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King of Kings

1Timothy 6:14-15: That thou keep this commandment without spot, unrebukeable, until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ: Which in his times he shall shew, who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords;
Revelation 17:14: These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.
Revelation 19:16: And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.

As I understand it, Thai people understand about spirits.  Supposedly, one of the local religions claims that there are over 100 million gods.  I do not dispute this claim.  Many places in Thailand have god houses.  There is much effort and expense made to appease some god so that the god will not hurt the people and so that it might protect the people from other gods.  That is, these gods are not loving and kind but demand sacrifice and service under threat of harm.

I said that I agree because the Bible agrees with those claims about many spirits who claim to be gods.  However, the Bible says that these gods are not true gods, because there is a true God who is more powerful than all of them put together.  The Bible calls these other spirits devils.  The Bible warns us that they claim many things which are not true and they do so because they want people to worship and serve them.  However, when people worship and serve these lesser spirits, they are not learning about the one true God and are not worshipping and serving the one true God.

Now, I understand that many Thai people do not know about the Bible.  It is the only book in the world that has detailed prophecy.  In addition, all fulfilled prophecies have been fulfilled exactly as they were stated by the prophet.

Prophecy is telling what will happen in the future.  Yes, there are books like what Nostradamus wrote, but his prophecies are general and abstract and can be interpreted many different ways.  That is not true prophecy because it is not an exact statement of what will happen in the future.  However, the Bible has specific prophecies such as the statement that God's Redeemer would be born from the linage of king David and be born in Bethlehem of Judea and there is only one such city in all of the world.

The one true God gave this prophecy and dared all of the devils to work together and try to stop Him from fulfilling His prophecy.  He gave them over 400 years to try.  They tried to kill all of the descendants of king David, and once killed all of them but one, but they could not kill all of them.  So, the devils made all of the descendants of king David move far away from Bethlehem of Judea.  They figured that a baby can't be born in a city that's a long way away, especially if everyone walks.  They also corrupted all of the government people so that they would not listen to the loving Creator God.  However, when The Creator God wanted His Redeemer born, he made the corrupt king decide to add another tax.  The government always wants more money.  He also had the king demand that everyone go to the city of their ancestors to be taxed so that no one could avoid the tax.  That is how the mother was in Bethlehem of Judea and God's Redeemer was born exactly where God said that He would be born.

There are hundreds of these prophecies that are very specific and that we can verify were written hundreds of years before they were fulfilled and, yet, all of the prophecies were fulfilled exactly as written.  Since there is no other book like it anywhere in the world, we can know that it was written by the most powerful God that exists because no other god has been able to stop him from doing what He said that He would do.  Imagine that you see two people playing chess.  One of them tells the other which piece of his the first will take next, and then he does exactly what he said.  Now imagine that this happens all through the game.  Now imagine that they play several games and the exact same thing happens every time.  Yet, the person who keeps losing also keeps insisting that they are the better player.  If that happens, it should be obvious that the constant loser is lying when they insist that they are the better player.

Now, if you were betting on the game, you would be foolish to keep betting on the loud-mouthed loser.  Well, you are betting where your everlasting soul ends up by choosing what god you serve.  The God of the Bible has proven that He is the most powerful God that exists by all of the detailed prophecies that He has given and fulfilled in spite of all of the other gods trying to stop Him.  He has also written in His Bible that we each have a free will and He will not take away our free will.  However, He also wrote that, at some time in the future, He will put all of these other gods into a lake of fire and we can be sure that that prophecy will be fulfilled just like all of the other prophecies have been fulfilled.  While that is bad news for the other gods, the bad news for us is that He also promised that every person will be put with the god that they serve in this world.  If you truly serve the God of the Bible, then after you die your spirit will go to Heaven, which is the home of the God of the Bible.  However, everyone who spends their life serving these other gods will end up in the lake of fire along with their gods.

In addition, we can know that the most powerful God kept all other so-called gods from writing a similar book because no other so-called holy book has all of these fulfilled prophecies.  Only the Bible has proof that it was written by the most powerful being that exists and in it we are warned that we will end up in a lake of fire to burn forever if we don't do what God tells us to do.

Think about this truth.  Confucius has lots of sayings on how to live but nothing about after we die.  There are reportedly three different Buddha, which means at least two are lies.  In addition, there is no written record of what Buddha said.  Therefore, there is no way to verify if what people claim was said by Buddha was really said. As for reincarnation, the only evidence is from claimed memories of former lives.  However, the same methods used to find those so-called memories were also used to recall memories of girls being sexually molested by their fathers when they were young.  What people found out was that, after several fathers were put in jail, it was proven that the so-called memories were lies planted by the people who claimed to recall them.  Hypnotism allows people to plant false memories.  People were planting false memories so that they would be popular and called an expert.  Likewise, all so-called memories of prior lives have been found to use the same method.  The so-called memories of prior lives have been shown to be false memories planted by people who wish to be considered to be religious experts.

Another thing that may surprise people is that there is a king of these devils.  The Bible calls him Satan and the Devil and other names.  He is evil and wants us to live in chaos and destruction.  That is why he lets the spirits of his kingdom do different mean things to people and cause different people to fight against each other and try to make other people live the way that they demand and not the way that people want to live.

Now, in addition to these mean spirits, there is a good Spirit God.  He is the most powerful God that exists.  He used men to write a book called the Bible to tell us what is really happening.  He also provided proof that the Bible is truth and we will consider that in a moment.  However, first we need to know the basic truth of all existence.

This good God created this world and everything in it.  We can know that the world was created by a single being that was powerful enough to force others to submit to his will because we have things like gravity and the laws of math that are the same everywhere.  When many different beings all have about the same power you find them arguing and fighting over whose way will control how things are done.  With many powers, we have different rules in different places and what rule is in effect depending on who has the most influence in that area.  Think about all of the different governments in the world with each claiming that they have the best way.  No government wants to do what another government says, even when it is obvious that the other way is better.  Think of all of the gods that Thai people are reported to worship and how each god is different.

Now think about creation and realize that we don't have different rules in different places.  The law of gravity is the same everywhere.  The laws of math are the same everywhere.  The only way that this is possible is if there is a single being who is so powerful that He can force all other beings to do things his way.  This is true for men and for gods.  Thus, the rules, such as gravity and the laws of math, show that a single being created everything and insisted that creation follow His rules.  He is the Creator God.

In addition to having a single rule showing that the Creator God is more powerful than all other gods, we see from creation that the Creator is a good God.  Yes, men mess up creation and people claim that some gods mess up creation with things like volcanoes and storms, but we can see from nature that this world was created to be good for us.

That leads to the question of: 'if the Creator God is so powerful, why does He allow other lesser gods, and men, mess up His creation?'.  The answer is in the Bible, which is the holy book written by the Creator God.  In the Bible we read that God used men to write what He wants all men to know about.  2Peter 1:21 says: For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

Now I understand how some people might get upset about this claim, but you have your own brain.  Stop reacting emotionally and think about this.  We know that when a person dies their spirit separates from their body.  We also know that the way that a person thinks is part of the spirit that goes on existing.  The only way that a spirit could keep memories is if the memories were part of the spirit.  While there is only faked evidence of reincarnation, there are real encounters of the spirit from a dead person returning and talking to living people.  So, the spirit retains the ability to think and see and feel and talk and do other things.  Son now, if a cow or dog is someone reincarnated, why are the animals so stupid? People are not that stupid.  When a spirit separated from the body the spirit is not stupid.  So why is someone stupid if they are reincarnated in an animal but not stupid if they are reincarnated in a person? How do they become stupid when, supposedly, they are reincarnated in an animal but, later, have everything restored what they, supposedly, are reincarnated as a person?

We could go on but instead we will consider what the most powerful God that exists wrote to us in His Bible.  Hopefully people realize that there are many lies believed by many people.  If people will really think about what is claimed about spirits and what happens to people after they die, they will see that the only thing which provides true proof to back the claims is the Bible.  Therefore, I will give the basic message from the Bible.

The Bible tells us that these devils, who want to be called gods, used to be part of the kingdom of the most powerful God until they rebelled.  The most powerful God is a God of love but He is also a God of justice.  Because these devils rebelled from the kingdom of God, He declared that He will punish their rebellion, just like your king would punish government people who started a rebellion.  God cast the devils out of the place of His kingdom, which is called Heaven.  He did this while He created a lake of fire to put them into where they will suffer forever.  However, while He did that, the Devil came to this world that God had created, and to the man and woman that God had created and got them to break God's law.  The devil then told God that God could not remain righteous if He punished the Devil and his followers but did not also punish man.

You see, when God created this world and the first man and woman, He put them in a beautiful garden and told them to take care of the garden.  They were named Adam and Eve.  They had a job to do so that they weren't bored.  They had lots of different things to eat and the weather was always perfect and everything that they could desire was provided.  In addition, God came and visited with them every day and talked with them like a loving parent talks with their children.  God also gave them something of His to take care of so that they could show their love for Him.  And, God told them that they could eat the fruit from any tree but not from His special tree which is called the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.  When the Devil tempted Adam and Eve to eat the fruit of this tree, he caused them to become corrupted to the point that all of their descendants are born corrupted.

Just as God promised would happen if they ate the fruit of this tree, they died and we all die.  In addition, we all have the corruption called old age and disease.  Further, some people are truly evil.  And, all people have religion and think their religion is as good as the personal relationship that God had with the first man and woman.  We could go on but think about this one thing.  We are all selfish and self-centered.  A baby will fuss when nothing is wrong because it wants mommy paying attention to it all of the time.  That is, we are born with this type of corrupted nature and it is a result of Adam and Eve disobeying God.

The Devil demanded that God punish all men just like He promised to punish the Devil and his followers.  Since man had broken God's law, there had to be a punishment or God proved that He wasn't righteous to punish the devils but not punish man.  In addition, since we are all born with a corrupt nature, we all willfully break God's law.  Therefore, we deserve punishment because of our own sin and not just because of the nature that we were born with.

However, God loved man whom He had created.  Therefore, instead of just punishing all men, God made a plan to redeem man even while remaining righteous.  He had His Son put aside all of His power as a true God and be burn as a simple man.  God's Son lived like us but never sinned.  He also taught people how to live without sinning.  But, the religious leaders were jealous of Him and hated Him and got the government to beat Him until He no longer looked human and then crucify Him until He died.  The devils then took His Spirit to the place that they used to torment the spirits of everyone who spent their lives serving the devils and then died.  That place is called Hell and is a place of fire and torment.  The Devil planned on tormenting God's Son in Hell.  But, that is when God's Son took back His own power as a true God.  He was still righteous because He did not break into the place controlled by the Devil but was brought there by the Devil.  Once God's Son had His own power back, he defeated the Devil and all of the other so-called gods by Himself.  He bound them and took away the keys to Hell and Death.  Then He rose from the dead.  He was not reincarnated in a new body but still had the body that died on the cross and had holes in His hands and feet to prove that He has power over death.  With that power He promises to give everyone in His kingdom a new body to live in which will never be corrupted nor die.

After He rose He talked to over 500 of His followers and then returned to heaven.  Some day He will come back to this Earth and rule all of it.  That is what we were told in the first Bible verses which I read at the start.  He will be King of kings and Lord of lords.  He will bring everyone who became part of his kingdom with them.  They will have new bodies that can never be corrupted again.  They never die.  They never get sick.  They rule and reign with Him.

That brings us back to us and our present situation.  God gave us each a free will.  God left the devils and their followers here to test us.  Either we accept His Son as our Lord and King, or we refuse to do so.  That is the most important test of this life.  Anyone who refuses to accept God's Son named Jesus as their personal Lord and King is put into Hell when they die.  Only those people who accept Jesus as their personal Lord and King go to Heaven.  The Bible says For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.  In Romans 10:13 and several other places of the Bible.  When you call upon the name  you are trusting in the power and authority of the name.  You must agree to stop serving any other god and serve Jesus only.  This changing who you serve is called repentance  by the Bible.

Whenever someone truly repents and accepts Jesus as their personal Lord and King, God marks His law books to count Jesus dying as payment for their sins.  That way our breaking God's law is paid for and God is still righteous.  God then adopts those people as His children and says that anything else that they do wrong will be treated and a disobedient child and not as a crime.  God also gives His new child His Holy Spirit to show them how to live and become like God so that they can stop breaking God's law.  God also promises that they will go to His Heaven when they die and stay there until they are given their new body to return too this Earth and live as rulers under Jesus.

The people who refuse to accept Jesus as their personal Lord and King will be cast into hell until God puts all of the devils and everyone in Hell in the lake of Fire  forever.  God loves everyone so much that He will not take away their free will.  He gives you a choice and accepts whatever choice you make.  You can accept His Son Jesus as your personal Lord and King or reject Him.  If you accept Him, you get God's Holy Spirit while you are here, you go to heaven when you die, and you get to return here with a new body that can not be corrupted nor die.  If you refuse to accept Jesus as your personal Lord and King, you will continue to live a selfish sinful life here, goo the hells when you die and, eventually, be cast into the lake of Fire  to be tormented forever.

I will now let the pastor tell you how to accept Jesus as your personal Lord and King.


Contact:  Webmaster@LJC1611KJV.com.  Member of Tower Road Baptist Church, Abq., NM, U.S.A., 87121.  Copyright 2009 Lord Jesus Christ in the 1611KJV.  All rights reserved. Revised: 10/03/24.