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Forms of the word faith  occur 348 times in 324 verses.

The main application of the word faithful  is: 'full of faith all of the time'.  Many people believe doctrinal error about the word faithful  and the word faith  because they have also been taught: 'Believe what the preacher says without verifying what is preached'.  Acts 17:11 says: These (the people of Berea) were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.  God gave each of us a brain and expects us to use it to verify what we are told because the world is full of liars and deceived people.  Saved people who can verify Bible word definitions, but failed to do so and believe a lie, will be judged by God at the judgment seat of Christ.

One major source of error is that God's people are not rightly dividing the word of truth  (2Timothy 2:15), in spite of the warning that God will make them ashamed.  People claim to know and understand that 'there is one definition but many applications of Bible words', yet they believe that their favorite application is the single definition.  They accept a definition from a dictionary when Bible dictionaries have a 75%-95% accuracy with Webster's 1828 having the greatest accuracy even while it includes some doctrinal error.  In addition, many dictionaries do not provide a single definition, or down-play the single definition while emphasizing many applications which they call 'definitions'.  The only true way to find the difference between the single definition and the many applications is to study, in context, every place that the Bible uses a word and separate what never changes from what changed.  What never changes is the SINGLE definition while what changes is the MANY applications.  Unfortunately too many people are not willing to put that much effort into finding Bible truth.  There are at least 2471 word studies on ljc1611kjv.com which have been studied exactly this way.  This Word Study is the result of such a study.

The true definition, of the word faithful,  is: 'Firm in adherence to the truth and to the duties of religion. Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. Rev. 2. Only faithful saved people will be allowed to return with Christ to rule this world'.  The true definition, of the word faith,  is: 'An action word that is based upon a belief in a promise found within the Bible with the action dictated by the Bible and the understanding that our action does not force God to act nor determines when or how God acts but proves that of our own free will we are giving God permission to act in and through our life to do what He promised within His word. Before acting, someone only has a belief'.

Many preachers, and God's people, are deceived because they failed to verify what they were taught.  Many want to believe doctrinal error because it makes their flesh feel good.  For example, Revelation 17:14 says that the only saved people who will return with Christ are: called, and chosen, and faithful.  However, saved people who fail to fulfill God's requirements will not be allowed to return with Christ  even if they want to believe that they will return to rule this world.  And, since people want to believe a lie and preachers don't want to offend church people, many claim that the lie is truth.

This applies to our current Study.  Many people preach and teach what the word of God says about 'the chapter on faith' (Hebrews 11), because that is what they have been taught.  And, it contains more references to the word faith  than any other chapter in the word of God.  However, we heed to keep in mind that that that epistle was actually written to Jews who considered themselves to be children of Abraham  (the Hebrew  Genesis 14:13) and Hebrews 11 is telling them that their ancestors believed in true Biblical faith  and went beyond keeping religious traditions.  Romans 3 and Galatians 3 actually teach us what the word of God says that true Biblical faith consists of.  Since Hebrews 11 does not explicitly teach what those other chapters teach, many people use Hebrews 11 as the basis to teach doctrinal errors.  They reference the examples and claim that the example actually did or believed something other than what was true.  Without referencing the rest of the Bible, people do not realize that they are being taught doctrinal error.

While I could go on with more warning, I believe that most people who want to believe a lie will have quit reading by now.  The only way to truly know the true SINGLE meaning of a Bible word is to look at every place where it is used, consider the context, and find what never changes for every reference.  That is what this Study provides.

I put the study, of the word faithful,  with the study of the word faith,  because no one can truly understand the true definition of one word without also truly understanding the true definition of the other word.

In addition to other errors, many people do not separate the definitions of faithbelief,  and hope.  If there is no action by the person, then they have a belief  and not true faith.  If they do not have a promise literally written in the word of God, but are acting on the character of God, then they have hope  and not true faith.

Now, in addition to what is below, please see ljc1611kjv.com for the following notes:

I will start with what the New Testament says about the word faithful  and cover what the word of God says about the word faith  after that.

Below are notes on verses which use the word faith.

Please be sure to read the notes mentioned at the start of this Study as they cover important doctrinal considerations of the true meaning of the word faith.  There is a lot of doctrinal error believed about this word including beliefs that the true definition of this word includes the true definitions of other Bible words.  God does not cause confusion.  God does not change (Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8).  God would have to change and be the author of confusion if two different Bible words had the same definitions.

A very important sentence, for our consideration, is: Galatians 3:23, which says: But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed  Combine this with Romans 3:20, which says: Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.  God gave the law to show men that they could not earn Heaven but religious liars claimed that keeping the law, and their religious traditions, forced God to open Heaven to them.  Thus, we see that God acted one way for one purpose but religious liars perverted the message from God in order to support their religious lies.

The word faith  occurs 247 times in 231 verses of the Bible but only twice in the Old Testament.  Obviously, faith  is mainly a doctrinal consideration of the New Testament.  Yes, we read about Old Testament saints having faith,  especially in Hebrews 11.  However, as our prior paragraph pointed out, God did not demand His people deal with Him in faith  until the New Testament.

Now, faith  is a critical and demanded part of the New Testament.  People who teach and preach that our salvation and sanctification are dependent upon keeping laws are rejecting a critical foundation of the New Testament.  There is reason to believe that 20,000 souls were saved through the Jerusalem Church.  Yet God destroyed that church, and had the Temple torn down, because they insisted that salvation of Jews required the work of circumcision.  They refused doctrinal correction from God.  Likewise, many groups of today call themselves a 'Christian Church' even while they reject the foundational part of the New Testament called faith.  They insist upon doctrinal error when they teach that salvation and sanctification require works.

Related to that doctrinal error are two different doctrinal errors which claim that our Heavenly rewards and/or punishments are NOT dependent upon our working for God's kingdom, in this physical life, based upon our true faith  in the commandments of the New Testament.  The first doctrinal error claims that we receive all Heavenly rewards as soon as we are saved and that our works for God's kingdom yield nothing.  The second doctrinal error claims that there are no punishments in Heaven with the main related claim being 'No tears in Heaven'.  In many places, especially on ljc1611kjv.com, I explain why both of these doctrines are lies from devils and go against what the word of God actually teaches in the New Testament.

There is a valid argument that rejecting a major doctrine of the word of God is rejecting God's true salvation.  You can not accept a contract / covenant at the same time as you reject a major part of that contract / covenant.  No, we can not lose true salvation by accepting these lies after receiving true salvation.  However, accepting these doctrinal lies can, and often does, prevent someone from accepting true Biblical salvation.

If the reader has truly looked at what is presented in this Study, it should be apparent that Few people present all that the word of God says is involved in true Biblical faith  and that a lot of people have been deceived by devil motivated liars or by people who claim to be a Bible authority but believed a lie without truly verifying what they claim against what God truly wrote in the word of God.  God gave each of us a brain and the Word of God.  Therefore, we have no excuse for being deceived.


Contact:  Webmaster@LJC1611KJV.com.  Member of Tower Road Baptist Church, Abq., NM, U.S.A., 87121.  Copyright 2009 Lord Jesus Christ in the 1611KJV.  All rights reserved. Revised: 07/10/24.