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Hermeneutics Lesson Synopsis

Understanding the word of God

Class Synopsis:

Ephesians 4:5 says One Lord, one faith, one baptism.  Yet when we look we see many 'faiths' which claim to be 'the true faith which comes from the Bible'.  1Thessalonians 5:21 says Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.  According to the Bible, that which is good  is what comes from God.  When we hold fast,  we still have it after the worst storm.  If we lose it we may have held  it but we did not hold fast.  When we look at the spiritual condition that America had when we became adults, and compare that to the conditions we find today, we will have a hard time explaining to God how we obeyed His command to hold fast.

The basic reason that God's people failed to hold fast  is because they used the wrong methods to prove all things,  including having the one faith  which is to be in obedience to One Lord.  Many people believe that they have the one faith,  and many honestly believed that they did the best that they could to live right, but the evidence says that our generation, and several prior generations, failed.  The most basic evidence is the existence of many 'faiths' which claim to be 'the true faith which comes from the Bible', since it is impossible for all of these differing 'faiths' to be God's one faith.

Let me illustrate what happened.  My brother bought a house that was built in the 1800s.  All of the interior walls had large cracks in them.  He hired a team to tear out all of the lathe and plaster and put in new wallboards.  A couple of years later the cracks were back.  He chewed out his team, made them repair their work, and a couple of years later the cracks were back again.  Having about 40 years personal experience in construction, he then did the job himself, and a couple of years later the cracks were back again.

At this point he started looking elsewhere and found serious problems with his foundation and main support truss.  He had to (slowly) lift the house back into the proper position, fix the foundation and main support truss, wait for the house to settle in the correct position, and only then could he fix the cracks and have them stay fixed.

All while this was going on his wife complained and demanded that he fix the cracks and stop causing more damage.  If he had done what she demanded their house would have fallen in on them.  When I try to show 'good godly Bible Believing fundamental Baptist preachers' God's plan for fixing the foundation of our faith,  I keep getting demands to 'stop trying to fix the foundation and just repair the cracks'.  It is very simple.  The techniques that people want to learn are in the later lessons.  God's way  is to start with our relationship with God.  He gives us the spirityal point of view.  He then changes our attitude.  It is only after we are in line with God that He can work in us and through us to give us the right answer.  Men want to skip the steps which connect us to God and jump directly to what we can do in the flesh and then wonder why they fail.

The primary requirement is to get God involved.  Without God we are acting in our flesh and will fail.  The primary failure of methods for interpretation the Bible is that they told people how to get God involved and then concentrated on techniques that we do in the flesh.  In the process of teaching fleshly religious methods, our heritage has also skipped the primary fleshly step.  Thus, most people currently base their doctrine on the sand of religion and what some famous preacher, or some Bible school, taught them was doctrine.  This method is different.  The primary things taught are how to get God involved before we do anything in the flesh.

For at least 100 years Baptists have 'kept the pulpit hot about sin', and the evidence is that they are 'fixing the cracks'.  The same problems (cracks) keep returning and the situation is getting worse.  They are not looking at the foundation of our one faith.  They believe what they have been taught, which is that our foundation is the word of God.  However, the Bible tells us that our foundation is not just the word of God, but includes the Way of God for using the word of God.

When the devil tempted Jesus he quoted the Bible.  The problem wasn't what he quoted but what he left out.  We are losing our one faith  because our foundation does not include the Way of God for using the word of God.  Further, the Bible tells us that God gives us a perfect way.  Unfortunately, many people reject this God given Bible truth because the 'way' that they use is not perfect  and their own pride keeps them from admitting personal error.

This course will cover the way  of God for using the word of God  and it will teach that way  at several levels.  Most people will not use the most technical methods presented.  However, it is important that they get at least a basic understanding of how thorough and accurate those methods are so that they can have confidence in the simpler methods which will also be offered.

At one time in my life I had to take 28 prescriptions per day.  All of the doctors assured me that I would have to take this many and more for the rest of my life.  I was completely disabled and being told that it was permanent.

I now take 5prescriptions per day and hope to reduce that.  I have not been disabled for several years.  The way that I improved my physical health was using the same methods that this course teaches.  Those methods can improve your personal spiritual health and the spiritual health of all whom you influence.

However, even my personal experiences do not make a true Biblical witness that the way presented in this class works.  The true witness is that this way has been used to interpret over 5,000 verses that are cross referenced to over 55,000 verses and there are NO 'problem verses'.  Further, these results are on the web where anyone in the world can show where the results go against the literal interpretation of the 1611 KJV Bible, and no one has provided any evidence of error. Many people who claim to not be 'Bible Correctors' still blame their perfect word of God  by claiming that there are 'problem verses'.  We have a perfect word of God  that is a perfect  picture of a perfect  God Who is not the author of confusion.  However, when men get a conflict between their interpretations of two different passages in the Bible, they blame the perfect word of God  instead of admitting that they made a mistake or that their method of interpretation caused the conflict.

The method interpreting your Bible, which comes directly from the Bible, can be learned.  However, there are two problems.  First is that our preachers have been taught an incomplete method of interpretation but were told that it was complete even though it created so-called 'problem verses'.  As a result, like we see all through the Bible, people hold onto what they were taught even when they are shown the error.  Think of the disciples who left Jesus when He asked the apostles Will ye also go away?  (John 6:67).

The second problem is that while Hebrews 11:6 says But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him,  most people are not willing to fulfill God's definition of diligent.  Thus they do not do what God requires in order for God to reward  them.  In spite of this, many want to claim to be a greater authority than someone who did fulfill God's definition of diligent.  This is plain and simple pride and anyone with any spiritual maturity knows how God reacts to pride.

You are invited to learn this method for yourself and personally test this way of interpreting God's Word in order to see if it causes any conflicts.  However, be warned that it will require you to fulfill God's definition of diligent  in order to receive God's perfect  interpretation.  While many people will not be able to do that, they can still benefit from learning the truths presented in this class because that will enable them to tell when someone is using a wrong method to get their doctrine.

I am not a medical expert and never have been.  Nevertheless, I could tell the liars from people telling the truth by looking at how they generated the 'proof' that was supposed to back their claims.  This class will allow many people to do the same for conflicting doctrinal claims.  I already told just a little of the benefits to my physical health by using this method for medical information.  However, is not your personal soul, and the souls of your followers, much more precious than physical health?

There are certain things that we only truly understand after we do them.  Hebrews 5:8-9 says Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him.  Please notice that the Son of God had to personally experience things in order to learned he obedience.  In addition, we have the word and  within this sentence which means that His being made perfect  and His becoming the author of eternal salvation  was added after He learned obedience.  That is why we must 'trust and obey' what makes no sense to us until after we have the experience which is required in order for us to understand.  The homework assignments are designed to give the student the experience required to understand that this method works, even if they do not get enough experience to fully understand how or why it works.  That level of understanding only comes after using this method for years and seeing God consistently bless it.  Please use the following homework assignments as you go through these lessons.


Isaiah 28 is the basis of all of these lessons.  If you look at the verses in Isaiah that are referenced in the high-level points that are below, you will see that these lessons follow the order of the chapter.  If you read only the high-level points before each couple of lessons, you will see the specific steps that we are to personally do, and see them in the order that God tells us to do these steps, if we are to follow God's way.  to proper interpretation.


Contact:  Webmaster@LJC1611KJV.com.  Member of Tower Road Baptist Church, Abq., NM, U.S.A., 87121.  Copyright 2009 Lord Jesus Christ in the 1611KJV.  All rights reserved. Revised: 08/09/24.