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Hermeneutics Lesson 13

Progressive Revelation and Questions for Secondary Levels of Revelation.

  1. Progressive Revelation Explained.
  2. In the Bible, we often see God use buildings to teach certain concepts.  This is because we often have to build knowledge one layer at a time, just like a building is (normally) built one floor at a time.  So, for example, we have different grades that teach different levels of Math with first grade teaching numbers and how to count.  Only after that do we learn to add, subtract, multiply and then divide with Algebra coming much later.  This process of learning new things only after we learn basic concepts is called 'progressive revelation'.

    The majority of this class has been on how to get a true Biblical foundation for our ministry in the word of God.  Please remember that a foundation is not seen while the building on top of it is seen.  Most Hermeneutics classes are on how to build the building (visible ministry) with very little about the Biblical foundation of the Biblical wise man.  The rest of this lesson will cover what most classes spend the whole class on.  Thus, if you want more details on how to get applications to preach, you may want to take one of those classes for their details.  Yes, they will help you more in building a visible ministry, but they will not help you avoid all of the doctrinal error that was pointed out here because the preachers who preached those doctrinal errors to me all took those other Hermeneutics classes.  Those classes teach you how to build the building (visible ministry).  This class concentrated on the foundation which is not seen but which Jesus Christ said is required if you want that ministry to survive the storms of life.

    I once read an excellent article written by the head of a society that provides Bible translations into the various languages of this world.  As I recall, there are over several hundred (I think over 1,000) languages in the world.  He talked about the problem of dealing with vocal languages with no written language and how the translator had to first create a written language, and teach it to the people, before they could do any translation.  He talked about the problems where certain concepts had to be introduced to a language and culture before it could be used.  Think about our English word baptize,  which came from the Greek because there was no matching concept or word in the English.  Think about the Spanish version of computer,  which came from the English.  The bottom line is that there are often things which have to be done before you can start a job of translation.  In Isaiah 28, the preparation is started in the first 8 verses where we are told to eliminate the source of error.

    One of the things that the Bible translator pointed out was that God revealed His word over time.  At first, men only had the first 5books from Moses, and possibly the book of Job.  For a long time men only had what we call the Old Testament while the New Testament wasn't written until after the resurrection.  Likewise, when our Bible was translated to English it took 7translations to produce the 1611 KJV.  What this author was saying is that when translators start on a new language, they often have a lot of preparation work to do first and then, once started, they translate John and Romans before adding the other books of the Bible.  That is: they did not have a lot of visible results for a long time even though they were very busy.  However, the results, when they were finally produced, were far more reliable than hurried results would have been.

    In our personal spiritual lives we had to learn certain basic concepts, such as the fact that there is a God, we are sinners and we face judgment for sin, before we could get saved.  Even after being saved, there is still a growth process for each individual that requires each of us to accept and obey basic doctrines before we can progress to more substantial doctrines.  Think about 1Corinthians where Paul talked about the milk  of the Word and the meat  of the Word.  Thus we see progressive revelation in our own physical learning and in our own spiritual learning.  While the application of the principal of progressive revelation is different when we compare our personal experience, God's revelation of His Word and the work of Bible translators, the principal of 'progressive revelation' is the same within each application.

    In Isaiah 28 we saw God's pattern of progressive revelation that He uses with all individuals and groups when God teaches knowledge and...makes to understand doctrine.  This class has taught us God's way  to do this and it should not have to be repeated here.  One thing to note is that since God does not change, He uses the same way,  whether He is dealing with a group of His people or teaching an individual directly [28:10-11].

    Not only does God use the same way  for groups and individuals, but God also uses the same way  for each level of our 'progressive revelation'.  We saw this with the fact that Isaiah 28:10 and Isaiah 28:13 both tell us that God's way  is precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little,  even though the first verse gave us the way  of interpretation and the second verse gave us the way  of application.  Thus, once we receive a level of revelation on a given Bible subject, then we must repeat God's way  in order to receive further revelation.  Once we are past the first level of revelation, one of the main sources of error, that we need to eliminate, is the belief that 'I know what that Bible passage says'.  If we think we know what a Bible passage, or a doctrine, is, then we close our mind to correction and new revelation.  (Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.  [1Corinthians 10:12]).

    God will not force new revelation upon us but will wait patiently for us to open our mind to Him.  However, if we refuse to open our mind to Him, then He gives us the judgment of fools.  Bottom line: always open your mind to God and close it to any source in opposition to God.  Always approach your Bible study with prayer an expectation that God will reveal something new or correct a prior erroneous belief, if we are willing to receive this from God.

    One last consideration on 'progressive revelation': God teaches each saved person the lessons of life which He determines that they need when He determines that they are ready for that particular lesson.  Thus, some people learn lessons that others might not be taught.  Sometimes two people might learn the same lessons but at different times within their individual lives.  However, some lessons are taught to all of God's people.  Within these lessons, some lessons can only be received after we understand earlier lessons.  Thus, if we refuse to learn a lesson that God is trying to teach us, we can stop all of our own spiritual growth.

    Why this concept is critical to proper understanding of scripture.

    When you start from a single source (Bible) and end up at two different results, you have two different procedures which took you to the two results, or your procedure has a variable which changed and is critical in determining the result.  We find this type of variable in the procedure which produces our many applications, but can not have such a variable within a procedure which produces the single interpretation.  Further, you can not get the one result while following the procedure that leads to a different result.  That is: you can not get the single interpretation while following the procedure that produces many applications.

    As we have already seen we get the single interpretation only if we limit our procedure to our never-changing God and what He literally wrote in His Word.  We get our many applications be adding in any consideration of men or circumstances.  Men and circumstances are variable les which allow much change and many different results.

    The main job that preachers have is to produce many applications and show people how to apply the word of God to their life.  The main problem that most preachers have, with Hermeneutics, is that they are using the way  to study their Bible for messages and expect to get the single interpretation instead of one of several applications.  That is: they have been taught to include the factors that change from one person to another and to consider circumstances found within the Bible.  As already pointed out, including these considerations can produce the many applications but can not produce the single interpretation.  Thus, this is a consideration that preachers have to keep in mind.

    Proverbs 24:3-4 says Through wisdom is an house builded; and by understanding it is established: And by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.  Here we see that wisdomunderstanding  and knowledge  each produce different results.  There are many well-known preachers who had the wisdom  required to build a house (ministry).  However, the fact that it did not last more than one generation past their death, and often less time than that, shows that the lacked the understanding  that was required to make their ministry last (be established).  This class was created to give the 'man of God' the understanding  that is required if their ministry is to last (be established).  Having provided that, we will now lightly deal with what is required to build a house (ministry)  on top of that foundation.  This is where most Hermeneutics classes start.  Having said that and shown the difference between this class and most, it is recognized that most people will get more of what follows from another Hermeneutics Class.  However, remember to never allow these methods to move you off of God's foundation.

    There is one more important point that needs to be considered before we get into the rest of this lesson.  Several young preachers have said that the preacher needs to understand the Bible in order to preach because his message is based upon the Bible.  This is true.  However, they also implied that this makes them an expert on interpreting the Bible, which is false.  All we have to do is consider all of the 'faiths' which claim to be Christian  and claim to have the correct interpretation of the Bible.  It is obviously impossible for each of these 'faiths' to have the single correct interpretation of the Bible when they disagree so much.  Further, people who belong to these different 'faiths' all believe that they are following a good godly preacher who interprets the Bible correctly.  Therefore, without argument we must conclude that there are preachers who are very good at preaching and applying the word of God while also being able to make significant errors in the interpretation of God's Word.

    Regardless of whether we do our own interpretation or get it from someone else, we needs to remember that that there are many good godly preachers who provide many excellent applications of the Bible while not being expert in interpretation.  We can follow these men in their application while also being very careful about any interpretation provided by these people.  The fact is that it takes a lot of time to be good at application of the word of God and it also takes a lot of time to be good at the interpretation of the word of God.  As has been pointed out several times, these are two different methods of using the word of God.  It is advisable to question a claim that a person is expert in both methods because we all have a limited amount of time and most pastors (experts in application) have other responsibilities demanding part of their time.  Regardless of that, being a preacher, or being at applying the word of God, does not automatically and magically make a person and expert in interpretation of the word of God.

  3. Progressive revelation applied to a particular part of scripture.
  4. We can get into doctrinal error by doing the right thing the wrong way or at the wrong time.  These questions are important to proper interpretation once we are past the foundational literal interpretation of what is said.  These questions are also critical to the proper application of the word of God in peoples' lives.  That is: these questions are to be used when we start to look at what is said with a consideration of how to apply the Bible to lives.  These questions must be applied the right way and at the right time.  In particular, the answers to can not change the literal interpretation that we should have already found before applying these questions.  In the Biblical analogy of a building, what God literally said is part of the foundation.  These questions help us to build the various levels of the building (ministry) that is built upon the true foundation (literal interpretation).

Bottom line:  We only get God's promised blessings when we meet God's requirements for getting those blessings.  Many people criticize the 'Name it and Claim it' crowd, but then do the same thing for blessings which they want to have but don't want to do what God requires us to do in order to receive those blessings.  Even when they do some religious thing, or fulfill part of what God requires, they still don't receive God's blessings because they came short of the glory of God.  When this happens, many people accept a substitute blessing from a devil.  They then destroy their own credibility by claiming to have something that they really don't have because, at some level, people know that their claim is false.  They destroy God's credibility by claiming that others can have the blessings of the Bible if those people submit to religious rules which disagree with what God literally says or which use a different way  than God uses.  When people don't receive the promised blessings, they blame God instead of admitting their own error.

Please don't destroy God's credibility or your own.  Do not claim something to be a Biblical doctrinal truth until after you have searched the Bible itself, while receiving guidance from God's Holy Spirit, and met God's requirements to prove  your doctrine.  Claim it as your own belief but not a Bible doctrine if you have not done all that God requires in order to prove  the doctrine.


Contact:  Webmaster@LJC1611KJV.com.  Member of Tower Road Baptist Church, Abq., NM, U.S.A., 87121.  Copyright 2009 Lord Jesus Christ in the 1611KJV.  All rights reserved. Revised: 10/03/24.