.
    3. The phrase Lord, By this time he stinketh  means: 'This was her concern'.
    4. The phrase for he hath been dead four days  means: 'Why'.  With this truth recognized and expressed, there can be no doubt about His being dead.
  42. C11-S42Jesus  explains that The power of God  is greater than physical limits.
    1. The phrase Jesus saith unto her  means: 'Jesus  reminds her of what he said earlier'.
    2. The phrase Said I not unto thee, that  means: 'This is the reminder'.
    3. The phrase if thou wouldest believe  means: 'This is the requirement'.
    4. The phrase thou shouldest see the glory of God?  means: 'This is the promise'.
  43. C11-S43 :  the Jews obey the command from Jesus.  Our sentence says, Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead was laid.  This was done after Jesus  made it clear that her objection was heard and did not matter.  Her objection was based upon truths of this physical reality.  However, those do not limit God nor do they prevent God from doing miracles.
  44. C11-S44Jesus  starts his prayer with thanksgiving.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  This prayer is added to the promise of the prior sentence.
    2. The phrase And Jesus lifted up his eyes, and said  means: 'Jesus  demonstrated to the watching people that He was praying to God the Father'.
    3. The phrase Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me  means: 'Jesus  starts with thanks and with the acknowledgement that God heard'.  A lot of our prayers fail to acknowledge that God hears because we lack true faith.  God hears, even when He responds with WAIT or NO.
  45. C11-S45Jesus  prays so that listeners can hear.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  The rest of the prayer is added to the opening of the prayer.
    2. The phrase And I knew that thou hearest me always  means: 'Here Jesus  acknowledges this truth'.
    3. The phrase but because of the people which stand by I said it  means: 'This is why Jesus  prayed like He did'.
    4. The phrase that they may believe that thou hast sent me  means: 'This is the desired end result'.  Notice that he did not pray for Lazarus to be raised.  This prayer was not for him but for the other people who were witnesses.
  46. C11-S46Jesus  commands with faith that God the Father will provide the power.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Jesus  added the command to raise the dead to His prayer.
    2. The phrase And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice  means: 'After He prayed, Jesus  made sure that all the people who were there herd Him command the dead'.  Only Jesus  can command the dead and have them respond because He is The resurrection.
    3. The phrase Lazarus, come forth  means: 'This was the command'.
  47. C11-S47 :  the evidence that Lazarus had been dead.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Our sentence adds the dead obeying the voice of Jesus.
    2. The phrase And he that was dead came forth  means: 'The dead obeyed'.
    3. The phrase bound hand and foot with graveclothes  means: 'He obeyed in spite of his hindrances'.  Imagine seeing a mummy hopping out of a cave.
    4. The phrase and his face was bound about with a napkin  means: 'He could not see but he knew where to go'.
  48. C11-S48 :  the next command from Jesus  to others.
    1. The phrase Jesus saith unto them  means: 'He commanded those who were witnesses'.  Notice that Jesus  did not touch Lazarus.  Jesus  made sure that there was no reasonable basis for anyone claiming that He tricked people and that this miracle was not real.  The faith and hope of all people who are truly saved is based upon the doctrine which this miracle illustrates.
    2. The phrase Loose him, and let him go  means: 'Preachers have made a message of this command'.  Jesus looses  us from the addictions of sin and then commands us to go  do The Great commission.
  49. C11-S49 :  the reaction of true belief.
    1. The phrase Then many of the Jews which came to Mary  means: 'These were the Jews which followed Mary expecting to see her weep at the grave'.
    2. The phrase and had seen the things which Jesus did  means: 'They were witnesses to the miracle'.
    3. The phrase believed on him  means: 'This was their reaction'.  Jesus  had delayed His trip for two days specifically so that some people would have this reaction.
  50. C11-S50 :  the reaction of those who refused to believe.
    1. The word But  means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.  Our sentence tells us that some Jews had a different reaction.
    2. The phrase But some of them went their ways to the Pharisees  means: 'These Jews deliberately sought the Jewish rulers whom they knew wanted to kill Jesus'.
    3. The phrase and old them what things Jesus had done  means: 'Like some devil motivated people, some people only find joy in causing trouble and causing others to hurt'.
  51. C11-S51 :  the reactive question by the Pharisees.
    1. The phrase Then gathered the chief priests and the Pharisees a council  means: 'They gathered all of the rulers who hated Jesus'.
    2. The phrase and said, What do we?  means: 'They were searching for a way to get rid of Jesus'.
  52. C11-S52 :  the reason for the reaction by the Pharisees.  Our sentence says,   means: 'For this man doeth many miracles'.  This was their God given sign that Jesus  was God's Christ.  But their sinful lifestyle prevented them from accepting the truth.
  53. C11-S53 :  the result expected by the Pharisees.
    1. The phrase If we let him thus alone, all men will believe on him  means: 'Here they recognized, and acknowledged, the truth'.
    2. The phrase and the Romans shall come and take away both our place and nation  means: 'Here they added their imagined fear'.  They had no reason to believe that the Romans would do this.  However, their fear of losing their place was real because God would take away their place.  Therefore, they blamed men for what they knew that God would do.
  54. C11-S54 :  the advice from the high priest.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  This was the main council of the group.  To thebest of my knowledge, this is the first time that one of the religious rulers called for the death of Jesus.  This is in spite of regular Jews trying to Kill Him at least twice earlier.
    2. The phrase And one of them, named Caiaphas  means: 'This is who spoke this suggestion'.
    3. The phrase being the high priest that same year  means: 'This was his position and why they listened to him'.
    4. The phrase said unto them  means: 'He had all of the council listening'.
    5. The phrase Ye know nothing at all  means: 'He first made it personal'.
    6. The phrase Nor consider that it is expedient for us  means: 'He then made it good for The group so that they could lie to themselves and claim that they were not acting for personal motivation'.
    7. The phrase that one man should die for the people  means: 'Here is the call for the death of Jesus'.
    8. The phrase and that the whole nation perish not  means: 'Here is the false excuse that would be used to justify murder'.
  55. C11-S55 :  the attitude of religious people is shown by the high priest.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Our sentence adds the reason why he said what he did.
    2. The phrase And this spake he not of himself  means: 'He was not thinking about his personal future but what he believed would be the future for all Jews'.
    3. The phrase : but being high priest that year  means: 'This was why he was thinking like he did'.
    4. The phrase he prophesied that Jesus should die for that nation  means: 'Remember that devils let people prophesy and God uses devils to accomplish His end goals'.  God did not directly do this but God allowed it in order to accomplish His end goals, which are explained in the rest of this sentence.
    5. The phrase And not for that nation only  means: 'That is, the results of this decision would not be limited to the Jews who were in Judaea'.
    6. The phrase but that also he should gather together in one the children of God that were scattered abroad  means: 'All Jews would suffer the consequence of this decision'.
  56. C11-S56 :  the long-term decision by the Pharisees.  Our sentence says, Then from that day forth they took counsel together for to put him to death.  Once they decided on a goal, they worked non-stop on accomplishing it.
  57. C11-S57 :  the reaction by Jesus.
    1. The phrase Jesus therefore walked no more openly among the Jews  means: ''.  .  .  .
    2. The phrase but went thence unto a country near to the wilderness, into a city called Ephraim  means: 'This is where Jesus  went to stay, at that time'.
  58. C11-S58 :  the circumstances leading to the next event.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  This sentence is telling us that Jesus  raised Lazarus shortly before His 'Last Supper'.
    2. The phrase And the Jews' passover was nigh at hand  means: 'This was the passover of the 'Last Supper''.
    3. The phrase and many went out of the country up to Jerusalem before the passover  means: 'This is what many Jews did'.
    4. The phrase to purify themselves  means: 'They did as religion dictated, even if it did not purify their heart'.
  59. C11-S59 :  Speculation of the reaction by Jesus  to a death threat.
    1. The phrase Then sought they for Jesus  means: 'They wanted the source of gossip'.
    2. The phrase and spake among themselves, as they stood in the temple  means: 'They speculated in their gossip'.
    3. The phrase What think ye, that he will not come to the feast?  means: 'This was the main question off the gossips'.
  60. C11-S60 :  the cause of the speculation.
    1. The word Now  means: 'After you understand what came prior to this'.
    2. The phrase Now both the chief priests and the Pharisees had given a commandment, that  means: ''.  .  .  .
    3. The phrase if any man knew where he were, he should shew it  means: 'This was their claimed plan, but, as the next chapter shows, they did not act upon their plan'.  God is in control of everything and pl and against God come to nothing.
    4. The phrase that they might take him  means: 'They wanted everyone looking'.
Chapter 12 Summary:

Jesus is Glorified Before His Death.

in this chapter we see the glorification of Jesus.  First, Mary anoints Him for His burial with an ointment normally reserved for the very rich.  Then the people prepared branches of palm trees  and honored Him as He entered Jerusalem.  Then God the Father acknowledged Him from heaven.  However, in each of the three accounts we see Him rejected.  In the first account, Judas Iscariot rejected Him and this was the incident which drove him to seek an agreement with the Jewish leaders.  In the second account, The Pharisees  expressed how He threatened their position and power.  In the third account the people rejected Him, as Isaiah prophesied and our chapter explains.  We also see that Nevertheless among the chief rulers also many believed on him; but because of the Pharisees they did not confess him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue: forthey loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.  (John 12:42-43).  Unfortunately, this is where most people are today who claim to be Christian.  The words from Jesus,  at the end of our chapter, make it pretty clear that they probably were not truly saved because they were not willing to accept a changed life.

Our chapter ends with Jesus  issuing an invitation to believe on Him,  and that invitation only gave two choices with no room for 'fence sitters'.  The people had to choose between the religious leaders and Jesus  and they were not allowed any other option except these two choices.

This is the last public invitation to salvation given by Jesus.  After this chapter we have the 'Last Supper' with the betrayal by Judas and the special instructions for the other disciples.  Then John goes into the crucifixion and events which follow it.  Therefore, this is the last teaching and invitation which Jesus  makes to the general public.  It is based upon His being glorified and based upon all of the miracles which He did.  at this point, people who rejected Him would do so no matter what evidence and motivation God provided.  Further, we see here that people believed Him, but who also refused to act upon that belief and were apparently rejected by God.  The majority of religious people of today who claim to be Christians are like this last group and should expect to be rejected by God also.  They are the fearful  of Revelation 21:8.

John 12:1-11; Matthew 26:6-16 and Mark 14:3-9 and Luke 7:36-50 tell us about the time that Jesus  and His disciples ate a meal at the house of Simon the leper and Mary Magdalene anointed Jesus  for His death.  The perspective that Luke presents is unique to his Gospel and the things said to Simon are only recorded in Luke's Gospel.

Jesus  raised the dead in:  Mark 5:22-43 (Daughter of Jairus); Luke 7:11-15 (Son of the widow in Nain); John 12:9-11 (Lazarus).

In Matthew 21:1-17 and Mark 11:1-17 and Luke 19:29-44 and John 12:12-16 talk about the time that Jesus  entered Jerusalem in triumph and the people cried Hosanna to the Son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest  (Matthew 21:9).  This is a fulfillment of Psalms 148 which show us how they praised Him.

In Matthew 21:6-7; Mark 11:7; Luke 19:35 and John 12:14-15 we are told that Jesus  fulfilled a prophesy found in Zechariah 9:9 when He sat on the colt of an ass to enter Jerusalem.  Then, as He entered, Psalms 148 was fulfilled by the way that the people praised Jesus as He entered Jerusalem.  In addition, Matthew 21:1-3; Mark 11:1-2 and John 12:14-15 tell us that Jesus  prophesied that the two disciples would find the ass  in the exact conditions which they found it in.

In the note for John 12:14-15 are links to Old Testament sentences which provide prophecy for this event and other related Old Testament sentences.

In John 12:23 Jesus  acknowledges fulfillment of prophecy.

In John 6:62; John 12:24; John 16:20 and John 16:22-23 and John 16:16; Jesus  prophesied the future results of His death, resurrection and ascension.

In John 6:62; John 12:24; John 16:20 and John 16:22-23 and John 16:16; Jesus  prophesied the future results of His death, resurrection and ascension.

In Matthew 10:39; Luke 17:33 and John 12:25 Jesus  promises He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.

In John 12:28; Matthew 3:17; Matthew 17:5; Mark 1:11; Mark 9:7; Luke 3:21-22 and Luke 9:35; God spoke in an audible voice from Heaven.

links to New Testament reference to the suffering of Christ,  and of the saved sharing in that suffering, include: John 2:19; John 3:14; John 8:28; John 12:32-34.  Please see the Detailed Chapter Note for many other references to this doctrine.

In John 12:25-26  Jesus  promised that the people, who met the requirements for the end of this chapter, would have peace  because of His faith  and not their own.  Where our faith  will fail, His faith  will not.  However, saved people do not have the promised peace  because they do not fulfill God's requirements for receiving the promises at the end of this chapter.  Please see the notes starting in John 16:23-27 for the related requirements.

John 2:19; John 2:22; John 3:14; John 8:28; John 10:11-19 John 12:32-33 and John 18:32 all tell us about the betrayal, persecution, death and resurrection of Jesus.  Please see the Detailed Chapter Note for more Bible references to this doctrine.

In Matthew 10:39; Luke 17:33 and John 12:25 Jesus  promises He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.  Please see the Promises Section of the Significant Gospel Events Study for many more promises, most of which apply to us.

In John 12:31 Jesus  said that everything was completed which had to be done before The day of the Lord  could come.  Please see the notes for 1Thessalonians 5:2 and Philippians 1:6-LJC which list several references where the Bible talks about various day of  (day of the Lord  day of Christ   day of Jesus Christ  etc.).  Each of those days  have different doctrinal meanings and many people are led into error by not recognizing this difference.

In John 12:31-32 Jesus  announced the start of the Church Age with salvation and judgment.  This included the judgment of this world  and that The prince of this world be cast out  because Jesus Christ  would take over and rule and reign.  The prophecy also told of His crucifixion and that He would draw all men unto me.

In John 12:32 Jesus  announced His future crucifixion and the resulting salvation of many people.  Please see the Prophecies Sections in the Significant Gospel Events Study for references to other Gospel prophecies.

John 12:34-60 tells us that many believed and many rejected because Jesus  said He would be lifted up from the earth  and they believed Christ abideth for ever.

In John 7:33-36; John 8:21-24; John 12:35; John 13:33; John 16:5-7; John 16:16-22; John 17:11-13; Matthew 9:15; Luke 5:35 and Luke 13:35; we have a prophecy (I go my way, and ye shall seek me, and shall die in your sins: whither I go, ye cannot come)  which is similar to what we find in Luke 17:22.  Please see the Prophecies Sections in the Significant Gospel Events Study for references to other Gospel prophecies.

In John 12:37-43 we are told that Jesus  hid Himself from the Jews because they refused to believed our report  as prophesied by Isaiah 53:1.

In John 12:37-41 we are told that the people rejected Jesus  in spite of all of the miracles and other evidences which he provided.  This was prophesied by Isaiah.

Below is a summary of each sentence within this chapter with a link to the note providing the detailed analysis and contextual requirements of each sentence.  These sentence summaries also show the basis for the chapter summary provided above.

  1. C12-S1 :  the date and time of the start of the last events before the crucifixion.
    1. The phrase Then Jesus six days before the passover came to Bethany  means: 'After Jesus  had been hiding from the Jewish rulers until it was time for the final events of His physical life to happen'.
    2. The phrase where Lazarus was which had been dead  means: 'He returned to the home of Mary, Martha and Lazarus, which was where He stayed at night until the crucifixion'.
    3. The phrase whom he raised from the dead  means: 'Jesus  made it clear that He was no longer hiding'.  Many people knew about Lazarus being raised from the dead.  As a result, the Jewish religious leaders knew where he lived.  However, God made them afraid the act until it was the right time and the right way to fulfill prophecy.
  2. C12-S2 :  What happened when He got there.
    1. The phrase There they made him a supper  means: 'This supper was actually given by Simon the leper'.  Please see the references, above in the Chapter Note, for where the other Gospel accounts give more details.
    2. The phrase and Martha served  means: 'Apparently, Simon was rich and hired Martha to serve'.
    3. The phrase but Lazarus was one of them that sat at the table with him  means: 'The various Gospel accounts, especially from Luke, make it clear that Simon gave this supper for the main purpose of insulting Jesus.  And, since he intended to deny the power of God in Jesus,  he also invited Lazarus so that he also could be insulted.  As a Pharisee, he was making a point that his religious doctrine was greater than the power of resurrection'.
  3. C12-S3 :  Mary worshipped.
    1. The phrase Then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard, very costly  means: 'This was the particular perfume, but John is emphasizing that it was very costly  because that is what caused Judas Iscariot to betray Jesus'.
    2. The phrase and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair  means: 'The other accounts also tell us that she washed His feet with her tears'.
    3. The phrase and the house was filled with the odour of the ointment  means: 'No one could avoid knowing what she did'.
  4. C12-S4 :  Judas objected to the worship.
    1. The phrase Then saith one of his disciples  means: 'The other accounts also tell us that all disciples murmured'.
    2. The phrase Judas Iscariot, Simon's son  means: 'He was who spoke our loud'.
    3. The phrase which should betray him  means: 'This was his final reaction to this incident'.
    4. The phrase Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence, and given to the poor?  means: 'Our next sentence explains his true motive for saying this'.
  5. C12-S5 :  Judas's motivation.
    1. The phrase This he said, not that he cared for the poor; but because he was a thief  means: 'This was the true motive for what Judas Iscariot said and did'.
    2. The phrase and had the bag, and bare what was put therein  means: 'This was the position which he sought, and received, among the disciples of Jesus'.
  6. C12-S6 :  the reaction from Jesus  to Judas.
    1. The phrase Then said Jesus  means: 'Jesus  waited until everyone had revealed the true feelings of their heart before He spoke'.  Many times we forget that all of our life is a test and that we will answer for every word which we say.
    2. The phrase Let her alone  means: 'This is the commanded response to her action'.
    3. The phrase against the day of my burying hath she kept this  means: 'Why she did what she did'.
  7. C12-S7 :  Why Jesus  rebuked all of the disciples, especially Judas.  This is a truth that religious people and liberal philosophy people deny.  They preach 'Give our organization money and we will eliminate hunger and poverty'.  But, the truth is that there will always be hunger and poverty because of the sinful motivations of men.
    1. The phrase For the poor always ye have with you  means: 'We can not eliminate poverty'.
    2. The phrase but me ye have not always  means: 'We each have a limited time of life to serve Jesus'.  As the prior sentence said, she did this to serve Jesus.
  8. C12-S8 :  Many people were spectators.
    1. The phrase Much people of the Jews therefore knew that he was there  means: 'Simon made sure that lots of the Jews knew about his supper because he planned to insult Jesus  and show that the Pharisees could do so and suffer no consequence'.  Since he is called Simon the leper,  he, obviously, was made a leper after this because he could not be near other people if he was a leper before (Proverbs 8:13; Proverbs 11:2; Proverbs 13:10; Proverbs 14:3; Proverbs 16:18; Proverbs 29:23).  .
    2. The phrase and they came not for Jesus' sake only  means: 'The Jews had another motive for going to the supper'.
    3. The phrase but that they might see Lazarus also, whom he had raised from the dead  means: 'He was the only one who was raised from the dead after being dead for four (4) days'.  The gossips wanted to claim that they saw him and, possibly, spoke to him.
  9. C12-S9 :  the life of Lazarus was in danger also.
    1. The word But  means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.  Our sentence tells us how The chief priests  had a different desire for Lazarus.  The result of the testimony of Lazarus is the result that God wants from the testimony of every saved person.
    2. The phrase But the chief priests consulted that they might put Lazarus also to death  means: 'The leaders of false religion hated his testimony so much that they consulted  how to do this thing'.
    3. The phrase Because that by reason of him many of the Jews went away  means: 'His testimony caused many people to leave false religion'.
    4. The phrase and believed on Jesus  means: 'His testimony led to many people being saved'.
  10. C12-S10 :  the people worship Jesus.  Please see the references, above in the Chapter Note, for where the other Gospel accounts give more details.
    1. The phrase On the next day much people that were come to the feast  means: 'These were the common Jews'.
    2. The phrase when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem  means: 'This is when they acted'.
    3. The phrase Took branches of palm trees, and went forth to meet him  means: 'They planned to physically honor Jesus'.
    4. The phrase and cried, Hosanna: Blessed is the King of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord  means: 'They honored Jesus  with their mouths'.  The other accounts report the religious leaders trying to get Jesus  to make them stop and Luke 19:40 reports: And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.
  11. C12-S11 :  Prophecy was fulfilled but not understood.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  .
    2. The phrase And Jesus, when he had found a young ass  means: 'We are also told that this ass was so young that whereon never man sat  '.  While men refuse to obey God, animals obey.
    3. The phrase sat thereon; as it is written, Fear not, daughter of Sion: behold, thy King cometh, sitting on an ass's colt  means: 'This fulfilled prophecy'.  Please see the Detailed Note for references to the prophecy and for references where this incident is also found in the other Gospel accounts.
  12. C12-S12 :  the understanding by the disciples.
    1. The phrase These things understood not his disciples at the first  means: 'They did not understand at first'.  No man can understand spiritual things with their natural reasoning.
    2. The phrase but when Jesus was glorified  means: 'This is after His resurrection and, probably, after they received God's indwelling Holy Spirit,  Who helped them to understand spiritual things'.
    3. The phrase then remembered they that these things were written of him  means: 'God's indwelling Holy Spirit,  also helped their memories'.  That is how they could accurately preach and write what Jesus  did.
    4. The phrase and that they had done these things unto him  means: 'This is also what God's indwelling Holy Spirit  also helped them to remember accurately'.
  13. C12-S13 :  Why the people worshipped Jesus.
    1. The phrase The people therefore that was with him when he called Lazarus out of his grave, and raised him from the dead  means: 'These people were among the people worshipping Jesus.  Their testimony encouraged others to worship Him'.
    2. The phrase bare record  means: 'This is how they encouraged worship'.
  14. C12-S14 :  Others came because of the miracle.
    1. The phrase For this cause the people also met him  means: 'Others who were not there also came and worshipped'.
    2. The phrase for that they heard that he had done this miracle  means: 'This is why'.
  15. C12-S15 :  the Pharisees were upset with the reaction by the people.
    1. The phrase The Pharisees therefore said among themselves  means: 'They talked to their group and refused to participate'.
    2. The phrase Perceive ye how ye prevail nothing?  means: 'Notice that they blamed each and every one of the others personally.  Like all liars, they refused to accept personal blame'.  In addition, they each refused to accept correction from God.
  16. C12-S16 :  What the Pharisees said.  Our sentence says, behold, the world is gone after him.  This means: 'Even with all of this evidence, and even hearing people worshipping Jesus  because He raised the dead, they still refused to consider that they might be wrong in their own doctrine'.
  17. C12-S17 :  Another group of people also worshipped.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  In addition to the people worshipping, and the Pharisees criticizing, some people were new and wanted to find out which group told the truth.
    2. The phrase And there were certain Greeks among them that came up to worship at the feast  means: 'These were Jews who lived outside of the promised land and spoke Greek as their main language instead of Hebrew'.
    3. The phrase The same came therefore to Philip, which was of Bethsaida of Galilee  means: 'People of Galilee were considered to be more approachable than the stuck up Jews of Judaea'.
    4. The phrase and desired him, saying, Sir, we would see Jesus  means: 'This was their request'.
  18. C12-S18 :  how the new group was treated.  Our sentence says, Philip cometh and telleth Andrew: and again Andrew and Philip tell Jesus.  Once more, we see Andrew leading people to Jesus.  Philip was less sure about that, which is why he first went to Andrew.
  19. C12-S19Jesus  acknowledges fulfillment of prophecy.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Our sentence is adding the response from Jesus  to their questions.  Notice that it is several sentences long and that no sentence should be considered out of context.
    2. The phrase And Jesus answered them, saying  means: 'This is Who answered their questions'.
    3. The phrase The hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified  means: 'They, obviously, asked why Jesus  was being worshipped'.
  20. C12-S20 :  the consequence of death.  Here, Jesus  prophesied the future results of His death, resurrection and ascension.  Please see the Prophecies Section of the Significant Gospel Events Study for other Bible references to this type of prophecy.
    1. The phrase Verily, verily, I say unto you  means: 'This has been verified twice and will be used when God judges these people and others who act like them'.
    2. The phrase Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die  means: 'Symbolic language, especially prophecy, uses things in this physical world to teach spiritual truth.  Here, Jesus  is saying that He will die and be buried'.
    3. The phrase it abideth alone  means: 'If Jesus  did not die and get buried then no one could go to Heaven.  He would be the only human being there'.
    4. The phrase but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit  means: 'If Jesus  was willing to die and be buried, then He would bring many people to Heaven'.  This was why God had Jesus  worshipped before His crucifixion.
  21. C12-S21 :  the results of our choices about this life.  This sentence is a precept which is always true and which has many applications, including what we read here.
    1. The phrase He that loveth his life shall lose it  means: 'This phrase actually has two applications.  People who die lost have an ongoing lifestyle (loveth)  love of their current physical life.  They refuse true salvation because they are not willing to give up the pleasures of this physical life in order to receive everlasting life (true Biblical salvation).  The second application is people who are truly Biblically saved but who refuse to serve Jesus  because that would require then have to give up the pleasures of this physical life in order to truly serve.  Such people do go to Heaven, but they end up in outer darkness  with weeping and gnashing of teeth  twice a week for more than 1,000 years.  They are not allowed to return to this Earth to rule with Christ.  They are not allowed to attend the marriage supper of the lamb'.
    2. The phrase and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal  means: 'The people who are saved and serving Jesus,  as a lifestyle and to the point of not enjoying the pleasures of this physical life (hateth his life in this world),  will receive all that will be denied to the other group'.
    3. God does not change  (Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8).  All throughout the Bible God promises reward for obedience and punishment for disobedience.  Liars preaching doctrines of devils claim that God changes for the judgment seat of Christ.  This sentence, and many other places in the Bible, make it clear that, at the judgment seat of Christ,  God will still reward obedience and punishment disobedience.
  22. C12-S22 :  the results of serving Jesus.
    1. The phrase If any man serve me  means: 'This is the conditional requirement which must be fulfilled in order to receive the reward'.
    2. The phrase let him follow me  means: 'This is how we are to serve'.  This means go where Jesus  commands and do what He commands us personally to do.
    3. The phrase and where I am, there shall also my servant be  means: 'They will be at The marriage supper of the Lamb,  they will return with Him to rule this world for 1,000 years'.
    4. The phrase if any man serve me  means: 'This is the conditional requirement which must be fulfilled in order to receive the reward'.
    5. The phrase him will my Father honour  means: 'God the Father will give them everlasting rewards'.
  23. C12-S23 :  the feeling of Jesus  about His future suffering.  Our sentence says, Now is my soul troubled; and what shall I say?  means: 'This is how Jesus  felt because of the desires of His flesh'.  Our next sentence tells us how He dealt with these feelings.
  24. C12-S24 :  What Jesus  will not ask.
    1. The phrase Father, save me from this hour  means: 'This is what His flesh wants Him to say'.
    2. The phrase but for this cause came I unto this hour  means: 'This is why He will not give into the desires of His flesh'.
  25. C12-S25 :  What Jesus  did pray.  Our sentence says, Father, glorify thy name.  God the Father would do this by providing everlasting salvation to people whom Satan thought he had condemned.
  26. C12-S26 :  God the Father glorifies Jesus.
    1. The phrase Then came there a voice from heaven, saying  means: 'This was God the Father speaking'.  Please see the Table Of Miracles in the Gospels for Bible references to other times and places when God the Father spoke from heaven.
    2. The phrase I have both glorified it  means: 'This is a reference to past miracles when God delivered His people from danger and destruction'.
    3. The phrase and will glorify it again  means: 'Within the context, this is a promise of future salvation'.
  27. C12-S27 :  the people standing by heard but did not understand.  Be careful of claiming that you know what happened when you do not.  You prove yourself to be a liar.
    1. The phrase The people therefore, that stood by, and heard it  means: 'These are the people who voiced an opinion'.
    2. The phrase said that it thundered  means: 'This was the first wrong opinion'.
    3. The phrase others said, An angel spake to him  means: 'This was the second wrong opinion'.
  28. C12-S28Jesus  clarifies why they heard God the Father.
    1. The phrase Jesus answered and said  means: 'Jesus  answered their wrong opinions with the truth'.
    2. The phrase This voice came not because of me  means: 'Jesus  did not need to hear God the Father's voice'.
    3. The phrase but for your sakes  means: 'The Jews standing there needed to know that God the Father approved their glorifying Jesus'.
  29. C12-S29Jesus  announces the start of a new age.
    1. The word Now  means: 'After you understand what came prior to this'.  That is, now that Jesus  has been glorified, every prophecy has been fulfilled which had to precede the crucifixion.
    2. The phrase Now is the judgment of this world  means: 'God will close the Old Testament and, except for the delay of the 'Church Age', while God selects a bride for Jesus,  the great tribulation  will follow'.
    3. The word Now  means: 'After you understand what came prior to this'.  .
    4. The phrase now shall the prince of this world be cast out  means: 'This will happen at the end of the day of the Lord / great tribulation'.
  30. C12-S30 :  Results of the crucifixion.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Our sentence adds the prophecy of the birth of the 'Church Age'.
    2. The phrase And I, if I be lifted up from the earth  means: 'If Jesus  is crucified'.  He used the word if  because it had not yet happened.
    3. The phrase will draw all men unto me  means: 'This is what will happen during the 'Church Age''.  .  .  .
  31. C12-S31Jesus  prophesied His own crucifixion.  Our sentence says, This he said, signifying what death he should die.  It is clarifications like this which teach us the proper way to understand symbolic language.
  32. C12-S32 :  People questioned Jesus  disagreeing with their religious teachings.
    1. The phrase The people answered him  means: 'The people voiced their confusion'.
    2. The phrase We have heard out of the law that Christ abideth for ever  means: 'This is what their religious tradition said'.  It was true if you considered spiritual life.  It was also true if you added physical resurrection  to physical life.  Their problem was that they did not hear the prophecy of resurrection,  or they refused to believe it.
    3. The phrase and how sayest thou, the Son of man must be lifted up?  means: 'They did not understand'.  What Jesus  said seemed impossible because of their limited understanding and their lack of true Biblical faith.
  33. C12-S33 :  Request for clarification.  Our sentence says, who is this Son of manC12-S29 said: I be lifted up from the earth.  Obviously, what they heard, as tome point, was: 'If this Son of man be lifted up from the earth'.
  34. C12-S34Jesus  gives an answer to make people think.
    1. The phrase Then Jesus said unto them  means: 'Jesus  again explained using symbolic language'.  This is exactly like when He spoke in parables.  The people who were willing to receive the spiritual truth from God understood while the lost and carnal were led into doctrinal error.
    2. The phrase Yet a little while is the light with you  means: 'They could get explanations from Jesus  only for a little while longer'.
  35. C12-S35Jesus  gives a commandment based upon the prior sentence.
    1. The phrase Walk while ye have the light  means: 'Do the little things of every day life in obedience to Jesus'.
    2. The phrase lest darkness come upon you  means: 'Otherwise, you will follow doctrinal error from this world and your flesh and devils'.
    3. The phrase for he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whither he goeth  means: 'People who follow doctrinal error from this world and your flesh and devils don't know where they will end up after they die.  That's why they accept doctrines like 'loosing your salvation' and 'Purgatory''.
  36. C12-S36Jesus  gives a promise based upon prior sentences.
    1. The phrase While ye have light  means: 'While each of you personally have access to Jesus  in order to receive spiritual understanding'.
    2. The phrase believe in the light  means: 'Believe in the person of Jesus'.  .  .  .
    3. The phrase that ye may be the children of light  means: 'He provides salvation'.
  37. C12-S37Jesus  left them to think about what he said.  Our sentence says, These things spake Jesus, and departed, and did hide himself from them.
  38. C12-S38 :  the people rejected Him in spite of all of the evidence.
    1. The word But  means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.  Jesus  told them what to do to be saved, and gave them more evidence that they should need, but that still refused to believe.
    2. The phrase But though he had done so many miracles before them  means: 'This was how God told them to identify His Christ'.
    3. The phrase yet they believed not on him  means: 'They refused the evidence and prophecy from God'.
    4. The phrase That the saying of Esaias the prophet might be fulfilled, which he spake  means: 'This is a quote of Isaiah 53:1 '.
    5. The phrase Lord, who hath believed our report?  means: 'Isaiah and Jesus  both brought reports from God and both reports and both prophets were rejected by God's people'.
  39. C12-S39 :  Prophecy continued.  Our sentence adds the rest of the prophecy to the prior sentence.  Our sentence says, and to whom hath the arm of the Lord been revealed?  means: 'God showed the judgment that He would bring and the people refused to believe because they were used to abusing God's mercy'.  However, we can not demand mercy  and places like Romans 6 explain that abusing God's mercy  will bring judgment.
  40. C12-S40 :  they lost salvation and blessings because of their earlier rejection.
    1. The phrase Therefore they could not believe  means: 'After they hardened their heart several times, God hardened their heart in their own chosen unbelief'.
    2. The phrase   means: 'because that Esaias said again'.  God had warned them but the people living in the days of Jesus  refused to heed the warning.
    3. The phrase He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them  is a our sentence includes a paraphrased quote of Isaiah 6:9-10.
  41. C12-S41 :  When Isaiah gave this prophecy.  Our sentence says, These things said Esaias, when he saw his glory, and spake of him  means: 'This reference means that the place which John spoke of happened after what we think of as Isaiah 6:1-10 '.
  42. C12-S42 :  Some rulers disagreed with the majority but to no avail.
    1. The phrase Nevertheless among the chief rulers also many believed on him  means: 'They believed but were not saved'.  Please see the note for John 8:30 about this doctrine.
    2. The phrase but because of the Pharisees they did not confess him  means: 'They were not saved in spite of their belief'.  Romans 10:10 says: For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.  .  .
    3. The phrase lest they should be put out of the synagogue  means: 'They were more afraid of what men would do in this world than what God would do in eternity'.
    4. The phrase For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God  means: 'They also chose the wrong type and source of praise'.
  43. C12-S43Jesus  provided motivation for them to truly believe.
    1. The phrase Jesus cried and said  means: 'Jesus  made sure that all of His mixed audience could hear His offer'.
    2. The phrase He that believeth on me  means: 'This person has a lifestyle based upon belief that Jesus  will provide everything that he needs'.
    3. The phrase believeth not on me, but on him that sent me  means: 'Everything actually comes from God the Father and Jesus  said that he was the messenger and servant for God the Father.  Therefore, everything which comes through Jesus  actually comes from God the Father'.
  44. C12-S44 :  Secondary motivation provided.  Our sentence says: And he that seeth me seeth him that sent me.  means: 'If you see the Son then you also see God the Father'.  The word see  is used symbolically for spiritual understanding.  When we see the Son, we understand His character and what He is doing for our salvation and our sanctification.  And, since the Son of God  shows us the character of God the Father, and He came here to do the will of God the Father, our sentence tells us to see the Son of God  in order to know the character of God the Father and what He does for us.
  45. C12-S45 :  the spiritual basis of the prior promises.
    1. The phrase I am come a light into the world  means: 'Jesus  came into this world to be a source of ongoing understanding'.  The word am  is: 'a verb of ongoing existence'.  The word light  is used symbolically for 'spiritual understanding'.  There is a persistent doctrinal error which finds different ways to claim that the saved receive everything at initial salvation.  If that were true then there would be no need for an ongoing personal relationship with Jesus  because we would no longer need Him for anything including ongoing increased spiritual understanding.  It would also mean that He lied in John 10:10 when He promised to add life more abundantly  to spiritual life  (initial salvation).  And, it would mean that the rest of our sentence is doctrinal error.
    2. The phrase that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness  means: 'The truly saved should not live in spiritual ignorance and doctrinal error'.  The phrase whosoever believeth on me (Jesus)  identifies 'The truly saved'.  The word should  is: 'a verb used to indicate obligation, duty, or correctness'.  The word abide  is: 'a verb of ongoing existence.  It is used for where you live'.  The word darkness  is: 'a noun used to indicate spiritual ignorance and doctrinal error'.  Thus, our phrase is telling us that 'The truly saved have an obligation to not continue to live in spiritual ignorance and doctrinal error'.  Removing spiritual ignorance and doctrinal error requires us to continue to receive spiritual understanding through our ongoing personal relationship with Jesus.  He will not leave us but we can leave Him.  And, when we get saved people, and even preachers, doing that we have these people declaring that they know everything there is to know spiritually.  They refuse to let God's Holy Spirit  use the word of God  to correct their doctrine.  One sign that someone is this way is when they claim to be saved and also claim 'I can handle any punishment that God gives me in this life.  And, God will not kill me, even when I continue to do the sin unto death'.  In addition, they claim: 'There is no punishment at the judgment seat of Christ'.
  46. C12-S46Jesus  did not come to judge but to save.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  .
    2. The phrase And if any man hear my words, and believe not  means: 'This is the condition which applies to the rest of the sentence'.
    3. The phrase I judge him not  means: 'This is what Jesus  did not do at that time while He was living in the flesh and before His resurrection.  However, as the next sentence says, all will be judged after they physically die'.
    4. The phrase for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world  means: 'Here's why Jesus  did not judge people before His resurrection.  However, each will be judged by The word of God  in the last day.  The last day  for each of us is when we die'.  Hebrews 9:27 says: And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.
  47. C12-S47 :  the judgment that the lost will face.
    1. The phrase He that rejecteth me  means: 'This is a rejection of the person of Jesus Christ.  People think that they can reject the messenger without insulting the person who sent the message.  But the Bible teaches otherwise (1Samuel 8:7).  When they rejected Jesus Christ,  they actually rejected the law of God the Father'.
    2. The phrase and receiveth not my words  means: 'C12-S49 tells us that the words, which they receiveth not  are the words which God the Father commanded'.
    3. The phrase hath one that judgeth him  means: 'God will command the basis of all judgment'.
    4. The phrase The word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day  means: 'The message which sinners reject will be the basis of their judgment'.
    5. Please see John 6:39 about the phrase last day.  The New Testament definition, of the phrase last day  is: '(end of the) Church Age.  However, in the life of the individual, it can be used for the day that he dies'.
  48. C12-S48 :  Why they will be judged this way.
    1. The phrase For I have not spoken of myself  means: 'Here's why Jesus  did not give His own judgment'.
    2. The phrase but the Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment  means: 'God the Father commanded Jesus  for what He said.  A true messenger only delivers the message which he is supposed to deliver and does not add his own opinion'.
    3. The phrase what I should say, and what I should speak  means: 'Everything that Jesus  said, before His resurrection, was what God the Father commanded and only what God the Father commanded'.
  49. C12-S49 :  the lost are judged for rejecting God.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Jesus  adds the result of believing His message.
    2. The phrase And I know that his commandment is life everlasting  means: 'Jesus  knows that the plan of God the Father is to give life everlasting  to everyone who truly believes His message'.
    3. The phrase whatsoever I speak therefore, even as the Father said unto me, so I speak  means: 'This is why Jesus  said what He did'.
Chapter 13 Summary:

Last Supper: the Betrayal by Judas.

links to Bible references, which are related to this chapter, can be found in the Betrayal of Jesus are in the Gospel Time Sequence Study.  In addition, there are several references to these chapters in the Significant Gospel Events Study in Sections like Prophecies; Prophecy Fulfilled and Promises and other Sections of that reference document.  Further, this chapter is found in the Study called Miracles in the Gospels.  Hopefully, with all of thee Bible references, the reader understands that the events of this chapter are critical to true Bible faith.

Matthew 26; Mark 14; Luke 22; John 13 and various other Bible references deal with the 'Last Supper' and the betrayal of Jesus.  (Jesus  said that He had the 'Last Supper' with the twelve before His crucifixion: his hour was come that he should depart out of this world).  links to Bible references, which are related to this chapter, can be found in the Betrayal of Jesus are in the Gospel Time Sequence Study.  In addition, there are several references to these chapters in the Significant Gospel Events Study in Sections like Prophecies; Prophecy Fulfilled and Promises and other Sections of that reference document.  Further, this chapter is found in the Study called Miracles in the Gospels.  Hopefully, with all of thee Bible references, the reader understands that the events of this chapter are critical to true Bible faith.

This entire chapter is about the events surrounding the betrayal by Judas Iscariot.  It starts by telling us that when Jesus  knew that the devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, to betray him,  He did not respond to that but, instead, he loved them (his own which were in the world) unto the end.  First, He symbolically told them to be humble and willing to do anything in order to love each other.  Then Jesus  told them that He would be betrayed, and indicated that it was Judas, but they did not understand prophecy until after it was fulfilled.  Once Judas left to betray Him, Jesus  said that nothing could stop God from being glorified and Jesus  being glorified in God the Father.  Then He said that he would go away and they couldn't go with Him but would go later.  Of course, He was speaking about going away in death, but they did not understand.  Peter bragged about what he was willing to do to go with Jesus  and Jesus  responded with prophesying the denial of Peter.

Our chapter is about the betrayal by Judas but also tells us related events.  The most significant lesson of this chapter, I believe, is the lesson that no matter what happens and no matter who turns against us, we are to concentrate on doing the will of God the Father.

Jesus  washed the feet of the apostles as reported in John 13:1-11.

The verses in John which tell us about Jesus  dealing with devils:  they are:

  1. In John 8:48-49; John 8:52 and John 10:20-21; people accused Jesus  of using the power of devils.
  2. In John 8:44; Jesus  told the religious leaders that the devil was their spiritual father and they did the lusts of devils.
  3. In John 8:48-49; Jesus  denied having a devil
  4. In John 6:70; John 13:2 Jesus  says that Judas Iscariot has a devil.  In John 13:27 and Luke 22:3 we are told that Satan  entered him.
  5. In John 13:2 we are told The devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, to betray him.  Since Judas chose to do this, and since God does not take away our free will, Jesus  warned Judas, and the other disciples, of the consequence but did not prevent this action.  If we chose to give ourselves to the service and / or the doctrines of devils  (1Timothy 4:1), then God will not stop us.
  Please see the section on Jesus and Devils.; found in the Study called Significant Gospel Events for links to other Bible references to devils.

Jesus  reveals Judas as his betrayer as reported in Matthew 26:21-25; Mark 14:18-20; Luke 22:21; John 13:10; John 13:18-19; John 13:21-31.  Please see the Detailed Note for more Bible references to this prophecy.

In John 13:18 Jesus  said that the judgment of Judas would be different from the judgment of the remaining disciples.

In John 13:19 Jesus  says: Now I tell you before it come, that, when it is come to pass, ye may believe that I am he.  Thus, He gave this prophecy of His betrayal so that people would know that He was God's Messiah / Christ.  Please remember that Luke 24:25-26 says Then he said unto them, O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken: Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory?  therefore, Jesus  prophesied His betrayal so that they would search the scripture and know that He was God's Messiahs / Christ,  and understand that He would rise from the dead.  While we can not know all of the details on unfulfilled prophecy before it is fulfilled, we should understand it enough to believe that God will keep His promises even while hiding exactly how He will do so.

In John 13:31 Jesus  said that nothing could stop the fulfillment of the prophecy that God the Father would be glorified and that Jesus  would be glorified in God the Father.

Jesus  prophesied His return to Heaven in John 7:33 and John 13:33.  We see this prophecy fulfilled in Luke 24:51 and Acts 1:9.

In John 7:33-36; John 8:21-24; John 12:35; John 13:33; John 16:5-7; John 16:16-22; John 17:11-13; Matthew 9:15; Luke 5:35 and Luke 13:35; we have a prophecy (I go my way, and ye shall seek me, and shall die in your sins: whither I go, ye cannot come)  which is similar to what we find in Luke 17:22.  Please see the Prophecies Sections in the Significant Gospel Events Study for references to other Gospel prophecies.

Jesus  prophesied that Peter would deny knowing Jesus in Matthew 26:34; Mark 14:29-31; Luke 22:31-34; John 13:37-38 and John 16:32.

Jesus  gave the apostles His last discourse as reported in John 13:31-17:26.

Below is a summary of each sentence within this chapter with a link to the note providing the detailed analysis and contextual requirements of each sentence.  These sentence summaries also show the basis for the chapter summary provided above.

  1. C13-S1 :  Changing circumstances caused a change in action.
    1. The word Now  means: 'After you understand what came before'.  The prior chapter told us how 'Jesus is Glorified Before His Death'.  Now we read about His 'Last Supper' where He makes His last attempt to prepare His disciples for His future death.
    2. The phrase before the feast of the passover  means: 'This tells us the time of year.  It also tells us the spiritual time.  The first passover  happened in Egypt where the angel of the Lord  passed over the houses of everyone who had the blood of the lamb  on their door posts but killed the first born of everyone else in Egypt'.  The 'Last Supper' was a passover  meal where Jesus  celebrated with His disciples before He became our passover lamb.
    3. The phrase when Jesus knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world unto the Father  means: 'This is a prophecy of His resurrection'.  Please see the Prophecies Sections in the Significant Gospel Events Study for references to other prophecies about the 'Resurrection from the Dead'.
    4. The phrase having loved his own which were in the world  means: 'This is how Jesus  personally acted towards his own'.  The lost, especially the religious leaders who would murder Him, did not get this personal love.
    5. The phrase he loved them unto the end  means: 'Jesus  continued this personal love  until he returned to Heaven'.  (We are not told that it stopped then but it was changed from what He did in this world as a literal man in this physical reality.)
  2. C13-S2 :  What Jesus  started doing after Satan put into the heart of Judas Iscariot to betray  Jesus.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Our sentence is adding what Jesus  did after the supper was ended.
    2. The phrase And supper being ended  means: 'This is when Jesus  started His last spiritual lessons'.
    3. The phrase The devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, to betray him  means: 'The devil controlled Judas and, yet, Jesus  did not exclude him from this lesson'.  Much more of what Jesus  taught His disciples was after Judas left, but not this lesson.
    4. The phrase Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands  means: 'Jesus  Had no doubt that He could have changed things but then prophecy would not be fulfilled and we would hot have salvation'.  Jesus  choose to sacrifice Himself for us even when He could have refused.
    5. The phrase and that he was come from God, and went to God  means: 'Jesus  knew where He came fRomans where He was going'.  Some fools believe the lie that Jesus  was not sure about these things.
    6. The phrase He riseth from supper, and laid aside his garments; and took a towel, and girded himself  means: 'These were His actions'.
  3. C13-S3Jesus  did a symbolically important act.
    1. The phrase After that he poureth water into a bason  means: 'This was the next action that Jesus  did'.
    2. The phrase and began to wash the disciples' feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded  means: 'Jesus  did this action after the prior.  These actions were done for each of the disciples while all actions before these phrases were preparation for the actions of these phrases'.
  4. C13-S4 :  Peter didn't understand so he questioned what the Lord  did.
    1. The phrase Then cometh he to Simon Peter  means: 'Obviously, Jesus  had done these actions to some of the disciples before He came to Simon Peter'.  Our sentence uses the name of Simon Peter because he was trying to understand spiritual actions using the reasoning of his flesh.
    2. The phrase and Peter saith unto him  means: 'Peter asked for a spiritual explanation'.
    3. The word Lord  means: 'Peter used this title because it shows the difference between the role and the actions being done'.  These were the actions of the lowest servant in a household.
    4. The phrase dost thou wash my feet?  means: 'This was Peter's way of asking for understanding'.  We also see this in the answer from Jesus,  reported in the next sentence.
  5. C13-S5Jesus  explained that they could not yet understand the symbolism.
    1. The phrase Jesus answered and said unto him  means: 'This is the spiritual answer from Jesus'.
    2. The phrase What I do thou knowest not now  means: 'You personally do not, currently, know and understand what I (Jesus)  is doing'.
    3. The phrase but thou shalt know hereafter  means: 'You personally will know and understand in the future'.
  6. C13-S6 :  Peter objected to what he did not understand.  Our sentence says: Peter saith unto him, thou shalt never wash my feet  means: 'Peter is saying something foolish'.  It is foolish to try and tell our Lord  what He can and can not do.
  7. C13-S7 :  Peter objected to what he did not understand.
    1. The phrase Jesus answered him  means: 'This is how Jesus  answered Peter's objection and how He answers all similar objections'.  This incident is used like the reports of miracles in the Gospels.  Every miracle is a physical example of the doctrine which is in context with the doctrine being spiritual in nature.  This answer from Jesus  can only be properly understood spiritually.
    2. The phrase If I wash thee not  means: 'This means if we do not let Jesus  clean the sin out of our life'.  1John 1:9 says: If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  People preach that verse the devil's way because they preach forgive us our sins  while leaving out the attached cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  That second phrase, and our current phrase, mean: 'remove the stain of sin and the cause of sin'.
    3. The phrase thou hast no part with me  means: 'If we do not allow Jesus  to remove the stain of sin and the cause of sin, then we do not have an ongoing personal relationship with Him and we do not receive the blessings which only come from that relationship'.
  8. C13-S8 :  Peter objected to what he did not understand the symbolism.
    1. The phrase Simon Peter saith unto him  means: 'This was his response the answer of the prior sentence'.
    2. The word Lord  means: 'Again, Peter is addressing Jesus  properly because Jesus  is doing something spiritual.  However, Peter is still being foolish because he is trying to command our Lord'.
    3. The phrase not my feet only, but also my hands and my head  means: 'This shows that Peter did not understand the symbolism of what Jesus  did'.  Please notice that Jesus  did not rebuke Peter because that would distract from the doctrine which He will explain after He finished the physical demonstration.  In our next sentence, Jesus  corrects Peter but does not rebuke him.
  9. C13-S9Jesus  explained why Peter's desire was not required.  This sentence must be understood spiritually.
    1. The phrase Jesus saith to him  means: 'Jesus  explained and did not rebuke his ignorance'.
    2. The phrase He that is washed needeth not save to wash his feet  means: 'Jesus  only has to clean up the way we walk (do the small repeated actions of life) in order to spiritually cleanse all of our life'. 
    3. The phrase but is clean every whit  means: 'This is the result of letting Jesus  clean up how we walk in this lifeJohn 7:17 says: If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.  When we do  the little things, then Jesus  teaches us the doctrine of bigger things with the belief that we will obey that new doctrine also.  That is how He cleanses  all of us by only cleansing our feet.
    4. The phrase and ye are clean  means: 'Here Jesus  is declaring their spiritual condition because they followed and obeyed Him'.
    5. The phrase but not all  means: 'Our next sentence explains this phrase'.
  10. C13-S10 :  Why Jesus  said Ye are not all clean  in the prior sentence.
    1. The phrase For he knew who should betray him  means: 'Here's why'.
    2. The phrase therefore said he  means: 'Jesus  said what he said because He knew the prior phrase'.
    3. The phrase Ye are not all clean  means: 'Judas was not spiritually clean'.  Likewise, anyone possessed by a devil, or messing with doctrines of a devil, are not clean,  even if they are a leader in the church.
  11. C13-S11Jesus  starts explaining the symbolism.
    1. The phrase So after he had washed their feet, and had taken his garments, and was set down again  means: 'As a result of having finished His physical demonstration, Jesus  did these actions'.
    2. The phrase he said unto them  means: 'Now, Jesus  starts to explain'.
    3. The phrase Know ye what I have done to you?  means: 'Obviously, they did not know.  He asked this leading question so that they would realize what the next few sentences are talking about'.
  12. C13-S12Jesus  starts with their relationship.
    1. The phrase Ye call me Master and Lord  means: 'Each and every one of them personally recognize that Jesus  is their spiritual teacher (Master)  and the one Who commands them and will judge their obedience (Lord)'.
    2. The phrase and ye say well; for so I am  means: 'They recognize this truth'.  He is about to teach then and command them with a promise of future judgment.
  13. C13-S13Jesus  says that we are to not be too proud.
    1. The phrase If I then, your Lord and Master  means: 'If they truly recognize Him as having these roles'.  Our sentence uses the word if  because this is applicable to all saved, but some saved refuse to acknowledge that Jesus  has these roles.  Such saved fools will be judged for their refusal to accept truth.
    2. The phrase have washed your feet  means: 'Jesus  has these roles and, yet, He did the job of the lowest servant'.
    3. The phrase ye also ought to wash one another's feet  means: 'We are to not be too proud to do any job that is required of us'.
  14. C13-S14 :  Why we should avoid pride.
    1. The phrase For I have given you an example  means: 'Here's why the prior sentence is true'.
    2. The phrase that ye should do as I have done to you  means: 'in this life, we are to follow the example of Jesus'.  Please see the Doctrinal Study called What Did Jesus Do? for several hundred circumstances and Gospel references where Jesus  shows us how to deal with problems in this world and in the flesh.
  15. C13-S15 :  the precept behind His command.
    1. The phrase Verily, verily, I say unto you  means: 'This has been verified twice and will be used when God judges these people and others who act like them'.
    2. The phrase The servant is not greater than his lord  means: 'No one who is saved is greater than Jesus.  We can not tell Him what to do'.
    3. The phrase neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him  means: 'We must deliver the message from Jesus  exactly as he gives it to us.  We can not change His message'.
  16. C13-S16 :  Our happiness  is dependent upon our knowledge.
    1. The phrase If ye know these things  means: 'If you have the knowledge which only comes from personal experience'.  Unless you have been punished for being full of pride and trying to correct The word of God,  or been punished for trying to tell God what to do, you will not have the next phrase true in your life.  And, that experience has to be so bad that you never forget it.
    2. The phrase happy are ye if ye do them  means: 'You will be happy because you are positive that whatever happens, it is not as bad and God's punishment can be and because you have the experience of God doing the impossible to save and protect you'.  When God puts you in a situation where it is obvious to everyone that you can not get out of it, people fret and worry unless they have the personal experience of God doing a miracle for them in the past.  And, the memory of that experience has to be so real that the bad circumstances are viewed as only evidence that God is going to do the impossible so that the child of God can be a witness for God.  I write from multiple experiences of this thing.
  17. C13-S17Jesus  says that Judas is not like the rest of the disciples.
    1. The phrase I speak not of you all  means: 'The prior statement did not apply to all twelve.  Specifically, it did not apply to Judas since he was the betrayer'.
    2. The phrase I know whom I have chosen  means: 'Jesus  and God the Father, together, chose Judas Iscariot to be the betrayer while Jesus  prayed all night about who to choose as His special disciples'.  Please note that God NEVER forces someone into such a decision.  When God needs someone to act like that, God choses someone who wants to act that way and gives them to opportunity to do what they want to do.  And, they act of their own free will when they get the chance to do so.
    3. The phrase but that the scripture may be fulfilled  means: 'Judas betraying Jesus  was prophesied'.  Please see the Detailed Note for many links to this prophecy.  Please also see the Prophecies Sections in the Significant Gospel Events Study for references to other prophecies about the 'Suffering and Death of Jesus'.
    4. The phrase He that eateth bread with me hath lifted up his heel against me  is a quote of Psalms 41:9.
  18. C13-S18 :  Prophesy is to be known, but not understood, before it is fulfilled.
    1. The word Now  means: 'After you understand what came before'.  In the prior sentence, Jesus  prophesied His betrayal as a fulfillment of scripture related to God's Christ.
    2. The phrase I tell you before it come  means: 'Jesus  is saying that His prior sentence was prophecy'.
    3. The phrase that  means: 'What follows will be the future result of this prophecy'.
    4. The phrase when it is come to pass  means: 'This is when they will have this result'.
    5. The phrase ye may believe that I am he  means: 'Each and every one of them personally will believe that Jesus  is God's Christ  after they realize that this prophecy was fulfilled and that it was also prophesied earlier about God's Christ'.
  19. C13-S19 :  the authority to represent Jesus  and God the Father.
    1. The phrase Verily, verily, I say unto you  means: 'This has been verified twice and will be used when God judges these people and others who act like them'.
    2. The phrase He that receiveth whomsoever I send receiveth me  means: 'When we receive the person sent by Jesus  then we are actually receiving Jesus'.  Too many people don't like the message from Jesus.  Therefore, they reject the messenger and claim that they don't reject Jesus.  However, that is not how God operates and that claim makes what Jesus  says in this sentence to be a lie.
    3. The phrase and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me  means: 'When we receive Jesus  we are actually receiving God the Father because He sent Jesus  and Jesus  delivered the message from God the Father'.
  20. C13-S20Jesus  speaks very clearly about His betrayal.
    1. The phrase When Jesus had thus said  means: 'After He said the prior sentences'.
    2. The phrase he was troubled in spirit  means: 'This is His human spirit'.  Knowing that you are going to be betrayed, and especially adding in the knowledge of the results of this betrayal, would trouble any person.
    3. The phrase and testified, and said  means: 'Jesus  told them a truth which would be used in God's court'.
    4. The phrase Verily, verily, I say unto you  means: 'This has been verified twice and will be used when God judges these people and others who act like them'.
    5. The phrase that one of you shall betray me  means: 'This is what Jesus  testified'.
  21. C13-S21Jesus  speaks very clearly about His betrayal.  Our sentence says: Then the disciples looked one on another, doubting of whom he spake.  It means: 'They each looked at each other and doubted if that disciple would betray Jesus'.
  22. C13-S22 :  John was leaning on Jesus' bosom.  Our sentence says: Now there was leaning on Jesus' bosom one of his disciples, whom Jesus loved.  This is how John identified himself in his writings.
  23. C13-S23 :  Peter signed John to ask Jesus  who it was.  Our sentence says: Simon Peter therefore beckoned to him, that he should ask who it should be of whom he spake.  Our sentence means: 'None of the disciples wanted to ask but, as the leader of the disciples, Peter indicated that John should ask'.
  24. C13-S24 :  John asked Jesus  who it was.  Our sentence says: He then lying on Jesus' breast saith unto him, Lord, who is it?.  John did what Peter indicated that he should do.
  25. C13-S25Jesus  answered but the disciples didn't understand the answer.
    1. The phrase Jesus answered  means: 'Jesus  told them how to identify the traitor, yet they did not understand'.
    2. The phrase He it is, to whom I shall give a sop, when I have dipped it  means: 'Our next sentence says that Jesus  did this to identify Judas Iscariot'.
  26. C13-S26Jesus  acted to show who would betray Him.  Our sentence says: And when he had dipped the sop, he gave it to Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon.
  27. C13-S27 :  Satan took control of Judas.  Our sentence says:   means: 'And after the sop Satan entered into him'.
  28. C13-S28Jesus  told him to act quickly.
    1. The phrase Then said Jesus unto him  means: 'It can be argued that Jesus  said this to Satan or that He said it to Judas or that He said it to both.  I personally believe that He said it to both'.
    2. The phrase That thou doest, do quickly  means: 'Don't wast any more time before you accomplish your task'.
  29. C13-S29 :  the disciples did not understand what Jesus did.  Our sentence says: Now no man at the table knew for what intent he spake this unto him.  It means: 'None of the disciples knew why Jesus  spake to Judas'.
  30. C13-S30 :  they assumed that their own thoughts were correct.
    1. The phrase For some of them thought, because Judas had the bag  means: 'Here's why they did not know.  Because Judas handled the money, they assumed that Jesus  told Judas what to do with money'.
    2. The phrase that Jesus had said unto him  means: 'Jesus  said this to Judas and not to everyone'.
    3. The phrase Buy those things that we have need of against the feast  means: 'This is what some thought that Jesus  said'.
    4. The phrase or, that he should give something to the poor  means: 'This is what others thought that Jesus  said'.
  31. C13-S31 :  Judas acted on the betrayal immediately after Satan took control.
    1. The phrase He then having received the sop went immediately out  means: 'He acted immediately'.
    2. The phrase and it was night  means: 'Nobody saw where he went'.
  32. C13-S32 :  Judas acted on the betrayal immediately after Satan took control.
    1. The phrase Therefore, when he was gone out  means: 'The rest of this sentence is a direct result of the prior actions and happened as soon as the prior actions were done'.
    2. The phrase Jesus said  means: 'Jesus  told this to the rest of the eleven'.
    3. The phrase Now is the Son of man glorified, and God is glorified in him  means: 'There was no stopping the fulfillment of prophecy.  Jesus  would be glorified when He resurrected and then returned to Heaven.  God the Father would be glorified by the changed lives of the truly saved'.
  33. C13-S33 :  God glorifies those who glorify God.
    1. The phrase If God be glorified in him  means: 'If God the Father is glorified in Jesus'.  The truly saved will do this while the lost and carnal will not.
    2. The phrase God shall also glorify him in himself  means: 'God the Father will glorify Jesus  for those saved people who glorify God the Father for what He did through Jesus'.
    3. The phrase and shall straightway glorify him  means: 'God the Father will glorify Jesus,  to His saved people, as soon as they glorify God the Father'.
  34. C13-S34Jesus  says that He will be with them only a little while.
    1. The phrase Little children.  It means: 'He calls them Little children  because they did not understand the spiritual truths which he taught them'.
    2. The phrase yet a little while I am with you  means: 'He would be crucified within a day and return to Heaven only a few days after His resurrection'.
  35. C13-S35Jesus  warns that they can't come with Him.
    1. The phrase Ye shall seek me  means: 'Each and every one of them personally would seek Jesus  after He returned to Heaven.  I believe this is a seeking in their heart because they know that they will not find Him physically on this Earth'.
    2. The phrase and as I said unto the Jews  means: 'Jesus  had already given this prophecy'.
    3. The phrase Whither I go, ye cannot come  means: 'People can not go to Heaven until after they die and even then they need to be saved'.
    4. The phrase so now I say to you  means: 'Jesus  is repeating His message to His disciples'.
  36. C13-S36Jesus  gives final instructions before He leaves.
    1. The phrase A new commandment I give unto you  means: 'This commandment is given because Jesus  is going to return to Heaven, as we read in the prior sentence'.
    2. The phrase That ye love one another  means: 'This is the commandment'.
    3. The phrase as I have loved you, that ye also love one another  means: 'This is the degree that they are to use in their obedience'.
  37. C13-S37 :  Why this command is most important.
    1. The phrase By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples  means: 'This is The witness to all men'.
    2. The phrase if ye have love one to another  means: 'This is the requirement for us to have this witness'.
  38. C13-S38 :  Peter asks for clarification.
    1. The phrase Simon Peter said unto him  means: 'This is who asked the question'.
    2. The word Lord  means: 'This is the title which recognizes Him as God in human flesh'.
    3. The phrase whither goest thou?  means: 'Where are you personally going to go that we can not go and where we will not be able to find you?'.  Part of this interpretation is based upon the context of prior sentences and part is the context of the next sentence.
  39. C13-S39Jesus  says that they will follow in the future.
    1. The phrase Jesus answered him  means: 'This is His answer to the question in the prior sentence'.  Notice that he did answer, just not explicitly like Peter was looking for.
    2. The phrase Whither I go, thou canst not follow me now  means: 'Here Jesus  is telling Peter that he can not go now, so it does not matter as far as the true desire that Peter had'.  Peter did not want to be separated from Jesus.  .  .
    3. The phrase but thou shalt follow me afterwards  means: 'Peter will go the Heaven in the future'.
  40. C13-S40 :  Peter wants to follow now.  Our sentence says: Peter said unto him, Lord, why cannot I follow thee now?.
  41. C13-S41 :  Peter claims the price he is willing to pay in order to follow now.  Our sentence says: I will lay down my life for thy sake.  Peter says this to show that he should be allowed to follow Jesus  now.
  42. C13-S42Jesus  questions Peter's claim.  Our sentence says: Jesus answered him, Wilt thou lay down thy life for my sake?.  This, basically, means: 'Oh yeah?'.
  43. C13-S43Jesus  tells Peter how he will fail.
    1. The phrase Verily, verily, I say unto you  means: 'This has been verified twice and will be used when God judges these people and others who act like them'.
    2. The phrase The cock shall not crow, till thou hast denied me thrice.  Please see the Detailed Note for other references to this truth and for a more detailed explanation.
Chapter 14 Summary:

Last Supper: Jesus Gives Conditional Promises.

This chapter gives promises to all saved who love Jesus  and prove so by keeping His commandments.  There are promises from Jesus  that He made to His disciples during the 'Last Supper'.  One thing that we need to pay attention to, because it is easy to miss, is the number of conditional promises found in this chapter.  This chapter possibly has more promises in it than any other chapter in the Bible. 

These promises are made only to saved people who also fulfilled the Biblical definition of disciple.  (Please see the Message on Spiritual Maturity for details on the difference between a child of God,  a disciple,  and other Biblical identifiers of spiritual maturity.)  Next, each of these promises has conditions attached to that promise specifically.  In addition, this truth about conditional requirement exists for almost all promises within the Bible.  Therefore, while it is good to know about the promises found within the Bible, it is critical to also know about God's requirements for receiving those promises.  Please see the note for the Promises found in the Study called Significant Gospel Events for references to the promises of this chapter and for more promises from God.

Lots of people like to preach and 'claim' promises found in the Bible while ignoring God's requirements for receiving those promises.  Then when they don't receive what they 'claimed', they doubt God instead of looking at their own failure.  This is pride and God resisteth the proud  (James 4:6; 1Peter 5:5).

in this chapter, Jesus  makes a point to say that He gave these promises before His death and resurrection.  After His resurrection he was Lord Jesus  and had taken back all of His power as God.  However, this was before His death, and while He was living as a 'literal physical man'.  Therefore, these promises are based upon His example, to us, on how we are to live in this flesh with true faith  in the promises of God.  He faced His crucifixion and death, as a 'literal physical man', based upon the promises that He had from God.  He expects us to live a life following His example based upon the promises that he gives us here.

Please see the Promises Sections in the Significant Gospel Events an identification of the many promises found in this chapter.

John 14:1-4 tells us that Jesus  prepares a place for the saved in Heaven.

In John 14:1 Jesus  promises peace.

In John 14:2 Jesus  promises provision for our eternity.

In John 14:2 Jesus  promises that He revealed everything which we need to know in order to serve God.

In John 14:2 Jesus  promises a place in Heaven.

In John 14:3 Jesus  promises that the saved will be with Him.

John 14:6-21 tells us that Jesus  is The way, the truth, and the life  and the promises and requirements as a result.

In John 14:7 Jesus  promises spiritual knowledge.

In John 14:9 Jesus  promises that we can see God the Father in His character.

In John 14:10 Jesus  promises that that we can believe that the words  from Jesus  were the message from God the Father because of the miracles.

In John 14:12 Jesus  promises that saved people who truly believeth on Jesus  will see miracles in their own life to back their claim of being a messenger from God.

In John 14:13-15; John 15:7 and John 15:16-17 and John 16:23-24 we read promises of answered prayer along with some requirements that must be met in order to receive the answer to prayers.  Please see the note for Luke 11:9 to see an overview of the requirements which are associated with these promises.  We will not receive the promise if we do not fulfill God's requirements for receiving the promise.

In John 14:13 Jesus  promises the saved people who have God doing miracles that they will have their Godly requests met.

In John 14:14 Jesus  promises to do what we ask when we are being true messengers for God.

In John 14:16-18 Jesus  promises the Comforter.  The same promise is found in John 14:26; John 15:26-27 and John 16:7.  Those references also tell us that He is The Spirit of truth.

In John 14:18 Jesus  promises His presence.

In John 14:19 Jesus  promises our own resurrection.

Please see the Detailed Note for John 14:19 for references to the doctrine of resurrection.

In John 14:20 Jesus  promises spiritual knowledge based upon fulfilled prophecy.

In John 14:21 Jesus  promises to manifest  himself to the obedient.

John 14:22-31 tells us how Jesus  will manifest in the world and the reward of people who let Him use their life.

In John 14:23 Jesus  promises that His manifestation  will be in our spirit.

In John 14:26 Jesus  promises that the Holy Ghost  will teach us and help our remembrance.

In John 14:27 Jesus  promises His peace,  which is different from what the world gives.

In John 14:28 Jesus  said. Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you.  The go away  was a prophecy of His death and the come again unto you  was a prophecy of His resurrection.

In John 14:29 Jesus  promises our belief  will increase when we realize that prophecy is fulfilled.  Please see the Prophecies Sections in the Significant Gospel Events Study for references to other Gospel prophecies.

Below is a summary of each sentence within this chapter with a link to the note providing the detailed analysis and contextual requirements of each sentence.  These sentence summaries also show the basis for the chapter summary provided above.

  1. C14-S1 :  Have peace based upon our belief in God and Jesus.  Basically, when circumstances cause us to be upset, we need to remember that God and Jesus  are in control.  We are not in control of our life.  If God allows something upsetting into our life, Jesus  will help us deal with it if we draw nigh to Him.  And, after God takes care of the problem, God and Jesus  will get glory because of how it is obvious that they dealt with the problem and we rill receive rewards in Heaven for reacting properly and letting God work through our life.
    1. The phrase Let not your heart be troubled  means: 'What Jesus  told the disciples in the prior chapter caused them to be upset.  That is why he is saying this phrase and sentence'.
    2. The phrase ye believe in God  means: 'Each and every one off you personally believe in God.  You believe that He is in control and that He loves you and wants what is best, long term, for you'.
    3. The phrase believe also in me  means: 'Put the same level of faith and trust into Jesus'.
  2. C14-S2 :  the provision of a place for those who serve.  This sentence is one of the most quoted verses which is taken out of context in order to support doctrinal error and lies from devils.  First, this was spoken to the eleven disciples who devoted their life to the service of Jesus.  People claim that all eleven died a martyr death except John, but that same history tells us that he was literally boiled alive in oil.  Then, Revelation 1:9 tells us; I John...was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.  I personally have died and been brought back to life twice.  The critics, who claim that John never experienced a martyr's death can not say that John did not die and be returned to life.  Be careful about repeating a lie which supports doctrinal error.  The particular doctrinal error of this sentence is that 'All saved will get a mansion' when our next sentence clearly promises only a place.  People who devote their life to sin and refuse to serve Jesus  believe the lie that God is a communist and gives everyone the same reward regardless of their level of service to Him while they are in this physical reality.
    1. The phrase In my Father's house are many mansions  means: 'Pay attention to the word many.  There are an uncounted number of people going to Heaven and the word many  does not provide enough for 'one each''.
    2. The phrase if it were not so, I would have told you  means: 'Jesus  never lies.  But, lying ministers of Satan follow his example and take what was said out of context and pervert it in order to claim that Jesus  told a lie'.  In goting the true meaning of the next sentence, while 'claiming' what liars say that this sentence means, is acting like Satan and is a lie.
  3. C14-S3 :  the promise of a place for those all saved.  Our sentence says: I go to prepare a place for you  means: 'Thus sentence does not promise a mansion  to everyone who claims to be saved.  And, that claim clearly goes against the doctrine taught elsewhere in the word of God'.
  4. C14-S4 :  Conditional promise to saved.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Our sentence is adding a second promise.
    2. The phrase And if I go and prepare a place for you  means: 'Our phrase says if  because lots of 'claim' this promise when they have not even met the requirement to go to Heaven.  This promise is truly only given to the truly Biblically saved'.
    3. The phrase I will come again, and receive you unto myself  means: 'This promise is given to the truly Biblically saved and includes the saved who die before the 'Rapture''.
    4. The phrase that where I am, there ye may be also  means: 'This is the end result which is promised'.
  5. C14-S5Jesus  told them that they know how to get to heaven.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Our sentence adds a truth which they were denying because they refused to accept that Jesus  would leave them.
    2. The phrase And whither I go ye know  means: 'They knew that Jesus  was returning to Heaven even though they refused to accept that truth'.
    3. The phrase and the way ye know  means: 'They knew that the only way to Heaven was to put their trust in the person of Lord Jesus Christ'.  C14-S7 literally tells us this truth.
  6. C14-S6 :  thomas confesses confusion.
    1. The phrase Thomas saith unto him  means: 'This is who spoke'.
    2. The word Lord  means: 'This is His identifier / role which tells us spiritual truth which is part of God's law'.
    3. The phrase we know not whither thou goest  means: 'The only reason that thomas, and the others, made this claim is because they rejected prior prophecy'.
    4. The phrase and how can we know the way?  means: 'You can not learn doctrinal truth which is based upon first accepting another truth when you personally reject the prior truth'.  For example, you can not build a second floor before you first build the first floor.  And, the Bible uses building as an example of how we learn spiritual truths.
  7. C14-S7 :  this is one of the most important precepts  found within the Gospels.  This sentence is very clear.  However, many ministers of Satan pervert it and many fools are deceived to believe that it says something than what id literally said.
    1. The phrase Jesus saith unto him  means: 'He is speaking as a literal human man'.  However, other men do not have the authority to override what He said nor do they have the authority to pervert what he said.
    2. The phrase I am the way.  The word I  is: 'a personal identifier'.  No religious activity replaces the person in a personal relationship.  The word am  is: 'a verb of ongoing existence'.  This is not just a one-time event but is part of an ongoing relationship.  The word the  is: 'there is only one and here it is'.  Many ministers of Satan try to change this word to a,  which is: 'one of many'.  The phrase The way  means: 'there is only one way to Heaven and to all of the blessings from heaven and that is the person Who is Jesus Christ'.  Isaiah 55:8 says: For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.  No man, and no group of men, can replace the person of the Lord Jesus Christ.  All that they can do is give you a different way  which takes you to a different destination.
    3. The phrase (I am) the truth  means: 'Please see the Word Study on truth.  It covers every place that The word of God  uses any form of this word and proves what is the single interpretation (description) and the many applications of this word in The word of God.  Again, since our phrase uses the word the,  'there is only one and here it is''.
    4. The phrase and (I am) the life  means: 'The word of God  makes it clear that there are different types of life.  And, all life begets similar life regardless of what lying religions claim'.  Only God begets spiritual life.  And, we are warned against lying religions and lying philosophies which claim that everlasting life  can be obtained any way other than from the person of God.  Further, since our phrase uses the word the,  it means that 'there is only one and here it is'.  Therefore, our phrase is telling us that 'The only source of true spiritual life is the person of Jesus Christ'.
    5. The phrase no man cometh unto the Father, but by me  means: 'All opposing claims are lies from devils'.  Any religion which claims anything opposing this sentence is a lie.
  8. C14-S8 :  Promise of conditional knowledge.
    1. The phrase If ye had known me  means: 'Our phrase and sentence uses the word if  because there are people who claim to be saved but do not have the level of knowledge which only comes from a deep, personal and intimate relationship'.
    2. The phrase ye should have known my Father also  means: 'Each and every one of you personally should have a deep, personal and intimate understanding of the character of God because Jesus  displays that character'.
    3. The phrase and from henceforth ye know him  means: 'From the time that Jesus  told them this sentence, into all of the future, they know what the character of God the Father is because they know the character of Jesus'.
    4. The phrase and have seen him  means: 'Each and every one of you personally have seen God the Father in the person of Jesus Christ'.
  9. C14-S9 :  Philip confesses not understanding the prior sentence.
    1. The phrase Philip saith unto him  means: 'This is a different disciple from the prior question.  This shows us that all eleven disciples were involved in this discussion but only one asked a question that all had'.
    2. The word Lord  means: 'This is His identifier / role which tells us spiritual truth which is part of God's law'.
    3. The phrase shew us the Father  means: 'God the Father is a Spirit and can not be seen with physical eyes.  We can only see His character in how Jesus  acted'.
    4. The phrase and it sufficeth us  means: 'We will be completely satisfied if you do the impossible and show us a Spirit that we can see with physical eyes'.
    5. Now, before you go criticizing them, realize that every doctrine which opposes the 'Doctrine of the Trinity' is based upon men refusing to accept God's requirement that we believe what we can not understand in our limited physically based reasoning.  Therefore, count the number of religions and people who oppose the truth of the Trinity and you will find that they were not so different from many people.
  10. C14-S10Jesus  lightly rebukes him for not thinking.
    1. The phrase Jesus saith unto him  means: 'Jesus  spoke as a literal physical man'.  When God works through a person, many will deny that it is God doing the work.  If they acknowledge that truth then they can not compete because man can not compete with God.  However, if they deny that the work was actually done by God, then they can minimize what is actually done and try to claim that they can do more.  Such is the results of pride.  And, such is our sin nature.  That is why, when they didn't think about it, the decuples failed to recognize God the Father working through Jesus  and that, as a result, Jesus  displayed the character of God the Father.
    2. The phrase Have I been so long time with you  means: 'Jesus  is telling them to actually think about all of their experience with Him and what was His displayed character'.
    3. The phrase and yet hast thou not known me, Philip?  means: 'If they truly thought about what they actually knew  about Jesus,  then they should have realized the character which He displayed was what came from God the Father'.
  11. C14-S11 :  the answer to Philip's question.
    1. The phrase he that hath seen me hath seen the Father.  The word seen  is not wist seeing the outward appearance from a distance.  This word is used to express seeing the character of the inward person.  Thus, our phrase means: 'The disciples who had seen the character of Jesus  had also seen the character of God the Father'.
    2. The phrase and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?.  This is a rhetorical question.  It means: 'If you actually think about your personal experience, then you would not ask this question'.
  12. C14-S12 :  Question to make them think.  Our sentence says: Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me?  means: 'Are you having trouble believing the truth or did you just not think about what you personally saw and what it meant?'  No one can have this type of ongoing personal relationship with God and not have God change their character to be like God.
  13. C14-S13 :  Evidence to support the belief that they should have.  Please see the Doctrinal Study called Jesus Used the Power of the Holy Ghost related to this sentence.
    1. The phrase The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself  means: 'Jesus  did not show His own character and thoughts in the doctrine which he taught'.
    2. The phrase but the Father that dwelleth in me  means: 'God the Father told Jesus  what to say and do'.
    3. The phrase he doeth the works  means: 'God the Father was the actual spiritual source of all miracles done by Jesus'.  This ties the miracles to the doctrine.  And, if you look closely at every miracle which is reported in a Gospel account, every one of them is a physical demonstration of the surrounding doctrine.  Please see the Table Of Miracles in the Gospels for Bible references to this miracle and to all miracles which are reported in the Gospels.
  14. C14-S14 :  Command to believe  based upon evidence.
    1. The phrase Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me  means: 'Believe what Jesus  just said and the evidence of His character'.
    2. The phrase or else believe me for the very works' sake  means: 'If you don't want to believe that then believe His approval from God the Father which is evidenced by all of the miracles which He did'.
  15. C14-S15 :  Promise based upon our proper belief.
    1. The phrase Verily, verily, I say unto you  means: 'This has been verified twice and will be used when God judges these people and others who act like them'.
    2. The phrase He that believeth on me  means: 'This identifies the person who trusts in the power and authority of Jesus'.
    3. The phrase The works that I do shall he do also  means: 'The easy explanation of the word works  is miracles.  However, I believe that it can also be applied to ministry and other things'.  That written, I will not argue with anyone who has a different opinion but I ask them to provide a Biblical basis for their dissent.
    4. The phrase and greater works than these shall he do  means: 'This is added to the prior phrase and is speaking about the same type of works  as the prior phrase'.
    5. The phrase because I go unto my Father  means: 'Here's why.  With Jesus  seated on the right hand of God the Father, He is more involved in the work of representing living saints'.
  16. C14-S16 :  Why God will meet our requests.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  This sentence adds a promise to those people who truly fulfill the requirements of the prior sentence.
    2. The phrase And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name  means: 'This promise is based upon the power and authority (in my name)  of Jesus  He does not give His power and authority to devil motivated people nor lustful people wanting to pervert His power and authority'.  Please see Acts 19:14-17 where the seven sons of one Sceva  tried to use the power and authority of Jesus  when they were not qualified to do so.
    3. The phrase that will I do  means: 'Jesus  will do what people ask when they are truly qualified to ask and are asking in order to better serve Him'.
    4. The phrase that the Father may be glorified in the Son  means: 'Here's why.  God the Father is the true source of all spiritual power and authority.  When saved people are truly obeying and serving Jesus,  God the Father receives the glory,  in Heaven, because beings in Heaven know where the power and authority truly comes from'.
  17. C14-S17 :  Requirement forgetting our prayers answered.  Our sentence says: If ye shall ask anything in my name, I will do it.  This is a repeat of the prior sentence and the requirements of the prior two sentences apply to this sentence also.
  18. C14-S18 :  Requirement to get Jesus  to pray for us.  Our sentence says: If ye love me, keep my commandments.  This is a very simple and clear commandment.  However, people try to make all kinds of excuses for disobeying this commandment while also trying to 'claim' things like the promise in the prior sentences.  The requirement of context makes this commandment one of the requirements for receiving the promise of the prior sentences.
  19. C14-S19 :  Our sentence adds the promise of the indwelling Holy Spirit.
    1. The phrase And I will pray the Father  means: 'Jesus  will ask God the Father to send His Holy Spirit  to indwell all truly saved'.  Please see the Word Study on Spirit for links to every place in the Bible where we find any reference to any type of spirit.
    2. The phrase and he shall give you another Comforter  means: 'This is another role of God's Holy Spirit  and it tells us what He will do for the truly saved'.
    3. The phrase that he may abide with you for ever  means: ''.  .  .  .
    4. The phrase Even the Spirit of truth  means: 'This is another role of God's Holy Spirit  and it tells us what He will do for the truly saved'.
    5. The phrase whom the world cannot receive  means: 'The world provides a way of thinking which denies the spiritual and rejects God's Holy Spirit'.
    6. The phrase because it seeth him not  means: 'The thinking of the world only accepts what can be sensed using physical senses and what can be understood using carnal worldly reasoning'.
    7. The phrase neither knoweth him  means: 'The world can not have a personal intimate relationship with God's Holy Spirit'.
    8. The phrase but ye know him  means: 'The truly saved will have a personal intimate relationship with God's Holy Spirit'.
    9. The phrase for he dwelleth with you  means: 'God's Holy Spirit  will live with the truly saved and share the things that they go through in this life'.
    10. The phrase and shall be in you  means: 'od's Holy Spirit  will live in the truly saved'.
  20. C14-S20 :  Promise of an ongoing personal relationship.  Our sentence says: I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you  means: 'Jesus  comes to the truly saved through God's indwelling Holy Spirit.  God's indwelling Holy Spirit  delivers the personal gifts, blessings and other things which Jesus  makes personal'.
  21. C14-S21 :  Promise to see the resurrected Jesus Christ  and of our own resurrection.
    1. The phrase Yet a little while  means: 'This is the time factor'.
    2. The phrase and the world seeth me no more  means: 'The world will never see Jesus  again after His burial'.
    3. The phrase but ye see me  means: 'Each and every one of the eleven disciples will personally see the resurrected Jesus'.
    4. The phrase because I live  means: 'Here's why we can believe in personal resurrection.  Jesus  is the resurrection  and He was personally and physically resurrected to prove that truth.  And, because of that true proven fact, we can believe the next phrase'.
    5. The phrase ye shall live also  means: 'Each and every one of the eleven disciples personally were promised physical resurrection'.  And, this promise is extended to the truly saved.
  22. C14-S22 :  Promise of spiritual knowledge based upon fulfilled prophecy.  Our sentence says: At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you  means: 'When each and every one of the eleven disciples personally saw the resurrected Jesus,  they knew and understood the promised spiritual relationship'.
  23. C14-S23 :  Promise based upon our true love.
    1. The phrase He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them  means: 'These are the two requirements to receive the promises in the rest of this sentence'.
    2. The phrase he it is that loveth me  means: 'This is the identification of the relationship that such a person has with Jesus'.
    3. The phrase and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him  means: 'This is the promised Godly love that will be given to such a person'.
    4. The phrase and will manifest myself to him  means: 'This is a secondary promise.  Jesus  promises to reveal Himself every possible way to such a person'.
  24. C14-S24 :  Judas asks for clarification.
    1. The phrase Judas saith unto him, not Iscariot  means: 'This is the third disciple identified as speaking to Jesus  during the 'Last Supper''.
    2. The word Lord  means: 'This is His identifier / role which tells us spiritual truth which is part of God's law'.
    3. The phrase how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us, and not unto the world?  means: 'How will Jesus  personally reveal Himself every possible way while preventing the lost people of the world from sensing Him?'.
  25. C14-S25 :  Promises for saved people who obey.  This is a promise of a spiritual thing which the world can not receive because it rejects all things spiritual.
    1. The phrase Jesus answered and said unto him  means: 'This is the spiritual answer which Jesus  gave and which applies to all saved, as we see in the next phrase'.
    2. The phrase If a man love me, he will keep my words  means: 'This is the evidence that someone is truly saved and loves Jesus.  The phrase a man  lets us know that this applies to any and all saved'.
    3. The phrase and my Father will love him  means: 'This is the promised response from God the Father'.
    4. The phrase and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him  means: 'This is the promised result from God the Father and Jesus'.
  26. C14-S26 :  God the Father condemns the disobedient.
    1. The phrase He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings  means: 'This is how God identifies those who do not truly love Jesus'.  Such people do not receive any of the promises which are based upon true love.
    2. The phrase and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me  means: 'Jesus  did not give His own word but delivered the message which God the Father told Him to deliver'.
  27. C14-S27Jesus  makes it clear that He said these things before His death.  Our sentence says: These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you.  After His resurrection, Jesus  will have taken back His own power and authority as God.  He will speak as Lord Jesus.  Therefore, at this time, He speaks as a literal physical man because they must believe and act on these sayings as literal physical men.  And, we must do the same.  Please see the note for C16-S25, below, for links to every place where this phrase is reported.
  28. C14-S28 :  Promise of God's help learning spiritual truth.
    1. The phrase But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost  means: 'This identifies Him'.  Please see the Detailed Note for links to more about God's Holy Ghost.  Please also note that the word of God  uses the title of Holy Ghost  when He is influencing things in this world and uses the title of Holy Spirit  when He is dealing with spiritual matters.
    2. The phrase whom the Father will send in my name  means: 'God the Father will send Him but he will act in the power and authority of Jesus.  He will not act in His own power or authority.  Neither will he act in the power and authority of God the Father'.
    3. The phrase he shall teach you all things  means: 'This is how we will receive spiritual teaching and understanding and how we will learn how to apply the spiritual to the physical'.
    4. The phrase and bring all things to your remembrance  means: 'This is how the Apostles were able to accurately write the Gospels and to tell us commandments and doctrines found in the Epistles'.
    5. The phrase whatsoever I have said unto you  means: 'This is everything that God's Holy Ghost  will reveal.  He does not add new revelation as claimed by lying prophets of Satan'.
  29. C14-S29 :  the peace  from Jesus  is different from what the world gives.
    1. The phrase Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you.  Please see the Detailed Note about these phrases.  They provide links to where the peace of God  and the peace with God  are dealt with.
    2. The phrase not as the world giveth, give I unto you  means: 'These two types of peace  are different from what The world giveth'.  What The world giveth  does not last while what Jesus  gives does last.
  30. C14-S30 :  this is a repeat of first sentence with the second phrase added on.  And, both phrases require us to put our trust in God.  Our sentence says: Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.  As explained earlier, for this to be true in our personal life, we must trust in Jesus  and believe that He is in control of all that happens in our life.  As a result, when things happen which we believe are bad, they are only circumstances which will result in God working in a way that the world can not deny that it is God Who delivers us out of out trouble.  Either that, or God will take us to heaven, which will still deliver us out of out trouble.
  31. C14-S31 :  Reminder of prophecy already spoken.
    1. The phrase Ye have heard how I said unto you  means: 'This was the main source of trouble that the eleven had at that time'.
    2. The phrase I go away, and come again unto you  means: 'This was what they were in denial of'.
  32. C14-S32 :  True love of God prefers the spiritual.
    1. The phrase If ye loved me, ye would rejoice  means: 'This is how they should have been reacting'.
    2. The phrase because I said, I go unto the Father  means: 'This is why they should have been reacting that way'.
    3. The phrase for my Father is greater than I  means: 'God the Father is the greater source of power for them to be able to access'.
  33. C14-S33 :  Prophecy fulfilled is to increase our belief.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.  Jesus  added this prophecy so that when it is fulfilled, they might believe that He was God's Christ.
    2. The phrase And now I have told you before it come to pass  means: 'Jesus  is giving this prophecy'.
    3. The phrase that, when it is come to pass, ye might believe  means: 'This is why He is giving this prophecy'.
  34. C14-S34Jesus  limits His sayings to prepare for Satan.
    1. The word Hereafter  means: 'from this point in time and going forward'.
    2. The phrase I will not talk much with you  means: 'Jesus  will not give many more prophecies'.
    3. The phrase for the prince of this world cometh  means: 'Satan is coming in Judas'.
    4. The phrase and hath nothing in me  means: 'Jesus  wants to avoid giving Satan prophecies which he can use'.
  35. C14-S35Jesus  proves His claims with action instead of words.
    1. The phrase But that the world may know that I love the Father  means: 'This is why Jesus  is going out to be crucified'.
    2. The phrase and as the Father gave me commandment, even so I do  means: 'He is doing what God the Father commanded no matter how much he must suffer in the flesh'.
  36. C14-S36Jesus  says it is time to act.  Our sentence says: Arise, let us go hence.

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