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Hermey Lessons Homework.

Always start each personal study of the Bible with a prayer for God to give you His wisdom and understanding and for God to reveal what he wants you to know.  Also pray for God to help you to get yourself and any erroneous ideas out of the way of what God is trying to reveal to you.

  1. Become familiar with Site.
    1. Pick a team to work on while doing homework assignments, or decide to work alone.
    2. Look at Menu that is at the top of every page on the LJC1611kjv web site and all drop-down sub-menus.
    3. Read Read_Me file for how to install the site on own device from the CD or USB supplied at the start of class.
    4. Read Help page.
    5. Find Jokes.
    6. Find the Index to Books on site.
    7. Find the Index to Words on site.
    8. Find and skim through the Word Counts document.
    9. Be sure that you can find what is available using any of these tools since you will be using them for the homework of this class.
    10. Pick a Psalm to interpret and match size of the Psalm with the size of your team.
  2. Find and skim through the following three web pages.  They show the three different ways to use the Bible in our life and get God's witness in our life.
    1. Personal Application: Application of God's Word to our Personal Life.
    2. Ministry Application: Book Study on Proverbs 9.
    3. Start of Interpretation: Read Romans Chapter 1 on Bible page in Verse format, Sentence format and look at Punctuation format.
    4. Read your chosen Psalm using the Sentence format of your Psalm.  Rewriting each sentence in your Psalm using your own words.  Be sure to not just copy the sentence in the Psalm because rewording it causes your brain to work in a different way than just reading.  This is the start of Biblical meditation.  Start reading your Psalm, using the sentence format, every day and out loud.  Write down every place where you stumble while reading aloud.  These are places where one part of your brain expected one set of words and your eyes, and another part of your brain, saw something different.  These places will need special attention as you do the rest of these exercises found in the homework.
  3. Format of Class lessons:
    1. Read Hermeneutics Lesson Synopsis that is at the Hermeneutics Lessons link.  You would be wise to read (not just skim) this document at least once a week during class.  This will help you understand the class plan, where we are in that plan, and help you to remember the basic steps to follow when you are trying to interpret the Bible.
    2. Look over incomplete Book Study on Psalm 119 to get an idea of the format to use in study.  Please remember that this is an example only.  Look at the end of the Psalm and see the sentences which were rewritten.  Look at the summary for the various sections of Psalm 119.  Look at the word definitions at the start of the document.  Please note that these definitions limit the definition to the use within Psalms 119.  That makes them an application of the words and not a complete Biblical definition.  This distinctions will become clear throughout this class and it is a critical distinction.
    3. Write a summary of your Psalm using your own rewritten sentences.  Make a second copy that you will be changing as you go through this class.  It is recommended that this second copy be on a computer for ease of editing.  The first copy is to remain unchanged so that you can compare your final result to what you started with and see what God teaches you through this class.
  4. Find the helps on parallel passages of the Gospels:
    1. Skim the Lord Jesus Christ in the Gospel (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) documents.  Be sure that you can find verses from the start of the Study.  Also be sure that you can see how the various names in the Study have a summary for the use of each name.  Be sure that you see where notes within these Studies provide links to other Gospels which tell a different view of the same story.  (These are called parallel passages within the Gospels.) Look at the Miracles documents (Gospels, the Miracles section of, the Significant Events in the New Testament, Old Testament).  Finish rewriting each sentence in your Psalm in your own words.
    2. For the remainder of class homework includes working on finishing interpretation of your Psalm.  You will provide a proper word definition for each significant word and identify the source of your definition.  Then give an interpretation of each phrase based upon your word definitions and the punctuation involved.  As needed, update the one copy of your sentence summary and chapter summary.  Expect to have to do these updates to some extent.  Having to update shows that God revealed something to you that you did not know on your first reading of the Psalm.  Do not look at what other commentators have written until after you have finished your own interpretation so that you can get what God wants you to have instead of what some man wrote. 
    3. Write a Chapter Summary of your Psalm based upon your rewritten sentences.  Together these form the basis of your study.  Keep a copy as written and make another copy to be changed as you study.  By keeping both you can see the changes that your study provides and you will have evidence that God is showing you new things through this study method.
  5. Learn the differences between applications and interpretation:
    1. Take a good look at the Lord Jesus Christ Verses document.  Skim through the Lord Jesus Christ Overview document.  Understand the differences between the interpretations of each name and the various applications of each name.
    2. For this homework find all references to personal pronouns (yetheethinethou) within your chapter.  Put the word personal  into each place where these words occur and see how it makes a difference in your understanding of the verse.  We have been taught to drop the personal  part of these words because religion tries to deny the personal relationship that is part of Salvation.  The true definition of ye  is 'each and every one of you personally'.  The true definition of thee  is 'you personally (singular)'.  thine  is 'your personal'.  thou  is 'you personally (plural)'. 
  6. Learn the Basic Rules for interpretation:
    1. Read the Study called Basic Rules.
    2. Look up that name in the Overview document and apply the definitions found there to your sentences and see how your understanding has changed.
  7. Avoid doctrinal error that brings personal judgment:
    1. Read the Study called Fear the Lord.  Try to identify other things that are not yet listed in this incomplete Study.  Read the Study called False Things According to the Bible.  Find every place where one of the names in the Lord Jesus Christ Study (LordKingSonSaviour,  etc) appears in your chapter.
    2. Find the book that your chapter is in and look for any links to notes which are in your chapter.  These links will take you to Word Studies, and other Studies, which deal with your chapter.  Apply what you find there to your sentences.  Then go to the beginning of the Study and look doe definitions, applications and other things which can apply to your sentences.  If the note is in a Word Study then the Application Table should provide links to other verses which use the same word and apply it in the same way as your sentence does.  Read the verses, within context, at each of those other links to get a better understanding of the Biblical application of your word.
  8. Learn how to get God's knowledge:
    1. Read the Study called The Knowledge of God.
    2. Go to the Words link and click on Index to all Word Studies on this site.  Search for any significant words that are used within your sentences.  Please be aware that anything found from this document provides an application of the word that is only valid for the section of the Bible that was studied.  Your sentence may apply the word in the same way or in another way.  You need to verify this for yourself.  Even if your sentence applies the word in a different way, being aware of a different application will help you avoid the error of claiming that and application of a word is the definition.  Update your sentences as appropriate.
  9. Learn how to divide  God's Word God's Way:
    1. Read the Study called Rightly Dividing.
    2. Now you are ready to find significant words doing your own personal study.  Find all of the verses in the Bible that use your word, or at least a significant number of them, using the Index that is on the Bible link, or using some other tool of your choosing.  Carefully, and prayerfully, read the verse within the context and write down how your word is used within each verse where it is found.  Do not trust your memory.  The process of writing down how the word is used causes your brain to think about the word in a different way than just reading it.  After writing down how the word is used within each place, find the common points within each usage and use that as your definition.  Please also do the other things covered in the lesson on how to do proper Bible Word Studies.  Please also be aware that by doing the homework exercises on word definitions, before receiving the lesson on how to do proper Bible Word Studies, helps people to understand why all that is in that lesson is necessary.
  10. Be ready to prove your results:
    1. Read the Study called Prove.
    2. Put the various word definitions together in order to define the various phrases of your sentences.  Apply the punctuation using the Biblical usage of punctuation in order to have a proper interpretation of each sentence within your section of the Bible.
    3. Look at the Relational Prepositions document for help in using these words to properly interpret your sentences.
  11. Verify that your interpretation matches the basic doctrines of the Bible:
    1. Read the Study called Doctrine.
    2. Compare the interpretation of your sentences to the context and verify that you don't have something that is completely out of sync with the context.  Compare your final result with the base that you created in the beginning and see how this study method allowed God to teach you new things from the Bible.
  12. Compare your final results to what others say:
    1. Read the Study called Bible Economy 101.
    2. Now you are ready to look at other dictionaries including a Greek dictionary.  Please be sure that you have defined all significant words within your section of the Bible.  After this you can look at other commentaries.  I say 'other commentaries' because any dictionary written by man is only a commentary when applied to the Bible.
  13. Present your final results:
    1. Look over the section on Sins  in the The Test of Spiritual Maturity.
    2. Turn in your interpretation of your Psalm.  Be prepared to share your work with the class.  Decide if you want it published with your name on the LJC1611KJV.com site.

Contact:  Webmaster@LJC1611KJV.com.  Member of Tower Road Baptist Church, Abq., NM, U.S.A., 87121.  Copyright 2009 Lord Jesus Christ in the 1611KJV.  All rights reserved. Revised: 09/06/24.