Lord Jesus Christ in the 1611KJV
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Interpretive Study of Mark's Gospel - Summary

Jesus is our Example Servant.

Chapter links:  1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; God.

Chapter 9 Summary:

Theme: Lessons in Spiritual Maturity.

Please see the Sections called: Prophecies and Prophecy Fulfilled in the Significant Gospel Events Study for Bible references to this and other prophecies.  Please also see the Table of Miracles in the Gospels for miracles reported in this chapter.

Mark 9:1-10; Matthew 17:1-8 and Luke 9:28-36 tells us about the 'Mount of Transfiguration'.

Mark 9:11-13 and Matthew 17:10-13 have a question from Peter, James and John and the answer Jesus.

Mark 9:14-27 and Matthew 17:14-21 tell us about Jesus  driving out a devil that the twelve couldn't drive out. 

Mark 9:28-29 and Matthew 17:19-21 tell us about the twelve asking Jesus  about what happened. 

Mark 9:30-32; Matthew 17:22-23 and Luke 9:43-45 tell us that Jesus,  again, told His disciples about His future torture and death and resurrection.

Mark 9:33-50; Matthew 18:1-35 and Luke 9:46-48 tell us that Jesus  gives us a few lessons on spiritual maturity.  Jesus  gives another teaching on the same subject in Luke 14:7-11.

What we see in this chapter is Jesus  concentrating more on helping His disciples to mature spiritually and less on His dealing with outsiders.  This started with Peter declaring Thou art the Christ  in the prior chapter.  The disciples had to prove that they had reached a certain level of spiritual maturity before certain spiritual truths were revealed to them.  The same is true today in the lives of all saved.  The eleven, minus Judas Iscariot, received eternal rewards that no other man will receive.  They saw and did miracles that few other men will see and do.  However, they had to mature spiritually first.  Likewise, we will not see and do all that God wants for us unless we personally mature spiritually as much as is possible.

The start of our chapter tells us about the 'Mount of Transfiguration'.  Jesus  only takes Peter, James and John with Him for this experience.  One of the things which this shows us is that the people who are closer to Jesus  receive blessings than those who are farther away do not receive.

While returning from that experience, Jesus,  once again, tells the three that he will die and rise from the dead.  In stead of thinking about what they just experienced, and realizing that Jesus  must truly die and rise from the dead before what they saw becomes a permanent reality, they refused to think at all about what they did not want to believe.  We see this truth when they changed the subject and asked Jesus  about Elijah returning.  Jesus  realized that they, still, were not ready to accept the truth of His prophecy and answered that Elijah's spirit had returned in John the Baptist.

When they got down from the mountain, Jesus  had to drive out a devil that the twelve couldn't drive out.  After that, our chapter tells us about the twelve asking Jesus  about what happened and why they could not drive out the devil.  Jesus,  answers their question and then, again, tells His disciples about His future torture and death.

Our chapter ends with Jesus  giving us a lesson on spiritual maturity.

  1. C9-S1Jesus  prophesies the 'Mount of Transfiguration'.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, Jesus  is adding the prophecy of this sentence to what He told the disciples and general Jews in the last sentence of the prior chapter.  Please see the Sections called: Prophecies and Prophecy Fulfilled in the Significant Gospel Events Study for Bible references to this and other prophecies.  Please also see the Table of Miracles in the Gospels for miracles reported in this chapter.
    2. The phrase he said unto them  means: 'Jesus  gave this prophecy to His audience'.
    3. The word Verily  means: 'This has been verified and you should also verify it'.  The phrase Verily I say unto you  means: 'This is a reliable prophecy'.
    4. The phrase That there be some of them that stand here  means: 'Without naming them, Jesus  identified His inner circle of disciples, which were Peter, James and John'.
    5. The phrase which shall not taste of death  means: 'They will personally experience this prophecy before the die'.
    6. The phrase till they have seen the kingdom of God come with power  means: 'They will see the miracle of Jesus  glorified and of true saints being glorified'.  The true meaning of The kingdom of God  is: 'God's character in you today and the 1,000 years reign of Christ  in the future'.  Those saved people who truly also receive the character of God are promised to be glorified  when they get to Heaven.  They will also have fellowship with Jesus  for all of eternity.
  2. C9-S2 :  the 'Mount of Transfiguration'.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence starts the fulfillment of the prophecy given in the prior sentence.  A prophecy, and the fulfillment of it, are always linked.
    2. The phrase after six days Jesus taketh with him Peter, and James, and John  means: 'This is when it happened and who were witnesses'.
    3. The phrase and leadeth them up into an high mountain apart by themselves  means: 'Only special and spiritually mature people receive certain revelations'.  This is one of the reasons why we want to get close to Jesus  and let Him spiritually mature us.
    4. The phrase and he was transfigured before them  means: 'This means that the outward appearance (figure)  of Jesus  was changed (trans).  and, the three disciples were witnesses to it'.
  3. C9-S3 :  heavenly raiment described.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, the details of this sentence are added to the general statement of the prior sentence.
    2. The phrase his raiment became shining, exceeding white as snow; so as no fuller on earth can white them  means: 'This is the description of how the clothing of Jesus  changed in appearance'.
  4. C9-S4 :  heavenly visitors described.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, the details of this sentence are added to the details of the prior two sentences.  They told us about Jesus  and this sentence adds two Old Testament saints.  Their appearance is a prophecy, and promise, for some New Testament saints being glorified.  In addition, their fellowshipping with Jesus  is also a prophecy and a promise.
    2. The phrase there appeared unto them Elias with Moses  means: 'As many preachers have pointed out, these two represent the Old Testament Law and prophecy'.
    3. The phrase and they were talking with Jesus  means: 'Their fellowship, spiritually, represents Jesus  fulfilling all of the Law and of prophecy'.  It can be assumed that they spoke about what Jesus  had already fulfilled and how He would fulfill the rest.
    4. At the start of this chapter, we read that Jesus  prophesied Verily I say unto you, that there be some of them that stand here, which shall not taste of death, till they have seen the kingdom of God come with power.  The glory  that surrounded Jesus, Elias and Moses  was a fulfillment of this prophecy.  In addition, the word of God  promises glory  to saved people who truly serve The kingdom of God.  Thus, what they saw is what saved people, who truly serve The kingdom of God,  will receive in the future.
  5. C9-S5 :  Peter should have kept silent.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, Peter opened his mouth and tried to add to what happened even though he did not understand what was happening.  There are times when God will reveal something to His people that they really don't understand.  When that happens, God's people need to keep their mouth shut until God gives them understanding.
    2. The phrase Peter answered and said to Jesus  means: 'Peter spoke for all three in response to what they had just witnessed'.
    3. The phrase Master  means: 'This was Peter's first mistake.  He addressed Jesus  as Master  ('Teacher') in stead of Lord  ('God in human flesh')'.  Peter had already recognized that Jesus  was God's Christ,  which meant that Peter, and the others, also knew that he was 'God in human flesh'.  However, they still make the mistake of viewing an obviously spiritual event from the physical perspective.
    4. The phrase it is good for us to be here  means: 'It was more than good'.  One of the problems with viewing a spiritual event from the physical perspective is that we miss out on a lot of the important spiritual message.
    5. The phrase and let us make three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias  means: 'Peter wanted to do what was right religiously'.  However, religion never handles the truly spiritual rightly.  Therefore, Peter's suggestion was not truly right and was ignored.
  6. C9-S6 :  Why Peter spoke foolishly.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word For,  which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true.  That is: this sentence explains why Peter made the foolish suggestion which was reported in the prior sentence.
    2. The phrase he wist not what to say; for they were sore afraid  means: 'This was their level of thinking and feeling'.  When we should say nothing and do nothing until God gives us clear directions.
  7. C9-S7 :  they heard from God.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, now we read of a third spiritual event added to the prior two.
    2. The phrase there was a cloud that overshadowed them  means: 'God the Father did this to get the attention of the disciples'.  God did not have to do this but God wanted to be sure that they did not forget anything and that might have happened if God did not get their attention first.
    3. The phrase and a voice came out of the cloud, saying  means: 'After getting their attention, God the Father spoke in an audible voice, which He rarely did'.  Please also see the Table of Miracles in the Gospels for other places where it is reported that God the Father spoke in an audible voice.
    4. The phrase This is my beloved Son  means: 'God the Father acknowledged the position of Jesus  and their relationship'.  Please also notice that God excluded Elias and Moses.  This is why Peter's suggestion for three tabernacles was wrong.  Neither Elias  nor Moses  have as high a position as Jesus.
    5. The phrase hear him  means: 'This is our final command from God the Father'.  And, yet, many religious people which claim to represent God the Father ignore this command.
  8. C9-S8 :  All returned to normal.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, our sentence says that they returned to the physical perspective after all of the spiritual events.
    2. The phrase suddenly, when they had looked round about  means: 'Their perspective changed suddenly'.  They had not planned on the change.
    3. The phrase they saw no man any more  means: 'Everything and everyone that they saw spiritually had disappeared'.
    4. The phrase save Jesus only with themselves  means: 'All that they saw anymore what the physical reality and the physical beings'.
  9. C9-S9Jesus  restricted when they could reveal the experience.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds instructions from Jesus  which deal directly with their experiences.
    2. The phrase as they came down from the mountain  means: 'This is when this sentence happened'.
    3. The phrase he charged them that they should tell no man what things they had seen  means: 'Jesus  told them to keep their mouths shut and made it clear that they would face judgment if they did not obey'.
    4. The phrase till the Son of man were risen from the dead  means: 'This is when the restriction would be removed'.
  10. C9-S10 :  they obeyed even with questions.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, their reaction to the charge is added to the report of the charge.
    2. The phrase they kept that saying with themselves  means: 'They obeyed'.
    3. The phrase questioning one with another what the rising from the dead should mean  means: 'They questioned when the restriction would be removed because they all kept rejecting the prophecies from Jesus  about His own suffering, crucifixion and resurrection'.
  11. C9-S11 :  they asked Jesus  about a different question.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, the question of this sentence is added to the report of the prior sentence because they did not want to ask Jesus  about the subject of the prior sentence.
    2. The phrase they asked him, saying, Why say the scribes that Elias must first come?  means: 'They knew what the religious leaders said but did not know the scriptural basis for the religious claim'.
  12. C9-S12 :  the answer from Jesus.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, the answer of this sentence is a direct response to the question in the prior sentence.  In addition, this sentence tells us about prophecy being fulfilled.  This sentence is reported to be a reference of the prophecy found in Malachi 3:1 and Malachi 4:5.  However, I personally believe that Malachi 4:5 still has to happen because the context of Malachi 4 fits the 'Second Coming' better than it fits the Gospel time.  Please also see the Study called Significant Gospel Events; for references to verses related to the suffering of Jesus Christ.
    2. The phrase he answered and old them  means: 'Jesus  gave them this answer'.
    3. The phrase Elias verily cometh first, and restoreth all things  means: 'God always fulfills prophecy'.  This prophecy is about signs which will precede God's Christ  and His kingdom.
    4. The phrase and how it is written of the Son of man  means: 'This is a reference to scripture'.
    5. The phrase that he must suffer manythings, and be set at nought  means: 'This is a reference to the suffering of Christ'.  These prophecies were ignored by the Jews because they did not understand them and did not want to believe them.  Please use the links above for those scriptural references.
  13. C9-S13Jesus  corrected their thinking about the prophecy.
    1. The word But  means that this sentence is continuing the subject of the prior sentence while changing direction.  The prior sentence was a prophecy which they thought had to be fulfilled.  However, this sentence says that it has already been fulfilled by John the Baptist.
    2. The phrase I say unto you, that Elias is indeed come  means: 'What they thought had yet to be fulfilled actually had already been fulfilled'.
    3. The phrase and they have done unto him whatsoever they listed  means: 'They rejected the true message from John the Baptist and let the king murder him'.
    4. The phrase as it is written of him  means: 'God had this result prophesied'.
  14. C9-S14 :  What was at the bottom of the mount.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this is the start of the next incident, which directly follows the prior incident.
    2. The phrase when he came to his disciples  means: 'This is when Jesus  and His three disciples arrived where He left the other disciples'.
    3. The phrase he saw a great multitude about them  means: 'Lots of people gathered around the disciples since they could not find Jesus'.
    4. The phrase and the scribes questioning with them  means: 'The scribes were questioning the disciples when they should have directed their questions to Jesus'.  However, since the scribes lost every doctrinal fight with Jesus,  they were looking for easier prey.
  15. C9-S15 :  the people ran to Jesus.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds the reaction of The multitude  to the appearance of Jesus,  which was reported in the prior sentence.
    2. The phrase straightway all the people, when they beheld him  means: 'This was when they reacted'.
    3. The phrase were greatly amazed  means: 'This was their emotional response'.
    4. The phrase and running to him saluted him  means: 'This was their physical response'.
  16. C9-S16Jesus  questions the people most likely to be causing trouble.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, where the prior sentence told us about the reaction of the people, this sentence adds the reaction by Jesus.
    2. The phrase he asked the scribes  means: 'Jesus  asked this question to the scribes'.  He ignored The multitude  and His other disciples and concentrated on The scribes  because they were doctrinally challenging His disciples, instead of Him.  And, He was defending His disciples when they might not be ready for the doctrinal fight.  Lost and carnal people complain about Christian Schools saying that the parents should send their children to public schools to be a witness.  And, when the children are spiritually mature enough to do so, then they can be sent out as witnesses.  However, until then, the parents have a responsibility to protect their children by following the example of Jesus.  Please also see the Study called What Did Jesus Do? for this and other instances where Jesus  was our example.
    3. The phrase What question ye with them?  means: 'Jesus  immediately focused on possible doctrinal problems'.
  17. C9-S17Jesus  is told of a problem.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, the answer of this sentence is added to the question of the prior sentence.
    2. The phrase one of the multitude answered and said  means: 'A man answered but the scribes did not'.  Like most cowards, they like to stir up trouble but then hide when called on their actions.  Yes, this man did as our sentence says but the scribes used it to attack the credibility of the disciples.  And, this is what religious cowards do whenever they think they can get away with it.  Jesus  dealt with the initial problem and we are not told what He did with the scribes.  However, we can believe that they snuck away and hid.
    3. The phrase Master, I have brought unto thee my son, which hath a dumb spirit  means: 'The man said that the real problem was his son being possessed with a devil'.
    4. The phrase And wheresoever he taketh him, he teareth him: and he foameth, and gnasheth with his teeth, and pineth away  means: 'These are the physical symptoms of the possession'.
    5. The phrase and I spake to thy disciples that they should cast him out  means: 'The man requested help from the disciples because they had cast out devils in the past'.
    6. The phrase and they could not  means: 'The disciples failed this time'.
  18. C9-S18Jesus  expresses His frustration.
    1. The phrase He answereth him, and saith  means: 'Jesus  gave this answer and it was directed at all of them'.  Jesus  spoke this to the scribes who claimed authority that they could not back up.  After all, they were not asked to cast out the devil and could not do so if asked.  Jesus  also directed it at His disciples who were not spiritually maturing as fast as he wished and Jesus  was worried about what would happen to them after He returned to Heaven.  And, Jesus  directed this at the general Jew who wanted the benefits of being the people of God while refusing the attached responsibilities.
    2. The phrase O faithless generation, how long shall I be with you?  means: 'Here, Jesus  is describing their attitude and asking them what they will do after He returns to Heaven'.
  19. C9-S19  says: how long shall I suffer you?.  Here we read that Jesus  adds further expression of His frustration.
  20. C9-S20  says: bring him unto meJesus  agrees to solve the problem.
  21. C9-S21 :  Response from the people and the devil.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, the action of this sentence is added to the command of the prior sentence.
    2. The phrase they brought him unto him  means: 'The people brought the devil possessed boy to Jesus'.
    3. The phrase and when he saw him  means: 'The boy saw Jesus  and the devil also Jesus  through the boy's eyes'.
    4. The phrase straightway the spirit tare him; and he fell on the ground, and wallowed foaming  means: 'The devil expressed his true hatred by doing as much damage as he could while he could'.
  22. C9-S22Jesus  asks a question.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, the reaction of Jesus  is added to the report of the action of the devil.
    2. The phrase he asked his father  means: 'Jesus  asked this question of the father'.
    3. The phrase How long is it ago since this came unto him?  means: 'He asked this question to know how well the devil had control of the boy'.
  23. C9-S23  says: And he said, Of a child  the father answered.
  24. C9-S24 :  the father explains further.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence of details is added to the prior sentence which answered how long?.
    2. The phrase overtimes it hath cast him into the fire, and into the waters, to destroy him  means: 'This is what the devil did on a regular basis'.
    3. The phrase but if thou canst do anything, have compassion on us, and help us  means: 'This is the begging for help'.
  25. C9-S25Jesus  answers with the requirement for receiving a miracle.
    1. The phrase Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe  means: 'This is what Jesus  said was required in order to receive the miracle that he asked for'.  This requirement still applied to us tday.
    2. The phrase all things are possible to him that believeth  means: 'True Biblical belief  is required.  Not just some mental level of hope'.  True Biblical belief  is based upon the true supernatural power of God.  It is not based on what we want to happen.  In addition, the word believeth  means: 'this is a lifestyle belief, not something that goes away'.
  26. C9-S26 :  the father responds honestly.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, the answer of this sentence is added to the requirement of the prior sentence.
    2. The phrase straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears  means: 'He believed with all of his ability'.  He believed  that God could do miracles.  He believed  that Jesus  was God's prophet and that God did miracles for Jesus.  He just wasn't sure if God would give him his request.
    3. The phrase Lord  means: 'Here the father acknowledged Jesus  as God in human flesh'.  Notice the capitalized Lord  which shows this truth.
    4. The phrase I believe; help thou mine unbelief  means: 'He trusted Jesus  to make up any requirement beyond his own ability'.
  27. C9-S27Jesus  drives out the devil.
    1. The phrase When Jesus saw that the people came running together  means: 'Jesus  acted before He was surrounded by unbelievers'.
    2. The phrase he rebuked the foul spirit, saying unto him  means: 'Jesus  commanded the devil to stop what it was doing'.
    3. The phrase Thou dumb and deaf spirit  means: 'Jesus  spoke personally (thou)  to the devil'.
    4. The phrase I charge thee, come out of him, and enter no more into him  means: 'Jesus  made this a legal command backed by all of the authority of God'.
  28. C9-S28 :  the devil is cast out.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, the reluctant obedience of the devil is a direct result of the command in the prior sentence.
    2. The phrase The spirit cried, and rent him sore, and came out of him  means: 'This is how the devil obeyed'.
    3. The phrase and he was as one dead  means: 'This is the condition the devil left the boy in'.
    4. The phrase insomuch that many said, He is dead  means: 'This is what people believed'.
  29. C9-S29Jesus  proves them wrong.
    1. The word But  means that this sentence is continuing the subject of the prior sentence while changing direction.  Our prior sentence told us what people believed was the condition of the boy while this sentence tells us what was the true condition of the boy.
    2. The phrase Jesus tok him by the hand, and lifted him up; and he arose  means: 'Jesus  proved that the boy was truly alive'.
  30. C9-S30 :  the disciples question Jesus.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, the question of this sentence is added to what Jesus  did in the prior sentences.  And, our next sentence gives us an answer.  But that is not the complete answer.  In our context, we read about 'The Mount of Transfiguration' where we saw that Jesus  had more glory than both of the two most important Old Testament saints.  And, God spoke from heaven and said for us to listen to Jesus  and deliberately left out the two men who represented the Old Testament Law and prophecy.  Thus, we are also being shown, By this miracle, that Jesus  has more authority, and power, than anyone in the New Testament.  That makes Him the highest authority and the most powerful human being to ever live.
    2. The phrase when he was come into the house, his disciples asked him privately  means: 'Again, we see that the disciples asked their question in private'.
    3. The phrase Why could not we cast him out?  means: 'This is their question'.
  31. C9-S31Jesus  answers them.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, the answer of this sentence is added to the question of the prior sentence.
    2. The phrase he said unto them  means: 'Jesus  gave this answer'.
    3. The phrase This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting  means: 'This was the answer'.  This answer does not negate the doctrine that Jesus  is the highest authority and the most powerful human being to ever live.  In addition, we saw earlier that others questioned the disciples of Jesus  not fasting and He answered that they would fast after He returned to Heaven.  In addition, our answer lets us know that different devils have different levels of power.  Thus, the disciples did not have the power to deal with that particular devil.  But, they did not need that level of power while Jesus  was still on the Earth.
  32. C9-S32 :  they went some other place but others did not know where.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, Mark is finished reporting the prior incident and adding the report of this incident to the prior report.  Thus, Mark is letting us know that the doctrines of the two reports are related.
    2. The phrase they departed thence, and passed through Galilee  means: 'This is where they went next'.
    3. The phrase and he would not that any man should know it  means: 'Jesus  made sure that they were private for the next doctrinal lesson that He taught'.  Just as we read in 1Corinthians; some doctrinal lessons must be hid from people who are not spiritually mature enough to handle the lesson properly.
  33. C9-S33Jesus  taught His disciples what is not revealed to most people.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word For,  which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true.  That is: this doctrine went against the traditional religious teaching of the Jews.  The disciples kept rejecting it and the other Jews would have been violent in their rejection.  Therefore, Jesus  restricted whom He taught the doctrine to.  And, even though He knew that His disciples rejected the truth, He taught it on the possibility that they might believe and suffer less than if they were still unbelieving when the crucifixion happened.
    2. The phrase he taught his disciples, and said unto them  means: 'Jesus  taught this doctrine with words'.  Some things you learn with words and other things must be experienced in order to truly learn them.
    3. The phrase The Son of man  means: 'This role of Jesus  is always associated with the doctrine of His humanity'.  He could not die as God.  He had to die as a literal physical man and He had to pay for our sins as a literal physical man since we sin as literal physical people.
    4. The phrase is delivered into the hands of men, and they shall kill him; and after that he is killed, he shall rise the third day  means: 'This is the basic Gospel message'.  They kept rejecting the message and could not receive comfort in the promise of the resurrection because they rejected His suffering and dying.  Likewise, people reject the Gospel message today, and can not receive comfort in the promise of resurrection, because they refuse to truly believe that they will be judged and condemned.
  34. C9-S34 :  the disciples did not understand.
    1. The word But  means that this sentence is continuing the subject of the prior sentence while changing direction.  Jesus  was trying to make them understand while their prior religious teaching prevented their understanding.
    2. The phrase But they understood not that saying, and were afraid to ask him  means: 'There are times when we need the courage to admit our failure to understand'.
  35. C9-S35Jesus  questioned the disciples.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, our prior sentences told us that Jesus  was trying to teach them one subject while they were concentrating on another subject.
    2. The phrase he came to Capernaum: and being in the house he asked them  means: 'Jesus  waited until they got home, and comfortable, before asking them about what they tried to hide from Him'.
    3. The phrase What was it that ye disputed among yourselves by the way?  means: 'Jesus  asked them in a way that they could no longer hide'.
  36. C9-S36 :  the disciples were ashamed.
    1. The word But  means that this sentence is continuing the subject of the prior sentence while changing direction.  Jesus  asked a simple and clear question but they refused to answer for embarrassment
    2. The phrase they held their peace  means: 'how they reacted to the question from Jesus'.
    3. The phrase for by the way they had disputed among themselves, who should be the greatest  means: 'Why'.
  37. C9-S37Jesus  answers their dispute.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, our sentence adds the answer even though they refused to admit the question.
    2. The phrase he sat down, and called the twelve, and saith unto them  means: 'Jesus  showed by His behavior that He was not upset with their question'.  He gave them the way to truly find the answer that they were looking for.
    3. The phrase If any man desire to be first, the same shall be last of all, and servant of all  means: 'The way to be best in Heaven is to be least here on Earth'.
  38. C9-S38Jesus  explains the answer.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, our current sentence says that Jesus  added a physical lesson to the word lesson that our prior sentence says that He started.
    2. The phrase he took a child, and set him in the midst of them  means: 'Jesus  used a child as a physical illustration'.
    3. The phrase and when he had taken him in his arms, he said unto them  means: 'After getting their attention, Jesus  told them the lesson'.
    4. The phrase Whosoever shall receive one of such children in my name, receiveth me  means: 'Nothing physical about a person matters so long as they truly belong to Jesus.  We are to treat all saved as our spiritual family'.
    5. The phrase and whosoever shall receive me, receiveth not me, but him that sent me  means: 'This is how we relate to God the Father'.
  39. C9-S39 :  John tells Jesus  of an error they made.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, John added this statement because he was not sure if it went against the instructions from Jesus  in the prior sentence.  Basically, they had forbade someone serving Jesus  but having a different religion'.  In Acts 19; we read about certain of the vagabond Jews, exorcists, took upon them to call over them which had evil spirits the name of the Lord Jesus, saying, We adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preacheth.  The devils refused to recognize their right and authority to case out devils because they were not saved.  Yet, here, the devils recognized the right and authority of these men, which meant they were saved even though they were part of a different religious group.
    2. The phrase John answered him, saying  means: 'John spoke up'.
    3. The phrase Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name, and he followeth not us  means: 'He ident5ified the circumstance'.
    4. The phrase and we forbad him, because he followeth not us  means: 'He gave their reasoning for what they did'.
  40. C9-S40 :  Correction from Jesus.
    1. The word But  means that this sentence is continuing the subject of the prior sentence while changing direction.
    2. The phrase Jesus said  means: 'This is who spoke and had final authority'.
    3. The phrase Forbid him not  means: 'What to do'.
    4. The phrase for there is no man which shall do a miracle in my name, that can lightly speak evil of me  means: 'Why'.  It is not their religion but their relationship to Jesus  which matters.
  41. C9-S41 :  Greater truth.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word For,  which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true.  That is: the people understood that the doctrine was backed by the authority  of Jesus.
    2. The phrase he that is not against us is on our part  means: 'If someone is not fighting against the basic doctrine then they do not have to agree on every little thing'.
  42. C9-S42 :  Explanation of precept.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word For,  which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true.  That is: God looks at the motivation of the heart.
    2. The phrase whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because ye belong to Christ  means: 'What they do and why'.
    3. The phrase verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward  means: 'How God judges them'.
  43. C9-S43 :  Explanation of the curse.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence is added to the prior.
    2. The phrase whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me  means: 'This is the action done against someone who truly believes in Jesus'.
    3. The phrase it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea  means: 'This is the judgment that God will bring'.
  44. C9-S44 :  Explanation of the curse.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, we should judge ourselves the way that God will judge us.
    2. The phrase if thy hand offend thee, cut it off  means: 'What to do'.
    3. The phrase : it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched: Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched  means: 'This is why'.
  45. C9-S45 :  Second example.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this illustration is added to the prior illustration.
    2. The phrase if thy foot offend thee, cut it off  means: 'What to do'.
    3. The phrase it is better for thee to enter halt into life, than having two feet to be cast into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched: Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched  means: 'This is why'.
  46. C9-S46 :  third example.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this illustration is added to the prior illustration.
    2. The phrase if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out  means: 'What to do'.
    3. The phrase it is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire: Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched  means: 'This is why'.
  47. C9-S47 :  the spiritual explanation.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word For,  which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true.  That is: this sentence is giving us the spiritual truth.
    2. The phrase every one shall be salted with fire  means: 'God will put our life through the fire in order to burn off anything that offends God'.
    3. The phrase and every sacrifice shall be salted with salt  means: 'Salt is used to purify corruption'.  What we sacrifice to serve God will be purified by God's Holy Ghost  before it is presented to God the Father.  Only what has no corruption will be accepted.
  48. C9-S48  says: Salt is good: but if the salt have lost his saltness, wherewith will ye season it?.  This means: 'If our life is no good to God and does not serve God's intended purpose then God has no use for us'.
  49. C9-S49  says: Have salt in yourselves, and have peace one with another.  This means: 'Be useful to God and don't fight your spiritual brother'.  This is the spiritual summary command of this chapter.

Chapter 10 Summary:

Theme: Eternal Spiritual Rewards Versus Temporary Physical Rewards.

Please see the Study called Miracles in the Gospels about the miracles recorded in this chapter.  Please also see the Study called Significant Gospel Events for where the accounts of this chapter are related to accounts of other Gospels.

Starting in this chapter we can know the absolute time sequence of events that occur between here and the end of the Gospel account.  Please also see the Study called Gospel Time Sequences for the Sequence Before the Betrayal.

In Mark 10:1-12 Jesus  answers questions about divorce.  Please see the note for Matthew 5:31-32 about the word divorce.

In Mark 10:13-16; Matthew 18:1-6; Matthew 19:13-15 and Luke 18:15-17 Jesus  explained God's opinion about little children.

In Mark 10:17-22; Matthew 19:16-30; Luke 10:25-37 and Luke 18:18-27 Jesus  explained about inheriting eternal life.  The incident in Luke 10:25-37 is definitely different from the other three incidents.  The other three may be different, but similar, incidents and they may be the same incident but different reports.  Please see the notes for each sentence to understand the minor differences in these reports.  In particular, please see the note for Mark 10:17-22 about the differences.  In addition, the note for and Luke 18:18 explains the differences in the two reports by Luke.  Please also see the Messages called Reward According to His Own Labour and Treasure in Heaven for the application of these verses in the life of the believer.

In Mark 10:23-27 and Luke 18:25-27; Jesus  explained about riches  in this world.

Mark 10:28-31 and Luke 18:28-30 tell us that Peter asking about our heavenly rewards, as a result of the prior teaching from Jesus,  and He explained the teaching further in these sentences.

In Mark 10:32-34 Jesus,  again, explains what will happen to Him when they go to Jerusalem.  Matthew 20:17-19 and Luke 18:31-34 tell the same things, and that the telling happened on the same trip, but those accounts may actually be different, but repeated messages from Jesus  to His disciples.

Mark 10:35-41 and Matthew 20:20-28 tell us about James, John and their mother coming to Jesus  and asking to sit on His right hand and left hand in the kingdom.  Jesus  explains that it is not His decision to make and then questions them about their resolve in this matter.

Mark 10:42-45 and Luke 22:25-30 tell us that Jesus  then explained how to get the greatest position in His kingdom.  Related lessons are found in Matthew 5:12-19 and Luke 6:2.  In addition, the lesson on little children,  which started in Matthew 18:1; is tied into this lesson.  Therefore, we see the tie-back to an earlier lesson of this chapter. 

Mark 10:46-52; Matthew 20:29-43 and Luke 18:35-43 tell us about Jesus  healing two blind men.

Matthew 19; Mark 10 and Luke 18 are all similar in that they tell accounts which compare the fruit of a truly saved person with a changed life to the false hope in works of fleshly religion.  In Matthew 19:16-30; Mark 10:17-31 and Luke 18:18-30; we have answers from Jesus  on three different, but related items.  All three gospels give almost identical accounts of these answers.  Please see the note under Mark 10:18 for the details on the first.  Please see the note under Mark 10:23 for the details on the second.  Please see the note under Mark 10:29 for the details on the third.

With the question about divorce, people wanted the right to eliminate physical suffering instead of accepting the suffering for eternal spiritual rewards.  Then with the little childrenJesus  is explaining the attitude that we need to have in order to receive eternal spiritual rewards.  After that we have two segments which contrast working for temporary physical rewards versus working for eternal spiritual rewards.  We also have a section speaking about how to get eternal spiritual positions, which are part of the rewards offered by God.  Our chapter ends with the healed blind man following Jesus.  Symbolically, Jesus  wants to heal all of our spiritual blindness.  This is the response that God wants all people to have.

When Jesus  explained God's opinion about little children,  it shocked His disciples because this was opposite of much of the thinking which they were raised with.  Children were not considered valuable until they could work and help the family. In addition, in Matthew 18:3 Jesus  said: Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.  In John 13:13 Jesus  said: Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.  Then in John 13:33; Jesus  said: Little children, yet a little while I am with you,  which shows that the eleven had done what was required in order to enter into the kingdom of heaven.

When Jesus  explained about inheriting eternal life,  we see it reported in Mark and two places in Luke.  Apparently, one explanation was not sufficient because His explanation went so much against what the religious Jews taught.  Following up on those lessons, Jesus  explained about riches  in this world, in Mark and Luke 18.  However, in Luke 10:38-42; Jesus  explained how Mary hath chosen that good part  because she concentrated on learning about eternity while Martha concentrated on serving the Lord  in this world.  While being a different lesson, it also taught the difference in relative value between the spiritual and the physical.

After the lesson on riches,  which went totally against what the disciples had learned previously, Peter asked about their reward for serving God's kingdom.  The Jews taught that our heavenly rewards were based upon out present Earthly rewards and Jesus  just totally changed the perspective about Earthly rewards.  Therefore, the heavenly rewards, which were supposed to be based upon out present Earthly rewards, must also have a different basis for earning them.  This question from Peter was reasonable and Jesus answered it in Mark 10:28-31.

After these lessons, we read about Jesus  taking the twelve to Jerusalem and, on the way, telling them, again, that he will die and rise from the dead.  He is trying to get them to see that even the price of death in this physical world is worth paying in order to inherit the kingdom of God.  However, once more, this doctrine was too hard for them to accept so they didn't even try to understand what Jesus  taught.

As a result of their unbelief, the disciples did not try to understand and, instead, James and John tried to change the subject and tried to secure their position in the kingdom of Christ  and Jesus  questions them about their paying the price and then explains that it is not His decision to make.  That caused the others to be upset with James and John.  Therefore, Jesus  explained how to get the greatest position in 10:42-45.

After this, we are told that they went to Jericho, on the way to Jerusalem, where Jesus  healed two blind men but only Bartimaeus is mentioned by Mark because he followed Jesus.

Hopefully, with this explanation, the reader sees how all of the incidents, reported in this chapter, support the theme given above.

  1. C10-S1 :  Where Jesus  went next.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, our sentence is adding the incidents of This chapter to what happened in the prior chapter.
    2. The phrase he arose from thence, and cometh into the coasts of Judaea by the farther side of Jordan  means: 'Jesus  left His home in Capernaum (Mark 9:33) and went to this new place'.  While Jesus  was at home, He concentrated on teaching the disciples.  Now, He is, again, teaching the general Jew.
    3. The phrase and the people resort unto him again  means: 'The Jews came to Jesus  for His teaching'.
    4. The phrase and, as he was wont, he taught them again  means: 'Jesus  taught them just as His custom was'.
  2. C10-S2 :  the Pharisees came to pick another doctrinal fight.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, the Pharisees show up one more time and try to disrupt His teaching.  The notes at the start of the Chapter Summary give links to other places where the Gospels deal with this subject.
    2. The phrase The Pharisees came to him, and asked him  means: 'These were the self-appointed religious leaders who taught doctrinal error'.  at this point in the Gospels, they are still trying to argue doctrine.  However, very soon they will change to plotting murder because they lose every doctrinal argument.
    3. The phrase Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife?  means: 'This is their question'.  Notice that they use the word lawful  and not the word righteous.  In His answer, Jesus  makes the distinction between these two words clear.
  3. C10-S3  says: tempting him.  Mark makes their motivation clear in case the reader did not understand it on their own.
  4. C10-S4Jesus  asked them a question based in the law.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this answer is added to the question, and the temptation, reported in the prior two sentences.
    2. The phrase he answered and said unto them  means: 'Jesus  answered their question about lawful  with a question about the Mosaic Law'.
    3. The phrase What did Moses command you?  means: 'This is the question from Jesus'.
  5. C10-S5 :  What is in The law of Moses.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, our sentence adds their answer to the question asked by Jesus.
    2. The phrase they said  means: 'The Pharisees gave this answer'.
    3. The phrase Moses suffered to write a bill of divorcement, and to put her away  means: 'This is their answer'.  This answer comes from Deuteronomy 24:1-4.  Notice that Moses wrote: because he hath found some uncleanness in her.  This requirement is that she does something to make her spiritually unclean.  However, they ignored this phrase.  In His response, Jesus  clarifies this wiThe the phrase except it be for fornication.
  6. C10-S6 :  Why Moses allowed something different from God's plan.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, Jesus  adds clarification to their understanding of the Mosaic law.
    2. The phrase Jesus answered and said unto them  means: 'Jesus  adds clarification'.
    3. The phrase For the hardness of your heart he wrote you this precept  means: 'Moses added this, not God'.  And, our phrase tells us why Moses added this.
  7. C10-S7 :  the difference of God's plan.
    1. The word But  means that this sentence is continuing the subject of the prior sentence while changing direction.  In this sentence, Jesus  tells them how the plan of God was different from what Moses allowed.  Here we see Jesus  switch the discussion from what is lawful  to what is righteous.
    2. The phrase But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female  means: 'Sodomy and other similar sins go against the plan of God'.  This includes divorce and remarriage.
  8. C10-S8 :  Quote scripture.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word For,  which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true.  .
    2. The phrase For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh.  This sentence quotes Genesis 2:24.  That verse is also quoted in Matthew 19:4-5 and Ephesians 5:31.  It is especially important to consider the context of this quote in Ephesians as that chapter has direct commandments for saved people concerning the related doctrine.
  9. C10-S9  says: What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.  Even the lost quote this sentence.  This sentence command us to not cause divorce.
  10. C10-S10  says: And in the house his disciples asked him again of the same matter.  The disciples had questions but waited until they were private to ask them.
  11. C10-S11 :  the answer from Jesus  about divorce and remarriage.  Pay close attention to the word and  which is in the middle of our sentence.  Many people 'take a stand' for doctrinal error because they ignore the word and  as they judge the divorced person as if they had also remarried.  Romans 14:4 says: Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand.  They are daring God to bring a judgment against them for taking God's place when they judge a child of God, especially when they are wrong when they do so.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds clarification from Jesus.
    2. The phrase he saith unto them  means: 'Jesus  said this'.  People who alter this statement are perverting The word of God,  just like the Sodomites who try to write their own Bible.
    3. The phrase Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her  means: 'Gives us the requirement from God'.  Anyone who drops either side of the word and  is perverting The word of God.
  12. C10-S12 :  No difference if a woman or man do it.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, in this sentence, Jesus  adds about the woman just in case someone tries to claim that this law of God only applies to the males.
    2. The phrase if a woman shall put away her husband, and be married to another, she committeth adultery.
  13. C10-S13 :  the disciples made a mistake about children.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, is adding the report of the next incident to the report of the prior incident.  Where the prior incident dealt with doctrinal error about the relationship between adults, this next incident deals with doctrinal error about the relationship between God and children.
    2. The phrase they brought young children to him, that he should touch them  means: 'The general Jew sought blessings for their children'.
    3. The phrase and his disciples rebuked those that brought them  means: 'The disciples reacted as their religious training told them to react'.  In many societies, child death is common.  Therefore, many parents reserve their feelings until they believe that the children will live through the childhood diseases.  In addition, history tells us that the Jewish society considered children to be a drag on resources until they could help with chores.  Therefore, the religious and social training of Jews insisted that children had little values.  And, because of that, the disciples tried to protect the time of Jesus.  In response, Jesus  teaches that children are important to God.
  14. C10-S14 :  the reaction by Jesus.
    1. The word But  means that this sentence is continuing the subject of the prior sentence while changing direction.  This sentence shows us how Jesus  had a different value of children than the common Jew had.
    2. The phrase But when Jesus saw it  means: 'This is when Jesus  responded'.
    3. The phrase he was much displeased  means: 'This is how Jesus  reacted'.
    4. The phrase and said unto them  means: 'Jesus  corrected their belief'.
    5. The phrase Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God  means: 'This is the instruction from Jesus'.
  15. C10-S15Jesus  added a precept.
    1. The phrase Verily  means: 'Jesus  verified this truth and we should also verify it'.
    2. The phrase I say unto you  means: 'This is a doctrinal statement from Jesus'.
    3. The phrase Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child  means: 'This is God's requirement'.
    4. The phrase he shall not enter therein  means: 'This is the result of not fulfilling God's requirement'.
  16. C10-S16Jesus  blessed the children.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence says that Jesus  backed His words with action.
    2. The phrase he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them  means: 'This is what Jesus  did'.
  17. C10-S17Jesus  is asked a doctrinal question.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, is adding the report of the next incident to the report of the prior incident.  The prior report told us about God's requirements for children to have a relationship with Him and this report tells us God's requirements for a lost adult to have a relationship with Him.
    2. The phrase when he was gone forth into the way  means: 'This means as Jesus  was traveling to His next planned stop'.
    3. The phrase there came one running, and kneeled to him, and asked him  means: 'He started out properly'.  The equivalent accounts tell us about a ruler  and a lawyer  asking the same question.  (There is reason to believe that this report is the same incident ad the ruler  that Luke reports about.)  {See the start of the Chapter Summary for references.}
    4. The phrase Good Master  means: 'Here he messes up'.  He addressed Jesus  as Master  ('teacher') and not as Lord  ('God in human flesh').  And, like many lost religious people today, he believes that obedience is optional.  He believes that he will be accepted into Heaven even while refusing to meet God's requirement for us to accept Jesus  as our personal Lord.
    5. The phrase what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?  means: 'He asks the right question'.  Therefore, Jesus  gives Him the right answer.
  18. C10-S18 and C10-S19Jesus  responds with a question to make the man think.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this question is a direct response to the question in the prior sentence.  In addition, the next sentence is also part of this response.
    2. The phrase Jesus said unto him  means: 'Jesus  wants him to think about his question and the answer from Jesus'.  Jesus  answers a question with a question to make people think.  Usually, when Jesus  does this, there is a significant problem with the initial question which we must work out.  .
    3. The phrase Why callest thou me good?  means: 'This is the question.  Add this question to the next statement and you have a clue about the true problem'.
    4. C10-S19  says: there is none good but one, that is, God.  means: 'Jesus  is telling this man that by calling Him good,  he is also admitting that Jesus  is 'God in human flesh'.  However, by calling Jesus  Master,  Je is also denying that Jesus  is 'God in human flesh'.  This inconsistency in attitude is the source of his problem'.
  19. C10-S20  says: Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honour thy father and mother  means: 'This man personally knew all of the Ten Commandments and more'.  Please see the section called Jesus and the Ten Commandments in the Study called Significant Gospel Events for links to other places in the Gospels where Jesus  dealt with the Ten Commandments.
  20. C10-S21 :  the man claims to have never sinned.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this answer was added the command from Jesus  in the prior sentence.
    2. The phrase he answered and said unto him  means: 'This is what the young man claimed'.
    3. The phrase Master  means: 'Once more, we see that he is thinking of Jesus  the wrong way'.  Like many today, he wants Jesus  to fix things so that he can go to Heaven but he is not willing to obey.
    4. The phrase all these have I observed from my youth  has many problems with it.  First, this does not deal with deliberate sins that he did while younger that what he considers to be youth.  Next, he is using human thinking about sin.  Men excuse accidental death while Jesus  said that hating your brother is murder in your heart.  Men excuse everything less than intercourse while Jesus  said that adultery  includes looking with lust.  Therefore, his major mistake, which is also the mistake of most men, is believing that God has to use their personal standard of geed, when God judges them.  They refuse to accept God's written law in The word of God.
  21. C10-S22Jesus  loves the man with the truth.  A lot of people have problems understanding this because Jesus  let him walk away lost and, yet, our sentence says that Jesus loved him.  True love does not take away our free will even for our own eternal good.
    1. The phrase Then Jesus beholding him loved him  means: 'This was the motivation of Jesus'.
    2. The phrase and said unto him  means: 'Jesus  used words which could be accepted or rejected'.
    3. The phrase One thing thou lackest  means: 'He needed to fix this lack if he wanted to inherit eternal life'.
    4. The phrase go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven  means: 'Put treasure in heaven  at a higher value than everything in this world'.
    5. The phrase and come, take up the cross, and follow me  means: 'Be willing to suffer anything, including death on a cross, in order to follow Jesus'.
    6. I have personally done this.  Therefore, I am not just writing what the sentence says but have learned, through personal experience, what are the advantages and disadvantages of obeying this command.
  22. C10-S23 :  the man left lost.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds the reaction by the man to the requirement stated by Jesus.
    2. The phrase he was sad at that saying  means: 'How he reacted'.
    3. The phrase and went away grieved  means: 'What he did'.
    4. The phrase for he had great possessions  means: 'Why he felt and acted like he did'.
  23. C10-S24Jesus  explains his problem.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, Jesus  adds this explanation to the reaction of the man.
    2. The phrase Jesus looked round about  means: 'Jesus  looked at all of the people around Him'.  Remember that our chapter started with the statement The people resort unto him again; and, as he was wont, he taught them again.  So, we have lots of the general Jews in attendance.  Then we read that The Pharisees came to him, and asked him...tempting him.  So, His religious enemies were there.  Then we read about people who brought young children to him, that he should touch them.  So, there were people looking for blessings in attendance.  And, of course, His disciples were there.  So, Jesus  looked at all of these different types of people who had many different reasons for being there, and He explains, to His disciples, why this man went away sad.  And, when they take over the ministry, they will also have all of these types of people in their church.  They also will have to deal with all of these different types and different motivations.  And, they will have to understand that they must let some people leave lost because God gave them a free will and God will not take that away from them.  Therefore, the servants of God can not take away the free will of people.
    3. The phrase and saith unto his disciples  means: 'Jesus  is teaching a lesson of understanding to His disciples'.
    4. The phrase How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God!  means: 'It is almost impossible, but not completely impossible, for people with many material things to concentrate on the spiritual above the physical'.  Remember that The kingdom of God  is: 'God's character in you today and the 1,000 years reign of Christ  in the future'.  And, in order to develop God's character in you, you must mature spiritually which means paying attention to the spiritual to the point of neglecting the physical.  And, people who have riches  find that very hard to do.
  24. C10-S25  says: And the disciples were astonished at his words.   this is the reaction by the disciples.  This sentence adds the reaction of the disciples to the instruction from Jesus,  which was reported in the prior sentence.
  25. C10-S26Jesus  explains the basis of the doctrine.
    1. The word But  means that this sentence is continuing the subject of the prior sentence while changing direction.  Jesus  is answering their reaction while explaining why they want to have a different reaction.
    2. The phrase But Jesus answereth again, and saith unto them  means: 'Jesus  answered their reaction and old them why their prior belief was wrong'.  The Jewish religious leaders taught that earthly riches showed blessings by God.  And, they claimed, that richer people would have a higher position in heaven and poor people would have the lowest positions if not sent to Hell.  Of course, Jesus  taught that God used a different standard to judge people and what they had been taught all of their life was wrong.
    3. The phrase Children  means: 'Jesus  called them children because their spiritual understanding was at the level of a little child'.
    4. The phrase how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God!  means: 'People who trust in riches  find it very hard to stop trusting in them and to trust in God for all of their provision instead'.  If people do not result trust in God, then they will not spiritually mature and will not develop the character of God in their own character.  As a result, they will find it very hard to enter into the kingdom of God.
    5. One thing that the reader needs to keep in mind is that, just like today, people in Gospel times had a hard time separating The kingdom of God  from The kingdom of Heaven.
  26. C10-S27 :  An analogy to explain the truth.
    1. Our sentence says: It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.  This meaning of this sentence is disputed with people siding up to one of two different opinions.  And, each opinion has problems with it.  In addition, both opinions have problems because people don't separate The kingdom of God  from The kingdom of Heaven.
    2. Some people claim that Jesus  meant a physical sewing needle.  However, such an interpretation would render this saying to be: 'a rich man can never enter into the kingdom of God'.  Therefore, they object because they think that this sentence would then be saying: 'it is impossible for a rich man to be saved' as opposed to saying; 'it is impossible for someone who trusts in riches to receive the character of God'.  I, personally, believe that this sentence is saying: 'it is impossible for someone who trusts in riches to receive the character of God'.  Such an interpretation matches the context of the entire chapter.
    3. The other opinion centers on the claim that the night time entrance to a city was a small door which required a man to stoop to enter.  A camel would have to be unloaded, crawl through on its knees (which camels fiercely object to) and the load carried through the gate by men stooping over.  While this is not impossible, it is very difficult.  And, while I do not object to this interpretation, it does not match the context as well as the prior true interpretation.  In addition, people still argue this interpretation because they do not separate The kingdom of God  from The kingdom of Heaven.  That is: they base their arguments on believing that this sentence is speaking about eternal salvation and not about receiving the character of God while in this physical life.
  27. C10-S28 :  the reaction by the disciples.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds the reaction of the disciples to what Jesus  said in the prior sentence.
    2. The phrase And they were astonished out of measure  means: 'The doctrine of the prior sentence was so far removed from their traditional religious teaching that they reacted this way'.
    3. The phrase saying among themselves, Who then can be saved?  lets us know that they were asking each other instead of asking Jesus.  And, as we read in the next sentence, Jesus  did not clarify the difference between The kingdom of God  and The kingdom of Heaven.  That would have added to their confusion.  In stead, as our next sentence tells us, he told them to trust God for things which they did not understand.  That is a command o: have faith in God.
  28. C10-S29 :  Trust God, not men.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this answer from Jesus  is directly attached to the reaction which was reported in the prior sentence.
    2. The phrase Jesus looking upon them saith  means: 'This is what Jesus  said as something that should be accepted as a life-time principle (saith)'.
    3. The phrase With men it is impossible, but not with God  means: 'God is not limited by the rules of this physical reality'.  Doing miracles is not hard for God the do.
    4. The phrase for with God all things are possible  is a phrase that fools like to pervert the meaning of.  And, God refuses to answer such foolishness.  So, for example, fools ask: 'can God make a rock so big that He can't lift it?'.  Such thinking is limited to our physical reality and God is not limited that way.  Proverbs 26:4 says: Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.  God refuses to become a fool and tells us also to refuse to get into such foolish arguments.
  29. C10-S30 :  Peter asks about their eternal reward.
    1. The word Then  means: 'as a result of the doctrine which preceded this sentence'.
    2. The phrase Peter began to say unto him  means: 'This is just the first (began to say)  question that the disciples had for Jesus  about this doctrine'.  This time, they went to the right person to get their answers.
    3. The word Lo  means: 'This word is used to excite particular attention in a hearer to some object of sight, or subject of discourse'.
    4. The phrase we have left all, and have followed thee  means: 'We followed you personally (thee)  because of the promises of everlasting rewards.  If what we have been taught is not the right way to get everlasting rewards, then how are we supposed to get them?'.  Please pay attention to the answer from Jesus,  in our next sentence, because the context helps us to understand what Peter was truly asking with this sentence.
  30. C10-S31 :  Rewards promised.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, the answer from Jesus,  in this sentence, is directly attached to the implied question from Peter in the prior sentence.
    2. The phrase Jesus answered and said  means: 'This comes directly from Jesus  and is a promise that we are to base our life upon'.  Please see the notes for each sentence for the details related to these prophecies.  Please also see the Promises and other Section of the Significant Gospel Events Study for Bible references to similar promises.
    3. The phrase Verily I say unto you  means: 'We should verify (verily)  this saying from Jesus  against what is written in other places of The word of God'.
    4. The phrase There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel's  means: 'This is a detailed list of things which God will require His servants to leave in order to serve Jesus  and to serve The Gospel'.
    5. The phrase But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands  means: 'This is a list of the promised blessings for obeying this sentence'.
    6. The phrase with persecutions  means: 'This is also promised'.  People want the prior promises without this promise but Jesus  said that we can not have the one without also receiving the other.
    7. The phrase and in the world to come eternal life  means: 'This is where we will receive the most valuable rewards'.
  31. C10-S32 :  God's order is often opposite of man's order.
    1. The word But  means that this sentence is continuing the subject of the prior sentence while changing direction.  The prior sentence gave us the promised rewards for my (Jesus) sake, and the gospel's.  However, many saved people want to be the most important people here and also be the most important in Heaven.  Our sentence tells us that such desires will not be fulfilled.
    2. The phrase many that are first shall be last; and the last first  is explained in more detail further on in Mark 10:42-45.
  32. C10-S33Jesus  led while the disciples dealt with their reactions.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence is added to the prior sentences.  Jesus  has been telling them about everlasting rewards for serving God.  This sentence and the next tell us what Jesus  had to do to get everlasting rewards.  from this sentence on, we read about Jesus  going to Jerusalem to suffer, die and rise again.
    2. The phrase they were in the way going up to Jerusalem  means: 'This is where they were going'.  This is the third, and final, tome that Jesus  goes to Jerusalem during His Earthly ministry.  He went there for each Passover.  Please see the note for John 11:55; which gives us the separation of three Passovers  within Gospels.
    3. The phrase and Jesus went before them  means: 'Jesus  led the way even though He had been warned that the religious leaders would try to kill Him'.
    4. The phrase and they were amazed; and as they followed, they were afraid  means: 'This is the reaction of the disciples'.  They had also heard the warnings.  They had heard the prophecies by Jesus.  And, it made no sense to them why He would go there in spite of the warnings and prophecies.
  33. C10-S34Jesus,  again, prophesies that He will be killed and rise from the dead.  Please see the Section called: Prophecies in the Significant Gospel Events Study for other Bible references to where this type of prophecy was made by Jesus.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, our prior sentence told us that Jesus  was leading His disciples to Jerusalem.  This sentence adds the prophecy of what will happen there.
    2. The phrase he took again the twelve, and began to tell them what things should happen unto him, Saying  means: 'Jesus  gave this prophecy'.
    3. The phrase Behold, we go up to Jerusalem; and the Son of man shall be delivered unto the chief priests, and unto the scribes; and they shall condemn him to death, and shall deliver him to the Gentiles  means: 'This is what the Jewish religious leaders will do'.
    4. The phrase And they shall mock him, and shall scourge him, and shall spit upon him, and shall kill him  means: 'This is what the Gentiles will do'.
    5. The phrase and the third day he shall rise again  means: 'This is what Jesus  will do'.
    6. The disciples missed out on the comfort from God, which came from the prophecy of Jesus  rising from the dead, because they rejected the prophecy of His suffering and dying.  When we reject a truth from The word of God,  we also miss out on the blessing which is attached to that truth.
  34. C10-S35 :  James and John change the subject.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds that James and John asked for a special blessing even while they rejected the prophecy.
    2. The phrase James and John, the sons of Zebedee, come unto him, saying  means: 'This is who made the request'.
    3. The phrase Master  means: 'teacher'.  In the second next sentence they ask for what can only be given by Lord  ('God in human flesh'), or God the Father, but they do not address Jesus  by that title / role even when they make this request.  And, Jesus,  indirectly, corrects them in the next few sentences.
    4. The phrase we would that thou shouldest do for us whatsoever we shall desire  means: 'This is their indirect request'.  They asked Jesus  to grant a non-specified request.  I believe that they would not have done this if they were thinking of Jesus  as 'God in human flesh'.
  35. C10-S36  says: And he said unto them, What would ye that I should do for you?.  He did not agree before He knew specifically what they wanted.  Please also see the Study called What Did Jesus Do?; which tells us that we should follow His example when we find ourselves in a similar situation.
  36. C10-S37 :  James and John make their request.  As explained for C10-S35; this request can only be given by Lord  ('God in human flesh'), or God the Father.  But they did not address Jesus  by that title / role even when they make this request.  And, Jesus,  indirectly, corrects them in the next few sentences.
    1. The phrase They said unto him  means: 'This is the request from James and John'.  Matthew 20:20-28 adds that their mother was also there when this request was made.  She was an important person in the support of the ministry of Jesus.
    2. The phrase Grant unto us that we may sit, one on thy right hand, and the other on thy left hand, in thy glory  means: 'This is the specific request'.  And, while we read, in a few sentences, that the other disciples were upset with James and John, Jesus  was not.  In stead, He used it as a teaching device to tell all of us how to become great in His kingdom.  Therefore, there is nothing wrong with this desire but we need to pursue it the correct way.
  37. C10-S38Jesus  responds to the request.
    1. The word But  means that this sentence is continuing the subject of the prior sentence while changing direction.  Jesus  was not upset with their request but made them think of the full consequences of their request.
    2. The phrase But Jesus said unto them  means: 'Jesus  answered their request by changing the direction of the answer'.
    3. The phrase Ye know not what ye ask  means: 'There was more involved in their request than they realized'.
    4. The phrase can ye drink of the cup that I drink of?  means: 'Jesus  asked if they were prepared to pay all that was required in order to receive their request?'.
  38. C10-S39Jesus  adds to His question of their resolve.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, Jesus  was adding that they would have to also accept the meaning of this sentence.
    2. The phrase be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?  means: 'This sentence symbolically asks if they were willing to be identified with the suffering that Jesus  would suffer'.
  39. C10-S40  says: And they said unto him, We can.  Simply put, they were willing to pay whatever price that God required.
  40. C10-S41Jesus  answers them.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, Jesus  added this prophecy to their answer.  Please see the Section called: Prophecies; in the Significant Gospel Events Study, for Bible references to this and other related prophecies.
    2. The phrase And Jesus said unto them  means: 'Jesus  made this prophecy'.
    3. The phrase Ye shall indeed drink of the cup that I drink of; and with the baptism that I am baptized withal shall ye be baptized  means: 'James and John would also suffer like Jesus  would and would be identified with suffering for The kingdom of God'.
    4. The phrase But to sit on my right hand and on my left hand is not mine to give  means: 'God the Father decided who would have those positions in the kingdom of Christ  that will rule and reign this physical world for 1,000-years'.  Some positions will be given to Old Testament saints like Abraham, Moses and David.  Some positions will be given to New Testament saints like the Apostles.
    5. The phrase but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared  means: 'God the Father prepared the people who will have the top positions'.
  41. C10-S42 :  the other disciples were upset with James and John.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, the reaction reported in this sentence is a direct result of what was reported in the prior sentences.
    2. The phrase when the ten heard it  means: 'The other disciples were upset'.  Most likely, they were jealous because they did not think to make the request first.
    3. The phrase they began to be much displeased with James and John  means: 'This was their reaction towards James and John'.
  42. C10-S43Jesus  says the common practice in the world.
    1. The word But  means that this sentence is continuing the subject of the prior sentence while changing direction.  In this sentence, we read that Jesus  corrected their reaction.
    2. The phrase But Jesus called them to him, and saith unto them  means: 'Jesus  made sure that they all personally heard, and understood, His correction of their attitude'.
    3. The phrase Ye know that they which are accounted to rule over the Gentiles exercise lordship over them  means: 'Each and every one of them personally (ye)  know how the world uses authority'.
    4. The phrase and their great ones exercise authority upon them  means: 'The people in high authority order around people who have less authority'.
  43. C10-S44Jesus  says that it will be different for saved people.
    1. The word But  means that this sentence is continuing the subject of the prior sentence while changing direction.  The difference is that God's people, especially the church, are to not act that way.  As has been preached many times: 'The Way Up is Down'.
    2. The phrase But so shall it not be among you  means: 'God's people are to not act like the world'.
    3. The phrase but whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister  means: 'The person who wants to have the highest position in Heaven must take the lowest position on Earth'.
    4. The phrase And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all  means: 'The person who wants to be great in Heaven must be the servant of everyone'.
  44. C10-S45Jesus  explains that He is our example.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word For,  which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true.
    2. The phrase even the Son of man  means: 'This sentence is speaking about the humanity of Jesus'.  In this sentence Jesus  tells us how He acted like a typical man and how that makes Him our example.  Please also see the Study called What Did Jesus Do?; which tells us that we should follow His example when we find ourselves in a similar situation.
    3. The phrase came not to be ministered unto, but to minister  means: 'This is the position He accepted even though He was / is God in human flesh'.
    4. The phrase and to give his life a ransom for many  means: 'Jesus  came to die and pay the debt for our sins'.
  45. C10-S46 :  the incident in Jericho.  Some people get confused over the details of this report because they do not read the details carefully or they believe an error reported by someone who did not read the reports carefully.  Please see the notes in the Detail Study in order to understand the details which are conveyed and understood only by careful examination of every word.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence is adding the report of this last incident to all of the other reports which support the theme of this chapter.
    2. The phrase they came to Jericho  means: 'This phrase reports their arrival in Jericho after the incident which Mark reported happening on the way there'.
    3. The phrase and as he went out of Jericho with his disciples and a great number of people  means: 'This phrase reports their departure from Jericho'.  While not reporting what happened while they were there, Mark does report their gaining a great number of people  who followed Jesus  and His disciples.
    4. The phrase blind Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, sat by the highway side begging  means: 'This identifies the main person of this report'.  Matthew 20:3o tells us: two blind men sitting by the way side.  The fact that Mark does not bother reporting the second man is not a conflict.  In fact, our chapter theme is: 'Eternal Spiritual Rewards Versus Temporary Physical Rewards'.  And, when we truly consider what is reported about blind Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus,  as compared to what is reported about the second man, we see a major difference in the two men's attitudes and actions.  And, the evidence shows that blind Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus  not only received his sight but he was also saved.  However, the lack of similar reports for the second man indicated that, while he may have received his physical sight, he was not spiritually saved.  The lesson is that even receiving a miracle from God is not proof of spiritual salvation.  We need a God caused changed life.
  46. C10-S47 :  Blind Bartimaeus begged for mercy.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds the change in action by blind Bartimaeus  when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth.
    2. The phrase when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth  means: 'This is what motivated his action'.  Too many people miss their opportunity for a blessing because they refuse to act.
    3. The phrase he began to cry out, and say  means: 'This is what he did'.
    4. The phrase Jesus, thou Son of David  means: 'This is how he addressed Jesus'.  The Jewish religious teaching included that God's Christ  would also be a Son of David.  Thus, he was claiming: 'You personally (thou)  are the Son of David  Who is God's Christ'.
    5. The phrase have mercy on me  means: 'Here he begs for mercy and was not afraid to let everyone know that he was doing so'.
  47. C10-S48 :  Blind Bartimaeus refused to be dissuaded.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, the prior sentence told us that this man made a big commotion.  This sentence says that people told him to be quiet but he refused their demands.  There are times that God wants us to make such a commotion that people pay attention to the miracle which God gives to us.
    2. The phrase many charged him that he should hold his peace  means: 'Some people think it is embarrassing if someone admits they need help, even when it is obviously true'.
    3. The phrase but he cried the more a great deal, thou Son of David, have mercy on me  means: 'He ignored their embarrassment and opinions and concentrated on getting what he needed'.
  48. C10-S49  says: And Jesus stood still, and commanded him to be called.  This reaction by Jesus  is a direct result of his action.  Quite often God will put us through a test and only bless those people who are truly sincere.
  49. C10-S50 :  People told blind Bartimaeus the good news.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence tells us how the people responded to the command from Jesus.
    2. The phrase they call the blind man  means: 'These are the people who were telling him to be quiet'.
    3. The phrase saying unto him, Be of good comfort, rise; he calleth thee  means: 'They changed their message at the command of Jesus'.
  50. C10-S51 :  Blind Bartimaeus went to Jesus.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence shows hos prompt response to the call of Jesus.
    2. The word he  means: 'This identifies the blind man'.
    3. The phrase casting away his garment  means: 'He proved his true faith'.  Beggars, reportedly, had special garments to identify them as a beggar.  He cast away his garment,  before he received his sight, to prove his faith that he would receive his sight.
    4. The phrase rose, and came to Jesus  means: 'The blind man went to the only person who could give him sight'.
    5. Miracles are to always be understood within the context where they are reported.  They are a physical example of the doctrine found in context of the miracle.  Our chapter theme is: 'Eternal Spiritual Rewards Versus Temporary Physical Rewards'.  In our chapter we say the disciples not receiving comfort of the resurrection because they refused the believe, and understand, the prophecy of Jesus.  They remained blind in that instance.  The religious people failed to understand God's purpose in marriage and remained spiritually blind.  The rich man refused to see the difference between physical wealth and spiritual rewards and remained lost and spiritually blind.  But when Jesus  explained how to be great in His kingdom, the spiritual blindness of the disciples was removed.  Thus, our miracle shows us that we need to cry out to Jesus,  and go to Him in spite of obstacles, if we want to remove spiritual blindness.  In addition, we need to go in true Biblical faith  and accept whatever He tells us, if we truly want to remove spiritual blindness.
  51. C10-S52Jesus  made him voice his request publicly.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds the question from Jesus  to the act of faith by blind Bartimaeus.
    2. The phrase Jesus answered and said unto him  means: 'Jesus  responded to the act of faith by blind Bartimaeus'.
    3. The phrase What wilt thou that I should do unto thee?  means: 'Jesus  required him to state his request'.  When we want something from God, we need to be able to clearly state what we want and not hope some general request for God to make things better is sufficient.
  52. C10-S53  says: The blind man said unto him, Lord, that I might receive my sight.  Notice that he had very specific request.  Also, He addressed Jesus  as Lord  with a capitalized word.  That is, he addressed Jesus  as: 'God in human flesh'.  People are foolish to ask for a miracle, which requires the power of God, even while they regard Jesus  as: 'just another human man'.
  53. C10-S54  says: And Jesus said unto him, Go thy way; thy faith hath made thee wholeJesus  did not have to touch him.  Nor did He have to do any of the other things which fake 'faith healers' claim is required.  Our sentence says that his faith  is all that was required for God to work.
  54. C10-S55  says: And immediately he received his sight, and followed Jesus in the way.  Please notice the phrase and followed Jesus in the way.  This is what shows that he was saved in addition to receiving physical sight.

Chapter 11 Summary:

Theme: A fruitful Religion Versus a Show Religion.

All throughout this Gospel we have seen places where the same, or similar, events were reported in other Gospels, especially in Matthew and Luke.  This will be even more significant from this chapter through Chapter 15.  Many of the links for related sections can be found in the Study called Significant Gospel Events.  In particular, please see the sections called: Harmony, Promises, and Prophecies.  Please also see the Study called Gospel Time Sequences.  This chapter is part of the later ministry of Jesus  where we can know the absolute time sequence of events that occur between here and the end of the Gospel account.  Please also see the Table of Miracles in the Gospels for miracles reported in this chapter.  Finally, please also see the Study called What Did Jesus Do?.

Mark 11:1-11; Matthew 21:1-11; Luke 19:28-38 and John 12:12 all report that Jesus  entered Jerusalem for the final conflict with the religious leaders.  This is what is commonly celebrated as 'Palm Sunday'.  Jesus  actually stopped at Bethany, on the way to Jerusalem, and John 12:1-11 tells us about that event.

Mark 11:12-14; Mark 11:20-21 and Matthew 21:18-22 tell us about Jesus  cursing the fig tree because it had no fruit.

Mark 11:15-19; Matthew 21:12-13; Luke 19:45-48; and John 2:13-16 all report that Jesus  cleanses the Temple.

Mark 11:22-26 and Matthew 21:21-22 tell us the lesson which Jesus  taught based upon the cursing of the fig tree.  We also see the same principal applied to casting out devils in Matthew 17:20.  As Jesus  said there, we do not see this type of answer to our prayers because of our unbelief.

Mark 11:27-33; Matthew 21:23-27 and Luke 20:1-7 report that the chief priests and the elders challenged Jesus  as He taught in the Temple.

As the reader looks at various chapters, they need to consider the context of the chapter within this Gospel and how the chapters fit together to give us the message of the Gospel account.  For example, the theme of the prior chapter was 'Eternal spiritual rewards versus temporary physical rewards'.  Now look at the theme of our current chapter ('A fruitful Religion Versus a Show Religion').  The 'show religion' is all about getting 'temporary physical rewards'.  The 'fruitful religion' is all about getting 'Eternal spiritual rewards'.  Thus, the reader should be able to see the relationship within these chapters.  The reader is encouraged to look at all of the themes of the chapters, within this Gospel account, and see the progression which is in Mark's Gospel.

Our religion is how we serve and worship God.  Most religions are only a show put on for other men and God (or gods).  They only considered how much is necessary for the show.  In addition, most religious people and religious activity is mainly concerned with the show.  Most religions do not truly consider the spiritual significance of attitudes and actions.  However, as our chapter teaches, God condemns such activity and looks for true spiritual fruit.

Mark's true message, in this chapter, is seen by considering this chapter in total and by considering the four main incidents, which Mark reports, and how they fit together to support his message.  Please consider the theme of this chapter, which is given above.  The first incident, which is reported in our chapter, teaches us the vanity of a false 'show religion'.  It is the entrance of Jesus  in glory and this parade threatened the leaders of the 'show religion', just like a true religion threatens all 'show religions'.  Our second incident, the cursing of the fig tree, teaches us the power of a true relationship with God, which is expressed in a true religion.  The third incident teaches us that God demands purity and He will not allow corruption in His house nor allow it in His kingdom.  The fourth incident teaches us that only people with a true personal relationship with God have the true authority to represent God.  This also shows us whom we should truly be following.

Within this chapter is the account of the last time that Jesus  went to Jerusalem and cleansed the Temple before His crucifixion.  The accounts of this chapter relate to how He made it clear that 'Show Religion' is condemned by God because God looks for true spiritual fruit.  His triumphant entry, and His cleansing of the Temple, are what drove the Jewish leaders to have Him crucified because they realized that His turning the people to God would reduce their religious, and other, authority and power.  That authority and power was based upon their religious show, which Jesus  condemned with the accounts which are reported in this chapter.  We also see these accounts reported in Matthew 21; Luke 19:28-48 and John 2:13 through the end of that chapter.

Now some people claim that the account in John was a similar action which was done at a different time and that Jesus  actually cleansed the Temple twice.  Since the account in John is at the beginning of his Gospel, there is some basis for that claim.  However, John's Gospel is not entirely sequential and John tells different accounts when they are required to support the message of a particular chapter.  So, for example, John puts the beginning and the end of the ministry of Jesus  in Chapter 2 to provide the outer limits of his message, as was done by several Jewish writers.  Therefore, it could be speaking about the same incident, even though it is at the start of John's Gospel.  With that said, we must acknowledge that neither opinion can be proved to be more valid.  However, given the reaction by the religious leaders to Jesus  cleansing the Temple, and given attitudes and actions of the religious leaders to the start of the ministry by Jesus,  there is a very large problem reconciling the two sets if Jesus  truly cleansed the Temple at the start of His ministry.

In another related matter, John 12:12-16 tell about His triumphant entry into Jerusalem, just like our current chapter, without mentioning the cleansing.  Further, there are details in the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Luke which are not in Mark's Gospel.  Therefore, all of the accounts need to be considered together if the reader wants to know all of the details.  Please see the Study called Gospel Time Sequences in order to see how the reported incidents, from the various Gospel accounts, fit together with no conflict.

Please realize that all of the Gospel writers, have a purpose for writing their Gospel.  Each writer only included those details which were required to support the message which he was delivering.  Therefore, it is not necessary to have all of the details which other writers might include to support a different purpose.  These different purposes, and the need to report the details which support the different purposes, are why different Gospels contain different details even while they include some similar or same details.

Returning to the consideration of only this Gospel, we can see that our first sentence, and our chapter, start with the word and.  Remember the general note for this Gospel which mentioned how often Mark uses this word and how that makes it important to keep things in context.  Basically, the common practice of looking at a part of a Bible book, without considering the message of the entire book, will lead to error if we use that practice with this Gospel.  In particular, not only is it important to consider this chapter within the context where it is found within this Gospel, but it is critical to consider the entire chapter as a single unit and consider how the incidents reported within this chapter relate to each other.  In cidents which are reported within this chapter are preached often.  And, while there is a lot of good and truthful preaching about what is found here, the common practice of not considering the context, and the relationship with the rest of the chapter, leads to partial truths often being preached.

That said, we need to realize that in Mark 1:22 we were told: And they were astonished at his doctrine: for he taught them as one that had authority, and not as the scribes.  Therefore, at the start of His Gospel Mark tell us about how Jesus  became a danger to the authority of the scribes and other religious leaders.  Then in the beginning of Chapter 2 we were told how a large crowd gathered at the house where Jesus  was and, when He healed a man, there were certain of the scribes sitting there, and reasoning in their hearts (but not asking aloud) Why doth this man thus speak blasphemies?  thus they were already judging Jesus  by their religious rules and not by the truth of the Bible.  Then in Mark 2:16 we see the Pharisees joining the scribes to vocally challenge Jesus  and His doctrine.  By the time we get to Mark 3:22 we read that they are accusing Jesus  of serving Beelzebub.  (Hopefully the reader understands this trend and how it is escalating.)  then in Mark 11:18 the chief priests  joined in.  In Mark 11:27 the elders  joined in.  By the time we get to the crucifixion, the high priests  and representatives of all groups of people in the Earth have joined in.  Thus, we see an escalating fight with more and more people joining to fight Jesus  but they all lose because He represented God the Father, Who is more powerful than all created beings combined.

Mark spends several chapters, between Chapter 3 where only the scribes are fighting Him and Chapter 11 where the chief priests  join in, telling us about Jesus  dealing with others, and the varied reactions which He received from them.  However, no others were as openly hostile and fighting against Jesus  as the religious leaders were.  Therefore, we can see the differences between the religious leaders, the believers, and all others in their reaction to the doctrine taught by Jesus.  The religious leaders pushed the doctrine of a carnal, worldly 'show religion'.  The true believers accepted the doctrine of a personal relationship with God, which is the doctrine preached by Jesus.  The rest of the people drifted to the political power that seemed to be in charge at the moment.

There is another point to also keep in mind.  At the start of all of the Gospels, Jesus.  spoke to all of the religious leaders and answered their questions, as evidenced by the response to Nicodemus in John 3.  However, by Mark 11:33 we read: Jesus answering saith unto them, Neither do I tell you by what authority I do these things.  Part of the doctrinal error, which is pushed by all 'show religions', is the claim that no matter how much you sin nor for how long, God is always ready to forgive you.  There are many places in the Bible and in this Gospel, such as the evidence I just pointed out, where we are told that God will tolerate our sinful abuse only to a certain point.  After that point, God starts cutting off things which we might get from Him until He removes the possibility of salvation itself as we see in John 9:41 and Hebrews 10:26.  This truth is another doctrine which the reader should keep in mind as they study this chapter.

The end of our chapter teaches us that only people with a true personal relationship with God have the true authority to represent God.  People who push a 'show religions' do not truly represent God but, in truth, represent the doctrine of devils.  We should not follow such people but should truly be follow those who have the God-given evidence that they truly represent God.  In the remainder of this Gospel Mark reports how this conflict continues to grow until it ends with the crucifixion and eternal damnation of those who opposed Jesus.  Our eternal destiny depends upon whom we choose to follow.

  1. C11-S1 :  Preparation for the entrance into Jerusalem.  The start of the Chapter Summary provides links to where this incident can also be found in other Gospel accounts.  There are interesting additional facts which can be learned by comparing the various accounts.  While they add understanding, there is no conflict between the various accounts.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this chapter is added to the prior chapter.
    2. The phrase when they came nigh to Jerusalem, unto Bethphage and Bethany, at the mount of Olives  means: 'This is where Jesus  was when He sent the disciples to do this job'.  This is close the house of Mary, Martha and Lazarus.  That was where Jesus  stayed until He went to the upper room for the 'Last Supper'.
    3. The phrase he sendeth forth two of his disciples, And saith unto them  means: 'Jesus  almost always sent two together so that there could be no misrepresentation of what they did'.
    4. The phrase Go your way into the village over against you  means: 'This is where Jesus  sent them'.
    5. The phrase and as soon as ye be entered into it, ye shall find a colt tied, whereon never man sat  means: 'This is prophecy of what they would find since that was the only way that Jesus  could know what they would find'.  Please also see the Prophecies Section for Bible references to other prophecies made in the Gospel accounts.
    6. The phrase loose him, and bring him  means: 'This is what they were commanded to do'.
  2. C11-S2  says: And if any man say unto you, Why do ye this?.  This sentence, and the next sentence, add to the instruction of the prior sentence.
  3. C11-S3 :  this sentence, and the prior sentence, add to the instruction of the first sentence.
    1. The phrase say ye that the Lord hath need of him  means: 'This is what the disciples were instructed to say'.
    2. The phrase and straightway he will send him hither  means: 'tell the disciples what response to expect'.  It is possible that Jesus  knew who owned the colt and where it was kept, but then He would have said something like: 'you should find the colt here', not: ye (each and every one of you personally) shall (not might) find a colt tied, whereon never man sat.  People try to pervert the Gospel accounts to fit their religious prejudices.  Even the claim that Gospel accounts are stories is a perversion of truth.  No, if you really study all of the accounts, with an open heart, then the only possible conclusion is that this is prophecy.  Please also see the Prophecies Section for Bible references to other prophecies made in the Gospel accounts.
  4. C11-S4 :  the disciples obeyed the prophecy by Jesus.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, the obedience reported in this sentence is a direct result of the commands found in the prior sentences.
    2. The phrase they went their way, and found the colt tied by the door without in a place where two ways met  means: 'They found exactly what Jesus  said that they would find'.
    3. The phrase and they loose him  means: 'They obeyed His command'.
  5. C11-S5 :  they were questioned exactly as Jesus  prophesied.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, the reaction in this sentence is a direct result of the action in the prior sentence.
    2. The phrase certain of them that stood there said unto them  is matched with the report from Luke 19:33; which says: The owners thereof said unto them.  Therefore, the people who questioned their action shad a right to do so.
    3. The phrase What do ye, losing the colt?  means: 'This is the question that they asked'.
  6. C11-S6 :  Everyone acted exactly as Jesus  had prophesied.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence tells us the response to the question in the prior sentence.
    2. The phrase they said unto them even as Jesus had commanded.  And, Luke 19:34 says: And they said, the Lord hath need of him.  Therefore, the owners were disciples of The Lord  and willing to give their possessions in the service of The Lord.
    3. The phrase and they let them go  tells us there action of the owners.
  7. C11-S7 :  the disciples prepared the colt for Jesus  to ride it.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence says that the disciples obeyed after clearing things with the owners.
    2. The phrase they brought the colt to Jesus  means: 'The disciples obeyed'.
    3. The phrase and cast their garments on him  means: 'The disciples prepared the colt for riding'.
    4. The phrase and he sat upon him  means: 'Jesus  rode the colt'.  This was to fulfill prophecy.  See John 12:15; Zechariah 9:9 and Psalms 148.
  8. C11-S8 :  the people honored Jesus.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds how the people responded to the preparation of the disciples in the prior sentences.  This is what is commonly celebrated as 'Palm Sunday'.  This is a form on honoring someone like a king coming into town.  at this point, the people were happy to honor Jesus  as King  because they thought He was starting the 1,000-years reign of Christ.  However, they quickly turned against Him because He made it clear that His kingdom would not tolerate ongoing sin.
    2. The phrase many spread their garments in the way: and others cut down branches off the trees, and strawed them in the way  means: 'This is the evidence of them honoring Him as King'.
  9. C11-S9 :  the people in the parade praised.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds what people cried to what the prior sentence said that they did.
    2. The phrase they that went before, and they that followed  means: 'These people surrounded Jesus'.
    3. The phrase cried, saying, Hosanna; Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord  means: 'This is praise to God the Father and cries that Jesus  came in the power and authority (name)  of God the Father'.  This is praise to God the Father for sending His King  to start the 1,000-years reign of Christ.  And, they were honoring Jesus  as God's King  and Christ.
    4. The phrase Blessed be the kingdom of our father David, that cometh in the name of the Lord  means: 'This is another way of praising to God the Father for sending His King  to start the 1,000-years reign of Christ'.
    5. The phrase Hosanna in the highest  means: 'Highest praise to God the Father'.
  10. C11-S10 :  Where Jesus  went following His parade of glory.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds what Jesus  did after arriving to the prior sentences which told of His arrival.
    2. The phrase Jesus entered into Jerusalem, and into the temple  means: 'Jesus  entered the capital city and the center of worship as God's King  and Christ'.
    3. The phrase and when he had looked round about upon all things  means: 'This phrase is skipping over (when he had)  the report of other things that He did'.  Please see the Study called Gospel Time Sequences and the related Gospel accounts for those details which Mark does not report.
    4. The phrase and now the eventide was come, he went out unto Bethany with the twelve  means: 'Jesus  and His disciples stayed at the home of Mary, Martha and Lazarus'.
  11. C11-S11 :  Start of the incident of cursing the fig tree.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds what happened the next day to the reports in the prior sentences.
    2. The phrase on the morrow, when they were come from Bethany  means: 'When and where the event happened'.
    3. The phrase he was hungry  means: 'what motivated Jesus'.
    4. The phrase And seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves  means: 'What Jesus  saw'.
    5. The phrase he came, if haply he might find anything thereon  means: 'What Jesus  looked for'.
    6. The phrase and when he came to it, he found nothing but leaves; for the time of figs was not yet  means: 'what Jesus  found'.
  12. C11-S12  says: And Jesus answered and said unto it, No man eat fruit of thee hereafter for everJesus  cursed it because it had no fruit.  Our prior sentence told us: he time of figs was not yet.  Therefore, this curse was a symbolic message to the Jews.  In The word of God,  the fig  'is used symbolically to represent our religious activity'.  Supposedly, the fruit of the fig-tree appears before the leaves.  Therefore, if the tree produced leaves it ought also to have had fruit (Easton's Bible Dictionary).  And, in The word of God,  the fig tree represented the nation of Israel and their religious activity.  The tree had leaves, which is an outward sign of life.  And, the Jews had religious activity, which was an outward sign of religious life.  But the tree had no fruit ('new life').  And, the Jews produced no new spiritual life.  Therefore, God cursed the nation.
    This curse also matches 'The Parable of the Barren Fig Tree' (Luke 13:6-9).  In the parable, the owner said to cut down the tree which produced no fruit.  But the worked said: Lord, let it alone this year also, till I shall dig about it, and dung it: And if it bear fruit, well: and if not, then after that thou shalt cut it down.  The forty months of the ministry of Jesus  represented the spiritual dunging  of the nation.  Since they still refused to produce spiritual fruit, and since they crucified Jesus  instead, God cursed the nation just as Jesus  cursed the fig tree.  This cursing was the last symbolic warning from God the nation of Israel
  13. This is also a warning to all churches and saved people who have the outward appearance of serving God but who do not produce new spiritual life.
  14. C11-S13  says: And his disciples heard it.  With this sentence we see that Jesus  made sure that the judgment was known.  Foolish people can complain about the messengers not telling everyone, but that does not excuse their failure to serve God and does not excuse their sinful lifestyle .  Fools claim: 'Someone in deepest darkest Africa never heard the Gospel and God wouldn't be right to condemn them to Hell'.  However, that does not excuse the person who has heard and rejected the Gospel.  Likewise, if the disciples did not warn all of the Jews about the curse, that does not excuse them for rejecting Jesus  and His message that God wanted them to live a holy and righteous life which truly represented God.  God still cursed them.
  15. C11-S14Jesus  cleansed the Temple.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, our sentence adds the report of the next incident to the cursing of the fig tree.  That is, the incident which this sentence starts is God giving the nation one last chance to produce true spiritual fruit before God curses the nation.
    2. The phrase they come to Jerusalem  means: 'This is where Jesus  started the spiritual cleansing which would be required in order to bring in the 1,000-years reign of Christ'.  The kingdom was not given to the Jews because they rejected the reign of their King.
    3. The phrase and Jesus went into the temple, and began to cast out them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves  means: 'This is what He did to the most obvious signs of sinful religious activity'.
    4. The phrase And would not suffer that any man should carry any vessel through the temple  means: 'This is what the most religious activity that He prevented'.
    5. These things were supposed to happen outside of the Temple.  In addition, it is reported that the priests would often reject the animals brought as sacrifice as insufficient.  They would tell the people to buy an animal, for sacrifice, from one of the approved vendors who had approved animals.  Then, someone would offer to buy their unapproved animal, at a vast discount, so that they did not have to take it all the way back to their home.  Of course, that animal would then be added to the heard of approved animals and be resold with a profit to the people who bought and sold in the Temple.  Thus, Jesus  drove out the thieves who pretended to do a religious service to the people of God.
  16. C11-S15Jesus  teaches true worship and prayer.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds the true teaching after the false was driven out.
    2. The phrase he taught, saying unto them  means: 'This is what Jesus  taught'.
    3. The phrase Is it not written, My house shall be called of all nations the house of prayer?  is a direct quote of Isaiah 56:7.  It also, indirectly, references 2Samuel 7:27; 1Kings 8:29; 1Kings 8:38; 1Kings 9:3; 2Kings 20:5; 2Chronicles 6:20; 2Chronicles 6:29; 2Chronicles 7:12.  With all of these references, the scribes and chief priests  had no excuse for not knowing this truth since it was their job to teach God's word to the people.  However, in two more sentences, we see that they not only were not doing their job but were actually teaching and leading the people in doctrinal error.
  17. C11-S16  says: but ye have made it a den of thieves.  This is God's judgment of their religious activity and the result of a 'show religion'.
  18. C11-S17 :  the religious leaders react violently to the truth.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, Our sentence adds the response of the religious leaders to the condemnation by Jesus.
    2. The phrase The scribes and chief priests heard it  means: 'The religious leaders heard the condemnation by Jesus'.
    3. The phrase and sought how they might destroy him  means: 'They reacted to the condemnation by Jesus'.
    4. The phrase for they feared him, because all the people was astonished at his doctrine  means: 'They hesitated to act openly'.
  19. C11-S18  says: And when even was come, he went out of the city  Jesus  taught all day long then returned to the house of Mary, Martha and Lazarus.
  20. C11-S19  says: And in the morning, as they passed by, they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots.  They were returning to Jerusalem when they saw the cursed fig tree.  Please notice the phrase dried up from the roots.  This matches the teaching by Jesus  in John 15:4-6.
  21. C11-S20  says: And Peter calling to remembrance saith unto him, Master, behold, the fig tree which thou cursedst is withered away.  Here we see that God provided evidence of what He would do to the nation.
  22. C11-S21  says: And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in GodJesus  did not explain all of the symbolic meaning.  This is what we are to do when we see God working but do not understand why God does what He does.
  23. C11-S22 :  the requirement to forgive.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word For,  which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true.
    2. The phrase For verily I say unto you  means: 'Jesus  made this promise and tells us to verify (verily)  it in our own life'.  Please see the Promises and other Section of the Significant Gospel Events Study for Bible references to similar promises.
    3. The phrase That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea  means: 'This is an example and the promise is not limited to this exact thing'.
    4. The phrase and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass  means: 'This is God's requirement for the believer'.
    5. The phrase he shall have whatsoever he saith  means: 'This is God's promise to the believer who fulfills His requirement'.
  24. C11-S23 :  the consequence of not forgiving.
    1. The phrase Therefore I say unto you  means: 'This is the conclusion which Jesus  gives to us'.
    2. The phrase What things sever ye desire  means: 'This is the condition that Jesus  identifies'.  Please pay attention to the fact that He does not say when nor how God will keep His promise.
    3. The phrase when ye pray, believe that ye receive them  means: 'This is the requirement, from God, for receiving a promise of God'.
    4. The phrase and ye shall have them  means: 'This is the promise'.
  25. C11-S24 :  the start of the last incident that is reported in this chapter.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds another requirement from God to the promise in the prior sentence.  Be very careful about this promise because lots of people preach doctrinal error about it.  First, our sentence is speaking about trespasses  and people claim that it applies to felonies.  For example, people who have never suffered abuse claim that the person who is being permanently physically damaged, and even is in fear for their life, must forgive their abuser even before the abuse stops.  In addition, God does not forgive  people who refuse to truly Biblically repent.  Yet, religious people claim that we must be greater than God and forgive  people who are doing felonies and refuse to repent.  And, just to be clear and repeat myself, I am not writing about trespasses.  I am writing about judging a saved person who is the victim of felony abuse and in danger of losing their life and it is not for the Gospel's sake.  Please prayerfully consider Romans 14:10.
    2. The phrase when ye stand praying, forgive  means: 'God treats us like we treat His other children'.  Yes, they may have done you wrong.  However, we must live towards others the way that we want God to treat us when we do wrong.  (If we are a child of God and refuse to repent, God does not forgive us.  Therefore, we lose nothing by withholding forgiveness, for a felony, until the other repents.  As for trespasses,  we want God to forgive those even when we fail to realize that we did them.  Therefore, that is how we are to treat trespasses,  your brother.)
    3. The phrase if ye have ought against any  means: 'This is when our brother has upset us'.  This is what we are told to forgive.  If we don't let these things go then they will turn us bitter.
    4. The phrase that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses  means: 'This is the requirement to get forgiveness from God'.
    5. I need to add a clarification.  And, yes, I have personally suffered multiple years of felony abuse which resulted in my death.  (That was one of the times that God restored me.)  When you are a victim of felony abuse, you must turn it over to God and truly believe that God will deal with the other person in His time and His way.  You must be willing to accept that God might not punish them in this life.  However, if that is true, then you need to hold onto the promise of receiving grater Heavenly rewards than the cost of anything that you suffer here.  No, you do not have to forgive, in this very limited instance.  But, yes, you must leave judgment and vengeance to God.
  26. C11-S25  says: But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.  This gives us the consequence of not forgiving.  The prior sentence told us to forgive.  Thus, we have the consequence of both sides.  If we forgive,  then God will forgive,  us.  If we refuse to forgive,  then God will refuse to forgive  us.  And, we need to be careful of the doctrinal error which claims that there are 'no tears in Heaven'.  God does not wipe away every tear  until after the great white throne judgment  when there are only saved left.  And God can wipe away every tear  only if the saved have tears in Heaven.
  27. C11-S26 :  the start of the last incident that is reported in this chapter.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, the prior sentence told us what happened on the way while this sentence adds what happened as soon as they arrived at the Temple.
    2. The phrase they come again to Jerusalem: and as he was walking in the temple  means: 'This is when and where this incident happened'.
    3. The phrase there come to him the chief priests, and the scribes, and the elders  means: 'Now, all of the religious rulers are gathered together.  The true leaders are no longer hiding behind lower-level representatives'.
    4. The phrase And say unto him, By what authority doest thou these things?  means: 'The religious leaders demand an answer for His authority.  The response from the people, when Jesus  arrived in Jerusalem, and His actions since His arrival, made it clear that He was claiming higher authority than all of them together.  And, unless they did something, Jesus  would have authority over them and they knew it.  That is why they are making this challenge'.
  28. C11-S27  says: and who gave thee this authority to do these things?  this question is added to the question of the prior sentence.  The prior sentence asked Jesus  what authority He had and this question asks who gave Him the authority.  And, remember, that these questions are being asked by all of the combined religious rulers of the Jews who also had civil authority.  In addition, they are challenging Jesus  because it is obvious that He is usurping their authority.  The people are recognizing Him as a higher authority.  Therefore, they are fighting to retain their power and authority which they achieved through several generations of traditions.
  29. C11-S28 :  the answer from Jesus.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, Jesus  is added to the challenge from the religious leaders in the prior two sentences.
    2. The phrase Jesus answered and said unto them  means: 'This is the response from Jesus'.
    3. The phrase I will also ask of you one question  means: 'He counters their two questions with one of His own'.
    4. The phrase and answer me  means: 'Jesus  demands that they answer His question'.
    5. The phrase and I will tell you by what authority I do these things  means: 'Here Jesus  agrees to answer their challenge but only if they fulfill His demand'.
  30. C11-S29  says: The baptism of John, was it from heaven, or of men?  this is the question from Jesus.  In addition, the next sentence says: answer meJesus  is very clearly demanding a simple answer.  And, instead of answering simply, they try to 'Baffle Him with Bullshit', as the crude saying goes.  That is, they use lots of words to lie and refuse to answer and hope that their audience is so confused with their words that the audience does not realize that they refused to answer.  However, that strategy does not work with Jesus.
  31. C11-S31 :  the religious leaders reject answering with the truth.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds their efforts to not answer the demand from Jesus  found in the prior two sentences.  Most likely, they would have liked to ignore the demand from Jesus,  but He already proved that He would turn to the audience of general Jews.  And, as Matthew 21:26 reports, the religious leaders admitted that: we fear the people.  Therefore, they could not refuse to answer and, as the next few sentences explain, they had a problem if they gave either of the answers that Jesus  demanded that they choose from.  Thus, as the remaining sentences in the chapter tell us, they refused to give any answer.
    2. The phrase they reasoned with themselves  means: 'This sentence, and the next two sentences, tell us what they reasoned with themselves'.
    3. The phrase saying, If we shall say, From heaven; he will say, Why then did ye not believe him?  means: 'This was one option and the problem that had with giving this answer'.  Thus, by their refusal to give this answer which they knew was true, they deliberately lie and prove that they are religious ministers of Satan.
  32. C11-S32 :  the religious leaders reject answering with a lie.
    1. The word But  means that this sentence is continuing the subject of the prior sentence while changing direction.  They are considering a different lie to the demand from Jesus.  And, our sentence tells us why they refused to give this lie.
    2. The phrase But if we shall say, Of men  means: 'This is the lie that they considered'.
    3. The phrase they feared the people  means: 'They were more afraid of the reaction by men than they feared God'.  If they told this lie, the people would declare them all as liars because this lie was too obvious.  If they told this lie, the people would stop listening to them and stop supporting them until they were put out of their positions.  That is: this lie would be political suicide.
    4. The phrase for all men counted John, that he was a prophet indeed  means: 'This was a truth that they could not deny.  And, since all men counted John, that he was a prophet indeed,  his message, and baptism, had to be from Heaven.  '.  Forthem to claim otherwise would prove that they were lying ministers of Satan.
  33. C11-S33 :  the religious leaders lie anyway.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this lie was the result of their reasoning which was reported in the prior two sentences.
    2. The phrase they answered and said unto Jesus  means: 'They answered to Jesus,  hoping that the general Jews would not know, or would not understand, that they lied'.
    3. The phrase We cannot tell  means: 'Since they claimed to be the top experts on anything spiritual to the Jews, this was a blatant lie'.
  34. C11-S34 :  the final answer from Jesus.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this answer from Jesus  is a direct response to the lie from the religious leaders which is reported in the prior sentence.
    2. The phrase Jesus answering saith unto them, Neither do I tell you by what authority I do these things  means: 'Jesus  refused to answer their question because they refused to give an honest answer'.  There are times when people ask us a question and they are not really looking for an answer but are looking to start an argument.  In such cases, it is foolish to give them what they want.  We should follow the example of Jesus  and refuse the argument while bringing them back to the point of their true error.

Chapter 12 Summary:

Theme: Correction of Popular Doctrinal Error.

All throughout this Gospel we have seen places where the same, or similar, events were reported in other Gospels, especially in Matthew and Luke.  This will be even more significant from this chapter through Chapter 15.  Many of the links for related sections can be found in the Study called Significant Gospel Events.  In particular, please see the sections called: Harmony, Promises, and Prophecies.  Please also see the Study called Gospel Time Sequences.  This chapter is part of the later ministry of Jesus  where we can know the absolute time sequence of events that occur between here and the end of the Gospel account.  Please also see the Studies called Miracles in the Gospels about the miracles recorded in this chapter and the Table of Parables in the New Testament for links to where parables in this chapter are related to parables in the other Gospels.  Please also see the Study called What Did Jesus Do?.

The incidents in this chapter probably happened at the same time as the accounts in Matthew 21; Luke 20 and John 8.  In John 8:20; we are told These words spake Jesus in the treasury, as he taught in the temple.  The other Gospels accounts also happened in the Temple and those accounts end with Jesus  being by the treasury.  While the specific details, which are reported in each Gospel account differ, all Gospels accounts report the same types of incidents between the religious leaders and Jesus.

Our prior chapters told us how the religious leaders rejected Jesus  and made it clear that they would never accept the truth.  Therefore, Mark 12:1 tells us that Jesus  responded to The chief priests, and the scribes, and the elders  in parables.

With this consideration, we read in Mark 12:2-12; Matthew 21:33-44 and Luke 20:8-19 that Jesus  gives us the parable of the hirelings killing the heir.  This was a prophecy about the future judgment of The chief priests, and the scribes, and the elders.  When they understood this truth, they and others tried to find a way to destroy Jesus.

Mark 12:13-37; Matthew 22:15-46 and Luke 20:20-40 tell us about when The chief priests, and the scribes, and the elders  tried to use others to destroy Jesus.  All failed.

In Mark 12:13-17; Matthew 22:15-33 and Luke 20:20-26 we read that The Herodians  tried an argument about money and taxes.

In Mark 12:18-27; Matthew 22:23-33 and Luke 20:27-40 we read that The Sadducees  tried an argument about the resurrection.

In Mark 12:28-33 we read that The scribes  tried an argument about the Mosaic Law.  A parallel accounts can be found in Matthew 22:34-40 and a similar answer can be found in Luke 10:27.  This answer from Jesus  quoted Deuteronomy 6:5 and Deuteronomy 11:1.  In these sentences, Jesus  tells us that the First Commandment is not one of the 'Ten Commandments' (Exodus 20:1-16; Deuteronomy 5:6-21).  In Luke 10:27; it is quoted by a lawyer, which lets us know that the Jewish religious leaders were also familiar with it.  That lawyer had no problem with Jesus  saying that there was another commandment greater than the 'Ten Commandments'.

In Mark 12:34 and Matthew 22:46 we read: And no man after that durst ask him any question.

After the failure by The chief priests, and the scribes, and the eldersJesus  then challenges them in Mark 12:35-37; Matthew 22:41-46 and Luke 20:41-44 by asking them: How say the scribes that Christ is the Son of David?  None of the Gospels report the religious leaders giving an answer to Jesus.  In is after that when Matthew reports And no man was able to answer him a word, neither durst any man from that day forth ask him any more questions.  Mark reports And no man after that durst ask him any question  before this question.  However, this was true before and after Jesus  asked His question  the difference is that Matthew reports And no man was able to answer him a word  while Mark and Luke imply, but do not report, that truth.

When Jesus  gets no answer from the religious leaders, He then talks to the general people and tells Beware of the scribes  in Mark 12:38-40 Matthew 23:1-32 and Luke 20:45-47.  After this warning, Matthew's Gospel tells us How Jesus  says Woe!  to the scribes and Pharisees  and finishes up with a warning of judgment to come upon all who ignore His commandment to Beware of the scribes.

After that, we have an example lesson on the difference between the religious leaders and the poor with the tale of the widow's two mites  in Mark 12:41-44 and Luke 21:1-4.

While lots of people like to preach on the widow's two mites,  few present the context and the lesson from the context.  I personally believe that most don't realize that they should consider the context and the few that do often don't want people thinking about them as the religious leaders.  That is because the theme of our chapter is: 'Correction of popular doctrinal error'.  Many preachers and Bible teachers are like the people in this chapter who tried to challenge the doctrine of Jesus  and found out that their traditional doctrine was not exactly correct.  Lots of people like to sing and preach about 'Old Time Religion', but fail to realize the number of errors which have crept into it over at least the lase 100 years.

This is evidenced by the decline of churches and spiritual ministries such as missions programs.  It is evidenced by the disagreement between 'Good Godly Fundamental, KJV only Bible Preachers' when God commands unity.  It is evidenced by the refusal to stop sinning among people who claim to be saved.  It is evidenced by the general treatment of traditional religious doctrine as equal to, or greater than, God's word.  It is evidenced by all of the ways that religious leaders act like the religious leaders in Gospel times and by comparing the condition of God's people, and their country, to those of the Jews, and their country, in Gospel times.

As seen in the section, above, which provides references to other Gospels, different groups of religious people tried different doctrinal arguments with Jesus  trying to prove that their error was right or that Jesus  could not answer their proposed so-called problem.  They all failed to prove that their doctrine was correct.  Jesus  proved that He, and the word of God, could answer all of their so-called problems.  Then, when they all gave up fighting, Jesus  warned the people to Beware of the scribes.  With this warning in mind, we see the application of the lesson with The widow's two mites.  The followers of the 'show religion' put in lots of money and made sure that people saw them do it.  The widow slipped in her two mites  when no one but God was watching.  As Jesus  said, they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living.  God honors a true sacrifice and a heart desire to serve God with all that we have.  Jesus  did this by going to the cross.  The widow did this with all her living.  The people following 'show religion' kept enough to provide for themselves and to prove that they did not need God and did not have true Biblical faith.

  1. C12-S1  says: And he began to speak unto them by parables.  responds in parables.  This sentence starts with the word And  because this chapter is added to the prior chapter which ended with Jesus  telling all of the religious leaders: Neither do I tell you by what authority I do these things.  And, we were told earlier that Jesus  taught in parables so that the people who relied on God's Holy Spirit  would receive the truth while the lost and carnal were led into doctrinal error.  Therefore, even though Jesus  is teaching in parables, He is still doing what He said in the prior sentence and refusing to tell the lost religious leaders anything.
  2. C12-S2 :  the start of this parable.  This parable is spoken against all of the Jewish religious leaders.  Parables must always be understood within the context of where they are found.  Please also see the Study called Table of Parables in the New Testament for links to where parables in this chapter are related to parables in the other Gospel accounts.
    1. The phrase A certain man planted a vineyard  means: 'This spiritually represents what God did with the nation of Israel'.  A man plants a vineyard  so that he can harvest the fruit.  God wanted spiritual fruit from the nation of Israel and God wants spiritual fruit from all saved.
    2. The phrase and set an hedge about it  means: 'God protected the nation and God protects His children even today'.
    3. The phrase and digged a place for the winefat  means: 'This symbolically represents God's pl and to process the spiritual fruit'.  Fruit  symbolically represents: 'new life'.  When we lead someone to salvation, that is spiritual 'new life'.  After they get saved, people are supposed to join the church where they have their life changed to be more functional in working in God's kingdom.  Today, the church is spiritually represented by the place for the winefat.
    4. The phrase and built a tower  means: 'This is a high place where a guard could look over the vineyard and protect it'.  Today, Jesus Christ  is in Heaven watching out for the church and protecting it.
    5. The phrase and let it out to husbandmen  means: 'These symbolically represent the religious leaders in the nation of Israel and in the church of today'.
    6. The phrase and went into a far country  means: 'Jesus  is returned to Heaven'.
  3. C12-S3 :  then he sent a servant to collect the wages from the farmer.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds the message of God's expectation from all of God's work to save and prepare us.
    2. The phrase at the season he sent to the husbandmen a servant  means: 'God sent prophets to the Jews and God sends messengers to the church today'.
    3. The phrase that he might receive from the husbandmen of the fruit of the vineyard  means: 'God wants His spiritual profit'.
  4. C12-S4 :  the farmer refused to pay and beat the collector.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, Jesus  adds how the nation of Israel treated God's prophets and how most churches of today treat someone who delivers God's message to stop sinning and produce a spiritual profit for God.
    2. The phrase they caught him, and beat him, and sent him away empty  means: 'Most of God's people mistreat a true man of God and refuse to properly respond to the message from God'.
  5. C12-S5 :  the owner tried again.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds that God sent more than one message and more than one messenger.
    2. The phrase again he sent unto them another servant  means: 'God sent another message and messenger'.
    3. The phrase and at him they cast stones, and wounded him in the head, and sent him away shamefully handled  means: 'God's people mistreated the true messenger from God'.  Matthew 23:37 and Luke 13:34 say: O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!.
  6. C12-S6 :  Tells us that the owner tried one more time.  Our sentence says: And again he sent another; and him they killed, and many others; beating some, and killing some.  This is a general statement on how religious people treat true messengers from God and religious people have not changed even today.
  7. C12-S7 :  the owner tried with his son.
    1. The phrase Having yet therefore one son, his wellbeloved, he sent him also last unto them, saying  means: 'God sent His only begotten son'.  (John 1:18; John 3:16; John 3:18; Hebrews 11:17; 1John 4:9).  Today, God has only one word of God,  which is our only God-given picture of God's Son.
    2. The phrase They will reverence my son  means: 'God expected the Jews to reverence  Jesus  and God expects us to reverence  His preserved word of God'.
  8. C12-S8 :  the farmers reasoned among themselves.
    1. The word But  means that this sentence is continuing the subject of the prior sentence while changing direction.  Our sentence tells us how the Jews refused to reverence  Jesus.  Likewise, today, and God expects us to reverence  His preserved word of God,  but religious people refuse to do so.
    2. The phrase But those husbandmen said among themselves, this is the heir; come, let us kill him, and the inheritance shall be ours  means: 'These fools never considered the consequence of the owner coming after them for vengeance'.  Likewise, most people never consider what God will do to them.  They keep their sight and mind focused on this physical world in spite of the fact that everyone dies and all people know, at some level, that the spiritual is more powerful than the physical and God is the most powerful Spirit that exists.
  9. C12-S9 :  the farmers do as they decided.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence is adding to the parable.
    2. The phrase And they took him, and killed him, and cast him out of the vineyard  means: 'Obviously, this is a prophecy about the suffering and death of Jesus Christ'.  (Please also see the Prophecies Section for Bible references to this prophecy.)  However, when you consider how men turn to perverted bibles, from the true word of God,  which is our God-given picture of Jesus Christ,  and how men preach doctrinal error instead of true Bible doctrine, we can see that men do the same, symbolically, today.
  10. C12-S10  says: What shall therefore the lord of the vineyard do?  this is the main question and what the entire parable was leading to.  In this parable, Jesus  is giving the religious leaders their last warning from God.  After this, they murder Jesus  and God brings judgment upon them and all of their followers.
  11. C12-S11  says: he will come and destroy the husbandmen, and will give the vineyard unto others.  While Mark reports Jesus  giving us this answer, Matthew 21:41 says, that the religious leaders gave the answer.  Obviously, they agreed on this answer and the difference in reporting is due to perspective.  Matthew gives us the legal perspective and his reporting that the religious leaders gave the answer will be used when they are judged.  However, mark reports the perspective of a servant.  Therefore, it is important that all of the servants of God know that this report also came from their Lord.
  12. C12-S12 :  the reference to scripture.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence is adding scriptural references to the parable.  This sentence quotes Psalms 118:22-23 and references Isaiah 8:14 and Isaiah 28:16 and Zechariah 3:8-9.  This sentence uses Lord  for God the Father.  While it is most likely that the Jewish religious leaders missed the connection between the parable and these scriptural references, the reader should understand them.  These references all speak about God's Christ.  The Jewish leaders rejected Him and, as the parable explains, murdered Him.  As a result, God the Father set the Jewish nation to the side (gave them a bill of divorcement  {Isaiah 50:1; Jeremiah 3:8 }).  In stead, God the Father concentrated on building the church where Jesus Christ  is The chief corner stone  (Ephesians 2:20).
  13. C12-S13 :  the reaction of the religious leaders.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds the reaction by the religious leaders to the report of the parable.
    2. The phrase they sought to lay hold on him  means: 'This is their desired reaction'.  They wanted to arrest, and possibly kill Him, but the rest of the sentence explains why they did not.
    3. The phrase but feared the people  means: 'This is what kept them from reacting like they desired'.
    4. The phrase for they knew that he had spoken the parable against them  means: 'This is why they wanted to react like they wanted to do'.
    5. The phrase and they left him, and went their way  means: 'This is their actual reaction'.
  14. C12-S14 :  the leaders sent others to try to trap Jesus  in an error
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds their first attempt to catch him in his words.
    2. The phrase they send unto him certain of the Pharisees and of the Herodians  means: 'These were the self-appointed religious experts and the members of the leading political party'.  That is: they sent their best in power and influence.
    3. The phrase to catch him in his words  means: 'This is what they were supposed to do'.
  15. C12-S15 :  the people say their trap to Jesus.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, the prior sentence told us that these people thought they were powerful and they added their best argument.  However, while they were very concerned about money, Jesus  had no concern at all about money.
    2. The phrase when they were come, they say unto him  means: 'They planned what they would say before they approached Jesus'.
    3. The phrase Master  means: 'Teacher'.  They regarded Jesus  as nothing more than another religious teacher.
    4. The phrase we know that thou art true, and carest for no man  means: 'They are saying what they believe is a complement to influence Jesus,  even though they really don't personally believe it'.
    5. The phrase for thou regardest not the person of men  means: 'They claim this is the evidence which supports the prior phrase'.  In truth, they are upset because Jesus  refused to give them, and their leaders, the respect that they thought they were due.
    6. The phrase but teachest the way of God in truth  means: 'They are adding this to the prior phrase'.  They believe this is a lie because they would not have challenged Jesus  otherwise.  However, they are trying to lay on complements thick so that Jesus  won't be able to think clearly and answer them.
    7. The phrase Is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar, or not?  means: 'Notice that they did not ask about giving money to the temple or to the local politicians'.  In their minds, there was a difference between the local governors and the Romans, whom they hated.  However, to God, all were people whom He put into their positions to serve Him.  The Jews hated one group but not the other.  However, to God, they were all sinners.
  16. C12-S16  says: Shall we give, or shall we not give?  they thought that this was an excellent trap question.  Like almost all people throughout history, the Jews hated taxes.  This was especially true since their standing in society, and they believed their standing with God, depends on how much money they had.  Add in the political hatred of Rome, and you have why they asked about taxes to Caesar but not other taxes.
  17. C12-S17Jesus  questioned their motivation.
    1. The word But  means that this sentence is continuing the subject of the prior sentence while changing direction.  .
    2. The phrase But he, knowing their hypocrisy, said unto them  means: 'They asked their question as if they were sincere but they were lying (hypocrisy)'.
    3. The phrase Why tempt ye me?  means: 'Jesus  asked them why they were trying to get Him to sin'.
  18. C12-S18  says: bring me a penny, that I may see it.  Here, Jesus  calls for an example to demonstrate truth in this matter.
  19. C12-S19  says: And they brought it.  They obey and were not sure why Jesus  called for the penny.
  20. C12-S20  says: And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription?Jesus  asks them what anyone can see.
  21. C12-S21  says: And they said unto him, Caesar's.  There was no disagreement with this obvious truth.
  22. C12-S22Jesus  gives them an answer that they can not dispute.
    1. The phrase And Jesus answering said unto them  means: 'Jesus  gave this answer in response to their planned trap'.
    2. The phrase Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's   means: 'Basically, recognize your personal obligations and do them without complaint'.  Remember that they did not object to Temple tax nor to local taxes.  They were making a distinction between one level of government and another level and Jesus  ignored their distinction.  With that type of answer, any objection that they raised would get them in trouble with their more powerful supporters.
  23. C12-S23  says: And they marvelled at him.  They had no answer.
  24. C12-S24 :  the next group tries.
    1. The phrase Then  means: 'After the Pharisees and of the Herodi and and as a result of their failure'.
    2. The phrase come unto him the Sadducees  means: 'This is the identification of this group of fools'.
    3. The phrase which say there is no resurrection  means: 'Thus is their foolish doctrinal stand'.
    4. The phrase and they asked him, saying  means: 'They challenged Jesus'.
    5. The phrase Master  means: 'Teacher'.  Once more they regard Jesus  as 'just a man' and not as 'God in human flesh'.
    6. The phrase Moses wrote unto us, If a man's brother die, and leave his wife behind him, and leave no children, that his brother should take his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother  means: 'This is the scriptural basis for their argument'.
  25. C12-S25  says: Now there were seven brethren: and the first took a wife, and dying left no seed.  This is the set-up the ridiculous hypothetical situation
  26. C12-S26  says: And the second took her, and died, neither left he any seed: and the third likewise.  This continues the ridiculous hypothetical situation.
  27. C12-S27  says: And the seven had her, and left no seed: last of all the woman died also.  This continues the ridiculous hypothetical situation.
  28. C12-S28  says: In the resurrection therefore, when they shall rise, whose wife shall she be of them?.  This continues the ridiculous hypothetical situation.  Remember that Mark 12:18-19 told us: Then come unto him the Sadducees, which say there is no resurrection.  Since they say there is no resurrection,  and their argument is based upon In the resurrection,  their argument is based upon what they claim is an impossible situation.  Therefore, they are presenting a foolish argument and asking Jesus  to also be a Biblical fool  by answering their argument.
    Proverbs 26:4 says: Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto himProverbs 26:5 says: Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit.  And, that is what we see Jesus  do here.  He did not go along with their foolishness by answering the question that they asked (Proverbs 26:4), but He proved that the basis of their question was foolishness (Proverbs 26:5).  And, we see that in the next few sentences.
  29. C12-S29  says: for the seven had her to wife.  This continues the ridiculous hypothetical situation.
  30. C12-S30Jesus  answers by telling them their basic error.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this answer is added to their foolish question.
    2. The phrase And Jesus answering said unto them  means: 'Jesus  told them that they were fools'.
    3. The phrase Do ye not therefore err, because ye know not the scriptures, neither the power of God?.  It is foolish to pick a doctrinal fight when you personally know not the scriptures, neither the power of God.  Here, Jesus  tells them that they are being foolish  two different ways.  First, they try to present themselves as Bible experts when they personally (yeknow not the scriptures.  Like many proclaimed 'Bible Experts' of today, they know the doctrinal errors taught by their preferred religious group, but they know not the scriptures.  (Religious doctrine and The scriptures  are two different things.)  In addition, the second foolish error that Jesus  points out is that they personally (yeknow not the power of God.  If they truly knew God's power, they would not challenge The word of God.  Also, as we already read, the Sadducees say there is no resurrection.  Not only do The scriptures  tell us about resurrection from the dead,  but Jesus  had already personally raised three people from the dead before this argument.  And, that included Lazarus who lived a short walk away and owned the house where Jesus  was staying.  Therefore, Jesus  had already proven that the basis of their main doctrinal argument was foolishness and had done it three times.
  31. C12-S31Jesus  tells the true doctrine.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word For,  which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true.
    2. The phrase For when they shall rise from the dead  means: 'Jesus  did not argue about the resurrection because He had already proven it three times'.
    3. The phrase they neither marry, nor are given in marriage  means: 'This is a truth that I don't know is said literally before the Gospel accounts'.  However, the marriage vows are: 'until death do us part'.  Therefore, even If this phrase was not true, none of those supposed brothers are still married to the woman.
    4. The phrase but are as the angels which are in heaven  means: 'Angels don't do sex'.  There is a doctrinal error which claims that Genesis 6:4 is talking about angels having sex with women and producing babies which became mighty men which were of old.  This statement from Jesus  proves that claim to be wrong.
  32. C12-S32Jesus  corrects their basic doctrinal error.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, in this sentence, Jesus  is adding another example of their foolishness and that they personally know not the scriptures, neither the power of God.
    2. The phrase And as touching the dead, that they rise  means: 'This is their main doctrinal error'.  They claim that there is no resurrection.  In the remainder of this sentence, Jesus  proves them wrong by quoting from the books which they acknowledge came from God.  .
    3. The phrase have ye not read in the book of Moses, how in the bush God spake unto him, saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob?  is quoting Genesis 26:24 and Exodus 3:6.  Supposedly, The Sadducees  rejected everything other than the five (5) books written by Moses.  However, Jesus  is quoting the books that they acknowledge.  Therefore, He proves that they personally know not the scriptures, neither the power of God.  That is: The scriptures  tell us that The power of God  keeps these men alive even though they are physically dead.
  33. C12-S33Jesus  provides the conclusion which proves their basic error.  Our sentence says: He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living: ye therefore do greatly err.
  34. C12-S34 :  the next group gives it a try.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, our sentence tells us about another fool who had to try again and remove all doubt about his foolishness.
    2. The phrase one of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, and perceiving that he had answered them well, asked him  means: 'The scribes sent one of their number even after Jesus  had shut the mouths of the other two groups and had also shut the mouths of every scribe who challenged Him during His ministry'.
    3. The phrase Which is the first commandment of all?  means: 'This was the question from the scribes'.  Please see the section called Jesus and the Ten Commandments in the Study called Significant Gospel Events for links to other places in the Gospels where Jesus  dealt with the Ten Commandments and the first commandment of all.  (Jesus  had dealt with this particular question as reported in Matthew 22:35-40.  (Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for more references to this subject.)
  35. C12-S35Jesus  answers their question by quoting scripture.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this answer is added to the question in the prior sentence.
    2. The phrase Jesus answered him  means: 'Jesus  answers by quoting scripture'.
    3. The phrase The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; the Lord our God is one Lord: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment  is a direct reference to Deuteronomy 6:4; Deuteronomy 10:12 and Deuteronomy 30:6.
  36. C12-S36  says: And the second is like, namely this, thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.  The scribe did not argue with His answer.
  37. C12-S37  says: There is none other commandment greater than these.  Thus, Jesus  states their importance.
  38. `
  39. C12-S38  says: And the scribe said unto him, Well, Master, thou hast said the truth: for there is one God; and there is none other but he: and to love him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love his neighbour as himself, is more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.  The religious leaders claimed that they loved and worshipped God while mistreating their fellow man.  1John deals with this doctrinal error.
  40. C12-S39Jesus  replied to him and indirectly told him his error.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds the answer from Jesus  to what the scribe said that he thought Jesus  misunderstood.
    2. The phrase when Jesus saw that he answered discreetly  means: 'This was when and why Jesus  answered like He did'.  The word discreet  means: 'wise in avoiding errors or evil, and in selecting the best means to accomplish a purpose'.  He wanted to disagree with Jesus  but not be obvious about it.  Therefore, he repeated the part of the message from Jesus  which he agreed with while leaving out the part he disagreed with.  Most people miss something like this and think the other person agreed with all that they said.  However, this scribe was careful about how he expressed his disagreement, by leaving out part while he said his agreement.  And, while he thought he was being slick, Jesus  caught his misrepresentation of truth.
    3. The phrase he said unto him  means: 'Jesus  said the following to the scribe'.
    4. The phrase Thou art not far from the kingdom of God  means: 'you personally are not far from what the character of God requires'.  That's like being close, but missing, shooting an angry animal like a lion or bear.  You were close but you only angered them more and assured that you received a worse mauling.  Religious people like to put on a false show and claim that they represent God but they truly do not have the character of God (The kingdom of God)  in them.
  41. C12-S40  says: And no man after that durst ask him any question.  They gave up on trying to trap Jesus.  Therefore, He now returns the favor so that they don't believe that they just failed to win the argument.  No, the next few sentences prove that they can not answer His question and that they will lose every time that they challenge Him to a doctrinal disagreement.
  42. C12-S41Jesus  then gave them a question.  In this question, Jesus  uses the phrase Son of David  with a capitalized Son,  which means that He is 'God in human flesh'.  This question also gives us the doctrine that the Son of David  is Christ.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, Jesus  is adding this question to the attack, and defeat, of the scribes.
    2. The phrase Jesus answered and said  means: 'As an answer,  those is a direct response to the prior doctrinal attack'.
    3. The phrase while he taught in the temple  means: 'Jesus  put this question out to everyone who was there'.  The scribes could not hide their failure to answer this question because of all the other Jews who were there and heard Jesus  ask the question to everyone.
    4. The phrase How say the scribes that Christ is the Son of David?  means: 'This is His question which they could not answer because it showed that their additions to God's Law were wrong'.
  43. C12-S42Jesus  gives the scriptural basis.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word For,  which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true.  This sentence gives us the scriptural basis of this doctrine.  This sentence is a quote of Psalms 110:1.  In addition, this sentence supports the doctrine of the Trinity by naming all three persons in the Trinity.
    2. The phrase For David himself said by the Holy Ghost  means: 'This is how God uses men to give us true scripture'.
    3. The phrase The Lord said to my Lord  means: 'God the Father said this to God the Son who is our Lord'.  Please notice that both words Lord  are capitalized, which means both speak of God.
    4. The phrase Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool  means: 'This is what God the Father said to Jesus Christ'.  He is sitting there and representing the saved when Satan accuses them of sin.  He will continue doing so until the great tribulation  (till I make thine enemies thy footstool).
  44. C12-S43Jesus  poses His question.
    1. The phrase David therefore himself calleth him Lord  means: 'king David said this under inspiration, which means it actually came from God'.  And, the Jews accepted Psalms as scripture.  Further, no religious leader dared dispute what king David wrote.  Therefore, they could not dispute that scripture, and king David, called The Son of David  Lord  and God.
    2. The phrase and whence is he then his son?  means: 'Notice that Jesus  uses a lowercase son'.  That means human son.  But, they missed this distinction and religious people still mess it up today.
    3. In addition to that, we are told by history that the Jewish religious leaders taught that the son could never be greater than the father.  However, if king David called Christ  Lord,  then king David recognized that Christ  was greater than king David.  In addition, since Christ  was also his son,  The Jewish doctrine must have been wrong.  Thus, Jesus  not only answered every question put to Him, and shut the mouths of all questioners, but He also proved that a basic doctrine of the Jewish religious leaders went against The word of God.  And, when He did so, He basically gave them notice of what He would do, from then on, every time that they tried to attack Him doctrinally.
  45. C12-S44  says: And the common people heard him gladly.  These were the people that the Jewish religious leaders feared.  They had attacked Jesus  to try and destroy Him.  In stead, the common people  became more attached to Him.
  46. C12-S45Jesus  instructs The common people.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, while The common people heard him gladlyJesus  added the doctrine of This sentence.
    2. The phrase he said unto them in his doctrine  means: 'This is what Jesus  taught them'.
    3. The phrase Beware of the scribes  means: 'Beware of the people who have the position of teaching The word of God'.
    4. The phrase which love to go in long clothing, and love salutations in the marketplaces, And the chief seats in the synagogues, and the uppermost rooms at feasts  means: 'If they display these attitudes, they do not truly teach The word of God'.  These scribes teach doctrines from devils.
    5. The phrase Which devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayers  means: 'If they act this way, they do not truly teach The word of God'.  These scribes teach doctrines from devils.
    6. The phrase these shall receive greater damnation  means: 'They will get greater punishment from God and everyone who follows them will also get greater punishment from God'.
  47. C12-S46 :  the example lesson.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds the last account of this chapter to the reports of other accounts.
    2. The phrase Jesus sat over against the treasury  means: 'This is where Jesus  was at'.
    3. The phrase and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury  means: 'This is what Jesus  was doing'.
    4. The phrase and many that were rich cast in much  means: 'This is what Jesus  observed'.
  48. C12-S47  says: And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing  means: 'This is another thing that Jesus  observed'.
  49. C12-S48 :  the comparison that Jesus  made.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, Jesus  added this doctrine based upon what He observed.
    2. The phrase he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them  means: 'Jesus  taught this to His disciples'.
    3. The phrase Verily I say unto you  means: 'You can verify this doctrine in other places within The word of God'.
    4. The phrase that this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury  means: 'God does not measure money based upon the absolute amount given'.
    5. The phrase For all they did cast in of their abundance  means: 'The rich made no sacrifice'.
    6. The phrase but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living  means: 'The widow cast in everything that she earned even while she went hungry'.  Be careful.  People preach doctrinal error about this sentence and claim that she cast in everything that she owned.  No, she probably still had a hut to live in and a garden of vegetables.  The phrase all her living  means: 'all that she had to buy the things to live on.  This was all of the money that she had earned'.
    7. God is more concerned with our attitude, and our willingness to sacrifice while we trust God for our needs, than God is in some great deed.

Chapter 13 Summary:

Theme: Prophecy of Future Events.

All of this chapter is dealing with prophecies.

Please see the section called Prophecies; along with other related Sections in the Study called Significant Gospel Events; for where the accounts of this chapter are related to accounts of other Gospels.  Please also see the Study called Miracles in the Gospels about the miracles recorded in this chapter.  Please also see the Table of Parables in the New Testament for links to where parables in this chapter are related to parables in the other Gospels.

In addition to the above Study references, please also see the section called Minor Titles of the Son of God in the Significant Gospel Events Study where we are told that the Son of Man  is a prophet.  Please also see the notes for Romans C16S33; Romans C12S5; Jude about the word prophet.  The New Testament definition for this word is: ' In Scripture, a person illuminated, inspired or instructed by God to announce God's word; as Moses, Elijah, David, Isaiah, etc'.  Please also see the Study called false prophets.  Please also see the notes for Romans C12S5; 1Corinthians C11S4; 1Thessalonians 5:20 about the words prophecy / prophesy.  Please also see the Prophecies and Prophecy Fulfilled Sections for Bible references to resurrection.

Prophecies, which are related to the prophecies of this chapter, can also be found in Matthew 24:1-25:30; Matthew 10:17-23; Mark 13; and Luke 21:5-36 and Luke 17:20-31 providing a similar, but different, prophecy.  While these references all deal with the same general subject, the details vary.  No single reference has all of the details and each reference has details not found in the other references.  Therefore, all need to be studied together in order to truly understand the prophecies provided.  In addition, the notes in the related Book Studies provide further details and links to matching references within the Bible.  Therefore, they should also be studied for a fuller understanding.

Having written that, we do need to recognize that the command to watch  occurs four (4) times in the end of this chapter (in 13:33; 13:34; 13:35 and 13:37).  And, the Bible uses this word like a soldier on guard duty has a watch.  Woe be to the person who fails to keep active looking for the return of Jesus Christ  and making sure that they are doing what they are supposed to be doing.

The command, to watch,  is in every one of the last four (4) sentences and give us God's conclusion of this chapter.  The main purpose of unfulfilled prophecy isn't to give us something to swell up in pride by claiming we know how God will fulfill the prophecy.  No, the purpose is to get us to keep our eyes on spiritual events and be prepared for The Lord Jesus Christ  to appear suddenly.  God does not want us to be caught doing sin but to be caught working in His kingdom and obeying His commands.

Much of this chapter applies to all believers.  However, some of it only applies to Jews.  One of the warnings in our chapter is that there are many liars, who claim to speak for God.  Believers are to beware and not be deceived.  For example, a prophecy that is strictly for the Jews should not be applied to the church unless that person speaking is deliberately trying to deceive.  Therefore, be extremely careful about interpreting and applying unfulfilled prophecy.

Unfortunately, there are many so-called 'prophecy experts' who use prophecy to draw crowds.  And, they claim that a prophecy is going to be fulfilled in the near future when that is not true.  For example, within these chapters Jesus  said: such things must needs be; but the end shall not be yet  and these are the beginnings of sorrows.  Many preachers miss the fact that the sentences associated with these phrases are prophecies that apply to our age but not necessarily to today.

On the other hand, many people fail to realize that true, unfulfilled, Biblical prophecy is actually a promise, from God, about what will happen in the future.  ForThe example, prophecies of the return of Christ,  to rule this world, are actually promises to saved that they will return with Him if they devote this physical life to building God's kingdom.  Therefore, we can find some promises that can apply to us personally which are within these prophecies.

With that in mind, we need to realize that Satan has lots of ministers who proclaim all kinds of lies about unfulfilled prophecy.  For example, there are current events which match where Jesus  said: The end shall not be yet.  However, there are lots of preachers who deliberately lie or who are deceived and claim that the 'Rapture' (The end)  has to happen immediately.  Now, with that error acknowledged, we can find some promises that can apply to us personally which are within these prophecies.  They are:

Now, with those main points in mind, we can deal with the details of prophecies found within our chapter.

Matthew 24:1-2; Mark 13:1-2 and Luke 21:5-6 also prophesy the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem.  In addition, Luke 19:41-44 prophesies the destruction of Jerusalem and of the Temple in Jerusalem.

In Matthew 24:3; Mark 13:3-4 and Luke 21:7; we read that the disciples asked JesusTell us, when shall these things be?  and what shall be the sign when all these things shall be fulfilled?

Matthew 10:17-23; Matthew 24:4-13; Mark 13:5-13 and Luke 21:8-19 have prophecies of events before the 'Rapture'.

Matthew 24:4-5; Mark 13:5-6 and Luke 21:8 give the same message about false Christs.

Matthew 24:6-8; Mark 13:7-8 and Luke 21:9-11 warn about wars and rumours of wars.  We are told that the end shall not be yet.  Therefore, anyone who claims otherwise is a liar and / or deceived and is deceiving others.

Matthew 24:9-13; Mark 13:9-13 and Luke 21:12-19 warn about persecution of the true witnesses  of Christ  by religious and civil authorities.  In addition, Matthew 24:20-13 warns about false prophets  and people claiming to be saved but living in hate instead of in love.

Matthew 24:14 and Mark 13:10 says, that The gospel must first be published among all nations.  That is: this must happen before the great tribulation  comes.

Mark 13:11-13 and Luke 21:14-15 tell us how to react and how to let God's Holy Ghost  work through us at these times.

Matthew 24:15-31; Mark 13:14-27 and Luke 21:20-28 have prophecies of events that will happen to Jews during the great tribulation.

Matthew 24:15-18; Mark 13:14-16 and Luke 21:20-22 warn about The abomination of desolation  (The beast  of Revelation) being in the temple and presenting himself as 'god in human flesh', but in fact will be a devil in human flesh.  In addition, the Jews are warned to flee to the mountains.  These verses speak about the time known as the great tribulation.

Matthew 24:19; Mark 13:17 and Luke 21:23 say: woe to them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!.

As part of the 'Church Age'.

Matthew 24:15-18; Mark 13:18-20 and Luke 21:20-22 warn the Jews to pray about the circumstances when they have to flee.

As part of the great tribulationLuke 21:8; Matthew 24:4-5; Matthew 24:23-25; Mark 13:5-6 and Mark 13:21-22 warn about more false christs.

Matthew 24:25 and Mark 13:23 warn us to personally take ye heed  of true Biblical prophecy.

Matthew 24:29-30; Mark 13:24-25 and Luke 21:24-26 warn about terrible things that will happen just before the return of Christ.

Matthew 24:27-31; Mark 13:26-27 and Luke 21:27-28 tell about Christ's  return to Earth to rule and reign.

Matthew 24:31; Mark 13:27 and Luke 21:28 tell about Christ  gathering the Jews from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven.

Matthew 24:32-34; Mark 13:28-30 and Luke 21:29-32 tell us the 'Parable of the Fig Tree'.

Matthew 24:34; Mark 13:30 and Luke 21:32 tell us Verily I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done.

Matthew 24:35; Mark 13:31 and Luke 21:33 say: Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.

Matthew 24:35-36; Mark 13:31-37 and Luke 21:33-36 give us a final warning and final commandments which are based upon these prophecies and on the precept which started these Bible references.

Matthew 24:37-39 and Luke 17:26-27 tell us that the days of the great tribulation  will be like the days of Noah.

  1. C13-S1 :  A disciple was impressed by the physical building.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence and chapter.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds what happened as Jesus  and His disciples left the Temple after having the religious leaders attack Him, doctrinally, several times.  Jesus  knows that His disciples will also be attacked in the future.  Therefore, He is using the experiences of that day to prepare them for their own future
    2. The phrase as he went out of the temple  means: 'tells us when this happened'.
    3. The phrase one of his disciples saith unto him  means: 'This is who started the teaching and prophecy by Jesus'.
    4. The phrase Master  means: 'Teacher'.  And, in this chapter, that is the role that Jesus  is fulfilling.
    5. The phrase see what manner of stones and what buildings are here!  means: 'he was impressed by the physical building and the work done by men to build it'.
  2. C13-S2Jesus  points to the buildings before giving His prophecy.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds the comments from Jesus  to what the disciple said.
    2. The phrase Jesus answering said unto him  means: 'Most of this chapter tells us what Jesus  said'.
    3. The phrase Seest thou these great buildings?  means: 'Jesus  references what the disciple points out'.
  3. C13-S3  says: there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.  This shows us how little God cares about the building.
  4. C13-S4Jesus  is asked about future events.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds the fact that Jesus  prepared to teach His disciples separate from the general Jews.
    2. The phrase as he sat upon the mount of Olives over against the temple  means: 'Jesus  sat where they could see the Temple'.  The Jewish religious leaders emphasized the physical and taught that their spiritual salvation was dependent upon the physical building.  King David, and others, worshipped towards Jerusalem and the Temple because that was where they met God.  However, the religious leaders taught the people to replace their relationship with God by worshipping the building.  And, Roman Catholics and many other religions also teach their followers to worship buildings and other physical places which they call 'holy'.
    3. The phrase Peter and James and John and Andrew asked him privately  means: 'These were His first four disciples'.
    4. The phrase Tell us, when shall these things be?  means: 'They asked to hear prophecy'.
  5. C13-S5  says: and what shall be the sign when all these things shall be fulfilled?.  Where the prior sentence asked when,  this sentence adds a request for the signs that the prophecy is about to be fulfilled.  In this chapter, Jesus  warns about people misreading the signs and about people deceiving the true believer.
  6. C13-S6 :  the start of this prophecy.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds this warning as the first, and most important, part of understanding prophecy.
    2. The phrase Jesus answering them began to say  means: 'This is the start of the answer from Jesus'.
    3. The phrase Take heed lest any man deceive you  means: 'expect people to try and deceive you'.  Some do this as a minister of Satan.  Some have been deceived but they claim to be some expert in order to feed their lustful pride and then they pass on their own deception.
    4. The phrase For many shall come in my name  means: 'Many will claim the next phrase but many more will claim to be 'good, godly, fundamental, Bible believing Baptist preachers who preach the Bible' when they truly preach religious traditions'.
    5. The phrase saying, I am Christ  means: 'There will be true antichrists,  some of whom will claim this title, some of whom will let others give them this title, but most who will claim the power and authority, like the Roman Catholic pope, while not claiming the title'.
    6. The phrase and shall deceive many  means: 'All of the types of people identified will do this'.
  7. C13-S7 :  Beware of error.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds a second warning.  Pay attention to the ending phrase of: The end shall not be yet.  This is a warning of people claiming something before it is the time for it.
    2. The phrase when ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars  means: 'This is what we will hear often'.
    3. The phrase be ye not troubled  means: 'This is how to react'.
    4. The phrase for such things must needs be  means: 'these things are not optional but are the result of our sin nature'.
    5. The phrase but the end shall not be yet  means: 'This is why to not be worried'.
  8. C13-S8 :  Why there are false appearances of prophecy.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word For,  which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true.
    2. The phrase For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom  means: 'Leaders will follow their sinful nature and try to rule the entire world even though God will only let Christ  do that'.
    3. The phrase and there shall be earthquakes in divers places  means: 'This Earth has been troubled since the days on Noah's flood and will continue to produce troubles for us'.
    4. The phrase and there shall be famines and troubles  means: 'Selfish and prideful men will cause problems with the production and distribution of food.  And, they will cause other troubles'.
    5. The phrase these are the beginnings of sorrows  means: 'However, these do not show God's determination to bring the great tribulation'.
  9. C13-S9 :  the future for saved people.
    1. The word But  means that this sentence is continuing the subject of the prior sentence while changing direction.  The prior three sentences warned us about sources of deception while this sentence instructs us to not be deceived.
    2. The phrase take heed to yourselves  means: 'pay close attention so that you are not deceived'.
    3. The phrase for they shall deliver you up to councils  means: 'This will happen to all of God's people in non-Jewish nations'.
    4. The phrase and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten  means: 'This will happen to saved Jews'.
    5. The phrase and ye shall be brought before rulers and kings for my sake  means: 'This is why God will allow these things to happen'.  His people will be able to give the Gospel to leaders whom they could not reach otherwise.
    6. The phrase for a testimony against them  means: 'God will use their reaction to judge them'.  We will be rewarded regardless of what men will do but God has the last judgment.
  10. C13-S10  says: And the gospel must first be published among all nations.  This means: 'Before the return of Christ,  the Gospel will go everywhere'.  There are still countries where the Gospel has not been preached and other countries where devils have leaders make it illegal to preach the Gospel where the culture resists the Gospel.
  11. C13-S11 :  Let God's Holy Spirit speak at the trial.
    1. The word But  means that this sentence is continuing the subject of the prior sentence while changing direction.  The prior sentence told us about men and devils trying to stop the spread of the Gospel.  And, this sentence tells us to not let them win the struggle.
    2. The phrase But when they shall lead you, and deliver you up  means: 'These are the conditions when devil motivated men will try to make God's people shut their mouths and not give out the Gospel'.
    3. The phrase take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak, neither do ye premeditate  means: 'Don't consider for a long time, nor even for a short time, what you will answer when you are in these circumstances'.
    4. The phrase but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye  means: 'Expect God's direction on what to say'.
    5. The phrase for it is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost  means: 'Don't get self in the way of God's Holy Ghost.  Let Him use your body to say what He wants said'.
  12. C13-S12 :  True believers will be betrayed by family.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds .
    2. The word Now  means: 'After you understand what was written before this sentence'.
    3. The phrase The brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the son; and children shall rise up against their parents, and shall cause them to be put to death  means: 'Expect your own physical family members to argue against you and to even turn you into the enemy to be tortured and killed'.
  13. C13-S13 :  the evidence of a true believer.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds more bad results to what was reported in the prior sentence.
    2. The phrase ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake  means: 'Each and every one of you personally (ye)  will receive this result if you personally preach the true Gospel'.
    3. The phrase but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved  means: 'Truly saved people will endure until death.  People who do not endure until death will question their own salvation.  They will not be sure that they shall be saved'.  A truly saved person can not lose their salvation but they can lose their assurance of salvation.  That is what this phrase is truly warning us about.
  14. C13-S14 :  When Jews are to flee.
    1. The word But  means that this sentence is continuing the subject of the prior sentence while changing direction.  The prior sentence told us how to keep our assurance of salvation while this sentence warns against the greatest threat to that assurance.  This warning is for the Jews and does not apply to anyone who is truly saved during the 'Church Age' because all such will leave this Earth in the 'Rapture'.  In addition, it does not apply to non-Jews who had a chance to hear the Gospel, during the 'Church Age', because God will give those people a strong delusion  (2Thessalonians 2:11-12).
    2. The phrase But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet  means: 'This is what living Jews are to look for'.  The phrase abomination of desolation  means: 'The person that the Bible calls beast,  but that devils have got people to claim is the only true antichrist' according to the reference that Jesus  gives in Matthew 24:15.  There He references Daniel 8:13; Daniel 9:27; Daniel 11:31 and Daniel 12:11.
    3. The phrase standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,)  means: 'This is a reference to Daniel's prophecy that identified the person which the Bible calls beast,  but that devils have got people to claim is the only true antichrist'.
    4. The phrase then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains  means: 'This is a direct reference to Jews who are living at that time'.
    5. The phrase And let him that is on the housetop not go down into the house, neither enter therein, to take anything out of his house: And let him that is in the field not turn back again for to take up his garment  means: 'These are additional circumstances which might cause people to delay but which Jesus tells them to not delay'.
  15. C13-S15  says: But woe to them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!  the word But  means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.  The prior sentence warned the Jews to not delay and this sentence says woe  to women who are slowed down by children..
  16. C13-S16  says: And pray ye that your flight be not in the winter  because winter conditions also slow down travel.
  17. C13-S17 :  this is the time of history's worst affliction.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word For,  which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentences are true.
    2. The phrase in those days shall be affliction, such as was not from the beginning of the creation which God created unto this time, neither shall be  means this sentence is identifying the great tribulation.
  18. C13-S18 :  the devil wants to murder everyone.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds a limit to the days described in the prior sentence.
    2. The phrase except that the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh should be saved  means: 'This is the physical salvation of living people'.  Pay attention to the word flesh  in our phrase.  The goal of devils can be seen in the doctrine of radical Islam.  They claim that their god tells them to 'Murder anyone who disagrees with you'.  And, since even married couples have disagreements, they doctrine tells them to murder everyone until no flesh should be saved.
    3. The phrase but for the elect's sake, whom he hath chosen  means: 'God will act to save His chosen people'.  Please remember that the church is in Heaven and, therefore, the word elect,  in this phrase, only applies to Jews.  That proves that religious doctrines, which claim that The elect  are only Gentiles who were preordained to Heaven is a lie from devils.
    4. The phrase he hath shortened the days  means: 'God will limit the physical destruction and death'.  The great tribulation  will prove the results of following Satan's plan to let everyone do whatever they want.
  19. C13-S19 :  the errors to watch out for.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, the prior sentence was a prophecy for Jews only while this sentence adds a prophecy for all of God's people during all times.
    2. The phrase then if any man shall say to you  means: 'after you understand (then)  that there will be false Christs'.
    3. The phrase Lo, here is Christ; or, lo, he is there  means: 'If someone claims that a false Christs  is anywhere in this world'.
    4. The phrase believe him not  means: 'This is how to react'.  This is not a suggestion but a command.
    5. The phrase For false Christs and false prophets shall rise  means: 'This is why'.  Devils can make people false prophets  and even convince some that they are a false Christ.
    6. The phrase and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect  means: 'Devils can use people to do miracles which can be very convincing'.
  20. C13-S20  says: But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things.  This means: 'Pay attention to this warning.  Don't be deceived by these lies and false evidences'.
  21. C13-S21 :  After the first three and half (3.5) years of the great tribulation.
    1. The word But  means that this sentence is continuing the subject of the prior sentence while changing direction.  The prior sentence was a warning to the saved while this sentence is a warning to all living people.
    2. The phrase in those days  means: 'In the second half of the great tribulation'.
    3. The phrase after that tribulation  means: 'After the beast  has declared himself to be Christ,  in the Temple, and caused many to believe the lie'.  Men think of tribulation  as only applying the physical.  However, in this phrase, Jesus  is applying it spiritually because it will send everyone, who believes the lie, to an eternity in The lake of fire.
    4. The phrase The sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, And the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken  means: 'These are things which will occur in the space around the Earth in this physical reality'.
  22. C13-S22 :  then the 'Second Coming'.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds the true return of Christ  to the prior prophecy.
    2. The phrase then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory  means: 'This is when and how people on Earth will see the true return of Christ'.
  23. C13-S23 :  All of God's elect  will be gathered.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds what will happen after the true return of Christ.
    2. The phrase then shall he send his angels  means: 'This is who will do the work'.  I imagine, but can not doctrinally say, that Jesus Christ  will have His angels  do the work because they can instantly transport people and doing so will limit the time required to do the job.  (Remember that Satan transported Jesus  instantly from the desert to the top of the Temple.  Therefore, other angels can also do the same.)
    3. The phrase and shall gather together his elect from the four winds  means: 'They will gather God's true people'.  As pointed out earlier in this chapter, his elect,  in this chapter, identifies Jews who lived through the great tribulation.  This phrase also prove that much which is taught about, the word elect,  is doctrinal error.  In addition, the phrase from the four winds  means: 'from every place on Earth'.
    4. The phrase from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven  means: 'it is possible that some people will be in outer space'.  This is not something to argue about or 'take a doctrinal stand on'.
  24. C13-S24 :  this parable gives the sign of the end.
    1. The word Now  means: 'After you understand what was written before this sentence'.
    2. The phrase learn a parable of the fig tree  means: 'Jesus  wants us to understand this parable but it requires us understanding the prophecy which came before this parable'.
    3. The phrase When her branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is near  means: 'This is a natural indication of the season change if you are in the middle-east'.  Other places on the Earth have different indicators of the season change.  And, while the indicators vary, all parts of the Earth have indicators of the season change.
    4. The phrase So ye in like manner, when ye shall see these things come to pass  means: 'These are the spiritual indicators of a spiritual season change'.  People who do not understand spiritual things will not understand these signs.  Like with parables, the lost and carnal will not truly understand spiritual things and will insist that they indicate the wrong thing or will deny that they indicate anything.
    5. The phrase know that it is nigh, even at the doors  means: 'The Jews who are living through the great tribulation  are to know that the return of Christ  will be very soon'.  After His return, the 1,000-years reign of Christ  will start.
  25. C13-S25  says: Verily I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done.  There is a lot of disagreement about which generation  Jesus  is talking about.  However, if we pay attention to the context, like we are supposed to do, then the This generation  is referencing the prior sentence.  And, I know that a lot of people will disagree with what I just wrote but that is because they are trusting religious traditions which rely on methods of interpretation which lead people to claim that there are errors in the perfect word of God.  The methods used on this web site prove that there are no errors in the perfect word of God.  But, the reader must use God's way  to interpret God's word  and doing that yields the interpretation just given.
  26. C13-S26  says: Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.  This is a precept which can stand independent to the context and always be true.  But, our context makes this precept applied to the context.  And, that means that these prophecies are more reliable than the 'law of gravity' because it will go away when Heaven and earth shall pass away.  Therefore, the main message of this sentence, within this context, is to trust the true interpretation of the prophecies.
  27. C13-S27 :  the limit on anticipating the end.
    1. The word But  means that this sentence is continuing the subject of the prior sentence while changing direction.  The prior sentence gave us a precept that you can always rely upon while this sentence warns us about lies which you can never rely on.
    2. The phrase But of that day and that hour knoweth no man  means: 'Anyone who claims to know the exact day and hour,  when the 'Rapture' will happen or when Jesus Christ  will return, is a liar'.
    3. The phrase no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father  means: 'Only God the Father knows that and not even Jesus  knows it'.
  28. C13-S28  says: Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is.  This means: 'Each and every one of you personally (ye)  are to watch  ('Act like a soldier on guard duty in enemy territory') and pray  ('seek the power and directions from Jesus Christ') for  ('here's why') ye know not when the time is  ('you personally can not know when God will fulfill these prophecies')'.
  29. C13-S29 :  the analogy.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word For,  which means that it is giving us the reason why the commandment in the prior sentence is true.
    2. The phrase The Son of man is as a man taking a far journey  means: 'Jesus,  as a literal physical man (The Son of man)  is going to Heaven' and is using this sentence to help us understand our duty.
    3. The phrase who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work  means: 'all saved people have a job to do and personal guidance from God's Holy Ghost  for what they are to do and how they are to do their personal job within the church'.
    4. The phrase and commanded the porter to watch  means: 'The pastor is to watch for the return of Christ  along with his other duties'.
  30. C13-S30 :  the final warning.
    1. The phrase Watch ye therefore  means: 'Keep a constant diligent watch for the return (Rapture)'.
    2. The phrase for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning  means: 'Here's why.  You can not know the hour of His return'.  Since the 'Rapture' will happen instantly, and all around the world at the same time, the 'Rapture' will literally happen at all hours of the day and the hour experienced by saved people will depend upon where they are in the world at that instant.
    3. The phrase Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping  means: 'You don't want to be caught engaging in some sin'.
  31. C13-S31  says: And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.  This commandment is given to each and every saved person.  Having written that, we do need to recognize that the command to watch  occurs four (4) times in the end of this chapter (in 13:33; 13:34; 13:35 and 13:37).  And, the Bible uses this word like a soldier on guard duty has a watch.  Woe be to the person who fails to keep active looking for the return of Jesus Christ  and making sure that they are doing what they are supposed to be doing.

Chapter 14 Summary:

Theme: the 'Last Supper' and Betrayal by the Jews.

Matthew 26; Mark 14; Luke 22; John 13 and various other Bible references deal with the 'Last Supper' and the betrayal of Jesus.  (Jesus  said that He had the 'Last Supper' with the twelve before His crucifixion: his hour was come that he should depart out of this world).  links to Bible references, which are related to this chapter, can be found in the Betrayal of Jesus are in the Gospel Time Sequence Study.  In addition, there are several references to these chapters in the Significant Gospel Events Study in Sections like Prophecies; Prophecy Fulfilled and Promises and other Sections of that reference document.  Further, this chapter is found in the Study called Miracles in the Gospels.  Hopefully, with all of thee Bible references, the reader understands that the events of this chapter are critical to true Bible faith.

Mark 14:1-2; Matthew 26:3-5; Luke 22:2 and John 11:47-53 tells us that chief priests and the scribes sought  to take Jesus,  but delayed their action until a more convent time.  That time came when Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus,  as we are told in 14:10.

After that introduction, which gives us the background, Mark continues with the incident at the supper given by Simon the leper  and reported in Mark 14:3-11; Matthew 26:6-13; Luke 7:38-50 and John 12:1-11.

This incident was the 'last straw' for Judas because he saw it as a waste of money and he still held to the Jewish doctrine that riches proved favor with God.  Therefore, he saw this as a waste of the favor with God.  Because of his wrong attitude, Judas plots with the chief priests to betray Jesus  as reported in Mark 14:10-11; Matthew 26:14-16 and Luke 22:3-6.

After that we are told about the preparation for the passover / 'Last Supper' of Jesus  as reported in Mark 14:12-16; Matthew 26:17-19 and Luke 22:7-13.  John does not report the preparation but has far more about the actual 'Last Supper' than any other gospel writer.

The 'Last Supper' of Jesus  is reported in Mark 14:18-26; Matthew 26:20-29; Luke 22:14-38 and John 13:1-14:31.

Mark 14:18-21; Matthew 26:21-25; Luke 22:21-23 and John 13:21-35 all tell about Jesus  saying that He would be betrayed.

The part, of the Last Supper, that is repeated in ceremony today is in Mark 14:22-26; Matthew 26:26-30; Luke 22:19-20 and 1Corinthians 11:23-34.  There are a lot of conflicting doctrines about this event. Therefore, please read the sentences, and related notes, within this Study, for correct Biblical doctrine.

After the supper, they went out to The mount of Olives.  On the way, Jesus  taught His disciples as is reported in Mark 14:27-31.  This is also found in John 18 but with much more detail.

Mark 14:27; Matthew 26:31 and John 16:32  present the prophecy by Jesus  of His own crucifixion and that all of the disciples would be offended by Him that night and that the disciples would scatter  because of the crucifixion.

Mark 14:29-31; Matthew 26:33-35; Luke 22:31-34 and John 13:37-38 present the prophecy by Jesus  that Peter would deny knowing Jesus.

The agony of Jesus  in Gethsemane is reported in: Mark 14:32-52; Matthew 26:36-56; Luke 22:39-53 and John 18:1-13.  In Mark 14:32-50; Mark tells us about the time in Gethsemane with some detail that are not found in other Gospels.  Mark 14:51-52 is where we find that Mark was there, in person, but was not one of the major disciples.

The betrayal and arrest of Jesus  is reported in: Mark 14:43-46; Matthew 26:47-50; Luke 22:47-54 and John 18:3-13.  In addition, please also see the Sequence of the Betrayal of Jesus for more references.

Mark 14:47; Matthew 26:51-54; Luke 22:49-51 and John 18:10 all tell us about Peter cutting off the servant's ear during the arrest of Jesus.  Those references also tell us about Jesus  healing the man.  Some of the details are only told in one of the Gospels.  This event is also found in the Table of Miracles within the Gospels.

Jesus  is taken before Caiaphas the high priest as reported in: Mark 14:53; Matthew 26:57; Luke 22:54 and John 18:24-28.

We read about the trial of Jesus  by the Jewish high priests and the scribes and elders  and of all of the council  in: Mark 14:53-15:1; Matthew 26:57-27:2; Luke 22:5423:1 and John 18:12-28.  Here we see them trying to get Jesus  to make a statement which they can use to bring a false charge against Him.  John 18:19-23 has questioning which is only recorded in John.  This questioning was done either was before or after the seeking of false witnesses recorded in Mark 14:55-60 and Matthew 26:59-61.

Mark 14:54; Mark 14:66-72; Matthew 26:58; Matthew 26:69-75; Luke 22:54-62; John 18:15-18; John 25-27 all tell us about the stumbling of Peter.  Each of the Gospels give us details about the stumbling of Peter which are not in the other Gospels.  Piecing these accounts together we see that it was two servant maids and a guard who questioned Peter.  The first maid also opened the door for John and Peter.

In Mark 14:57-59 and Matthew 26:60-61 we read about the false witnesses.

The religious rulers question Jesus  and ask Him if He is The Christ  in Mark 14:61; Matthew 26:63; Luke 22:67 and John 10:24.

Mark 14:59-64 tell us about The high priest  getting frustrated at his liars not giving a testimony which would justify murdering Jesus.  Therefore, he took over the questioning himself and declared Jesus  guilty of blaspheme for answering honestly to his question of: Art thou the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?  the notes for this section cover some important doctrinal issues which cults lie about today.

Mark 14:62; Matthew 26:64; Luke 22:67-69 and John 14:3 present the prophecy by Jesus  of His return to this Earth.  There are several other prophecies in this chapter and they can be found in the Prophecies of the Significant Gospel Events Study.

The denial by Peter starts in Mark 14:66 continues through the end of the chapter.  Please also see: Matthew 26:58; Matthew 26:69-75; Luke 22:54-62; John 18:15-18 and John 18:25-27 about this account.

We see the chapter starting out with what should have been a very pleasant holiday dinner and ending with Jesus  betrayed, at various levels, by all of His people (The Jews).  Judas and the religious leaders betrayed Him to death.  The Jewish servants of the High priest  beat Him.  He was denied by Peter and abandoned by all of His other disciples, although John18 does tell us that the apostle John was in the background at the home of the High priest.

  1. C14-S1 :  the setting of events in this chapter.
    1. The phrase After two days was the feast of the passover, and of unleavened bread  means: 'This was a seven (7) day feast commemorating God not killing the first born and of God delivering the Jews from Egypt'.  John 12:1 tells us: Then Jesus six days before the passover came to Bethany.  That means that Jesus  arrived at the beginning of the feast, which spiritually represented removing sin from the lives of God's people.  Passover was the last day of the feast.  At the end of this feast, Jesus  would be sacrified to deliver the saved from this sinful world by changing their sinful life through the ministry of God's indwelling Holy Ghost.
    2. The phrase and the chief priests and the scribes sought how they might take him by craft, and put him to death  means: 'The religious leaders represented the spiritual influences of devils.  They did not want God's people free but wanted death'.
  2. C14-S2 :  the delayed action by the Jewish religious leaders.
    1. The word But  means that this sentence is continuing the subject of the prior sentence while changing direction.  The prior sentence was they wanted Jesus  dead while this sentence says that they wanted to delay the murder.
    2. The phrase But they said, Not on the feast day  means: 'This was the cause of the delay'.
    3. The phrase lest there be an uproar of the people  means: 'They didn't care about upsetting God.  They only cared about the people because their focus was strictly on this physical reality and not on the spiritual'.
  3. C14-S3 :  the start of the account of Mary anointing Jesus  for His death.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds an account of Jesus  being honored for His death to the dishonor planned by the religious leaders.
    2. The phrase being in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper  means: 'The only thing that we know about this man was that he was a Pharisee'.  We do not know, but my guess is that he received leprosy after this incident.
    3. The phrase as he sat at meat  means: 'The invited guests were sitting down and eating'.
    4. The phrase there came a woman having an alabaster box of ointment of spikenard very precious  means: 'This was Mary who sat at the feet of Jesus  and believed His prophecy of His suffering and death even while no one else believed it'.  Luke noted that she was a sinner.  John tells us that it was Mary,  the sister of Martha and Lazarus.  She was also known as Mary Magdalene  and was a whore before Jesus  cast seven (7) devils out of her.  In addition, she sat at the feet of Jesus  learning from Him while Martha was busy working in the kitchen.  Thus, she appreciated her changed life and her personal relationship with Jesus  more than any of the religious people.  And, that is why she believed His prophecy when even the disciples refused to believe.
    5. The phrase and she brake the box, and poured it on his head  means: 'This is what she did which upset all of the religious people'.
  4. C14-S4 :  the reaction by observers.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds the reaction of people to what Mary did.
    2. The phrase there were some that had indignation within themselves  means: 'This describes the reaction of almost everyone'.  Matthew reports: when his disciples saw it, they had indignation,.  Luke reports: when the Pharisee which had bidden him saw it, he spake within himself, saying, this man, if he were a prophet, would have known who and what manner of woman this is that toucheth him: for she is a sinner.  John reports: Then saith one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, which should betray him, Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence, and given to the poor?.  Thus, we see that the details very from person to person but the overall reaction was one of indignation.
    3. The phrase and said, Why was this waste of the ointment made?  means: 'They all asked this question either out loud or to themselves'.
    4. As with many places where the critics claim that there are errors and conflicts in the Gospels and in The word of God,  there is no true conflict nor error.  What we truly have is multiple reports which increase our understanding if we truly read what is reported.
  5. C14-S5 :  Why some reacted that way.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word For,  which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true and why religious people had indignation.
    2. The phrase it might have been sold for more than three hundred pence, and have been given to the poor  was explained in the note for the prior sentence.
  6. C14-S6  says: And they murmured against her.  This tells us their action which was added to their attitude.
  7. C14-S7 :  the response from Jesus  is added to the reports in prior sentences.  This response continues for the next few sentences and the entire response need to be considered together as a single unit.  Our sentence says: And Jesus said, Let her alone; why trouble ye her?.  What we see here is that Jesus  supported her righteous action.  Likewise, God expects His people to protect others who do righteous acts, especially when they are attacked by religious people because of their righteous act.
  8. C14-S8  says: she hath wrought a good work on me.  What the Bible calls a good work  is: 'a God motivated work'.  God's Holy Ghost  motivated her to do this and the religious people did not understand it because it was a spiritual work and had to be spiritually discerned.
  9. C14-S9Jesus  explains their error.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word For,  which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true.  This is why God's Holy Ghost  motivated Mary to do this act.
    2. The phrase ye have the poor with you always  means: 'Each and every one of you personally will always have poor people around you'.  Poverty is one of the results of the sin attitude of men.  And we can waste lots of time expressing opinions about this, and never come to an agreement.  However, in this phrase, Jesus  makes it clear that poverty will not go away until Christ  sets up His 1,000-years reign.  And, while lots of people will disagree with that truth, their disagreement is, effectively, calling Jesus  a liar.
    3. The phrase and whensoever ye will ye may do them good  means: 'Lots of people have lots of ideas for dealing with the poor and God will allow them to do as they wish'.
    4. The phrase but me ye have not always  means: 'Jesus  was going to return to Heaven'.  Therefore, anything anyone wanted to do for Him had to be done within the limited time available to them.  Likewise, we have a limited time in this physical reality.  Therefore, anything we wanted to do for Jesus  must be done within the limited time available to us.
  10. C14-S10 :  Why her action was right.
    1. The phrase She hath done what she could  means: 'She clearly understood the prophecy, she believed it and she acted on it'.
    2. The phrase she is come aforehand to anoint my body to the burying  means: 'She acted in this world to produce a spiritual result'.
  11. C14-S11 :  the blessing because of her action.
    1. The phrase Verily I say unto you  means: 'Jesus  said this and we can verify (Verily)  it'.  (Please see the Prophecies Section, within the Significant Gospel Events Study, for verification of prophecies.)
    2. The phrase Wheresoever this gospel shall be preached throughout the whole world, this also that she hath done shall be spoken of for a memorial of her  means: 'This incident is often preached'.
  12. C14-S12 :  the reaction by Judas Iscariot.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds the reaction by Judas Iscariot to what Jesus  promised would be the result to Mary.
    2. The phrase Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve  means: 'This identifies who reacted'.
    3. The phrase went unto the chief priests  means: 'This identifies what he did'.
    4. The phrase to betray him unto them  means: 'This identifies why he acted'.
  13. C14-S13 :  the response from the chief priests.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds their reaction to the action by Judas Iscariot.
    2. The phrase when they heard it  means: 'This says when they reacted'.
    3. The phrase they were glad  means: 'This says how they felt'.
    4. The phrase and promised to give him money  means: 'This says what they promised'.
  14. C14-S14  says: And he sought how he might conveniently betray him.  This means: 'Judas looked for a chance to betray Jesus  without suffering for it'.  However, Judas only considered what men would do and ignored how God would react.  Yes, God knew what he would do.  But he chose to do it and God did not force him to do what he did.  Therefore, Judas is the one responsible and God has no fault.
  15. C14-S15 :  Return to actions on the holy day to continue the story.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds he report of the next incident to the prior report.
    2. The phrase The first day of unleavened bread, when they killed the passover  means: 'This was when the incident started and why this time was important'.
    3. The phrase his disciples said unto him, Where wilt thou that we go and prepare that thou mayest eat the passover?  means: 'The disciples asked for directions from Jesus'.
  16. C14-S16Jesus  gives instructions by prophecy.  Matthew 26:17-19; Mark 14:13 and Luke 22:8 tell us that Jesus  prophesied exactly what the disciples would find when they went into the city to prepare to eat the passover.  The three (3) sentences following these references tell us that this prophecy was fulfilled exactly as Jesus  had prophesied.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds the prophecy to the question of the prior sentence.
    2. The phrase he sendeth forth two of his disciples, and saith unto them  means: 'This identifies who Jesus  sent and how'.  Luke tells us that it was Peter and John.
    3. The phrase Go ye into the city, and there shall meet you a man bearing a pitcher of water: follow him  means: 'This is what Jesus  told them to do'.
  17. C14-S17 :  they are to ask about the upper room.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds these instructions to the instructions of prior sentence.
    2. The phrase wheresoever he shall go in, say ye to the goodman of the house  means: 'Not only did Jesus  prophesy that they would find the servant but He also prophesied that the servant would lead them to a believer who would make his upper room available to Jesus  and His disciples for several days'.
    3. The phrase The Master saith, Where is the guestchamber, where I shall eat the passover with my disciples?  means: 'Jesus  demanded that he make his personal home available'.  Likewise, Jesus  demands that we make our personal property available as a sacrifice to God.
  18. C14-S18 :  the preparations are already completed.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds to the prophecy of the prior sentence.
    2. The phrase he will shew you a large upper room furnished and prepared  means: 'The man knew to prepare a room even though Jesus  had not sent a message before this time'.
    3. The phrase there make ready for us  means: 'This tells them what to do'.
  19. C14-S19  says: And his disciples went forth, and came into the city, and found as he had said unto them: and they made ready the passover.  This sentence adds their obedience to the prophecy of the prior sentence.  The disciples prepared the supper.
  20. C14-S20  says: And in the evening he cometh with the twelve.  Apparently, Peter and John returned to where Jesus  was after they made the preparations so that they could return with Him at evening.
  21. C14-S21Jesus  makes a stunning announcement.  (Please use the links at the start of this Chapter Summary to access the related accounts.)
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds this incident to their arrival for the supper.
    2. The phrase as they sat and did eat  means: 'This is when Jesus  made the announcement'.  Since Judas met with the religious leaders in private, it took more than natural ability for Jesus  to be positive in His knowledge of this thing.
    3. The phrase Jesus said, Verily I say unto you  means: 'Jesus  said that He had verified this with God the Father'.  People forget that God knows, and records, everything that we do.  And, God can let His people know things that we think are hidden.
    4. The phrase One of you which eateth with me shall betray me  means: 'This is what Judas will do'.
  22. C14-S22 and C14-S23  say: And they began to be sorrowful, and to say unto him one by one, Is it I? and another said, Is it I?.  All of the disciples reacted this way including Judas.  He was still pretending to be innocent and refusing to regard Jesus  as 'God in human flesh'.  Therefore, even though he knew that Jesus  was a prophet, he was wondering how Jesus  could know of his planned betrayal.
  23. C14-S24Jesus  said how to identify the traitor.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds this answer to the questions of the prior two sentences.
    2. The phrase he answered and said unto them  means: 'Jesus  gave this answer'.
    3. The phrase It is one of the twelve, that dippeth with me in the dish.  When we consider what Mark reports, along with what the other Gospel writers report, it seems amazing that no one realized that it was Judas before he showed up in the garden with a mob.
  24. C14-S25Jesus  adds this warning.
    1. The phrase The Son of man indeed goeth, as it is written of him  means: 'This is prophecy'.  Please see the Prophecies Section of the Significant Gospel Events Study for the prophecies about the suffering of Christ.
    2. The phrase but woe to that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed!  means: 'This is another prophecy'.  Please see that same Study for the prophecies about what happens to Judas.
  25. C14-S26  says: good were it for that man if he had never been born.  His suffering will far exceed what he gets for this sin.  Likewise, all of us, especially those who die lost, will suffer far more than what enjoyment that people get from sin.
  26. C14-S27 :  the bread of communion.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds the report of the ceremony to the report of other things that happened at the supper.
    2. The phrase as they did eat  means: 'This is when Jesus  did this'.
    3. The phrase Jesus tok bread, and blessed, and brake it, and gave to them, and said  means: 'This is what Jesus  did'.
    4. The phrase Take, eat: this is my body  means: 'This is the symbolic meaning'.
  27. C14-S28 :  the drink of communion.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds to the ceremony.
    2. The phrase he took the cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them  means: 'This is what Jesus  did'.
    3. The phrase and they all drank of it  means: 'They all participated in the ceremony'.
  28. C14-S29 :  the spiritual meaning.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds an explanation to the ceremony.
    2. The phrase he said unto them  means: 'Jesus  said this'.
    3. The phrase This is my blood of the new testament  means: 'This is the symbolic meaning'.  The new testament  gives us God's indwelling Holy Spirit  Who has the job of changing us to be like Jesus.  By drinking the juice we are, symbolically, agreeing to accept the changes to our spirit which God's indwelling Holy Spirit  will cause.
    4. The phrase which is shed for many  means: 'Jesus  paid the price for everyone's sins but only those people who accept Him as their personal Lord  have His payment applied to their sin record in Heaven'.
  29. C14-S30 :  the fruit of the vine  will be at the marriage supper of the Lamb.
    1. The phrase Verily I say unto you  means: 'Jesus  said this and you can verify it'.
    2. The phrase I will drink no more of the fruit of the vine  means: 'What is in Heaven is not grape juice nor is it alcoholic drink like found on Earth'.
    3. The phrase until that day that I drink it new in the kingdom of God  means: 'This will be pure with no corruption at all'.
  30. C14-S31  says: And when they had sung an hymn, they went out into the mount of Olives.  This tells us that the ceremony was ended with an hymn.
  31. C14-S32 :  the scriptural basis of the disciples abandoning Jesus.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds a report of what Jesus  said on the way to The mount of Olives.
    2. The phrase Jesus saith unto them  means: 'Jesus  said this to the eleven'.  (Judas was gone on his betrayal.)
    3. The phrase All ye shall be offended because of me this night  means: 'This is what they will do'.
    4. The phrase for it is written, I will smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered  means: 'Jesus  said that this was a fulfillment of Zechariah 13 '.
  32. C14-S33  Pl and to meet after the resurrection.
    1. The word But  means that this sentence is continuing the subject of the prior sentence while changing direction.  The prior sentence was about before the crucifixion while this sentence deals with after the resurrection.
    2. The phrase But after that I am risen  means: 'is another prophecy about the resurrection'.  Please see the Prophecies Section of the Significant Gospel Events Study And the Sequence of the Resurrection of Jesus are in the Gospel Time Sequence Study for more Bible references to this prophecy.
    3. The phrase I will go before you into Galilee  means: 'says where Jesus  will meet them'.
  33. C14-S34 :  Peter bragging.
    1. The word But  means that this sentence is continuing the subject of the prior sentence while changing direction.  The prior sentence told us that Jesus  said: All ye shall be offended because of me this night  while this sentence tells us of Peter's disagreement with that statement.
    2. The phrase But Peter said unto him  means: 'This is who spoke'.
    3. The phrase Although all shall be offended, yet will not I  is what he said.  The Bible warns us about pride and, yet, we all are guilty of pride at times.
  34. C14-S35Jesus  prophesied he failure.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds this prophecy to Peter's statement of pride.
    2. The phrase Jesus saith unto him  means: 'This is who spoke'.
    3. The phrase Verily I say unto thee  means: 'This statement can be verified'.
    4. The phrase that this day, even in this night, before the cock crow twice  means: 'when this will happen'.
    5. The phrase thou shalt deny me thrice  means: 'what Peter will personally (thou)  do'.
  35. C14-S36 :  Peter insisted on his loyalty.
    1. The word But  means that this sentence is continuing the subject of the prior sentence while changing direction.  The prior sentence was told is the prophecy while this sentence tells us the denial of the prophecy.
    2. The phrase But he spake the more vehemently  means: 'Peter added strong emotion to his claim'.  Many people make this mistake.  However, emotional emphasis does not turn error into fact.
    3. The phrase If I should die with thee, I will not deny thee in any wise  is what Peter claimed.
  36. C14-S37  says: Likewise also said they all.  Pay attention to this sentence.  People like to talk and preach about Peter, but our sentence tells us that the others did likewise.  Gossips like to talk about others so that you don't notice their own guilt.  However, God does not miss the truth and, as our current sentence shows us, God records all guilt.
  37. C14-S38Jesus  took His disciples to pray before His agony started.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds their arrival to the report of what happened on the way.
    2. The phrase they came to a place which was named Gethsemane  means: 'This is where Jesus  led them'.
    3. The phrase and he saith to his disciples  means: 'Jesus  said the following phrase to most of the disciples'.
    4. The phrase Sit ye here, while I shall pray  means: 'This is what Jesus  told them to do'.
  38. C14-S39Jesus  asks for special prayer.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds what Jesus  did with Peter, James and John to what He did with the rest.
    2. The phrase he taketh with him Peter and James and John  means: 'They were His inner circle'.
    3. The phrase and began to be sore amazed, and to be very heavy  means: 'These are the emotions which Jesus  displayed'.
    4. The phrase And saith unto them, My soul is exceeding sorrowful unto death  means: 'This is why He felt this way'.
    5. The phrase tarry ye here, and watch  means: 'This is the command that He gave to them'.
  39. C14-S40Jesus  prayed alone.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds what Jesus  did next.
    2. The phrase he went forward a little, and fell on the ground, and prayed that  tells us: 'What He did'.
    3. The phrase if it were possible, the hour might pass from him  tells us: 'What He prayed'.
  40. C14-S41 :  the private prayer of Jesus.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds details of what Jesus  prayed.
    2. The phrase he said, Abba, Father  means: 'Jesus  started with His relationship to God the Father'.
    3. The phrase all things are possible unto thee  means: 'Jesus  added worship'.
    4. The phrase take away this cup from me  means: 'Jesus  added His request'.
    5. The phrase nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt  means: 'Jesus  added His agreement to submit'.
  41. C14-S42Jesus  checks on His prayer partners.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds to what Jesus  did when He took a break from praying.
    2. The phrase he cometh, and findeth them sleeping  means: 'This is how Jesus  found the inner three'.
    3. The phrase and saith unto Peter, Simon  means: 'Jesus  addressed Peter as: Simon.  This name is only used when he is acting in his flesh'.
    4. The phrase sleepest thou?  means: 'He didn't5 just nod off but was in a deep sleep'.
  42. C14-S43  says: couldest not thou watch one hour?.  This is a question with application to us all on a personal level.  Many people who claim to be saved are spiritually asleep.
  43. C14-S44  says: Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptationJesus  warns of the danger involved in sleeping when we should be praying.  Please see the notethat Peter did not have the spiritual help, that he needed, when he was tempted to deny Jesus.
  44. C14-S45  says: The spirit truly is ready, but the flesh is weakJesus  explains the motivations involved.  Our sentence uses a lower case spirit,  which means that it is Peter's personal spirit.  In his 'mind, will and emotions'.  Peter wanted to do right.  He just had not learned how to overcome the strong desires of his flesh.
  45. C14-S46  says: And again he went away, and prayed, and spake the same words  this is the second of three times that Jesus  did this.
  46. C14-S47  says: And when he returned, he found them asleep again, (for their eyes were heavy,) neither wist they what to answer him  this is the second of three times that this happened.  They did not realize that devils were affecting their flesh so that they would not seek and receive spiritual help.
  47. C14-S48 :  the third time that Jesus  checks on His prayer partners.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds the report of the third time.
    2. The phrase he cometh the third time, and saith unto them  means: 'Jesus  came and found them sleeping the third time'.
    3. The phrase Sleep on now, and take your rest: it is enough  means: 'It is too late to pray about events'.
    4. The phrase The hour is come  means: 'The time of the betrayal had come'.
    5. The phrase behold, the Son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners  means: 'This is what is starting to happen'.
  48. C14-S49  says:: Rise up, let us go; lo, he that betrayeth me is at hand  means: 'It is time to meet the mob that is coming'.
  49. C14-S50 :  the arrival of Judas Iscariot.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds what others did to what Jesus  said was happening.
    2. The phrase immediately, while he yet spake  means: 'This is when it happened'.
    3. The phrase cometh Judas, one of the twelve  means: 'Judas was the main betrayer'.
    4. The phrase and with him a great multitude with swords and staves, from the chief priest and the scribes and the elders  means: 'With him came a mob ready for a fight'.
  50. C14-S51 :  How others are to help in the betrayal.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds to the sign that Judas gave to the mob.
    2. The phrase he that betrayed him had given them a token, saying  means: 'Judas said that he would identify Jesus'.
    3. The phrase Whomsoever I shall kiss, that same is he  means: 'This was the sign from Judas'.
    4. The phrase take him, and lead him away safely  means: 'This is what they were to do'.
  51. C14-S52  says: And as soon as he was come, he goeth straightway to him, and saith, Master, master; and kissed him.  This is the act of betrayal.
  52. C14-S53  says: And they laid their hands on him, and took him.  They forcibly grabbed Jesus  even though force was not required.
  53. C14-S54 :  Peter reacted violently.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds the reaction of Peter to the actions of the mob.  Please see the matching sentences in the other Gospel accounts which identify Peter and tell us other details of what happened at this time.
    2. The phrase one of them that stood by drew a sword, and smote a servant of the high priest, and cut off his ear  means: 'This is what Peter did'.  Another Gospel account tells us that Jesus  healed the ear.  Later, a relative of this man will identify Peter on one of the times that he denies knowing Jesus.
  54. C14-S55Jesus  calms things down.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds the reaction by Jesus  to the reported actions of others.
    2. The phrase Jesus answered and said unto them  means: 'Jesus  said the following question as a direct result (answer)  of the way that they were acting'.  Jesus  acted to calm things down so that others would not also be hurt.
    3. The phrase Are ye come out, as against a thief, with swords and with staves to take me?  means: 'This question was asked to make them think about how they were acting.  Jesus  got them thinking so that there would be less emotion driven acts'.
  55. C14-S56Jesus  explains why they do not need to act like they were acting.
    1. The phrase I was daily with you in the temple teaching  means: 'Jesus  had made Himself available for several days'.
    2. The phrase and ye took me not  means: 'They didn't take Him then and there was no justification for violence because His prior actions proved that violence was not needed'.
    3. The phrase but the scriptures must be fulfilled  means: 'Jesus  realizes that they are acting this way to fulfill scripture'.  This fulfills the prophecy of Isaiah 53 and Daniel 9:24-26.
  56. C14-S57  says: And they all forsook him, and fled.  This fulfills the prophecy by Jesus  which was reported in: Matthew 26:33-35; Mark 14:29-31; Luke 22:31-34; John 13:37-38 and John 16:32.
  57. C14-S58 :  Mark's involvement.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds the report of what Mark did to the reports of actions by others.
    2. The phrase And there followed him a certain young man, having a linen cloth cast about his naked body  means: 'This identifies Mark, who was too young to be a disciple'.
    3. The phrase and the young men laid hold on him  means: 'The men with Judas tried to grab Mark'.
    4. The phrase And he left the linen cloth, and fled from them naked  means: 'Mark wiggled out of his outer garment'.  Please see the notethat, in the wording of The word of God,  a person who has the equivalent of shorts on, but has nothing above the waist, is considered to be naked.
  58. C14-S59Jesus  was taken to the religious leaders.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds the action of the mob to prior reports.
    2. The phrase they led Jesus away to the high priest  means: 'This is where Mark reports them leading Jesus'.  Please see the notethat Jesus  was also led other places which Mark does not report.  Please also see the Sequence of the Betrayal of Jesus for references to those other events.
    3. The phrase and with him were assembled all the chief priests and the elders and the scribes  means: 'All of the religious leaders, and their supporters, gathered for this trial'.  None could claim to be innocent when they were tried by God for their participation in this event.
  59. C14-S60Peter followed Jesus  afar off.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds what Peter did to the prior reports.
    2. The phrase Peter followed him afar off  means: 'Peter followed but did not live up to his bragging'.  Many people criticize Peter for being afar off.  However, it is easy to criticize the actions of others when you are not living the circumstances.
    3. The phrase even into the palace of the high priest  means: 'This is where Peter ended up'.  The Gospel of John tells us that John had to get the servants to let Peter in.  John had no problem because his parents were socially important and John was well known to the servants.
    4. The phrase and he sat with the servants, and warmed himself at the fire  means: 'Peter went where he would be accepted.  He was hiding but he was there'.
  60. C14-S61 :  Peter followed to the house of the high priest.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds what the religious leaders did in their trial.
    2. The phrase The chief priests and all the council sought for witness against Jesus to put him to death  means: 'This is what they sought'.
    3. The phrase and found none  means: 'This is the result that they found'.
  61. C14-S62 :  the liars couldn't agree.  Our sentence starts with the word For,  which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true.  Our sentence says: For many bare false witness against him, but their witness agreed not together  means: 'They had lots of liars ready to testify but they testified disagreeing lies'.
  62. C14-S63 :  An example of a lie.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds details of the lies told.
    2. The phrase there arose certain, and bare false witness against him, saying  means: 'What they did to lie in court'.
    3. The phrase We heard him say, I will destroy this temple that is made with hands, and within three days I will build another made without hands  means: 'What they claimed'.  Jesus  made that claim about His body, but they assumed He made it about the stone Temple.  They would destroy this temple,  meaning 'beat and crucify Jesus', and He would rise from the dead  (Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up  John 2:19).  Please see the note, this is significantly different from what the liars testified (I will destroy this temple that is made with hands, and within three days I will build another made without hands).  Jesus  did not say that He would destroy this temple,  and He did not say that is made with hands,  and He did not say I will build another made without hands.
  63. C14-S64  says: But neither so did their witness agree together.  Each false witness perverted the truth but they each perverted it in different ways so that their claims did not agree together.
  64. C14-S65 :  the high priest  tried to get Jesus  to answer the lies.  Please also see the Study called What Did Jesus Do? for this and other instances where Jesus  was our example of how to deal with conflict.  They were all telling lies and refused to accept the truth.  Therefore, there was no reason for Jesus  to say anything to people with their demonstrated attitude.  And, we are to follow His example.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds the reaction by The high priest  when Jesus  refused to respond to their lies.
    2. The phrase The high priest stood up in the midst  means: 'He demonstrated his frustration'.
    3. The phrase and asked Jesus, saying  means: 'He expressed his frustration with his words'.
    4. The phrase Answerest thou nothing?  means: 'This is what he asked because he expected Jesus  to answer the lies but He refused to do so'.
  65. C14-S66 and C14-67  says: what is it which these witness against thee?.  Here, he demanded that Jesus  to answer the lies.  However, as our next sentence says: But he held his peace, and answered nothing.  means: 'Jesus  refused to respond to lies when the people wanted lies and refused to hear the truth.  They only wanted Him to respond so that they would have a better basis for their false accusations'.
  66. C14-S68 :  the high priest  asked Him the most important question.
    1. The phrase Again the high priest asked him, and said unto him  means: 'The high priest  asked this question more than once and more than one way'.  Matthew 26:63 tells us that he said: I adjure thee by the living God, that thou tell us whether thou be the Christ, the Son of God.  Matthew presents the legal perspective and what Matthew reports means: 'Before the court of God the Father and as testimony in God's court (I adjure thee by the living God),  answer this legal question'.  Jesus  gave the legal answer found in our next sentence, and also in the other Gospel accounts.  Apparently, from all reports, this was the first thing that Jesus  answered other than one answer that John reports.  There, Jesus  told The high priest  to ask others and that Jesus  had already answered the question asked.  Therefore, Jesus  was refusing to say more.
    2. The phrase Art thou the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?  means: 'This expression shows that the religious leaders knew that Christ  was also The Son of the Blessed / Son of God'.  (Please notice the capitalized word Son.)  they knew this from scripture and also knew that Christ  would say Who He was and prove it with the signs that Jesus  had already provided.  Therefore, their excuse for condemning Him was that He obeyed God the Father and fulfilled scripture.
  67. C14-S69Jesus  answered.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds the answer from Jesus  to the question in the prior sentence.
    2. The phrase And Jesus said, I am  means: 'This was a very clear claim, to the Jews, that Jesus  was God in human flesh'.  In addition to this answer, Luke also reports that Jesus  said: If I tell you, ye will not believe: And if I also ask you, ye will not answer me, nor let me go.  Therefore, Jesus  gave this answer even knowing the consequence for speaking the truth.
    3. Note: there are religions which claim that Jesus  never claimed to be God.  This sentence, as well as other places, prove those religions to be deliberately teaching lies.
    4. The phrase and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven  is also reported by Matthew with Luke reporting only part of this answer.  This answer is a prophecy of the: 'Return of Christ - Second coming'.  Please see the Prophecies Section of the Significant Gospel Events for links to other places where we find this prophecy.
  68. C14-S70 :  the high priest  claimed that they had their excuse.
    1. The phrase Then  means: 'After Jesus  gave the answer reported in the prior sentence'.
    2. The phrase The high priest rent his clothes  means: 'This was an accepted sign of high distress'.  This act was another lie.  The high priest was not distressed but delighted.
    3. The phrase and saith, What need we any further witnesses?  means: 'Jesus  gave an answer which matched scripture but went against their religious doctrine'.  This proves that they thought they were greater than God because they gave their religious doctrine more authority than The word of God.
  69. C14-S71  says: Ye have heard the blasphemy: what think ye?  Here, we read that the high priest  declared truth to be blasphemy.  Truth is never blasphemy.  When a religion declared truth to be blasphemy, that religious declaration is a lie and proves that the religion is from Satan, the father of lies  (John 8:44).  The Jewish religion had turned from following The word of God  to following religious traditions, which went against The word of God,  and allowed declarations such as found in this sentence.
  70. C14-S72  says: And they all condemned him to be guilty of death.  Matthew and Luke report different words but the same action by all of the religious leaders.  These differences do not constitute a conflict but tell us about multiple condemnations by the religious people with each Gospel writer reporting a different condemnation and none of the Gospels reporting all that was said.  Again, the differences only increase our understanding.
  71. C14-S73 :  He was physically abused.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds their wrong actions to their wrong condemnations.  Different Gospel accounts report abuse by different groups of people.  All peoples of Earth had their representatives participating in the abuse and no person can claim innocence.  And, once more, we receive increased understanding by comparing the various accounts with each Gospel report only containing part of what was done.
    2. The phrase some began to spit on him  means: 'This was done for insult but it can also transmit disease'.
    3. The phrase and to cover his face, and to buffet him, and to say unto him, Prophesy  means: 'The religious leaders physically abused Jesus  and demanded that He identify who hit Him (Prophesy)  after they covered His face'.  Prophecy was not for this purpose but was for delivering messages from God.  Thus, they not only insulted and abused the physical man Jesus,  but they also insulted and abused their relationship with God.
    4. The phrase and the servants did strike him with the palms of their hands  means: 'The religious leaders also let their servants abuse Jesus'.  Therefore, people can not claim that it was only the religious leaders.  And, elsewhere, we are told that the representatives of the Gentiles also abused Him.
  72. C14-S74 :  A maid identifies Peter.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds this incident with Peter to the accounts of what was happening at the house of the high priest.
    2. The phrase as Peter was beneath in the palace  means: 'This was the circumstance of this incident'.
    3. The phrase there cometh one of the maids of the high priest  means: 'This is the person who identified Peter'.
    4. The phrase And when she saw Peter warming himself, she looked upon him, and said  means: 'This is when and how she identified Peter'.
    5. The phrase And thou also wast with Jesus of Nazareth  means: 'This is what she said so that others could hear'.
  73. C14-S75 :  Peter denied the first time.
    1. The word But  means that this sentence is continuing the subject of the prior sentence while changing direction.  The prior sentence told us that Peter was with Jesus  while this sentence tells us about his first denial.
    2. The phrase But he denied, saying  means: 'Peter lied'.
    3. The phrase I know not  means: 'Peter claimed to not know Jesus'.
    4. The phrase neither understand I what thou sayest  means: 'Peter claimed to not understand why she said what she said'.
  74. C14-S76 :  the cock crew for the first time.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds Peter changing his position to try to hide better.
    2. The phrase he went out into the porch  means: 'Peter changed his position'.
    3. The phrase and the cock crew  means: 'God gave Peter a warning'.
  75. C14-S77 :  Another maid identified him a second time.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds the second denial.
    2. The phrase a maid saw him again  means: 'This maid saw Peter for the second time'.  According to another Gospel account, when John first arrived at the high priest's house, he was recognized and let in because his parents were socially important and they, with John, had been there several times in the past.  However, Peter was unknown and refused entry until John talked to a maid and had her let Peter in.  Apparently, this was the same maid and our phrase says that she saw him again.
    3. The phrase and began to say to them that stood by  means: 'The maid told others who Peter was'.  God was using a gossip to identify Peter the second time.
    4. The phrase This is one of them  means: 'This is what she told other servants'.
  76. C14-S78  says: And he denied it again.  Peter denied the second time.
  77. C14-S79 :  Peter is identified the third time.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds the third time to the account reported.
    2. The phrase a little after  means: 'When it happened'.
    3. The phrase they that stood by said again to Peter  means: 'Who identified Peter'.
    4. The phrase Surely thou art one of them: for thou art a Galilaean, and thy speech agreeth thereto  means: 'how they identified him'.
  78. C14-S80 :  Peter denied the third time.
    1. The word But  means that this sentence is continuing the subject of the prior sentence while changing direction.  The prior sentence told us that Peter was identified and this sentence tells us the third denial.
    2. The phrase But he began to curse and to swear, saying  means: 'This tells us how Peter expressed his denial'.
    3. The phrase I know not this man of whom ye speak  means: 'This is what Peter said'.
  79. C14-S81  says: And the second time the cock crew.  This is the prophesied sign.
  80. C14-S82 :  Peter is convicted.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds the reaction of Peter to the God-given sign.
    2. The phrase Peter called to mind the word that Jesus said unto him  means: 'Peter remembered the prophecy'.
    3. The phrase Before the cock crow twice, thou shalt deny me thrice  means: 'This was the prophecy'.  Please also see the Section called Prophecies Fulfilled; in the Study called Significant Gospel Events, for other references to this prophecy and related prophecies.
  81. C14-S83  says: And when he thought thereon, he wept.  Peter reacted to his failure to live up to his own bragging and to his failure to Jesus Christ.

Chapter 15 Summary:

Theme: the Trial and Crucifixion.

The detailed incidents of this event are spread between all gospel accounts with no single gospel account presenting all of the details.  Each gospel author presents a different point of view from the other authors.  Therefore, the details reported by each author are different.  However, there are no conflicts between the Gospels on these incidents.

Please also see the Sequence of the Crucifixion of Jesus Section within the Time Sequence of Gospel Events Study for details about how events that are reported in this chapter fit with what is reported in the other Gospels.  Please also see the sections on Prophecies and Prophecy Fulfilled for more incidents which are part of this event.  Please also see the Table of Miracles in the Gospels about events reported in this chapter.

Matthew 27:1-34; Mark 15:1-20; Luke 23:1-26 and John 18:29-19:16 tell us about the trial of Jesus,  done by Pilate and Herod.  Jesus  was sent to Pilate for a judgment of death since it was not lawful for the Jews to give a death sentence.  There is quite a lot, in all of the Gospels, about this judgment.  The accounts start with the references provided and some of the details are reported in one account but not in others.  Please see the note for John 18:29 which has the time-line for this trial that comes from the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia.

In Matthew 27:1-2; Mark 15:1; Luke 23:1 and John 18:28 we read that Jesus  was sent to Pilate after His trial by the Jews.

In Matthew 27:11-14; Mark 15:2-5; Luke 23:3 and John 18:33-37; we read about Pilate questioning Jesus:  and the various Gospel accounts tell us different details.  The accounts start with Pilate asking JesusArt thou the King of the Jews?  the answer is reported in Matthew 27:11; Mark 15:2; Luke 23:3 and John 18:34.  The answer from Jesus,  in every Gospel account, is almost the same words(Thou sayest it),  except that John relates more of the conversation.  Supposedly, that phrase (Thou sayest it)  is a figure-of-speech which means: 'This is a truth which has no valid questioning against it'.

Matthew 27:12-14; Mark 15:3-5 and Luke 23:9-10 tell us that Jesus  answered nothing to the accusations which the religious leaders brought against Him when He was tried by the civil authorities.

Matthew 27:15-24; Mark 15:6-14; Luke 23:13-24 and John 18:38-40 tell us that Pilate tried to release Jesus  as part of an annual release of one criminal by the Roman government.  The Jews chose Barabbas instead of Jesus.

Matthew 27:17; Mark 15:9-10; Luke 23:13-15 and John 19:3 was the first time that Pilate spoke and tried to avoid crucifying Jesus.  The first time is also when Luke reports that Pilate called the Jewish leaders and said that he would beat Jesus  and then release Him.  This was when the Jewish religious leaders stirred up the people to demand Barabbas instead (Luke 23:13-16).

Matthew 27:21-25; Mark 15:9-14; Luke 23:18; John 18:40 and John 19:14-15 report that the Jews rejected Jesus.  This was after Pilate declared Jesus  to be innocent.

In Matthew 27:21; Mark 15:12; Luke 23:20 and John 19:12; we read that for a second time (spake again to them),  that Pilate spoke and tried to avoid crucifying Jesus.  This was also when Pilate tried an appeal to the masses to not crucify their Messiah / Christ,  Who would also be their King.

Matthew 27:26; Mark 15:15 and John 19:1 tell us that Jesus  was scourgedJesus  prophesized that this would happen in Matthew 20:19.

Matthew 27:26; Mark 15:15; Luke 23:24-25 and John 19:16 report that Pilate condemned Jesus  to death.  Further, Luke 23:24 reports Pilate gave sentence that it should be as they required.  These references give us the reports of the official legal judgment by the Roman Government.  This was after Pilate declared Jesus  to be innocent in John 19:4; John 19:6 and Luke 23:4.

Mark 15:15; Luke 23:24 and John 19:16 all tell us that Jesus  was led from the Roman judgment seat to be crucified.  Between the judgment hall and the cross He was beaten by the Roman soldiers.  This fulfills the prophecy by Jesus  found in Matthew 26:31 and Mark 14:27 and John 16:32.

In Matthew 27:26; Mark 15:15 and Luke 23:25 we read that Barabbas was released and Jesus  was taken to be mocked and crucified.

In Matthew 27:27-31; Mark 15:16-19 and John 19:1-5 we read that Pilate let his soldiers abuse Jesus  and then brought Jesus  back before the crowd wearing a crown of thorns and tried to release Him again.  But the religious leaders stirred up the crowd to demand crucify Him.

In: Matthew 27:28; Mark 15:17; Mark 15:20 and John 19:3-4 we read that they clothed him with purple  as a mockery of His being King of the Jews.

In: Matthew 27:29; Mark 15:17; John 19:2 and John 19:3-4 we read that a crown of thorns  was put on the head of Jesus.

Matthew 27:31-66; Mark 15:29-32; Luke 23:26-56 and John 19:16-42 report that Jesus  was further mocked while He hung on the cross.  Please note that some mocking was before the cross, by different groups, and there was also more mocking while Jesus  was on the cross.

Matthew 20:19; Matthew 27:31; Mark 15:13; Mark 15:14; Mark 15:20; Luke 23:21; John 19:6 and John 19:15 tell us that the Jewish leaders and the people prove their rejection when they cried crucify him.

Matthew 27:32; Mark 15:21 and Luke 23:26 report that the soldiers laid hold upon one Simon, a Cyrenian, coming out of the country, and on him they laid the cross, that he might bear it after Jesus.

Matthew 27:33-37; Mark 15:22-24 and Luke 23:34 tells us what the soldiers did at the time that they crucified Jesus.

Matthew 27:33; Mark 15:27 and John 19:17 report that We are told that Jesus  was crucified at GolgothaLuke 23:33 tells us the same thing only uses the name of Calvary  for the same place.

Luke 23:34; Mark 15:24 and John 19:23 tell us that the soldiers parted the clothes of Jesus  among themselves.  Spoils were considered normal part of a soldier's pay at that time.

Matthew 27:34; Matthew 27:48; Mark 15:36; Luke 23:36-37; John 19:29-30 tell us that Jesus  was given vinegar to drink while on the cross.  Matthew 27:34; and probably, Luke 23:36-37 tell us that it was mingled with gall: and when he had tasted thereof, he would not drink.  This is assumed to be because gall  dulled the senses and it was offered to Him as an insult.  However, when it was offered plain, as in the other references, Jesus  did drink.

Mark 15:25 gives us the hour of the crucifixion.

Matthew 27:35-50; Mark 15:23-37; Luke 23:32-46 and John 19:17-30 report that Jesus  was on the cross.

Matthew 27:36-37 reports about the soldiers that sitting down they watched him thereMatthew 27:39-49; Mark 15:29-36 and Luke 23:35-43 report others watching and mocking Jesus.

Matthew 27:37; Matthew 1:21; Matthew 1:25; Luke 1:31; Luke 2:21 and John 19:19 all use JESUS,  in all capitals.  This capitalization directly ties these verses together, and also ties this verse to the name Saviour.

Matthew 27:37; Mark 15:26; Luke 23:38 and John 19:19-20 tell us the superscription that Pilate had put on the cross of JesusJohn 19:21-22 tells us that The chief priests of the Jews  objected to the truth of the title and wanted it changed to support their lie but Pilate refused to change the superscription.

Matthew 27:38; Mark 15:27; Luke 23:32-33 and John 19:17-18.  All report that Jesus  was crucified between two malefactors.

Mark 15:28 tells us: And the scripture was fulfilled, which saith, And he was numbered with the transgressors.  Please see that note in the Bible Study for the prophecy references.

Matthew 27:39-49; Mark 15:29-36 and Luke 23:35-43 report others watching and mocking Jesus.  However, John 19:25-27 tells us about the loved ones of Jesus  being there and Jesus  talking to them.

Matthew 27:45; Mark 15:33 and Luke 23:44 tells us that there was darkness over the whole land (from the sixth hour) until the ninth hour.  The fact that this incident is reported in three Gospel accounts makes it very important.  In addition, the fact that it was prophesied also makes it important.  It was prophesied in: Psalms 105:28; Joel 2:31; Amos 5:18; Amos 8:9 and Habakkuk 3:11.  In addition, it is related to one of the plagues on Egypt found in Exodus 10:21-23.  Further, it foreshadows Revelation 6:12 and Revelation 8:12.

Matthew 27:50; Mark 15:37; Luke 23:46 and John 19:30 all tell us that Jesus  literally physically died and that He chose the time of His death.  In John 10:15 and John 10:17 Jesus  prophesied that He would lay down my life.  In addition, we also have prophecies in the Old Testament in: Exodus 12:46; Numbers 9:12; Psalms 22:14; Psalms 22:16-17; Psalms 34:20 and Zechariah 12:10.

Matthew 27:54 Mark 15:38 and Luke 23:45 tell us that The veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom.

In Matthew 27:54; Mark 15:39 and Luke 23:47 tell us that: when the centurion saw what was done, he glorified God, saying, Certainly this was a righteous man.

Matthew 27:55-56; Mark 15:40-41; Luke 23:49 and John 19:25 tell us that there were followers of Jesus  at the cross.

Mark 15:42-45 and John 19:31-37 report that the crucifixion was the day before a sabbath.  This was a high sabbath,  and not a Saturday, as many people assumeans many religions teach wrongly.  And, since it was The preparation (for that sabbath day which was an high day), that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the sabbath day.  Therefore, the Jews requested that they break the legs of those crucified so that they died quicker and their bodies be taken down before the sabbath.  (This is explained in the other Gospel accounts but is not reported by Luke.)  However, when they came to Jesus, and saw that he was dead already, they brake not his legs: But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and water.  After Pilate verified that Jesus  was dead, he released the body.

Jesus  was buried as reported in Matthew 27:57-61; Mark 15:42-47; Luke 23:50-56 and John 19:38-42.

Joseph of Arimathaea,  is named in all four (4) Gospel accounts in: Matthew 27:57; Mark 15:43; Luke 23:50-51 and John 19:38.

Matthew 27:57-58; Mark 15:42-43; Luke 23:52 and John 19:38 tell us that Joseph went unto Pilate, and begged the body of Jesus.

John 19:39-41 tell us that Joseph and Nicodemus took they the body of Jesus, and wound it in linen clothes with the spices  and that where they put The body of Jesus  was in a garden.

Matthew 27:59-60; Mark 15:46; Luke 23:53 and John 19:40-42 tell us about Joseph putting The body of Jesus  into a sepulchre that was hewn in stone, wherein never man before was laid  In addition, they rolled a great stone to the door of the sepulchre, and departed.

The women who were at the sepulchre  are mentioned in: Matthew 27:61; Mark 15:40-41 and Luke 23:55.

When Jesus  choose the time of His death, He cried with a loud voice, and gave up the ghost  according to our chapter and other Gospel accounts.  No ordinary man can choose the instant of his death. John 10:15 and John 10:17 say I lay down my life for the sheepJesus cried with a loud voice,  which is the action of a physical man.  God can not die and man can not take his life back once he is dead.  This action proves that Jesus  is 'God in human flesh'. Jesus  had to lay His life down as a man, since God can not die. Jesus  had to take His life back as God, since man can not take his life back once he is dead.  Only 'God in human flesh' could do what Jesus  did here.

As seen in Chapter 13, there is no real need for a summary of this chapter.  The references to other Gospels, above, and the detail notes for each sentence provide every thing which the reader needs to know.  This chapter is basically reporting the sequence of various events and does not really have sub-sections which discuss doctrines like many of the chapters within this Gospel did.  Therefore, please go to the detailed notes for further information about the events of this chapter.

  1. C15-S1 :  the chief priests  got all of the council to agree.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds the trial and crucifixion to the condemnation of The prior chapter.
    2. The phrase straightway in the morning the chief priests held a consultation with the elders and scribes and the whole council  means: 'This is who and when they acted'.
    3. The phrase and bound Jesus, and carried him away, and delivered him to Pilate  means: 'This is what they did'.
  2. C15-S2 :  Pilate wanted verification of what he had been told.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds the question from Pilate after Jesus  was delivered for a trial by the Gentiles.  Please be sure to look at the links provided, above, for other events which Mark does not report.
    2. The phrase Pilate asked him  means: 'Who asked'.
    3. The phrase Art thou the King of the Jews?  means: 'Are you personally (thou)  the never ending (artKing of the Jews'.  Please note that King  is capitalized, which means this is a title for God.
  3. C15-S3Jesus  told Pilate that he already knew the truth.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds this answer to the question of the prior sentence.
    2. The phrase he answering said unto him  means: 'Jesus  gave this answer'.
    3. The phrase Thou sayest it  means: 'This is so well known that even you, the head of the local Gentile government, knows it'.  Be careful!  this phrase is a figure of speech which devil motivated men lie about and claim that Jesus  was saying: 'I'm not sure but that is what you are saying'.  Proper interpretation must recognize things like figures-of-speech, symbolic language, spiritual truths, and more.
  4. C15-S4Jesus  refused to respond to lies told against Him.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds what the chief priests did at the trial.
    2. The phrase The chief priests accused him of manythings  means: 'They made many false accusation, but Jesus  refused to answer their lies'.  When people have closed minds and are deliberately lying about something, they will not listen to anything that you say.  So, when they try to get you to react, they are only looking for an argument so that they cam tell more lies.  The best thing to do is to follow the example of Jesus  and say nothing.
    3. The phrase but he answered nothing  means: 'Jesus  refused to respond to their lies because, if He had, it would only lead to more lies'.  He did the same as reported in Mark 14:60-61.  Please also see the Study called What Did Jesus Do? for this and other instances where Jesus  was our example of how to deal with conflict.
  5. C15-S5  says: And Pilate asked him again, saying, Answerest thou nothing?  in this sentence, we see that Pilate responded to the lies and wondered at the refusal of Jesus  top do so.  In addition, C15-S6  adds: behold how manythings they witness against thee.  Yet, no matter how many lies they told, Jesus yet answered nothing; so that Pilate marvelled  (C15-S7).
  6. C15-S8 :  the conditions at that time of year.
    1. The word Now  means: 'After you understand what came before this'.
    2. The phrase at that feast he released unto them one prisoner  means: 'The local Roman Governor did this to limit the rioting by the Jews'.
    3. The phrase whomsoever they desired  means: 'The Jews decided which prisoner'.
  7. C15-S9 :  the other choice.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds information to the prior sentence.
    2. The phrase there was one named Barabbas  means: 'This phrase identifies the prisoner'.
    3. The phrase which lay bound with them that had made insurrection with him  means: 'This was his current condition'.
    4. The phrase who had committed murder in the insurrection  means: 'This is why'.
  8. C15-S10 : The people demanded a prisoner to be released.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds what the mod did to motivate the following events.
    2. The phrase The multitude crying aloud began to desire him to do as he had ever done unto them  means: 'They demanded the release of a prisoner'.
  9. C15-S11 :  Pilate tried to release Jesus.
    1. The word But  means that this sentence is continuing the subject of the prior sentence while changing direction.  The prior sentence told us that the mob demanded the release of a prisoner while this sentence says that Pilate asked them a question before releasing a prisoner.
    2. The phrase Pilate answered them, saying  means: 'This is who spoke'.
    3. The phrase Will ye that I release unto you the King of the Jews?  means: 'This is the question asked'.  Remember that less than a week earlier they had honored Jesus  with this title.
  10. C15-S12  says: For he knew that the chief priests had delivered him for envy.  Our sentence starts with the word For,  which means it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true.  That is why Pilate asked this question.  Pilate wanted to see if the mob wanted something different from the Jewish religious leaders.
  11. C15-S13 :  the chief priests  swayed the people.
    1. The word But  means that this sentence is continuing the subject of the prior sentence while changing direction.  The prior sentence told us that Pilate wanted to know if the mob wanted something different from the Jewish religious leaders and this sentence answers: NO.
    2. The phrase The chief priests moved the people  means: 'The chief priests  were who led the mob'.
    3. The phrase that he should rather release Barabbas unto them  means: 'What the mob was told to demand'.
  12. C15-S14 :  Pilate demanded that they specify the punishment.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds that Pilate asked the mob exactly what they wanted.
    2. The phrase Pilate answered and said again unto them  means: 'Pilate tried to get the mob to think'.
    3. The phrase What will ye then that I shall do unto him whom ye call the King of the Jews?  means: 'Pilate reminded them of the position they had recognized Jesus  to hold.  He then asked them what they wanted done with Jesus'.
  13. C15-S15  says: And they cried out again, Crucify him.  The people demanded that Jesus  be crucified.  The word again  means: 'This was not the first time that the mob demanded this'.  Be careful of getting involved in a mob.
  14. C15-S16  says: Then Pilate said unto them, Why, what evil hath he done?.  Pilate demanded an explanation.  He is trying to get them to think about their demand.
  15. C15-S17  says: And they cried out the more exceedingly, Crucify him.  The people were insistent in their demand.  All they were really thinking about was making the Governor do their will.  They refused to consider all of the consequences of their demand.
  16. C15-S18 :  Pilate caved to their demands.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds that Pilate gave them their demand.
    2. The phrase so Pilate  means: 'Who did this'.
    3. The phrase willing to content the people  means: 'why'.
    4. The phrase released Barabbas unto them, and delivered Jesus, when he had scourged him, to be crucified  means: 'What Pilate did'.
  17. C15-S19 :  the soldiers led Jesus  to their place to beat Him.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds what the Roman soldiers did to Jesus.
    2. The phrase The soldiers led him away into the hall, called Praetorium  means: 'Who took Him and where'.
    3. The phrase and they call together the whole band  means: 'Who all participated'.
  18. C15-S20 :  they insulted Jesus.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds details of what they did.
    2. The phrase they clothed him with purple  means: 'This is the color wore only by royalty'.
    3. The phrase and platted a crown of thorns, and put it about his head  means: 'This was an obvious insult crown'.
    4. The phrase And began to salute him, Hail, King of the Jews!  means: 'These words are correct but they, obviously, were said as an insult'.  It is often as important to know how something is said as it is to know what was said.
  19. C15-S21 :  Details of the insults.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds a report of further insult.
    2. The phrase they smote him on the head with a reed, and did spit upon him  means: 'This is physical abuse'.
    3. The phrase and bowing their knees worshipped him  means: 'This is verbal abuse'.
  20. C15-S22 :  they ended their insults.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds what they did after they finished abusing Jesus.
    2. The phrase when they had mocked him  means: 'This is when they changed what they were doing'.
    3. The phrase they took off the purple from him, and put his own clothes on him  means: 'They prepared Jesus  for the next activity'.
    4. The phrase and led him out to crucify him  means: 'This was the next activity that they led Jesus  to'.
  21. C15-S23 :  the soldiers got help so that Jesus  would still be alive when they put Him on the cross.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds what the soldiers did on the way to crucify Jesus.
    2. The phrase they compel one Simon a Cyrenian  means: 'Who he was and where he was from'.  He was a black man from Africa.
    3. The phrase who passed by  means: 'This is why he was chosen'.
    4. The phrase coming out of the country  means: 'This is where he was coming from'.  He probably did not know what was going on and definitely had not been in the mob which demanded that Jesus  be crucified.
    5. The phrase The father of Alexander and Rufus  means: 'His sons are noted elsewhere in the New Testament as involved in the ministry of Paul'.
    6. The phrase to bear his cross  means: 'This is what the Roman soldiers compelled Simon to do'.
  22. C15-S24  says: And they bring him unto the place Golgotha, which is, being interpreted, the place of a skull.  This is where they crucified Jesus.
  23. C15-S25Jesus  rejected a pain killer.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds actions which were done after Jesus  was crucified.
    2. The phrase they gave him to drink wine mingled with myrrh  means: 'This was a pain killer which lessened suffering but prolonged death'.
    3. The phrase but he received it not  means: 'Jesus  refused this offering but, later, we are told that he accepted another without the pain killer'.
  24. C15-S26 :  the soldiers split His clothes among themselves.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds what the soldiers did, after they crucified Jesus,  to what was already reported.
    2. The phrase when they had crucified him  means: 'This tells us when this action happened'.
    3. The phrase they parted his garments  means: 'This is what they did'.
    4. The phrase casting lots upon them  means: 'This is how they made their decision'.
    5. The phrase what every man should take  means: 'This is what was decided'.
  25. C15-S27  says: And it was the third hour, and they crucified him.  This is the time of day, as Jews computed time during the Gospel times, when they crucified Jesus.  This is important for accurately computing how long Jesus  was in Hell and how long it was before He rose because The Roman Catholic Church, and other sources of doctrinal error, teach the wrong things about the fulfillment of prophecy.
  26. C15-S28 :  the sign on His cross.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds what Pilate did to the reports of what others did.  Other Gospel accounts tell us that the religious leaders tried to get Pilate to change the sign to say that Jesus  only claimed this, but Pilate refused.  Also, Pilate had this signed in several languages so that everyone passing by would know this truth.
    2. The phrase The superscription of his accusation was written over, the KING of the JEWS  means: 'This is the sign that Pilate ordered to put on the cross of Jesus'.
  27. C15-S29Jesus  was crucified with criminals.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence, and the next sentence, add the fulfillment of prophecy.
    2. The phrase with him they crucify two thieves; the one on his right hand, and the other on his left  means: 'This is a well known truth'.  C15-S30 adds: And the scripture was fulfilled, which saith, And he was numbered with the transgressors,  which is a reference to the prophecy of Isaiah 53:12.  Thus, along with the reports of what different groups of men did, we have the report of God the Father fulfilling His prophecy.
  28. C15-S31 :  People insulted Him for not keeping a lie.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds the report of insults given to prior reports of physical abuse.
    2. The phrase they that passed by railed on him, wagging their heads, and saying  means: 'Like most religious people, they believed the religious lies that they were told and insult everyone who does not believe their favorite lies'.
    3. The phrase Ah, thou that destroyest the temple, and buildest it in three days  is a lie which was explained in the note for Mark 14:49 (C14-S56).
    4. The phrase Save thyself, and come down from the cross  means: 'Jesus  could have done this, but it would defeat His spiritual purpose'.  Like most religious people, they looked only at the physical reality and refused to consider the spiritual even while they claimed to be religious.
  29. C15-S32 :  the chief priests  spread the lie.
    1. The phrase Likewise also the chief priests mocking said among themselves with the scribes  means: 'These religious leaders refused to use their own brains and figure out the truth.  In stead, they reinforced their religious error among themselves'.
    2. The phrase He saved others; himself he cannot save  means: 'Their error was refusing the recognize the difference between cannot  and will not'.
  30. C15-S33 :  the chief priests  added blaspheme to insult.
    1. The phrase Let Christ the King of Israel descend now from the cross, that we may see and believe  is a blatant lie.  Jesus  had already given them more signs than they could count and they refused to see and believe.  But, more than that, even if they had seen and believed,  they still refused to obey.  And, that attitude is why they led their people to Hell.
  31. C15-S34  says: And they that were crucified with him reviled him.  Notice the plural word they.  Both thieves on their crosses also reviled Him.  However, another Gospel account tells us that one of the thieves truly repented and was saved.  Salvation is all about our attitude towards the Lord Jesus Christ
  32. C15-S35 :  three hours of darkness as a sign from God.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds timing to other reports.
    2. The rest of the sentence tells us: when the sixth hour was come, there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour.  Earlier, we were told (C15-S27) And it was the third hour, and they crucified himJesus  died on The ninth hour.  That means that Jesus  was on the cross for six (6) hours before He died as a literal physical man and, supposedly, the number six represents man.  These hours are also important to understanding the fulfillment of prophecy that Jesus  would be in the center of the Earth (Hell) for three days and three nights in the heart of the earth  (Matthew 12:40).
  33. C15-S36  says: And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?.  Our next sentence gives us the interpretation.
  34. C15-S37  says: which is, being interpreted, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?.  This is the interpretation of the prior sentence.  Jesus  cried this when God the Father made Him sin so that He could pay for our sins.  God the Father turned His back on Jesus  because He could not look at sin.
  35. C15-S38  says: And some of them that stood by, when they heard it, said, Behold, he calleth Elias.  This was a misinterpretation of what Jesus  said and why Mark reported what He actually said.
  36. C15-S39 :  An act to see a sign.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds the reaction to the misinterpretation.
    2. The phrase one ran and filled a spunge full of vinegar, and put it on a reed, and gave him to drink  means: 'saying, Let alone; let us see whether Elias will come to take him down'.  Jesus  did not refuse this because it had no pain killer in it.
    3. The phrase saying, Let alone; let us see whether Elias will come to take him down  means: 'They were looking for the wrong thing because of their misinterpretation'.
  37. C15-S40  says: And Jesus cried with a loud voice, and gave up the ghostJesus  died.
  38. C15-S41  says: And the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom  this sign was given by God to show that the way to God's throne was now open to those who belong to Jesus Christ.
  39. C15-S42 :  Testimony from The centurion.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds the report of another sign.
    2. The phrase when the centurion, which stood over against him, saw that he so cried out, and gave up the ghost, he said, Truly this man was the Son of God  means: 'He saw this as a sign of God's power because Jesus  controlled the time of His death and that is beyond human control'.
  40. C15-S43 :  Women followers who were at the cross.
    1. The phrase There were also women looking on afar off  means: 'They were there but avoiding trouble with the soldiers and the Jewish religious leaders who were closer'.
    2. The phrase among whom was Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James the less and of Joses, and Salome; (Who also, when he was in Galilee, followed him, and ministered unto him;) and many other women which came up with him unto Jerusalem  means: 'These women supported the ministry of Jesus'.
  41. C15-S44 :  What Joseph of Arimathaea did.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds how the body of Jesus  was taken care of.
    2. The phrase now when the even was come  means: 'This is when he acted'.
    3. The phrase because it was the preparation, that is, the day before the sabbath  means: 'This is why he acted'.
    4. The phrase Joseph of Arimathaea, an honourable counsellor  means: 'This is who acted'.
    5. The phrase which also waited for the kingdom of God  means: 'This was his belief'.
    6. The phrase came, and went in boldly unto Pilate, and craved the body of Jesus  means: 'This was his action'.
  42. C15-S45 :  Pilate verified the death of Jesus.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds the reaction of Pilate.
    2. The phrase Pilate marvelled if he were already dead  means: 'This was his reaction to the news'.
    3. The phrase and calling unto him the centurion, he asked him whether he had been any while dead  means: 'This was his verification'.
  43. C15-S46  says: And when he knew it of the centurion, he gave the body to Joseph.  Pilate released The body of Jesus.
  44. C15-S47 :  What Joseph did with The body of Jesus.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds how Joseph handled the body of Jesus.
    2. The phrase he bought fine linen, and took him down, and wrapped him in the linen  means: 'How he prepared the body'.
    3. The phrase and laid him in a sepulchre which was hewn out of a rock, and rolled a stone unto the door of the sepulchre  means: 'Where he put the body'.
  45. C15-S48  says: And Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joses beheld where he was laid.   the women saw where he was laid  because they did not have time to properly prepare the body for burial because it was close to the start of the sabbath.  Therefore, they made sure that they knew where to go in order to finish the job when they were allowed to do so.

Chapter 16 Summary:

Theme: the Resurrection and Return to Heaven.

Please see the Sequence of the Resurrection of Jesus Section and the Appearances of Jesus Christ After the Resurrection Section within the Time Sequence of Gospel Events Study for details about how events that are reported in this chapter fit with what is reported in the other Gospels.  Please also see the Study called Significant Gospel Events for where the accounts of this chapter are related to accounts of other Gospels.

This is Mark's shortest chapter.  Here he tells us about the resurrected Jesus  appearing several time and to several people.  However, unlike the other Gospel writers, Mark gives very few details and mainly only writes a sentence or two in summary for each of the appearances which he writes about.  Please use the links provided to compare the different reports of the appearances which Mark reports.  This difference will be readily apparent.

links to the Bible references which report the resurrection of Jesus  are available in the Section called Sequence of the Resurrection of Jesus in Doctrinal Study called Gospel Time Sequences.  The main place that this Gospel reports this event is found in Mark 16:1-8.

Jesus  appeared after His resurrection to Mary Magdalene and other women as reported in Mark 16:9; Matthew 28:1-10 and John 20:11-17.

Mark 16:9-11; Luke 24:10-11 and John 20:20 tell us that Mary Magdalene reported to the disciples that she had seen the resurrected Lord Jesus,  but they refused to believe.

Jesus  appeared after His resurrection to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus as reported in Mark 16:12-13 and Luke 24:13-31.

Jesus  appeared after His resurrection to the eleven apostles as reported in Mark 16:14-18 and John 20:19.

Jesus  commissioned them, and us, to do the 'Great Commission', as reported in Mark 16:15-20; Matthew 28:18-20; Luke 24:45-49 and Acts 1:8.  Please see the message called The Great Commission for more details.

As seen in Chapter 13 and Chapter 15, there is no real need for a summary of this chapter.  The references to other Gospels, above, and the detail notes for each sentence provide every thing which the reader needs to know.  This chapter is basically reporting the sequence of various events and does not really have sub-sections which discuss doctrines like many of the chapters within this Gospel did.  Therefore, please go to the detailed notes for further information about the events of this chapter.

  1. C16-S1 :  the women went to the sepulchre to prepare the body of Jesus  for burial.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds this chapter to the reports in the prior chapter.
    2. The phrase when the sabbath was past  means: 'This is when this event happened'.
    3. The phrase , Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome  means: 'These are the women who acted'.
    4. The phrase had bought sweet spices  means: 'This was their preparation'.
    5. The phrase that they might come and anoint him  means: 'This was their plan'.
  2. C16-S2  says: very early in the morning the first day of the week, they came unto the sepulchre at the rising of the sun  they acted as soon as they could.
  3. C16-S3  says: And they said among themselves, Who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulchre?.  That is, they worried about what needed to be done but which they could not do.  Apparently, they did not know about the soldiers who were stationed there to prevent someone from stealing the body of Jesus  and claiming that He had risen.
  4. C16-S4  says: And when they looked, they saw that the stone was rolled away: for it was very great.  What they worried about was no longer a problem.
  5. C16-S5 :  their action after seeing that the sepulchre was open.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds what they did after they saw the condition of the grave.
    2. The phrase entering into the sepulchre  means: 'This is what they did first'.
    3. The phrase they saw a young man sitting on the right side, clothed in a long white garment  means: 'This is what they found'.  Other Gospel accounts tell us that there were two angels.  Please see the Sequence of the Resurrection of Jesus Section and the Appearances of Jesus Christ After the Resurrection Section within the Time Sequence of Gospel Events Study for how these details do not conflict with each other.
    4. The phrase and they were affrighted  means: 'This was their emotional reaction'.
  6. C16-S6 :  the angel told them why their efforts were not needed.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds the message from the angel to the report of the prior sentence.
    2. The phrase he saith unto them, Be not affrighted  means: 'The angel first dealt with their fear'.
    3. The phrase Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth, which was crucified  means: 'The angel then let them know that he knew why they were there'.
    4. The phrase he is risen  means: 'Next, he told them what Jesus  had done'.
    5. The phrase he is not here  means: 'Next, he told them why they would not find His body'.
    6. The phrase behold the place where they laid him  means: 'Next, he told them to look at the evidence which supported his message'.
  7. C16-S7 :  the angel instructed them what to do next.
    1. The word But  means that this sentence is continuing the subject of the prior sentence while changing direction.  The prior sentence told them what Jesus  did and this sentence tells them what they are to do.
    2. The phrase But go your way  means: 'Don't hang around the grave'.
    3. The phrase tell his disciples and Peter that he goeth before you into Galilee  means: 'Deliver this message to the disciples and especially to Peter'.
    4. The phrase there shall ye see him, as he said unto you  means: 'Jesus  will keep the promise that He made before His crucifixion'.
  8. C16-S8 :  the women obeyed the angel.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds the report of their obedience to the command of the prior sentence.
    2. The phrase they went out quickly, and fled from the sepulchre  means: 'This is what they did'.
    3. The phrase for they trembled and were amazed: neither said they anything to any man; for they were afraid  means: 'Why they reacted like they did'.
  9. C16-S9 :  the first appearance of Jesus.
    1. The word Now  means: 'After you understand what was written before this sentence'.
    2. The phrase when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week  means: 'This was when Jesus  rose from the dead'.
    3. The phrase he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast seven devils  means: 'Jesus  made a special visit to Mary Magdalene'.  She believed His prophecy and anointed Him for burying before He was crucified.
  10. C16-S10 :  Mary reported to the others in the upper room.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds what Mary did after Jesus  met with her.
    2. The phrase she went and old them that had been with him  means: 'She delivered a report to the disciples'.
    3. The phrase as they mourned and wept  means: 'They were feeling bad about the crucifixion when she tried to cheer them up'.
  11. C16-S11 :  they refused to believe her report.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds their reaction to the report from Mary.
    2. The phrase they, when they had heard that he was alive, and had been seen of her  means: 'They heard the report'.
    3. The phrase believed not  means: 'They refused to believe the report'.
  12. C16-S12Jesus  appeared to two others.
    1. The phrase After that he appeared in another form unto two of them  means: 'Jesus  appeared to the disciples but they did not recognize Him'.
    2. The phrase as they walked, and went into the country  means: 'These were going to Emmaus' (Luke 24:13).
  13. C16-S13 :  the disciples in the upper refused to believe The report also.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds the report by these two.
    2. The phrase And they went and old it unto the residue  means: 'They reported back to the disciples in the upper room'.
    3. The phrase neither believed they them  means: 'The disciples still refused to believe'.
  14. C16-S14Jesus  appeared to the eleven.
    1. The phrase Afterward he appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat  means: 'After all of The witnesses, Jesus  personally appeared'.
    2. The phrase and upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart  means: 'This is how Jesus  dealt with them'.
    3. The phrase because they believed not them which had seen him after he was risen  means: 'Why'.
  15. C16-S15 :  the start of the 'Great Commission' as reported by Mark.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds the commandment to all of us.  Please see the message called The Great Commission for more details.
    2. The phrase he said unto them  means: 'Jesus  gave this command'.
    3. The phrase Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature  means: 'This is the basic command given to each saved person personally (ye)'.
  16. C16-S16 :  Basic requirement for true salvation.
    1. The phrase He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved  means: 'The claim of true belief  must be backed by God motivated action'.
    2. The phrase but he that believeth not shall be damned  means: 'Damnation is for refusal to truly believe'.  This does not address the person who believes but is not baptized.  Doctrinal error claims otherwise.
  17. C16-S17 :  Types of signs to that the Jews were to look for as evidence that someone truly represents God, before the New Testament was written.  Devils have false religions pervert the message of this sentence.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds God-given evidences of true salvation.  This does not say that all saved will have these signs in spite of the doctrinal error which claims that certain, but not all, of these signs must be in the life of a person or they are not truly saved.
    2. The phrase And these signs shall follow them that believe  means: 'These are signs that God provided to the Jews during the time of the Early Church'.  Different people had different signs and only Paul is reported to have most of them in his personal life.  And even Paul stopped having them later in his life.
    3. The phrase In my name shall they cast out devils  means: 'This was limited to the people that Jesus Christ  chose'.  Acts 19 tells us that religious people are trying to 'claim' this promise and suffering for it.
    4. The phrase they shall speak with new tongues  means: 'This is not the lie about 'angel tongues' but being instantly able to converse in a human tongue which the person did not know before'.
    5. The phrase They shall take up serpents  means: 'we read about Paul doing this'.
    6. The phrase and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them  means: 'I personally have experienced this but most saved people do not'.  God gave this to me as a personal sign that I was where God wanted me to be.  This is not for bragging.
    7. The phrase they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover  means: 'The Apostles did this in their early ministry but it was fading out before Paul died'.
  18. C16-S18  says: So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of GodJesus  finished His first ministry here on this Earth and is now ministering in Heaven as the representative of the truly saved and serving.
  19. C16-S19 :  the disciples did the 'Great Commission'.
    1. Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means that it is added to the prior sentence.  This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'.  If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.  Likewise, this sentence adds what the disciples did.
    2. The phrase they went forth, and preached every where  means: 'They obeyed the command to do the Great Commission'.
    3. The phrase The Lord working with them  means: 'The Lord  helps those people who are truly serving His kingdom'.
    4. The phrase and confirming the word with signs following  means: 'The Lord  did this until He had the New Testament written'.
  20. C16-S20Amen.  This doubles the prior sentences and makes them part of what God will use to judge us.


by God: 5:7;
of God:
commandment of God 7:8; 9;
creation God 10:6; 13:19;
hand of God 16:19;
kingdom of God 1:14; 15; 4:11; 26; 30; 9:11; 47; 10:14; 15; 23; 24; 25; 12:34; 14:25; 15:43;
Holy One of God 1:24;
house of God2:26;
power of God 12:24;
Son of God 1:1; 3:11; 5:7; 15:34; 39;
The things that be of God 8:33;
will of God 3:35;
word of God 7:13;
glorified God 2:12
God hath joined together 10:6;
love the Lord thy God12:30;
with God all things are possible 10:27;
God's 12:17;
God only 2:7;
God is 10:18; 12:26; 27; 29; 32;

Contact: Webmaster@LJC1611KJV.com.  Member of Tower Road Baptist Church, Abq., NM, U.S.A., 87121.  Copyright 2009 Lord Jesus Christ in the 1611KJV.  All rights reserved. Revised: 12/22/24.