Lord Jesus Christ in the 1611KJV
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Interpretive Study of 1John - Summary

Epistle theme: Jesus Christ  is the Son of God

God's Way to Study His Word:

In 2Timothy 2:15 we read: Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.  The true definition of the word dividing  is: 'a Mathematical function whereby we separate pre-defined units according to a precise procedure which produces a precise result'.  However, while most people understand that 'there is one interpretation but many applications of The word of God', they fail to separate the procedures of each.  And, as a result, they fail to separate the 'one interpretation of The word of God' from the 'many applications of The word of God'.  This leads to many errors which people blame on the perfect word of God  instead of their using the wrong procedure.

The result, of men using the wrong way, is that men claim that there are errors and conflicts in God's word.  In Isaiah 28; God tells us how to understand His word.  In addition, God preserved the message of His word; He preserves every word of His sentences; and God preserves every punctuation mark (jot and title)  of His sentences.  Therefore, God preserved what He wanted us to understand and God told us how to understand His word so that we have no errors and no conflicts.  Unfortunately, for at least one hundred and fifty (150) yeare, men have been taught to use the wrong way to interpret God's word instead of using God's way.

In Isaiah 55:9 we are told For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.  Thus, God warns us that our ways are wrong and that using God's way  produces better results, which have no errors and no conflicts.

In addition, 1Corinthians 2:14 tells us: But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.  Therefore, we can not properly understand the spiritual word of God  using man's way.  We must use God's way to understand God's preserved word of God.  And, the basics of God's way is to understand His preserved word of God  using the sentence format and true Biblical definitions for Bible words.

This Study follows the Biblical Way to understand God's Word.  It applies precepts  ('truths that never change for any circumstance').  It then goes through the epistle sentence-upon-sentence (line upon line  [Isaiah 28 ]).  This is different from the ways of men which use verse-upon-verse or some other method which generates errors.  God's sentence-upon-sentence method also pays attention to what 'The word of God' tells us that God preserved, which are the true Biblical meanings of words and the Biblical usage of punctuation.  (These two are the components of sentences and do not give us verses.) the 'The word of God' tells us that God preserved punctuation (one jot or one tittle)  in Matthew 5:18 and Luke 16:17.  And 'The word of God' tells us that God preserved every word  when he wrote: Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God  (Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:4 and Luke 4:4).

The summary of the epistle comes from the summary of each chapter and each chapter summary within that book.  Every chapter summary comes from the summary of each sentence within that chapter.  And, the sentence summaries come from analysis using the punctuation and true word definitions, as already explained.  As a result, we have what God literally had written and see that there are no conflicts even when we consider the smallest part of a sentence compared to the entire Bible book.  God is consistent from the start of a Bible book to the end and is consistent in His doctrines and word definitions across the entire Bible.  What we have is an integrated whole (single) message, with no errors and no conflicts.  This particular book Study is part of a detailed analysis of the entire New Testament which shows this truth.

Other than cults, all claims of errors and conflicts are based upon the New Testament.  This Study is part of a series which interprets the preserved word of God  using God's way and proving that there are no errors, nor any conflicts, if we obey God and use His way to interpret His word.  And, this series concentrates on the New Testament, since that is the basis of these lies about the perfect word of God.

I have read, or at least skimmed, every book which has been written in the last hundred and fifty (150) years and which claims to teach people how to study and understand The word of God.  In every case, they use a method which comes from man and do not use God's way (Isaiah 55:8) to study and understand The word of God.  And, while there are variations from one man-written method to another man-written method, every one of them ends up with problems.  The end result of those problems is that people blame God's perfect word for their own problems and either turn to a man-written 'bible' or skip verses.  (By skipping the interpretation of certain verses, they can hide the conflict which their method has produced.)

Now, many people find that the Detail Studies to be overwhelming because they have everything required to prove that there are NO errors in The perfect word of God.  This summary level is easier to understand for most people.  At the same time, if someone has an argument with what is presented here, the matching Detail Study provides all of the proof required in order to show that what is here matches exactly what God wrote in His word.  Again, this is not a matter of my opinion versus their opinion.  I have over thirty (30) years’ experience as a professional Systems Analyst with an international reputation for accuracy in how to prove things.  And, this series of books are the result of using recognized methods of analysis to prove what God actually wrote.  This series does not present a religious opinion.  Therefore, a religious opinion, which was arrived at from using wrong methods, is not superior to a true analysis of what God wrote.

People have looked for over twenty (20) years and failed to find any other work that covers everything this series cover.  In addition, no one has found any other work which covers the level of detail found in the Detail Studies.  Further, the Detail Studies literally have several million Bible references to support the interpretation provided and to show that The perfect word of God  is consistent all across it for word definitions and doctrines.  Again, no one has found any other work which has this quantity of Bible references supporting what is presented.  I do not write this to brag but to inform the reader the depth of study which supports what is presented in this series.

Let any who disagree show their method and the results of their method and try to explain how their method, which produces errors, is greater that God's way which produces no errors and no conflicts.

Overview of 1John

Epistle theme: Jesus Christ  is the Son of God

Click on the following links to jump to a chapter within this study: Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4; Chapter 5; God; Word Studies.

Many people have written all kinds of commentaries on this epistle.  You can find many disagreements between these commentaries.  The commentaries that teach doctrinal error ignore the context as they try to justify their doctrine.  Such action is motivated by devils and the resulting doctrinal error can bring the judgment of God upon His people instead of the blessings that God wants to give.  1John 4:1 tells us Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.  The commentaries which do base their comments upon what is actually written, with consideration of context and proper methods of interpretation, will agree on doctrine even while presenting different views of that doctrine.

Son  / Son of God  is used more than any other identifier for the Son of God  in this epistle (18 times).  Jesus Christ  is used 10 times.  Jesus  is used twice and no other identifier is used.  Also, we are called the sons of God  twice because John is telling the saved that if they are truly saved then their lives will show the Spirit / character of Jesus Christ.  Those statistics are only part of the reason why I write that the theme of this epistle is: 'Jesus Christ is the Son of God'.

1John can cause a lot of controversy but a lot of that can be cleared up if the reader realizes that in this epistle John is telling us about the relationship that a son has with God.  Just as the Gospel of John is considerably different from the other gospels, so also are the epistles from John different from other epistles.  In his gospel, John presented Jesus  as the Son of God  and we have a more spiritual view of the life of Jesus  than we see in the other gospels.  Likewise, we need to look at John's epistles from a more spiritual point of view and realize that it can only be properly understood from a spiritual perspective.

If we use the perspective, we get everything wrong, even if we are saved.  For example, how many saved people look at the Book of Revelation as a book about future events?  Yet, as pointed out in the study of Revelation, John clearly tells us in the first words that Revelation is about the person of Jesus Christ.  After Jesus Christ  is revealed to John the way He is, John concludes his Revelation that the Son of God  is Lord Jesus Christ  (emphasis upon Lord).  Most people have a hard time with that book because they are looking at it as a book that tells future events when the emphasis of the book is really an account about the person who will do those events.  In a same manner, many make mistakes when reading this epistle because people insist upon taking the wrong perspective.

In the first 4 verses, of this epistle, John tells us what the epistle is about.  He tells us that he's taking an eternal view, not a practical earthly view, when he says That which was from the beginning.  He also tells us That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.  The fellowship with God the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ  is spiritual in nature.  That's why I pointed out that this book is written from a spiritual point of view and can not be properly interpreted unless it is interpreted from a spiritual point of view.

In the second sentence of this epistle, John adds, And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full.  Joy is often confused with happiness.  As one preacher said, happiness is based upon happenings which are things of this world and of the flesh.  However, we often find the Bible telling us to have joy while experiencing 'bad happenings'.  Biblical joy is spiritual in nature.  If we are going to have joy in our fellowship with a spiritual God, we have to see things from the spiritual point of view.

Our epistle tells us about God being the light.  This is used symbolically and is contrasted to sin and things of the devil, which are symbolically called darkness  in this epistle.

The word if  is used by John 21 times in this epistle.  And, the word if  has a very exact meaning in abstract logic.  In addition, most people have difficulty understanding the technical parts of abstract logic.  Therefore, most people will find it easier to understand this epistle if they think of the word if  as if it were the word 'since'.  The word if  is technically correct, but the technical explanation is something that most people will have a hard time understanding.  Therefore, for this epistle only, I am skipping that explanation, which will cause a lot of confusion, and ask people to accept my explanations which treat the word if  as if it were the word 'since'.  If anyone has any objection to this, please use the email address at the bottom of all web pages and let me know.  I will be happy to respond with the full technical explanation of the abstract logic which was truly involved.

The phrase of God  occurs 31 times in this epistle.  (The word of  means: 'belongs to').  If the reader uses the link at the start of this Study, they can access the table which lists all of those things and provides links to where this epistle speaks about those things.  In most cases, the things which this epistle tell us are of God  are related to His character.  Therefore, those references are ways to find specific verses which are related to what I wrote as the theme of this epistle.

In addition to the word of  meaning 'belongs to', we also learn that what 'belongs to God' also 'came from God, reports back to God, and is controlled by God'.  A lot of people 'claim' the blessings that are based upon being of God  but are not 'controlled by' God and do not receive the blessings that they 'claim'.

For example, John tells us about several things that are of God  and how we can have them if we have the type of fellowship  with God which is now available but which was not available before the resurrection.  The most popular non-prepositional word in 1John that I have found is God.  The second most popular non-prepositional word is love  and we know that God is love  (1John 4:8; 1John 4:16).  The third most popular non-prepositional word is know.  If we truly love God  and have His love,  then we will know  Him and He will know  us.

Biblical knowledge is based upon having God work in our lives in a way that even the lost world can see.  Genesis 4:1 and Genesis 4:25  tell us And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived  When God puts His life in us and it is manifested  (like the son of Eve was manifested) and the result is something that others can see.  That is how we can (Biblically) say that we know  that God worked in our life.  However, the main thing that prevents God from working in our life this way is sin, which is our next most popular word in 1John.  John wrote this epistle so that we can understand about sin, and get it out of our lives, so that it does not interfere with our fellowship  with God and His true saints.  When we have true Biblical fellowship  with God and His true saints, we can know  the things of God because His life is manifested  in our life.

The Old Testament Jewish religion was all about works, at least on the surface.  The Jews were required to make certain sacrifices, observe holy days, keep a certain diet and other things.  When God promised blessings, they were physical and worldly blessings.  When God promised punishment, the punishment also was physical and worldly.  Yet, within this framework we find that David was a man after (God's ) own heart  (1Samuel 13:14) while he was a murderer, adulterer and did many other sins.  Therefore, even in the Old Testament we see God providing special blessings to those that He had a personal relationship with.  Look at Abraham, Moses, the prophets and others that are heroes of the Old Testament and you will see that God consistently provided special blessings to those who maintained a personal relationship with Him.

Moving on, we find that the Old Testament prophets had much to say about righteousness.  We also find that those who had righteousness  received it through their personal relationship with God.  Further, those people who received the greatest rewards from God (like Abraham) didn't receive those rewards for the religious actions that they did but because of the personal relationship that they had with God (Matthew 8:11-12; Romans 4; Hebrews 2:16; 11:17-19; etc.).

In the New Testament, God gave us a better covenant (Hebrews 6:9-10; 7:19-22; 8:6-13; etc. ) than what people had under the Old Testament.  This covenant was based upon God put(ting) my laws into their mind, and writ(ing) them in their hearts  (Hebrews 8:10).  In the Old Testament, they did not have the indwelling Holy Spirit.  While the Old Testament religion emphasized obedience in this world based upon religious law, the New Testament emphasizes attitudes of the heart and obedience in this world based upon an indwelling Holy Spirit.  Actions are important, in the New Testament religion, but only because they reveal the condition of our hearts (beatitudes, Matthew 12:34; etc.).  It is this relationship with the indwelling Holy Spirit; and the evidences of that relationship within this world, that 1John deals with.

With those things pointed out, it is hoped that the reader understands that the most important doctrine of this epistle is the character that God the Father and God the Son share.  This character is what God wants all of His children to receive.

With these chapter summaries in mind, we can summarize the entire epistle with the message that Jesus Christ  is the Son of God.  After we receive him,  God gives us the power to become the sons of God  (John 1:12).  That is: God gives us the power  to change and become like the Son of God.  This epistle gives us the details on how to do that.  Simply put, our spirit  must display God's Holy Spirit  and that only happens by maintaining a life of fellowship  with God's Son  whereby He cleanses  us from all sin.

As a person obeys God's Son,  he purifieth himself, even as he (The Son of God) is pure  (3:3).  That changed character shows that someone is a true son of God.  As John says in Chapter 5; the saved have the witness of God in their life and they stop their sinning.  Our changed life, which is witness of having God's life in us, makes it so that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.  Thus, we see that John starts by telling us how to examine our own life to see if we have fellowship with him (God).  He then tells us several different ways of telling the difference between The spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.  John finishes by telling us that that if we pass all of these tests then we can know that ye have eternal life.  However, if we fail these tests, then we have followed a spirit of error  and need to correct that.  Simply put, Jesus Christ  is the Son of God  and our example on how to live like sons of God.  Those people who live by His example can be sure of their salvation and those people who refuse to live by His example have followed a spirit of error  and are probably lost.

Another way to sum up John's message is by simply saying that: people who allow God's Spirit  to cause them to stop their sinning, to love like God loves, and to walk in the light as he is in the light  are true sons of God.  All others are liars.  The true sons of God  know that we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ.  This is the true God, and eternal life.

Please see the Doctrinal Studies called: False things according to the Bible; Fear of the Lord; Personal Application of God's Word; Relational Prepositions Study; Significant Gospel Events and Significant New Testament Events.  These Studies all reference 1John is an important way.  Also, the doctrines in them should be studied in order to completely understand the doctrine of this epistle and how it matches the doctrines found elsewhere in The word of God.

Please also see the Message called: Born of God.  This phrase is used in this epistle five (5) times and the exact phrase is used only in this epistle.  In addition, please also see the Messages called: Go Ye; Sin Unto Death and Two Reasons Why Jesus Came.

Another way to look at this epistle is according to the perspective of each chapter.

Hopefully, the reader can see the change in perspective and how the perspective progresses through this epistle.  This change in perspective is critical to being able to answer the claims of a conflict over sin  between the First Chapter and the third Chapter.  Understanding the perspective in each chapter is also important to understanding what John is trying to share.

The key to understanding 1John is knowing that our attitudes are a critical emphasis in the New Testament.  Many of the 'difficult passages' in 1John become clearer if you consider John's subject to be the condition of our heart (attitudes) as it reveals our true underlying spiritual condition.  Add to that the realization John teaches that our lifestyle actions show the true condition of the heart.  Fora more detailed example, please see the part on Sin in 1John  (below).

Word Counts 1John:
'Book Counts': HIM (53), GOD (44), HAVE (37), LOVE (33), US (29), YOU (29), KNOW (27), BECAUSE (25), WORLD (22), IF (21), this (20), HATH (17), LIFE (15), FROM (14), SIN (14), FATHER (13), ONE (13), OUR (13), SON (12), BROTHER (11), CHILDREN (11), NO (11), SPIRIT (11), JESUS (10), TRUTH (10), WHICH (10), YE (10), ALSO (9), BEGINNING (9), EVEN (9), HEARD (9), LITTLE (9), LOVETH (9), WHOSOEVER (9), ABIDETH (8), ALL (8), HEREBY (8), MAN (8), SEEN (8), thINGS (8), BORN (7), Christ  (7), COMMANDMENT (7), EVERY (7), MAY (7), ANOTHER (6), ANY (6), AS (6), DEATH (6), theRE (6).
'Chapter 1': HAVE (12), US (7), WHICH (7), IF (5), OUR (5), FELLOWSHIP (4), HIM (4).
'Chapter 2': YE (22), YOU (21), HAVE (18), HIM (16), BECAUSE (10), KNOW (10), FATHER (8).
'Chapter 3': HIM (17), GOD (11), US (9), LOVE (7), BECAUSE (6), HATH (6), KNOW (6).
'Chapter 4': GOD (29), LOVE (19), US (12), WORLD (9), SPIRIT (8), BECAUSE (7), HATH (6).
'Chapter 5': GOD (20), SON (11), HIM (10), HATH (9), this (9), KNOW (8), LIFE (7).
Word Studies in 1John:
  1. Know :  38 times in 31 verses - 2:3; 4; 5; 11; 13; 14; 18; 20; 21; 29; 3:1; 3:2; 5; 6; 14; 15; 19; 20; 24; 4:2; 6; 7; 8; 13; 16; 5:2; 13; 15; 18; 19; 20.

  2. Love :  33 times in 23 verses - 2:5; 15; 3:1; 11; 14; 16; 17; 18; 23; 4:7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21; 5:2 3

  3. Manifest / Seen / Heard :  27 times - 1:1; 2; 3; 5; 2:7; 18; 19; 24; 3 :2; 5; 6; 8; 10; 11; 4 :3; 9; 12; 14; 20; 5:14; 15; 16.
  4. Sin(s) :  is used 16 times in 9 verses within 1John.  Those translate to 13 sentences which are: 1:7; 8; 9; 2:1; 2; 12; 3:4; 5; 8; 9; 4:10; 5:16; 17.

  5. World :  17 times - 2:2; 15; 16; 17; 3:1; 13; 17; 4:1; 3; 4; 5; 9; 14; 17; 5:4; 5; 19.

  6. Life :  12 times - 1:1; 2; 2:16; 25; 3:14; 15; 16; 5:11; 12; 13; 16; 20.

  7. Light and Darkness :  7 times - 1:5; 6; 7; 2:8; 2:9; 10; 11.

  8. little children:  (means: 'John is writing to spiritual children who have trouble understanding spiritual truths')  8 times - 1John 2:1; 1John 2:12-13; 1John 2:18; 1John 2:28; 1John 3:7; 1John 3:18; 1John 4:4; 1John 5:21.
  9. Word :  7 times - 1:1; 10; 2:5; 7; 14; 3:18; 5:7.

Summary of Chapter 1

The chapter theme 'Fellowship with God'.

In the first chapter John declares that God's basic nature is light  and that we can have fellowship  with God and His saints if we walk in the light as he is in the light.  John goes on to explain that, If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie.  After this John explains some simple tests to know if we truly have fellowship  with God.

The summary of each sentence within this chapter is:

  1. C1-S1  the Basis of authority which gives John the right to speak.  John is a personal eyewitness of God in human flesh (God the Father's Son Jesus Christ).
    1. The phrase That which was from the beginning  means: 'John is speaking about eternal life which already existed before the creation of this physical reality'.
    2. The phrase which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled  means: 'John, and the other apostles, were personal eyewitnesses of God in human flesh.  Our phrase names human senses which John used to verify that God in human flesh was physically in this physical reality'.
    3. The phrase of the Word of life  means: 'This is a nameans role of a person because it is capitalized'.  And, the Bible only capitalizes roles which belong to God.  When the same role, such as lord, is fulfilled by a man then the Bible always uses lowercase.
    4. The phrase (For the life was manifested  means: 'The eternal life, which John started this sentence with, was revealed (manifested)  in every way possible'.  The section included in the parenthesis was added by the translators in order to convey the same message from the original language into English.  Proper interpretation is not word-for-word and is not verse-for-verse and is not sentence-for-sentence but is message-for-message.  Thus, the extra phrase is required in order to deliver the same message in English as was delivered in the original language.
    5. The phrase and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal life  means: 'John, and others, used their physical senses to verify that God in human flesh was truly in this physical reality'.
    6. The phrase which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us  means: 'The eternal life / Jesus  was with the Father,  in Heaven, and then He became part of this physical reality (manifested unto us)  in human form'.
    7. The phrase That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you  means: 'This is an eyewitness account.  It is not some made-up story'.
    8. The phrase that ye also may have fellowship with us  means: 'tells us why John is writing this epistle'.  You can not have fellowship with  someone who is not a true human being like you.  Yes, you can care and even love a pet but that is not true fellowship.
    9. The phrase and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ  means: 'We can have fellowship with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ  because his Son Jesus Christ  was / is a literal physical human being, as John explained in this sentence, and, as a literal physical human being, the Son of God  showed us the character of God'.  Because of that revelation, we can have fellowship with the Father.
  2. C1-S2  Fellowship with the Father and with Jesus brings full joy.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, if you drop either side of an and  in The word of God,  then you change the message from God.
    2. The phrase these things write we unto you  references the prior sentence and the rest of this epistle.
    3. The phrase that your joy may be full  gives us the reason why John is writing this epistle.  While happiness is based upon things which happen in the physical reality, true joy  is based upon spiritual results.
  3. C1-S3  the main subject of this chapter.
    1. The phrase This then  means: 'What follows is a result of the prior two sentences'.  Our next phrase tells us that the message is about God's Son Jesus Christ  and no one can deliver such a message unless they have fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ,  as our first sentence said, and unless they are concentrating on receiving joy,  as our second sentence said.
    2. The phrase is the message which we have heard of him  means: 'What John is writing in this epistle came from God and is about God's Son Jesus Christ'.  John is not writing popular religious doctrine, which concentrates on this physical reality.  This epistle is spiritual in nature and explains how Jesus Christ  is the Son of God  and shows us God's character.
    3. The phrase and declare unto you  means: 'John didn't just receive the message and use it for himself but, as a true servant of God, he is passing it on'.  This is what God expects all of His servants to do when they receive a message from God.
    4. The phrase that God is light  means: 'This is the main characteristic of God that John is supposed to pass on in this epistle'.  Obviously, God has other characteristics, but John is not writing about those other characteristics at this time.  In The word of God,  and especially in this epistle, light  is used, symbolically for 'true spiritual understanding'.  This is in opposition to the symbolic meaning of darkness,  which is in our next phrase.
    5. The phrase and in him is no darkness at all  is given with the word darkness,  used symbolically, to mean: 'spiritual error and misunderstanding'.  Darkness  is what comes from false prophets  (1John 4:1) who preach doctrines of devils  (1Timothy 4:1).
  4. C1-S4  Walk your talk.
    1. The word If  makes this a conditional sentence.  All who fulfil the condition receive the result and none who fails to fulfil the condition receives the result.
    2. The phrase If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness  tells us the condition that makes the next phrase true.  Basically, John is writing that our everyday life (walk)  must match our claims or we are a liar and serving a devil.
    3. The phrase we lie, and do not the truth  tells us how God judges our life if the prior phrase is true.
    4. The word But  means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.
    5. The phrase But if we walk in the light  means: 'This is the opposite of walking in darkness.  Anyone who fulfills this phrase is doing their part to maintain their ongoing relationship with God so that He can direct their life with His light'.
    6. The phrase as he is in the light  means: 'Our life must display the character of God the Father and his Son Jesus Christ'.
    7. The phrase we have fellowship one with another  means: 'We will have true fellowship  with God the Father and his Son Jesus Christ'.  The word fellowship  can be described as: 'Two fellows in one ship working together to achieve the same goal'.  If we are not working with God to do the 'Great Commission' then we are not truly in fellowship  with God.
    8. The phrase and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin  means: 'This is the advantage of our being in true fellowship  with God'.  Any saved people who do not meet this condition will have their sin revealed at the judgment seat of Christ  (Romans 14:10; 2Corinthians 5:10).
  5. C1-S5  We still sin after getting saved.
    1. The word If  makes this a conditional sentence.  All who fulfil the condition receive the result and none who fails to fulfil the condition receives the result.
    2. The phrase we say that we have no sin  is the condition which must be fulfilled in order to have the results of this sentence.  Please notice that we only have to say  this.  And, the reality is that many people say  this because they are using their own definition for sin  and not the definition found in The word of God  (Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law  [1John 3:4 ]).
    3. The phrase we deceive ourselves  means we can not blame anyone else.  When we deceive ourselves,  it is almost impossible for someone else to convince us of the truth.  And, those people who refuse correction will end up suffering the consequences of being a fool.  One of the biggest ways that saved people deceive themselves  is to believe that salvation prevents them from doing that.  Remember that this epistle is written to saved people.  Therefore, this sentence and chapter are to be applied to the saved.
    4. The phrase and the truth is not in us  means: 'Since Jesus  is The Truth,  this phrase tells us that we have walked away from our ongoing personal relationship with Jesus'.
  6. C1-S6  True confession will cause us to 'Stop our Sinning'.  Please realize that the judgment seat of Christ  is a different legal system than the great white throne  and the rules of judgment are different.  The judgment seat of Christ  is for children of God  ('family court') while the great white throne  is for sinners  ('lost people').  In the great white throne  legal system, people must call upon the name of the Lord  ('accept Jesus  as their personal Lord').  In the judgment seat of Christ  legal system, the saved must confess our sins  and let Jesus  cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  Any unrighteousness  that saved hold onto is not forgiven and it will be brought up at the judgment seat of Christ.
    1. The word If  makes this a conditional sentence.  All who fulfil the condition receive the result and none who fails to fulfil the condition receives the result.
    2. The phrase we confess our sins  means: 'we must do what the Bible truly means by ye word confess'.  We must identify the actual sin, and all of the consequences of the sin, and personally claim responsibility for all of it.  We know, and will know for all eternity, king David's sin with Bathsheba.  While king David confessed that part of his sin, he did not confess the murder of Uriah.  Likewise, sins which the saved fail to truly confess  will be brought up at the judgment seat of Christ  and all of Heaven will know about them for eternity.
    3. The phrase he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins  means: 'we can be sure that our Lord Jesus Christ  will completely blot out the legal record of our sin, if we fulfill all of God's requirements, including the next phrase'.
    4. The word and  means that the next phrase is added to the prior phrase.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, if you drop either side of an and,  in The word of God,  then you change the message from God.
    5. The phrase to cleanse us from all unrighteousness  means: 'Get all unrighteousness  out of our life'.  If we wash a garment but it still has a stain, then it is not truly clean.  Likewise, as long as we still have the stain of sin in our life, Jesus  has not truly cleansed  us from our sin.  He must completely remove the sin and unrighteousness  from our life in order to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
  7. C1-S7  Claiming that we do not sin is doing the work of the Devil.
    1. The word If  makes this a conditional sentence.  All who fulfil the condition receive the result and none who fails to fulfil the condition receives the result.  This sentence in one that most saved people reject.
    2. The phrase we say that we have not sinned  is, again, speaking about what people say.  There are many reasons why people might make this claim, but our sentence and phrase does not consider any of them.  If you make this claim, regardless of the reason why, you cause the next two phrases to be true.
    3. The phrase we make him a liar  means: 'You are claiming that Jesus  is a Son of Satan and not the Son of God'.  It is very important for the reader to consider the context of this sentence and phrase.  In particular, this epistle is contrasting the character of God to the character of Satan and the Biblical definition of son  is: 'a son receives the character of his father'.  And, an earlier note showed that we must consider all of the consequences of our actions.  This phrase, and note, explain one of the consequences of an action that most saved people think is not very important.
    4. The phrase and his word is not in us  means: 'We are not listening to, and obeying, The word of God'.

Summary of Chapter 2

The chapter theme is 'Beware of spiritual liars like antichrists'.

In the second chapter, we are told that John wrote with the authority of God and we are warned that there are liars who claim to represent God but who are actually antichrists.  In addition, John writes that, if we live our profession, then we will know the difference between the Spirit  of those who are in the light  versus antichrists,  Further, we are to trust the unction from the Holy One  ('personal guidance from the Holy Spirit') to show us which leaders to follow.

This chapter has a lot of details which tell us that how the way that we live proves if we truly follow the example of Jesus Christ  or if the way that we live proves that we are a liar and are truly following the example of Satan.  Satan tells people to gloss over the details of what the Bible says and just assume that 'God will understand'.  In this chapter, John makes it clear that God truly does understand  and God always applies His never-changing law of 'Sowing and Reaping'.  That is, we will reap results which are exactly matched with the details of how we live.

The summary of each sentence within this chapter is:

  1. C2-S1  What John hopes to accomplish with this epistle.
    1. The phrase My little children  means: 'John is writing to spiritual children as a spiritual adult'.  John was the last living Apostle and he understood spiritual things in a way that no other human being understood them.  Anyone who claims to have the same level, or greater, of spiritual knowledge and authority as John had is deceived and is a liar.  Only God had greater knowledge and authority.
    2. The phrase these things write I unto you  means: 'John put these things into writing so that they would be preserved and so that we could verify what John wrote'.  Many people make many claims about things like wisdom but unless they put what they claim into writing, we can not verify their claims.  God put The word of God  into writing so that we could verify religious claims against it and so that we could verify claims that a given writing is truly from God (1Corinthians 2:12-14).
    3. The phrase that ye sin not  means: 'This is the true result that God wants from all of His children'.  As our chapter warns, there are many religious liars who teach doctrinal errors (1John 4:1) and doctrines of devils  (1Timothy 4:1).  God put The word of God  into writing so that we could verify religious claims ageist a never changing, God preserved word of God.  And, when we truly study and obey the true word of God,  God will enable us to 'stop our sinning'.
  2. C2-S2  Jesus Christ  is our advocate  (legal representative) with the Father.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, if you drop either side of an and,  in The word of God,  then you change the message from God.
    2. The word If  makes this a conditional sentence.  All who fulfil the condition receive the result and none who fails to fulfil the condition receives the result.
    3. The phrase if any man sin  is the condition which must be fulfilled in order for this sentence to apply to a person's life.  However, since we all keep on sinning, this sentence is applicable to all of us all of the time.
    4. The phrase we have an advocate with the Father  means: 'We have a legal representative with God the Father.  He represents us before the judge of everyone because sin is a violation of God's law (1John 3:4)'.
    5. The phrase Jesus Christ the righteous  is only the advocate  for the truly saved.  Other people have no true advocate  because God the Father does not allow any other being to have that position -- not Mary, not angels, not saints, nor any other being claimed by religious liars.  And, John tells us that Jesus Christ  is The righteous.  (The word the  means: 'there is only one and here it is'.)  Only Jesus Christ  is The righteous.  Therefore, He is the only being allowed to be an advocate  before a righteous  God.
    6. The phrase And he is the propitiation for our sins  means: 'Jesus Christ  paid the penalty for our sin'.  No other being did, nor could, pay that penalty.
    7. The phrase and not for ours only  means: 'This payment was not limited to the saved'.
    8. The word But  means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.
    9. The phrase but also for the sins of the whole world  means: 'Jesus Christ  paid the penalty for the sins of the whole world'.  This truth is the basis of doctrinal error taught by ministers of Satan who hide part of the truth and teach a half-truth lie.  Now, consider reality.  If the payment being made was sufficient alone, then no one would go to Hell because Jesus Christ  paid the penalty for the sins of the whole world.  No one could go to Hell unless getting that payment applied to the legal record was a separate legal transaction.

      Any time that we deal with government, a payment must be made first.  Then the government does what the payment covered as a separate legal transaction.  For example, if someone wants some type of license, they must pay the fee first then the legal record that they have been given the license is done in a separate transaction.  Now, being judged for a violation of the law is dealing with the government.  The penalty for violating the law must be paid before the record is marked as paid.  The government will then check their record for any other violation before releasing the person.

      So, coming back to legal transactions in the judgment courts of God, we see that when a lost person accepts Jesus Christ  as their personal Lord,  the payment is applied to sins that are past  (Romans 3:25).  As explained in the prior chapter, saved people still sin after they become a child of God.  Their sins are judged in a different court of God but those sins must still be dealt with.  And, as our prior chapter explained, they must confess  the sin and let Jesus Christ  cleanse them from all unrighteousness  or they will have to answer for the sin at The judgment seat of Christ.

      This truth is what ministers of Satan deny when they claim that all sins were paid for and, therefore, someone, who claims to be saved, can lead a life of sin with no consequences.  They deny that the payment and the updating of the legal record are two separate legal transactions.
  3. C2-S3  Here is our proof of maintaining our personal relationship.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And  which means it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, if you drop either side of an and,  in The word of God,  then you change the message from God.
    2. The word hereby  means 'we can have the result specified if we go the way (by)  which is specified'.
    3. The phrase we do know that we know him  means 'We can know that we are saved (have assurance of salvation) if we go the way (by)  which is specified in the next phrase'.
    4. The phrase if we keep his commandments  means: 'This is what is required in order for us to have assurance of salvation'.  A lot of religions deny eternal security of salvation.  Every one of them claim that our salvation is dependent upon our doing something ('works salvation').  And, since hum and mess up, they claim that certain ways to mess up can cause us to lose our salvation.  Then, we have 'good Godly fundamental KJV-1611 only Baptists' who claim eternal security of salvation.  However, many of those people, especially in America, have a 'dirty little secret'.  They have many people who admit: 'I did what the preacher said to do but I keep doubting my eternal security of salvation'.  And, the popular solution from preachers of those people is to beat on the pulpit and scream: 'I know, that I know, that I know, that I know, that I know, that I know, that I know, that I know that I'm saved'.  And, they preach that if someone screams this claim enough times then God has no choice but to give them the assurance that they need.  However, that is also a religious lie.  Our sentence plainly says that 'We can know that we are saved (have assurance of salvation)' if we keep his commandments.  Therefore, we are commanded to not believe the religious lies which claim that we can lose our salvation.  We are not to believe the doctrinal error which claims that we need to do their religious activity but we must obey  if we want true assurance of eternal salvation.
  4. C2-S4  What God calls the disobedient child of God.
    1. The phrases: He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments  tells us the conditions which are required in order to make the rest of this sentence true.  Please pay attention to the word and  which means 'both of these conditions must be true'.  The word saith  means: 'This is a lifestyle claim and not something said lightly or only said once'.  Thus, our phrases make the condition to be: 'This person keeps on claiming to be a Christian while they keep on refusing to obey the commandments of Jesus Christ'.
    2. The phrases: is a liar, and the truth is not in him  tells us the result of the prior phrases.  The phrase is a liar  means: 'This person is a child of Satan since Jesus  said: Ye are of your father the devil...for he is a liar, and the father of it  in John 8:44 '.The phrase The truth is not in him  means: 'He probably is not saved and if he is saved then he has left his ongoing personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  Such a person is carnal'.
  5. C2-S5  How to know that we are In Christ.
    1. The word But  means that this sentence is continuing the subject of the prior sentence while changing direction.  Where the prior sentence told us the evidence which shows that someone is lost or carnal, this sentence gives us the evidence that someone is truly saved and serving.
    2. The phrase whoso keepeth his word  means: 'This person obeys The word of God  as their lifestyle '.
    3. The phrase in him verily is the love of God perfected  means: 'The love of God  causes this person to spiritually mature and change their character to be like God'.
    4. The phrase hereby know we that we are in him  means: 'This changed character gives us the assurance of salvation'.
  6. C2-S6  Jesus is our example of how to live in this flesh.
    1. The phrase He that saith he abideth in him  is speaking about what people claim about their relationship after they become a child of God.  The word abideth  means: 'This is an ongoing (lifestyle ) staying in a proper relationship with Jesus Christ'.  Please see the Doctrinal Study called: What Did Jesus Do?  for more on this doctrine and for other Bible references to the same doctrine.
    2. The phrase ought himself also so to walk  means: 'Support the claims of your mouth with the details of how you live in your everyday life'.
    3. The phrase even as he walked  with the word even  meaning: 'having equal weight.  When the two sides of a balancing scale hold items of equal weight, the two sides are even'.  It is just as important for us to walk  God's way, and be an example to others, as it was for Jesus  to walk  God's way, and be an example to us.
  7. C2-S7  John is not writing anything that they have not heard before.
    1. The word Brethren  in the Bible is used for 'saved and serving people'.  This word excludes the lost people and the saved, but carnal, people.
    2. The phrase I write no new commandment unto you  means: 'John is not telling them to do something new'.  People who preach doctrinal error want people to accept some new doctrine.  They also often match is with 'a new way to worship' such as having drums leading singing and having things like 'A Praise and Worship Team' controlling the service.
    3. The word But  means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.
    4. The phrase but an old commandment which ye had from the beginning  means: 'What John is commanding them to do is something that they have heard, as a commandment, for as long as they have been saved'.
  8. C2-S8  The old commandment  has never changed.
    1. The phrase The old commandment  is making a distinction from a new commandment.  This is a reverence the precepts  which never change.
    2. The phrase is the word which ye have heard from the beginning  defines The old commandment.
  9. C2-S9  A new commandment.
    1. The phrase Again, a new commandment I write unto you  means: 'John has told them this commandment  before.  This is a reference to the many applications of The word of God'.  We are to obey the precepts,  which never change, and the applications which Godly pastors tell us and which also meet the rest of the requirements in this sentence.
    2. The phrase which thing is true in him and in you  means: 'The true applications of The word of God  tell us to be like Jesus Christ'.  If what is preached is not true in Jesus Christ,  then it is doctrinal error and we should not obey it.  However, if what is preached is true in Jesus Christ  then it is doctrine which we should obey and make it part of our character.
    3. The phrase because the darkness is past, and the true light now shineth  tells us why we should do this.  We are not supposed to follow the darkness  of religion but are to follow the true light  which now shineth  through our God-given leaders and makes us more like Jesus Christ.
  10. C2-S10  How to identify a person who is self-deluded.
    1. The phrase He that saith he is in the light  is the first, of two requirements, to make the third phrase true.
    2. The phrase and hateth his brother  is the second, of two requirements, to make the third phrase true.  Basically, these two phrases are in opposition and can never coexist.
    3. The phrase is in darkness even until now  means: 'The people who fulfill the first two phrases, of this sentence, have been deceived and believe a doctrine of a devil'.
  11. C2-S11  How to tell if we abideth in the light.
    1. The phrase He that loveth his brother abideth in the light  means: 'This is a never ending lifestyle of love'.  Such love  is only possible with God's help.
    2. The phrase and there is none occasion of stumbling in him  means: 'This type of love  does not get messed up by religious doctrine which allows hate'.
  12. C2-S12  Hate shows that we walketh in darkness.
    1. The word But  means that this sentence is continuing the subject of the prior sentence while changing direction.  Both tell us about emotion motivated action.  The prior sentence told us about true love  while this sentence tells us about lifestyle hate.
    2. The phrase he that hateth his brother is in darkness  means: 'This is a lifestyle hate  and not just a momentary anger'.  And as already pointed out, the word darkness  is used symbolically to mean: 'spiritual error and misunderstanding'.  Darkness  is what comes from false prophets  (1John 4:1) who preach doctrines of devils  (1Timothy 4:1).
    3. The phrase and walketh in darkness  means: 'This person is following doctrinal error and doctrines of devils'.  In addition. this walking  is a lifestyle walking,  which means it affects all of the little repeated things of life.
    4. The phrase and knoweth not whither he goeth  means: 'This person can not determine the eventual spiritual result of their life because that knowledge only comes from God's Holy Ghost,  and this person refuses to listen to Him'.  If they were truly listening to God's Holy Ghost,  then they would react with God's love  and trust God to take care of the problem which caused the hate.
    5. The phrase because that darkness hath blinded his eyes  means: 'When we choose to live with hate  then we can not see (hath blinded his eyes)  the eternal consequences of our attitude and actions'.
  13. C2-S13  First reason why John is writing.
    1. The phrase I write unto you  means: 'John put this message into writing so that it wouldn't be lost nor perverted'.
    2. The phrase little children  means: 'This message is written to spiritually immature people who, also, may not have understood the spiritual message, of this epistle, unless they read this epistle'.
    3. The phrase because your sins are forgiven you for his name's sake  means: 'Here's why'.  God forgave  our sins  because Jesus Christ  paid the debt and He can change His children if they are not spending their time paying for ongoing sin (for his name's sake).  Also, the changed lives of true Christians  bring glory  to the name  of Jesus Christ.  While this sentence uses the present tense word write,  a couple sentences further on uses the past tense phrase have written.  It should be obvious that the two sentences need to be considered together.
  14. C2-S14  Second reason why John is writing.
    1. The phrase I write unto you, fathers  means: 'John is addressing this second reason to spiritually mature people who are also leaders in the church'.  With a different audience identified, the reason also changes.
    2. The phrase because ye have known him that is from the beginning  means: 'In order for someone to be a spiritual father,  in the church, they need to know  Jesus Christ  in a way that only comes from a long-term personal relationship with Him'.  While this sentence uses the present tense word write,  a couple of sentences further on uses the past tense phrase have written.  It should be obvious that the two sentences need to be considered together.
  15. C2-S15  third reason why John is writing.
    1. The phrase I write unto you, young men  means: 'John is addressing this third reason to people who have spiritually matured to the point of working in the ministry but are not yet church leaders'.  Please pay attention to the fact that John is addressing groups of people based upon their spiritual maturity and not their physical maturity.  In addition, John uses the phrase young men  for their level of spiritual maturity and not based upon sex.  Unless a distinction is made between male and female within the context, the Bible uses the male pronouns to address both male and female.
    2. The phrase because ye have overcome the wicked one  means: 'These people have personally (ye)  won spiritual victories in the spiritual war.  This is a major distinction between a spiritual child  and a spiritual young man'.  While this sentence uses the present tense word write,  a couple of sentences further on uses the past tense phrase have written.  It should be obvious that the two sentences need to be considered together.
  16. C2-S16  Fourth reason why John is writing.
    1. The phrase I write unto you, little children  means that this sentence is added to the second prior sentence which also was written to little children.  In addition to the fact that because your sins are forgiven you for his (Jesus Christ) name's sake,  John is writing our next phrase.  Thus, the truly saved know Jesus Christ  and God the Father.
    2. The phrase because ye have known the Father  means: 'People get saved because they learn the true character of God the Father and trust His promise of salvation'.  Most people, when they first get saved, only think about God saving them and they don't really understand the doctrinal difference of Jesus Christ.  That is why John wrote this sentence as he did.  While this sentence uses the present tense word write,  a couple of sentences further on uses the past tense phrase of have written.  It should be obvious that the two sentences need to be considered together.
  17. C2-S17  Fifth reason why John is writing.
    1. The phrase I have written unto you, fathers  is written in the past tense.  It might refer to an earlier letter which we no longer have, or it might refer to the current epistle since the writing occurred in the past of the reading.  I personally believe that this refers to an earlier letter which we no longer have.  Once more, we see that this sentence is addressed to the fathers,  which means: 'John is addressing this reason to spiritually mature people who are also leaders in the church'.  With a different audience identified, the reason also changes.  That is: this reason is different from the reasons given to children  and to young men.
    2. The phrase because ye have known him that is from the beginning  means: 'These spiritually mature people have has an ongoing personal relationship with God which caused them to mature into spiritual fathers'.  As such, they know how God always acts in different circumstances and can assure the spiritually younger church members that God will act in the same way in their lives.  While this sentence uses the present tense word write,  a couple sentences further on used the past tense phrase have written.  It should be obvious that the two sentences need to be considered together.
  18. C2-S18  Sixth reason why John is writing.
    1. The phrase I have written unto you, young men  is written in the past tense.  It might refer to an earlier letter which we no longer have, or it might refer to the current epistle since the writing occurred in the past of the reading.  I personally believe that this refers to an earlier letter which we no longer have.  Once more, we see that this sentence is addressed to the young men,  which means: 'John is addressing this reason to people who have spiritually matured to the point of working in the ministry but are not yet church leaders'.  In addition, John uses the phrase young men  for their level of spiritual maturity and not based upon sex.  Unless a distinction is made between male and female within the context, the Bible uses the male pronouns to address both male and female.  With a different audience identified, the reason also changes.  That is: this reason is different from the reasons given to children  and to fathers.
    2. The phrase because ye are strong  means: 'These people know how to tap into, and use, the spiritual strength which is only given to Jesus Christ  and is only available to us while we maintain our ongoing personal relationship with Him'.
    3. The phrase and the word of God abideth in you  means: 'The word of God  continues to live in them and to guide their lives'.
    4. The phrase and ye have overcome the wicked one  means: 'They have experienced the spiritual victory which is only possible by letting Jesus Christ  to work through their personal life' While this sentence uses the past tense phrase have written,  a couple sentences prior on used the present tense word write.  It should be obvious that the two sentences need to be considered together.
  19. C2-S19  Precept on love.  This is the start of a set of commandments which goes through 2:21 and is what John said that he was writing to them.
    1. The reasons why our sentence (Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world)  is given is found in the next two sentences.  This sentence is so clear that it should not need explanation.  The only problem that anyone can truly have with it is a refusal to obey.
  20. C2-S20  Why we were given the prior precept.  This is part of a set of commandments which started in 2:15 and goes through 2:21 and is what John said that he was writing to them.
    1. The word If  makes this a conditional sentence.  All who fulfil the condition receive the result and none who fails to fulfil the condition receives the result.
    2. The phrase any man love the world  is the condition which makes the results, in the next phrase, true.  People can argue against this truth, but their arguments do not affect the truth.
    3. The phrase The love of the Father is not in him  means: 'They might be saved but they do not have The love of the Father  and can not provide it to others'.
  21. C2-S21  Why God's love is not in anyone who loves this world.  This is part of a set of commandments which started in 2:15 and goes through 2:21 and is what John said that he was writing to them.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word For,  which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior two sentences are true.
    2. The phrase all that is in the world  tells us that the three categories, in the next three phrases, encompasses all that is in the world  and there is nothing in the world  which does not fit into one of these categories.
    3. The phrase The lust of the flesh  identifies 'a destructive strong desire which fights against all that God commands us to do'.  Since it is from The flesh,  it is part of us and is impossible to overcome on our own.  We must use the power of God to overcome it.
    4. The phrase and the lust of the eyes  is 'everything that looks desirable in this world'.  This motivation was what Satan used to get Eve to sin.
    5. The phrase and the pride of life  might be the strongest motivation there is and the hardest to overcome.  This motivation comes from our comparing ourselves to other men instead of comparing ourselves, spiritually, to The Son of God.
    6. The phrase is not of the Father  means: 'These things do not belong to God the Father and He did not give them to us'.  All of these are part of the sin nature which we inherited from our parents.
    7. The word But  means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.
    8. The phrase but is of the world  means: 'All of these things are part of this corrupted world'.  The word world  actually means: 'all of the people in the world as a group'.  Please note that the three items mentioned by John all have to do with our sinful nature and are expressed in our character.  Many people confuse it with the earth,  which is the ground that we live on.  And, the world  is so corrupt that God will only save someone if they agree to let Him change their basic nature and character.
  22. C2-S22  Different fates for different people based upon what they do.  This is part of a set of commandments which started in 2:15 and goes through 2:21 and is what John said that he was writing to them.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, if you drop either side of an and,  in The word of God,  then you change the message from God.
    2. The phrase The world passeth away  means: 'All of the people in this world, who disagree with God, will eventually be sent to The lake of fire'.
    3. The phrase and the lust thereof  means: 'All of the desire to disagree with God will, eventually, go away'.
    4. The word But  means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.  This is part of a set of commandments which started in 2:15 and goes through 2:21 and is what John said that he was writing to them.
    5. The phrase he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever  means: 'The people who do what God wants them to do will live in heaven, with God, for ever'.
  23. C2-S23  We know that it is The last time.
    1. The phrase Little children  means: 'John is writing this to people who have trouble understanding spiritual truths'.
    2. The phrase it is the last time  means: 'There will be no other great age in the history of the world'.  After the current 'Church age' comes the great tribulation  and then the 1,000-years reign of Christ.
    3. The phrase and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come  means: 'God has given us the truth about antichrist  and he is not that person in the Book of Revelation who is called a beast'.  The true antichrist  deceived people into believing that the beast  is the one and only antichrist.  And, since saved people will never deal with the beast,  saved people can ignore true Biblical warnings about true antichrists.  This allows them to spread their lies without God's church standing against their lies.
    4. The phrase even now are there many antichrists  means: 'There are currently many people who are against the ministry of Christ'.  These liars claim that people who claim to be saved can get all of the promises of God without fulfilling God's requirements such are their maturing spiritually and receiving a changed character to match God.  Have you ever heard the lie of: 'No tears in heaven'?  Have you ever heard the lie of: 'All saved will get a mansion'?  Please see the Doctrinal Study called Significant New Testament Events for promises from God and the Bible references where they are found.  In every one of those Bible references you will find a requirement from God which must be fulfilled in order to receive that promise.
    5. The phrase whereby we know that it is the last time  means: 'The fact that even now are there many antichrists  proves that it is the last time'.  Satan has his ministers making a 'last push' to deceive people before God locks him away and removes his influence from this world.
  24. C2-S24  God separates people according to their doctrine.  This is part of a set of commandments which started in 2:15 and goes through 2:21 and is what John said that he was writing to them.
    1. The phrase They went out from us  means: 'These liars learned the truth and then left the true church in order to teach perverted lies from The word of God'.  Just as Satan and all of his devils were kicked out of Heaven, so also have his minister come out  of the true church.
    2. The word But  means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.
    3. The phrase but they were not of us  means: 'These ministers of Satan were in the church but were never, truly, part of the true church'.  They told a lie and claimed to be saved, but our phrase makes it clear that they were not truly saved.
    4. The phrase for if they had been of us  means: 'tells us the condition which would make the next phrase true'.
    5. The phrase they would no doubt have continued with us  means: 'Here is how we know that someone is truly saved'.  When someone is told a Bible doctrine which goes against what they believe in, the truly saved will pray and search The word of God  for the truth.  They might not do it the first time but they will do it some time, or God will kill them (1John 5:16 and Romans 6:16).  Either way, the truly saved will not go out  and start preaching against the clear doctrines of The word of God.
    6. The word But  means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.
    7. The phrase but they went out  means: 'These liars could not stand being required to support the truth'.
    8. The phrase that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us  means: 'God causes this reaction so that His true people will not be deceived'.
  25. C2-S25  the unction from the Holy One.  This is part of a set of commandments which started in 2:15 and goes through 2:21 and is what John said that he was writing to them.  2:27 references this anointing  and gives us more explanation of it.  This is another verse which is commonly preached wrong.
    1. The phrase ye have an unction from the Holy One  means: 'Each and every one of you personally have an anointing from your personal Saviour'.  I've heard several preachers claim that only preachers have this unction,  but that goes against the literal meaning of the word ye.  In addition, the phrase Holy One  is used in The word of God  to mean: 'Saviour'.  (Please see the detail note for links to Bible references which teach this doctrine.)  Every saved person has a personal Saviour  and this is not limited to preachers.  Next, the word unction  means: 'anointing'.  This is another way of saying that God gave every saved person a spiritual gift and a ministry in the church and a way to receive personal direction and help from God in order for then to accomplish God's will for their life.  And, as part of that unction,  saved people can go to God and ask if a given doctrine is true or if it is error from some devil.  And, for anyone who might disagree with this explanation, consider the context and try to explain how your error fits within the context of this chapter better than what I just explained.
    2. The phrase and ye know all things  means: 'After we use our unction  our knowing all things  is added (and)'.  If we can not get an answer from God, then it is something that we are not yet spiritually mature enough to understand, or it is something that God will not answer while we are in this physical reality.  Regardless of why, when God doesn't provide an answer we need to accept that and avoid arguing about something that God has not explained to us.
  26. C2-S26  the truly saved and sanctified know the truth.  This is part of a set of commandments which started in 2:15 and goes through 2:21 and is what John said that he was writing to them.
    1. The phrase I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth  means: 'John wants to clarify his motive in writing'.  He doesn't want people thinking that he believes that they do not know these truths.
    2. The word But  means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.
    3. The phrase but because ye know it  means: 'John is writing because they know the truth and he wants them to understand that they must go beyond knowledge'.  God expects us to act on revealed truth and to defend it from lies.
    4. The phrase and that no lie is of the truth  means: 'We are to reject all lies as not coming from God, Who is The Truth'.
  27. C2-S27 says: Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ?  this is part of a set of commandments which starts in 2:22 and goes through 2:27 and teaches about false teachers and antichrists.  The phrase Jesus is the Christ  means: 'All of God's promises are only available through Jesus'.  The Old Testament prophecies made it clear that all of God's promises are only available through His Christ.  Therefore, since Jesus  is God's Christ,  all of the promises are available only through Him.  And, since the context is speaking about antichrists  we see that everyone who denieth that Jesus is the Christ,  not only is a liar,  and a servant of Satan, but he also is an antichrist.
  28. C2-S28 says: He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.  This is part of a set of commandments which starts in 2:22 and goes through 2:27 and teaches about false teachers and antichrists.  The word denieth  means: 'a lifestyle denying'.  Such a person denies the character of God and claims that God has a different character such as people who claim that God will not punish sin.  In addition, since our sentence adds the phrase and the Son,  true Biblical antichrists  deny that Jesus Christ  shows us the character of God the Father.  They claim that God will some way act differently from how Jesus Christ  acted.  For example, Jesus Christ  rejected the self-claimed authority of religious and their adding to The word of God,  and rejected their taking away from it.
  29. C2-S29  How to know if you have a relationship with God the Father.  This is part of a set of commandments which starts in 2:22 and goes through 2:27 and teaches about false teachers and antichrists.
    1. The phrase Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father  very clearly states that Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah Witnesses, Roman Catholics and all other religions which reject Jesus  as God's only representative hath not the Father.  Now, do not mistake the people as always being the same as the religious doctrine.  It is possible for some saved, but spiritually immature, person to be associated with one of these devil-motivated religions.
    2. The word But  means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.
    3. The phrase he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also  means: 'This person has a lifestyle acknowledging  of Jesus Christ'.  This person not only believes and says that they believe but they obey and acknowledge  that Jesus Christ  personally controls their life
  30. C2-S30  Let God's truth abide in you.  This is part of a set of commandments which starts in 2:22 and goes through 2:27 and teaches about false teachers and antichrists.
    1. The phrase Let that therefore abide in you  means: 'Let the true doctrine from The word of God  take up residence and continue to be a controlling part of you'.  The therefore  means that this commandment is based upon the doctrine already written in this epistle.
    2. The phrase which ye have heard from the beginning  means: 'This doctrine is what people had personally heard from the apostles'.  Today, the same doctrines are to be personally read from The word of God.
  31. C2-S31  Why we want to keep The word of God  in us.  This is part of a set of commandments which starts in 2:22 and goes through 2:27 and teaches about false teachers and antichrists.
    1. The word If  makes this a conditional sentence.  All who fulfil the condition receive the result and none who fails to fulfil the condition receives the result.
    2. The phrase If that which ye have heard from the beginning shall remain in you  is the conditional requirement in order for the rest of this sentence to be true.  Lots of people 'say a prayer' or do some other religious activity, but what they personally (ye)  have heard from The word of God  did not remain in them.  Therefore, that can not claim the salvation which the rest of this sentence promises.
    3. The phrase ye also shall continue in the Son  means: 'Each and every one personally who keeps The word of God  in them will learn to have God's character from the Son of God'.
    4. The phrase and in the Father  means: 'We will continue in our relationship with God the Father if we fulfill the conditions of this sentence'.  That is, if we retain the Bible truths which we were given.  God will not let us lose what His word teaches unless we leave our ongoing personal relationship with Him.
    5. The phrase And this is the promise that he hath promised us, even eternal life  means: 'These people can be assured of their salvation'.
  32. C2-S32  Is an additional promise of eternal life.  This is part of a set of commandments which starts in 2:22 and goes through 2:27 and teaches about false teachers and antichrists.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, if you drop either side of an and,  in The word of God,  then you change the message from God.
    2. The phrase This is the promise that he hath promised us  means: 'The promise of eternal life  is added to the promise of the prior sentence and this promise also requires us to keep The word of God  in us'.
    3. The phrase even eternal life  specifies this additional promise.
  33. C2-S33  says, These things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you.  This means that true Biblical antichrists  will seduce  God's people into believing doctrinal error.  And, their first step is to convince God's people that they don't really represent devils.  And, one of the ways that they do that is to convince you that all preaching against evil spiritual beings is against 'daemons' and by convincing people that they don't really have to pay attention to Biblical warnings against true antichrists  because there is only one antichrist  and they will be 'Rapture'd out before he is revealed.  In other words, these liars seduce you  by convincing God's people to ignore warnings from God.
  34. C2-S34  Blessings if we retain our anointing.  This is part of a set of commandments which starts in 2:22 and goes through 2:27 and teaches about false teachers and antichrists.
    1. The word But  means that this sentence is continuing the subject of the prior sentence while changing direction.
    2. The phrase The anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you  means: 'The indwelling of God's Holy Ghost  does not leave; neither does the purpose that God had for saving us'.  This is a direct reference to the unction  which John wrote about in 2:20.
    3. The phrase and ye need not that any man teach you  means: 'God will use others to teach us but we can pray and receive spiritual knowledge and understanding directly from God's Holy Ghost'.  A simple example is that some claim that it is impossible to get saved unless a person goes to you and preacher the Gospel.  However, I was saved by reading The word of God  and I have met a few others that also received salvation by reading The word of God  therefore, that religious claim is wrong and this phrase and sentence is true.
    4. The word But  means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.
    5. The phrase but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things  means: 'God's Holy Ghost  is Who truly teaches us spiritual things even when He uses another person to do so'.  The phrase same anointing  is an indirect reference to God's Holy Ghost.  And, the word teacheth  means: 'a lifestyle teaching'.  It is hard to retain religious teachings from man but the teaching from God's Holy Ghost  goes to our heart and remains.  In addition, He continues to teach us all throughout our life, if we continue to listen to Him.
    6. The phrase and is truth, and is no lie  means: 'We need to listen to the teaching from God's Holy Ghost  and reject anything which goes against His teaching'.  Anything which goes against the teaching from God's Holy Ghost  is a lie.  However, we need to be careful because devils claim to be God's Holy Ghost  and teach us error.  That is why God put The word of God  into writing and God preserves it unchanged.  The teaching from God's Holy Ghost  will never go against the written word of God  while what comes from devils will go against what is written literally in The word of God.
    7. The phrase and even as it hath taught you  means: 'The true teaching from God's Holy Ghost  never changes because God never changes (Malachi 3:6 and Hebrews 13:8) and the written word of God  never changes'.  Therefore, any so-called 'new doctrine' is from a devil.
    8. The phrase ye shall abide in him  means: 'This is a personal command given to each and every one of us (ye)'.  We are to always stay with God's Holy Ghost  and let Him have a say in how we live.
  35. C2-S35  Conclusive command.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, if you drop either side of an and,  in The word of God,  then you change the message from God.
    2. The word Now  means: 'after you understand what was just written'.  If people don't understand the warnings and the promises, then their natural self will encourage them to disobey this command.
    3. The phrase little children  means: 'John is directing these warnings and commandments to spiritually immature saved people.  Those saved people who are truly more spiritually mature will already be doing the commandments of this chapter, and paying attention to the warnings'.
    4. The phrase abide in him  means: 'Always stay with God's Holy Ghost  and let Him have a say in how we live'.
    5. The phrase that, when he shall appear  means: 'When Jesus Christ  appears at the 'Rapture' or at our own death'.  The he,  of this phrase, changes which person of the Trinity that John is writing about.  We always need to verify who a pronoun is representing or we can be led into doctrinal error.
    6. The phrase we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming  means: 'If people obey the commands of this chapter, and heed the warnings, they will not receive bad  and The terror of the Lord,  at the judgment seat of Christ, (2Corinthians 5:10)  but will receive a reward'.  Satan does not want this result.  That is why he has his antichrists  to seduce you  they make disobedience very appealing and cause people to ignore the warnings so that they will receive bad  and The terror of the Lord,  at the judgment seat of Christ.
  36. C2-S36  Live righteously to prove that you are born of him.
    1. The word If  makes this a conditional sentence.  All who fulfil the condition receive the result and none who fails to fulfil the condition receives the result.
    2. The word ye  means: 'each and every one of you personally'.  Doctrinal error tries to convince us to replace our responsibilities in a personal relationship with religious activities which are not personal.  This sentence is giving us the conclusion of this chapter and is making it clear that everything we were told in this chapter must be part of our personal relationship with God.
    3. The phrase ye know that he is righteous  requires us to realize that the word know  includes 'things which are only learned through an ongoing personal relationship'.  Genesis 4:1 and Genesis 4:25  tells us, And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived.  You don't get a baby from some impersonal religious activity.  Again, Matthew 7:23 tells us: And then will I (Jesus Christ) profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.  He will say this to people who relied upon religious activities and never had an ongoing personal relationship with Him.  And, while we could go on, these references should be sufficient for the reader to understand that the true Biblical definition of the word know  includes an ongoing personal relationship with Him.  With that in mind, we see that saved people truly learn of the righteousness  of Jesus Christ  through an ongoing personal relationship with Him that also causes the saved person to become righteous.  This change is what protects us from doctrinal error and is also what gets us everlasting rewards.
    4. The phrase ye know that every one that doeth righteousness is born of him  means: 'Here is how we identify the truly saved and how we get our assurance of true salvation'.  Anyone who claims to be saved but never becomes righteous  can not have this assurance.  And, this doctrinal truth becomes especially true when people truly understand the doctrine and details which John wrote earlier in this chapter.

Summary of Chapter 3

The chapter theme 'Be a true son of God'.

In the third chapter, John tells us that God changed the legal standing of the saved when He made us sons of God  and that we can tell true sons of God  from false because the true purifieth himself, even as he is pure  and loves in deed and in truth; not in word, neither in tongue  because the true sons of God  have God's Spirit  which enables them to do so.

This chapter causes much disagreement because of all the doctrinal errors which are based upon it.  The fact that there is so much error proves that the devil hates the truths found here and is pressing several different lies so that people who see one lie for what it is might be taken in by another lie.  Also, many will avoid the entire chapter, and the truths in it, because they are scared off by the confusion and their fear of not being able to sort out the confusion.  We don't have to answer all of the confusing and conflicting lies, even though some will be answered.  We only need to know what John really says in this chapter.

John is talking about our status as sons of God.  He starts out the chapter by talking about our relationship to God the Father, including our legal relationship, and this is what causes most of the controversy.  Then John talks about how the children of God  are manifested  and how the children of the devil  are manifested, and that causes another controversy because devil motivated liars deny this difference.  They want God's children to accept the children of Satan as their brothers and they can only do this if they get God's children to reject God's way to tell the difference.

Then John tells us how we can be assured that we are sons of God  and those comments are usually ignored.  Finally, John tells us the advantages of being sons of God  and those promises are claimed by religious liars even while they ignore all of God's requirements to be one of the sons of God.  Within this chapter, we see references to the family of God used in:

This chapter is not alone in presenting what is here.  The subjects of this chapter are also dealt with in the following Studies (and are mentioned in others not listed here).  Please also consider the teaching in: John 3:5; John 3:18; John 6:29; John 6:70; John 8:11; Romans 3:26; Romans Chapter 4; Romans 8:2; Romans 8:14; Acts 2:21; Acts 3:19; Hebrews 10:19; Hebrews 12:5; 2Peter 2:9; Jesus used the Power of the Holy Spirit.

Part of what is brought out in those studies is the difference between how God treats one of His children doing a sin versus how He treats a child of the devil doing a sin.  When we call upon the name of the Lord,  God changes our legal status from being a child of the devil (Acts 13:10) to being a child of God because of adoption (Romans 8:15; 23; Galatians 4:5; Ephesians 1:5).  After we spiritually mature and have the character of God in a way that lost people can not deny, then we become one of the sons of God  (John 1:12; Romans 8:14; 19; Philippians 2:15; 1John 3:1-2).  This change in legal status makes a major difference in how God reacts to sin.  In 1John 1,  John was dealing with our acts of sin as a child of God.  In this chapter, he is dealing with the legal aspects of sin.  Please also see the section of this Study on Sin  as it provides many more details on this subject.

In the third chapter, John tells us that God changed the legal standing of the saved when He made us sons of God  and that we can tell true sons of God  from false because the true purifieth himself, even as he is pure  and loves in deed and in truth; not in word, neither in tongue  because the true sons of God  have God's Spirit  which enables them to do so.

The summary of each sentence within this chapter is:

  1. C3-S1  God proves His love by what He makes His sons  to be.
    1. The word Behold  means: 'Take a very close look and examine in detail so that you truly understand what is said after this word'.
    2. The phrase what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us  means: 'Don't just look at the love,  but examine closely the manner of love'.  The word manner (singular)  means: 'method; way of performing or executing'.  John 3:16 says: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.  Consider the level of love  that was required and all that resulted.  God did not make a light payment.  When you truly consider what was involved in the manner of love,  then you will have a better understanding of what John is trying to get us to understand.  God told Moses that He could kill all of the Jews and start over with the children of Moses.  In the same manner, consider why God and The Son of God  had to do everything that they did for your personal salvation.  That is what John hopes you will understand if you truly understand the message of this chapter.
    3. The phrase that we should be called the sons of God  means: 'We should receive, and display, the character of God'.  This requires the indwelling Holy Ghost  to keep us saved, in spite of our ongoing sins, and for Him to convey, to us, the personalized lessons from The Son of God,  which are designed to change our basic character and have us accept the character of God as our own.
    4. The phrase therefore the world knoweth us no  means: 'This is the result which can be observed for people who truly becomes sons of God'.  Remember that The world  is: 'all of the people of the world considered as a group'.  Therefore, this sentence is speaking about the opinion and attitude that most of the people of the world have.
    5. The phrase because it knew him not  means: 'of the people of the world, when considered as a group, do not truly know  God'.  Yes, they are religious, but their god is a devil and not the true God of the Bible.
  2. C3-S2  God's sons  will be different.
    1. The word beloved  identifies people who are saved and serving God.  This does not include lost people, nor saved but carnal people, because such reject the truth of The word of God  and, as the prior sentence reported, they are willingly are ignorant of  the truth.  This sentence tells a truth to those people who are willing to accept the truth.
    2. The word now  means: 'After the person has fulfilled the requirements for God to call them beloved'.  Saved people who do not serve and have not received the character of God are not called The sons of God  in The word of God.  Yes, true Biblical antichrists  claim that, and deceive many of God's children to pass on their deceit.  However, that does not make their lie become a Biblical truth.
    3. The phrase now are we the sons of God  means: 'The saved people who were addressed as Beloved  are we the sons of God'.  Their lifestyle of service proves that they deserve this title.  Our service to God shows that we have received the same character as the Son of God  displayed in the Gospels.  (Please see the Doctrinal Study called: What Did Jesus Do?  for more on this doctrine and for other Bible references to the same doctrine.)
    4. The phrase and it doth not yet appear what we shall be  means: 'This phrase promises greater changes after the true sons of God  get to Heaven'.  Malachi 3:2-3 promises: But who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he is like a refiner's fire, and like fullers' soap: And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the LORD an offering in righteousnessPsalms 17:15 also promises: As for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likenessThe Son of God  is going to remove all that offends God the Father from the true sons of God.  After that purification in Heaven, we shall be like him.
    5. The word But  means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.
    6. The phrase but we know that, when he shall appear  means: 'This tells us when this change will occur in the lives of the true Biblical sons of God.  This is after they meet Jesus Christ  in the 'Rapture' or at their personal death'.
    7. The phrase we shall be like him  means: 'As already shown with Bible references, the true Biblical sons of God  will be changed to have nothing more in them which offends God the Father'.
    8. The phrase for we shall see him as he is  means: 'People can not truly see the pure Jesus Christas He is,  until their own spiritual sight is purified'.
  3. C3-S3  Evidence that someone is a son of God.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, if you drop either side of an and,  in The word of God,  then you change the message from God.
    2. The phrase every man that hath this hope in him  is referring to the hope  described in the prior sentence which this sentence is added to.
    3. The phrase purifieth himself  means: 'Makes himself, and all of his life, devoted 100% to the service of God'.
    4. The phrase even as he is pure  means: 'The true sons of God  try to become as close as possible to the purity  displayed by Jesus Christ  in the gospels'.
  4. C3-S4  the legal definition of sin.  John just described how we are supposed to make ourselves pure.  Starting in this sentence, John is explaining about sin,  which keeps us from being pure.
    1. The word Whosoever  means: 'Anyone whose attitude or action matches this sentence has this legal record and it does not matter who they are nor does it matter whatever other qualifying attribute which they might claim'.
    2. The phrase committeth sin transgresseth also the law  means: 'This is a lifestyle of violating God's law'.  We need to remember that God makes a difference when He judges sin -- an ongoing deliberate sin receives the consequences where a one-time error more often receives mercy.
    3. The phrase for sin is the transgression of the law  means: 'Here's why the prior phrase is true.  And, this is a legal definition of the word sin'.  We need to keep in mind that most of this chapter is explaining things from a legal perspective.  When people try to interpret the sentence 4s of this chapter from a different perspective, they often end up with doctrinal error.
  5. C3-S5  Why the Son of God  was manifested  in human flesh.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, if you drop either side of an and,  in The word of God,  then you change the message from God.
    2. The phrase ye know  means: 'Each and every one of you personally know the truth of this sentence'.  As already explained, certain things can only be known  through personal experience.  John uses this phrase for the saved who are also serving because they have the personal experience while the lost and the carnal saved do not.
    3. The phrase that he was manifested to take away our sins  means: 'This is what they personally know because they have personally experienced it'.  Please realize that our sentence says: to take away our sins  and does not support the doctrinal lie of: 'take away the consequences of our sins'.  The consequences are not removed until after the sin itself is removed from our life.
    4. The phrase and in him is no sin  means: 'The Son of God  has no sin in Him.  Therefore, we can not claim that He caused us to sin'.  This is critical to understand before we try to understand the next sentence.
  6. C3-S6  People that abideth in him  'stop their sinning'.  This sentence is used as the basis for doctrinal error because people take it out of context.
    1. The phrase Whosoever abideth in him  means: 'Anyone who keeps on living, as a lifestyle , in a proper relationship with the Son of God  whereby He has a say in how they live their life'.  This is the first thing that false teachers ignore or pervert the meaning of.  They try to claim that this sentence applies to people who do not fulfil this requirement.  We need to pay attention to the true meaning of this phrase and match it with the Doctrinal Study called Relational Prepositions.  Basically, He will never leave us but we can leave our ongoing personal relationship with Him by refusing to meet our responsibilities in the relationship.  When we do that, we no longer abideth in him  and the rest of this sentence does not apply to us.
    2. The phrase sinneth not  has several possible applications.  The first thing to pay attention to is the fact that the word sinneth  means: 'does an ongoing lifestyle sin'.  Either Jesus Christ  will change him and cause him to stop that sin or Jesus Christ  will kill him (1John 5:16; Romans 6:16).  The other possibility is that Jesus Christ  chooses not to record the sin  as a violation of the law because He decides to give the sinner mercy.  However, for this to happen, the child of God must show that they are trying to stop their sin.  And, since sin is the transgression of the law,  it is not truly a sin  if it is not recorded in God's legal book.  This is called: 'diplomatic immunity'.  However, only Jesus Christ  determines when, and if, this privilege is extended.
    3. The phrase whosoever sinneth hath not seen him  identifies someone who deliberately does a lifestyle sin.  Our phrase says that this person hath not seen him  because if they truly did see him  they would purify themselves,  as John already wrote in 3:3.
    4. The phrase neither known him  means: 'Someone who continues in ongoing lifestyle sin does not have an ongoing personal relationship with Jesus Christ  which changes them'.  Yes, they might be saved and have the indwelling Holy Spirit,  but they have left their ongoing personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
  7. C3-S7  Beware of deception.
    1. The phrase Little children  means: 'This sentence is directed to people who have a hard time understanding spiritual truths'.
    2. The phrase let no man deceive you  means: 'Here is the warning and if you ignore the warning then you will be deceived'.
    3. The phrase he that doeth righteousness is righteous  means: 'Look at how people live and act.  If they are not doing righteousness,  then they are lying when they claim to be a leader and a minister of God'.
    4. The phrase even as he is righteous  means: 'People who are true leaders and a ministers of God do righteousness  that matches what Jesus Christ  did according to the gospels'.  (Please see the Doctrinal Study called: What Did Jesus Do?  for more on this doctrine and for other Bible references to the same doctrine.)
  8. C3-S8  Sin  is from the devil.
    1. The phrase He that committeth sin is of the devil  means: 'This person is doing an ongoing lifestyle sin.  Therefore, he is listening to and representing The devil'.
    2. The phrase for the devil sinneth from the beginning  means: 'This is why we can know who the lifestyle sinner is truly representing'.
  9. C3-S9  the Son of God was manifested to destroy sin.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word For,  which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true.
    2. The phrase For this purpose the Son of God was manifested  is giving us further information beyond what 3:5 told us.  We are told that The Son of God  was manifested  in 1:1 as a witness to all men.  In 3:5; we are told that He was manifested  to take away our sins.  In our current sentence, we are told that He was manifested  that he might destroy the works of the devil  and He does this by taking away our sins. .  In 4:9 we are told that The love of God toward us was manifested...that we might live through him.  Therefore, the first reference tells us the witness of what God provided, the last reference tells us the result of what God provided, and the middle references tell us how God provided.
    3. The phrase that he might destroy the works of the devil  means: 'God must change our lives in order to destroy the works of the devil  in our lives'.  Without this change, we continue to do The works of the devil  and suffer the consequences of those works.
  10. C3-S10  Gives us the legal spiritual consequences of being saved.  This is another verse that people pervert by taking it out of context.  The context of the chapter is the legal perspective and we need to interpret this sentence by that perspective or we will be led into doctrinal error.  In addition to people ignoring the context of the chapter, people also ignore the true interpretation of most of this sentence because they try to interpret it physically and religiously instead of spiritually and legally.  Please be sure to include all contextual requirements when reading the following.
    1. The phrase Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin  is what people take completely out of context and, thereby, prove that they are using the way of Satan to pervert the true meaning of The word of God.
    2. The phrase for his seed remaineth in him  means: 'This is why the prior phrase is true.  '.  The word seed  is used symbolically for The word of God.  (Please see 'The Parable of the Sower' in Matthew 13:2-23; Mark 4:1-20 and Luke 8:4-15.)  thus, our phrase is telling us that Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin  'because the word of God remains in him as a life-long abiding'.  And, we need to consider what our prior chapter told us about The word of God  abiding in us  as a life-long abiding.  In addition to those contextual requirements, we also need to consider the rest of this sentence as a sentence is the expression of a single thought.  No one can honestly say that we can take a phrase out of context of the rest of the sentence and still retain the single message of the sentence.
    3. The phrase and he cannot sin  means: 'God gives His children diplomatic immunity in His criminal court but deals with their sin in His family court'.  Someone with diplomatic immunity does not commit a crime because they are never charged in the legal system.  They might be kicked out of the country where they are visiting, but they are not charged in the legal system.  And, an act is not truly a crime until there is a charge in the legal system.  Moreover, 3:4 told us that sin is the transgression of the law.  Therefore, from a legal perspective, God's children never sin  because God refuses to charge them in His criminal court.  This does not mean that there is no consequence, only that God refuses to charge His children, in His criminal court, with doing a crime.
    4. The phrase because he is born of God  means: 'This is why God's children are not treated as criminals.  It is because they are God's children'.
  11. C3-S11  How to tell the difference between the children of God  and the children of the devil.  This is another sentence that gives people religious fits because they want to claim that we must accept the profession of someone who never in their life fulfills the requirements of this sentence.
    1. The phrase in this the children of God are manifest  means: 'The children of God  are revealed in every possible way by what was written in the prior sentences'.  The truly saved are to let God change their lives so that they stop their ongoing sins.
    2. The phrase and the children of the devil  means: 'The children of the devil  are revealed by what is was written in the rest of this sentence.  '. . .
    3. The phrase whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God  means: 'The children of the devil  never do righteousness'.
    4. The phrase neither he that loveth not his brother  means: 'The children of the devil  do not love  his brother  as a lifestyle '.
  12. C3-S12  Why the prior test is valid.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word For,  which means it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true.
    2. The phrase This is the message that ye heard from the beginning  means: 'This message started with Jesus  and continued with the apostles and is still a primary message of The word of God  today'.
    3. The phrase that we should love one another  tells us what was the message.  John presents love  as the characteristic of God which should be in all truly saved, especially the spiritually mature and serving.  The word love  occurs fifty one (51) times in this epistle and the next chapter is the true 'Love Chapter' of the Bible.
  13. C3-S13  Truly saved do not act like Cain.
    1. The phrase Not as Cain  is a reference that everyone should understand.
    2. The phrase who was of that wicked one  means: 'Cain was directed by the devil'.
    3. The phrase and slew his brother  means: 'This is an example of wicked  activity which is motivated by a devil'.
  14. C3-S14  Why did Cain kill his brother?
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, if you drop either side of an and,  in The word of God,  then you change the message from God.
    2. The phrase wherefore slew he him?  means: 'Why did Cain kill his brother?'.
  15. C3-S15  the reason.  This sentence contrasts motivation by a devil with motivation by God.
    1. The word Because  lets us know that this sentence is the answer to the question in the prior sentence.  In stead of using a simple sentence, the question-and-answer format is used to make a reader pay more attention.
    2. The phrase his own works were evil  means: 'This is the main result of being motivated by a devil'.
    3. The phrase and his brother's righteous  means: 'This is the main result of being motivated by God'.
  16. C3-S16  Don't find reality strange.
    1. The word brethren  means: 'The saved and serving and excludes the lost and the carnal saved'.  The phrase Marvel not, my brethren  means: 'Don't be surprised by the reaction of devil-motivated people'.
    2. The word world  is: 'all of the people of the world considered as a group'.  Therefore, this sentence is speaking about the opinion and attitude that most of the people of the world have because they are motivated by sinful flesh and devils.  That is what the phrase if the world hate you  is speaking about.
  17. C3-S17  How to know that you are saved.  This sentence must be understood spiritually and not physically.
    1. The phrase We know that we have passed from death unto life  means: 'We can have assurance of our personal salvation'.
    2. The phrase because we love the brethren  means: 'Because we actively display this characteristic of God which people only have as a result of God changing them'.
  18. C3-S18  says: He that loveth not his brother abideth in death.  Please note that this sentence is using lifestyle verbs.  It means: 'If you do not love other saved people as a lifestyle then you are living in the motivations of death'.
  19. C3-S19  Murderers are lost.  This is another sentence that people have trouble accepting.  Therefore, most people ignore it and hope that no one ever mentions it.
    1. The word Whosoever  means: 'Anyone whose attitude or action matches this sentence has this legal judgment from God'.
    2. The phrase hateth his brother is a murderer  is a far stronger claim than most religious people want to accept.  Please see the Doctrinal Study called: Significant Gospel Events and the section called: Jesus and the Ten Commandments for Bible references to this commandment.  Religious people claim that Thou shalt not kill  means: 'do not murder', and lessen the application of this commandment.  However, John goes on to the opposite direction and gives this commandment a greater area of application.  John is only explaining the doctrine taught by Jesus  because He always applied God's commandments to the attitude of the heart in addition to the actual action.
    3. The phrase and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him  matches John 8:44 which says: Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning.  A murderer  means: 'Someone who pl and and deliberately kills another human being'.  This word excludes accidental death.
  20. C3-S20  God's love that should be seen in the lives of the truly saved.
    1. The phrase Hereby perceive we the love of God  means: 'The next phrase shows us The love of God'.
    2. The phrase because he laid down his life for us  means: 'Jesus Christ  died and went to Hell to pay for our sins'.  The He  of this sentence is Jesus Christ  because God the Father did not lay down his life for us.  Thus, our sentence is telling us that Jesus Christ  is God.
    3. The phrase and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren  means: 'As sons of God  we should have the same attitude as The Son of God  and be willing to make the same type of sacrifice'.
  21. C3-S21  Our actions in this world prove our claims of having God's love.
    1. The word But  means that this sentence is continuing the subject of the prior sentence while changing direction.
    2. The phrase whoso hath this world's good  is the first of three phrases which must be considered together because the next two phrases start with the word and.  Basically, our three phrases specify the condition whereby a saved person can help a brother  who is in need, but refuses to extend that help.  These conditions then lead to the question at the end of our sentence.  This first phrase says that: 'This person who claims to be saved has the ability to help other saved people'.
    3. The word and  means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, if you drop either side of an and,  in The word of God,  then you change the message from God.
    4. The phrase and seeth his brother have need  means: 'This same saved person, who has the ability to help, becomes aware of the need of his brother'.
    5. The phrase and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him  means: 'This same saved person, who has the ability to help, and is aware of the need of his brother,  then acts like a self-serving devil'.
    6. The phrase how dwelleth the love of God in him?  means: 'Where is the true evidence to back his claim of true salvation?'.
  22. C3-S22  Provides the conclusion of this section when it commands us to love in deed and in truth.
    1. The phrase My little children  means: 'This sentence is directed to people who have a hard time understanding spiritual truths'.
    2. The phrase let us not love in word  means: 'Don't just preach about love from the Bible'.
    3. The phrase neither in tongue  means: 'Don't just talk your do-called love'.
    4. The word But  means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.
    5. The phrase but in deed and in truth  means: 'Live your love according to the truth  of The word of God'.
  23. C3-S23  Our assurance  is based upon our actions.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, if you drop either side of an and,  in The word of God,  then you change the message from God.
    2. The phrase And hereby we know that we are of the truth  means: 'Our attitude, and action, of true Biblical love  gives us the assurance of salvation'.  The definition of true Biblical love  has been written by John in 3:14 and is further defined in the next chapter.
    3. The phrase and shall assure our hearts before him  means: 'We will have assurance  of God's approval and of God's blessings and future rewards'.
  24. C3-S24  We must trust God's Word over the feelings of our own heart.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word For,  which means it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true.
    2. The word If  makes this a conditional sentence.  All who fulfil the condition receive the result and none who fails to fulfil the condition receives the result.
    3. The phrase if our heart condemn us  means: 'If our feelings tell us that we are terrible people'.
    4. The phrase God is greater than our heart  means: 'God is a greater authority than our own feelings.  If we are obeying God, then we must accept God's judgment of us over our own feelings'.
    5. The phrase and knoweth all things  means: 'God knows the future consequences of our attitudes and actions which we do not know.  We might feel bad for a short time but the long-term good will be greater than the short-term bad feelings'.
  25. C3-S25  Trust God above all else.
    1. The word If  makes this a conditional sentence.  All who fulfil the condition receive the result and none who fails to fulfil the condition receives the result.
    2. The word beloved  identifies people who are saved and serving God.  This does not include lost people, nor saved but carnal people, because such reject the truth of The word of God  and, as the prior sentence reported, they are willingly are ignorant of  the truth.  This sentence tells a truth to those people who are willing to accept the truth.
    3. The phrase if our heart condemn us not  identifies people who have different feelings from those dealt with in the prior sentence..
    4. The phrase then have we confidence toward God  means: 'This is the result of confidence toward God'.
  26. C3-S26  Trust God's provision.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, if you drop either side of an and,  in The word of God,  then you change the message from God.
    2. The phrase whatsoever we ask, we receive of him  is something that lots of people like to 'claim', while they ignore the requirements of the rest of this sentence.  Devil-motivated people preach this first phrase and, like Satan, take it out of context of the rest of the sentence.  Then, when people don't get the promise, they convince their listeners that the problem is that God is not reliable and that their lie is not the source of the problem.  Here, we see the importance of considering context for everything that we get from the Bible.
    3. The phrase because we keep his commandments  is the first of two requirements to receive the promise of the first phrase.  This phrase means: 'Obey The word of God  on a consistent basis'.
    4. The phrase and do those things that are pleasing in his sight  Is the second of two requirements to receive the promise of the first phrase.  This phrase means: 'Deliberately seek the things that please God and do them'.
  27. C3-S27  Obey God's commandment in order to receive from Him.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, if you drop either side of an and,  in The word of God,  then you change the message from God.
    2. The phrase This is his commandment  needs to be understood with the prior sentence since it is added to the prior sentence.  The prior sentence told us whatsoever we ask, we receive of him  then gave us two phrases to obey in order to receive that promise.  Now, this sentence is clarifying the requirements of the prior sentence.  What follows this phrase is what God commands us to do.
    3. The phrase That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ  means: 'Determine as a lifestyle basis of our life (believe)  that God's Son Jesus Christ  has the power and authority (on His name)  to make us children of God and to get us all of the blessings and promises of God'.
    4. The phrase and love one another  means: 'This requirement is added to the prior phrase'.  The commandment to love one another  is a commandment to display the changes that true salvation brings.  We are to treat each other with the character of God.  In addition, our next chapter gives us a lot more details on how we do true Biblical love.
    5. The phrase as he gave us commandment  means: 'Do this in the exact way that God commands'.  That is: obey all of the details of our next chapter.
  28. C3-S28  We will keepeth his commandments  if we dwelleth in him.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, if you drop either side of an and,  in The word of God,  then you change the message from God.
    2. The phrase he that keepeth his commandments dwelleth in him  means: 'This is how you know that you dwell in God'.
    3. The phrase and he in him  means: 'This is how you know that God dwells in you'. . .
  29. C3-S29  God's Holy Spirit gives us our assurance.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, if you drop either side of an and,  in The word of God,  then you change the message from God.
    2. The phrase hereby we know that he abideth in us  means: 'This is lifestyle abiding.  This is our assurance of everlasting salvation'.
    3. The phrase by the Spirit which he hath given us  means: 'God's Holy Spirit  is what keeps us saved for ever'.  People who are truly saved doubt their everlasting salvation only because they stop listening to God's Holy Spirit  and replace His voice with the lies from a minister of Satan.

Summary of Chapter 4

The chapter theme: 'Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.  (4:7)'.

In the fourth chapter, John tells us to try the spirits  whether they are of God  and Hereby know we the Spirit  of truth; and the Spirit  of error.  As the third chapter told us how to tell the difference between saved and lost people based upon the Spirit  that is manifested  in their lives, the fourth tells us how to tell the difference between spirits  which try to get us to do things.  John says that the main manifestation  between the Spirit  of God and other spirits  is love because God is love.  Therefore, the saved should love one another  and his (God's ) love is perfected in us.

The summary of each sentence within this chapter is:

  1. C4-S1  How to avoid false doctrine.  This is a critical doctrine.  The word try  means: 'test repeatedly until you are very confident'.  John already warned us against false teachers  and true Biblical antichrists.  Now, he is telling us how to separate them from true men of God.
    1. The word beloved  identifies people who are saved and serving God.  This does not include lost people, nor saved but carnal people, because such reject the truth of The word of God  and, as the prior sentence reported, they are willingly are ignorant of  the truth.  This sentence tells a truth to those people who are willing to accept the truth.
    2. The phrase believe not every spirit  means: 'This is the spirit  of men which we are commanded to apply this sentence against'.  The lowercase word spirit  is used in the Bible for devils and for the spirit  that belongs to men.
    3. The word But  means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.
    4. The phrase but try the spirits whether they are of God  means: 'We are to repeatedly test to see if they are of God'.  Please notice that we do not try  their doctrine because we can be deceived.  We also do not try  their popularity, nor their ability to preach or anything else.  All other things can deceive us but, over time, their spirit  will reveal if they follow God or if they follow a devil.  And, the rest of our chapter tells us how to do this.
    5. The phrase because many false prophets are gone out into the world  means: 'Here is why we are to obey the command of this sentence'.  Where the word for  gives us a reason that will happen in the future, the word because  gives us a reason that has already happened.  And, many of these false prophets  will already be popular and have a large following but we are to obey this sentence instead of using that criteria.
  2. C4-S2  How to tell the difference between God's Spirit and devils.
    1. The phrase Hereby know ye the Spirit of God  means: 'This is the main test to apply'.
    2. The phrase Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God  means: 'The spirit  of any man who identify with the fact that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh  is of God'.  Such people preach and live that Jesus  is our example of how to live in the flesh.  (Please see the Doctrinal Study called: What Did Jesus Do?  for more on this doctrine and for other Bible references to the same doctrine.)  In addition, true men of God  preach and live that Christ  teaches us how to mature spiritually even while we live in this flesh.
    3. The phrase And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God  means: 'Anyone who does not do what was explained for the people phrase is not of God'.  Remember that Jesus  said get thee behind me Satan  (Matthew 16:23; Mark 8:33; Luke 4:8) to Peter while Peter was a saved man.  Therefore, our phrase is not saying that such people are lost but is saying that they, and their message of life, does not belong to God.
    4. The phrase and this is that spirit of antichrist  means: 'Anyone who does the prior phrase is going against the spirit of Christ'.  Such people not only do not receive the ministry of Christ,  but they actively fight against it and discourage anyone who tries to receive the ministry of Christ.
    5. The phrase whereof ye have heard that it should come  means: 'The ministries of antichrists  were prophesied'.
    6. The phrase and even now already is it in the world  means: 'The ministries of antichrists  are even now already is it in the world'.  Anyone who preaches about 'The Antichrist of Revelation' is following the way of Satan to pervert The word of God  by denying this sentence.
  3. C4-S3  Our protection from the spirit of antichrist.
    1. The phrase Ye are of God  means: 'Each and every one of you personally belongs to God'.
    2. The phrase My little children  means: 'This sentence is directed to people who have a hard time understanding spiritual truths'.
    3. The phrase and have overcome them  means: 'The true children of God  have refused the popular lies told by true antichrists'
    4. The phrase because greater is he that is in you  means: 'God's Holy Spirit  is greater than any devil and can show God's children that what antichrists  preach are lies'.
    5. The phrase than he that is in the world  means: 'God's Holy Spirit  is greater in power than Satan'.
  4. C4-S4  How to tell if someone follows an antichrist.
    1. The phrase They are of the world  means: 'The true Biblical antichrists  belong to the most popular opinion of the majority of people in the world'.
    2. The phrase therefore speak they of the world  means: 'As a consequence, they preach what most people want them to preach'.
    3. The phrase and the world heareth them  means: 'The majority of people in the world listen to the popular opinion and ignore facts and evidence that the popular opinion is a lie'.
  5. C4-S5  How to know if someone of God.
    1. The phrase We are of God  identifies the people who agree with, and support, the Doctrine that John preaches.
    2. The phrase he that knoweth God heareth us  means: 'People who have an ongoing personal relationship with God keeps on hearing, and obeying, the doctrine from John as a lifestyle action'.
    3. The phrase he that is not of God heareth not us  means: 'Anyone who does not do the prior phrase is not of God'.  Again, these people might be saved but their life and actions do not belong to God and they will reap destruction instead of rewards from God.
  6. C4-S6  How to tell the difference in spirits.  The results of a person's life show what type of spirit  they follow.
    1. The phrase Hereby know we the spirit of truth  means: 'The results of their life are the conclusive proof'.
    2. The phrase and the spirit of error  means: 'This is added to the prior phrase because the same evidence also reveals this type of spirit.  The results of their life is the conclusive proof'.
  7. C4-S7  John's request for us to act like God.
    1. The word beloved  identifies people who are saved and serving God.  This does not include lost people, nor saved but carnal people, because such reject the truth of The word of God  and, as the prior sentence reported, they are willingly are ignorant of  the truth.  This sentence tells a truth to those people who are willing to accept the truth.
    2. The phrase let us love one another  means: 'John is writing about true Biblical love  and not the emotional feelings which the world calls love'.
    3. The phrase for love is of God  means: 'We are to do this because true Biblical love  belongs to God'.  People who do not belong to God can not do Biblical love.  That is why they lie and claim that certain feelings are love.
    4. The phrase and every one that loveth is  means: 'You can not do true Biblical love  unless you are born of God'.
    5. The phrase and knoweth God  means: 'Everyone who does true Biblical love  has an ongoing personal relationship with God whereby God teaches them spiritual truths'.
  8. C4-S8  We must love  if we are of God.  This sentence explains the opposite condition from the prior sentence.
    1. The phrase He that loveth not knoweth not God  means: 'Anyone who does not do true Biblical love  does not have an ongoing personal relationship with God'.
    2. The phrase for God is love  means: 'Why'.  Anyone who has a true ongoing personal relationship with God will be changed to be like God.
  9. C4-S9  We are to live  through God's Son.
    1. The phrase in this was manifested the love of God toward us  means: 'The love of God toward us  was revealed in every possible way by the rest of this sentence'.
    2. The phrase because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world  means: 'The only begotten Son of God  became a literal physical human being'.
    3. The phrase that we might live through him  means: 'The result of God's gift is that our life is changed to be controlled by the only begotten Son of God'.
  10. C4-S10  True love  is paying for the sins of another.
    1. The phrase Herein is love  means: 'True Biblical love  is defined By this sentence'. . .
    2. The phrase not that we loved God  means: 'True Biblical love  is not defined by our feelings nor by our actions'.
    3. The word But  means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.
    4. The phrase but that he loved us  means: 'True Biblical love  is defined by the attitude and action of God'.
    5. The phrase and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins  means: 'God had His only begotten Son  die and go to Hell to pay for our sins'.
  11. C4-S11  We should love  like God does.
    1. The word beloved  identifies people who are saved and serving God.  This does not include lost people, nor saved but carnal people, because such reject the truth of The word of God  and, as the prior sentence reported, they are willingly are ignorant of  truth.  This sentence tells a truth to those people who are willing to accept the truth.
    2. The word If  makes this a conditional sentence.  All who fulfil the condition receive the result and none who fails to fulfil the condition receives the result.
    3. The phrase if God so loved us  is a conditional statement because it only applies to the truly Biblically saved.
    4. The phrase we ought also to love one another  means: 'We should act the same way because the truly Biblically saved have been given God's character'.
  12. C4-S12  says: No man hath seen God at any time.  This should be obvious since God is a Spirit  and no one can physically see a spirit.
  13. C4-S13  We get God to dwell in us  by loving one another.
    1. The word If  makes this a conditional sentence.  All who fulfil the condition receive the result and none who fails to fulfil the condition receives the result.
    2. The phrase If we love one another  is speaking about our doing true Biblical love  and not the lie that the world calls love.
    3. The phrase God dwelleth in us  must be true because we can only do true Biblical love  using the power of God.
    4. The phrase and his love is perfected in us  means: 'God's love  causes us to mature spiritually'.
  14. C4-S14  God's Holy Spirit  assures us of our relationship.
    1. The phrase Hereby know we that we dwell in him  means: 'This is how we can be positive that we are saved'.
    2. The phrase and he in us  means: 'In addition, this is how we know that our life is changed by God'.
    3. The phrase because he hath given us of his Spirit  means: 'God's Holy Spirit  changes us to be like Him'.  Notice that this does not say Christ  instead of Spirit.  The claim that all saved always have Christ  in them all the time is a lie and a doctrine of a devil.
  15. C4-S15  A true testimony.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, if you drop either side of an and,  in The word of God,  then you change the message from God.
    2. The phrase we have seen and do testify  means: 'John, and the other apostles, were personal witnesses and can testify as such in a court of law.  The liars who claim to be able to correct that testimony do not have personal experience and their lies are rejected by an honest court'.
    3. The phrase that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world  means: 'This is what John, and the other apostles, have seen and can testify about.  They can only see, and testify, about the changed lives of people who have truly accepted Jesus Christ  as their personal Saviour  because, as Saviour,  He changes people to have the character of God'.  God The Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.  However, most of The world  has rejected that true salvation because they are not willing to be changed and to give up their sin.
  16. C4-S16  Live a testimony showing that Jesus is the Son of God.
    1. The phrase Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God  is another phrase that people like to pervert in order to support a lie from a devil.  The word confess  includes the meaning of: 'This is how you live and support the claims of your life'.  Someone who claims one thing and lives something else is a liar and does not truly confess that Jesus is the Son of God.  In addition, as The Son of God,  He shows us the character of God and teaches us how to become true sons of God.
    2. The phrase God dwelleth in him  means: 'God dwells in the person who truly confesses that Jesus is the Son of God  because only God can change their character to be like God'.
    3. The phrase and he in God  means: 'This person is doing their part to maintain their ongoing personal relationship with God'.
  17. C4-S17  Experience God's love.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, if you drop either side of an and,  in The word of God,  then you change the message from God.
    2. The phrase we have known and believed the love that God hath to us  means: 'John, and all truly Biblically saved and serving, have personally experienced God's love.  And, all such also believe that their experience comes from God'.  For example, I have had several doctors tell me that I had several undeniable miracles because what they observed in my body was physically and medically impossible.  Now, I known and believed the love that God hath to me.  But, no, I can not prove it in this physical world and I did not physically see God doing the miracle.  Which is why I can say that I know  it on a personal level while the world claims that I believe  it because it can not be physically proven that God did what only a Spirit could do.
  18. C4-S18  We must dwelleth in love.  The word dwelleth  means: 'a lifestyle dwelling'.
    1. The phrase God is love  means: 'True Biblical love  is a characteristic of God'.
    2. The phrase and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God  means: 'This person remains for their life doing the things of true Biblical love'.
    3. The phrase and God in him  means: 'God is in this person and showing them how to do the actions of true Biblical love'.
  19. C4-S19  Acting like God's Son gives us boldness in the day of judgment.
    1. The phrase Herein is our love made perfect  means: 'Our love  causes us to mature spiritually'.
    2. The phrase that we may have boldness in the day of judgment  means: 'Our increased spiritual maturity brings the promise of everlasting rewards and those cause us to have boldness in the day of judgment'.
    3. The phrase because as he is, so are we in this world  means: 'We need to follow the example of Jesus Christ  while we are in this world  in order to receive all of these promises'.
  20. C4-S20  It takes perfect love  to stop the torment  of fear.
    1. The phrase There is no fear in love  is talking about true Biblical love.  The lie that the world calls love includes many sources of fear.
    2. The word But  means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.
    3. The phrase but perfect love casteth out fear  means: 'This is speaking about spiritually mature true Biblical love.  Spiritually immature saved people will have to grow up spiritually before experiencing this truth'.
    4. The phrase because fear hath torment  means: 'This is why the rest of this sentence is true'.  Torment  is a result of not being sure on what will happen in the future and not having enough faith  to not worry because God has control of our future.
  21. C4-S21  says: He that feareth is not made perfect in love  means: 'If you are afraid of the future, you need to mature spiritually by increasing your true Biblical faith  that whatever happens, it will be for God's glory and our everlasting good'.
  22. C4-S22  says: We love him, because he first loved us.  Until we were saved and understood God's love,  we could not do the same.  God loved  us while we were still His enemies.
  23. C4-S23  the conclusion of our chapter is this sentence and the next sentence.
    1. The word If  makes this a conditional sentence.  All who fulfil the condition receive the result and none who fails to fulfil the condition receives the result.
    2. The phrase If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother  means: 'This person makes a claim that their life does not support'.  Many people believe that they can be one way in this physical reality while being different spiritually.  However, many places in the Bible, including this sentence, make it clear that such a person has deceived themselves.
    3. The phrase he is a liar  means: 'Gives us a judgment that there is no getting around'.
    4. The phrase for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen  means: 'Here's why'.
    5. The phrase how can he love God whom he hath not seen?  means: 'This phrase provides a contrast to the prior phrase'.  True love  is given to someone you know.  Charity  is extended to strangers.  It is much harder to love  God, Whom you have never seen (4:12) than it is to love  someone that you can see and interact with.
  24. C4-S24  Our God-given commandment.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, if you drop either side of an and,  in The word of God,  then you change the message from God.
    2. The phrase hereby we know that he abideth in us  means: 'The rest of this sentence tells us how we can be assured of our salvation'.
    3. The phrase by the Spirit which he hath given us  means: 'God's Holy Spirit  causes God's people to do true Biblical love.  Without God's Holy Spirit,  we could not do true Biblical love'.  The change in our character and our actions provides our assurance of true salvation.

Summary of Chapter 5

The chapter theme: 'Stop sinning and win souls'.

In his final chapter, John tells us that the truly saved have the witness of God in their life and that they stop their sinning.  Liars claim otherwise and deny that Jesus Christ  lived in the flesh, without sin, by the power of the Holy Spirit.  John concludes (other than some 'wrap-up ' comments) with, These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.  According to the Bible, people take action on what they truly believe.  If there is no action, then the people lie when they say that they believe.  And, the truly saved believe  God's word  and trust God's Holy Spirit  and God's power to work through their life.  However, God gave us a free will and will not take it away for any reason.  Therefore, the truly saved do the things that will prove that they give God permission to act according to His Holy Spirit  through their life.  The people who do not do such things do not have the evidence to prove their claim of being truly saved.

The summary of each sentence within this chapter is:

  1. C5-S1  Evidence of salvation.
    1. The phrase Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God  means: 'This is the evidence of true salvation'.  This is true regardless of any other factor beyond what they believe.  However, John uses the word believe  for a motivation to act.  Anyone who claims this belief,  and does not act on it, is to be considered a liar.
    2. The phrase and every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him  means: 'Every one who truly loves God the Father must also love His only begotten Son Jesus Christ'.  Even today, many people claim to love and serve God the Father while rejecting His only begotten Son Jesus Christ.  Such people reject the command from God the Father to hear Him  (Mark 9:7; Luke 9:35).  When people refuse to obey God, they prove that their claim to love God is a lie.  And, that is exactly what our next sentence says.
  2. C5-S2  We must keep God's commandments  in order to love the children of God.
    1. The phrase By this we know that we love the children of God  is building on the message of the prior two chapters.  There we were told that, if we are truly saved, then we will love the children of God.  In fact, Chapter 4 was summarized with If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar;  and liars belong to the devil.
    2. The phrase when we love God  means: 'We will love the children of God  because we love God'.
    3. The phrase and keep his commandments  means: 'Anyone who claims to love God,  but refuses to love the children of God,  does not keep God's commandments'.
  3. C5-S3  the love of God.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word For,  which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true.
    2. The phrase This is the love of God  means: 'This is the love which belongs to God and that He has all of His true children do'.
    3. The phrase that we keep his commandments  means: 'True love  results in obedience'.
    4. The phrase and his commandments are not grievous  means: 'True love  does not object to obedience'.
  4. C5-S4  the victory of God.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word For,  which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true.
    2. The phrase whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world  means: 'If we are truly saved then we stop worrying about what other people claim and concentrate on pleasing God'.  The word overcometh  means: 'This is lifestyle overcoming.  We do not return to pleasing the world'.
    3. The phrase and this is the victory that overcometh the world  means: 'The next phrase tells us how we overcometh the world'.
    4. The phrase even our faith  means: 'We act in obedience to the commandments of God with the belief that God will keep His promises in His time and His way'.
  5. C5-S5  the God made victor.
    1. The phrase Who is he that overcometh the world  means: 'This is posed as a question to make people think about the answer given'.
    2. The word But  means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.
    3. The phrase but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?  means: 'This is a lifestyle belief.  Anyone who truly believeth that Jesus is the Son of God  will follow His example for how to become a son of God'.
  6. C5-S6  How Jesus came.  It should be obvious that this sentence is using symbolic language.
    1. The phrase This is he that came by water and blood  means: 'Jesus  was physically born (by water)  and made the spiritual sacrifice to save us (by blood)'.
    2. The phrase even Jesus Christ; not by water only  means: 'He wasn't just born physically'.
    3. The word But  means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.
    4. The phrase but by water and blood  means: 'Jesus Christ  was born physically so that he could make the spiritual sacrifice which was required in order to save us'.
  7. C5-S7  God's Spirit beareth witness  to what John says.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, if you drop either side of an and,  in The word of God,  then you change the message from God.
    2. The phrase it is the Spirit that beareth witness  means: 'This doctrine comes from God's Holy Spirit'.
    3. The phrase because the Spirit is truth  means: 'God's Holy Spirit  always gives truth  and only gives truth'.
  8. C5-S8  the three members of the Trinity record the truth.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word For,  which means it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true.
    2. The phrase there are three that bear record in heaven  means: 'Each member of the Trinity provides a legal record of what happens here in this physical reality'.
    3. The phrase The Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one  means: 'This is the doctrine of the Trinity. It names each person of the Trinity and also tells us: these three are one'.
  9. C5-S9  God's witnesses in this world.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, if you drop either side of an and,  in The word of God,  then you change the message from God.
    2. The phrase there are three that bear witness in earth  means: 'This is a witness  which is added to the record in Heaven.  This witness  is in earth'. . .
    3. The phrase The spirit, and the water, and the blood  means: 'The change in our spirit  and the change in our religious activity in our life (water)  and the change in people being willing to die (blood)  for their beliefs'.  Reportedly, there is one printing of the 1611-KJV which has a capitalized Spirit,  in this phrase, and another which has a lowercase spirit.  This is obviously a printer's error.  But, people claim that it is an error in God's preservation, which is wrong.  When the disciples asked Jesus  why He preached in parables, He answered Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given  (Matthew 13:10-11).  We have the same principal applied here.  Those people who truly listen to God's Holy Spirit  are given the truth while the lost and carnal are led into error.

      Our phrase literally says: in earth.  God does not speak in an audible voice, today, in earth.  God's Holy Spirit  speaks to the spirit  of saved people and has them bear witness in earth.  And, their witness  is; a changed spirit  which shows the character of God, a changed religious activity (water),  which includes how they worship God, and a willingness to shed their own blood,  as a martyr, for the truth of God.
    4. The phrase and these three agree in one  means: 'Each of these three witnesses, from truly saved people, all deliver the same spiritual message'.
  10. C5-S10  Further proof from God.
    1. The word If  makes this a conditional sentence.  All who fulfil the condition receive the result and none who fails to fulfil the condition receives the result.
    2. The phrase If we receive the witness of men  means: 'People believe what other men tell them, especially what religious men tell them'.
    3. The phrase The witness of God is greater  means: 'When The witness of God  and The word of God  go against The witness of men,  only fools prefer The witness of men  over The witness of God'.
    4. The phrase For this is the witness of God which he hath testified of his Son  means: 'The next sentence tells us this witness of God'.
  11. C5-S11  Saved people hath the witness in himself.
    1. The phrase He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself  means: 'The witness of God  is inside of the true believer because he is changed on the inside'.
    2. The phrase he that believeth not God hath made him a liar  means: 'God has given enough evidence in this physical reality that people have to deliberately ignore all of the evidence in order to believeth not God.  This type of attitude and action effectively makes God a liar'.  Please note that the word believeth  is 'a lifestyle belief and not a one-time nor a temporary belief'.  People might not know all of the evidence from God at first, but, over time, enough evidence is presented to everyone that each has to decide for themselves what they will believe.  Those people who reject all of the evidence from God hath made him a liar.  Now, imagine going to be judged by God after doing that for all of your life.
    3. The phrase because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son  means: 'This record  is in earth  and there is so much evidence that it can be ignored only by deliberate choice'.
  12. C5-S12  Recorded proof.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, if you drop either side of an and,  in The word of God,  then you change the message from God.
    2. The phrase And this is the record  means: 'This is what God has made available to all people'.
    3. The phrase that God hath given to us eternal life  means: 'All societies throughout all of the earth, and throughout all history, have recognized spiritual life and that it is not limited by time like physical life is limited.  That makes it eternal life  which is recognized by all peoples'.
    4. The phrase and this life is in his Son  means: 'God has provided the record  that eternal life is in his Son'.
  13. C5-S13  Either you have God's life or you don't.  This sentence covers all possibilities; either you hath  or you do not hath.  There is no other possibility.  The word hath  means: 'a lifestyle having'.  This does not include the doctrine of getting and losing salvation.  People who hold to that doctrine do not hath.
    1. The phrase He that hath the Son hath life  means: 'If you accept God's Son,  as your personal Lord  for the rest of your life, then you have eternal life'.  End of discussion.
    2. The phrase and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life  means: 'If you do not accept God's Son,  as your personal Lord  for the rest of your life, then you do not have eternal life  and you are going to the lake of fire'.  End of discussion.
  14. C5-S14  Why God wrote the Bible and why John wrote this epistle.
    1. The phrase These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God  means: 'John is writing to the saved because the lost can not understand the spiritual truths which are in this epistle'.
    2. The phrase that ye may know that ye have eternal life  means: 'This epistle is written to eliminate any doubt about everlasting salvation'.
    3. The phrase and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God  means: 'This epistle is also written to encourage the saved to believe, and act upon, the promises of God so that they received increased spiritual life and spiritual maturity'.
  15. C5-S15  Our confidence because of Who He is.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, if you drop either side of an and,  in The word of God,  then you change the message from God.  Lots of people like to quote part of this sentence, while ignoring the rest of it, and also ignoring the fact that the word and  adds this sentence to the prior sentence.  That is: we must believe,  like the prior sentence said, in order to receive the promise of this sentence.
    2. The phrase This is the confidence that we have in him  means: 'Our confidence  is in the person Who is The Son of God  and not in some legalistic religious claim'.  Religion is constantly trying to eliminate the personal relationship.
    3. The phrase that, if we ask anything according to his will  means: 'We must fulfill this requirement in order to get the promise of this sentence'.  This is the most ignored phrase of this sentence.  Then, when people don't get what they ask for, many believe the devil's lie that God is not reliable instead of accepting the truth that what they asked for was not according to his will.
    4. The phrase he heareth us  means: 'Jesus  keeps on hearing us but God decides when, and how, He keeps His promises.  We need to keep on asking, not because he does not hear, but to prove the sincerity of our request'.
    5. The phrase And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask  means: 'We can be sure that God hears us and everything that we ask of Him'.
    6. The phrase we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him  means: 'The word petitions  means the general request but not necessarily all of the details'.
  16. C5-S16  the sin which is not unto death.
    1. The word If  makes this a conditional sentence.  All who fulfil the condition receive the result and none who fails to fulfil the condition receives the result.
    2. The phrase If any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death  means: 'There is a sin unto death  and sins which are not'.
    3. The phrase he shall ask  means: 'This is what to do for a sin which is not unto death'.
    4. The phrase and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death  means: 'God will answer the prayer for this type of sin'.
  17. C5-S17  says, There is a sin unto death: I do not say that he shall pray for it.  Basically, this type of prayer is a wasted effort.
  18. C5-S18  says, All unrighteousness is sin: and there is a sin not unto death.  A life of unrighteousness  can result in death  but some results in a lesser punishment.
  19. C5-S19  Prove your own salvation.
    1. The phrase We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not  means: 'People who are truly saved do not have a lifestyle of sin (sinneth not)'.  This sentence does not address the person who claims to be saved but appears to live a life of sin.  It is possible, but unlikely, that such people are truly saved.  However, if they are truly saved and die living that way, they will be sent to outer darkness  (Matthew 8:12) and cry their eyes out an average of more than twice a week and do it for more than 1,000-years.
    2. The word But  means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.
    3. The phrase but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself  means: 'This person has a lifestyle of keeping himself (keepeth)  free from sin'.  This person has a life which supports his claim of salvation.
    4. The phrase and that wicked one toucheth him not  means: 'Satan can not possess this type of person nor can Satan force him to sin'.
  20. C5-S20  Base your assurance on your God-caused difference from the world.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, if you drop either side of an and,  in The word of God,  then you change the message from God.
    2. The phrase we know that we are of God  means: 'People who are saved and serving have no doubt about their salvation'.
    3. The phrase and the whole world lieth in wickedness  means: 'People who are saved and serving avoid going the way of the world because that way lieth in wickedness.
  21. C5-S21  God's Son gives understanding of Biblical truth.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, if you drop either side of an and,  in The word of God,  then you change the message from God.
    2. The phrase we know that the Son of God is come  tells us the person Whom we get all spiritual blessings through since He has come.  The Jews refused to believe all of the evidence from God and have missed out on all of the blessings.  Likewise, all other religious people who reject the same evidence also miss out on all of the blessings.
    3. The phrase and hath given us an understanding  means: 'We have spiritual understanding only because of God's Son Jesus Christ'.
    4. The phrase that we may know him that is true  means: 'God gives us spiritual understanding so that we can know  Him and have an ongoing personal relationship with Him'.
    5. The phrase and we are in him that is true  means: 'We are in  an ongoing personal relationship with God'.
    6. The phrase even in his Son Jesus Christ  means: 'The God, Whom we deal with, is the Father's Son Jesus Christ'.
  22. C5-S22  says, This is the true God, and eternal life.  We know the true God  and have eternal life  only through this ongoing personal relationship.
  23. C5-S23  says, Little children, keep yourselves from idols.  All idols  are inhabited by devils.  When we mess with devils, they lead us into doctrinal error.  Therefore, we stay away from doctrinal error when we keep ourselves from idols.
  24. C5-S24  says, Amen.  It means 'This doubles the prior sentence and makes that command something that God's people will be judged for obeying or disobeying'.


God in 1John

of God:  
love 2:5; 3:16-17; 4:9; 4:12 4:16; 5:3
word 2:5; 14
will 2:17
Son 3:8; 4:15; 5:5; 10; 12-13; 20
sons 3:1-2
born 3:9; 4:7; 5:1; 4; 18
children 3:10; 5:2
Spirit (Upper case=Holy Spirit) 4:2
spirit (lower case=ours) 4:1; 3; 6
ye are 4:4
we are 2:5; 3:1; 2; 4:6; 5:18; 19
witness 5:9; 10
not (of God) 3:10; 4:3; 4:6
God is:  
light 1:5
greater 3:20; 5:9
love 4:8
Son of God:  
manifested 3:8
Jesus is 4:15; 5:5
believe on 5:10; 5:13
is come 5:20
hath not 5:12
confidence toward God: 3:21
God gave eternal life: 5:11
God sent: 4:9
God loved: 4:10; 4:11
God dwelleth in us: 4:12; 4:15; 4:16
love God: 4:20; 4:21; 5:2
know God: 4:7
No man hath seen God: 4:12
know not God: 4:8
Believe not God: 5:10
This is the true God, and eternal life: 5:20

Contact:  Webmaster@LJC1611KJV.com.  Member of Tower Road Baptist Church, Abq., NM, U.S.A., 87121.  Copyright 2009 Lord Jesus Christ in the 1611KJV.  All rights reserved. Revised: 12/19/24.