Lord Jesus Christ in the 1611KJV
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Lord Jesus Christ in 2John

Verses within this Study.

1:3, 3-Son, 7, 9, 9-Son.

Click on the following links to jump to a section within the study of this Bible Book: Lord only, Jesus only, Christ only, Jesus Christ, Christ Jesus, Lord Jesus, Lord Christ, Lord Jesus Christ, Son

Study Overview.

2John mentions some of the topics of 1John in a short form.  For example, truth appears in each of the first 4 verses of this book and truth appears 10 times in 1John.  We also see Son used and related to Lord Jesus Christ and to Christ.  One of our three verses, 1:7, says the same thing as several verses in 1John 2 and 4.  I could go on but rather than repeat notes from 1John, notes for verses in this epistle refer to the related notes for 1John.   I have not done this for any other books, but these two are so small and similar (for the purposes of this study) that I will treat 2John almost like an extension of 1John.

Lord Only

Lord is not used by itself in this book.  Click here for all of the Verses that use Lord and here for the Summary on the name / role of Lord.


Jesus Only

Jesus is not used by itself in this book.  Click here for all of the Verses that use Jesus and here for the Summary on the name / role of Jesus.

Christ Only


2John 1:9.

There is only one verse that uses Christ in 2John.  See note below for details.  Click here for all of the Verses that use Christ and here for the Summary on the name / role of Christ.

2John 1:9  Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God.  He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.

Please also see the note on this verse under Son.  As seen throughout this study, the ministry of Christ is to spiritually mature the believer after salvation.  Galatians is mainly dealing with the doctrine that after salvation people are to keep religious rules (Law) to God after salvation and Paul tells them Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.  (Galatians 5:4).  The other way that the Devil gets saved people to be not in the doctrine of Christ is to live in sin and refuse to grow spiritually after salvation.  Romans 6 and the messages to the churches in Revelation are just two places where the Bible disputes that error.  In more than one place of John's gospel and his epistles John tells us that if we really are saved then Christ will make a difference in how we live and that difference is a personal ministry by the Son of God.  In this verse, John is plainly saying that anyone who lives a life of following either of the two errors mentioned above, hath not God.  Anyone who has spiritual growth, and a changed way of living, due to the personal ministry of Christ after salvation, has proof to back their claim of salvation.  They don't need to worry about some liar telling them that they hath not God because they don't meet the liar's religious standard.



Jesus Christ


2John 1:7.

There is only one verse that uses Jesus Christ in 2John.  See note below for details. Click here for all of the Verses that use Jesus Christ and here for the Summary on the name / role of Jesus Christ.

2John 1:7  For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh.  This is a deceiver and an antichrist.

Please see the notes on verse 4: 2 and 4: 3 in the book of 1John as those verses say basically the same thing as this verse says and those notes also apply here.  Read 1John 2 and 1John 4 (with associated notes) for more information on antichrist.  Also, please see all of the links in the Study on False TeachersAntichrists  are one of several types of false teachers.  While false teachers teach all forms of doctrinal error, the antichrists  specialize in opposing the ministry of Christ.  (Anti  means alternative or opposed.)

Notice that John says that these people confess not.  In the Bible, confess  means the truth that our we lifestyle professes.  A deceiver  says one thing but their lifestyle confesses  something else.  These people claim to be saved and to be leaders in God's church.  However, when they have to decide how to act in the flesh, they don't see what Jesus  would truly have done.  The Study called Jesus used the Holy Spirit  shows us many places in the Bible where the Son of God lived as a physical human being using the power of the same Holy Spirit which is given to all saved.  He is our example of how to live in this flesh and an antichrist  denies His example in their own life and in what they teach others.  Further, and antichrist  lives a life that denies the change which Christ  brings to the lives of all people who are truly saved. Please see all of the verses and associated notes for Christ in us  in order to understand the ministry of Christ  that an antichrist  opposes.

An antichrist is someone who offers a lifestyle and a ministry that is an alternative to, and opposes, the ministry of Jesus  and to the ministry of Christ.  One of the ways that this false doctrine is perpetuated among saved people is to have them concentrate upon the (so called) 'antichrist' that is supposed to be in the book of Revelation.  In a Revelation 13  we have the beast  who is a political figure and the true source of what is popularly called the 'Antichrist of Revelation'.  However, this is another distraction from these deceivers  that John is warning us about.  Everyone is looking to the future instead of looking for the true antichrist  who live today.  Please see 1John 2:18 which says ...even now are there many antichrists..) and see 1John 4:3 which says ...this is that spirit of antichrist and even now already is it in the world.  This distraction also has people looking in the wrong place for the 'Antichrist of Revelation' so that they ignore the true antichrists  that the Bible is warning us about.

Notice that this verse in 2John is present tense when it says For many deceivers are entered into the world.  We need to beware today but have been lulled into ignoring the warning by people who emphasize some future person and downplay the danger that is currently in the world.  The main thing that this epistle warns us about is in the next sentence which tells us Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have wrought, but that we receive a full reward.  Any time that we choose any alternative to the doctrine of Jesus Christ we are following a deceiver and an antichrist and we can loose our reward.



Christ Jesus

Christ Jesus is not used in this book.  Click here for all of the Verses that use Christ Jesus and here for the Summary on the name / role of Christ Jesus.


Lord Jesus

Lord Jesus is not used in this book.  Click here for all of the Verses that use Lord Jesus and here for the Summary on the name / role of Lord Jesus.


Lord Christ

Lord Christ is not used in this book.  Click here for all of the Verses that use Lord Christ and here for the Summary on the name / role of Lord Christ.


Lord Jesus Christ


2John 1:3.

There is only one verse that uses Lord Jesus Christ in 2John.  See note below for details.  Click here for all of the Verses that use Lord Jesus Christ and here for the Summary on the name / role of Lord Jesus Christ.

2John 1: 3  Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love.

Please also see the note on verse 3under Son.  Please also see the note on verse 1:3 in the book of 1John as it has similar wording and those notes also apply here.  The difference is that here, John uses Lord in addition to Jesus Christ.  One of the main things learned in this study from the book of Revelation (also written by John) is that John started out with The Revelation of Jesus Christ  (Revelation 1:1) and ended with The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.  Amen. (Revelation 22:21).  This shows us that Revelation was written to teach the difference between Jesus Christ and Lord Jesus Christ.  Therefore, the reader would be adviced to read the notes on Revelation, in this study, to find out this difference that John lets us know about.

While Grace and peace are often offered as part of the opening of an epistle, mercy is only included when the epistle is to an individual and then only when the author has a deep personal relationship with the recipient off the epistle.  Mercy is given on a personal basis for personal sins (violations of God's law).

As we also see in other epistles, John recognizes that all good things come from God the Father but that he only works through the Son of the Father.  Here we also see doctrinally stated that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of the Father.  Where Paul's epistles dealt more with those who denied the ministry of Christ, John's writings deal more with those who want to deny that the Son of God was physically manifested in flesh called Jesus (John 2:11; 17:6; 1John 1:2; 3:5, 8; 4:9).  As we have seen several other places in this study, while Grace, mercy, and peace come from each and every role of the Son of God as the Lord Jesus Christ, the specifics vary with each role.  For example, Jesus provides peace that we're not going to Hell.  Christ provides peace for sins done after our initial profession.  The Lord provides peace for groups of people like a church or country and provides peace through the people that He appoints to government positions.

The other thing that is unique about John's greeting is that he mentions that these blessings come in truth and love.  These are two subjects that John teaches a lot about.

(truth in John 1:9, John 1:14, 17; 3:21; 4:23, 24; 5:33; 6:14; 7:40; 8:32, 40, 44, 45, 46; 14:6, 17; 15:26; 16:7, 13; 17:17, 19; 18:37, 38; 1John 1:6, 8; 2:4, 21, 27; 3:18, 19; 4:6; 5:6; 2John 1:1, 2, 3, 4; 3John 1:1, 3, 4, 8, 12).

(love in John 5:42; 8:42; 10:17; 11:3; 11:5; 11:36; 12:25; 12:42; 13:1, 13:23, 13:34, 13:35; 14:15, 14:21, 14:23, 14:24; 14:28; 14:31; 15:9, 15:10, 15:12, 15:13, 15:17, 15:19; 16:26; 17:22; 17:24; 17:26; 19:26; 20:2; 21:7, 21:15, 21:15, 21:16, 21:16, 21:17, 21:17; 21:17, 21:20; 171John 2:5, 15; 3:1, 11, 14, 16, 17, 18, 23; 4:7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21; 5:2, 3; 2John 1:1, 3, 5, 6; 3John 1:1; Revelation 2:4; 3:19).




2John 1:3, 9.

There are two verses that use Son in 2John.  Click here for all of the Verses that use Son and here for the Summary on the name / role of Son.

2John 1: 3  Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love.

Please also see the note for verse 3under Lord Jesus Christ.  As can be seen in the many notes under   Son in the Lord Jesus Christ Study, John used Son several times in ways that involved all three roles of our Lord Jesus Christ.  In 1John, John did not explicitly equate Son and Lord Jesus Christ.  Here he did.  The main message of this book is to walk in truth, because we will be judged by how we truly lived, not by what we claim.  Judgment, as seen everywhere else in this study, is handled by the Son's role as Lord.  Therefore, as also seen everywhere else, John was careful to include Lord in hid identification of the Son's roles that would be involved in what he was teaching.  We also see Paul and Peter use   son  for special people who had a unique relationship whereby the   son  had the same spirit and type of faith as the   father .  In John 14:6-11 we see the Biblical definition of son.  We can know what the Father is like because we have seen the Son and a true   son  has the same spirit as his   father .  This sentence is telling us that each and every role of the Son shows us God the Father.  As Jesus He lived in the flesh as God expects the saved to live because all saved are the sons of God (John 1:12-13).  As Christ He fulfilled prophecy from God the Father and He teaches us how to spiritually mature and how to become fit to live with God the Father in His personal home called Heaven.  We've already dealt with how He is like God the Father in His role as Lord.  This verse uses the Son of the Father for the Lord Jesus Christ because He shows us God the Father in each and every role.


2John 1: 9  Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God.  He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.

Please also see the note for verse 3under Christ.  John uses Son here to imply all of the roles of the Son.  That is, everything provided to the believer from our Lord Jesus Christ is provided because He is the Son.  Please also see the notes on Son under 1John for more details.  Also see the note under Christ for this verse.  John is assuring the believer that he has everything available if he abideth in the doctrine of Christ and there is no reason to worry about the lies from those that don't abideth in the doctrine of Christ.  Those who claim to be Christians and transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ are lying sons of Satan and not true Biblical Christians.


Contact:  Webmaster@LJC1611KJV.com.  Member of Tower Road Baptist Church, Abq., NM, U.S.A., 87121.  Copyright 2009 Lord Jesus Christ in the 1611KJV.  All rights reserved. Revised: 10/03/24.