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Doctrine on God

This is currently a an incomplete Study.  It has a collection of links found elsewhere on this site but not, necessarily, a development of the doctrines found in those notes.  Lord willing, I will update the doctrine before I die.

A basic Biblical truth is that 'God does not change'.  Jesus  was arguing with the religious leaders when He said: It is also written in your law, that the testimony of two men is true.  (John 8:17).  Since their law was written by God, we can know that this also applies to God's law.  If the word of God  literally says something twice, we can know that it is part of God's law.  God's law tells us: 'God does not change' in: Malachi 3:6 and Hebrews 13:8.  For God to write in His word a doctrine, and later write an opposing doctrine, God would have to change.  For God to assign a specific meaning to a word, and then, later, give that word a different meaning of give a different word the same meaning, God would have to change.  Devil motivated false teachers and false prophets, and people who accept a doctrine without verifying their doctrine, all deny this truth.  They make claims which can only be true if God changed.

In addition to that truth, people follow Satan's way of perverting the word of God  by adding to what God wrote in it or by refusing to accept what God wrote in it.  In the beginning, middle and end of God's word, He wrote a curse for anyone who did either of those things.  Yet, most religious doctrines are a result of people doing one of those two things.

For example, a popular doctrinal error claims that salvation requires 'a religious prayer asking Jesus  to be your Saviour'.  Yet the Bible does not say that and every place that the word of God  says the shall be saved,  it requires our accepting the Son of God  as our personal the Lord.  However, people do not want to obey.  Therefore, religion offers the lie of true Biblical salvation without obedience.

The basis upon which they make this claim is: 'denying that God does not change and claiming that two different names / roles of the Son of God  have the same meaning and doctrine associated with them'.

In addition, the word of God  says: Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth  (2Timothy 2:15).  Dividing  is part of the law of God which He enacted during creation.  No law of math nor of true law of science ever changes for any reason or circumstance  The true definition of dividing  is: 'separating things according to precise rules in order to receive precise results'.  People wrongly claim that they are dividing  when they get imprecise results.  For example, the 'flat Earth' people insisted that their belief was more reliable than the laws of true science which followed the laws that God enacted with creation.  In addition, the religious leaders, who had Jesus  crucified, insisted that their religious traditions were more reliable than the Word of God  in human flesh.  Today, people still follow those two sources of error.

Every dictionary written by man teaches doctrinal error.  The most reliable dictionary, for defining words used by the word of God,  is Webster's 1828.  But, even it contains some doctrinal error.  In addition to doctrinal error, dictionaries present many applications, which they call definitions.  If they present the single true definition of a word, it is so buried by the many applications that most people ignore the true definition.  They pick their favorite application and declare it to be the single definition and even insist that their application is more reliable than the true single definition of a word found in the word of God.

The only way to find the true single definition, of a word used by the word of God,  is to study every place that it is used in the word of God  and then separate what never changes from what changes.  What never changes is the single definition while what changes are the many applications.  However, that type od study is too much effort for most people.  And, that is exactly the type of study used to provide the following doctrine.

Jesus  was again arguing with the religious leaders when He said: Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me  (John 5:39).  Religious liars claim that their beliefs and commandments are more authoritative than God.  The main way that we tell the difference between a religious lie, and a Bible truth, is to know the character of our God.  If a religious claim goes against the revealed character of God, we can know it is a lie even if we can not name the Bible reference which disputes the religious lie.

Therefore, one of the most important things to know is what the word of God  says about the character of God.

God in general

Links dealing with God on the LJC1611KJV.com web site:
  1. Links in Book Studies where the book mentions GodGod in Matthew; God in Mark; God in Luke; God in John; God in Acts; God in Romans; God in 1Corinthians; God in 2Corinthians; God in Galatians; God in Ephesians; God in Philippians; God in Colossians; God in 1Thessalonians; God in 2Thessalonians; God in 1Timothy; God in 2Timothy; God in Titus; God in 1Peter; God in 2Peter; God in 1John; God in 2John; God in 3John; God in Jude; God in Revelation.
  2. We find forms of the word Godhead  only in: Acts 17:29; 2:9 and Romans 1:20.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: '1. Godship; deity; divinity; divine nature or essence; applied to the true God, and to heathen deities.  2. A deity in person; a god or goddess.'.
  3. 1Peter's comments on our relationship with God.
  4. God created us:  Revelation 4:11-LJC
  5. God does not change:  Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8
  6. God Forbid:  Galatians C3S25
  7. God is able:  Romans C11S27
  8. God will not cast away his people:  Romans C11S1
  9. I am (said by God):  John 8:58
  10. false gods (lower-case):  Acts 7:40
  11. Our relationship with God
    1. born of God:  1John 3:9;
    2. children of God:  Romans 8:16;
    3. church(as) of God:  2Thessalonians 1:4
    4. hand of God:  1Peter 5:6-7
    5. house of God:  1Peter 4:17
    6. kingdom of God rejected by lifestyle sins:  1Corinthians C6S16
    7. peace of God:  Philippians 4:7; Colossians 3:15
    8. peace with God:  Romans 10:15; Hebrews 12:14-LJC
    9. godly:  2Corinthians 11:2
  12. love of God:  John 5:42
  13. power of God:  John 5:41
  14. right hand of God:  Mark 16:19
  15. Holy One:  1John 2:20

See the note for Acts 17:24 about where the word of God  instructs those who seek the Lord.

Torrey's Topical Textbook provides links for the phrase The Holiness of God  as: 'Is incomparable:  Ex 15:11; 1Sa 2:2.  EXHIBITED IN HIS.  Character:  Ps 22:3; Joh 17:11.  Name:  Isa 57:15; Lu 1:49.  Words:  Ps 60:6; Jer 23:9.  Works:  Ps 145:17.  Kingdom:  Ps 47:8; Mt 13:41; Re 21:27; 1Co 6:9-10.  IS PLEDGED FOR THE FULFILMENT OF.  His promises:  Ps 89:35.  His judgments:  Am 4:2.  Saints are commanded to imitate:  Le 11:44; 1Pe 1:15-16.  Saints should praise:  Ps 30:4.  Should produce reverential fear:  Re 15:4.  Requires holy service:  Jos 24:19; Ps 93:5.  Heavenly hosts adore:  Isa 6:3; Re 4:8.  Should be magnified:  1Ch 16:10; Ps 48:1; 99:3,5'.


The word Trinity  is not found in the word of God,  but the concept is there such as when Jesus  was baptized and God the Father  spoke from Heaven and God the Son  was in the water and God the Spirit like a dove descended upon him:  (Matthew 3:16; Mark 1:10; Luke 3:21-22; John 1:32).

The concept of the Trinity is not as difficult to understand as religion claims.  Religion requires people to put blinders on their minds and refuse to think about proven facts.  When Jesus  dealt with Nicodemus, in John 3, He asked Nicodemus how he could be a master  of spiritual matters and not understand that spiritual lawxs were abstract.  Jesus  used the wind as a physical example of abstract matters and how the abstract laws, which God enacted at creation, control this physical reality even though we can only sense their indirect control.  And, part of that indirect control is spiritual, which is outside of the four dimensions (height, width, depth and time) of our physical reality, and yet control this physical reality.  This is evident by the existence of miracles, which still happen today and which are impossible according to the laws of this physical reality.  (As I have reported more than once, multiple times multiple non-believing medical people have reported that I personally had 'undeniable multiple miracles' when God did the physically and medically impossible for me.)

Math has proven that there are more dimensions than the four of our physical reality.  (Yes I have a degree in Math from the University of Michigan, which is an internationally recognized university in the field of Mathematics.)  And, although devil motivated and deceived people try to deny it, our physical reality is a sub-set of the spiritual as evidenced by the spiritual reality controlling the physical reality.

Now, a cube has three dimensions.  Imagine, for illustration purposes, that we live on only one dimension.  And, also imagine that people insisted that it was impossible that there were more dimensions than the one of their existence in spite of proof that there were more dimensions.  Multiply the number of dimensions in our illustration by four and we match reality.  People insist that there can not be anything more than our physical reality even though there is plenty of evidence that our physical reality was created and, obviously, the Creator had to exist, already, outside of the physical reality, in order to create it.  And, God, obviously, exists in dimensions beyond our physical reality.  However, in order to reveal Himself to man in an understandable manner, God presented Himself in a manner that men can understand.  Go back to our illustration and it is like God revealed each of the three dimensions of the cube at different times because men living on one dimension can only understand one dimension at a time.  And, think that there are actually three dimensions to a cube, though only one dimension is revealed at a time.  Likewise, God, Who lives in more dimensions than man, can have three personalities though, most times, only one personality is revealed at a time.  People have trouble with the concept of the Trinity because they shut down their minds and refuse to consider that there must be more than this physical reality or it could not have been created and miracles would be impossible even though there are 'undeniable multiple miracles' witnessed by unbelievers.

God the Father

  1. Most of the general statements about God apply, especially, to God the Father.
  2. He is called the Highest:  See Luke 1:32.
  3. He is called the Most High:  See Mark 5:7.
  4. We read about God the Father giving good things in: Matthew 7:11; Matthew 20:23; Matthew 26::53; Luke 1:32; Luke 11:13; Luke 12:32; John 6:32; John 6:37; John 14:16; John 15:16; John 16:23.
  5. You may have a relationship with God and may even be saved but God is not your true Father  unless you have received the character of God the FatherJohn 8:42-45 Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me. Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.
  6. gift of God:  John 4:10

God the Son

  1. The full doctrine of the names/roles of the Son of God is found in the Lord Jesus Christ Overview.  Please see it.
  2. Please also see the Study called Lord Jesus Christ Verses for links to every place where the New Testament uses any of the major names / roles of the Son of God.
  3. Please see the Study called Relational Prepositions  which tells the true Biblical Doctrine about the relationship which God commands us to have with the Son of God.
  4. Please also see the Minor Titles of the Son of God Section, of the Significant Gospel Events Study, for links to other titles and their related Bible references.
  5. There is a lot of doctrine, and a lot of doctrinal error, taught about the major names / roles of the Son of God.
    1. Jesus  is the name of a literal physical man.  Therefore, The word of God  uses the name of Jesus  to present the humanity of the Son of God.
      1. The word of God  names three men who are named Jesus.  Please see Acts 7:45; Hebrews 4:8 and Colossians 4:11.
      2. People use the name of Jesus  where the word of God  uses another name.  For example, the word of God  says that we must call upon the Lord  for true Biblical salvation while religion says that we just have to say a prayer asking Jesus  to be our Saviour.  That is doctrinal error which can send people to Hell believing that they are going to Heaven.
      3. He had to die as a literal physical man because God can not die.  Every place that the word of God  uses the name of Jesus,  it is dealing with His humanity.
      4. He will judge all men because He experienced being human where God the Father does not have that experience.
      5. A half truth is a full lie.  People preach that He only came to Earth to die for our sins.  That is a half truth lie which denies all that is reported in the Gospels where He lived as an example of how to live and get God's blessings.  Please see the Doctrinal Study called What Did Jesus Do?.
    2. Christ  causes us to mature spiritually after we are saved.
      1. There were approximately 20,000 professions in the Church of Jerusalem before any saved were called Christians  by the word of God  (Acts 11:26).  God destroyed the Church of Jerusalem, even though it was 'the mother church', because they refused to let God correct their doctrine.  They were the first to preach 'Lordship Salvation', insisting that God could not save a Jew who was not circumcised and insisted on keeping religious traditions for sanctification and for remaining saved.
      2. The relationship between a man and his wife is used to picture the relationship between Christ  and the church in Ephesians 5.  Anyone who has been married knows that marriage changes people.  People who claim to be Christians,  with no changed life, are deceived or liars.
      3. Christ is the Biblical RockMatthew 16:18.
      4. We are not in Christ  just because we are saved.  The phrase in Christ  means: 'in right relationship with Christ'.  The amount of divorce and separation show that married people often are not 'in right relationship with' their spouse.  The same is true with Christ  and saved people.  The saved do not receive the blessings promised to those saved who are in Christ  unless they stay 'in right relationship with Christ'.
      5. Thompson Chain Topics provides links for the phrase Sinlessness of Christ  as: 'Isa 53:9; Lu 23:41; Joh 8:46; 2Co 5:21; Heb 1:9; 4:15; 7:26; 9:14; 1Pe 1:19; 2:22; 1Jo 3:5'.
      6. Thompson Chain Topics provides links for the phrase Righteousness of Christ  as: 'Ps 45:7; Isa 11:5; 42:6; 59:16; Jer 23:5; Re 19:11'.
    3. Lord  is the only role which handles legal matters in Heaven for God.
      1. There are human lords  as well as spiritual lords  and God as Lord of lords
      2. Devil motivated liars, and deceived people who refuse to verify their doctrine against the word of God,  claim that legal matters, such as salvation and forgiveness, are done by the other roles of God.
      3. People claim this because people refuse to obey our Lord  and devil motivated preachers want to fill churches, and get large salaries, regardless if people are saved or not.
      4. Please see Acts 17:24-28 about the phrase: seek the Lord.
      5. God is always righteous.  A judge is not righteous  if he wanders into a court room, in his street clothes, and starts changing the law books on his own.  He has to wear his robe, showing that he is acting in his role as judge, and call court into session and follow proper legal procedures.  Likewise, the Son of God  must put on His role as Lord  and follow proper legal procedures, in Heaven's court, in order to remain righteous.  He can not do legal acts in His role as Jesus,  or any other role and He can not follow improper procedures.
      6. Forgiveness  is a legal process whereby our Lord  legally blots out the handwriting of ordinances that are against us  (Colossians 2:14).  This is a legal process which must be done in court following proper legal procedures.
      7. Adoption is also a legal process and the truly Biblically saved are adopted sons of God  (Romans 8:15; Romans 8:23; Galatians 4:5; Ephesians 1:5).
      8. The truly saved will face our Lord,  at the judgment seat of Christ  and be judged for how well we obeyed Jesus  and Christ  while in the flesh.  The word of God  literally says that some saved will receive badtears  and the terror of the Lord  at that judgment and they will have tears  for an average of more than twice a week and for more than 1,000 years.  Many believe the lie of: 'not tears in Heaven' when the word of God  says that God does not wipe away all tears from their eyes  until after  the great white throne judgment  (Revelation 20:11).  That doctrinal error claims to 2Corinthians 5:10-11 is a lie and that it does not mean what is literally written.
    4. A son  receives the character of his father.
      1. John 14:8-9 says: Philip saith unto him, Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us. Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?  Jesus  shows us the character of God the Father.
      2. John 1:12 says: But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.  The word received  is 'past-tense'.  They are saved.  The phrase to become  is 'future-tense'.  This must happen after initial salvation and is not part of initial salvation, as many claim.  Anyone who has raised a child knows that teaching the child to become a productive person happens after birth and is not part o0f conception.  The same is true about spiritual birth and spiritual growth.  God gives us this power  but we must willingly choose to use it or we will not grow spiritually and receive God's character.
      3. A true son of God  received the character of God the Father.  That is the true purpose of God saving people.  Doing this honors God the Father  and causes God the Father  to bless the true son of God.  Refusing to do so insults God and His salvation.  Satan, who is 'the father of all lies' (John 8:44) gets false preachers and teachers to claim thaty someone can be a true son of God,  and receive all of the blessings which God only gives to true sons of God,  while they refuse to accept God's character and live for the lusts of the flesh and the doctrines of devils and the rewards of this world.
      4. A true son of God  can expect to receive an inheritance from God in Heaven and in this physical reality.  A saved person, who refuses to become a true son,  has no such promises.  See Galatians 4, especially the phrases To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. And because ye are sons  and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.  the phrase through Christ  means that we have to let Christ  change us and make us true sons of God.
    5. The Saviour  .
      1. True Biblical salvation  is: 'God's life in you'.
      2. It requires a Saviour  to provide that true Biblical salvation.  Religion does not have spiritual life and can not create true Biblical salvation.
      3. 2Thessalonians 2:13-14 says: But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth: Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.  God does not sanctify  lost people.  This sentence is telling us that our having 'God's life in us' is increased through sanctification of the Spirit,  just like your physical life is increased by food and growth.  God uses physical life to teach us about spiritual life.  We do not live all of our physical life during the few seconds of conception.  Likewise, we do not receive all of our spiritual life and growth the instant that we make a profession.  What we have for spiritual life, for all of eternity, depends on our spiritual growth in this world.  And, all of that happens after we get truly Biblically saved.
      4. The word of God  truly teaches that religion can not produce spiritual life.  John 5:39 says: Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.  This was part of His answer to religious leaders who insisted that their religious traditions provided true Biblical salvation  and a proper relationship with God.  This answer makes it clear that true Biblical salvation  and a proper relationship with God is only possible through a proper relationship with all of the roles of the Son of God.
    6. The king  A king  puts his character on his kingdom.
      1. There are human kings  as well as spiritual kings  and God as King of kings.
      2. Satan's kingdom is evil  because Satan is evil.
      3. God's kingdom is holy and righteous  because God is holy and righteous.
      4. A lord  works for a king  and makes and enforces laws which reward people who accept the character of their king  while punishing those people who reject the character of their king.
      5. A lot of people make the mistake of not separating the doctrine of a lord  from the doctrine of a king.
    7. The Lamb of God  .
      1. Lambs  are mainly used for food but their wool is also used for clothing.
      2. Religiously, lambs  are used for sacrifice.
      3. The phrase Lamb of God.  speaks of God the Father sacrificing His only begotten Son  to pay for our sins and the sins of the world.
      4. We see this phrase, used in the word of God,  only in John 1:29 (The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.)  and John 1:29 (And looking upon Jesus as he walked, he saith, Behold the Lamb of God!).

God the Holy Ghost / Holy Spirit

  1. The difference between how the word of God  uses Holy Ghost  and Holy Spirit  is that it uses Holy Ghost  for when the third person of the Trinity affects this world and uses Holy Spirit  for when He affects spiritual matters.
  2. Holy Ghost:  Please see the Word Study on the Holy Ghost for links to every place in the Bible where we find the phrase Holy Ghost.
  3. Holy Spirit, indwelling:  John 7:39
  4. God's Holy SpiritWord Study on SpiritRomans C8S1; Galatians C6S8; Hebrews 8:10-LJC
  5. spirit of the Lord:  links to every usage in the Bible
  6. spiritual powers:  Romans C8S40; Ephesians C6S8

Torrey's Topical Textbook provides links for the phrase The Holy Ghost, the Comforter  as: 'Proceeds from the Father:  Joh 15:26.  GIVEN.  By the Father:  Joh 14:16.  By Christ:  Isa 61:3.  Through Christ's intercession:  Joh 14:16.  Sent in the name of Christ:  Joh 14:26.  Sent by Christ from the Father:  Joh 15:26; 16:7.  AS SUCH HE.  Communicates joy to saints:  Ro 14:17; Ga 5:22; 1Th 1:6.  Edifies the Church:  Ac 9:31.  Testifies of Christ:  Joh 15:26.  Imparts the love of God:  Ro 5:3-5.  Imparts hope:  Ro 15:13; Ga 5:5.  Teaches saints:  Joh 14:26.  Dwells with, and in saints:  Joh 14:17.  Abides for ever with saints:  Joh 14:16.  Is known by saints:  Joh 14:17.  The world cannot receive:  Joh 14:17'.

Torrey's Topical Textbook provides links for the phrase The Personality of the Holy Ghost  as: 'He creates and gives life:  Job 33:4.  He appoints and commissions ministers:  Isa 48:16; Ac 13:2; 20:28.  He directs ministers where to preach:  Ac 8:29; 10:19-20.  He directs ministers where not to preach:  Ac 16:6-7.  He instructs ministers what to preach:  1Co 2:13.  He spoke in, and by, the Prophets:  Ac 1:16; 1Pe 1:11-12; 2Pe 1:21.  He strives with sinners:  Ge 6:3.  He reproves:  Joh 16:8.  He comforts:  Ac 9:31.  He helps our infirmities:  Ro 8:26.  He teaches:  Joh 14:26; 1Co 12:3.  He guides:  Joh 16:13.  He sanctifies:  Ro 15:16; 1Co 6:11.  He testifies of Christ:  Joh 15:26.  He glorifies Christ:  Joh 16:14.  He has a power of His own:  Ro 15:13.  He searches all things:  Ro 11:33-34; 1Co 2:10-11.  He works according to His own will:  1Co 12:11.  He dwells with saints:  Joh 14:17.  He can be grieved:  Eph 4:30.  He can be vexed:  Isa 63:10.  He can be resisted:  Ac 7:51.  He can be tempted:  Ac 5:9'.

Torrey's Topical Textbook provides links for the phrase The Holy Ghost, the Teacher  as: 'Promised:  Pr 1:23.  As the Spirit of wisdom:  Isa 11:2; 40:13-14.  GIVEN.  In answer to prayer:  Eph 1:16-17.  To saints:  Ne 9:20; 1Co 2:12-13.  Necessity for:  1Co 2:9-10.  AS SUCH HE.  Reveals the things of God:  1Co 2:10,13.  Reveals the things of Christ:  Joh 16:14.  Reveals the future:  Lu 2:26; Ac 21:11.  Brings the words of Christ to remembrance:  Joh 14:26.  Directs in the way of godliness:  Isa 30:21; Eze 36:27.  Teaches saints to answer persecutors:  Mr 13:11; Lu 12:12.  Enables ministers to teach:  1Co 12:8.  Guides into all truth:  Joh 14:26; 16:13.  Directs the decisions of the Church:  Ac 15:28.  Attend to the instruction of:  Re 2:7,11,29.  The natural man will not receive the things of:  1Co 2:14'.

Torrey's Topical Textbook provides links for the phrase Holy Ghost, The, is God  as: 'As Jehovah:  Ex 17:7; Heb 3:7-9; Nu 12:6; 2Pe 1:21.  As Jehovah of hosts:  Isa 6:3,8-10; Ac 28:25.  As Jehovah, Most High:  Ps 78:17,21.  Being invoked as Jehovah:  Lu 2:26-29; Ac 4:23-25; 1:16,20; 2Th 3:5.  As called God:  Ac 5:3-4.  As joined with the Father and the Son in the baptismal formula:  Mt 28:19.  As eternal:  Heb 9:14.  As omnipresent:  Ps 139:7-13.  As omniscient:  1Co 2:10.  As omnipotent:  Lu 1:35; Ro 15:19.  As the Spirit of glory and of God:  1Pe 4:14.  As Creator:  Ge 1:26-27.  As equal to, and one with the Father:  Mt 28:19; 2Co 13:14.  As Sovereign Disposer of all things:  Da 4:35; 1Co 12:6,11.  As Author of the new birth:  Joh 3:5-6; 1Jo 5:4.  As raising Christ from the dead:  Ac 2:24; 1Pe 3:18; Heb 13:20; Ro 1:4.  As inspiring Scripture:  2Ti 3:16; 2Pe 1:21.  As the source of wisdom:  1Co 12:8; Isa 11:2; Joh 16:13; 14:26.  As the source of miraculous power:  Mt 12:28; Lu 11:20; Ac 19:11; Ro 15:19.  As appointing and sending ministers:  Ac 13:2,4.  As directing where the gospel should be preached:  Ac 16:6-7,10.  As dwelling in saints:  Joh 14:17; 1Co 14:25; 3:16; 6:19.  As Comforter of the Church:  Ac 9:31; 2Co 1:3.  As sanctifying the Church:  Eze 37:28; Ro 15:16.  As the Witness:  Heb 10:15; 1Jo 5:9.  As convincing of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment:  Joh 16:8-11'.


Contact:  Webmaster@LJC1611KJV.com.  Member of Tower Road Baptist Church, Abq., NM, U.S.A., 87121.  Copyright 2009 Lord Jesus Christ in the 1611KJV.  All rights reserved. Revised: 11/15/24.