Unless specified otherwise, these Word Studies are within the notes of ljc1611kjv.com. Also, the degree of detail varies from:
(links to verses which use the word, or a discussion of the use of the word),
to (links to every place in the Bible where the word can be found, a note for each usage that explains the interpretation and the application within the context of the verse, one or more definitions from dictionaries, links from other commentators and more).
Please look at what is provided for the word or phrase that you are looking at and do not judge what is available for each word by what is available for another. In addition, since these word definitions can be at the end of a large note for a particular sentence, please page down or do a find ([ctrl]-F) to get to the details for the particular word within the note where it is found.
In addition to the words presented below, the Study called Relational Prepositions have links to where certain preposition are used in conjunction with various names of God such as in Christ
. These combinations have a very specific doctrinal meaning and there is much doctrinal error taught about these Relational Prepositions. For example, many believe that if you are saved then you have Christ in you. Where the Biblical truth is that if you are saved then you have God's Holy Spirit in you and your having Christ in you is conditional even for saved people. Please, study your Bible for what it truly says and don't just blindly accept religious traditions.
- abase: Philippians 4:12
- abhor: Romans C12S7
- abide: 1Corinthians C7S9
- abound
- abroad: Romans C16S22
- absent / absence: Philippians 1:27-28; Philippians 2:12
- abundant: Philippians 1:25-26
- accept: 2Corinthians 5:9
- acceptable: Romans C12S1
- account: 1Corinthians C4S1
- Achaia
- acknowledge: 1Corinthians C16S17
- administration: 1Corinthians C12S5
- admonish: Romans C15S12; Ephesians C6S3
- adoption: Romans 8:15
- Adultery
- adversaries: Philippians 1:27-28
- advocate: 1John C2S2
- affairs: Philippians 1:27-28
- affect
- afflictions: 2Timothy C4S3; Philippians 1:15-17
- after the flesh: Romans C8S7
- ages: Colossians C1S6
- alienated: Colossians C1S6
- all Israel shall be saved: Romans C11S30
- allegory: Galatians C4S21
- Almighty: Revelation 4:8-LJC
- altar: 1Corinthians C9S22
- ambassador, 2Corinthians 5:20
- and: Romans intro
- angel: 1Corinthians C13S1
- anger: Ephesians C4S11; Colossians C3S6
- anguish: 2Corinthians C2S4
- Apostle
- answer: 2Corinthians 5:12
- anoint: 2Corinthians C1S15
- Apollos: 1Corinthians 1:12
- appear: 2Corinthians 5:10
- approve: Philippians 1:9-11
- Arabia: Galatians C1-S12
- ashamed: Romans C5S2; 1Corinthians C6S7; Philippians 1:19-20
- Asia: 2Timothy C1S9
- assurance: Colossians C2S1
- astonished: Matthew 7:28-LJC
- attain: Philippians 3:4-6
- atonement: Romans C5S8
- avail: Galatians C5-S5
- awake: 1Corinthians C15S31
- backbiter
- Balaam: Jude C1S11
- barbarian: 1Corinthians C14S12
- Barnabas: 1Corinthians C9S8
- barren: Galatians C4-S24
- baptism: Basic doctrine of Baptism; Romans C6S5; Colossians 2S7; John 1:25-LJC
- Because: Romans C1S10
- becometh: Philippians 1:27-28
- bear: Romans C15S1
- beguile: Colossians 2S2
- behold: Colossians 2S3
- believe: Romans C10S15; 1Corinthians C14S25; Galatians C3-S8
- belief changes life: Romans C10S15
- believe in Jesus / Christ: Romans 3:26-LJC; John 20:31-LJC
- belief requires us to do: Romans C4S21
- belly: Philippians 3:18-19
- beloved: Romans C9S23; Colossians C3S8
- benefit: 2Corinthians C1S9
- Benjamin: Philippians 3:4-6
- beseech: Romans C12S1
- beside: 2Corinthians 5:13
- beware: Colossians 2S5
- bewitched: Galatians C3-S1
- birth / birthright / birthday, Galatians C4-S17
- bishop: Philippians 1:1
- bite: Galatians C5-S16
- bitterness: Ephesians C4S15; Colossians C3S14
- blameless: Philippians 2:14-16
- blasphemy: Colossians C3S6
- bless: Romans C12S9; 1Corinthians C10S13; Galatians C3-S10
- blind: 2Corinthians 2:17
- blood: Colossians C1S3
- blot: Colossians 2S8
- boast: Romans C3S21
- boasters: Romans C1S16; Romans C3S21
- body: Romans C7S30; 1Corinthians C6S20; Ephesians 4:5-LJC; Colossians C1S4
- body of Christ: Ephesians C3S1; Colossians C1S6
- bold: Romans C15S13; Philippians 1:19-20
- bond: 1Corinthians C7S16; Galatians C2-S3; Philippians 1:1
- bought / buy: 1Corinthians C7S30
- bow: Philippians 2:9-11
- bowels: Colossians C3S8; Philippians 1:8
- Britches
- brethren: 1Corinthians C2S1; Galatians C1-S1
- broken off: Romans C11S21
- brother: 1Corinthians C6S10; Galatians C1-S1
- brotherly: RomansC12S8
- bruise: Romans C16S25
- buffeted: 1Corinthians C4S13
- buffet: 1Corinthians C4S13
- builder: 1Corinthians C3S10
- building: 1Corinthians C3S9
- burden: 2Corinthians 5:4; Galatians 6:2
- buried: Colossians 2S7
- business: Romans C12S8
- but: Romans intro
- Cain: Jude C1S11
- call: Romans C1S1; 1Corinthians C1S3
- call upon the Lord: Romans C10S14; 2Thessalonians 3:1-LJC; Ephesians 5:8-LJC
- captive: Romans C7S28
- care: Philippians 2:28
- carnally: Romans C8S5
- cast away: Romans C11S19
- cause: 2Corinthians C2S5
- Cenchrea: Romans C16S1
- Cephas: 1Corinthians 1:12
- chastisement: 1Corinthians C11S36; Hebrews 12:5-LJC
- chasten: 1Corinthians 11:32
- charity : Romans C14S21; 1Corinthians C8S2; Colossians 3:14
- child: Galatians C4-S1; Galatians C5-S14
- children of Abraham: Galatians C3S9
- children of God: Romans C8S14; God in Romans: Romans C4S12; 1Peter 2:3-LJC
- children of Israel: 2Corinthians 3:7-8
- My little children: Galatians C4-S17
- cheer: Romans C12S5
- Christ: Verses in the New Testament. Summary on the name / role.
- Christ: two applications: 1Corinthians-LJC
- Christ and blood: 1Corinthians 10:16-LJC
- Christ Jesus: Verses in the New Testament. Summary on the name / role.
- Christ Jesus is faithful: Hebrews 3:1-LJC
- Christ lives through us: Colossians C3S4
- Christ: the head of: 1Corinthians 11:3-LJC
- church: See all links for Church Doctrine in the Subject Index
- Cilicia: Galatians C1-S13
- circumcise: Galatians C2-S3; Colossians 2S7
- circumcision: Romans C4S13; gospel of the circumcision
- city of refuge: Romans C13S12
- clamour: Ephesians C4S15
- cleave: Romans C12S7
- clothed: 2Corinthians 5:2-3
- coals of fire: Romans C12S18
- comely or comeliness: 1Corinthians C11S13; 1Corinthians C12S20
- comfort: Philippians 2:1; 2Corinthians C1S2
- commandment: Romans C7S11; 1Corinthians C7S6
- commend: Romans C16S1; 2Corinthians 3:1
- commit: 1Corinthians C9S26
- common: 1Corinthians C10S10
- communicate: Galatians C2-S2
- companion: Philippians 2:25
- compassion: Romans C9S13
- complete: Colossians 2:10-12
- comprehend: Romans C13S12
- conceit: Romans C12S13
- concupiscence: Romans C7S11
- condemn: Romans C8S1
- condemnation: Romans C8S1
- condemnation of fools: Romans C9S28
- condescend: Romans C12S12
- confess: Romans 10:9-LJC; Philippians 2:9-11; 2John C1S7
- confer: Galatians C1-S12
- conflict: Philippians 1:29-30
- confide: 2Corinthians C1S9
- confirm: Galatians C3-S16
- confusion: 1Corinthians C14S35
- Conscience: Romans C9S1
- correction: 2Timothy C3S10
- consist: Colossians C1S3
- consolation: Romans C15S5
- consume: Galatians C5-S16
- continue: Philippians 1:25-26
- constrain: Galatians C6-S12
- contentious / contention / contend: 1Corinthians C11S16; Philippians 1:15-17
- Core: Jude C1S11
- corrupt: 1Corinthians C9S36
- counseller: Romans C11S38
- covenant: Galatians C3-S19; Hebrews 10:29-LJC
- covenant breakers: Romans C1S16
- conversation: Galatians C1-S11
- convince: 1Corinthians C14S25
- countenance: 2Corinthians 3:7-8
- covet: Romans C13S12
- covetousness: Romans C1S16
- crafty: 1Corinthians C3S21
- creature: Colossians C1S3
- crooked: Philippians 2:14-16
- cross: Galatians C5-S12
- crown: James 1:12-LJC
- crucified: 1Corinthians 1:13
- curse: Galatians C1-S4
- custom: Romans C13S10
- cut off: Galatians C5-S13
- Damascus: Galatians C1-S12
- damn: Romans C13S3
- dare: Romans C15S15
- day of the Lord: 1Thessalonians 5:2-LJC; Hebrews-LJC
- death: Romans C6S4; 2Corinthians 2:15; Philippians 1:19-20; Colossians C1S4
- debate: Romans C1S16
- debt: Romans C8S12
- deceit: Romans C1S16
- deceived: Romans C7S15; 1Corinthians C3S18
- deceiveth himself: Galatians C6S3
- declare: 1Corinthians 1:11
- defense: Philippians 1:3-7
- depth: Romans C11S35
- desire: Romans C10S1; 2Corinthians 5:2-3; Galatians 4:19-20; Philippians 1:23-24
- despair: 2Corinthians C1S6
- despiteful: Romans C1S16
- despise: Romans C2S4
- destroy: Romans C14S22; 1Corinthians C3S17
- determine: 2Corinthians C2S2
- device: 2Corinthians 2:10-11
- devil: Matthew 4:1-LJC
- devour: Galatians C5-S16
- die: Romans C6S4
- discern: 1Corinthians C11S33
- dishonesty: 2Corinthians 4:1-2
- dishonour: Romans C12S8
- disannulleth: Galatians C3S16
- disobedient to parents: Romans C1S16
- disobedience: Romans C6S12; Philippians 2:12
- disobedient: Romans C1S16
- disolved: 2Corinthians 5:1
- dispute: Romans C14S1; Philippians 2:14-16
- dissimulation: Romans C12S6
- distress: Romans C8S37
- distressed: 2Corinthians 4:8-10
- dispensation: 1Corinthians C9S26
- distribute: Romans C12S8
- Dividing: The definition and how we are to be
rightly dividing the Word of truth
. Please also see Romans C16S20 about the worddivision
. - divide: 1Corinthians C1S7
- division: Romans C16S20
- divorce: Mark 10:5-LJC
- doctrine: 1Corinthians C14S6; 2Timothy C3S10
- doctrine of Christ: Lord Jesus Christ Overview
- dog: Philippians 3:1
- dominion: Romans C6S14
- door: 2Corinthians 2:12-13
- doubt: Romans C14S1
- drunk / drunkenness: Romans C13S16; Galatians C5S2
- dumb: 1Corinthians C12S2
- durst: Romans C15S15
- dwell: Romans C7S24
- dying because of the truth: Romans C8S38
- ear: 1Corinthians C12S13; Philippians 2:1
- earnest: Romans C8S18
- earth: 2Corinthians 5:1; Philippians 2:9-11
- eat: Romans C14S2; 1Corinthians C11S37
- edification: Romans C14S25; Romans C15S2
- edify: Romans C14S25; Ephesians C4S7
- effect: Galatians C4-S15
- elect: Colossians C3S8; 1Peter 1:2-LJC; Titus 1:1-LJC
- Election
- element: Galatians C4-S2
- enemy: 1Corinthians C15S19
- emulation: Romans C11S18; Galatians C5S20
- engrave: 2Corinthians 3:7-8
- enmity: Romans C8S6
- enriched: 1Corinthians C1S2
- entangled: Galatians C5-S1
- entice: 1Corinthians C2S4
- envy: Romans C13S16; Galatians C5S20
- Epaphras: Colossians C1S2
- epistle: 1Corinthians C5S8
- estate: Romans C12S12
- esteem: Romans C14S7
- eternal: 2Corinthians 4:8-17-18
- every word: explained in Romans C13S12
- evil: Romans 7:19
- evil speaking: Ephesians C4S15
- evil workers: Philippians 3:2
- evidence / evidently: Galatians C3-S1
- examine: 1Corinthians C9S6
- example / ensample: 1Corinthians C10S3
- excel: 1Corinthians C14S13
- excellent: Philippians 1:9-11
- exhort: 1Corinthians C14S3
- expectation: Romans C8S18
- expedient: 1Corinthians C6S18
- extort: 1Corinthians C5S8
- eye: 1Corinthians C12S13
- face: 2Corinthians 4:6
- faith: Romans C3S25; 1Corinthians C1S3; 2Corinthians C1S17; Galatians C3S27; Ephesians 6:23-LJC; Philippians 1:25-26; 2Timothy C1S2
- faith: Abraham's: Romans 4; James 2:21-LJC
- faith: unfeigned: 2Timothy C1S2
- faint: 2Corinthians 4:1-2
- fashion: Philippians 2:5-8
- faith makes us not ashamed: Romans C10S12
- fall: Romans C14S5
- famine: Romans C5S2
- fast: Philippians 1:27-28
- fear: Romans C11S25; Philippians 1:12-14; Fear The Lord
- feeble: 1Corinthians C12S20
- Fellowship: Ephesians C5S7; Philippians 1:3-7; Philippians 2:1
- fervent: Romans C12S8
- figure: 1Corinthians C4S6
- fill: Romans C15S11
- filth: 1Corinthians C4S13
- firstborn: Colossians C1S3
- firstfruits: Romans C8S21
- flesh: Romans C8S1; 2Corinthians C1S7; Galatians C6S8; Philippians 1:22; Colossians C1S6
- flock: 1Corinthians C9S11
- follow: 1Corinthians C4S16
- follow after: Romans C14S25
- for: Romans intro
- forbearance: Romans C2S4; Romans C3S20
- foreknow: Romans C11S4
- forgive: 2Corinthians 2:7; Colossians C1S3
- form: Galatians C4-S17
- fornication: Romans C1S16; 1Corinthians C5S1; Galatians C5S20; Ephesians C5S2
- forsake: 2Corinthians 4:8-10
- foundation: 1Corinthians C3S12
- fraud: 1Corinthians C6S13
- free: 1Corinthians C7S29
- fruit: Romans C1S5; 1Corinthians C9S10
- fruit of righteousness: Philippians 1:9-11
- frustrate: Galatians C2-S16
- fulfill: Galatians C5-S15
- full: Philippians 4:18
- fulness: Colossians 2S6
- further: Philippians 1:25-26
- gain: Philippians 1:21
- gainsaying: Romans C10S28
- Gaius: 3John C1S1
- generations: Colossians C1S6
- Gentile: Romans C15S13; Galatians C2-S4
- gentleness, Galatians C5-S21
- gift: Romans C5S9; 1Corinthians C12S4
- giving of thanks: 1Corinthians C14S19; Ephesians C5S2
- glory: Romans C15S14; 1Corinthians C15S36; Ephesians C1S2; 2Corinthians 10:14-LJC; Colossians C1S6
- go ye: 1Corinthians 15:31-LJC
- God: God in Romans; God in 1Corinthians; God in 2Corinthians; God in Galatians; God in Ephesians; God in Philippians; God in Colossians; God in 2Thessalonians; God in 1Timothy; God in 2Timothy; God in Titus; God in 1Peter; God in 2Peter; God in 1John; God in 2John; God in 3John; God in Jude
- God is able: Romans C11S27
- God created us: Revelation 4:11-LJC
- God Forbid: Romans C3S6; Galatians C3S25
- God will not cast away his people: Romans C11S1
- good: Romans C7S16; Romans C11S26; 2Corinthians 5:10
- Good Friday: Mark 2:28-LJC
- goodness: Romans C11S26
- Gospel
- Gospel Flowchart.
- gospel of Christ: Word Study on Gospel; Galatians 1:6-LJC
- grace: Romans C4S5; Romans C4S17; Galatians 1:1; Ephesians C1S2
- graff / graft: Romans C11S23
- Great Commission: Colossians C1S2
- grieve: Romans C14S21
- grievous: Philippians 3:1
- groan: Romans 8:26; 2Corinthians 5:2
- ground: Colossians C1S6
- hand: 1Corinthians C12S12; Colossians 2S7
- hanged: Galatians C3-S15
- harmless: Philippians 2:14-16
- hatred: Galatians C5S20
- hay: 1Corinthians C3S13
- He that hath ears to hear, let him hear: 1Corinthians C1S21
- head: Colossians C1S4
- heal: 1Corinthians C12S29
- hear: 1Corinthians C12S14; Galatians C3-S7
- heart: Romans C10S6; 2Corinthians C2S4: Colossians C2S1
- heathen: Galatians C1-S12
- Heaven: Philippians 2:9-11
- Heaven, things in: 1Peter 1:2-LJC
- heaviness: Romans C9S1
- heir: Romans C8S16
- help: 1Corinthians C12S24
- henceforth:2Corinthians 5:14-15
- herb: Romans C14S2
- heresies: Galatians C5S20
- heresy: Titus C3S7
- Hermeneutice
- hinder: Romans C15S17
- hold: Colossians 2S10
- holy: Romans C7S16; 1Corinthians C3S17; Philippians 1:3-7; Colossians C1S6
- Holy One: 1John C2S25
- honest: Romans C12S15
- honour: Romans C12S8
- hope: Romans C4S18; 1Corinthians C13S10; Philippians 1:19-20
- hospitality: Romans C12S8
- house: 2Corinthians 5:1
- humble: Philippians 2:5-8
- humility: Colossians 2S10
- husband: 1Corinthians C3S9
- hunger: Romans C12S18
- I say: Romans C11S1
- I Paul: Colossians C1S6
- idol: 1Corinthians C8S1
- idolater: 1Corinthians C5S8
- idolatry: Galatians C5S20
- if: Romans intro
- ignorant: 1Corinthians C14S42; 2Corinthians 2:10-11
- ill: Romans C13S13
- image: 2Corinthians 4:3-4
- implacable: Romans C1S16
- impute: Romans C4S8
- imputeth righteousness: Romans C4S7
- in the flesh: Romans C8S7
- increase: Colossians 2S10
- infirmity: Romans C8S24
- inheritance, Galatians C3-S20
- ink: 2Corinthians 3:3
- instruct: Philippians 4:12
- intent: 1Corinthians C10S3
- intercession: Romans C8S24
- interpret: 1Corinthians C12S8
- intreat: 1Corinthians C4S13
- inventors of evil thing: Romans C1S16
- Isaac, Galatians C4-S25
- it is written: Prove; Ephesians C1S3; Romans C3S15
- jealousy: Romans C11S16
- Jerusalem: Galatians C1-S12
- Jesus: Verses in the New Testament. Summary on the name / role.
- Jesus Christ: Verses in the New Testament. Summary on the name / role.
- Jesus Christ is Lord: Revelation 1:1-LJC
- Jesus is greater than religion: John 5:1-LJC
- Jesus is our light: John 11:9-LJC
- mind Jesus: Philippians 2:5-8
- John 3:16: John 3:16-LJC
- John the Baptist: John the Baptist; Matthew 3:3-LJC; Luke 1:5-LJC; John 1:25-LJC
- join: 1Corinthians C6S26
- joints: Colossians 2S10
- joy: Romans C14S23; 1John C1S2
- judge: Romans 8:1-LJC; 1Corinthians 1:10; Revelation 19:2-LJC
- judge, we are to: 1Corinthians C4S5; Ephesians C5S6
- judged by works: Romans 8:1-LJC; Galatians C5-S6; Revelation 19:2-LJC
- judgment: Romans C2S2; Philippians 1:9-11
- Judgment Seat of Christ: Romans C14S16; 2Corinthians 5:10
- judgment without mercy: Romans 14:8-LJC; 2Thessalonians 1:9-LJC
- just: Galatians 2:16-LJC; Romans C7S16
- just shall live by faith: Ephesians C1S2
- just shall live by his faith: Romans C11S6
- justification by faith: Romans C3S29
- justify: RomansC3S19
- keep his commandments: 1John
- kill: Romans C6S4; Romans C13S12
- kind: Romans C12S8; Colossians C3S8
- kinds of laws that apply to us today: Romans C3S31; 1Corinthians 9:21-LJC
- King: Verses in the New Testament. Summary on the name / role.
- kings of the earth: Revelation 10:11-LJC
- King of kings: Revelation 14:14-LJC
- King of the Jews: Matthew 27:37-LJC
- kingdom of God: Mark 12:34-LJC; Romans C14S23; 1Corinthians C4S20; 1Corinthians C15S46; Galatians C5S20; Revelation 12:10-LJC
- kingdom of God rejected by lifestyle sins: 1Corinthians C6S16
- kinsmen: Romans C16S6
- kiss: Romans C16S18
- knee: Philippians 2:9-11
- knit: Colossians C2S1
- know: Romans C10S25; 1Corinthians C1S11; 2Corinthians C1S5; Galatians C3-S9; Colossians C1S3; know in 1John
- Know ye not: Romans C6S5
- knowledge: 2Peter 1:2-LJC; 2Peter 2:20-LJC; Philippians 1:9-11
- law and faith: Romans C3S25
- labour: 1Corinthians C3S9; 1Corinthians C4S13
- Lake of Fire: Romans 1:3-LJC
- Lamb: Verses in the New Testament. Summary on the name / role; Revelation-LJC for other applications.
- Laodicea: Colossians C2S1
- lasciviousness: Galatians C5S20
- law define: Romans C6S16; 1Corinthians C6S1; Galatians C2-S10
- law of works: Romans C3S27
- learn: 1Corinthians C14S25
- leaven: 1Corinthians C5S5
- letter: Romans C7S6
- liar: Galatians C1-S15
- liberty: 1Corinthians 8:9
- life: 2Corinthians 2:15; Philippians 1:19-20; Life in 1John
- life everlasting: Hebrews 1:8-LJC; Philippians 1:27-LJC
- light: Romans C13S15; 2Corinthians 4:3-4; Ephesians C5S6
- light and darkness: Light and Darkness in 1John; Romans C13S15
- likeness: Philippians 2:5-8
- live: Romans C14S11; Galatians C2-S14; Philippians 1:21
- live / walk by faith: Romans C9S28
- look: Philippians 2:4
- longsuffering: Romans 9:22
- Lord: Verses in the New Testament. Summary on the name / role.
- Lord Christ: Verses in the New Testament. Summary on the name / role.
- Lord Jesus: Verses in the New Testament. Summary on the name / role.
- Lord Jesus Christ: Verses in the New Testament. Summary on the name / role.
- Lord of all: Romans C10S13
- Lord of Lords: Revelation 14:14-LJC
- LORD looketh on the heart: Galatians C6S6
- Lord's Supper: 1Corinthians C11S28
- love: Romans 8:39-LJC; Galatians C5-S14; Philippians 1:9-11; love in 1John; 2John 1:3-LJC
- love one another: 1John C3S26
- lust: Romans C13S17; Galatians C5-S18; Jude C1V17
- Macedonia
- magnified: Philippians 1:19-20
- malice: 1Corinthians C5S7; Colossians C3S6
- maliciousness: Romans C1S16
- malignity: Romans C1S16
- manifest: Romans C16S33; 1John-Manifest
- manifested: Romans C3S20
- manner: 1Corinthians C15S30
- Marriage / Wedding: Revelation 19:7-LJC
- marvel: Galatians C1-S3
- meats: 1Corinthians C6S19; Hebrews 13:8-LJC
- mediator: Galatians C3S22
- meek: Galatians C6S1
- meet: Romans C1S15
- Melchisedec: Hebrews 7:22-LJC
- member: Romans C12S4; 1Corinthians C12S9
- mercy: Romans C12S1; Colossians C3S8
- messenger: Philippians 2:25
- Messias: Matthew 26:62-LJC
- milk: 1Corinthians C3S2
- mind: Romans C11-S37; Romans C12-S2; 2Corinthians C1S9
- minister: Romans C13S6; 1Corinthians C3S5; 2Corinthians 3:3
- ministry: Proverbs Study; Ephesians C4S7
- miracles: 1Corinthians C12S28; Matthew 14:16-LJC; Luke 4:41-LJC; Miracles in Gospels; Miracles in NT; miracles in OT
- mortal: 1Corinthians C15S48
- Mosaic Law added: Galatians C3S22
- Mount of Transfiguration: Matthew 17:19-LJC
- Mothers
- murder: Romans C1S16; Galatians C5S20
- murmur: 1Corinthians C10S7
- must needs: Romans C13S8
- mystery: Romans C11S29
- nakedness: Romans C8S37
- name: 1Corinthians C1S1; Philippians 2:9-11
- name, the : 1Corinthians C1S4
- natural: Romans C11S25; 1Corinthians C11S14
- nature: Galatians C4-S5
- necessary: 1Corinthians C12S20
- need: Philippians 4:19
- neglect: Colossians 2S12
- Nevertheless: Philippians 1:23-24
- new creatures: 1Corinthians 10:9-LJC
- new moon: Colossians 2S9
- mourn: 1Corinthians C5S2
- no difference in people: Romans C10S13
- no respecter of persons: Romans 14:10-LJC; Romans C7S3; Romans C10S13; Ephesians C6S5; Colossians 3:24
- notwithstanding: Philippians 1:18
- nought: Romans C14S15
- nourishment: Colossians 2S10
- now: Romans intro
- obeying unrighteousness: Romans C2S5
- obtained: Romans C11S33
- obedience: Romans C6S12; 2Corinthians C2S9
- occasion: 2Corinthians 5:12
- offence: Romans C14S27
- offer: 1Corinthians C8S7
- olive tree: Romans C11S28
- operate: 1Corinthians C12S6
- ordain / ordinance: Romans C7S14; Romans C13S3; 1Corinthians C7S20
- order: Colossians 2S3
- opportunity: Galatians C6S10
- overthrown: 1Corinthians C10S2
- owe: Romans C13S11
- partake: Romans C15S22
- partakers: Ephesians C5S5
- Patience: Romans C5S2; Colossians C1S3
- patient : Romans C12S8
- peace: Romans C12S16; Galatians C1-S1
- passed away: 2Corinthians 5:17
- Pastor
- Paul: 1Corinthians 1:12
- peace with God: Romans 10:15; Hebrews 12:14-LJC
- perdition: Philippians 1:27-28
- perfect: 1Corinthians C2S5; 2Timothy C3S10
- perfect love: 1John C4S13
- perform: Romans C15S23
- peril: Romans C8S37
- perish: 2Corinthians 2:15-16; 2Corinthians 4:16
- perplex: 2Corinthians 4:8-10
- persecute: Romans C8S37; Galatians C1-S11
- persuade: Romans C8S40
- Peter: Galatians C2-S5
- perverse: Philippians 2:14-16
- pervert: Galatians C1-S3
- philosophy: Colossians 2S5
- plain: 2Corinthians 3:12-14
- please: Galatians 1:10-LJC
- power: Romans C13S2
- praise: 1Corinthians C11S2
- praise the Lord: Romans C15S9
- pray: Romans C15S25; 2Corinthians C1S6
- preach: Romans C16S33; 1Corinthians C15S1; Galatians C1-S4; 2Timothy 4:1-LJC.
- precious stones: 1Corinthians C3S13
- preeminence: Colossians C1S4
- presence: Philippians 2:12
- present: 2Corinthians 4:13-14
- Preserved: Jude 1:1
- pretence: Philippians 1:18
- price: 1Corinthians C7S30
- priest: Hebrews 4:14-LJC
- profit: 1Corinthians C13S3; 2Timothy C3S10
- promise: Romans C4S15; Galatians C3-S15
- Prophecy: Romans C12S5; 1Corinthians C11S4
- prophecy of resurrection: 1Corinthians 15:14-LJC
- prophet: Romans C16S33; Romans C12S5; Jude
- protest: 1Corinthians C15S27
- provide: Romans C12S15
- provoke: 1Corinthians C13S4
- persecution: Romans C8S37
- preacher: Romans C10S17
- prefer: Romans C12S8
- prince: 1Corinthians C2S5
- principalities: Romans C8S40; Ephesians C6S8
- propitiation: Romans C3S20; 1John C2S2
- proud: Romans C1S16
- Prove: The Biblical method to
something. This method eliminate input from men and is different frompersuasion
, which most people thinkproves
their beliefs. Please also see 2Corinthians 2:9 about where the wordproof
is used in the Bible. - puffed: Colossians C2S10
- purge: 1Corinthians C5S7
- Put off: Colossians C3S7
- punish: 2Corinthians 2:6
- pure: Romans C14S27
- put on Christ: Galatians 3:27-LJC
- Put on: Colossians C3S8
- quicken: Romans C8S11; Ephesians C2S1; Colossians C2S8; 1Peter 3:18-LJC
- rail: 1Corinthians C5S9
- raise / resurrection: 1Corinthians C15S32
- reason: 2Corinthians 3:10
- rebuke: Titus 2:15
- receive: Romans C14S1; 1Corinthians C15S1; Colossians 2S4
- reckon: Romans C8S17
- recon: Romans C8S17
- reconcile: Romans C5S7
- recompence: Romans C11S14
- redemption: Romans C8S21; Ephesians 5:15-16
- redeemer: Colossians 4:5
- regard: Romans C14S9Philippians 2:29-30
- reign: Romans C6S12
- rejoice: Romans C12S8; Galatians C4-S24; Philippians 4:4-LJC
- religious part of Moses Law: Hebrews 19:29-LJC
- remember: 1Corinthians C11S28
- remnant: Romans C11S9
- render: Romans C13S10
- repentance: Romans C11S32
- reprobate: 2Timothy C3S4
- reproof: 2Timothy C3S10
- reprove: Ephesians C5S7
- reputation: Philippians 2:5-8
- resist: Romans C9S18
- respect: Philippians 4:11
- rest: 2Corinthians 2:12-13; Hebrews 4:8-LJC; Hebrews 3:6-LJC
- resurrection of Christ: Romans C8S11
- resurrection of Jesus: Romans C8S11
- reveal: Romans C16S33; Galatians C1-S10
- revellings: Galatians C5S20
- revenge: Romans C13S7
- revile: 1Corinthians C4S13
- revive: Romans C14S13
- reward: 1Corinthians C9S26
- riches: Romans C11S35; Colossians C1S6
- righteous / righteousness: Romans C1S10; Galatians C2-S16
- righteousness of the Law: Ephesians 4:7-LJC
- rioting: Romans C13S16
- rise: Colossians 2S7
- risen Jesus is Lord: John 20:2-LJC
- rob / robbery: Philippians 2:5-8
- Rock is Jesus Christ: John 1:42-LJC
- root: Romans C11S22
- rudiments: Colossians 2S5
- Sabbath: Matthew 12:8-LJC; Colossians 2S9
- sacrifice: 1Corinthians C10S16
- sacrilege: Romans C2S11
- safe: Philippians 3:1
- saint: Romans C16S1; 2Corinthians C1S1; Colossians C1S1
- sake: Romans C15S25; 1Corinthians C9S16; 2Corinthians 2:10-11
- sake, for His: Philippians 1:29-30
- salute: Philippians 4:21
- salvation: Philippians 1:19-20
- salvation through sanctification: 2Thessalonians 2:13-LJC; Hebrews 12:2-LJC
- sanctified: Jude C1S1; 2Timothy [follow link then FIND 'sanctified']
- sanctuary: Hebrews 8:2-LJC
- Satan: 2Corinthians 2:10-11
- Saviour: Verses in the New Testament. Summary on the name / role. Father, Son and Holy Spirit as Saviour
- savor: 2Corinthians 2:14
- schoolmaster: Romans 14:6-LJC; Galatians C3S28; Ephesians C6S5
- scripture: Romans C16S33; Galatians C3-S10; 2Timothy
- seal: 1Corinthians C9S5 C3S10
- search: Romans C11S36
- secret: Romans C16S33
- seditions: Galatians C5S20
- see / sight: 1Corinthians C13S9; 2Corinthians 2:17: Colossians C1S6
- see the Son: John 6:40-LJC
- seed: Galatians C3-S17
- seek: 1Corinthians C10S24; The S and P's of 2Timothy 1
- servant: Romans C14S4; 1Corinthians C7S27; Ephesians C6S4
- serve: Romans C16S21; 1Corinthians C7S27
- service: Philippians 2:17
- settle: Colossians C1S6
- shadow: Colossians 2S9
- shed abroad: Romans C5S2
- shew: Colossians 2S8
- sick: 1Corinthians C11S34
- simple: Romans C16S21
- sin: Romans C7S26
- sin unto death: Sin in 1John; Romans C2S4; 1Corinthians 8:11-LJC; Galatians C3-S26
- Sinai: Galatians C4-S21
- sincerity: 1Corinthians C5S7; 2Corinthians 2:17
- sister: Romans C16S1
- sleep is physically dead but spiritually alive: 1Corinthians C11S34
- slothful: Romans C12S8
- smell: 1Corinthians C12S15
- soberly: Romans C12S3
- soul: Romans C13S1
- Son: Verses in the New Testament. Summary on the name / role.
- Son of David: Verses in the New Testament. Summary on the name / role.
- Son of God: Verses in the New Testament. Summary on the name / role.
- Son of Man: Verses in the New Testament. Summary on the name / role.
- Spirit (under construction)
- sons of God: Romans 8:14-LJC; Galatians C4S3
- sorrow: Philippians 2:27
- sort: 1Corinthians C3S13
- sound: 1Corinthians C13S1
- Sovereign: The S and P's of 2Timothy 1
- sowing and reaping: Galatians C6S7; Colossians C3S17
- spared: Romans C11S25
- speech: 2Corinthians 2:17; 2Corinthians 3:12-14
- speak: Romans C15S15
- spirit of slumber: Romans C11S13
- Spirit: Word Study on Spirit; Romans C8S1; Galatians C6S8; Hebrews 8:10-LJC
- spiritual: Galatians 6:1-LJC
- spiritual powers: Romans C8S40; Ephesians C6S8
- spiritual verses physical: 1Peter C1S11
- spoil: Colossians 2S5
- stablish: Romans C16S33; 2Corinthians 1:21-22; James 5:8-LJC
- stagger: Romans C4S19
- stand fast: Galatians C5S1
- state: Philippians 2:19
- stand: Romans C14S5; 1Corinthians C15S1
- stealth: Romans C13S12
- stedfast: 1Corinthians C15S54
- steward: 1Corinthians C4S1
- strait: Philippians 1:23-24
- Strangers: 1Peter C1S1
- strive: Romans C15S25
- strength: 2Corinthians C1S6
- strife: Romans C13S16; Galatians C5S20
- stubble: 1Corinthians C3S13
- stumble: Romans C9S32; 1John C2S11
- subject: Romans 13:1
- submit: Romans C13S1
- succour: Romans C16S1
- suffer: Romans C8S17; 1Corinthians C4S13
- suffering of Jesus Christ: Mark 8:31-LJC
- supply: Philippians 1:19-20
- swallow: 2Corinthians 5:4
- sword: Romans C8S37
- Syria: Galatians C1-S13
- tabernacle: 2Corinthians 5:1
- taste: Colossians 2S11
- teach: 1Corinthians C12S27
- tear: 2Corinthians C2S4
- terror: 2Corinthians 5:11
- temperate: 1Corinthians C9S35
- testament: 1Corinthians C11S29
- tempt: 1Corinthians C10S6; Galatians C4-S11
- testament: 1Corinthians 11:25
- therefore: Romans intro
- Thessalonica: Philippians 4:16
- things due
to God
: Romans C11S40 - think: Philippians 3:4-6
- thirst: Romans C12S18; 1Corinthians C4S13
- throne: Colossians C1S3
- Timothy / Timotheus: Romans C16S27; Philippians 2:19
- Titus: Galatians C2-S1
- tongue: 1Corinthians C12S8; 1Corinthians C14; Philippians 2:9-11
- touch: Colossians 2S11
- tradition: Galatians C1-S11
- translate: Colossians C1S3
- travail: Galatians C4-S17
- treasure: 2Corinthians 4:7
- treasure in Heaven: Hebrews 12:2-LJC
- trespass: Colossians 2S8
- tribute: Romans C13S9
- tribulation: Romans C5S2; Romans C8S37
- triumph: Colossians 2S8
- trouble: Galatians C5-S10
- trumpet: 1Corinthians C14S8
- trust: Romans C15S18; Philippians 3:4-6
- truth: Word Study on Truth; 2John 1:3-LJC
- two or three witnesses: Colossians C3S13
- unbelief: Romans C3S4; Romans C3S5
- unblamable: Colossians C1S6
- uncircumcision: Romans C4S13; gospel of the uncircumcision
- unclean spirits: Word Study on Spirit; Romans C14S20; Colossians C3S5
- uncleanness: Galatians C5S20; Colossians C3S5
- ungodly: Romans C1S10
- unjust: 2Peter 2:9-LJC
- understand: 1Corinthians C14S2
- unrighteousness: Romans C3S7; Romans C1S16
- vail: 2Corinthians 2:17
- vain: 1Corinthians C15S1; Galatians C2-S16
- variance: Galatians C5S20
- verily: Romans C15S21
- vessel: 2Corinthians 4:7
- vile: Philippians 3:20-21
- vine: 1Corinthians C9S10
- virtue: Philippians 4:8
- visible: Colossians C1S3
- vengeance: Romans C12S17
- vengeance: Romans C12S17
- voice: 1Corinthians C14S11
- voluntary: Colossians 2S10
- walk: Romans C8S1; Ephesians C4S1
- wanton: Romans C13S16
- warn: Colossians C1S6
- wars: Ephesians C4S2
- watch: Colossians C4S2
- way: 1Corinthians C4S17
- weak: Romans C14S2; 1Corinthians C4S12
- well pleased: 1Corinthians C10S2
- What is man: Romans C9S19
- What then?: Romans C11S12
- what we have in Christ: Ephesians 1:3-LJC
- wherefore: Romans intro
- whisperers: Romans C1S16
- white: Revelation 9:16-LJC
- wicked: Romans C1S16;1Corinthians 5:8; Colossians 1:9-17; Ephesians 6:12
- wicked heart: Ephesians C4S8
- withdrew: Galatians C2-S7
- will: Philippians 1:15-17
- wisdom: 1Corinthians C1S12
- wise: Romans C16S23; 1Corinthians C1S12
- witchcraft: Galatians C5S20
- woman: Galatians C4-S2
- wood: 1Corinthians C3S13
- word: Colossians 2S2
- word of God: Romans C10S22; Word in 1John
- Worship
- works: Romans C9S8; 1Corinthians C3S13; 2Corinthians 4:8-12; Galatians C2-S10; Philippians 1:1
- works are seen of men: Romans C11S10
- world: Romans C16S33; 2Timothy C4S5; 1Corinthians C1S19; World in 1John
- worth: 1Corinthians C11S31
- wot: Romans C11S5
- wrath: Romans C4S16; Galatians C5S20; Ephesians C4S11; Colossians C3S6.
- wrest: Ephesians C6S8
- write: Romans C15S13; 2Corinthians 1:13-14; Galatians C3-S12; John 20:31-LJC
- written: Romans 4:23-25
- wrought: 2Corinthians 5:5
- yea: Philippians 2:17.
- yield: Romans C6S18
- yoke: Galatians C5-S1.
- zeal: Romans C10S2